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As Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it,

rape is an unlawful sexual activity and usually
sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under
threat of injury against the will usually of a female or
with a person who is beneath a certain age or in
capable of valid consent.

As what you can see in the picture, the man

is holding the wrist of a helpless woman while doing
unnecessary things. It’s awful to hear some news or to see news with rape issues. Why
does people did such cruel things? Without women, we aren’t here on this Earth.
Without women, we are nowhere to be found.

Last 2019, there was news that a young girl was missing. After a few days of
searching, she was found at the river inside the sack. It was devastating news. Rumors
had spread. Different stories were concluded. There are some sayings that the young
girl was raped by his stepfather and forcefully brought into an abortionist which she
declined. Upon disagreeing, the young girl was being killed and forcefully put her whole
body inside the sack just to twist things.

The incident just proved that the world isn’t a safe place for women anymore, and
that men aren’t trustworthy anymore. Supposed to be a man should be the one to
protect a woman. He is supposed to be her protector; her knight in shining armor yet
turns out to be her worst enemy, her nightmare, and her greatest fear.

Rape isn’t a funny thing. It can destroy million of lives. It can ruin someone’s
future. It can change someone into a monster. It may cause depression, anxiousness,
and etc.

Being sexually harassed isn’t a funny thing or a joke. It may lower someone’s
self-worth and dignity. It will make them feel worthless and unworthy of respect. They
will lack self-respect. They will think of themselves as a trash.

Nevertheless, love will always have a great part. If men do love their mothers
very much, I’m hundred percent sure that rape will be slowly eradicated. I’m sure
enough that rape cases will lower down, only if, men will realize that their lives wouldn’t
be possible if not because of their mothers, which is undeniably, a woman.

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