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People experience inequalities across a number of dimensions, for example the

photo about that shows income equality. Women all over the world are
underrepresented in high-profile jobs, which tend to be better, paid. As it turns out, in
many countries women are the same time overrepresented in low-paying jobs. The free
time men and women have is unequally distributed, once demands for both paid and
unpaid work are taken into account.

Economic inequalities between men and women manifest themselves, not only in
terms of wages earned, but also in terms of assets owned. Women’s lack of control over
important household assets such as land. As we can see, almost everywhere, including
in many rich countries, women are less likely to get borrowed capital for productive

High levels of inequality can reduce the output of the economy and the potential
for sustainable growth. Therefore, people should have equal opportunity to claim their
rights and human rights principles and apply equally. Therefore, equality has to be
understood in relation to outcomes and results in addition to opportunities and conduct.

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