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YS% úuqla;s ëjr ldka;d ixúOdkh

jd¾Isl jd¾;dj

Annual Report of Sri Vimukthi Fisher

Women‘s Organization
= tpKf;jp kPdt ngz;fs; mikg;G
tUlhe;j mwpf;if

wxl 115" idka; urshd mdr" uy ùosh" ó.uqj

No. 115, St. Marys Road, Grand Street, Negombo.

Telephone No: 031 22 ……..

YS% úuqla;s ldka;d ixúOdkfha wdrïNh ( 2001

2000 oS uS.uqfjs ëjr uy;=ka rdYshla uy uqyqfoa w;rukaj bkaoSh uqyqÿ iSudj W,a,x>kh lsrSu fpdaokdfjka
bkaoshdfõoS w;awvx.=jg m;ajSu ksid wmf.a OSjrhska bka uqojd .ekSfï wruqKska ldka;d wm ixúOdk.; ùfuka
YS% jsuqla;sfha wmf.a .uk wdrïN úh'

wmf.a o¾Ykh (

cd;sh wd.u l=,h fyda ia;%S $mqreI fNaohlska f;drj iïm;a iudkj fnfok hqla;s.rel iduldñ yd udkj ysñlï .re lrk fi!
Nd.Hu;a iudchla æ

wruqKq (

 ëjr yd ëjr fkdjk ck;djf.a iudÂh" foaYmd,k" wd¾Òl yd wOHdmksl whs;Ska iq/lSu'

 ia;%S $ mqreI iudcNdjh ms<sn| l%shdldÍ;ajh'

 <ud ;reK l%shdldß;ajh yryd jvd hym;a fygla ;reK mrmqr Wfoid f.dv ke.Su'

 cd;Ska w;r yd iduh f.dv ke.Su'

 mjqf,a wd¾:slh Yla;su;a lsÍug jev lsÍu'

fufyjr ( mj;akd wdra:Sl iudc yd foaYmd,ksl iy ixj¾Ok l%shdoduhg úl,amhla lrd fufyhjkq ,nk ëjr iudc
jHdmdrhl ldka;d kdhl;ajh f.dv ke.Su

b,lal (

 kdhl;ajh f.k fmruqKgu hd yels Yla;su;a ldka;djka oehg ìyslr,Su'

 <ud yd ;reK l%shdldß;ajh yryd jvd hym;a iudchlg ud¾.h újr lr oSu'

l%shdOrhska ( 2

 iïnkaëldßks - oSmd iqNdIsks 072 1383334

 icsjl - úkaika m%kdkaÿ 0779019484

ldrl iNslhska (

 iNdm;s - f¾Kqld m%kdkaÿ 077 3976020

 f,alï - wYdka;s m%kdkaÿ 072 3439063
 NdKavd.dßl - ruKs m%kdkaÿ 077 5121921
 uyùosh - rdfcaYajß m%kdkaÿ 076 7610041
 uqkaklalrh - mshßkd ks,ka;s 077 6298910
 uqkaklalrh - fm%aud ydñfka 031 5610757
 l=vdmdvqj - úcs;d u,a,sld 077 8238827

History of Organization: We established our organization in 2000 with support from NAFSO Upon the
arrest of one of 10 community member’s husbands in India. They got together to release their
husbands from jail by organizing people concerned to raise the voice to demand for human rights of
the arrested fishermen

VISION: Sri Vimukthi Fisher Women Organization envisions a free, just and Prosperous society, where
resources are distributed equality, and justice, peace and human rights Prevail for all People
regardless of race, Caste, religion and gender.

Mission: Build Women leadership in a fisher People's movement in order to search an alternative to
the existing development model which is harmful to the human beings, animals and to our


• To secure the realization of Women’s rights in the national Policy for Sustainable fisheries and land
rights that is grounded on human rights.

• To form and capacitate a national fishers movement and build Women leadership in it for their own
development and that of other vulnerable sectors.

• To build a better tomorrow for youth through the activities of children and youth.

• Peace and ethnic harmony in its strategies and Programs.

• To support alliance building locally and nationally, specifically among Women groups in the interest of
securing human rights.

• Work to strengthen the family economy.


 To create strong women who can take the lead in the future.
 To Prave the way for a better society through child and youth activities.

Staff: 2

 Subashini Deepa (Coordinator) 0721383334

 Vincont Fernando (Animator) 0779019484

Executive Committee Representatives:

 Chairperson, Renuka Fernando 077 3976020

 Secretary , Ashanthi Fernando 077 3439063
 Treasurer, Ramani Fernando 077 5121921
 Grand street, Rajeswary Fernando 076 7610041
 Munnakkaraya, Prema Aamine 031 5610757
 Munnakkaraya, Piyarina Nnilanthi 077 6298910
 Kudapaduw, vijitha Mallika 077 8238827

Muk;gk; : 2000 tUlj;jpy; flYf;Fr; nrd;w kPdth;fs; ,e;jpa flw;gilapduhy; ifJ nra;ag;gLfpd;whh;;fs;. mth;fis tpLjiy
nra;tjw;fh kPdt ngz;fs; jiyikj;Jtk; vLj;jjd; tpisthf mikg;G cUthf;fg;gl;lJ.

J}u Nehf;F : ,d> kj my;yJ Mz;>ngz; ghFghbd;wp tsq;fs; rkkhf gfpug;gLfpd;w ePjpahd kw;Wk; kdpj cupikfis
kjpf;fpd;w nrsghf;fpakhd r%fj;ij fl;bnaOg;Gjy;;

gzpf;$w;W : eilKiw nghUshjhu r%f kw;Wk; murpay;> mgptpUj;jp nraw;ghLfSf;F khw;Wtopia Nehf;fp
gazpf;Fk; kPdt r%f ,af;fj;jpw;Fs; ngz;fs; jiyikj;Jtj;ij fl;bnaOg;Gjy;

Nehf;fk; :

 kPdt kw;Wk; Vida kf;fspd; r%f> nghUshjhu> murpay;> nghUshjhu cs;spl;l ch;ikfis ghJfhj;jy;
 Mz;> ngz; ghy;epiy rkj;Jtk; njhlh;ghd nraw;ghL
 rpWth;> ,isQh; nraw;ghLfspd; Clhf kpfr; rpwe;j r%fj;ij fl;bnaOg;Gjy;
 ,dq;fSf;fpilapyhd rkhjhdk; kw;Wk; ey;ypzf;fj;ij fl;bnaOg;Gjy;
 kPdt FLk;gq;fspd; nghUshjhuj;ij fl;bnaOg;Gjy;

,yf;F :

 jiyikj;Jtj;ij vLf;f$ba tYthd ngz;fis r%fj;jpy; cUthf;Fjy;

rpWth;> ,isQh;fs; nraw;ghLfspd; Clhf kpfr; rpwe;j r%fj;ij cUthf;Fjy;

nraw;ghl;lhsh;fs; : 2

 jPgh Rgh\pzp> ,izg;ghsh; (072 1383334)

 tpd;rdl; gh;dhe;J> Cf;Ftpg;ghsh;; (0779019484)

nraw;ghl;L FO gpujpepjpfs;

 jiytp> NuZf;fh gh;dhe;J 077 3976020

 nrayhsh;> `rhd;jp gh;dhe;J 077 3439063
 nghUshsh;> ukzp gh;dhe;J 077 5121921
 nghpanjU> uhN[];thp 076 7610041
 Kd;idf;fiua>g;Nuhkh `hkpNd 031 5610757
 Kd;idf;fiua>epyd;jp gh;dhe;J 077 6298910
 flw;fiunjU> tp[pjh ky;ypfh 077 8238827

idudcsl n, m%foAYhka (

iDcq m%foAY lKavdhï .Kk idudcsl .Kk ;/K iudcsl;ajh j.lSu yd

(Direct members) iïnkaëlrKh
uqkaklalrh 08 80 60 úkaika
l=vdmdvqj 07 70 20 úkaika

lfvd,alef,a 02 20 iqNdisks

uyùosh 06 60 22 iqNdisks

msámkùosh 01 10 úkaika

tl;=j 24 240 100

jl% m%foAY
Indirect members)
05 50 iqNdisks
isßj¾Ok m%foAY
uxl=,sh 01 10

l=Üáÿj 05 50 iqNdisks

msámk fjr,lkao 02 25 iqNdisks

tl;=j 13 135

m%;sm;a;s yd n,mEï

Policy and Advocacy


nfhs;if kw;Wk; mOj;j

1¡ ls%hdldrlu ( uqyqÿ Ldokh jq m%foaY ms<sn`o jd¾;dlrKh

wruqK (fmdaÜ isá jHdmD;sh fya;=fjka uqyqÿ Ldokh jq m%foaY ms<sn`o jd¾;dlr isÿù we;s ydksh
iudc.; lsÍu

m%foAYh ( ;,dfyak isg y,dj; olajd jq fjr, ;Srh

m%;sM,h (uqyqÿ Ldokh ksid ksjdi 100la ydkshg ,laùu yd miqwiajkq lshdfõ ksfhf,k ldka;djkaf.a
cSjkud¾. ìojeáu ms,snoj f;dr;=/ /ialr udOH yryd jd¾;dlr ;sîu¡ ^fmr jdrlka ld,j,os isÿfkdjq ;rug uqyqÿ
Ldokh ksid ydksh wêl úu&

bosß ie,eiau ( cd;sl jYfhka udOH idlÉcdjla meje;aùu yd ëjr kdhlhskaf.a iuq¿jla leoùu

Activity: Documentary on sea erosion areas

Objective: Report on the damage caused by the Port city project

Place: Thalahena to Chilaw Costal Area

Result: Collecting and reporting on the damage caused to 100 houses due to sea erosion and the
collapse of the livelihood of women who are engaged in Post harvest activity.

Next step: Holding a national press conference & Organize Fisher Leaders meeting along the
Uswetakeyawa, Negombo, Kapitiya coastal area,

nraw;ghL : epjpefu fUj;jpl;l ghjpg;ghy; flyhpg;Gf;Fs;shd gpuNjrq;fis mwpf;ifg;gLj;jy;

Nehf;fk; : flyhpg;ghy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l ,lq;fis r%fkag;gLj;jy;

ngWNgW : ghjpf;fg;gl;l 100 tPLfs; kw;Wk; mWtilf;F gpd;duhd cw;gj;jpfspy; Vw;gl;l;Ls;s tplaq;fis

vjph;fhy eltbf;if : Clf khehl;il elhj;Jjy;

2¡ ls%hdldrlu (fmdaÜ isá jHdmD;sh ksid ck cSú;j,g isÿj we;s ydksh ms<sn`oj f;dr;=re .fõIKh
jd¾;dj t<s±laùu yd udOH idlÉPdj meje;aùu

wruqK( fmdaÜ isá jHdmD;sh ksid ck cSú;j,g isÿj we;s ydksh ms<sn`oj udOH yryd iudc.; lsÍu

ia:dkh( fuf;daosia; iNdfjs uQ,ia:dkh fld<U fld,a¨msáh iyNd.S;ajh ( 70

m%;sM,h (fmdaÜ isá jHdmD;sh ksid ck cSú;j,g isÿj we;s ydksh ms<sn`oj f;dr;=re .fõIKh jd¾;dj
t<s±laù ;sîu yd udOHg úm;g m;a jqjka woyia m%ldYlr ;sîu

bosß ie,eiau ( yslalvqj isg l,amsáh olajd ëjr ck;dj oekqj;a lsÍu

Activity: Launching an information Fact finding mission report and media briefing on the damage
caused to the livelihood of the port city Project

Result: To publish the report and to express the opinion of the media of effected peoples

Next Step: Awareness to Village to Village

nraw;ghL : epjp efuk; fUj;jpl;lj;jhy; kf;fSila tho;f;iff;F Vw;gl;Ls;s ghjpg;Gf;fs; njhlh;ghd

rh;tNjr jfty; jpul;lwpf;ifia ntspapLjy; kw;Wk; Clf fye;JiuahLjiy elhj;Jjy;.

Nehf;fk; : epjpefu fUj;jpl;lj;jhy; kf;fspdJ tho;f;iff;F Vw;gl;Ls;s ghjpg;G njhlh;ghf Clfj;jpd; Clhf r
%fkag;gLj;jy; epfo;e;Js;s ghjpg;G njhlh;ghf jfty; mwpAk; mwpf;ifia ntspapLjy;

ngWNgW : epjpefu fUj;jpl;lj;jhy; kf;fspd; tho;f;ifKiwf;F epfo;e;Js;s ghjpg;Gf;fs; njhlh;ghf jfty;fis

jpul;lwpf;ifia ntspapl;bUj;jy; kw;Wk; Clf fye;Jiuahlypy; ghjpg;Gf;fshd kf;fs; fUj;J njhptpj;jpUj;jy;

gq;Fgw;Wjy : 70

vjph;fhy jpl;lk; : `pf;fLt njhlf;fk; fy;gpl;b tiuapYs;s kf;fis njspTgLj;jy;

3¡ ls%hdldrlu ( fmdaÜisáh jHdmD;sh ksid ëjr ck cSú;j,g we;sú ;sfnk ydksh neyeoelSug úoaj;=kaf.a
ixpdrh ixúOdkh lsrSu

wruqK( fmdaÜisáh jHdmD;sh ksid ëjr fY%a;%hg isÿj we;s ydksh jd¾;dlr ck;dj w;r ixjdohla f.dvke.Su

m%;smM,h ( jd¾;djla ilia ù ;sîu

bosß ie,eiau ( ëjr iuq`Mjla ixúOdkh lsÍu

Activity: Organize the scholars’ visit to see the damage caused to the lives of fishermen due to Port city

Objective: conduct a dialogue among the public on the damage caused to the fishing sector by the Port city

Result: A report has been prepared and shared widely

Next step: Organizing a Fishing Summit

nraw;ghL : Nghl; rpl;b fUj;jpl;lj;jhy; kPdt kf;fspd; tho;f;if Kiwf;F Vw;gl;Ls;s ghjpg;ig fz;lwptjw;fhf
Gj;jp[Ptpfspd; tUif

Nehf;fk; : Nghl; rpl;b fUj;jpl;lj;jhy; kPdtJiwf;F Vw;gl;Ls;s ghjpg;ig mwpf;ifg;gLj;jp kf;fspilNa fye;Jiuahliy

ngWNgW: mwpf;if jahhpf;fg;gl;bUj;jy;

vjph;fhy jpl;lk; : kPdt fUj;juqq;if xUq;fikj;jy;

4¡ ls%hdldrlu (ëjrhskaf.a uy uqyqfoa wdrlaIdj ms,sno cd;Hka;r lïlre kS;sh ms<sn`oj
±kqj;a lsÍu (ILO-C188)

wruqK( ëjr lïl/jkaf.a lïl/ whs;sjdislï ms,snojq iïuq;sh ms,snoj ëjr ldka;djka oekqj;a lsÍu

iyNd.S;ajh( 18

m%;sM,h( ëjr lïl/jkaf.a lïl/ whs;sjdislï ms,snojjq iïuq;sh ms,snoj oekqu ,enq 18 fofkla îysù ;sìu

bosß ie,eiau ( ëjr lïl/jkaj úfYaIfhka nyqosk ëjr ld¾ñlhskaj oekqj;a lsßu" .ïudk uÜgñka oekqj;a lsÍï
osh;a lsÍu

Activity: Awareness on international Labor Law Safety at Sea issued for Fishermen ( ILO –C 188)

Objective: Awareness of fishermen on labor rights of fishermen

Result: There were 18 person who had knowledge of the convention on the Labor rights of the

Next step: Awareness at village level and education program for Multi day Boat Fishermen

nraw;ghL : kPdt nraw;ghLfs; njhlh;ghd gpufldj;ij njspTgLj;jy;

Nehf;fk; : kPdt njhopyhsh;fspd; chpikfs; njhlh;ghd gpufldj;ij njspTgLj;jy;

gq;Fgw;Wjy; : 18

ngWNgW : kPdt njhopyhsh;fspd; gpufldk; njhlh;ghf 18 ngz;fs; njspit ngw;wpUj;jy;

vjph;fhy nraw;ghL : fpuhk kl;lj;jpy; gy;jpd glF kPdth;fis njspTgLj;jy;

5¡ l%shdldrlu ( VGGT mqyqKqj meje;aùu

wruqK ( bvï N=la;sfha whs;sjdislï VGGT ms,snoj .ïudk 5la ksfhdackh jk mßos 25 fofklaj oekqj;a lsßu

m%;sM,h (VGGT ms<snoj 25 fofkla oekqj;a ù ;sìu

bosß ie,eiau (1& wjq/ÿ 25la bvï Tmamq ke;sj cSjkajq lKavdhula yÿkd .ekSu iy Tjqkaf.a bvï whs;sh ,nd
.ekSu ioyd uq,a mshjr f,i w;aika jHdmdrhla osh;a lsßu

2& fmdaÜisá jeks jHdmD;Ska ksid ëjr iïm;a úkdYùu yd ëjr lghq;= Aj,g ndOd we;s ùu fya;=fjka ck;dj
oekqj;a lsÍu ioyd wOHdmk jevms<sj,la fhdackd ù wm ixjsOdk ls%hdldrS idudcslhska yryd tu
jevms,sfj, osh;a lsÍu

Activity: Conducted VGGT training

Objective: Awareness of 25 persons representing 5 village on land tenure rights. (VGGT)

Result: 25 person should have been aware of VGGT

Next steps:

1. Identifying a group who have been living without deeds for 25 years and launching a signature
campaign as a first step towards getting their land rights.

2. A program to educate the public on projects such as Port city, the destruction of Fisheries
resources and disturbance of the polarization activities, has been proposed and implement through
the active members of our organization.

nraw;ghL : VGGT njhlh;ghd njspT+l;ly; nraykh;T

Nehf;fk; : 5 fpuhkq;fs; gpujpepjpj;Jtg;gLk; tifapy; fhzp cilAhpik njhlh;ghf 25 egh;fis njspTgLj;jy;

ngWNgW : fhzpAilAhpik jd;dhh;t topfhl;ly; njhlh;ghf njspitngw;w 25 egh;fs; cUthfpapUj;jy;.

vjph;fhy nraw;ghL : 1. fhzp cWjpgj;jpukpy;yhky; 25 tUlfhykhf tho;e;j fpuhkj;ij fz;lwpe;J cWjpiag;

ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;fhf kDit mjpfhhpfSf;F ifaspj;jy; 2. Nghl;rpl;b fUj;jpl;lj;jhy; kPdt tsq;fSf;F
Vw;gl;Ls;s mopit kf;fSf;F njspTg;gLj;jy;.

6¡ ls%hdldrlu ( osia;sla ëjr jD;a;sh iñ;sh f.dvke.Su

wruqK( ëjr ck;d jHdmdrhla f.dv;e.Sug ëjrhskaj nojd .ekSu ioyd m%cdj oekqj;a lsÍu

m%;sM,h( osia;sla ëjr lñgqj f.dvke.S ;sîu

bosß ie,eiau( .ïudk uÜgñka oekqj;a lsÍï osh;alsÍu ;=,ska ëjr jD;a;Sh iï;sh 50 fofkl=f.ka hq;=j f.dvke.Su

Activity: Building District Fisheries Trade Union Society

Objective: Awareness community to recruit fishermen to build a fisheries movement

Result: Establishment of District Fisheries professional society

Next step: Launching awareness programs at village level to build the district trade union strongly with 50

nraw;ghL : khtl;l kPdt njhopw;rq;fj;ij fl;bnaOg;Gjy;

Nehf;fk; : kPdt kf;fs; ,af;fj;ij fl;bnaOg;Gtjw;fhf kPdth;fis rq;fj;jpy; ,izj;Jf;nfhs;Sk; Nehf;fpy; kf;fis njspTgLj;Jjy;.

ngWNgW: khtl;l kPdt njhopw;rq;fk; cUthfpapUj;jy;

vjph;fhy nraw;ghL : fpuhk kl;lq;fspyhd njspT+l;ly;fs;

7¡ ls%hdldrlu ( fmdaiag¾ jHdmdrh;la osh;alsÍu

wruqK ( ëjrhskaf.a iudc wdrËK jevms,sj,la iy fmdaÜisá jHdmD;s k;rlrk f,i b,a,d ck y`v iudc.; lsÍu

m%;sM,h ( ëjr .ïudk 12 l ck;dj oekqj;a ú ;sîu

m%foAYh ( lïu,af;dg isg msámk olajd

Activity : Launching a poster campaign

Objective: Socializing of the community for Social security program of fishermen and Stop Port city

Result: Awareness of the people of ten fishing villages.

Place/Area: Kammalthota to Pitipana

nraw;ghL : kPdth;fspd; r%f ghJfhg;G nraw;jpl;lk; kw;Wk; Nghl;rpl;bia epWj;JkhW Nfhhpf;ifia r


ngWNgW: 12 kPdt fpuhk kf;fs; njspTgl;bUj;jy;

gpuNjrk; : fk;ky;njhl;l njhlf;fk; gpl;bgd tiu

8¡ ls%hdldrlu ( fmdaiaÜ ldâ jHdmdrh osh;alsÍu

wruqK( fmdaAÜisá jHdmD;shg ú/oaO;ajh m%ldYlsÍu

m%;sM,h ( 100 fofkla ;u úfrdaOh m, lr ;sîu

m%foaYh ( ëjr .ïudk 5l

Activity: Launching post card campaign against Port City

Objective: Opposition to the Port city Project

Result: 100 persons have expressed their opposition through posting post cards

nraw;ghL : Nghl; rpl;b fUj;jpl;lj;Jf;F vjph;ig njhptpj;jy;

ngWNgW: 100 Ngh; jkJ vjph;g;ig njhptpj;jy;

gpuNjrk;: 5 kPdt fpuhkq;fs;

9¡ l%shdldrlu( uyck fm;aiï jHdmdrhla osh;alsÍu

wruqK( ëjrhskag iudc wdrËK jevms,sj,la wjYHnjg b,a,Su rchg NdroSu ioyd ck;djf.ka w;aika ,nd .ekSu

m%;sM,h ( 1¡ ëjr iudc wdrËdj ms<sn| m%;sm;a;Suh iydh i|ydjk whjeh fjkalsÍula i|yd w;aika ,nd
.ekSu ;=,ska mjq,a 1200la oekqj;a ù ;sìu

2¡ iudc wdrlaIKfha jeo.;alu f;areus .;a wm m%foaYfha OSjr msrsi rlaIKh ioyd fhduqjq w;r jsY%du
jegqma l%uh jsOsu;a lsrSu ioyd ixjdohla wrUd we;

bosß ie,eiau ( .ïudk uÜgñka oekqj;a lsÍu

Activity: Launching a public petition Campaign

Objective: getting the signature from the public to hand over the request to the government that the
fishermen need a social security program


01. Awareness of 1200 families by signing for demanding budget allocation for the fisheries social
security policy.

02. Realizing the importance of social security, the fishermen in our area restored to insurance and a
debate has begun to regularize the pension scheme.

nraw;ghL : r%f ghJfhg;G eilKiwg;gLj;Jtjw;fhf ifnahg;gq;fis Nrfhpj;jy;

Nehf;fk; : kPdth;fspd; r%f ghJfhg;G njhlh;ghd nraw;jpl;lk; Njitnad;w Nfhhpf;ifia murplk; nfhz;L
nry;tjw;fhf ifnahg;gq;fis Nrfhpj;jy;

ngwNgW : 1. kPdt r%f ghJfhg;Gf;F nfhs;if hPjpapyhd xj;Jiog;Gf;fhf ghjPl;by; epjp xJf;fPL nra;tJ
gw;wp 1200 FLk;gq;fs; njspTngw;wpUj;jy;.

2. r%f ghJfhg;G kw;Wk; Xa;T+jpa jpl;lq;fis eilKiwg;gLj;Jjy; njhlh;ghf kPdth;fspilNa fye;Jiuahly;


ldka;d jevigyka

Women’s Activities

ngz;fs; nraw;ghLfs;

1¡ ls%hdldrlu (ldka;d kdhl;aj mqyqKq meje;aùu

wruqK ( ck;djf.a iudÂh" foaYmd,k" wd¾Òl yd wOHdmksl whs;Ska iq/lSu ioyd kdhl;ajh;a .; yels ldka;d
lKavdhula f.dvke.Su yd Tjqkaf.a kdhl;aj .=Kd;a. j¾Okh lsßu

m%;sM,h (ck;djf.a iudÂh" foaYmd,k" wd¾Òl yd wOHdmksl whs;Ska iq/lSu ms,snoj oekqj;a jq kdhsldjka 25la
f.dvke.S ;sîu

fuu jevuq`Mj ;=,os úfYaYfhka iduh yd ixysoshdj ms,snoj wjOdkh jeäfhka fhduq jq w;r m%foAYh ;=, mj;sk
.eg`M yÿkdf.k thg kdhl;ajh .ekSug ;SrKh lrk ,os

Activity: Conducting leadership training for women

Objective: Build a leadership team and improve their leadership qualities to safeguard the social, political,
economic and educational rights of the people

Result: 100 leaders who are aware of the Social, political, economic and educational rights of the people

It was decided to take the lead in identifying the problems in the area and focusing on peace and reconciliation

nraw;ghL: ngz;fSf;fhd jiyikj;Jt gapw;rpfid eilKiwg;gLj;jy;

Nehf;fk;: kf;fspd; r%f> murpay;> nghUshjhu> fy;tp chpikfis ghJfhj;jy; njhlh;ghf jiyikj;Jtj;ij vLf;ff; $ba ngz;fs;
FOit fl;bnaOg;Gjy; kw;Wk; mth;fspd; jiyikj;Jt gz;Gfis Kd;Ndw;Wjy;

ngWNgW: r%f> nghUshjhu> murpay; kw;Wk; fw;if chpikfs; njhlh;ghf njspit ngw;w 25 jiytpfs; cUthfpapUj;jy;

2¡ ls%hdldrlu (.ïudk uÜgñka l=vd lKavdhï meje;aùu

wruqK ( l=vd lKavdhï ls%hdldß;ajh Yla;su;a lsÍu ;=,sk lS%hdldß ld;a;d kdhlhskaj f.dvke.Su yd osia;slalh ;=, ls
%hd;aul lrk jeviguka ms,snoj idlÉpd lsÍu

m%;sM,h ( oekqj;a jq msßila isáu yd ls%hdldß lKavdhï f,I Yla;su;a ú ;sîu

uqkaklalrh lKavdhï w`.y/jdod" nodod iy isl=rdod" l=vdmdvqj lKavdhï w`.yrejdod nodod " lfvd,alef,a lKavdhï
nodod iy fikiqrdod " msámkùosh fikiqrdod

fuu lKavdhï reiaùïj,os kHdh m%;%h my; ioyka whqßka

 ms,s.ekSu iy wd.u isys lsÍu

 jd¾;dj bosßm;a lsÍu
 ixúOdkh ;=,os ls%hd;aul lsßug n,dfmdr;a;= osia;slal yd cd;sl jevigyka ms,snoj idlÉcd lsÍu
 fmdÿfú mj;sk iudcsh .eg`M ms,snoj
 b;sÍ lsÍfï jevigyk osh;alsßu
 kj woyia yd fhdackd
 ksudj

Activity: Holding small group meetings at village Level

Objective: Building up active women leaders through strengthening small group activities and discussing the
issues and possible interventions to address them.

Result: Strengthened as an active working group in the Negombo area.

nraw;ghL : fpuhk kl;lj;jpyhd rpW FIf;fis elhj;Jjy;

Nehf;fk; : rpWFO nraw;ghLfspd; Clhf tYthd ngz;fs; jiyikj;Jtj;ij fl;bnaOg;Gjy; kw;Wk; khjhe;j nraw;ghLfis

ngWNgW : tYthd rpWFOf;fs; cUthf;fg;gl;bUj;jy;

3¡ ls%hdldrlu (ldrl iNdj yd m%foAYsh lñgq ^uilg jrla& iy uy iNdj meje;aùu ^ui 3lg jrla&

wruqK( udisl jevigyka idlÉcd lr j.lSï fnod.ekSu kj woyia fhdackd ,nd.ekSu

Kh jd¾;d bosßm;a lsßu yd Kh f*daï wkqu; lsÍu ^ldrl iNdj&

m%;sm,h ( fhdacs; jevigyk ms,snoj idudcslhska oekqj;a ú ;sîu yd kj fhdackd ie,iqï ilia ú ;sîu

idudcsl Kh wkqu; ú ;sîu

Activity : Holding Management, Committee, Regional Committee and General body meeting.


1. Discuss monthly programs and share responsibilities and get new ideas.

2. Submit financial reports and approve loan forms


1. Members should be aware of the proposed program and new proposal plans should be prepared

2. Should have approved the member loan

nraw;ghL : nraw;FO> khtl;l FO kw;Wk; nghJr;rig $l;lq;fis elhj;Jjy;

Nehf;fk; : khjhe;j epfo;r;rpfis fye;Jiuahb nghWg;Gf;fis gfph;e;jspj;jy; kw;Wk; Gjpa fUj;Jf;fis ngw;Wf;nfhs;Sjy;
mj;Jld; epjpawpf;ifia rkh;gpj;J mq;fj;jt fld;fis mDkjpj;jy;.

ngWNgW : Kd;nkhopag;gl;l epfo;r;rp jpl;lq;fs; njhlh;ghf mq;fj;jth;fs; njspTngw;wpUj;jy; kw;Wk; Gjpa

Kd;nkhopTfis jahhpj;jpUj;jy;/

mq;fj;jt tpz;zg;gg; gbtq;fis mDkjpj;jy;

;reK yd mdßißl
Youth and
,isQh; kw;Wk; #oy;

01¡ ls%hdldrlu ( li, l<ukdlrKh ms,snoj mqyqKqjla meje;aùu

wruqK( li, ksis f,i neyer lsßu ;=,ska f,v frda. je,oSu wju lr hym;a cSj;ajk mßirhla f.dvke.Su

m%;sM,h( li, l,ukdlrKh ms,snoj oekqj;a jq ;/K lKavdhula isáu

m%foAYh( .ïudk 5l

bosß ie,eiau ( fvx.= u¾Ok jevigyka ls%hd;aul lsßu ioyd ;reKhska fhduqlsrSu

Activity: Training on garbage management

Objective: creating a better environment through proper disposal of garbage

Result: Having a group of young people who are know knowledgeable about waste management.

Place: 5 villages

Next step: Implementing Dengue prevention programs based on youth and women,

nraw;ghL : fopT Kfhikj;Jtk; njhlh;ghd nraykh;it elhj;Jjy;

Nehf;fk;: fopTfis rhpahd Kiwapy; ntspNaw;Wtjd; Clhf rpwe;jnjhU #oiy fl;bnaOg;Gjy;

gpuNjrk;: 5 fpuhkq;fs;

vjph;fhy nraw;jpl;lk; : nlq;F xopg;G epfo;rpfis xUq;fikj;jy;

2¡ l%shdldrlu ( fvx.= u¾Ok oekqj;a lsÍï jevigyka .ïudk uÜgñka osh;alsÍu


 fvx.= wjOdku ms,snoj ck;dj oekqj;a lsÍu ;=,ska hym;a mßirhla f.dvke.Su
 li, l,ukdlrKh ms,snoj ck;djg wjfndaOhla ,ndoSu
 f.aj;a; iy wjg mßirh mßlaËd lsÍu ioyd lKavdhula f.dvke.Su

m%;sM,h ( mßirh msßisÿj ;nd.ekSug ms,snoj 100la oekqj;a ù ;sîu

Activity: Conduct dengue prevention programs at village level

 Objective: Creating a better environment by educating people about Dengue risk.

 Educate the public on waste management.
 Build a team to monitoring the garden

Result: 100 people are aware of keeping the environment clean

nraw;ghL : nlq;F xopg;G epfo;r;rpfis fpuhk kl;lj;jpy; eilKiwg;gLj;jy;


 nlq;F mghak; njhlh;ghf kf;fis njspTgLj;Jtjd; Clhf rpwe;jnjhU #oiy fl;bnaOg;Gjy;

 fopT Kfhikj;Jtk; njhlh;ghf kf;fSf;F njspit toq;Fjy;
 tPl;Lj;Njhl;lk; kw;Wk; nghJ ,lq;fis fz;fhzpg;gjw;fhf xU FOit epakpj;jy;.

ngWNgW : #oiy Rj;jkhf itg;gJ njhlh;ghf njspit ngw;w 100 egh;fs; cUthfpapUj;jy;.

3¡ ls%hdldrlu (wdmod l,ukdlrK ks,Odßka úiska wdmod ms,snoj m%cdj oekqj;a lsÍu

wruqK ( wdmodjka ms,snoj yd hï wdmodjla we;s jqfkd;a .; hq;= ls%hdud¾. ms,snoj m%cdjf.a oekqu
jeä lsÍu

m%foAY ( uqkaklalrh" l=vdmdvqj" uyùosh" lfvda,alef,a " msámkùosh iy nishdj;a;

iyNd.S;ajh( 45

m%;sM,h( 45 fofofkla wdmod l,ukdlrKh ms,snoj oekqu ,nd ;sîu

bosß ie,eiau ( .ïudkj, wdmod lñgq f.dvke.Su yd oekqj;a lsÍï osh;alsßu

Activity: Disaster Manegement officers are Awareness programs

Objective: To increase the knowledge of the community about the disaster and the action to be
taken in case of a disaster.

Place: Munnakkaraya, Kudapaduwa, Grand street, kadolkele, Basiyawatta and Pitipana,

No of Participants: 45

Result: 45 persons should have knowledge of disaster management

Next step: Build disaster committees in villages and conduct awareness programs.

nraw;ghL : mdh;j;j Kfhikj;Jtk; njhlh;ghd mdh;j;j Kfhikj;Jt mjpfhhpfshy; kf;fis njspTgLj;jy;

Nehf;fk; : mdh;j;jq;fis ,dq;fhZjy; kw;Wk; mdh;jk; Vw;gLk;nghOJ ifahs Ntz;ba eltbf;iffs; njhlh;ghd
njspit ngWjy;

,lk; : Kd;idf;fiua> flw;fiunjU> nghpanjU> fNlhy;fNy> grpahtj;j kw;Wk; gpl;bgd

ngWNgW : 45 Ngh; mdh;j;j Kfhikj;Jk; njhlh;ghd njspit ngw;wpUj;jy;

vjph;fhy eltbf;if : mdh;j;j Kfhikj;Jt FOf;fis fl;bnaOg;Gjy;

4¡ ls%hdldrlu (wdmod l,ukdlrK lñgq f.dvke.Su ^lñgq 3la&

wruqK( hï wdmodjla isÿ jk wjia:djlos thg ls%hd;aul jk mßos jevie,eiaula ilialr .ekSu

m%foAYh( uyùosh"uqkaklalrh iy je,a,ùosh .usudkj,ska

iyNd.s;ajh( tl .ulska 10 ne.ska .ïudk 3l 30la

m%;sM,h( wdmod l,ukdlrKh ms,snoj oekqu ,enq 30la f.dvke.s ;sîu

Activity: Building Disaster Committees ( 3 committee)

Objective: preparing a work plan in the event of a disaster.

Place: Munnakkaraya, Sea street and Grand street

Participants: 30 people in 3 villages.

Result: Build up 30 person who have knowledge of disaster management.

nraw;ghL : mdh;j;j Kfhikj;Jt FOf;fis fl;bnaOg;Gjy; (3 FOf;fs;)

Nehf;fk;: mdh;jk; Vw;gLk;nghOJ nraw;gLjy;

ngWNgW: mdh;j;j Kfhikj;Jt FOtpy; 30 Ngh; ,ize;jpUj;jy;

gq;Fgw;Wdh;fs; : %d;W fpuhkq;fspy; 30 Ngh;

gpuNjrk;: Kd;idf;fiua<> ngupanjU

5¡ ls%hdldrlu( .xj;=r wdmodfjka úm;g m;ajqjkag msiq wdydr ,ndoSu

wruqK ( f.dvke.= wdmod lñgq ls%hd;aul lsÍu

m%;sM,h ( 535 fofkl=g msiq wdydr ,ndoSug lKavdhu ueosy;aú ;sîu

Activity: Providing cooked food to flood victims

Objective: implementation of Disaster committees

Result: Dissters committees are functioning to provide cooked food to 535 persons.

nraw;ghL: nts;sj;jhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l kf;fSf;F czT toq;Fjy;

Nehf;fk;: fl;bnaOg;gg;l;l mdh;j;j FOf;is nraw;gLj;jy;

ngWNgW: 535 egh;fSf;F czT toq;Ftjw;fhf mdh;j;j Kfhikj;Jt FOf;fs; Kd;te;jpUe;jik

6¡ ls%hdldrlu (wdmod l,ukdlrKh fmd; rcfha ks,OdÍkag NdroSu

wruqK( ks,Odßkaj wdmod l,ukdlrKh ls%hd,shg iïnkaO lr.ekSu

m%;smMh ( osia;sla wdmod l,ukdlrK ls%hdj,shg rcfha ks,Odßka iïnkaO ù ;sîu

Activity: Handing over of Disaster management book to public officers

Objective: incorporation of officers into Disaster Management Process

Result: Involved in the District Disaster Management Process

nraw;ghL : mdh;j;j Kfhikj;Jt ifg;Gj;jfj;ij mjpfhhpfSf;F ifaspj;jy;

Nehf;fk; : mdh;j;j Kfhijj;Jt nraw;ghl;Lf;Fs; mur mjpfhhpfis ,idj;Jf;nfhs;Sjy;

ngWNgW : khtl;l mdh;h;j;j Kfhikj;Jt nraw;ghl;Lf;F mjpfhhpfs; xj;Jiog;G ey;Fjy;

7¡ ls%hdldrlu (fjr, ;Srfha Y%uodkhla meje;aùu u.ska ma,diagslaa yd wmo%jH bj;a lsrsu

wruqK( f,dal mßir oskh uq,alrf.k mßirfhka ma,diaála bj;alsÍu yd fvx.= fndaúh yels ia:dk yÿkd.ekSu

m%;sm,h( oekqj;a jq ck;dj fjr, ;Srfha ma,diaála uqod yeÍfuka je,lSu

Activity: conducted clean up on the Coastal Area

Objective: Remove of Plastics from the Environment and identification of dengue breeding grounds
on world environment day

Result: Prevent of release of plastic to the environment those who got the awareness on plastic

nraw;ghL: fiuNahuj;ij ikakhff; nfhz;L rpukjhdj;ij eilKiwg;gLj;jy;

Nehf;fk; : cyf #oy; jpdj;ij ikakhff; nfhz;L Rw;whlypypUe;J g;sh];bf;if ntspNaw;wy; kw;Wk; nlq;F
gutf;$ba ,lq;fis fz;lwpjy;

ngWNgW: njspT ngw;w kf;fs; #oYf;F gpsh];bf;if tPRtij epWj;Jjy;

8 ¡ls%hdldrlu (osia;slal ;/K lñgqj yd ;reK uy iNdj meje;aùu

wruqK ( osia;%sla ;/K lñgqfú ;/K ls%hdldÍ;ajh Yla;su;a lsÍu" udisl ;/K jevigyk idlÉcd lsÍu

m%;smMh( osia;slal ;/K lñgqj ;=, ls%hdldß ;/K kdhl;ajh f.dvke.s ;sîu yd jevie,eiau ilialr j.lSï
fnodf.k ;sîu

m%foaYh ( l=vdmdvqj

Activity: Conducted district youth committee and AGM

Objectives: Strengthening the youth activities of the district youth committee and discussing the
monthly youth program

Results: Developing active youth leadership in the district youth committee , preparation of work
plan and sharing responsibilities

nraw;ghL: khtl;l ,isQh; FO kl;Lk; nghJr;rigia elhj;Jjy;

Nehf;fk;: khtl;l ,isQh; FOit tYg;gLj;jy; kw;Wk; khtl;l khjhe;j nraw;jpl;lj;ij fye;JiuahLjy;

ngWNgW : khtl;l ,isQh; FOtpd; Clhf ,isQh;fspd; jiyikj;Jtk; fl;bnaOg;gg;gl;L khjhe;j nraw;jpl;l
nghWg;Gf;fs; gfpu;e;jspf;fg;gl;bUj;jy;

9¡ ls%hdldrlu (wiudk;djh f;audj mokï lrf.k meje;ajq oSm jHdma; É;% yd rpkd ;r`.dj,shg

wruqK( wiudk;djh mokïlrf.k ;/K <uqkaf.ka É;% yd rpkd ,nd.ekSu

m%;sM,h( cd;sl uÜgñka m<uq ia:dkh ,nd ;sîu

Activity: Participated in art and essay competition on the theme of inequality

Objective: obtaining drawings and Essay from youth on Inequality

Results: Won the 1st place at the national level competition

nraw;ghL : rkj;Jtkpd;ikia mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L elhj;jg;gl;l rpj;jpug;Nghl;bapy; gq;Fgw;Wjy;

Nehf;fk; : rkj;Jtkpd;ikia mbg;gilahf;f; nfhz;L ,isQh;fsplkpUe;J rpj;jpuq;fs; kw;Wk; fl;Liufis


ngWNgW : Njrpa kl;lj;jpy; Kjyhk; ,lj;ij ngw;Wf;nfhs;Sjy;

cd;Ska w;r iycSjkh yd iduh

f.dv ke.Su'
Peace Building efforts through
Unity & Reconciliation
,dq;fSf;fpilapy; rkhjhdk; kw;Wk;
ey;ypzf;fj;ij fl;bnaOg;Gjy

01 ls%hdldrlu (ó.uq mqrjeis lñgqj

wruqK( wms%fh,a 21 m%ydrfhka miqj ó.uq ck;dj w;r ixysoshdj f.dvke.Su

m%;sM,h( cd;ska w;r .egqï wju lr.ekSug yelsùu

Activity: Building the Negombo Citizens Committee

Objective: Building reconciliation among the people of Negombo after the April 21 st attack

Result: Reduce ethnic violence in Negombo area in the post Easter Bomb attacks

nraw;ghL : ePu;nfhOk;G gpui[fs; xd;wpaj;ij fl;bnaOg;Gjy;

Nehf;fk; : rpj;jpiu 21k; jpfjp jhf;FjYf;F gpd;G ,dq;fspilNa ey;ypzf;fj;ij fl;bnaOg;Gjy;

ngWNgW : ,dq;fspilNa Kuz;ghLfs; Fiwe;jik

2. Activity: Villege level awareness on reconciliation

3¡ ó.uqj m%foaYh wjg nhsn,a mdG mqjre m%o¾Ykh

Exhibition of bible Verses around Negombo Area

ePu;nfhOk;G gpuNjrj;jpy; ghpRj;j Ntjhfk gjhijfis fhl;rpg;gLj;jy;

04 wms%fh,a 21 jk Èk ;%ia; m%ydrfhka ñh .sh ish¨ fok isyslsÍu fjkqfjka uehs 21 myka ±,aùu

Light the lamps to commemorate all those who died in the terror attack on the 21 st of April

rpj;jpiu khjk; 21k; jpfjp Fz;Lj;jhf;Fjyhy; ,we;j egh;fis epidT$h;e;J jPgNkw;wy;

5¡ i¾j wd.ñl iuq¿j Conducting the multi Religious Seminar rh;tkj khehL

6¡ wka;jdohg tfrysj ukqIH;ajfha wNsfhda.

Discussion on the challenges of Humanity Against extremism

mbg;gilthjj;jpw;F vjpuhd kdpjhgpkhdj;jpd; rthy;fs;

mqyqKq jevigyka yd
cd;Hka;r iïnkaO;d

Training Programs &
International Relationships

gapw;rpfs; kw;Wk; rh;tNjr


01¡ ls%hdldrlu (UPR jevuq`Mjg iyNd.sùu

wruqK ( Ys%S ,xldjg ,nd oS we;s ks¾foaY ms,snoj idlÉcd lr th ls%hd;aul lrjd.ekSug mshjr .ekSu

m%;sM,h (UPR ks¾foaY ls%hd;aul lrjd.ekSu ioyd flaIa;% jd¾;d f.dvke.sS ;sîu

iA:dkh( fld,U

Activity: Attending the Workshop of UPR

Objective: Discuss the recommendations given to Sri Lanka and take action to implement it.

Result: Build up reports on implementation of the recommendations

nraw;ghL: G+Nfhy fhy kPsha;T rpghupRfs; njhlh;ghd nrayku;tpy; gq;Fgw;Wjy;

Nehf;fk; : ,yq;iff;F toq;fpAs;s rpghupRfs; njhlh;ghf fye;Jiuahb mtw;iw nraw;gLj;jpf;nfhs;tjw;fhf eltbf;if vLj;jy;

ngWNgWfs; : G+Nfhy fhy kPsha;tpy; ,yq;iff;F toq;fg;gl;Ls;s rpghupRfis epiwNtw;wpf; nfhs;tjw;fhf Jiwrhh;e;j
mwpf;iffis jahhpj;J ,Uj;jy;

,lk;: nfhOk;G

2¡ ls%hdldrlu ( udkj ysñlï mqyqKqj meje;aùu

wruqK( udkj ls%hdOrhskaf.a wdrËdj ioyd f.dvke.S we;s cd;Hka;r yd foAYsh hdka;%K ms,snoj oekqu j¾Okh

m%;sM,h (cd;Hka;r yd foAYsh hdka;%K ms,snoj oekqu ,enq 35lska hq;= lKavdhula f.dvke.s ;sîu

i:dkh( is,ajdia fydag,h l=vdmdvqj

Activity: Conducting Human Rights Training

Objective: To enhance the knowledge of international and local mechanisms for the protection of human
rights defenders

Result: To have 35 members team with international and local mechanisms knowledge

nraw;ghL : kdpj chpikfs; nraykh;it elhj;Jjy;

Nehf;fk; : kdpj chpikfs; ghJfhg;Gf;fhf cUthf;fg;gl;Ls;s rh;tNjr kw;Wk; Njrpa nghwpKiwfs; njhlh;ghf mwpit

ngWNgW : rh;tNjr kw;Wk; Njrpa nghwpKiwfs; njhlh;ghd mwpitf; nfhz;l 35 Ngh; nfhz;l FO fl;bnaOg;gl;bUj;jy;

03¡ ls%hdldrlu( ms,smSkfha w;aoelSï yqjud/ jevigyk ioyd iyNd.s ùu

wruqK( nyqcd;sl iud.ï úiska bvï w;am;a lr.ekSu ksid ëjr iy f.dúhkaf.a ck cSú;j,g we;s ù ;sfnk .egÆ yÿkd .ekSu
iy fmdaá isáfha w;aoelSu fnod.ekSu

m%;sM,h( ms,samSAkfha .%dóh ck;djf.a we;s .egÆ yd tajd úiod.ekSug Tjqka wkq.ukh lrk Wmdhud¾.

Activity: Participated in the Philippine Experience Exchange program

Objective: identity the problems faced by Fisheries and Peasant Communities due to land grabbing by
multinational companies

Result: Identifying the problems and strategies of the Philippine people and shared our experiences based on
Port City.

nraw;ghL: gpypg;igd;]; ehl;bd; mDgtg;gfph;T epfo;rpapy; gq;Fgw;Wjy;

Nehf;fk;: gy;Njrpa fk;gdpfshy; fhzp mgfhpf;fg;gl;Ls;sjhy; kPdt kw;Wk; tptrhapfSf;F Vw;gl;Ls;s gpur;rpidfis

ngWNgW: gpypg;igd;] ehl;bYs;s gpur;rpidfs; kw;Wk; mth;fs; Nghuhl;l cghatopfis mwpe;Jnfhs;Sjy;

4¡ ls%hdldrlu ( wdishdkq fi!LH ixúOdkfha wOHhk pdßldj

wruqK( YS% ,dxlSl ck;djf.a foksl cSú; yd ixialD;sh ms,snoj yÿkd.ekSu

m%;sM,h( YS% ,dxlSl ck;djf.a foksl cSú; yd ixialD;sh ms,snoj yÿkdf.k ;sîu

Activity: Study tour of the Asian Health Institute in Negombo

Objective: Identifying the daily life style and culture of the people of Srilanka

Result: Recognizing the people’s life and culture

nraw;ghL : Mrpa Rfhjhu mikg;G ,yq;iff;fhd fstpIak;

Nehf;fk; : ,yq;ifapYs;s kf;fspd; ehshe;j tho;f;ifepiyia fz;lwpjy;

ngWNgW : ,yq;if kf;fspd; ehshe;j tho;f;ifKiwia kw;Wk; fyhrhu tplaq;fis mwpe;jpUj;jy;

5¡ ls%hdldrlu( f,dal ëjr ck;d iïfï,kfha ksfhdað;hkaf.a meñKSu

Activity: Meeting with World Forum of Fisher People’s CC members

nraw;ghL: cyf kPdt rk;Nksdj;jpd; gpujpepjpfspd; tUif


Thank You


jd¾;dj ms,sfh, lsrSu( oSmd iqNdIsKS lu,kdoka" iïnkaëldrsld

f;dr;=re iemhSu( úkaika finia;shka" icSjl

oskh( 25 ud¾;= 2020


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