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Introducing SLA

Language Acquisition vs. Language Learning

What SLA mostly studies
It is the study of how It is the study of how It is the study of why
second language learners create a most L2 learners do
(L2) is learned; that new language not achieve the
is, the acquisition of system with only same degree of
a language beyond limited exposure to a knowledge and
the native language second language proficiency in a L2
(L1) (L2) as they do in their L1
The example of acquiring L2 outside classroom
Inspector Wexford accompanied Mr. Sung visiting a museum. Mr.
Sung says “Let’s go” and Inspector Wexford takes the opportunity
to provide an English lesson to Sung

Thus, after practicing “Shall we go?”, Sung, tried to make a

spontaneous utterance, but he failed and reverted back to “Let’s
go.” Further, Sung repeated, and practiced his repetition of “Are
you ready?” But he repeats “Let’s go.” again and again.
The example of L1 culture infulences L2 communication

Culture also
infulences What do you
Language used by
want to buy?
L2 learners is
frequently too direct
and often construed The greeting is common and
acceptable in Chinese
as rude by native language. Although the phrase
speaker (NS) is grammatically correct in
English, it is considered Chinese shopkeeper
impolite by L1 speakers when
used in that situation
“ This is to say that:
Language learning is
totally different in
terms of output with the
language acquisition”
How SLA views or studies aspects of language

5 aspects of Pragmatics

language can Semantics

be described
in SLA Morphology

1. Phonology
NS knows when to
combine sounds and
when not to. Consider
this conversation.
English speakers would
undoubtedly say
something like
(Articulated slowly and clearly)
combined sounds.
2. Syntax
Rules are generally
“He held four golf
taught in school, without
regard to the way native
balls among his
speakers use the rules. fingers”
For example: “Use
between with two items Instead of saying: “He held four
and among with more golf balls between his fingers”
than two”
3. Morphology

 L2 learners should DO NOT SAY:

also know what The Empire State Building
is a high building; but it’s a
words can go with tall building.
other words; for
instance the
adjective ‘high’ But you may say: “Mt. Everest is a
high mountain; not a tall mountain.
never follows with
the noun ‘building’.
4. Semantic
(1) *That woman beautiful NNS sometimes
is my mother. speaks meaningfully
(2) *I’ll happy if I can get but grammatically
your paper. INCORRECT

Other times, NNS

grammatically formed
That bachelor is married but the content is
meaningless (at least
without additional
5. Pragmatic
SLL needs to
learn pragmatics
in which the use
of language in

• Word order may have an effect on meaning

• The child is using word order to reflect the
ice cream
Acquisition vs. Learning
L2 Acquisition: L2 Learning:
It refers to the learning of a It refers to the learning of a
second language (L2) in the second language (L2) in the
environment in which that environment of one’s native
language is spoken. Mostly it language. Mostly it takes place
takes place outside classroom in the classroom setting.
Relating to L1 Acquisition

▪ All normal humans acquire a language in the first

few years of life;
▪ However in L1 the knowledge acquired is largely
unconscious not just like in L2. Because of what?
Because of that L1 systems have already inhibited in
our brain before L2 systems.
▪ Therefore, if the learners do not succeed to pass the
‘critical period’ they would fail to acquire L2 systems.

In L2 acquisition:
learners know how to
form particular
grammatical structures,
but in a conscious sense
they do not know what
grammar they have

In L2 learning: learners
know what grammar they
have learnt, but they
didn’t know beyond the
grammar of using
language in every

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