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Coll. Antropol. 27 Suppl.

2 (2003) 1–8
UDC 572.76:681.3.06:611.92
Original scientific paper

A 3D Vizualization and Simulation

of the Individual Human Jaw

Osman Mufti}1, Jadranka Keros2, Sarajko Baksa3 Vlado Carek4 and

Ivo Matkovi}5
1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb University, Croatia
2 Department of Dental Anthropology School of Dental Medicine, Zagreb University, Croatia
3 Faculty of Textile Technology, Zagreb University, Croatia
4 Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Zagreb University, Croatia
5 Private Practice, Zagreb, Croatia


A new biomechanical three-dimensional (3D) model for the human mandible based
on computer-generated virtual model is proposed. Using maps obtained from the special
kinds of photos of the face of the real subject, it is possible to attribute personality to the
virtual character, while computer animation offers movements and characteristics within
the confines of space and time of the virtual world. A simple twodimensional model of
the jaw cannot explain the biomechanics, where the muscular forces through occlusion
and condylar surfaces are in the state of 3D equilibrium. In the model all forces are re-
solved into components according to a selected coordinate system. The muscular forces
act on the jaw, along with the necessary force level for chewing as some kind of mandible
balance, preventing dislocation and loading of nonarticular tissues. In the work is used
new approach to computer-generated animation of virtual 3D characters (called »Body
SABA«), using in one object package of minimal costs and easy for operation.

Key words: human jaw, 3D vizualization, 3D simulation


In the relevant literature several bio- fixed joint, with the two exeptions in their
mechanical models have been proposed1–4 reports. In reports were temporomandibu-
in the form of planary stationary beams lar joints presented as a movable joints,
that should satisfy mandibular equilib- present the preliminary charater of bio-
rium conditions. These models were as- mechanical analysis only at finding out
sumed to be constrained by means of a just the possibilities of such an analysis.

Received for publication April 28, 2003

O. Mufti} et al.: Simulation of Human Jaw, Coll. Antropol. 27 Suppl. 2 (2003) 1–8
In solving a mechanical problem con- F1y + … + Fny = å Fi cosbi = FRy = 0
cerning the equlibrium of a free body, it is 1
essential to consider all the forces acting n
on the body; it is equally important to ex- F1z + … + Fnz = å Fi cosgi = FRz = 0
clude any force which is not directly ap-
plied on the body. Omitting a force or add- M1x + … + Mnx = å M ix = Mx = 0
ing an extraneous one would destroy the 1
conditions of equlibrium. Therefore, the n
fisrt step in the solution of the problem M1y + … + Mny = å M iy = My = 0
consist in drawing a free-body diagram of 1

the body under consideration.

M1z + … + Mnz = å M iz = Mz = 0
The necessary and sufficient conditions
for the equlibrium (at this moment sup-
posed as a rigid body) may be obtained
setting Material and Methods

FR = 0 and MOR = 0. Model

Resolving each force and each moment In our case the bone of mandibula is
into rectangular components, we may ex- the body under consideration. To make a
press the necessary and sufficient condi- free-body diagram, we should to isolate a
tions for the equlibriom od a body by fol- jaw on the only possible manner as it is
lowing six scalar equations: shown in the figure. A spatial three-di-
mensional model of mandibla was devel-
F1x + … + Fnx = å Fi cosai = FRx = 0 oped on the basis of macerated human
i =1 jaw of the person of 30 years. What is nec-



Fig. 1 A general case of the loaded body in the 3D.

O. Mufti} et al.: Simulation of Human Jaw, Coll. Antropol. 27 Suppl. 2 (2003) 1–8

essary to extract from a such body? As The whole of the virtual model of the
first a proper dimensions of characteristic human segment, in our case the human
points of the model, and then values and head, is made on the basis of the knowl-
angles of the forces as well as moments. edge of body volume and cross section, as
After, we are intersting in the possible well as approximate mechanical behavior
way of the body movement. of the body in movement.
The problems of mechanics of jaw move- To animate virtual 3D characters it is
ment is highly complex, especially in the necessary to:
case of spatial movement. Here we sim- ¿ design and develop animated skele-
plified movement of the jaw just to the ton model of the head, with ade-
opening of the mouth, what means rota- quate data basis for movements;
tion of mandibla about its »fixed« axsis
that passing through temporomandibu- ¿ design and model 3D head of char-
lar joints, as it is shown in the Figure 2. acter model, to be animated by ske-
latal movements;
¿ perform computer animation of the
interaction between the virtual mo-
del and its near and far environ-

Conventional approach to the anima-

tion of 3D segment body models includes
the animation of key frames. In this work
is used S. Baksa new approach to com-
puter-generated body segment model of
virtual 3D characters called »BodySABA«
using in one object package7. This ap-
proach offers, relatively modest costs and
not much more time spent, for a quite
good scanning results.
A virtual model of a real body segment
Fig. 2. The general case of simplified loading of (in our case the bone of mandibla) can be
human jaw, with choosen coordinate system, developed employing hand modeling me-
and denoted axis of possible rotation of the jaw. thods, using conventional anthropometric
measuring procedures, or by import of
contemporary 3D digitally scanned real
Virtual 3D model in a computer models7.
environments To design and model a virtual charac-
Computer 3D animations of a virtual ter using hand techniques and at ade-
model and computer-generated environ- quately high level of quality, it is neces-
ment is defined by the sequences of sur- sary to be familiar with anthropometric
faces, bordered with 3D cloud coordinate characteristics of the human body used
points, obtained by means of 3D scan- as a starting point. Software package
ners. This results in a characteristically ERSABA 4.2., developed by I. Baksa, was
equal model of the subject, corresponding used to determine anthropometric values
to a particular dotted cloud, and describ- of the model. The software calculates, us-
ing the segmental measures of the real ing some measured values, twenty-two
model in question. characteristic anthropometric values, ne-

O. Mufti} et al.: Simulation of Human Jaw, Coll. Antropol. 27 Suppl. 2 (2003) 1–8

Fig. 3. On-screen presentation of characteristic antropometric values of a real model,

176 cm tall, in standing posture.

cessary for conventional CG modeling of sured. These measurements enable easy

digital virtual characters, Figure 37. construction of a digital virtual model.
Based on photographs of a real SFG The measuring system employed enhan-
model (P. Anti~evi}), and using conven- ces accuracy and efficiency, compared to
tional CG techniques, digital virtual cha- conventional methods. The results ob-
racter model is designed and constructed. tained are not just the object measure-
Figure 4 shows the phases of constructing ments, but also its forms and volumes.
the segment of the head of the virtual Digital 3D scanners consist of one or
model. more (most modern up to four) digital
A contactless coordinate-measuring high-resolution measuring modules, trans-
device, so called digital 3D scanner, can lator units for moving the device, and
be used instead of conventional tape mea- quite often software solutions for deter-
sure and the equipment for defining hu- mining 3D characteristics of the objects
man body dimensions and volumes. The to be measured. As far as construction
result of stereoscopic measurements of and size are concerned, there are small
the body is a 3D cloud of coordinate desktop models, ideal for digitizing smal-
points, which represent the body mea- ler objects for CAD/CAM industries, de-

Fig. 4. Phases in hand modeling of a virtual 3D character’s head7.

O. Mufti} et al.: Simulation of Human Jaw, Coll. Antropol. 27 Suppl. 2 (2003) 1–8

velopment of prototypes, research, ani- ment described can, in some 15 seconds,

mations, special effects, medicine and re- scan an average adult human body in
verse engineering5. Mini models are used three dimensions, and record more than
to digitize medium size objects, where 200,000 measuring points defined by co-
measuring accuracy and preciseness are ordinates, as seen in Figure 6. As real ac-
important factors. This type of scanners tors are an agglomeration of highly di-
offers best results in medical research, verse variants of shapes and body sizes,
anthropometry, esthetic surgery and ar- the above density of measuring points is
tistic manufacturing of portrait sculp- adequate to calculate and present on-
tures. This type of a 3D scanner is used to -screen a reliable virtual model. The set
digitize the face of the fashion model I. of points scanned corresponds with the
Gomer~i}7. The result is shown in Figure 5. 3D model body and ideally presents the
Body models obtained using a 3D subject in unit time7.
scanner are ideal for 3D computer anima- Attributing parameters to unorga-
tors, ergonomists, anthropologists, physi- nized individual coordinate points of a 3D
cians, designers, and other professionals measuring cloud. The results obtained
who require a precise and reliable 3D through computerized investigations make
model of the body in question. The equip- possible to construct a surface model out

a) b) c)

Fig. 5. Perspective of 3D scanned and triangulated model of a face

a) in Wireframe, b) Smooth and Highlights presentation with Edged Face option included and
c) Smooth and Highlights presentation.

Fig. 6. 3D cloud of coordinate points of a virtual model of the subject scanned.

O. Mufti} et al.: Simulation of Human Jaw, Coll. Antropol. 27 Suppl. 2 (2003) 1–8

Fig. 7. Presentation of the analysed mandibla with mesh configuration and later as smooth and
highlights presented 3D model.

of a dotted 3D cloud, or constructing a neering, focus upon the procedure of taking

characteristic arc, based on spatially co- a series of surfaces defined by coordinate
ordinate defined points6. To construct a points of a 3D measuring cloud. This re-
digital model based on 3D coordinate sults in a characteristically equal model
measuring cloud, it is necessary to define of the actor, corresponding to a particular
the characteristics used in a mathemati- dotted cloud, and describing the bodily
cal triangular interpolation7. Either sur- measures of the character in question.
face definition or volume definition can The whole of the virtual model of human
be used as methods in defining these cha- body is made on the basis of the knowl-
racteristics. edge of body volume and cross section, as
Most researchers, in designing a geo- well as mechanical behavior of the body
metrical model employing reverse engi- in dynamic movements.

Because of the preliminary character
of the present biomechanical analysis
aimed only at finding out just a possibili-
ties of such an analysis, we analysed only
one macerated mandibla. The adequte
presentation is given in Figure 7.
Later we adopted such a mandibla to
the head skeltom, to show a possible move-
ment of the jaw, as it is presented in
Figure 8.
The last set of Figure 9, show us a
Fig. 8. Adapted mandibla to the head skelton composition of 3D mandibla involved in
showing a possibility of jaw rotation. the cloud of selected face.

O. Mufti} et al.: Simulation of Human Jaw, Coll. Antropol. 27 Suppl. 2 (2003) 1–8

Conclusions Computer animations of characters and

Using conventional, hand, or more virtual environments are broadly used in
modern (but more expensive), digitally entertainment, for practical and educa-
scanned 3D anthropometric human body tional purposes. Some of the most out-
characteristics, it is possible to construct standing areas include advertising, ar-
a digital 3D biomechanical model, with cheology, fine arts, bioengineering, enter-
adequate kinematic-dynamic rules of in- tainment, movies, forensics, medicine,
ternal skeleton construction movement. multimedia, simulation, scientific simu-

Fig. 9. Final results of the presentation of 3D mandibla that is Jointed with head skelton and soft
tissue of the head.

O. Mufti} et al.: Simulation of Human Jaw, Coll. Antropol. 27 Suppl. 2 (2003) 1–8

lations and visualizations, space explora- Future developments of the software

tion, sports, TV, etc. application BodySABA will result in im-
Computer animators should possess proved automatic defining of anthropo-
extensive knowledge of anthropological metric and ergonomic characteristics of
and biomechanical characteristics of hu- biomechanical models and digital subjects,
man body, should be experts in design as well as in better matching of anatomic
and construction of virtual 3D characters, and psycho-physiological investigations
but should also a feeling for time, me- of human body, based on 3D virtual simu-
chanical behavior and movements of both lations and analysis of virtual characters.
living and non-living systems. They should The purpose of future versions of soft-
be able to recognize, define and produce ware accessory CLOSABA 0.4. is to de-
the feeling of liveliness and neutrality, so velop more advanced computer-based
as to be able to give virtual life to their simulation for biomechanical use in a dif-
cyber subjects. ferent bioengineering problems.

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REK, Coll. Antropol., 24. Suppl. (2000), 97. — 5. KOON- (The 3rd CARNet Users Conference, CUC 2001).

O. Mufti}

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, I. Lu~i}a 5,

10000 Zagreb, Croatia



Prikazan je novi biomehani~ki trodimenzionalni (3D) model mandibule ~ovjeka te-

meljen na ra~unarski stvorenom virtualnom modelu. Upotrebom mapa dobivenih po-
sebnim vrstama fotografija lica mogu}e je dodati osobnost virtualnoj osobi dok ra~u-
narska animacija omogu}uje pokrete i osobine unutar vremena i prostora virtualnog
svijeta. Jednostavan dvodimenzionalni model ~eljusti ne mo`e objasniti biomehaniku
pri ~emu su mi{i}ne sile kroz okluziju i povr{ine kondila u stanju trodimenzionalne
ravnote`e. U modelu sve sile su ra{~lanjene u dijelove ovisno o odabranom koordinat-
nom sustavu. Mi{i}ne sile djeluju na ~eljust kao i razina snage nu`na za `vakanje kao
vrsta ravnote`e mandibule, spre~avaju}i njezinu dislokaciju i optere}enje nezglobnih
struktura. U radu je kori{ten novi pristup ra~unarski stvorene animacije virtualnih
3D likova (zvan »BodySABA») koji nije skup i jednostavan je za rukovanje.

Klju~ne rije~i: mandibula, 3D vizualizacija, 3D simulacija

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