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Grade 9 English Lesson Plan

2nd Quarter

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to;

a. Identify the types of adverbs used in the given sentences.
b. Use the different types of adverbs in writing a narrative.
c. Compose a narrative

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Types Adverbs
b. References: A Journey through Anglo American Literature’s Material for English, Online
resources (
c. Materials: book and manila paper
d. Value focus:

III. Procedure
a. Pre-Activity
 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Checking of assignment
 Review
b. Motivation
 Teacher will ask a question
“What part of speech do you use when giving details about verbs or adjectives to make a
sentence more meaningful and interesting?”
c. Activity Proper
 Teacher will post a sentence in a board and students will answer the questions

1. Jim saw the cats in the side walk?

2. Today, mother is inspired.
3. She entirely agrees with him.
1. Where did Jam saw the cats?
2. When is mother inspired?
3. How extent does she agrees with him?
d. Analysis

Types of Adverbs

1. Adverb of time
 Tells us when something is done. We use it at the beginning or of the end of a
sentence. Adverb of times includes afterwards, already, always, immediately, last
month, now, soon, then and yesterday.
Ex. 1. He collapses and died yesterday.
2. Adverb of place
 Tells us where something is done. We use it after a verb, object or at the end of a
sentence. Adverbs of place include words such as above, below, here, outside, over
there, there, under, upstairs.
Ex. We can stop here for lunch.
3. Adverb of degree

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