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1. Instructors Information
Irma Zakia, Radio Telecommunication & Microwave Laboratory, Tel: +62222501661, email:

2. Prerequisites:
Course Prerequisite: ET 2203 (Electrical Circuit)

3. Instructor Assistance
Monday 13:00-15.00 (by appointment)
Friday 13:00-15.00 (by appointment)

4. Class Hours
Monday 11.00-13.00
Friday 17.00-18.00

5. Text Book(s)
Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, with S. Hamid, Signals and Systems, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall,
Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004

6. Course Description
This course presents basic concepts of continuous-time signals and systems, where the latter is
emphasized on Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems. The signals and systems are represented in
time and frequency domains, where those domains are related through the Fourier series, Fourier
transform, and Laplace transform. The basic concepts of signals and systems are applied to solve
engineering problems in communications, to design analog filters, and to understand briefly the
concept of analog linear feedback systems.

7. Specific Goal for the Course

a. Course Learning objectives
After successfully completing the course, the students will be able to
 Comprehensive understanding the concept of continuous-time signals and
 Ability to understand LTI systems and analyze the relation between input
and output through impulse response, convolution integral and differential
 Comprehensive understanding of the Fourier series representation of signals
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 Demonstrate understanding the transformation of signals and systems in the
time domain to frequency domain, vice versa, through Fourier transform
and Laplace transform
 Ability to solve engineering problems in communications by using Fourier
transform and Laplace transform, with emphasis on filtering, modulation,
and electrical circuit response
 Ability to design analog filters based on given specifications
 Ability to understand briefly the concept of analog linear feedback systems

b. Relationship of course to student outcomes

The course supports student outcome 1 as required by ABET Criterion 3 of EAC
(Engineering Accreditation Commission)
Outcome 1: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying
principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.

8. Brief List of Topics to be Covered

 Continuous-time signals
 Continuous-time systems
 Fourier series
 Continuous-time Fourier transform
 Laplace transform
 Introduction to analog filters
 Introduction to analog feedback systems

9. Grading Policy:

In order to pass this course, each student must pass all modules in laboratory experiment. Having
passed the laboratory experiments, the final grade consists of the following:

Quizzes 30%
Mid-Exam 30%
Final Exam 40%
Assignments/Discussion (optional) Max 5%

Letter Grades Marks

A ≥78
AB 73→ <78
B 68→ <73
BC 58 → <68
C 48→ <58
D 38→ <48
E <38

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10. Course Policies
 Gadgets (smartphone, tablets, laptop) are not allowed during class.
 Attendance does not influence the final grade. However, students are encouraged to attend
at least 80% of class hours.
 Excused students who miss quizzes are granted to have a replacement schedule at the end
of the semester. It is not guarantee that the test material is dedicated to a specific chapter
 Students who miss quizzes and exams are required to ask for a reschedule by giving formal
excuse such as doctor’s certificate, permit letter from authorized person (e.g. Kaprodi), etc.
 During evaluation (e.g quizzes, exams, individual assignments) you are expected to comply
with professional honesty. Any breach of integrity will be taken seriously and reported to
the appropriate higher authority.
 Unexcused tardiness of more than 15 minutes will count as an absence, except during
quizzes and exams.

11. Ethics of a Student as Community Member

According to the Student Ethics at the Institut Teknologi Bandung chapter II first part article 3 that
students of ITB must be able to manifest the spirit of upholding academic and professional honesty and
integrity by restraining from dishonest and unfair acts in any form, both inside and outside of the


Topics Lecture/Lab/ Reading Textbook

Wk 1- August 24 Chapter 1: Continuous-time signals Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Wk 1- August 28 Chapter 1: Continuous-time signals Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Wk 2 – August 31 Chapter 2: Continuous-time systems Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Wk 2 – September 4 Chapter 2: Continuous-time systems

Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Wk 3 – September 7 Chapter 2: Continuous-time systems

Quiz 1
Wk 3 – September 11

Wk 4 – September 14 Chapter 3: Fourier series Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Wk 4 – September 18 Chapter 3: Fourier series Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Wk 5 – September 21 Chapter 3: Fourier series Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Wk 5 – September 25 Quiz 2
Chapter 4: Continuous-time Fourier Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin
Wk 6 – September 28

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Wk 6 – October 2 Chapter 4: Continuous-time Fourier Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin
Wk 7 – October 5 Chapter 4: Continuous-time Fourier Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin
Chapter 4: Continuous-time Fourier Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin
Wk 7 – October 9
Wk 8– October 12 Chapter 5: Laplace transform Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Wk 8– October 16 Quiz 3

Wk 9– October 19 Mid-term exam

Wk 9– October 23 Chapter 5: Laplace transform Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Wk 10– October 26 Chapter 5: Laplace transform Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Wk 10 – October 30 Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Chapter 5: Laplace transform
Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin
Wk 11 – November 2 Chapter 6: Introduction to analog filters
Quiz 4
Wk 11 – November 6

Wk 12 – November 9 Chapter 6: Introduction to analog filters Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Wk 12 - November Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin

Chapter 6: Introduction to analog filters
Wk 13 - November Chapter 7: Introduction to analog Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin
16 feedback systems
Chapter 7: Introduction to analog Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin
Wk 13 – November 20
feedback systems
Chapter 7: Introduction to analog Lecture Oppenheim, Haykin
Wk 14 – November 23
feedback systems
Wk 14 – November 27 Quiz 5, Quiz 6

Quiz and exam materials

Quiz 1 : Chapter 1-2 : Continuous-time signals and systems
Quiz 2 : Chapter 3 : Fourier series
Quiz 3 : Chapter 4 : Continuous-time Fourier transform
Quiz 4 : Chapter 5 : Laplace transform
Quiz 5 : Chapter 6 : Introduction to analog filters
Quiz 6 : Chapter 7 : Introduction to analog feedback systems
Mid-term exam : Chapter 1-4
Final exam : Chapter 1-7

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