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Continuing 5.rl.

MUTAMTS B y Dan Gutman EF speaks with Steve Landrum
abou t his red hot Starpa th game .... ...... .. .. ..... ....... .... .... ..... . 20
ahead with Greg GUfeather 's computerized version of Bat-
t leshlp ...... ...... ... ........... ..... ........ .... ..... .. ............. .. ............ ~
COMING AnRACTIONS By Randl Hacker , Suzan Prince
and Mark Trost A sneak preview of this year's hottest arcade
and home games as seen at two of the Indus try 's biggest
shows. Also: Q-Bert. Time Pilot, Quan t u m , Pole Position and VOICE VS. VOICE By Howard Polskln First movies talked
Buck Rogers: EF predicts the arcade win ners and losers for and now games do. Should video games be see n and no t
the year to come ... .......... .............. ... " .... ... .. ... ......... .......... 26 heard? Read the Great Debate between Intellivoice and
FUTURE FACT/FUTURE FAH'TASY: HOLOGRAPHY By Odyssey's T he Voice and decide .... .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. .. ....... .. .. .... 40
Josh Martin We've got a hologram for! Holograms are THE DIG APPLE II By J ules Gilder Computers are becom ing
3-0 photographs and can be used In games. In fact. as American as Apple II. Read all about the Apple II and decide
Gunsmoke, a holographic game. Is already a vailable . Are whether the first computer should be your first com puter? .74
holograms the picture of what's coming In games? T he first in
a series on the future .... .. .... .. ....... ....... .. ........................ .. .. 68

HITS 6 MISSILES Dan Gu tman dances to Jou rney

Escape . .. Michael Brown figh ts Space Wars . .. Marc Ber-
RIPOFF'S DELI EVE IT OR. NOn By Randl Hacker Obscure man battles A d vanced D ungeons a nd Dragons and Art Levis
untruths and little known fallacies about video games. For ex- proves that games do Type & T ell. Plus Kid Grid. Amok.
ample: Who Is Calvin Lou ie and why does he say "Ping" and Cosmic F ig h ter and other computer games .. ......... .. ... .... .... 5&
" Ka-pow?" ...... .... .... ...... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... .... ... ...... ... ..... .. ..... ...44
WHA IN A NAME By Ed Hulse It Is n't whe ther you win or
lose, It's how you name the game. A little history on how some
of your favorite games got their tltles and what, if anything, Edltotlol A word from the editors .. ........ ....... .. ...... .. ............ 6
their names were before .. .... ... ...... .. ... .. ... .. .. ......... .. .. .......... 52 We welcome your feed back .... .... ..... ... ..... .. ..... ....... .&
PARLEZ·VOUS DASIC? By Randl Ha cker OuI or non? After N.W' Products The latest In equ ipme nt .. ... ............. ..... ..... iO
reading this article you 'll be well on you r way to speaking Glltch.s An Irreverent gazette of gaming news ..... ........ .... . i 2
computer like a native. In this chapter you 'll learn to make EFG nm.s You read it here first ..... ... ........ .... ... .... ..... ........ i 5
your computer talk back to you. The first in a series ............ 7& Scr. .nPloy Michael Blanchet's s trategy tips .... .. .. ...... .. .... i&
Input/Output Got a question? We've got the answer .. ....... 36
Top T.n The most popular In arcade and hom e ........ ...... ... ...a sTips Your hints for h igher scores ... .. ...... .. .. .... .... 56
A ShoW' of T he la tes t In games-to-go .... .. .. .. .... e&
Th. E.A.T. R.port Jens von der Heide on games .. ... .. ... .. ..90
Top 1'he latest In gaming gossl p ..... .. ........ .. ....... ....9&
In the STAR WARS JEDI ARENA, per- your instincts. In no time at all you 'll be a
fecting the skills needed to become a JEDI MASTER, ready to go saber to
JEDI MASTER takes concentration saber against any opponent who
and practice. dares to do battle with you.
Use your LlGHTSABER to direct Play the STAR WARS JEDI
the attack of the whirling SEEKER . ARENA home video game.
But stay alert, your adversary Alone or head-to-head. The
can attack at any time. So follow challenge awaits you.

®. TM & c Lucas/ilm Ltd . 1982/ Parker Brolhers autllOnzed user. 1982. Parker Brolhers. Beverl y. MA 01915
Publishe r and Editor-in·Chief
ASSOCiate Publisher

Tomorrow••• it's Senior Editor

Managing Editor


Contributi ng Editors
The first video games were pretty primitive: two paddles SUZAN PRINCE.
and a point of light that acted like a ball. Still. at the time. WALTER SALM.
it was pretty hot stuff. But after a while. the audience
demanded more complexity and so technicians went to Copy Editor
work developing games that had more than one moving
object and several levels of difficulty. Creative Director
Still. the audience soon got bored with that and the cry PETER PALAZZO
came for games that would out-sophisticate even the new Art Director
generation of sophisticated games. Once this had been MARJORIE CRANE
accomplished through games like Zaxxon. what did the Assistant Art Director
future hold? Doomsayers ran around yelling that there FRAN FIFIELD
was no future. Video games. they said. had beed taken to
Art Staff
the pinnacle of sophistication and that was all the further DEBBIE KRIGER. DAVE KING.
they could go. The heights had been reachecL There was DANNY LOUIE. SANDI MILLER.
nowhere to go but down. YOUN(;JA PARKER
But video games people are a stubborn bunch and even
as this cry was echoing around the land, they were busy Production Director
disproving it. Some of the games in store for you next
year. for example. will knock your socks off. A wedding of Production Assistant
computer technology and laser disc technology promises to CONNIE JACKSON
open up a whole new era in the area of 3-D and realistic Typesetting
graphics that makes Zaxxon pale by comparison. The KATHLEEN MOONEY.
spaceship you control will be rendered through computer CHARLES HUCKABEE
graphics but the background will consist of actual photo- Circu lation Director
graphic footage Of space. planets. meteors and spacecraft. DAVID OBEY
like something out of Star Wars. And things can only go up Circulation Manager
from here. Imagine playing a game of video football in EMELIA OLESON
which you control the Rams and Jets and call the plays.
Direct Sales Manager
It·s not too far off. KAREN LERNER
There is a future for video games and thatfuture is now.
Assistant Circulation Ma nage r
Advertising Director


~ A.. "
Advertising Sales Representative
f "]
Western Regional Manager
Fun AI: Gamel Publishing Inc. Presid ent: Ri cha rd Ekstract. Vice President. General Manager , Claude P. SHELLEY FUNES
Shee r. Direc tor of Finance : Neal C. Vila le.
Advertising Offices East Coast. Zoe Aquilla. William O·Brien. 350 East 81st St. . New York. NY 10028 (212) Advertising Coordinator
7344440. W est Coast , Shelley Funes. 3 757 Wilshire Blvd .. Suite 202. Los Angeles. CA 90010. JAYNE PORRAZZO

Electronic Fun wllh Computers and Gam es is publi sh ed m o nthly by Fun & Games Publishing Inc .. 350
Accounts Receivable
East 81 st Street. New York. NY 10028 (212)-734 -4440) . Annual (12 Issues) subscriplion rate ror U.S. only is EILEEN KINDERG
SI9.97 . Add S4 .00 ror Canadian and S20.00 ro r ror elgn order s. Payment. (VISA. Master Card. c heck or
money order) must accompany all orders. Applicati on to m a il at second·c1ass pos tage rales is pending a t
© 1982 by Fun & Ga m es
New York. NY and at additional maili n g offices. Postmaster send cha nge of address to: Electronic Fun with
Publishing I nc. All rtghts r eserved.
Computers and Gam es. P.O. Box 947. Farmingdale . NY 11737.
Prtnted In U .S.A .

Vaporize the Burwors, Chase the Kamikaze crazies & Laser Ships,
Wo rluk,

Until the Ultimate: The sometime- Deadly Subquark Torpedoes ,

visible/ sometime-invisible Wizard
Trust no one.
Wizard is designed so two may
play at the same time , And since
all's fair in Wor, even your best
friend can zap you,
Now we don't want you to freak
out totally; but if you're still up to the
challenge, top the all-time, high
And finally: The dreaded
score 99,500 by Frank Merollo
Neutro n Flagship ,
(10/ 82) and Buz Pryzby ( 8/ 82),
GORF Gorf's not easy; There's only ONE
So you're hot stuff at video Can you hold up under the vulnerable spot on the Flagship,
games? Joysticks melt in your challenge of four different boards But don't let a little neutronium
hand? Don't let it go to y our in one game? At nine different bomb stop you from hitting it,
head, Try mastering Wizard of levels? Try and beat the high
Wor and Gorf, the two Bally/ Mid- score of 32 ,700 by Horace Ecker-
way arcade hits you can now strom ( 9/ 82 ). No sweat? WelL
play at home, They're new from what if we told you each level
CBS Video Games, was faster than the last? Next
Both are made for the Atari® time you'll think before you
Video Computer System'Mand speak, But now you must face :
Sears® Video Arcade ,rr~
Dare you enter the Wizard's
diabolic dungeon where doom
lurks at every turn? Can you keep Now that you know what to
your composure as the Wizard's expect. are you still up to the
henchmen try eating you , , challenge of Wizard and Gorf?
ALIVE? Fight back, Use your
radar screen, Gorfian bombs,

0 1982 CBS Inc. "Se ars" and "Sea rs Video Arcade" are trade marks 0 1Sea rs Roebuc k and Co "Alan" a nd "Alari Video Co mpute r
System " are trademarks of Alori. Inc "Gorf" and "Wlza rd o f Wa r" a re registe re d trademarks 01 Bally/ M Jd way Mig Co

just gushing praise. Mike Blanchet's country on the same day. In the
review of Raiders oj the Lost Ark Juture, we will have a drawing oj
was an excellent example of ob- winning entries, so everyone has
jective reviewing. an even chance oj winning.
Your article on the Timex Sinclair
1000 (November) mentioned a
number of suppliers of software as
well as publications and a news-
'---_i_i_i_ ------'I L--I_ '_"_i_-----'
letter devoted to the computer. STOP TEN
However, the article failed to give ON THE OTHER HAND ... I was very disturbed by the fact
complete addresses for the readers You people give four joysticks to that you omitted the Top Ten from
to get any of this material. just about everything! What is the your second issue. Video game
Roger Kidwell point of reviewing games if you're players like to read the charts just
just going to say everything is like pop music lovers.
You are right, and a number oj great? Marcia Krell
readers requested this inJormation. Dick Goggins
Anyone who sends us a self- We agree. From now on, the Top
addressed stamped envelope will Oddly enough, many oj our Ten is here to stay and gets a page
receive a list oj companies selling December games got rave reviews to itself.
software and literature Jor the TS
while the games we reviewed in
the January issue didn't do very
well. We pledge to call 'em like we
see 'em, as we always have.

I saw a review of Microwave , a

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY game you rated excellent, by
In regard to the letter you printed Cavalier Computer Corporation. Can
about equal time (November), I you give me their address?
would like to state that I agree. It Bob Jacobs
seems like no other magazine has
ever heard of Odyssey or Fairchild. I Sure. P.O. Box 2032; Del Mar; CA
adJnire your conSideration for your 92014.
readers and I think yours is the best
magazine at present.
Chris Ward


My brother and I are both hooked
on PilfaW 1 am also enjoying your
WOW! POW! magazine very much. Boy! I never
I like your magazine somewhat MORE CONTESTS knew there were so many different
better than the others. In the others, Enclosed is my Name That Game video games.
many articles talk down to the Entry. I like these contests, but it Aileen Quinn
reader with "wow-pow" and " don't would be more fair if you had a
miss this item" hype. Another pet lottery of all winning entries, in-
peeve of mine is game reviews. I stead of fIrst come fIrst served. WriLe Lo us!. We can 'L promise Lhal
know advertising dollars are large Evan Grossman we'lI answer every leller. bUl we will
read lhem all. We welcome your
and a bad review can rock the boat,
comments. advice and questions.
but the consumer deserves a clean We agree. Due to circumstances Send your leLlers lo: Electronic Fun,
shake. Thanks for giving me both beyond our control, EF does not hit 350 E. 8Isl SL , New York, NY 10028
negative and positive opinions, not the newsstands aLL over the

8 FEBR U ARY 1983

THE MINDMASTER. But Be Warned! 11Ie Supercharger™
Gives the MindMaster an Unfair Advantage.
Escape from the
Mindmaster'" is the newest
Supercharger'" game from
Starpath:" And it uses all the
extra game playing power
that the Supercharger'·
gives your Atari~Video
Computer System .'" For
the most exciting, most
challenging action you've
ever encountered .
The exclusive Multi Load'" feature takes you through
seven unique gamescapes-each with its own action
and graphics- the equivalent of several conventional
game cartridges. It's like getting an LP instead of a 45. ATARI ' and Video Computer System ~ are Irademarks of Alari , Inc.
But since Escape from the MindMaster~ and all STARPATH CORPORATION is nol associaled with Alar;' Inc.

Duttons, slides and the

shirt on your back
T-Shirts, Jerseys
If you see somebody walking down
the street with a Turbo. Zaxxon or
Frogger T-shirt on. and the T-shirt
isn't made by The Athletic Sup-
porter. then somebody's in you will re-
trouble. The Athletic ceive the piC-
Supporter owns exclu- tures in the
sive rights to the man- mail. You have
ufacture of those shirts the option of
and jerseys in the U.S. ordering black
and Canada. The shirts & white prints as well. The program
are 50 % cotton and 50 % is also being developed for other
polyester and are available computers.
for adults and children. Visual Horizons. 180 Metro Park.
Shirts-$10.95 for adults. $9.95 for Rochester. NY 14623.
children. Jerseys-$12.95 for
adults. $11.95 for children.
Specify your size. The Athletic
Supporter. 27591 Schoolcraft VESTRON VIDEO
Rd .. Livonia. MI48150. How To Beat Home Videa Games
(313) 261-8798. $39.95

LEBO/PEERLESS Computer Slides
Carry Case Computer photogra-
Over the river and through the phy is here. Owners
woods to grandmother's house we of Apple computers
go ... but what about our video who design graphics
game system? Can you imagine or charts or what-
going away for a week without it?! have-you on their
Now. if you own an Atart VCS computer screens can
anyway. you don't have to. This now capture those images
case holds the console. joysticks. on 35mm color slides.
paddles. instruction booklets. wires By simply hooking your
and eight cartridges. It is made of computer up to a modem \
unbreakable molded plastic. Who (which accesses a compu-
knows-grandma might get ofT on ter at Visual Horizons) and
Yars' Revenge. then pressing a few buttons. a
Lebo/Peerless. 60 West St.. photo is snapped of the image on
Bloomfield. NJ 07003. the screen and. a few days later.

10 FEB R U A R Y I 983
You've read all the "How
To Beat . .. " books. But they're
books. and if you reaLLy want to get
good. you have to watch somebody
play. This series of videotapes (Beta licensed the rights
and VHS) takes a group of popular to Turbo and developed
games and gives you valuable this expansion module so now
scoring hints on your own TV you can do all the driving you
screen. Twenty gaIJ1es are discussed want without leaving your living
on each tape. among them-Space room. The expansion module plugs
Invaders. Chopper Command. into the ColecoVision. has a foot
Frogger. ·De1JlOn Attack. The pedal for acceleration. a steering
wheel and a gearshift which
is operated through the roller
controller. Other driving
games from Coleco will follow.
Coleco. 945 Asylum Ave ..
Hartford. CT 06105.
Fingertip Controller $19.95
Man does not live by joystick
alone. Some arcade games. easy to
Asteroids for instance. use master due to its
buttons. Some people like logical layout. It has a
them. others don·t. If you 6-toot cable and can be either
prefer buttons. now you can hand-held or placed on a table. Left
use them for your home handed models are also available.
video games. This new The Fingertip Controller plugs into
Fingertip Controller gives your Atar! VCS. Sears Tele-game.
you rapid fire action and ' Atar! 400/800 or Commodore VIC-
quick directional changes. 20 computer.
The versatile directional KY Enterprises. 3039 E. 2nd St..
style button configuration is Long Beach. CA 90803.

Empire Strikes Back. Lost Luggage.

Donkey Kong. Asteroids and many
Vest ron Video. 911 Hope St.. P.O.
Box 4000. Stamford. CT 06907.

Driving Module $60
Driving games were some of the
first really popular arcade games.
Up until now. if you had the urge to
drive. you had to drive out to the
arcade to do it. Fortunately. Coleco

A comical catch-all
of odds and ends
should be declared does rob the house of that
hazardous to your health, certain learned look that
too, because we know comes with dusty and
we've suffered from one aging tomes stored behind
(or all) of those symptoms glass on dignifled ceiling-
What? Our editor was, after a hard day at the to-floor bookcases. The
Look in naturally, nonplussed. office. Never mind. Will second institution that is
the Book How could this be? It was
tempting, after all those
this be the start of a
campaign like the non-
on its way out because of
this rush to com-
You never realize how times that operators have smoking campaign? Will puterization is the
much you rely on com- admonished us to "Please we soon see playing and traveling salesman. Will
puters until one of them use the book flrst," to tell non-playing sections in this move to put
goes down. Recently, one the operator herself to use restaurants and airplanes? everything on-line spawn
of our editors needed to the book! Maybe. Anyway it
fmd a telephone number. all seems moot.
As the Yellow Pages were Based on our own
not handy (and, even if Twenty private research.
we've found that
they had been, ChanCeS@))
are she wouldn't have l) ;
Grade A games aren't
used them), she called
infonnation for the, well,
Cartridges hazardous
all . .. provided

infonnation. ''I'd like the No sooner do you start you don't smoke
number, please, of . . . .. having fun with them.
''I'm sony," came the something than someone
nasal reply, "our com- comes out with the news
puters are down and we that it's bad for you. So it The World
can give out no telephone came as no surprise that
numbers at this time(fj)
'" C. Everett Koop, the
Disk En-
surgeon general of the
United States would
declare video games Two American
hazardous to the institutions are be-
health. According ing threatened with
to Koop, psychia- extinction and they both a whole new genre of
trists are already have to do with the ency- jokes? For example: Did
seeing "aberra- clopedia. The first has to you hear the one about
tions of childhood do with the volumes them- the traveling computer
behavior" result- selves. The World Book and the farmer's
ing from the is now available for daughter?
games. Symptoms consumer use through
brought on by the
games, he says, in-
CompuServe. the data
base. The on-line World
B-52 Bummer
clude "tension, Book will enable computer If you think war is fun,
sleeplessness . . . users to refer to any part wait until you try the
and dreams that or the 10 million word text latest state-of-the-art war
have something by simply searching simulation games
to do with the through a comprehensive currently availab!e in
things they have listing or more than military base arcades
been doing all 31.000 subject entries. across the country. This
day." Ir that's the Now. while this takes up new generation of flight
case, then work scads less storage space. it simulators uses CGI

12 FE B R U A R Y 198 3
new generation of TV sets
will, through the use of
those omnipresent
computer chips we've all
grown so fond of, be able
(Computer Graphics to automatically fine-tune
Imagery). The pictures the picture, correct the
generated are so realistic color and even provide
that dogfights 'can even be instant replay without a
staged. The pilots wear video tape recorder.
"G-suits" that fake the tug Apparently this will all be
of gravity and they accomplished with eight
emerge from the chips which will replace
simulated cockpit after parts found in today's TV
one of these exercises sets. What they'll do is
wringing with un- take the TV signal apart
simulated sweat. Right electronically and then
now these simulators are reassemble it. Computer
just a little beyond the chips will also be able to
finanCial reach of most store whatever images
consumers (running about have been on the screen
$29 million apiece as they for the last 10 seconds What we need are would you go about \I)

do) but don't worry. In a

and then replay those 10 computer chips that give organizing a jury of his hi-
few years you'll probably
be able to get them used
seconds on the top of the
screen while the action
us the option of taking
apart a TV show elec-
res peers? These were
some of the questions
for only about $10 million. continues below. Un- tronically ... and not raised at a recent trial in ~
fortunately, while the new putting it back together at Tennessee. It seems that ~
Future Shlock TV sets will change the
way you watch TV, they
all. Robert Moore, who was
accused of assaulting a ~
Chips are coming to TV won't change what you young woman, testified .t1~
and we don't mean EIik watch-the same old Where Were that, despite his victim's til
Estrada. According to the stuff-Laverne & Shirley, eyewitness Identification
National Enquirer, the The Facts oj Life. etc. You on the of him as her attacker, it
~~-~ Night of ... couldn't have been him.
Why? Because, according ~

Every once in a while, to Moore, he was playing ~


the law requires new Pac-Man at a convenience ~

interpretation. Things store when the crime ~
come up in trials that are, occurred. Does this im- ..Q
for all intents and pur- plicate Pac-Man as an
poses, without precedent. accomplice? Can our ::n
The Video game craze has loveable dot be entering ~
posed several new legal into the sordid world of :;::
questions, namely: Is (gasp!) Gangster Alley?
every Pac-man innocent One more legal question ~
until proven guilty? How for all you attorneys out 80
do you arrest a dot with there: If the defendant had E
no arms on which to place been playing a handheld c:s
handCuffs? Can a dot be version of the game, could 0
hanged twice for the same he be convicted of assault ~
crime and how? And how and battery pack?O .c:



In a late-breaking news

Arrives From Parker item, we have just

received word that Q-Bert,
the arcade game that
America is falling in love
with, has been licensed by
Parker Brothers. The
cartridge will be available
by the end of the year in
the Atari format. In Q-
Bert, you are a mangy-
looking character who
hops from cube to cube
on a geometric pyramid,
trying to change the color other weird creatures. 1<' or
of all the cubes while further information, see
aVOiding contact with our article on the AMOA
balls, coiled snakes and show in Chicago.

Stan Lee with Spiderman and Green Goblin.

iO-year old Wins PICK AXE
How many times has characters and countless
PETE Championship
this happened to you? others in the pages of Tony Scardigno of young man never won
You sit down at home for Marvel Comics. It's all a Weehawken, New Jersey, any gold before, but prior
a relaxing round of video stunt to promote the new was awarded one pound to this contest he had
games, when suddenly MarveVParker Brothers of gold (about $6,(00) for never ventured out of New
two guys burst into your collaboration, Spiderman. winning Odyssey's Pick Jersey, flown on an air-
living room dressed as The new game is com- Axe Pete Pjck-Off contest plane or vjsited a World's
Spiderman and Green patible with the Atari ves held at the World's Fair in Fair. When asked what he
Goblin? That's what and sells for $27.50. For a Tennessee. Tony beat out would do with the gold,
happened to Stan Lee, review, see this issue's four other finalists. all Tony replied, "I won't tell
who created those Hits & Missiles. older than himself. scoring my frie nds, because they
938 points in the com- would just bug me about
Robbie Hatch of Min- petition. Not only had the it. ..
Monthly neapolis, Minnesota. As
Contest you can see from his
photo, Robbie scored
The winner of our 9,999 (or more) in The
November contest was Empire Strikes Back. He
wins the cartridge of his
choice. This month ...
Zaxxon, for ColecoVision.
The person who sends us
a clear photo of his or her
TV screen with the
highest Zaxxon score by
February 10, 1983, is the
winner. Send entries to:
February Contest. Elec-
tronic Fun, 350 E. 81st
The top Empire score. St., New York, NY 10028. Tony Scardigno qfter the big Pick-Off.



Ross Valory, Steve Smith

ROCK VIDEO GAMES- and Jon Cain are big Imagic finds
video game fans them-
THE NEXT TREND? selves, making them a
natural for such a project. Bermuda
The group contributed a
First, it was arcade . song to the soundtrack of Andy Levine, 15, from
games that were turned TRON and drummer Needham, Massachusetts,
into home games. Then it Steve Smith is a Defender has owned the Atlantis
was popular movies. The champ-he regularly
next wave may very well scores over a million
be licensing hit rock and points in an hour.
roll songs and translating Journey Escape, in
them into home video which you are a band
games. The first game of member trying to run past
this type. Journey Escape frenzied groupies,
from Data Age. is in the managers and
stores this week. for photographers, is
$34.95. reviewed in depth in this
Journey, the lO-year-old issue's Hits & Missiles
San Francisco band, is a section. It is currently
phenomenal success. available in the Atari ves
fonnat only, but Data Age
is considering making the
game for Intellivision Andy Levine
owners, too. There are
also plans to turn it into cartridge by lmagic, for
an arcade game. just four weeks but
Journey Escape is the already he is the best
first in a series of rock and Atlantis player in the
roll releases from Data nation. Andy proved that
Age. The music industry recently in Bermuda,
has been hurting recently, when he scored a
some say because of the whopping 1.968,800
rise of video games. It will points in an hour. By
be interesting to see if the defeating four other
Journey, one the top rock and roll bands in the other video game finalists, Andy was able to
country, is the first one to go video game. manufacturers follow suit walk away with a nice
with rock and roll games little prize-$lO,OOO in
Their last six albums have Escape, their latest, sold of their own, and if so, can gold.
sold a million copies. five and a half million the mixed marriage of According to the
They have sold 15 million alone. Band members rock and roll and video designer of the game,
albums all together and Steve Perry. Neal Schon, games be a happy one? Dennis Koble, it is not
simple eye-hand coor-
the two correct offerings January 31, 1983. dinatlon that makes Andy
Imagic Holds you made at the Phoenix, the champ. "He's an
Si,OOO the Temple of Isis and the Con You exceptionally quick
Temple of Anubis. Then analyst of the game
Contest give the offering you made Spore S1.35? program and devised a
to the Sphinx and the one According to the Rand strategy to achieve the
Can you solve the Riddle at the Temple of Ra. Creat- Youth Poll, in 1981 the maximum points per
of the Sphinx'? If you can, ivity, as well as the correct average teenager spent minute that the game
big bucks may be coming answer, is important. $5.36 a week on enter- program would allow,"
your way from Imagic. To Send entries to: Riddle tainment. of which $1.35 Koble says. Part of Andy's
win, you just play game Contest, do [magic, 981 was for coin-op video technique is to always use
three on that cartridge University Ave., Los games. Boys from 16 to19 the side cannons, as
and describe your journey Gatos, CA 95030. Entries spent the most on video points are doubled that
through the desert and must be received by I games-$2.30 a week. way.

16 FEBRUARY 1983

Will Detroit jump on the
video game bandwagon
and start making cars
based on coin-op
characters? Unfortunately
not. Rod Powell of Salinas,
California made this Pac- Bugs and Drugs?
Car himself out of truck
fenders and Volkswagen
tops. He values the car at Young Doc-
$75,000 and says it's "too
valuable for transporta-
tors in Love
Rod Powell and his Pac-Car. tion." With Com-
Mome That 2. Lady Bug (Caleco) Invasion entirely, saying puter Games
3. Alien Invasion the manufacturer of the
Game Contest (Zircon)
4. Space Cavern (Apollo)
MatteI games was In-
tellivision, spelling Space
At the Illinois Medical
Center, the interns are hot
The response 'was 5. Pac-Man (Atart) Cavern. Space Caverns for a new game they play
overwhelming. In our fIrst 6. Laser Blast (Acti- and calling Super on the hospital's computer
issue we asked you to vision) Breakout just Breakout. terminal-Bugs and
name nine urrrnarked 7. Lost Luggage (Apollo) The first 110 correct Drugs. In the game, you
games. We have received 8. ~ 1 7 Bomber (MatteI) entries are the winners, have to dodge antibiotics
3,000 entries and they're 9. Super Breakout and they will be notified and hallway muggers to
still pouring in! Here are (Atart) shortly. Their names will reach the hospital's top
the correct answers ... Many of you got them be published next month. floor. Pictured here are Dr.
L Space Spartans all right. Common Thanks to everyone Fred Zar and his students.
(MatteI) errors-missing Alien who entered the contest. According to UPI, Dr.
Zar is an "infectious
Giants at The Empire disease fellow." We
JETS AND GIANTS Strikes Back. Lyons, in
addition to his 53 solo
assume that means Zar
has an advanced degree in
PLAY FROGGER tackles last year, won the
Jets team Jib-eating
infectious diseases and
not that he is contagious.
What do professional friendly match, Jets contest, consuming 34 in
football players do during defensive tackle Marty just three minutes.
extended player strikes? Lyons took on defensive A good time was had by
Quote of the
They play The Empire .
Strikes Back and Frogger.
end Gary Jeter of the all at Lenox Hill. Month
Quarterbacks Phil Simms "Someone told me it
of the Giants and Richard [Pac-Man] was a round
Todd of the Jets squared thing that gobbles up
off over at Lenox Hill money. I though that was
Hospital in New York Tip O'Neill."
recently to have some fun President Reagan
with the children in the
pediatrics ward. Simms, a Have you got an item Jor
member of the 1979 NFL the EFG Times? News
All-Rookie team raced events, game Ups, photos
frogs with Todd, who set and other information are
gladly accepted. Send
the Jets' single-season material to: EF, 350E. 81st
record for pass attempts St., New York, New York
(497) and completions 10028.
(279) in 1981. In another Better than Monday Night Football?



Jousting with
galactic ostriches
Similarity to the "Thrust" control
By Michael Blanchet used on most games. A tap or two
will get the bird airborn. If you stop
If you've tried your hand at Joust, flapping you start falling. But not
the latest from Williams, you've right away. Your ostrich will con-
undoubtedly been knocked otT your tinue to ascend and then hang
ostrich a few times. If you spent motionless just before falling.
countless hours observing seasoned Remember this!
Jousters in hope of discovering the defensively. Observe the riders as
secret method of success. I'm Hovering they exit the left side. After a few
willing to bet you found none. Controlled flight is the key to crossings you will be able to time
For those who are still scratching Joust. Continual slapping of the their appearance on the right. When
their heads, take a few steps back. Flap button will result in an un- they enter below you, stop flapping
In Joust, video returns to the days deSirable buildup of power. The idea and drop on top of them. Repeat the
of swords and sorcery. The player, is not to fly east to west, but north north/south flight until mounts
as a gladiator, mounts not an to south, dropping down on enemy move above you. At this point.
Arabian steed, but an oslrich. Using riders as they pass. To do this, either work the top section of the
a joystick and "Flap" button, the position yourself on high ground or screen by floating and dropping as
object is to protect your neck and in the air. the riders pass, or move to the
dismount as many riders as Hovering in one general area is bottom and implement the same
.possible. Unseating a rider is ac- easier and safer than cruising across strategy. You may find the bottom
complished by crashing into him. the screen to meet the enemy head easier, particularly if only a few
Before discussing strategy, a word on. I found that floating alongSide enemy ostriches remain. At the top,
about technique is in order. The the upper ledge on the right side is birds have a tendency to fly with
action of the Flap button bears little an ideal spot, both offensively and their helmets scraping the top of the
screen. Unless you are able to hold
as steady a course as they, you are
better off at the bottom. Don't worry
about confronting enemy riders.
Gain strategiC positioning and wait.
Once an opposing rider is
dismounted, his body becomes an
egg. Eggs will fall until they come to
a nest on one of the ledges. If left
unattended, an egg will hatch a new
rider. Eventually a bird will fly to
the rider and the two will take off.
For maximum points, catch the
egg while it is airborn. If you can't,
add points to your score by simply
running over it. If you are unable to
reach the egg immediately, don't
worry too much. Once a new rider
hatches though, make running over
him a priority target. Your greatest
enemy during the egg wave is your
Michael Blanchet meets the birds. Joust one of those things. own anxiety. 0

18 FEB R U A R Y 1 983
For peoRle wlao 1

lalee Illeir video


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Even if the game was a total loser, it would earn its place in video game history.
Fortunately, it's not a loser. Bright colors and Galazian-like action make Commie
Mutants into a white-knuckled grabber. The designer, twenty-year-old Steve Lan-
drum programmed the game for the Atari ves with the Starpath Supercharger.
We talked with Steve about Commie Mutants and his next game, Dragon Stomper.

EF. I'll bet COMMIE MUTANTS wasn't SL. It's a space shoot-out game. EF. Why did you make the eggs block-
your original title, There's a mother creature who, ac- shaped?
SL. Right. My working title was cording to our game catalog, is SL. The system I was programming
Galactic Egg. But that was just filled with irradiated vodka. She's for, the Atari VCS, is a fairly limited
temporary, I knew it wouldn't be laying eggs and creating an army of system in what it will do for you.
the final title, Communist mutants, They are go- With the knowledge that I have
EF. So where did COMMIE MUTANTS ing to try to take over the universe now, I would have spent the time
come from? and subject everybody to Com- and effort to make round eggs. But
SL. I can't take the credit. There munist rule. that was the first game I had writ-
was a discussion with the exec· ten for the system and while I was
utives at Starpath and the adver· wrtting the game, I was still reverse
tising agency about names for a engineering the system.
few of the games. Some of the sug- EF. What Is reverse engineering?
gestions were getting pretty way SL. We took a VCS, and we didn't
out and silly. At one point know anything about it except for
somebody said, "Hey, why don't the games other people had produc-
we just call it Communist Mutants ed. We essentially took it apart and
From Space?" That got a big round found out what made it tick, how to
of laughs and nobody took it get things to come up on the
seriously. After the meeting, screen, how to make sounds come
somebody came up to me and ask- out of it. We started from the bot-
ed me how I would feel about Com- tom up.
mie Mutants. I didn't know what to EF. The Starpoth Supercharger plugs In·
say-I didn't think he was serious. to the Atarl ves, What does it do?
But over the next few weeks, we SL. Two things, One, it allows you
did some surveys with kids. We to load games on cassette tape.
gave them a list of names and ask- Two, it expands the system's
ed them which ones they liked capabilities because it's got 6K of
best. Everybody said they liked Dragon St~'s moln character, RAM and 4K of ROM.
Communist Mutants From Space EF. How does the Supercharger work?
and so that had to be the name. EF. How did you come up with the SL. You plug the Supercharger Into
EF. How did you feel about that? characters? the VCS and a cable comes out the
SL. I was somewhat concerned. I SL. They evolved slowly. The initial back. You plug the cable into the
thought we might get into legal idea for the game-the egg field at earphone jack of any cassette
problems. I wasn't sure how the the top and the creature laying player and you're ready to go. Your
public would react and my parents eggs-was there from the begin- TV screen will give you instruc-
were really upset. They didn't ning. But the shapes went through tions like REWIND TAPE, PRESS
think it was appropriate. They quite a few changes. At first the PLAY and STOP.
thought I should protest. But the creatures were a single graphic EF. When I played the game, I ex-
name was an attention-getter and it with essentially no animation. The pected the tape to be spinning, but it
had a nice ring to it. It's one that first characters I drew looked a lot was stilI. Does this mean the entire
you just can't pass up, so I decided like Space Invaders. But I made game is contained on the Inch of tape
that I liked it. changes here and there. I started that is against the tape heads?
EF. What is COMMIE MUTANTS about? animating them. I made one look SL. No. The program gets loaded
like a bird-OappingHs wings and from the tape into the Super-
At left, Steve Landrum and friends. Oying around. charger, There are blue panels that
appear on your screen, and as they SL. Yes. I was irritated with
appear, the information is going some other games that
from the tape across the cable and have hundreds of varia-
into the Supercharger. When you tions and just one switch
stop the tape, the whole program is to call them all up.
in the Supercharger and you can EF. Can you give me a hint
play the game like any other ves to beat COMMIE MUTANTS?
ga me. SL. There Is a technique
EF. Do you program differently for the one of the other program-
Supercharger? mers discovered. If you
SL. Yes, it gives me several advan- put on Time Warp, p,ene-
tages. To start with, all the memory trating Fire and Guided
you're working with is RAM. That Missiles and have the
way the program can have a large switch set for fast ships,
amount of data at once. you can take out a whole
EF. What did you do in COMMIE row of eggs with one shot.
MUTANTS that you couldn't have done When your shot hits the
without the Supercharger? first egg, you move the
SL. It's hard to identify one specific joystick all the way to the
thing. It's more of an overall effect. left or right at the exact
But. for instance, the Supercharger impact time. It takes a lot
allows me to keep the scores of four of practice.
players in memory at once. In the EF. What about some of the
ves, when something is happening other options in COMMIE
on the screen, that's because right MUTANTS?
then, the program is telling it that
information, The program isn't do-
ing anything else but saying put
this shape here, put that color over
there and fill in this region this
way. One thing the Supercharger
does is allow us to rearrange how
the time is allocated. In the time
that is normally used for com-
pu ting, we can decide what the Above,DRAGON
screen is going to look like and STOMPER, surrounded
store an image of the screen in by rough sketch4ts that
memory. And then when it comes Steve drew before he
time to actually display the screen, finished the multllood
we just read it out of memory in- Atarl VCS/Supercharger
stead of having to calculate what game.
each line of the screen looks like.
EF. COMMIE MUTANTS is the first game option. You can pull back on the unable to put much animation into
I've seen that has slow motion. Why joystick and your ship starts glow- either of them. But by getting rid of
did you put that in? ing. While it is glowing, you can't one, it allowed me to give the re-
SL: The first time I put slow motion, be hit by enemy fire. maining one more color and anima-
or Time Warp, in, was when the EF. What is "penetrating fire"? tion.
program wasn't behaving the way I SL. A couple of people who were EF: I hear you're working on a new
wanted it to. One of the ways to testing the game said it was too game,
figure out just what was gOing hard to hit the mutant at the top of SL. I just finished it Tuesday. It's
wrong was to slow things down . the screen. So I programmed in called Dragon Stamper and it's a
When I first started working on the penetrating fire, which lets you hit role playing adventure game like
game, I was afraid it wasn't hard an egg in the bottom row and have Dungeons and Dragons. You're a
enough. But when I actually got the the momentum of the shot carry it warrior roaming the land and there
aliens moving around shooting, I through to hit whatever is above it. is a dragon deep in a cavern that
found it was much too hard. So Actually, I originally had two has stumbled upon an amulet. You
slow motion and the other options mutants at the top of the screen. have to pick up various items to in-
make the game easier to handle. Then it was really hard. crease your power. Then you enter
EF. All those options on the menu EF. Why did you get rid of the second the dragon 's cavern and avoid the
almost gives the player the idea he is mutant? traps he has laid for you. Finally
programming the game himself, SL. When I had two mutants, I was you have a battle with the dragon
SL. I'm not sure. It takes more
creativity and it's a lot more work.
It took about seven months to
design both Commie Mutants and
Dragon Stamper. but I put in very
long days on Dragon Stomper.
EF. Game designing isn't a 9 to 5 job?
SL. It can be. but rarely is over here.
You put in as many hours as you
need to complete the game. I've
never worked all night on a game.
but I have had 16 hour work days.
EF. How did you get into designing?
SL: It started in high school. One of
my freshman courses was in com-
SL. A lot more thought puter programming. The first com-
has to go into a game like puter I worked on was a Data
Dragon Stamper. You are General Nova . In my sophomore
leading the player year I started designing my own
through a kind of story- games and the next year I got my
book and the story is un- own computer. an Apple. I'm 20
folding as the game is years old now and I've spent most
played. No two games are of my life in Livermore. California. I
the same. Adventure was born in Mexico.
games are more difficult EF: How many games did you design
to design. before COMMIE MUTANTS?
EF. I understand it's a multi- SL. That's a hard one. I wrote a lot
load game. What does that of parts of games. but I'd usually

mean? get tired of them and never finish.
SL. A multiload game is a The only game I had sold was call-

ed Viper, for the Apple. About 20 or
.... game that
into the is tooall
system bigatto fit 30 copies were actually on the
once. So what you do is market before the rights were pur-
load the first part of the chased by Sirius Software. They
Below, Steve's big hit, COMMUNIST game into the Supercharger and ac- were coming out with a very
MUTANTS FROM SPACE. complish whatever goal has been similar game called SnakeByte and
set. Then you move the tape in the they wanted to avoid competition
and get the amulet. cassette to the next part of the with themselves. The very first
EF: How is an adventure game dif- game. game 1 wrote was a number guess-
ferent than a game like COMMIE EF. Do you prefer designing adventure ing game in which the computer
MUTANTS to design? games? came up with a number and you'd
have to figure it out in 10 or 20
EF. What did you play before video
games came along?
SL. I used to playa lot of chess. but
I had to give it up . I had learned a
few tricks that. would checkmate a
real novice in two or three moves.
They made you seem like you were
a lot better than you really were. I
got a reputation as a hustler, anp
people didn't want to play me
anymore. O
in fhe QrcQdes
A sneak peek at the year's top games

How would you like to tacular games turned up.

Astron Belt from Sega was thE
take a peek behind the hottest new game technology ex-
scenes at one of the ar- hibited . Part laserdisc and part
cade industry's biggest computer graphics. Astron Belt
puts your spaceship in the
trade shows? WeU, you foreground while actual photo-
can because we did. We graphic footage of space and space-
ships. planets and meteors fly by in
went to the AMOA the background. The dimension of
(Amusement and Music realism added through this tech-
Operator Association) nique is not to be believed. And. ac-
cording to Sega. you can expect to
show and we saw some see a game of this type sometime
fantastiC games-games this year.
Also new from Sega is Buck
that will knock your Rogers Planet oj Zoom. an in-
socks off. And they're aU credibly complex game which im-
due in arcades near you proves vastly on the 3-D effects first
brought to you in Zaxxon. You con-
very soon . .. trol a space ship which flies at
All the major manufacturers were astounding speed and must
represented and brought with them dodge enemy spacecraft. fly
not only games we've already seen
in the arcades (Donkey Kong Jr.
and Swimmer. to name two). but
also games that would be gracing
your neighborhood arcades in the
near future . And boy. are you in for
a great year! Needless to say. many
of the games themes seemed vague-
ly familiar if not exactly the same as
so many of the blockbuster games
of the past year but amid the many
shameless Donkey Kong. Dig Dug
and Pac-Man rip-offs. a number of
new. original and graphically spec-

26 FEBRUARY 1983
through narrow corridors and
destroy all manner of space debris.
The graphics are phenomenal and
the sense of speed and excitement
utterly unparallelled .
Another new game from Sega
was Monster Bash, a sort of
macabre Donkey Kong featuring a
gothic mansion, bats, Dracula and
other creatures of the night. Super
Zaxxon was also on display, a se-
quel to last year's smash hit. SZ is
very similar to Zaxxon. Too similar,
actually . We think a sequel should
go beyond the original. not
duplicate it.
Sega also presented TaclScan, a
game featuring brilliant vector
graphics and spectacular 3-D ef-
fects. In it. you are the commander
of a squadron who must destroy

A5TROH DELT, the first laserdisc arcade

game, Your spaceship flies past actual
photographic footage of rockets,
planets and streaking meteors, :l

Stunning graphics and spectacular
special effects characterized mony of
the new games exhibited at the
AMOA show. Below, SUPER ZAXXON and
BUCK ROGERS, both of which represent a
new dimension in three-dimensional ar-
cade games.

an evil alien empire and escape the

galaxy alive. Special effects in-
clude constantly changing
perspectives and a dramatic Space
Wrap Tunnel which places you
elsewhere in the galaxy.
From the people that brought you
Pac-Man comes ... Pac-Man. Or
rather, Super Pac-Man which in
our opinion, was a big disappoint-
ment. Other than eating apples and
becoming gigantic as the result of
ingesting power pills, the Pac-Man
game remains essentially the same
oral fixation it always was.
Midway's Domino Man,
Blueprint and BurgerTime were
also shown, with BurgerTime
leading the bunch as far as
originality and clever graphics go.
In this one you are a chef who must
construct hamburgers while
avoiding predators. You run up and
down ladders to release the various
ingredients which all fall to the bot-
tom and end up as a hamburger
deluxe. In Domino Man you set up
a domino chain (big deal) and in
Blueprint you're a hapless
carpenter trying to put together
some sort of unknown device. You
run into houses littered across the As expected, Atari had some celestial pOints of light. When the
screen and drag out parts which blockbuster entries. First. and most front of the line touches the tail end,
plug into spaces on the blueprint. beautiful. was Quantum, a vector an explosion occurs within the loop,
Every once in a while , a monster game which resembles Tempest in destroying whatever's inside.
jumps across. knocking loose a ll the its color scheme and graphics. Us- Also from Atari was: Millipede,
parts you've so painstakingly ing a trackball. you control a space son of Centipede, with the added at-
placed. lasso which you must wra p around traction of DDT bom bs: Liberator,

26 FEBRUARY 1983
which features a globe of the earth entered the video game field last which really demonstrated the
and Pole Position, an absolutely year with Eyes. QB-3 shows they're quantum leaps 3-D effects have
realistic driving game in which you here to stay. It's a vector game in taken in arcade technology . You
sit in a "car" and negotiate the hair- which you are trapped in a space pilot a helicopter and have to
pin curves of the Fuji Speedway. cube and must shoot points and destroy enemy copters as well as
The graphics are so realistic that stars of light. After clearing one side rescue floating paratroopers who
the background shifts position as of the cube, you actually rotate it to have (poor things) been shot down
you round curves, Mount Fuji ap- get to the next wave. It is an in- and are flailing around in the water.
credible game that is just The scenery is breathtaking.
slightly reminiscent of Also from Stern came Pooyan,
Robotron. which in Japanese means "little
Stern showed Rescue, an ex- pigs," This game deals with three
cellent helicopter rescue game little pigs protecting themselves
from wolves who, apparently, are
part-time hot air balloonists. The
third new entry was Dark Planet, a
feeble attempt at a 3-D game which
was nothing more than a hi-res
spaceship superimposed over a
drawing of a rock.
Unfortunately, Taito, which last
year gave us such innovative and
challenging games as Qtx and
Jungle Hunt, came up with only
two disappointing games. The first.
Pirate Pete, is simply a seagOing
imitation of Jungle Hunt without
the vine swinging sequence. At
least they freely copied from their
own game instead of copying some-
one else' s popular theme.
Also from Taito was a rather drab
combat game called Front Line in
which you, dressed in red, white
and blue (excellent camouflage),
battle enemy soldiers,
Nintendo, capital- •
izing on the Donkey
Kong success, intro-
duced Popeye, in
which you, Popeye,
run up and down
stairs catching Olive
Oyl's kisses and
avoiding Brutus.
While the graphics
are exactly like the
cartoon, the game
theme is nothing

pears and disappears and billboards

loom in the distance, readable only
when you get close enough (most of
them say "Atari," by the way).
Another star of the show was
QB-3 from Rockola. Rockola,
famous for its great pinball games,
One of the most exciting intro-
ductions came from Centuri. Called
Time Pilot. it takes the simple shoot
'em up fonnat and gives it a
wonderi'ul new twist-time travel.
You are a pilot and, when the game
begins, you are fighting bi-planes in
1910. Each screen after that takes
you to another time zone from 1940
through 200 1 where you must fend
off flying saucers.
On a more whimsical note is
Q-Bert from Gottlieb. Q-Bert is a
channing little character who is
mostly nose. His mission is to hop
from cube to cube 'on a triangular
formation that is floating in space, If
you jump off. Q-Bert falls into
blackness, shrieking. While he's
jumping, coiled snakes and bowling
balls fallon the steps as well. If
Q-Bert lands on the same step at
the same time as one of these un-
pleasant characters. he's crushed
and (and this is the best part) he
curses-a little balloon filled with
"#!?@$" appears and he makes
small. chipmunk-like sounds. If
1983 has a Pac-Man. Q-Ber! may
be it.
All in all. it looks like an explosive
year at the arcades and certainly
many of the introductions will be
-worth the expense of quarter, after
quarter, after quarter. 0

30 FEBRUARY 1983
F "t ur. Hits Future Misses
QB3 (Rockola) SUPER lAXXON (Sega)
Q-BERT (Gottlieb) MILLIPEDE (A tari)
BURGERTIME (Midway) POPEYE (Nintendo)
BLUEPRINT (Midway) SINISTAR (Williams)
RESCUE (Stern) MR. DO (Universal)

I \

Coming soon to an arcade near you (if they haven't already arrived), Stern's
POOY A~ (upper left), Atari's POLE POSITION (lower left), Stern's DARK PLA~ET I~ 3-D
(above left) and Centuri's TIME PILOT (above). Although many of the games were
good, not all of them will be winners. For our prediction of this year's hot titles ,
refer to the chart at the top of the page.


. ~~ On the home front:
hot home gQmes of 1901
This ye~r' s games revealed!
Dy Mark Trost and Suzan Prince
In January, the darkest trade secrets for the year to come are revealed
at the biggest trade show of all. Ordinary citizens are barredfrom enter-
ing but we were able to attend and we've chosen to Let you in on what's in
store for you in home games this year.
Say it again. Sam! The features a full typewriter keyboard Monkey Music. Alpha Blast.
hottest hardware of all are and is compatible with all 400/S00 Oscar's Trash Race and Cookie
voice and speech synthesis software. Other assorted product in- Monster Maze.
peripherals. Most of the ma- troductions included the Voice of
jor manufacturers nowadays Atari. a speech and sound syn-
are into artificial voice add- thesizer for the 5200 game unit. In addition to three new games.
ons or sound-enhanced car- Expect to see an externally Spectravision introduced its new
tridges_ In software. the news is redesigned Atari System 2600 VCS. under-$300 computer. The model
sheer quantity with dozens and The company decided to update its SV 31S will reach the market
dozens of new adventure. chase oldest model (circa 1977) for sometime in March with 14
and space games-enough to decoration purposes only. replacing peripherals including a $499 dot-
satisfy the worst (or the best) addict. the wood grain finish with slcek. matrix printer. a seven slot super
This year. to be sure. you'lI be ex- black hi-tech plastic much like the expander. a dual channel cassette
periencing new games from proven System 5200. The price remains at drive and a drive, It comes
sources like Atari and Activision. $ 130. and may even drop in com- with 32K RAM built in and can be
but there are lots of new guys on ing months. expanded to as much as 144K
the block. A trackball-type controller (which RAM.
also sports joystick and keypad con- Also available is a $ 129 sensor
Atori trols) has also been unveiled for thc touch graphic tablet which.
New from the industry leader. VCS. as well as a special handset through the use of a light pen,
Atari. is a midsized com- for preschoolers and others with lit- enables users to render intricate
puter system that fits tle fingers. The latter is intended for graphic designs. Over 100 software
in-between the model use with Atari's new line of programs will be available through
400 and model SOO Children's Television Workshop- Spectra Video and. since the com-
in terms of price. based educational games. Five puter has a CP/M operating system.
The new system releases for ages three to seven thousands of other programs will
runs about $400. were demonstrated. including also be compatible with it.


almost gluttonous variety of car- others), Ultravision can accom-
Vectrex tridges asking players to defend modate selected programs compati-
Also on hand was the GCE Vec- their picnics from flies (ah-hah. they ble with Apple II. TI-99/4A, Atari
trex self-contained video game haven't given up on vermin yet). 800. TRS-80 Color and the VIC-20.
system with a new voice synthesis place cakes in boxes before they fall
interface plus six new high-res off the assembly line. and eat or get Porker Brothers
games including: Buster, the hair- rid of all of Mama's cooking before While Activision and Imagic
raising adventure of a guy bearing the table ... or player .. collapses. prefer to make up their own
the title name and his gal Molly: If you're on a diet you may want c haracters and game scenarios.
Flip-Out, a video pinball challenger: to steer clear of these ganles and go some companies have decided to
Fortress oj Narzod, where you to the movies. Many new game soft- stick with known commodities. As
must wend your way down a path ware entrants expanded on the in the past. Parker Brothers will
fraught with enemies and obstacles: character or movie-inspired car- base their 1983 games around
Soccer, with two variations (Soc k-It tridge motif by offering everything established arcade titles and
and Heads Up): Bedlam, a reve rse from Flash Gordon to Flesh characters such as Q-Bert.
Tempest challenge: and Web Warp, Gordon. Their first cartridge will also be
where you, as an innocent bal. All of this electronic fun (to coin a the Video game field's first pre-
must escape the evil clutches of a magazine's name) isn't limited to quel-Star Wars - The Jedi Arena.
nasty spider's web . the Atari 2600. Many software com- Here, Luke (that's you) attempts to
At least 22 software specialists. panies announced they will make master the light saber under the
from Activision to Zimag. were on their games available in the Intelli- guidance of Obi Wan Kenobi. For
hand showing virtually every con- vision and even ColecoVision for- the younger set, the company will
ceivable type of game from the mats. bring out the video adventures of
classic space battle program to the Strawberry Shortcake, quickly
already maligned "adult" cartridge. Ultravision followed by war-loving GI Joe. By
After taking it all in and playing it One newcomer is Ultravision, a summer time, James Bond and the
all out. some intercsting trends company that set out to offer Inc redible Hulk will be on hand in a
emerged. The success of Dungeons ultimate software compatibility. not pair of adventure g~es.
and Dragons has instigated a host just with Atari VCS products. but
of look-alike and play-alike games. with those made for the Apple II Imagic
The same goes for Zaxxon. Players and other systems as well. Ultravi- Imagic, which made itself a name
will have no trouble finding car- sion's new 8499 Video Arcade to be rec koned with via last year's
tridges offering variations on the System features a self-contained. Demon Attack for the Alari VCS
"running the gauntlet via space- one-piece console with a built-in
ship" theme. nine inch (diagonal) color display There were virtually hundreds of new
We've also noti ced game monitor (that's a real computer games as well as several new com-
deSigners ha ve stopped dissec ting monitor, folks-no TV hookup re- puter entries at the show_
ants, frogs and flies and started quired) and a special sound system. Above. ALIEN, FANTASTIC VOYAGE,
eating lunch. Th e numbe r of games With 64K RAM and a very advanc- TURMOIL and MEGA FORCE from Fox.
with food themes could easily feed a ed 6502 microprocessor (the same Right. Spectravlsion's new under-S300
small Africa n nation. There was an one used in the Apple II among computer.

34 FEBR UAR Y 1983

and Intellivision, announced as department stores when it
it will spread the wealth by Odyssey becomes available.
releasing the game in The biggest news from Odyssey's
Od yssey2, Atari 400/800 vantage point (besides a slew of Activision
and VIC-20 formats. In addi- new voice/sound- and color- Undoubtedly, the most awaited
tion, the company showed enhanced game cartridges) is the games are those from Activision.
Atari- and MatteI-compat- Odyssey3-a step-up full computer Since its inception, the firm has
ible versions of Dragorifire system retailing for around $200. shown constant innovation and
and said it will offer a dozen The system features high-resolution 1983 promises to be no exception.
Intellivision games before graphics, a full alpha-numeric type- The previewed programs promise
the end of the year. writer-style keyboard and best of to blitz the gamer by land , sea and
all, what the company calls "front- air.
CommaVid wards-backwards" compatibility By land it's Spider Fighter, a
Just in case you're still with the Odyssey2 home game Centipede-style game in which
hungry. how about taking system. That means the entire swarms of spiders hatch allover the
CommaVid's Cake Walk, Odyssey2 game library can be screen and turn a peaceful orchard
which finds you catch- played on the Odyssey3 and any into a war zone. The attackers try
ing cakes before they fall from games developed for the newer to steal your fruit and you have to
a conveyor belt? The com- model can be played on the use your remote control bug blaster
pany's game programmers Odyssey2. to get them before they get you . By
have also been playing Zax- Additionally, Odyssey3 contalns sea you'll see Seaquest. Here's one
xon and Dungeons and Dragons, terminal capability for remote game not recommended for claus-
as illustrated by spin-off introduc- database communication with such trophobics as video games reach
tions dubbed Stronghold and information networks as The new depths of excitement. You
Underworld. Source. Soon after the unit begins command a submarine sent to
shipping (around midsummer), rescue divers with treasure. Of
Data Age Odyssey will make available a low- course, you have to stave off the
Data Age spent most of the show cost telephone modem and an obligatory enemy subs and ship
showing off the first rock' n' roll Odyssey3-compatible Voice and crunching sharks before you suf-
video game, Journey Escape. The Sound Module. You'll find Odyssey3 focate! Finally, by air, there's River
game, which to the untrained eye in computer specialty stores as well Raid, an Apocalypse Now! inspired
would seem to be little more than game in which you fly over
another ves chase scenario, is -::. a river and attempt to
something different to the ~ destroy enemy bridges
trained ear. As the game pro- -=- and fuel dumps. At
gresses, those familiar with the same time that
the Journey album will - you do this, you
hear strains from the must avoid wave
group's hit songs. Also after wave of deadly
new from Data Age- enemy ships and
Bermuda Triangle, enemy choppers.
Frankenstein's Monster Continued on
and Secret Agent. page 92


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Do.s 400 + 000 .qual 5200'
~ I found your OUTPUT/lNPUT article very Interesting and AtaIi is selling the most. so there's no reason why they
. Informative. The only question I can't seem to find have to go to the added expense of making an adapter.
I on answer to is. What's the difference between on However, there will be a VCS adapter for the AtaIi 5200
Atarl 2600 and on Atari ves, and can you ploy cartridges system. That means you'll be able to play aU your
mode for on Atarl 2600 on on Atarl ves? I need this answer favorite 2600 games on the new system as well.
because I am planning on buying on Atarl ves and wont to
know If It Is worth It.
Mike Aragona

Thanks for the compliment. Now, regarding your

question, the AtaIi 2600 and ves are one and

the same. I know it's confusing to refer to them

by two different names. The term 2600 was put into
practice when AtaIi came up with their 5200 machine.
Both, you see, are technically ves systems (Video
Computer Systems) and the numbers are Simply used
to make the distinction between the two clearer.
Naturally, cartridges for the 2600 and ves are com-
patible. They're the same and, you'll be glad to know
that there are more cartridges available for the ves
(or2600) than for any other system currently on
the market.


Regards, Joy H. Wold. Please. eut it out and retitle
your column INPUT/OUTPUT. Also annoying as hell. Your

I idea of placing the answer before the question In ~Why Is It that the Independent software publishers
your OUTPUT/lNPUT column Is cute. I (I.e .. lmaglc, Activlsion, etc.) usually have gomes with
Dear 011 I superior graphics and gome ploy to thase sold by the

gome manufacturers themselves?
As you can see, we already have changed the Raymond Forbes
lUltlU Q&A order. We loved your letter. Illinois

That's a tough question. And we're not sure it

~ I've heotd about eolecoVlslon's expansion module
which allows you to ploy Atari ves cartridges on it,
mJ, always holds true. A long time ago, when Atari
was the only manufacturer making games for
but why doesn't Atarl make on expansion module their system, there was no point of comparison. That's
so that you can ploy other types of cartridges on on Atari one reason why AtaIi graphics didn't have to be out-
VeS? standing to sell. A second reason could be that AtaIi
Kermit Shannon Kwan has all the arcade titles. People tend to buy games
Mississippi based on their names and if they can get a, say,
Defender or Pac-Man to bring home, chances are

an Probably because all the other companies are

making expansion modules for Atari. See, AtaIi
has most of the games and most systems
currently owned are AtaIi units. As long as more people
own AtaIi, AtaIi doesn't have to make any expansion
they're not going to cast a critical eye on the graphics
at the start. Most independent companies don't have as
many arcade titles and have to compete against well-
known, popular games with games of their own that no
one has ever heard of before. For that reason, the in-
modules for other systems' cartridges. The reason dependents have to be sure their games offer something
people do that is to sell more of their own equipment. besides popular titles and what they offer is better game
According to Don Thompson of Arcadia (now Star-
path, by the way). you can use the Supercharger on
both the ColecoVision and 5200 adapters. As long as
the cartridge fits in the adapter. so will the Super-
charger unit.

play and better graphics. In addition. because they I own an Intellivislon system and I was wondering


don't have to work on hardware as well. they can II why Atari has so mony popular arcade titles in their
concentrate all their efforts on the software. cartridge line up and Intellivlslon has only one.
To be fair to Atart though. many of their newest Randy Pavlow
releases have had much better graphics than earlier Pennsylvania
carts did. Perhaps the competition is affecting them
now. Well. there's at least one logical reason and that

, is that Atart has a definite advantage over Mattei
because they have their own coin-op division as

Qj& I am thinking about getting an Atari 400

microcomputer. Is there a disk system that you can
use on It and can you use things Ooystlcks,
cartridges, etc.) from the Atari 2600?
well as a home game division (not to mention their own
computer division). Many of the most popular arcade
titles are from Atart in the fIrSt place and all the Atart
home division has to do is translate the game from
Doyle Detweiler coin-op to home format. They don't have to go through
Kansas all that licensing rigamarole that other companies do.

As far as disk systems go. the Atart 810 disk

riJ drive can be attached to the 400 computer but

only if it has a minimum of 16K. (The earlier
4OO's have less than 16K.) As very few games and
programs are available on disks with so little memory,
it might behoove you to invest in the Atart 800 which
can handle up to 48K of memory and for which the
added expense of a disk drive would be more sensible.
Spending $500 on a disk drive for a computer which
costs you under $300 seems silly. In regard to the
peripherals such as joysticks. all controllers from the
2600 can be used with both the 400 and 800 com-
puters. Cartridges. on the other hand. are not com-

Can you use the cartridges for the Atari 400/600

& 1

systems on the new Atarl 5200 Home Entertainment

System and can you use Arcadia's Supercharger on
the adapter for the Atari 5200?
Kevin Steiner -
Ohio G~~~~~/pffif!ltfl~@e~~£::l
No and yes. As with all the Atart consoles, the aoC!.J(!.JC!JW0®C!!J~~!!J @ eJ

cttJ cartridges are not interchangeable. Although

many carts for the 400 are compatible with the
800 (and vice versa) you cannot play 400/800 cartridge

games on the 5200. Carts for the 5200 are much bigger Do you have a question about video games or
and consequently. won't fit the cartridge slots on either computers that needs answering? Send your
of the computers. Many of the same games are questions to: Electronic Fun, 350 E. 81 st St.. New
available in both formats. though. York, NY 10028.

\t"s a (o\011~

Alari-isa trad
CoiecoVision:~rk of Atan "Inc
IS atradema r1t of Industries.
The Mattei-Odyssey talk-off
Like a .flock of chattering parrots, talking
home video games have fo und a roost in
the electronics marketplace. Mattel and
Odyssey have already created hard-
ware with cartridges that simulate
the sound of the human voice.

40 FEBRUARY 1983
voice system and vice versa.
Another difference is price: Ma t-
teI's Intellivoice costs $ 70:
Odyssey's The Voice is a bit more
expensive, with a suggested price
of $90.
Intellivoice is a much smaller,
These days not only does compact unit. It's slightly larger
talk tum to games, games than a paperback book and fits
tum to talk. Ever since som ewhat awkwardly into the right
the first video game, side of the console like an extra
Pong, went ping, all finger on a glove.
games have ha d sounds. The Voice looks more like a
Alien spacecraft go " Ka- gadget from Star Wars, The silver-
boom!" Crowds cheer home colored device sits snugly on top of
runs in video baseball. the Odyssey console. It's a bout
High-pitched alarms sound twice the size of Intellivoice, which
when a star base is under attack. is probably because the s peaker is
Golf clubs whistle through the built into the module. Intellivoice
air. But the new Mattei and Odys- does not use a speaker. Its sou nds
sey games are special. They come from your television 's
actually generate human-sounding speaker.
voices. T his adds a new, realistic On a cosm etic basis, Odyssey 's
dimension to video game playing. The Voice seems to be a m uch bet-
But is it really worth the expense? ter prod uct. Bu t the critical dif-
That's the question that everyone ference is the q uality of the sound .
(humans, not m achines) in the video After playing them both, my
game business is asking. opinion is that Intellivoice is the
One thing is certain: Consumers s uperior system. It sounds better.
are going to have to cough up m ore Its voices are more distinct and its
money to play voice games . The voice games are better conceived
most important- and expensive- and more fun to play.
feature of the new voice systems is However, Odyssey's voice games
the add-on module that a ttach es to seem to be aimed more at educa-
the game console. On both MatteI's tional rather than entertainmen t
and Odyssey's system s , this usage. The Odyssey keyboard takes
module is inserted into the car- users right into the entry levels of
tridge slots and volum e controls . working with computer terminals
There are differences , however. that they are likely to e ncounter in
Most importantly, MatteI's voice school or work. This could be a
games don ' t pla y on the Odyssey plus for parents seeking to bring a


. computer into the home under the to you to blast the enemy out of the sentence you can think of. After ten
guise of a video game. sky. Voices are clear and distinct minutes of healing your video
But which are the best voice throughout the game , but some are game say things to you that would
unnecessary. "Good shot" is a make a longshoreman blush, you
waste when you can clearly see might begin to realize the incredi-
that you've blown up an enemy air- ble educational possibilities of this
craft. "game."

3) Space Spartans (MatteI) The

Pavarotti of voice games. The
voices are varied and extremely
helpful in aiding the user in
combat against a deadly attack
of alien space vessels. If the level
of play matched the quality of
the voices, this game would soar

game cartridges to buy? Here is my

rating in order of personal prefer-

It takes a lot of plot- to the top of the

1) B-1 7 Bomber (Mattei) T his is ting to reach the targets and heap of sound-module
the most enjoyable and visually ex- return home without running out cartridges. Three differ-
citing of all voice games. It takes of fuel. You have to respect the ent voices chatter away
both strategy and manual dexterity Mattei programmers for the concep- during the battle. The first voice (a
to achieve the goal of bombing tion and execution of this game. sexy female) comes on soon after
enemy targets in occupied Europe the game is activated and
and then return to England. The purrs, "Hello Commander. Com-
game doesn't really take full advan- 2) Type & Tell (Odyssey) Very puter reporting." Her voice is so
tage of the voice, but there are simple concept. Users type letters flirtatious, you're tempted to ask
enough diverse elements in B-17 to on the keyboard, which are then her to join you for a slow trip
label it a voice game smash. displayed on the screen. When the around the dark side of Venus once
The user must make decisions user hits the "Enter" button, The the battIe is over. Later, she reports
such as how much fuel and how Voice then repeats exactly what the on the status of various ship's
many bombs to carry and what user has typed. systems that may have been
speed and altitude to fly at. There The screen holds 72 letters, damaged during the fight.
are about five different screens that which is enough for two short Another prominent off-screen
can be called up. Intellivoice warns sentences or one long foreign personality is a deep male voice
you , the pilot. of approaching name. The computer will read which chatters about energy levels
airplanes, upcoming targets and spaces between words and punc- and the number of alien vessels at-
low fuel levels. The pilot must then tuation marks so it will spit out an tacking. His voice is so clear that it
hit the proper screen and take ap- audio version of what you've typed. can rattIe off a sentence with a four-
propriate action. For instance, Unfortunately, the words tend to digit number like, "Energy level
when InteIlivoice says "Fighters, sound like Darth Vader on nine thousand, seven hundred and
nine o'clock," you hit the nine quaaludes. fifty-three," with absolute clarity.
o'clock button on the keypad to get I guarantee that one of the first It's a pleasure to listen to a voice
the nine o'clock gunner's view of things you'll type out and listen to that's more distinct than that of
the approaching plane. Then it's up is the dirtiest. most disgusting most of my friends.

If you lose the battle, the last placed the right com po- ter and less annoying when it is
voice you hear is the alien com- nent. ) And Boris, the m ad bom ber, played with a m uzzle on Mr.
mander's. He says "The battle is has an appropriately evil, deep Munchkin's mouth.
over," in a snooty voice fil led with voice,
disdain and self-importance. He The game itself gets boring pretty
sou nds just like a Los Angeles quickly despite the sophistication of 6) Nimble Numbers Ned (Odyssey)
psyc hia trist. the voices. It's a chore replacing the There's a bit of entertainmen t
Un fortunately, playing the game ma ny compon ents of the circuit. sugar sprinkled on this educational
is less of a joy than listening to it. even with Frank cheering you on. I pill. This game purports to be an
Blasting the attackin g ships is dif- would have settled for more play educational math game for grades
fic ult because of an inferior aiming elements and less voice. one to n in e. But between lessons, a
mechanism. After a while, it little man m ust j ump over barrels
becomes tiresome warding off the onto numbered stones in a creek,
attack which seems to com e in lop- 5) K. G. 's Krozy Chase (Odyssey) He must time and gauge his jump
Sided flows favoring the aliens. T his is a good game, but a lousy to clear the barrel and land on the
voice game, It features that loveable stone. Too far or too short and he
Pac-Man cousin , K.C, Munchkin, takes a swim. T hat's the fun part of
4 ) Bomb Squad (Ma ttei) Disarm- going m outh-to-mouth with the this game.
ing a time bomb before it levels a Dratapillars of Venus, The player The rest of the tim e, the player
city is the goal of this challenging can choose among four different tackles m u ltiplication tables and
game. In order to defuse it. the user mazes, or even create his own tries to identify geometric shapes .
must ·ma.l<e a reasonable guess of maze. T hat's a nice touch. The voice will ask som ething like
the code number that stops it from T he voice is the bad touch. It's " Is this a square?" when the shape
ticking. totally unnecessary. When the of a triangle is blinking on the
Luckily, Frank, the talka tive game begins , you hear "Go." (Or screen. After you hit the " No" but-
demolition expert, is on hand (off- maybe it says " Hello." The aud io ton, the voice says " Right!"
screen, because he's probably too quality is so poor, you really can't This game is neither fun to play
chicken to get too close to the be sure. ) When K.C . gets gobbled, nor very educational. And the voice
bomb) to assist you. First. he' ll tell he says " Ouch . Oh , no ." Big deal. sounds like som eone is talking to
you w hat tools to use when the Throughout the game, he keeps you from a faulty phone booth in
screen displays the bom b's circuit saying "Hurry. Run." Who needs the robot burial ground.
boards. Then he advises whe ther to to get hassled by this obnoxious-
repair or replace damaged com- sounding creature?
ponents. In truth, this game is much bet- 7) Ttmelord (Odyssey) Bad plot.
Bad graphics. Bad voice.
plays the game
This voice di~~-~~~~~~~~~[
range of vocal emo-
The triple play of vid-
eo game shame.
tions. Frank sounds ) \1,\ @.::, , T imelord is a
enthusiastic. (" OK! poor man's ver-
OK !" he shouts sion of Space
when you've suc- Con tinued on
cessfully re- page 97


" i"v"it
/ .. "....... 2.

g> of D\x


g> FOR 88
~ WlrNOUr

44 FEBRUARY 1983
of Silver Springs,

15 FROG.'!



14,of EnClnO,Ca.
1~ .. (FOR



Wilkes Barre,Pa.



46 FEBRUARY 1983

~ I~,


IN 3q3 B.C. I r t?1C:>
of Africa,
,. /Nlr/AlS IN




1. PITFALL! (A) (Activision)
2. DONKEY KONG (A) (Coleco)
3. PITFALL! (I) (Activision)
4. FROGGER (A) (Porker)
5. BERZERK (A) (A tori)
6. MICROSURGEON (I) (Imagic)
7. E.T. (A) (Atari)
8. PAC·MAN (A) (A tori)
9. YARS' REVENGE (A) (Atari)

1. MS. PAC·MAN (Midway)
2. JUNGLE HUNT (Talto)
3. DONKEY KONG JR. (Nintendo)
4. DONKEY KONG (Nintendo)
5. PAC·MAN (Midway)
6. MOON PATROL (Williams)
7. CENTIPEDE (Atari)
8. TRON (Midway)
9. GALAGA (Midway)
10. TUTANKHAM (Stern)
So you think you can beat every Unfortunately for little Billy; he
game made for your Intellivision' found it.
system, huh? Next Bill gave Atlantis a shot.
Well. so did Billy Grubb up there. The Gorgon attack vessels filled
Until he played IMAGIC'S new the skies above the underwater city
games for Intellivision - the first of Atlantis. Bill fought back from his
games ever to unleash the two missile posts,As night fell. and the
enormous power locked away in Gorgon death rays took their toll. Bill
every Intellivision system. launched his star fighter and attacked
First Bill played Demon Attack. the enemy head-on in the air.
Wave after wave of deadly demons But little Billy was no match for the
bombarded Bill with lasers.The tricky fierce Gorgon warriors. No match for
demons split in two, even let loose [MAGIC.
with a few fireballs. But somehow By now. Billy was feeling a little sick
Bill managed to wipe them out and He was ready for Microsurgeorl
take off into space searching for the Using a surgical robot probe, Bill
demons' home base. began exploratory surgery on the

Demon Attack Atlantis

patient. The status report warned of jumping over rolling boulders,
serious problems in the heart and narrowly avoiding vicious rats, and
lungs. Bill raced down the circulatory ducking under deadly birds, Bill
system fighting white blood cells was still four stories away from the
and bacteria all the way. beast that was bullying his best girl.
The beating of his patient's heart Then he fell off the ledge.
was deafening as Bill raced against Bye-bye, Biiiilllllyyyyyy!!!!!
the clock to remove the cholesterol Let this be a warning to all you
blocking the arteries. Then the beat- cocky know-it-all, self-proclaimed
ing stopped. video game wizards out there:
And so did Billy Laboratory tests have proven
Next Bill grabbed for Beauty & that IMAGIC games, when played in
the Beast. "This'll be easy;" he said large doses, may be hazardous to
with his last glimmer of cockiness. your self-esteem and cause chronic
It wasn't. Hugedigitosis (sore thumb ).
After climbing up a building In other words, our games are
through dozens of open windows, created by experts for experts.

Microsurgeon Beauty Be: the Beast

Created by Experts for Experts.'"


What if they called Freeway "Chicken Parts"?

" What's in a name?" It was Shakespeare who posed the question afew hundred
years ago, but it's still applicable today. Especially when it comes to video games.
How much research goes into the naming of a game? What
were games called before they
were given their permanent
names? What if Freeway had
been .called Chicken Parts? What
if Communist Mutants From
Space had been called Com-
munist Mutants from New
Jersey? And what if Defender
had been called Offender?
Would it have made a differ-
ence? You'llfind the answers
to these and other questions
in the following story.

By Ed Hulse
Living in a culture like ours,
we' re bombarded with brand
names, product names and m odel
names every day of our lives, and
we place great value on iden tifica-
tion of the goods we buy . In fact.
when you stop to think about it,
Americans have always been quick
to com e up with generic designa-
tions for their favorite products. Go-
ing back to your grandparen ts'
time, for example, it wasn 't uncom-
mon to hear record players referred

mythology with an insatiable ap-
petite-and the Japanese word that
we would pronounce as "pac" ac-
tually means "to eat." Small
wonder our hungry little friend
spends so much energy racing
around the playfield!
Responsibility for coming up
with a good name is divided
several different ways. In many
cases, the engineers and program-
mers who develop new games
assign their own "working titles" to
their creations, and a fair share of
these are actually used for the /lnal
product. More often though, it's the
sales, marketing and advertising
groups which deSignate a game's ti-
tle. When these factions work
together, it's not unusual to pro-
duce a list of fifty or Sixty titlesjor
each game!
At this point, it becomes
necessary to pare the list down to
four possible names which are then
run through the company's legal
department to make sure they
haven't already been copyrighted.
The final decision is made with an
eye toward advertising, marketing
strength, program design
and packaging details.

to as "Victorolas" even though that

title was only a model name for the
phonographs manufactured by thc
Victor company.
A little later on, our parents took
to identifying refrigerators as
"Frigidaires," which was again, a
model name for a product.
More recently, you can see this
trend in those Brooke Shields com-
mercials in which she calls her
jeans "my Calvins." And while
there are more than a dozen types
of video cassett.e recorders, many
people still refer to a VCR as a
"Betan1ax ."
So far, no one nan1e has become
synonymous with the video game
industry, although certain titles
have already passed into the
language. (Most people have heard
the name "Pac-Man" and know
what a sensation the game is. even
if they don't recognize the lit tle
yellow gobbler on sight.)
By the way, have you ever
wondered why he's called "Pac-
Man?" The game is based on a
character from Japanese
whelmingly favorable, even if most
of the kids were unsure as to what
a Communist mutant might be.
One youngster, asked to define
"mutant." explained that it was
somebody who tried to take over
somebody else's boat. And one
nine-year-old explained that a Com-
munist was "somebody who won't
let you play with his toys. "
Even computer software manu-
facturers have joined the ranks of
game suppliers who feature pro-
ducts with wacky names. United
Microware Industries (UMI), for ex-
ample, has several new offerings:
Skibbereen is a maze game which
features a little character who does
an Irish jig on the playfield: Video
Vermin. which had several names
before the company finally decided
on that one, conjures up visions of
disgusting little electronic creatures
and Spiders of Mars, a goose-
pimply release, which kept the title
assigned by the programmer who
developed the game.

The bigger manufacturers some-

times augment this process with a
certain amount of "field testing"
which most often utilizes "focus
One of the most successful focus
group testings was responSible for
the outlandish and phenomenally
popular Communist Mutants From
Space by Starpath.
Patterson & Glenn, which
handles all the company's games,
came up with over a hundred dif-
ferent names for the new Starpath
creation. Some of them were Clone
Attack, Galactic Egg, Zombie War-
riors, Space Sentinel and
Mercenary From Mars. But the one
that they liked the most was Com-
munist Mutants From Space.
The reactions were over-
54 FEBRUARY 1983
In some instances the acquisition
of a name can prove to be a big
boost for designers and engineers,
as Dave Annstrong can testify. As a
member of Dave Nutting Associ-
ates, he was involved with
Astrocade's Conan the Barbarian
game. Originally conceived as a
sword-and-sorcery game to be titled
Questfor the Orb, the game was
just beginning to take shape when
Armstrong learned that his organi-
zation had shared rights to the
Conan title from Universal, who re-
leased the motion picture. His con-
cept, already similar to the Conan
movie, could easily be revamped to
incorporate elements from the big-
screen presentation. And the use of
the already-recognizable title gave
an added boost to the game.
Of course, you don't have to find a
game based on a hit movie to have a
game which evokes images from
other fonns of storytelling. Imagic's
Dennis Koble illustrates: "Our
Atlantis cartrtdge, which is very
heavily into graphics, simulates an
underwater city with various visual
effects. Now, everybody knows what
'Atlantis' is-it's been in books,
movies, songs-it creates a sense of
mythology and conjures up so
much imagery."
There are plenty of other titles
which conjure up images we all
know-like Activision's Freeway
with its highway setting so familiar
to millions of American drivers. An-
drea Benjamin, speaking of the
creative process used by her com-
pany in titling games, explains: "We
don't have hard and fast rules, but
our games have a lot of handles at-
tached to them before we finally set-
tle on one. For example, all games
come from designer inspiration and
our lab men have their own working
titles. Our creative staff will come up
with their own names in addition to
working on the packaging. And
sometimes we arrive with titles just
by playing the finished games
But such industrious and effi-
cient procedure is not Implemented
all the time. Sirius Software's Bob
Beyn recalls that the name for
Twerps was "the result of a large
pitcher of Margaritas."0

the screen. You certainly won't get is just after the spider appears. If
a very high score, though. you hang out on one of the sides,
Bob Erdman the spiders leap out (and at such a
SPACE INVADERS Havre,MT short distance), it's impossible to
avoid them.
My friend taught me the 23/15 Donna Slavin
rule. To get 300 points for every New York, NY
mother ship, hit one on your 23rd
shot and then every 15th shot after
that. U's very hard, but any other Don't hit all the "boxes" right
way, you won't get 300 points.
Dilly Clements
away. Keep in mind how many you DEFENDER
Los Angeles, CA Landers never fire at their
own height across the screen.
Therefore, don't worry about
fire from a lander flying at
Q·BERT your own level.
Jim Doues
Don't try to work on the top St. Louis. MO
of the pyramid at the start. All
the creatures pop out of there.
Instead, go all the way down
and cover the bottom cubes.
Then, when Colly comes out,
hop on a disc and let it take If you've exhausted your
you to the top. Then finish off Superzapper and the Flippers
the top cubes . are on the edge. you can still
Steve Brownstein have to hit in each wave and wait get them. Stay in one place and
Richardson, TX. until you have less than 30 seconds bounce your fmger on the fire
left before hitting the last one. In the button as fast as you can. If you hit
meantime, you can rack up more them just as they flip over you,
points while you avoid the boxes. they're dead. This is the one way to
ADVENTURE Ricky Denman
Portland, OR
survive after your Superzapper is
If you need some time to con- Mary Benjamin
template what to do and a dragon is Chicogo.IL
pursuing you, move your marker so
that it is pressing down on the top
of a blockade or the bottom of a
room. Then you can stop worrying
about the dragon-he can't eat you
Keep your paddle in the middle of
the screen whenever possible. That
unless you move up. way, you have the shortest distance Focus your attention on the two
Jamie Lantly to the ball whether it is hit to the pylons at the top of the screen.
Cora polis, PA left or right of you. They help you know which way to
"Awesome" Smith turn.
Ontario, Canada Kevin Hall
Melboume Beach. Fl
Do you have a tip for your favorite
This isn't a tip, but if you play game? if It's good. we'll print It In
level four and let all the bombs fall
without bothering to protect
CENTIPEDE Reader's Tips. Send tips to: Elec-
tronic Fun. 250 E. 81st St.. New
yourself, the initials RF will appear The only time you should stray York. NY 10028.
on the bottom right-hand corner of all the way left or all the way right

56 FEBRUARY 1983
Stay away from the comers. Once
you get in there, they paint you into
the comer with bullets and you're
dead. At least In the center you can
move left or right.

Don't be afraid of alligators. As
long as you don't hop on their
mouths, they'Ulet you go for a
ride on them. Also, don't forget
that you can go down as well as
up in Frogger. A lot of people
think you have to just move for-
ward all the time.

Spiders never backtrack. When
one of them pops out the side, go to
that side, behind it. He can't touch
you, but you can follow him across
the screen and nail him any time .
Donald McHam
long Blanch, N.J

On the first two levels, don't just

shoot blindly or you might pass
through the wave without rescuing
your family and earn valuable
points. Always leave one Grunt
running around while you help your
family. After you've got them all,
blow him away.



The first rock

video game
the money and so difficult to eam it. the final total is a
poor m easure of how well you played. You can play a
poor game in which you don't even get one band
member into the escape vehicle and wind up with
$45.000, and then you can play a game in which you
get four members into the escape vehicle-and wind up
JOURNEY ESCAPE 1. 1. 1. without a cent. Additionally. after you get that last
Journey me m ber into the escape vehicle, do you win
Data AgelAtari VCS
the game? Do you make rock 'n' roll history? No, you
By Don Gutman just have to get the band into another escape vehicle in
First, we've got to look beyond the gimmick (a exactly the same way, ad infinitum. Oh, well . Such is
wonderful gimmick). The idea of a rock 'n ' roll video life on the road with rock 'n' roll superstars.
game is painfully obvious. Considering that the
audiences of video games and rock are nearly ide ntical.
it's amazing that nobody thought of combining the two
before. But that shouldn't sway us into liking the game.
Because once you get that cartridge home and into
your VCS, you don't care if it says Journey or Spring-
steen or Marie Osmond on the box-you want a good,
challenging game that you'll play for months. SPIDERMAN 1.1.1.
Once you get past the strains of last year's Journey Parker BrotherS/Atan VCS
hit Don't Stop Believing, what you have is a vertical B M kT t
scrolling game in which you, a member of the band' i y or ros
must avoid various obstacles to reach an "escape Spiderman m ay be the comics' original Crazy Climb-
vehicle." Presumably, you've just fi nished a wild er, but he's a super·hero-com e-la tely to the video
concert and must ge t to your next gig fast. At the start, game screen. Parker Brothers VCS incarnation of
you've got $50,000, but every time you touch an ob- Marvel Comics' famed wall·c ra wling character is cer·
s tacle-a "loved crazed" groupie , a photogra pher or a tainly a challenging. graphically acceptable and
shifty-eyed promoter - you lose some money. To make ultimately engrOSSing game , but if video game
matters worse, you only have "60 units of time" (50 plagiarism were a crime worthy of a super-hero's time,
seconds) to get each band member into the vehicle. the object of this one would be to send Spidenn an after
Fortunately, you have help. Your loyal roadies, when the cartridge's designer.
touched, give you about three seconds of breathing The titular character is represented by a not un·
room and if you're lucky enough to find your manager. flattering collection of red and blue squares. His
you get $9,900 and a clear path to your vehicle. mission: climb up one of Gotham's highest skyscrapers
In addition to the concept and the music, tll ~ game and defuse deadly black time bombs (50 points), red
has a lot of nice touches. As the game begins, time bombs (80 points) and a Super-Bomb (double the
astronomy buffs will notice the Little Dipper along with points scored on the last building and high voltage
Saturn and its moons. The screen displays the initials
of the Journey member you are representing. The
graphics, though simple, are elegant-the roadies look
tower) planted by Spidey's arch-nemesis, the Green •
Goblin . While the Webbed Wonder doesn't have to
avoid bird droppings or closing windows, as the ar-
like little robots and the groupies resemble hot dogs cade 's Crazy Climber does, he must stay clear of (or
with legs. The action is fast, but not Kaboom!-fast. capture) the Goblin's numerous henchpeople who pop
Rather, it is exacting-you have to make very quick, out of windows ready to cut Spidey's web withou t

lateral movements, like a fullback sidestepping onrush- hesitation. Spidey can avoid the criminals by m oving
ing tacklers. around them or a ttempt to ca pture them one-by-one by
The game's problems lie not in the game . but in the crossing their paths .
scoring. Keeping score with m oney ins tead of meaning- Taking the c haracter's traits into account, the Crazy
less points is a good idea, but since it's so easy to lose Climber motif seems a proper, if somewhat stolen one

.58 FEB R UARY 1 983

I • II COSMIC ARK 1.1.1.
ImagidAtari ves
By Raymond Dime-trosky
Cosmic Ark is a game of speed so, to perlorm well
in which to set a su per-hero whose main power is you need lightning-quick reflexes. There are two scenes.
scaling walls_One nice varia tion on the them e is Spider- In the first. your ship floats down from the top of a star-
man 's web shooting and swinging abilities_ In order to filled sky. As it hovers , you're bombarded by meteors
move S pide rman up or down the building, you must from all sides. To destroy these meteors, you must fife
shoot his we b by pressing the fire button. The length of at them by pushing your joystic k in their direction . If
the web depends on how long you press the red button. you manage to hit them all before you are hit. you
If you want to move h im to the right or left. you must advance to the second scene.
aim the joystick diagonally, s hoot your web and then You are now hovering over a planet populated by two
swing from side to s ide. The computer animation speedy little creatures which look like bouncing number
during these swinging seque nces is the nicest graphic
elem ent of the game.
While incorporating many nice aspects of the comic-
book sensation, the game is, at times, needlessly
violent. Every time S pide rman's web misses the
building, crosses the path of the Green Goblin, a bomb
or a henchman , the web is cut, sending Spiderman
falling down the scrolling skyscra per to the street
below. Unless you manage to shoot ofT a web and hit
tht ')Uildi ng while falling (thus saving Ule hero), you
graphically fall all the way down the screen, hitting the
bottom with a bone-wrenching thud .

....,..r..:1.,., 110m the X«tted games and learn how to

-=-..;IL~"""": ~''' .I'- ¥feb dIaganaIIy above the Intended
. . , and bePt $WIngIng.
web line untI you've captured
the Item.


eights. You send a little ship out from your mother ship
to beam these creatures aboard. If you succeed in
transporting them both into your ship before an alarm
goes off, you're home free. If on the other hand, you fail
to return to the mother ship within a few seconds of the
alarm, you're stranded. The next time you advance to
scene two, you're in for still another surprise. Now, as
you try to suck the little devils into your ship, you're
fired upon by gizmos that grow taller and are !coated on
the sides of the screen.
The graphics are excellent. The mother ship is very
detailed and features a light running across it. The sky
is filled with pulsating stars that sparkle and change your route at the outset-you may be able to avoid
color. When you ptess the red button to suck in the certain obstacles. You can also determine what kind of
space creatures, the effect is magnificent. You can tools are hidden in which mountains. As you approach
actually see the creatures slowly being transported into each range, the mountains change color, indicating
your small ship. But perhaps the best effect occurs what tool is inside.
when you have been defeated. The screen explodes in a Once inside, a timid explorer can creep along slowly
m ass of colors and your ship is seen flying away into or bolt into darkness in a blind panic. Besides creepy,
the night. slimy and scary things, quivers of arrows are hidden in
Since so much of the game involves fast movement, the subterranean chambers. Pick up the arrows! They
there may be times when you become frustrated with are your only defense against your rabid foes.
the joystick's limitations. Cosmic Ark is one game that The graphiCS are terrific . The dragons look a lot like
would benefit by using one of the deluxe joysticks Godzilla. The demons dance around like Nijinsky in
available for the VCS, Hell. In fact. each creature has its own distinctive
behavior and charm.

• i ,.- -.~ ~~""'~1" '~~~~""

I . t"·l ~ I, The only disappointment comes when you find
yourself at last inside the Cloudy Mountain and in

possession of the Crown. No munchkins come out and
sing, nobody gives you a plaque or a research grant.
nobody even says, "Thanks." The game j ust ends.
There are four difficulty levels. The harder ones have
the monsters moving faster and provide you with fewer
AND DRAGONS arrows per quiver. The accomplished player will learn
Mattel/Intellivision to anticipate attacks by the sounds of approaching,
unseen beasts or by tracks or bones (gulp) along the
By Marc Berman
COrridors. Hopefully the sequel will add an exterminator
If you were the kid who cried at summer camp, to the expedition party or at least provide the explorers
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons is not for you. Not with a can of Raid.
only are you divebombed by bats, but you're assaulted
by scrawny rats, spiders, snakes, blobs, demons and
dragons (both winged and earthbound varieties). Get
inoculated before playing this game.
Based on the legendary TSR game, this one-player
offering from Mattei pits a crew of three explorers
against a landscape of terror. Your quest: recover the VENTURE 1. 1. 1. J
Crown of Kings hidden within the Cloudy Mountain. Caleco/Caleco Vision
But getting to the Cloudy Mountain is an ac-
complis hment in itself. Your expedition must scale By Raymond Dimetrosky
lesser mountains, cross raging rivers, hack through For the most part, there are two types of home video
dense forests and penetrate battlement walls, using games-those which are based on original concepts and
tools found along the way inside mountain labyrinths. those which are adaptations of arcade hits. To deter- _
T he tools include axes, boats and keys and they all mine if the arcade translations are worthwhile, most
tend to be guarded by evil beasties. Sound complicated? people try to compare the home versions to their arcade
It is n't really , because you, the explorer, control the cousins, A home version is considered good if it is •
pace, direction and difficulty of the expedition, faithful to the game which it was based upon. Well,
J udgment and planning are important here . Plan Coleco has changed all that. Their games are so much

60 FEBRUA RY 1 9 8 3
like the originals. it's pointless to make comparisons.
You now have to ask. "Is this game fun enough to
AtarilAtari VCS
own?" In the case of Venture. Lhe answer is yes.
The object is to enter various dungeon rooms and By P.ondi Hocker
retrieve treasures. Each room has its own treasure-You With the possible exception of quarters and other
can collect anything from a dancing ballerina to a coins. Atari see ms to have a lot of trouble with round
treasure chest s tuffed with je wels. Of course. it's not things. Take. for example. Pac-Man . He was a sorry
that simple . Each room also contains its own set of
mon sters. In your quest for the treasures you must fight
off everything from s lithering s nakes in the serpent
room to me nacing devils in the demon room.
You are represented by Winky . a smiling round fellow
who looks like a beach ball with an arrow running
through him. To collect the treasures. your Winky has
to shoot his arrows into the various monsters. Un·
fortu na tely. time is of the essence. If you take too long
in a room. the evil hall mons ters will enter and destroy
The graphics and sou nd effects are outstanding.
Whe n you enter a room you are immediately greeted by
an eerie melody . Inc redibly detailed monsters then
begin to " dance" over to you in order to finish you 01T.
T he combina tion is sensational.
There are a few weaknesses in the game. One
problem involves the ColecoVision controls. which at
times do not seem to be very sensitive. This is par·
tic ularly true when you move diagonally or when you excuse for a dot. And Evil Otto. the insanely grinning
need to move fast. Us ing the Atari joystick he lped to face that bounces around in Berzerk. is no exceptio n.
alleviate the situation to some degree. but even with this. He is translucent and has a tendency to fl ic ker. But he's
control was lacking. When you reach level four. you are the only disappointme nt in this most recent Atari ar-
in for another disappointment. After three completely cade-to-home convers ion. The rest of the game is out-
unique levels. four is a repea t of one. The rest of the standingly loyal to the arca de game in both graphics
game continues to repea t the rust three levels. and play.
As in the arcade version. you are trapped in a room
with electric walls and a bunc h of robots who are out to
do you nothing but harm. At the first level. they can't
shoot at you (thank goodness) but you can shoot at
them. However. the further you progress. the more .
vicious the robots become and pretty soon (the second
level. in fac t) they. too. are armed . This. as much as
anything else. is an excellent reason to support gun
Using the joystick. you m ake your humanoid run
through the maze. avoiding contact with th e robots.
walls. the bullets and Evil Otto who bounces in unin-
vited now and then.
To accumulate points. you shoot robots while
dodging them and their gunfire. If they run into you.
you fry . The more robots you destroy before you leave
the room via one of the exits. the m ore poin ts you get.
If you wait long e no ugh. however. m ost of the robots
will walk into walls and destroy the mselves . It doesn't
matter whether you shoot them or Lhey die by their
~vet leave Q room before you have taken the treasure. own aimless wande ring. you s till ge t the poin ts. T his
If you leave and later retUrn. all monsters which may seem somewha t u nfai r but it certainly is
you had killed will come back to life. gratifying.
Each leve l's robo ts are m ore vicious than the last's.


though no smarter. No malter how heavily armed they these "Worlings " is wiped out. Generally. as the game
are. they're still stupid enough to walk into walls and progresses. fewer and fewer partitions a ppear in the
fry the mselves. You'd think that after living in those maze. Eventually. it's an open field . Worriors can no
rooms most of their lives. they'd learn. But no. And. as longer cower behind the walls. They must depend on
their aggressiveness changes. so does their color. First their quick reflexes to cover themselves.
there's a rather white. semi·pacifistic. unarmed group. At the outset of each level. the Worrior enters the
The n there's yellow. then an angry red. followed by a playfield from the lower left hand com er. Initally. he is
bilious green . confronted by a brood of Borwors. the least intelligent of
The humanoid is very responsive to your joystick in- the dungeon denizens. After vaporizing this lot. an ever-
put. And. as in the arcade game. he can only shoot in increasing number of Garwors and Thorwors a ppear.
the direction in which he is moving. This means a lot of To s imula te a real life situation. these guys remain
backing up and running forward toward the adversary invisible until they enter the same corridor the Worrior
you wish to destroy. is standing in. Once these fiends are done in. the
The c hanging mazes and the dodging and shooting Worluk makes h is entrance. He will scurry about the
all keep the interest level of this game very high. and maze and eventually escape through one of the secret
there is a certain sadistic satisfac tion in rubbing out doors on either the east or west end of the screen . Hit
each robot (accompanied by very gratifying sound ef- him with your whatchamacallit gun. and point values
fects) and avoiding his bullets which kee ps you in a in the next round double.
state of nervous anticipation throughout the game. The Wizard is a little bit more unpredictable . He
appears at random after the Worluk has either escaped
or been blasted by tha t fancy gun the Worrior wields.
Quick and fleet of foot. the Wizard can teleport himself
THE INCREDIBLE WIZARD.l.l.l.l a la Star Trek. anywhere on the playfield in a flash.
Players deft enough to wipe out the Wizard are
rewarded with a barrage of special effects.
By Michael Blanchet The Astrocade controllers make The Incredible
The Incredible Wizard from Astrocade is the closest Wizard a little tough to pla y. On more than one oc-
thing to arcade action I've come across in a long time. casion, the joystick seemed to have a mind of it's own. I
T he action unfolds something like this: Assuming the turned when I wanted to go straight or I went straight
when a quick turn was needed.
The quirks of the controllers aside. The Incredible
Wizard is a must have for all Astrocade owners . A tip of
my ha t to the designers-a home cartridge has finally
done jus tice to an arcade game!

~Editor 's note: The Incredible Wizard is the Astrocade

version oj Wizard of Wor."

After the "orluk has eIthtr ....,..-peeI or bMn destroyed.

test to see If your "orrlot mctIeI ~ QXIJIftOrid from the joY"
stick. If he does. get ready. 'the WJzanf II about to appear.

TYPE & TELL .l.l.l

By Art Levis
persona of a WOrrior. the player's mission is to tread I've got it. it works (sort 00. but now what do I do
through as many dungeons as possible . blasting the with it? That's essentially the problem with Type &
bad guys with a weapon that is a heck of a lot easie r to Tell. the first cartridge designed for use witll Odyssey's
fire than pronounce (Concentrated Unified-field new voice synthesizer module. Of course. we can expect
Disturbance Rifle). The oppos ition. in this case. includes a lot more synthesized software-opening up a lot more
Burwors (blue dragons). Garwors (yellow dragons). possibilities-from Odyssey in the future. but with Type
Thorwors (red dragons). The Worluk (a nasty looking & Tell . you're pretty much limited to some simple
butterfly) and the infamous Wizard himself. introductory games.
The playfields change each time a complete wave of Still. it's fun to amaze your friends and astound your
~----------------------~ ~
62 FE8 RUARY 1 98 3 ...
devoured Frank Herbert's Dune trilogy in one sitting.
GOOD MEN TO There is dawn, there is dusk and there is pacing.
After your fighter gets through a daylight wave of drone

COME TO THE missiles and indestructible heat-seeking torpedoes, then

demolishes a trio of enemy bases and dodges the result-
ant debris, evening falls and the enemy becomes harder
AID OF THEIR to see. By nightfall. the attackers are invisible save for
those moments when your spacejet flres.
As with a number of new home video games, this one
PAR D y ••••••• requires you to watch a fuel gauge. Your spacejet can
take one pit stop per day, requiring little more than an
easily maneuvered landing. The trick is the stage before
neighbors with a machine that talks back. The wizards that: making it through enemy-base debris which
at Odyssey have clearly done a remarkable job in giving scatters in different. seemingly random patterns each
their system a voice which can get its electronic tongue time, making a surefire evasive strategy virtually im-
around the vaganes and inconsistencies of the English possible.
language. T he instruction book is a riot. and a harbinger. in all
But it has some odd quirks, and frequently drones likelihood, of instruction books to come. Spectravision's
away in a dialect pretty much alien to these parts. For talking Mission: Impossible seriousness here, with the
example, Typ e & Tell flatly insists on pronouncing my booklet turned into a notice that all leaves have been
cousin's last name, Straight. as "Stray-might. " Yet it cancelled and that you're to return immediately to your
manages to get her flrst name, Elizabeth, right. star base and then take off for the planet "Spectra."
Here's how it all works: First you type in each letter T hankfully, the game action lives up to its grandiose
of your message, which is then displayed in individual instructions. Even if the graphics weren't as good as
blocks within a larger matrix of 72 separate blocks. they are, the varieties of attackers, obstacles and ob-
Then you simply press Enter, and the little com- jectives create welcome diversity. The point values
puterized guy inside reads it back to you. (Wonder why change as you progress through five screen days- lO
they settled on a man 's voice?) through 50 points each for downed drones, 100 to 500
Generally, with enough fooling around, you can come each for rescued pilots, 200 to 1000 each for decimated
up with a close approximation of what you want Type enemy-base clusters- and stay at the maximum as long
& T ell to say. Here's one I tried, just to see if the little as your spacejet (four per game) remains intact.
genius was napping inside there-Rhodabelle Beardsley As far as strategy goes, don't worry about wiping out
Levis, my sister's name - I swear it's true. Type & Tell too many of the first-wave missiles-just get through
obviously didn't care for the name and mangled it the them alive and move on to more point-profitable waves.
flrst time around. But. with the addition of a few let- Night flying is troublesome, but just keep firing and
ters-and the substitu tion of one vowel for another-it maneuvering. Stay away from the top or bottom of the
flnally got it. though the voice seemed to be getting a screen during this phase or else you can get boxed in
little hoarse and gravelly toward the end. One other by just two heat-seeking torpedoes.
thing. Yes, kids, it can talk dirty.

SpectravisionJAtari vcs
By Frank Lovece
The Chevy Impala isn't called the Chevy Armadillo
for good reason. "Armadillo," you might say, lacks that
certain drive. Same with the name Planet Patrol.
which , coupled with a package description that rightly
places the accompanying game in the DeJender school
of spacejet-versus-oncoming-missiles, leaves you ex-
pecting something as scintillating as Plan NineJrom
Outer Space.
The name game, it turns out. has little to do with the
video game, which is outstanding. Despite the limita-
tions of the Atan VCS, Planet Patrol has exceptional
graphics and the mark of a designer who must've
not need the Atari BASIC cartlidge to play.) The
cassette version takes a good five minutes to load into
the computer. But once it's in there. you're in for an
evening of really top notch gan1e play and cursing. As I
said. it's awfully hard.
The one problem - and this is really a problem with
the hardware-is the fact that the joystick has only one
fire button. You need two for this gan1e. So you fire the
ship's laser cannon with the flTe button and drop
bombs by tapping the space bar.
The gan1e is set up for one or two players. You get
three attack ships and the enemy has ground/air
rilissiles. exploding fission bombs . airlock doors and
natural obstructions to block your way. There are also
AMOK 1.1.1. meteor showers to get through. and your own limited
fuel and arrnan1ent. You get more fuel (and points) by
United Microware/Commodore VIC-20
destroying a fuel dump: you get more an1munition (and
Oy Wolter Solm points) by destroying an an1mo depot. This is an ex-
This gan1e Is closely related to Berzerk although cellent gan1e. but suffers from being too difficult for
there's no Evil Otto to plague you. just a lot of very beginners.
dumb robots who gladly shoot each other in their ef-
forts to get at you. Like Berzerk. there are varying
simple maze walls to get around. and they'll kill you if
you run into them.
Unlike Berzerk. there are just three possible exits.
Actually there are four-two at the sides and two at the
top and bottom of the screen. But one of them is always
plugged by a barrier and this barrier moves to block off
a different exit with each new board of the gan1e.
I found it easier to control my man and his gun than
with the Atari VCS Berzerk. I suppose this is an
eXan1ple of what Commodore means by a "friendly
computer." As with many VIC gan1es. you can play
using either the keyboard or a joystick.
There are nine skill levels. which you can select with
function key "Fl." You earn points depending on the
color of the robots you destroy: green robots-5 points:
blue-lO: red- 15: black-35. You also get bonus points
after clearing all four rooms in the space station AMOK.
For every 1500 points. you earn an extra man in Don't try to go In too fast Qt first. Pull back on your ship
reserve. added to the three you start with. so you can zap those missiles.
This is a neat gan1e and the graphics are quite good.
You end up almost feeling sorry for those klutzy
robots-that is. until one of them zaps you. Load the
tape and enjoy. COSMIC FIGHTER
Big Five SoftwwerrRS-BO
AIR STRIKE 1.1.1. Oy David Thomos
English Software/Atan 400/800 Beginning with a stunning display of graphics
combined with impressive sound effects. Cosm ic
Oy Wolter Solm
Fighter is a well-documented. stimulating and
If you're looking for a good home version of challenging TRS-OO gan1e. It is easy to understand but
&ramble. this is one of the best I've seen yet. It's fast- not to master.
moving. the graphics and sound effects are good and The game is for one or two players. You. the player.
it's hard as the devil to play-even at the easiest skill control a ship at the bottom of the screen which can be
level. moved left and right using the arrow keys. Four dif-
This game is loaded from a cassette or disk. (You do ferent waves of aliens drift downward. frring m issiles at

64 FEBR U A R Y 198 3

you. You must do your best to dodge the missiles and Achieving the above would. in itself. be no problem.
shoot all the aliens befo re one of them makes it to the except for those four creatures intent upon killing you .
bottom of the screen. If one does. your ship is moved up These monsters wander around the grid looking for
which puts you at a definite disadvantage. Then. in this trouble and testing your nerves. You cannot kill them.
vulnerable s tate. you are attacked by another wave of but they can kill you . Your only weapons against these
aliens. beasts are your "stuns." A stun stops all of the beasts.
At any time. a deadly flagship may appear. These rendering them. for the moment. hannless. Beware.
shoot powerful blasts at your ship and they never miss. When you stun them. you can run over them. but that
You can survive only five blasts so your primary goal is doesn 't earn you any points-it just makes you feel
to destroy flagships promptly. good.
If you successfully defeat four waves of aliens. a fuel The fact that the monsters have a certain hi-res
station ship and a flagship will emerge. After destroying beauty doesn't help at all. No matter how a ttractive you
the relatively small flagship without shooting the huge may find them (I became particularly a ttached to the
fuel station ship (be careful . . . ). you are pennitted to lawnmower and heart as they followed me around).
dock and refuel. (Actually. you have to dock whether ~ there seems to be no set pattern to their movements
you need the fuel or nol.)
After docking. the next four waves of a1iens-
r- and they don't always react the same way to yours.
You score 100 points for each square you fil l in on
including flagships- require two hits each before they - the first grid. 200 on the second and so on. If you fill in
succumb. Once you become accustomed to the game. one with a question mark in it. you get bonus points-
this is not hard to manage. Four waves and one more but not enough to make it worthwhile. Save time and
docking later. the aliens require three hits each. This is energy by filling in two squares at once.
where you begin to worry. The next time. it takes four Kid Grid has 15 differen t playing levels to satisfy
hits. U's not as hard as it seems though . because your everybody from the novice to the expert gamer. You
ship can shoot rapidly at this level and some shots are have a choice of five difficulty settings which vary the
"double" shots which are less likely to miss. speed of the game and you can choose between three.
You begin with three ships and are awarded an extra five cmd seven stuns. Even on the slowest setting with
ship every 10.000 points. The game keeps track of the the most stuns . the game is quick enough to challenge
best scores on a board printed when the game is not almost anyone.
being played. For Amidar buffs . this is the home equivalent with
Aside from having superior graphics and sound. this three differences: The grid is square . not irregular.
program has another feat ure. If left unattended. the which makes it harder to anticipate the enemies'
game will play itself and. you know. it's not bad. I' ve moves; there is no bonus round (or bonus points for
seen it score as high as 10.000 points. finishing a grid) and the m onsters are more intent on
killing you and less intent on having a good time.

TronixiAtari 4001800
By Shisho von Horn
Running around a grid. coloring squares and avoiding
monsters that resemble telephones. hearts. lawnmowers
and smiling hexagons may sound like kid stuff. but it
isn·t. Kid Grid. a game similar to the arcade game
Amidar (but by no m eans easier). is one of those games
that makes you think you can beat the system if you
play it just one more time ...
In Kid Grid. you travel around a grid. trying to cover
it completely. In order to do this. you move along the
lines. coloring them as you go. As you complete the
perimeter of each square. the square gets filled in with ~ 'Y.CM men at all costs-you get more stuns
color. Once you'vecolored all the squares. you move to ,:..~I:h"" level. but not more men. Use long.
the next board: another grid where you must do exactly stfCIIght paths wherever you can.
the same thing. only faster.




The woman against ment phase that is just

the museum wall was By Josh Martin beginning to bear fruit.
looking at me. When I Although several game
moved , so did she. And manufacturers (Atari,
then, with a devilish Coleco, Mattei and Walt
wink, sh e blew a kiss! Disney among them)
What made the woman's have invested in
actions extraordinary is holographic patents and
that she wasn't real. She research, few have in-
was a 3-D image in plastic troduced any. There are
-a hologram. To be no games currently on
more precise, she was the the market. Games like
star of the holographic Sega's Subroc-3D use
"movie" called Kiss II. complex optics to create
Kiss II is one of about the imagery. Coleco and
two dozen holographic Atari are working on
"movies" that can b e holographic games, but
found at the Museum of chances are you won't
Holography in New York. see one for awhile. Game
Starring celebrities like companies are not sure
Big Bird, William F. the public is ready for
Buckley Jr .. Andy War- holographic games yet.
hol and Arthur Ashe, If you're intent on see-
these "movies" show- ing holographic games of
case the remarkable 3-D the future now, there are
qualities of holography. a few games in existence.
But. holography is more One such game is Gun-
than just an amusing smoke . Built for and
image-making device. displayed in the Museum
Since the museum open- of Holography, it costs
ed its doors seven years two bits to take a shot and
ago, the technology has a score of 38 will win you
entered a key develop- a free game. No sweat for

68 FEBRUARY 1983

gamers used to rolling a game!

In Gunsmoke. you are armed
with a rifle and try to out-draw a
wild West gunslinger who stands
inside the swinging doors of a
saloon. If you win the draw. the 3-D
gunslinger falls into the dust; if you
lose. he stands triumphant with his
Six-shooter still smoking. What is
remarkable. technically speaking. is
that both alternatives are contained
in the 3-D action of the hologram.
Sophisticated video game players
might find the action primitive. but
the holographic movie action is im-
Kansai Saiki Seisasukusho Corp.
(Kasco). the Japanese company
that makes Gunsmoke. has sold
over 6.000 of them. but there are
only 750 in the United States.
Kasco also markets two other holo-
graphic games. Samurai and Bank
Robber. And naturally. the first
X-rated holographic game has
already been developed. It was built
by Peter Claudius.
Until the late 1960s. it was
assumed that you had to have
millions of dollars to make a
hologram . Then. an ex-research
scientist named Lloyd Cross dis-
covered that holograms could be
made on a shoestring budget and
could be as good-or better-than
those made in large government
labs. Working with a team of artists
and using only scrap materials.
Cross built a lab which he says is
superior to others costing several
times as much.
Most companies and individuals
now working on holography are
secretive about their work. And
many video game manufacturers
feel the idea hasn't matured enough
for public acceptance. They realize.
however. that the potential of the
technology is enormous and that
those who are able to develop the
right applications and hold the
necessary patents stand to make a
One of the few people in this area
willing to talk about developments
is Eugene Dolgoff. whose Long
Island-based company. Dolgoff
Holophase Inc. (DHI). has been

Holography is a form of laser

technology. The word comes from the
Greek "holos" and "gram" meaning
"whole message."



and gram meaning "whole quential holograms. Most contain

message." is a technique using between 360 and 800 successive
lasers to create 3-D images. Accor- movie frames. covering 7 to 15
ding to the HoLography Handbook seconds of real time action. Reflec-
(Ross Books. Berkeley CAl. a tion holograms are illuminated and
hologram is "an interference pat- viewed from the front of the holo-
tern formed as a result of reference graphic plate (unlike the "movies."
light encountering light scattered which need a special wall mount
by an object and stored as such on and lighting arrangement). The
a light sensitive emulsion ." That's most recent type of display is
not too clear. The Museum of printed holograms. which are
Holography offers another defini- stamped onto a mylar surface. Prin-
tion: "Holography represents the ting allows for mass production.
space in front of and behind the
plane of traditional visual record- Holographic Problems
ing. It is the cube rather than the According to Edward Bush. editor
square." of the museum's magazine. HoLo-
Holograms are created by optical- sphere. the main problem with ef-
ly splitting a laser beam into two forts to bring out a holographic
rays. The object beam illuminates video game is that holography is
an object. while the reference beam "not compatible with other imaging
illuminates a film plate onto which technologies." He explains: ··It
the hologram will be recorded. would take 256 days to transmit a
When the object beam reflects from hologram on standard television
the object to the film plate. an in- bands. Television is 525 lines to the
One of the first holographic games. terference pattern is fonned by col- inch. whereas a holographic image
GUNSMOKE. pits you against a 3-D liding light waves. (During the pro- is 10.000 lines to the inch." This. of
gunslinger complete with smoking six- cess of making a hologram. the ob- course. would make the develop-
shooter_ jects appear grainy when bombard- ment of a holographic cartridge for
ed by the laser light. This creates a standard TV hook-up videogame
working with holography for the the illusion that the object is only system-such as the Atari-a very
past 10 years. Dolgoff is somewhat an image.) When the interference difficult and perhaps unfeasible pro-
amused by all the secrecy: pattern captured on film is il- cess.
"Everybody thinks they have luminated. this pattern Nevertheless. holography. televi-
something but almost no one has reconstructs a 3-D image of the ob- sion and photography are linked. if
anything. You can spend a lot of ject.
money and not get anywhere." There are several different types
DHI has a development program of holograms. all based on this basic
which aims at incorporating process. Holographic -'movies" are
holography into a number of ex- made by combining a series of se-
isting products including games.
The company has already produced
holographic business cards. stlck-
on holograms (for stationery or
decal use) and novelties. It is about
to enter the game field with a
holographic jigsaw puzzle which is
slated to hit the market in
~id-1983. What makes the puzzle
unique. says Dolgoff. is that two
people can be sitting at the same
table. viewing the same puzzle
pieces. yet be working at assem-
bling two separate images. Dolgoff
expects non-electronic holographic
video games to be available as early
as 1984.
What exactly is holography?
Well. the technology whose name
comes from the Greek words haLos

70 FEBRUARY 19 8 3
only because all of them are visual
technologies. The differences that
have blocked the combination of
these technologies are rooted in
history. Photography was de-
veloped and used as an alternative
to painting. In a flash. light passes
through a lens to leave an entire im-
age simultaneously on fllm . Televi-
sion was developed as a m eans to
transmit vis ual infonnation by
breaking the image into segments
and transmitting the segments to a
receiver for reassembly. And
hologra phy?
In the crea tion process. holog-
raphy is similar to photography.
and many people in the field com-
pare their work to that of the
pioneering photogra phers. Indeed.
it has been said that those photo-
graphic pioneers had enough
technology on hand to develop
holography 80 years ago. But they

Left. Dr_ Dennis Gabor. who conceived of

and produced the first hologram. Gabor
invented holography in 1948 and won
the Nobel prize In 1971.

Holograms For Sale

Holograms are priced to fit for $2.500. While many deportment stores
every budget-from under $20 to Doth the Museum of Holography and jewelry shops corry some
over $2.000. You can purchase a and Hammocher·5chlemmer. the holographic items. two of the best
work of fine art for $1.000. or you eccentric New York City·based places to shop are.
can select from a variety of sub· department store. offer
jects and objects (people. plants. holographic "movies." One of the The Museum of Holography
pins and belt buckles) ranging In best known "movies". KISS II. 11 Mercer Street
price from $12.50 to $135. Custom features a young woman blowing New York. NY 10013
jewelers offer gold or silver a kiss, as you move around the im· (212) 925·0526
holograms at prices ranging from age. mounted between two
$125 to $600. And if you wont to sheets of clear plexlglass curved Holos Gallery
really make your wedding day 1200 In front of a block metal 1792 Haight Street
memorable. purchase a frame. she gives you a kiss and a San Francisco. CA 94117
holographic portrait of the event playful wink. (415) 666·4656



Holography was originally de-
veloped as a way to improve magnI-
fication Images of the electron
microscope. The first holograms
were produced in 1947 by Dr. Den-
nis Gabor, a researcher at the Im-
perial College in London, England.
They were crude images produced
using X-rays and other short wave
forms of light and completely
lacked the three-dimensional
qualities we are now familiar with.
The problem was the light waves,
which are the key to holography.
The better the light, the more ac-
curate the Image created by light
waves bouncing off an object. With
the invention of the laser in 1960,
holography took a quantum leap
forward . Lasers produce a very
pure, uniform light source and
scientists like Y.N. Denisyuk in the
Soviet Union and Emmett Leith in The bottom of the gloss is real. The
the U.S. were able to apply laser top is a hologram. You can put your
technology and new optical tech- finger right through it. This is on
niques to produce 3-D holograms. display at the Museum of Holography_
State-of-the-Art less hologram-that is, a hologram
Because of the potential health that does not have the color of the
hazards of high-powered lasers, it laser-red or green or what-
was difficult to let the public in on ever-included in the image. The
these developments. But with the colorless hologram is seen as a
creation of white light holo- significant step toward the goal of
grams-holograms which could be an accurate, full-color 3-D image.
displayed with ordinary room Soon we'II see a number of
lights-holography could be safely holographic forms of entertain-
exhibited. ment. games and novelties on the
In 1976, the Museum of Holog- market. But practical applications
raphy opened its doors in New York are in their infancy.
City, providing educationallnfor- Mass production and color control
mation and displaying state-of-the- could lead to the introduction of
art holography as well as a number some curious consumer items, like
of historic exhibits. Its 800-work holographic wallpaper, mobiles and
collection includes Dr. Gabor's first even wall tiles. Polaroid has been
hologram, the first color hologram, refining and clarifying holograms
and the first laser hologram. for people to hang in their homes,
It is hard to say where holog- like family portraits. hasn't occurred yet. As one holog-
raphy will go from here. Recent rap her put it, "It isn' t going to
developments may lead to new uses High Fashion make the Fortune 500 list this
such as the mass production of There have even been signs of a year." However. holography is
holograms on vinyl. improving and fashion trend for holographic ready for widespread consumer pro-
controlling the colors in the images jewelry (see sidebar), according to duction and the technology is such
and the development of black-and- The Wall Street Journal. The that almost anybody can get in-
white holographic images. (A tradi- Museum of Holography has sold volved . The industry just needs
tional holographic image doesn't over S200,000 worth of holographic people with open minds and piO-
come out black-and-white because, items. One company, Light Impres- neer spirits to get the "whole
not unlike a prism, it focuses all col- sions, produced 250,000 holograms m essage" across to the public. Will
ors, creating a blur.) Another ad- last year. video game manufacturers be
vance is the production of a color- Most people agree that the boom among them? D

72 FEB R U A R Y 19 8 3
Make a $500 Hologram
While costs oj building a laboratory can run into millions oj dollars.
you can assemble the necessary equipment to make holographic
images 22/3" square Jor about $500. Here are t he basic ingredients:

• A quiet, vibration·free table. This * Chemicals. A hologrom is not 0

is 0 must. becouse you use sen· photogroph, but the process of
sitive optical components to make developing the imoge is similor.
a hologram and noise vibrotions * Lenses and mirrors. These
con upset the settings. monlpulote the loser beoms,
• A laser. the most expensive of the creating the hologrophic effect.
items is olso the most necessary. • A darkroom. This is needed both
The price of 0 loser is determined to creote 0 hologram ond to
by its power. develop the plates. (A bothroom
• Film. Special plates ore needed to can be turned into a darkroom,
record the hologrophic imoge in so, unless you don't hove indoor
on emulsion. not unlike the plates plumbing, this is 0 low cost item.)
used in portroit cameros .

There are many how-to books and supply houses that can help.
Those listed below are recommended by experts in theJield.

A Guide to Proctical Holography. by clear step· by-step chapters. Lists

C. Outwater ond E. Von Hommersveld . equipment vendors.
(1974) $12.50 A beginner's manual. Equipment con be purchased from:

Homegrown Holography. by G. Edmund Scientific Co.

Dowbenko. (1977) $8.95 Gives proc· 101 Eost Glaucester Pike
ticol informotion obout lab construction· Barrington. NJ 08007
ond optics for the beginner. (609) 547·8900

Holography Handbook. by Unter· Melles Griot

seher. Hansen ond Schlesinger. (1982) 1770 Kettering St.
$16.95 An excellent manual offering Irvine, CA 92714
beginner ond odvonced techniques. in (714) 556·8200

Thanks 10 thefollowingfor providing photos: Museum of Holography. Fritz Goro. Nan cy

Safford. Brad Cantos. A ndy Pepper. Paul Barefoot. Tallo America .



The Dig

By Jules Gilde..

Should the first computer be your first?

You're inside an ancient Aztec pyramid searching for the golden idol. Descending
deep into the heart of the temple, you meet cobras, scorpions, giant lizards and
hostile Aztec guards. Hidden trap doors and strange collapsing death rooms ap-
pear out of nowhere. You must be ready tofight, run, jump or crawl to safety at a
moment's notice in order to escape alive.
Or, maybe you're trapped on the rim of a strange space warp created by beings
from a parallel geometric universe. You watch in horror
as their fleet of ships swarms out of the warp on a voyage
of conquest. You alone can prevent the impending doom,
but it isn't easy because normal strategy doesn't work.
You have to fight by their strange rules. Will you be able
to save the day?
These are scenarios for in 1975. and long before the per-
two of the hottest new sonal computer became as popular
computer games to hit as it is today. two young men in
the market. Aztec and California. both of them named
Tubeway (which is Steve. decided it would be nice to
similar to the arcade have their own computer to write
game Tempest) and games and other useful programs
they are both available on. So Steve Jobs. who worked for
for the Apple II computer. But these Atari, and Steve Wozniak. who
are only a few of the multitude of worked for Hewlett-Packard. pooled

games that you can play on the Ap- their talent and designed the first
ple. From high-resolution graphic single-board. all-In-one computer-
adventure games to interactive Apple I.
space games. the Apple II can pro-
vide endless hours of fun. Let's The Apple II (left) with two disk drives,
take a look at how it came to be. a printer and monitor. You can play
On the heels of the enormous games as well as render hi-res graphics
success of Pong-type video games such as those at right.
Most people don't remember the In the text mode it is possible to reason for their popularity is that
Apple I because it enjoyed a very divide the screen into multiple win- the Apple II has no built-in capabili-
short life (about one year) before it dows, each of which is fully pro- ty to display lowercase characters
was replaced by the computer that grammable. This feature comes in (small letters), something character
over 700,000 people now enjoy- handy when certain sections of the generator programs can do . T here
the Apple II. The 200 people who screen are needed to retain con- are, however, several companies
bought the original Apple were stant information while others that manufacture lowercase hard-
given an opportunity, which many need to be updated. Each window'
of them took, to trade in their Apple has its own scrolling capability, and
I and get a discount on an Apple II. each can be cleared separately.
Two other com puters were intro- Text on the Apple can be displayed
duced at about the same time-the in normal (white on black), in in--
Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I and verse (black on white) and in
the PET 2001 com puter. Today, six flashing (a mode that alternates
years later, only the Apple II re- between normal and inverse).
mains. In the low-resolution graphics
The Apple II Plus computer, as it modes, the Apple can display any
is known today, features h igh- of 16 different colors (including
resolution color graphics, a black and white). In the full
52-position, typewriter-like key- graphics mode, the resolution is
board and 48K of RAM (Random 4O-by-48 graphic elements. In the
Access Memory). A few years ago, second low-resolution graphics
the standard Apple used to come mode, you get only 4O-by-40
with game paddles that plugged in- graphic elements but you also get
to the computer. That was discon- room for four lines of text on the
tinued so, although the socket is bottom of the screen. While many
still there, you have to buy paddles interesting games can be written
from Apple separately. Instead of using this graphics capability, to
buying the paddles , however , you'd play games that are similar to the
probably be better off buying one of arcade games, it is necessary to use
the many joysticks available for the one of the high-resolution graphics
Apple. With all of the fast-paced ac- modes.
tion games available today, you'd
find it awkward a djusting two dials Tricks and Textures
simultaneously instead of m anipu- Although the high-resolution
lating a single joystick. Joysticks graphics mode on the Apple II was
are available from most computer designed to display only six col-
stores or by mail for between $30 ors-black, green, blue, violet. red
and $60. and white-programmers have
come up with a variety of tricks
Multiple Windows that permit over 200 colors and
The computer has five display textures.
modes, a text mode to which the The full high-resolution mode has
computer is normally set when 280-by-192 elements on the screen. Above. In addition to thousands of
power is turned on, two low-resolu- This resolution is fme enough to gomes, Apple users hove a choice of
tion graphics m odes and two high- permit the user to define his own many other types of programs.
resolution graphics m odes. In the character set. Thus it is possible to
text mode, the Apple will normally design a character set that can ware adapters that plug into the
display u p to 24 lines of text with a squeeze as many as 70 characters Apple. These range in price from
line width of 40 characters. But for per line onto the screen. Character $30 to $60.
those people who want to do word generator programs that use the The second high-resolution
processing and prefer longer lines, high-resolution graphics screen are mode, like the second low-
plug-in cards are available that will popular because they are an inex- resolution mode, permits a high-
double the line width to 80 pensive alternative to buying an resolution screen to be displayed
characters. 80-column display card. Another with four lines of text at the bot-

76 FEB R U A R Y 1 98 3
tom. In this case, screen resolution speech syntheSizer cards (so you with the coming of component TV,
Is only 280-by-l60 elements. can have a computer that talks as color monitors can be expected to
well as listens to you), a music syn- drop in price, too.
Pick A Card thesizer and electronic organ While the Radio Shack Color
One of the really nice features of keyboard card that lets you Computer, Atari and Texas In-
the Apple n is that It has room to generate electronic music, and a struments computers allow the
plug in up to eight additional ac- burglar alarm card that not only sound generated by the computer
guards against someone breaking to be played back through the
into your house, but also dials the speaker of a TV, the Apple does
police and turns lights and ap- not, Sound only comes out of the
pliances in the house on and off so built-in speaker, resulting in poor
potential burglars will think you're quality, low volume audio. Once
home even when you're not. Also again, however, if this is important
available are: memory expansion to you, there are accessories that
cards, cards that allow the Apple to will let you reroute the sound
talk to other computers by destined for the Apple's internal
telephone, cards that allow the Ap- speaker to a TV or external
ple to use other microprocessors amplifier.
such as the 280, 6809, 8088 and
68000 micros and many more. Software
There's a price to be paid for this One of the most popular applica-
expandability and versatility and tions for the Apple II computer is
that is its price. At a cost of about games and there are plenty of them
$1500, the Apple II computer is around. Games for the Apple in-
about ten times more expensive clude versions of the latest arcade
than the average video game games, intriguing adventure games
machine. It is, however, more than as well as more thought-provoking
ten times as powerful and useful as games like chess, checkers and
a video game. Othello.
While the Apple II computer is But games are not the only kind
probably one of the best personal of programs that you'll find for the
computers around, it's not perfect. Apple. For those of you who plan to
Some useful features are lacking. go to college, there are programs
First, as was mentioned earlier, it that will help you prepare for the
comes out of the box with no lower- Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
case capability. All entry of infor- And if you write a lot of term
mation from the keyboard is done papers for school, you might find it
only in capltalletters. So, if you're very handy to have a computer
interested in entering lowercase let- which can talk to the New York
ters, it's going to cost you extra to Times' computer through the use
get an adapter. of one of the communication net-
Unlike some computers, the Ap- works such as The Source, and, in
ple has no built-in video display. In- this way, do research on the topic
Bottom. The Apple II Is capable of stead, it must be used with a televi- you select. Or you can connect your
rendering high-resolution graphics In sion set or video monitor. If you're computer to the United Press Inter-
over 200 colors, planning to use it with a television national news system and get up-
set, you're going to have to buy a to-the-minute news reports even
cessory cards. These cards perform modulator to make the two work before they appear in the news-
a vartety of functions ranging from together. The modulator converts paper.
permitting the addition of a disk the Apple's video signal to a televi- While you're working on your
storage device to providing a con- sion signal that can be fed to a term paper or dissertation, you
nection for a computer printer. television's antenna terminals. might want to consider using a
Other cards that are available for Modulators cost about $30. Black word processor with your Apple to
the Apple include: a speech and white monitors are fairly inex- produce a beautifully typed, pro-
recognition card, a variety of pensive today (under $100) and Continued on page 97


By Randi Hacker •
Computers as a second language
Have you always wanted to learn a second language but never did
because you (a) felt inhibited speaking to native speakers; (b) felt your
accent was for the birds or (c) were afraid of being ridiculed? If so, then
BASIC is the perfect language to adopt as your second language. BASIC
stands for Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code and was
developed to enable people like you to communicate with computers.
Computers, you see, are patient yourself understood to your com- TURN (or GO or EN-
teachers. Any mistake you make puter. TER) key to return the
will not be met by grimaces or Programs are not frightening. cursor-the square
belittling laughter. The computer Think of them as tasks that have which indicates your
will simply tell you, in one way or been broken down into the simplest position on the screen-
another, that it doesn't understand and most direct of commands. to the left margin . Hit-
and will give you countless chances Each task that you want the com- ting RETURN en-
to do it over until you get it right. puter to perform must be explained ters the line into
And although BASIC will not en- in a way that the computer under- the computer's
able you to converse with aliens, it stands. Remember, computers are memory . Sec-
will. eventually, enable you to dumb. Very dumb. No matter what ond. before
create your own aliens. Programs you've heard in the past. com- starting a
you will learn to write will take you puters know nothing until you tell new
to plenty of exotic lands. With com- them what they're supposed to
puters, you're not bound by con- know. So, rule number one when
ventional geography either, by the you're programming is to figure out
way . precisely what you want the com-
Most second language courses puter to do and then, in a series of
teach you useless things like" La progressively numbered and sim-
plume de ma tante." This course, ple (very simple) steps, instruct it
brief though it may be, is designed to do just that.
to give you a working knowledge of There are several things that
BASIC-one that you can put to you've got to remember when
use at once without having to working with a computer,
spend hours in a language lab. And but two of them bear men-
while you may not achieve absolute tioning right off the bat.
fluency after reading this and the First. after you've writ-
subsequent articles in the series, ten in a line, you
you'll certainly be able to make must hit the RE-

78 FEB R U A R Y 1 983
program, type NEW and hit tie program you run. It clears the a key key located on the keyboard.
RETURN, This clears the com- computer's memory and lets you On some computers, it will be
puter's memory so that you can start over on a clean slate. represented by GO or ENTER but.
start out fresh, • PRINT-This is always typed whatever it's called, it's a key you'll
First, a few key phrases that will in before you give the computer be using a great deal so find it and
come in handy: any PRINT commands at all. don't forget its location.
• NEW-Type this after each lit- • RETURN-This, technically, • RUN-Unlike many fanatic
is not a key phrase so much as it's joggers, the computer will not ex-
ecute any of your commands in a
program unless you tell it to RUN .
• LET-This is used to assign
values to variables (more on
this later) .
• INPUT-This
is used for programs

I----------' ~
whatever you want printed (except and hit RETURN. The computer
numbers) should be placed within should have printed:
quotation marks. If they're not. the HEYT
computer will respond with? ER- I'M
ROR or something similar. The on- READYT
ly time you don't want to use Now, let's say you no longer care
quotation marks is if you want the for line 10 as it is. You want to
computer to evaluate what infor- remove it. Easy. One way to do it is
mation you 've given it. Try this: to type the line number (10) and
NEW then RETURN. Then type LIST
PRINT 3+4 and the computer will show you
and hit RETURN , What you that it has deleted line 10. Want to
should have gotten was 7. The add a new line? Fine. Underneath
computer evaluated the infor- the last line listed. type:
mation instead of printing it 2S PRINT "NOT"
as it was typed in, If you want Now type LIST and hit RETURN.
it to print 3 + 4. you must Your new program will read:
enclose it in quotation marks. 20 PRINT "I'M"
The indirect mode allows 2S PRINT "NOT"
you a lot more complexity in 30 PRINT "REJUlY"
programming. The major Now type RUN. hit RETURN
difference between direct and the computer will run the pro-
and indirect is a direct gram. You can use LIST anytime
command is executed but you want to see the steps as you've
not remembered while an listed them. Note that the computer
indirect command is rearranged the commands so they
stored. A number is fell in numerical order. The com-

GOSUB assigned to each line of an

indirect command, This
tells the computer to
remember it by giving it
puter is nothing if not orderly.
You can also change lines this
way. Simply type in the line you
want to change at the bottom of the
an address. With indirect program. If you assign it the line
commands. RUN must be number of the line it is to replace, it
typed in order to execute the will replace that line. The original
program. Let's try one. line with that number will be exiled
that are interactive-ones in which 10 PRINT "HEYT I'M REJUlYT" forever. Example:
you and the computer have a "con- RUN 2S PRINT "NEVER"
versation. " Hit RETURN. The computer RUN and hit RETURN. The new
Okay. Let's try something. Type: should have responded by printing: progam will read:
Now. hit RETURN. What Each command must be preced- NEVER
should have happened is that the ed by a number. It doesn't matter REJUlYI
computer responded by printing a which numbers you use, only that
message something like this: they be in the sequence in which Shortcuts
?ERRoR you want the tasks performed. If By now you have probably gotten
TWs is because the computer you finish a program and find, let's pretty tired of typing PRINT in
doesn't understand English. You've say, that you've left out one crucial every line. There are shortcuts.
got to translate the command into a step, you can always insert that Most computers allow you to use
language it does understand. You step into the program by assigning another character to represent
can do that by either using direct it a number that falls after the step PRINT. On the Atari 800, for ex-
commands or programs. To begin, it is meant to follow and before the ample. the "7" stands for PRINT
we'll deal with direct commands. The next step, For this reason, it is good while on the TS 1000, simply
direct mode will let you make the practice to assign each line num- hitting the "P" key will print
computer print exactly what you've bers that are about 10 digits apart. PRINT for you. Try this:
typed in immediately. You can't do (10, 20. 30. etc.) Also, unlike a 10 ? "I'M"
anything really complex in the typewriter, the letter "L" cannot be 20 7 "READYT"
direct mode. Try this: used interchangeably with the RUN and hit RETURN.
PRINT "LA PLUME DE MA number " 1". This will not com- Did it work?
TANTE" pute. Let's try something a
and hit RETURN. The computer Let's try a short program. little more complex.
should have responded by printing: NEW U's called the LET
LA PLUME DE MA TANTE. 10 PRINT "HEY!" function . Using
Notice the use of quotation 20 PRINT "I'M" LET you can
marks. Whether using the direct 30 PRINT "READYI" assign values
mode or the indirect mode, RUN to variables
eo FEBRUARY 1983
(in other words, letters). Try this: colon, on the other hand, will the computer will print C on the
NEW squeeze the variables together. same line as A and B. See?
10 LET A=3 You may end up with a print out Similarly. going back to the first
20LETB=7 like this using semi-colons: 3710. program, if you type:
3D LET C= 10 Some computers allow space in 10 PRINT "I'M ";
40 PRINT A, B, C front of numbers, others don't. If 20 PRINT "NOT ";
RUN yours doesn't do that automatical- 3D PRINT "READY II

The computer will respond by prin- ly, you'll have to compensate by the computer will print the state-
ting out the values you've assigned adding that space yourself. ment all on one line.
the variables. LET Is optional. For Something that bears mentioning
a short cut. simply type the Semicolons here Is what value the computer
variable, = and the value you 've Notice the lack of a semicolon will assign the variable. For exam-
assigned to it. after the final C. You can use the ple. If you type:
You'll notice that the numbers semicolon (or the comma) after the 10 LET A=S
are spread out across the screen so final variable and this is what will 20 LET B= 10
now is a good time to talk about happen. If you type: 3D LET A=lS
commas and other punctuation. 10 PRINT A; B; the computer will let A equal 15.
In the PRINT statement, acorn- then , later In the program. want to The last value assigned is the one
rna instructs the computer to space print C, when you type that's kept Uust like the last line
the variables widely. A semi- 3D PRINT C that is put on a program, if It has
the same number as a line already
in that program, will replace that
line). The original value Is gone
forever. By the way, A. B. C,
etc. can be only
Continued on page 94
OMI software ... a world ofchoices
A World of Fun! They're hot! They're new! The settes or UMl's own durable cartridges, depending
exceptional graphics and challenging play of UMI's on your selection. If you're looking for fun, or for
games have made United Microware the leader in an easier way to manage your personal business,
arcade-quality recreational software. look to UMI ... the leader you can trust. UMI
A World of Help! UMI has created programs to products are available at your favorite computer
help professionals and homeowners "take care of products store.
business." UMI can make your life a little easier
Dealer inquiries invited.
with word processing, information storage, finan-

IG . I....II
cial management, hobbyist programs, utilities and
United Microware Industries, Inc.
communication programs - all with easy-to-
understand instructions.
• ,. I , ~, J ,3503-C Temple Avenue
Pomona, California 91768
A World of Choices! All programs come on cas- (714) 594-1351 -

We're waiting to discover you. :.-::::==:--

Send us a game program that you've written and maybe we'LL send you $100.
Each month in First Screening, we're going to print a program that one oj our
readers has written. If you think you have hidden talent as a game designer and
you have a game that you think deserves recognition, send it to us. Be sure to let
us know which computer it's Jor and include the complete computer printout. For
more inJormation on how to enter, see page 84.
This month's winner is Greg Gilfeather. Greg is a sophomore at the University oj
Nebraska in Lincoln. He is majoring in computer science. He owns a VIC-20 but his
game, a computerized version oj Battleship, was written Jor the
Northstar computer.

BaWeship is a computerized
version of the strategy game of the
same name. It"s an interactive game
that was written in Northstar BASIC
but. with a few modifications. can
be played on any computer. It's real
straight forward except that the
computer is very good at it. That's
where the challenge comes in. The
computer does not make mistakes .
But don't despair. It's still possible
to confuse it. You can even win if
you play your ships right.

How to Play
In the game of Battleship. you
are the commander of a naval fleet
consisting of five ships-an aircraft
carrier, a battleship, a cruiser, a
submarine and a destroyer. The
computer commands an identical
fleet. Each of the ships is a specific
size-caniers are 5; battleships. 4;
cruisers, 3; submarines, 3 and
destroyers, 2 it's your turn to
and each ship is enter the coordinate of
placed on a 10 by your next attack and so on.
10 (10 across and
10 down) grid. The object Strategy
of the game is to beat your If you place all your ships
opponent by bombarding his fleet. together in a tight group, it is
One coordinate may be attacked sometimes possible to confuse the
per move and it takes as many computer. When YOll attack in a
moves as the ship is long to destroy know exactly straight line. Choose a coordinate at
it totally. Ships may be partially where your ships are sta- which to start and then move in a
disabled with fewer hits. tioned. But, never fear . It is honest way that eliminates as many
The computer generates a grid at and will not peek into its own CPU possibilities as possible. Moving
the outset of the game and then for the information. The computer diagonally across the board works
asks you where you wish to place doesn't cheat. well. I've also found that attacking
each ship. You then type in the co- It is also impossible for you to coordinates in a random way to
ordinates. Actually, you only have cheat. by the way. Since the com- begin with and then proceeding
to type in whether you want that puter knows where your ships are, from one or another point in a more
ship positioned horizontally or ver- you can't tell it it missed when it orderly fashion in a very effec tive
tically (the computer asks you this) was actually right on the money strategy. 0
and then enter the first coordinate with its missile. Not only is it
(across first. down second). The honest. but it keeps you honest. In order for us to conSider your
computer takes ·care of the rest. For too. entry, we need the following items:
example, let's say you want your Being courteous, the computer a complete computer program, a
carrier to extend horizonatlly from lets you move first. It will ask you brief game description,
5.5 to 10.5. First you type in "H" to where you would like to send your photographs or drawings of the
let the computer know you wish it first missile. You then type in the graphics, a picture of you and a
to be horizontal, then you type in coordinate. The computer self-addressed. stamped envelope.
the first set of coordinates 5.5. The will immediately tell you Send it all to Electronic Fun,
computer will en tend it to 10.5 whether you've scored a 350 East 8lst St., New York,
automatically. hit or missed. Then it's NY l0028. Include your
the computer's phone number.
Cheating turn. It will
This brings us to a point most of say "I move.
you are no doubt wondering about 1.7. Is it a hit? and you
by now-namely, does the com- must type in Y (for
puter know where you've positioned "Yes") or N (for
your ships? The answer is yes. It "No."). Then
lb 1
FOR K2=' 1 ,~
1705 B(J,I)=,-l
1710 P(K+5,K2)=,1+ 10*(J-1)
17'.3 J=,~'+l
1715 GOTO 183 TLiE LEFT MOST POS,TlO. oF THE SH'P ,,_'CROSS. y-oo"",
1720 NEXT 1<.2 0
1750 PRINT \l'O,"EI"TER ro
1765 INPU, \l'O,I,J
17 70 F"'OS2='~' 0" .,,'1 n'" J:> 10 ,\-lEN GOTO 1755
1771 12=, 1
IF 1< 1 OR 1:>11-L (K) ~ - ~ ~~
17 75 FOR K2",1 TO L(K)
1777 IF B(J2,12)=,-1 T\-IEN F",l
1780 12",12+ 1
1785 NOT K2
IF F='O 00.
179 0 PRINT T\-IEN"YOU 130,0",-"E'OY1800 H"E , SH'P THERE"
179 6 GOTO lb1 5
179 7 FOR K2 '" 1 TO L ( y~ )
1800 B(~" 1)=,-1 10
1805 P( K+5,K2 1 ",1+ *(J-1 )

18 10 1=,1+1
182 0
181 NEX, 00'" yOUR OH reS ,RE , . THE FOLLOW'.O pOSIT ,0. "
0 Li e
1835 GOSUBRE,URN30 00 MPUTE" - _ lp
1840 REM OETERM''''' pos,Tl"" OF CO
0, ' 0 "
20 00 FOR K=,l TO 5
2010 R=,RND(0)*10
202 0 IF R>5 ,\-lEN GO'O 2200
2030 1=,INT ( (RND(\)) *9)·>-1 )
.J=,lNT « RNO(O) *L( K)_1)+1 )
2 0 40
205 0
20 bO 12",1
207 0 ~'2='~'
2080 FOR K2",1 TO UK )
209 0 IF A(J'l ,12) =,-1 ,\-lEN
21 00 .J2:::::·J2+ 1
2110 0
2 12 0 1F F=,l T\-IEN GOTO 202
2 1:30 FOR 1<.2=,1 TO L(I<·)
21 40 A( ~I , 1 ) =,- 1
2150 P(K, K2 l =, I+ 10*(J-1 )
21 55 ~,,,,~1+1
21 60 NEXT
217 0 GOTO
« RND ( O)*' L(\'~ )-l )
1=,INT23 40 )+1)
22 00 J",IN, ( RND(0)*9+ )
22 10 F='O
2220 12=,1
2230 ~12=,J
22 40 FOR 1<2=, 1 TO L( K)
IF A(.Y2,12)=,-1 ,\-lEN 1"",1
226 0 12",[2+ 1
2270 NEXT 0
228 0 IF 1"=,1 T\-IEN G010 202
229 0 FOR K2=,1 ,0 L(K)
23 0 0 A( ') ' ( ) ", - 1 10
2 '3 10 P(K,K2 1 =,1+ *(J-1)
2315 1",1+ 1
2320 NE)(T Li
NEXT E'-' "",' S lP:3 "
233 0 PR1 ' \I'D," 1 \-lAVE FLAC >..' ,." ro
23 40 N VE
2360 RE~'
235 0 RETURN
250 0 IF F7 <'>0 T\-IEN GOTO 265 0 0
2505 1"'INT ( RN(I( 0)*9-\'1) 10
"",. ]NT(RN(I
'J 1 1:3 11 A \-111 ('lOR 1'1)"
251 0 J'c 0(.,' " I. ) (Co)*9+
:)' OR )
B(J, 1)"'';:: 130 2,:,1
';:.520 PRINT \I'D , "] MOVE. ",1,"'''''.1,''
(~I, <~>-1
"25 30
2535 GOSua 1F B 30(H) 1) 1 \4EN 130,0 '2.5
2537 INPUT IF )($""";" \l'D ,){$T\·\ Et~ 001(.1 2~,:30
25 M > IF X$","N" 'fHI:-,N ' j ( f(i) 25:3~;
25 41
25 42 11~PUT IF X$","N" \1'0, )($,\-lEN 130'(0 257()
2 5 45 PRINT \I'D , "ARE yOU SURe'"
25 46
2 550 GOTO 2~35
2560 B( ~I, [)",1
2 57 0 GO'O 298 0
2575 B(J,l)"'S
2 580 1"7",1
2586 .J7",·J
2587 E",l
2590 130,0 REM 29 80 FIRST \411 FOLLOW uP \-II 6
260 0 01'1 E GOTO '21;.53, 2 65 4 , 2 /;,':,5, 2 ':,6
2651 1",17+ 1 \J"'~'7 \GOTO 261;.0il
2 650
2653 1",17- 1 \.J", ..I7' 130,. 0 '2 hb
265 4 J",.,17- 1 \ 1",17 \GOTO 2(,1:,0
2655 .J",J7+ IF , <,1 '\1OR '" [7",0
\ 130,0oR2b"0J< ' Of' J>'O THe> GoN 2'"
265 6
26 60 GOTO 267 0
26 63 E",E+1
2665 GOTO 2651
2667 11= £I ( 1 ) <\6 T\-IEN
THEN 130,0
130,0 28 26 '5
~oo'" liuru ~o/U

2665 E=E+l
2667 GOTO 2651
2670 IF 9 Lr, I ) <:t THEN GOTO 2800
2671 IF B ('J, I )=8 THEN GOTO 2675
2675 17=1\...17=...1
2677 GOTO 2651
2680 E=E+t
2690 GOTO 2655
2800 IF 91...1,1)=-1 THEN GOTO 2840
2805 GOSU9 3000
2 810 PRINT 110,"1 MOVE ",1,",",...1," IS IT A HIT IY OR N)"
2821 IF X$=" N" THEN GOTO 2825
2822 GOTO 28 10
2825 91...1.1)=1
2830 E=E+l
2835 GOTO 2980

2840 PRINT 110."1 MOVE",I,,J."IS IT A HIT IY OR NI"
2842 COSUB 300 0
2845 INPUT II D, X$
2850 IF X$ =" Y" THEN GOTO 2855
2851 PRINT 110, " ARE YOLI SURE"
2853 GOTO 2840 "Name This Game"
2855 BI...I.I)=8
2860 I7=1 \.J7'"',J Sweepstakes
2861 S=O
2865 FOR K=6 TO 10 Official Ru les
2870 FOR H=1 TO 5
2875 IF P II< ,H) = I+1() *I~r-1) THEN GOTO 2885 NO PURCHASE NECESSARY SWeepstakes: Hand·
2880 NEXT print your name, address, telephone no. and local store
(name, address) displaying the new U.S. Games Car-
2883 NEXT tridge on an Official Entry Form.* Check your Fifth Prize
2885 FOR H:' 1 TO 5 choice. Failure to do so invalidates your entry. Contest:
2886 X=INT(P(K,H)/10)+1 To enter the contest, include the name you created for
2887 Y=PIK , HI-IX-l )* 10 the new game. Mail entry separately before closing date,
2 895 IF BIX,Y)=8 THEN S=S+1 April 30, 1983, to "Name This Game" Sweepstakes,
28<)7 NEXT P. O. Box 7961 , Chicago, IL 60680.
2900 IF S <>LI K) THEN GOTf) 2980 All sweepstakes prizes will be awarded. Winners will be
2910 S 2=S2+1 drawn at random by independent judges. Winning odds
2920 PRINT 110 ," 010 I SINK IT IY OR N)" depend on no, entries received. Sweepstakes winners
2921 INPUT XS submicting a name will be judged in the order originally
drawn. First entry to score 100% on following basis is the
2922 IF X$="Y" THEN (JOTO 2930 Contest Winner regardless of any other entries received
2923 PRINT 110, "ARE YOU SURE" with identical names. a. Must be legible and free of
2 9 24 GOTO 2 920 existing trademark/ copyright registrations b. Originality
2930 IF S2<>5 THEN GOTO ~ 9bO 30% appropriate to new game 30% c. General appeal
2940 PRINT 110,"1 WIN GOOD GAME" 30% d. Tasteful 10%. If no entry wins, up to 10,000
2950 GO TO 4500 additional entries will be judged with judges option to
2960 F7=0 continue until one scores 100%. Contest prize may not
2965 E= l be awarded.
2980 RETURN Entries are sponsor's property. None returned, prize sub·
~:OOO REM HI S SHIPS stitutions or transfers. One prize per person. Sweep-
stakes open to U.S. residents except where prohibited,
taxed or restricted by law. Employees of U.S. Games
3010 PRINT 110, "YOUR SHIPS" Corporation, Thp, Quaker Oats Company, their affiliates,
3011 PRINT 110." ",":", advertising, promotional agencies, judges and families
3013 FOR X=1 TO 10 not eligible. Major prize winners required execute affida-
3014 PRINT IID,%6I,X, vit of eligibility. By entry into the sweepstakes winner
3016 NEXT consents, without additional compensation, to the com-
3017 PRINT liD merCial use by U.S. Games Corporation of the game
name submitted Name becomes the sale property of
3018 PRINT liD, ,,-----------------------------------------------------------" U.S. Games Corporation who may use it at its discretion.
3020 FOR Z=1 TO 10 By entry, winners consent to the use of their name and/ or
3025 PRINT IIO,%2I . Z.":", likeness for advertising and trade purposes without addi-
3030 FOR X=1 TO 10 tional compensation. Parent or legal guardian, accepts
3040 lF BIZ.X)=O OR BIZ,~)=1 THEN XS="." conditions of entry by minors; accepts minors' prizes.
3041 IF BIZ,X)=-1 THEN XS="O" Contest winner notified by Registered Mail and obligated
3042 IF 9 I Z,X)=8 THEN XS="X" to sign eligibility affidavit within 30 days of notification;
3045 PRINT 110," ",XS, otherwise, an alternate winner will be selected. Sponsor
3050 NEXT not responsible for lost/late mail. Taxes are winners'
responsibility. For major prize winners list, send self·
3060 PRINT 110 addressed stamped envelop~ to "Name This Game" List,
3065 NEXT p. O. Box 87129, Chicago, IL 60680.
3070 PRINT 110," I " VE SUNI< ",£;2,-!: YOIY' VE SUNK ", S3 *For free Official Entry Form, send request to "Entry
3080 RETURN Request:' P. O. Box 491 2, Chicago, IL 60680.
4011 PRINT liD, " ",":",
4013 FOR X=1 TO 10
4014 PRINT 1I0 , %6I.X.
4016 NEXT
4017 PRINT li D © 1982 U.S. Games Corporation
4018 PRINT liD . ,,---------- ----- - ----------- - - ------------------------------" A subsidiary of the Quaker Oats Company
4020 FOR Z= 1 TO 10
4025 PRINT 1I0.%21,Z,":",
4030 FOR X=1 TO 10
4040 IF A(Z,X)=-1 OR AIZ,X)=O THEN XS="."
4050 IF AIZ,X)=1 THEN X$="O"
'J055 IF AIZ,X) =8 THEN X$= "X"
4056 IF A( Z,X)=12 THEN X$="S "
4060 PRINT liD." " , X$,
4070 NEXT
4080 PRINT 110
4090 NEXT
4500 FOR ...1=1 TO 10
4505 IF AIJ,I)=- 1 THEN A(J,I) = 12
4510 IF 91...1,1 )=- 1 THEN 9( ...1 ,1 )= 12
4515 NEXT
4530 GOSU9 3000
5000 END


Exciting ... action-packed ... adventure-
filled! It's a new U.S. Games game
that's so hot, we want you to name it!
Just drop in on your video game dealer
for an official entry form. Or use the
one available in the Name-This-Game
cartridge package. Then, fill in the in-
formation, including your name for
the untitled video game described
below. You're then eligible to win the
$10,000 contest prize and one of over
1,000 sweepstakes prizes. A panel of
judges will determine the contest prize
winner, with a random drawing de-
termining sweepstakes winners. Con-
test and sweepstakes end April 30,
1983. No purchase necessary.

SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES! Deep beneath ocean waters you safe- doubtedly, you're dinner ... or you'll
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make you a millionaire the moment careful. .. or awfully quick.
FIRST PRIZE-S10,OOO you make it to land! Unfortunately,
SECOND PRIZE-S3,500 Good luck!
enter the shark that'd rather make you
Ent ry form can also be obtained by mailing to Entry
THIRD PRIZE-S1,500 , a meal. You shoot! And shoot again! Request, P.O . Box 4912, C hicago, Illinois 60680.
Angering an octopus who's out to ink N ame-T his-G am e is m an ufactured for the Atari Video
100 FOURTH PRIZES- you. You're left contending with his C omputer System Mod el 2600 by U.S . Games. U.S.
a 6-game library of U.S. Games tentacles ... the shark's swimming G ames is not affiliated with Ata ri, Inc.
cartridges of your choice-from
our Action-Adventure and Family- faster ... then, another disaster! Oxy-
gen's on the outs! You must reach the
Action series.
life line from your buddy above. Un-
one u.s. Games cartridge of the

en trant's choice. © 1982 U.S. Ga mes Corporation
A subsid iary of the Quaker Oats Compa ny

PIQy now, PQY IQt.,

cost of about $2, for the frrst two save by not joining a club (usually
days and $1 for every day around $30) will rent you enough
thereafter) you can deduct your games at another store to satisfy
rental fee fTom the purchase price. your game hunger.
There are a couple of similarities One big difference in policy is in
in rental poliCies that you will find responsibility. Find out if your
across the board. First, most stores dealer believes that accidents will
require a deposit on the cartrtdge happen. In other words, find out
you want to rent. This is to make whose fault it would ultimately be if
sure that you don't "forget" to bring the game broke and whether you
the game back. And secondly, some would have to sacrifice your deposit
form of ID will be required. because of it. Most of the time
retailers will give you your deposit
Rental Clubs back because the cartrtdges are
Some stores will require a club protected by warranty. But ascer-
membership to discourage the tain this before you rent.
occasional renter. With a club Another difference is in selection:
Oy Jens von der Heide membership, a member gets You may not realize just how many
cheaper rental rates and perhaps, cartrtdges there are and, if you don't
several free rentals per month. If shop around, you may also never
There are so many game systems you plan to join a club, be sure to find out. Choose a store which offers
and cartrtdges on the market these read all the frne print so you don't you the widest range so that you
days that the purchase of a com- end up with a month-long mem- can make tests and compare. If you
plete library could set you back bership when you were expecting a don't do this, how will you ever
several thousand dollars. For this lifetime membership. If, however, know which is better-Frogger,
reason, in order to choose a new you feel that deep inside you're only Frogs & Flies, Frog Bog or Frog
system or game these days you an occasional renter, the money you Pond?O
practically need a crystal ball and a
Swiss bank account number: the
first to enable you to preview the
game and the second, to afford
them all. Since not too many stores
carry crystal balls anymore and
since unlimited funds are difficult (if
not impossible) to come by, the next
best thing is game rentals.
To begin with, they give you the
option of a hands-on evaluation of a
variety of machines and cartrtdges.
One weekend you can rent a
ColecoVision, the next, an
Odyssey-and the rental of both
could run you less than the pur-
chase of one Atari cartrtdge. In
addition, you can rent anyone of
the 4OO-plus game cartridges
currently available. And better yet,
if you like the game after having Like Leisure 'Tronics of Chicago, many stores now offer video game rentals. You
played it for a couple of days (at a can become a member of a video game rental club for about $30 a yeor.

90 FEBRUARY 198 3
more than DOUBLES the size 01 your
TV Picture I

The~ laughed M

wilen I sat E

down at my A
E ' M

Atari Computer, N
but when I W

started to play! Check these ling lutures : • Exceptional Color

Clar ity • Installs Without Tools • Use Under Normal
lightinG· Minimum Floor SpICe· AHordable Price
Shown below is J size com~~~oSC~;E.relu'ar screen to SIl l! wi th

TM TV SIll! BEAMSCOP[ ' New TV SIll!! Perc enta l !

FOR USE WITH INTELLIVISION TM (Oi1lonal) Model No . (Oillonl) of Incrust
11· 19'
161... ·400%
141 ... ·191%
I • More Control • Improve Skill 11 ·1S
_.- - - - - - - - -
IHI 41
-D-; a7e;-I ;Q-:,;:~7welco";
16l%. 1l1%
I • Higher Scoring • Greater Accuracy
I~~~£AS ~~~fl~.J DIACO SALES (ir·~N ~OUASJ
I • Simple to Attach • Less Fatigue 1000 Oakton Box 1937 EJ Des Plaines. IL 60018

I $599~k~S
24 Hr.
A Day
I n III. (312) 966·0044
7 Days
A Week

I Please Rush o Order

Name ____________________
Informa ti on

I A ddfe H _____________________
C . IV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I S ,a'e -,-___-,-___ Z.p ______
••• They didn't know I had I o Phone ..>..
1____--'-__ =-__________
slipped in something com- 1 C & T CREATIONS Pay m ent
o Mst.Cd'/visa
Ch ec k 0 COD 5200 Ex! ra
0 Am .Expr. Exp .Dt . ____
fortable. My brand new EPYX I 127 Weybosset St. Prov idence . RI 02903 Card No . _____________________
cartridge game. Comfortable II (P L EA SE PRIN T) D IS 25 lor 10" 10 15 " I V @ S59 95 Ea = $_ _
because I had simply put the NAME _____________________ ~ 0 I S 30 lor 17" 10 21 " I V @ $69 95 Ea = $_ _
~ 0 T S 41 lor Console I V
Alien Garden cartridge into I ~ 21- 1026" @ S19950Ea = $ ___

ADDRESS ____________________
the slot. And I was playing in o 0 T S 41 Deluxe @ $299 50 Ea = $_ _
an instant. CITY ______________________ z 0 SWivel Base lor T S 25 @ 519 95 Ea = 5_ _
o SWivel Base lor I S 30 @ 521 95 Ea = $ _ _
I STATE ZIP _________ SATI SFACTION Shipping and handli ng Charges S~
Send Check or money order - Sorry no C G.D ·s GUARANTEED C.O. D.'s Add 52.00 Extra $ _ _

I'm a cosmic cril- L OR FULL REFUND IL. Res. add 6% sales tax $ _ _

ler in a garden
with crystals thai
grow or shrink
or explode .. .
-, - all in glorious
' ; --- '

color and tinkling

sound. Explode
and I'm dea . Eal lhe poisonous
crystals and I'm dead. Bul eal lhe
edible crystals and I win poinls. USED VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGES (for Atari VCS)
And lhe garden and lhe cryslals

You MUST Send A
are differenl every lime I play.
Fanlastic! Self-Addressed I

STAMPED Envelope To
Receive Our Buying
Now you can have the same
fun. All you need is an Atari
Home Computer and $39.95.
ATARI':O & Selling Price List
Print Clearly .

Alien Garden is by EPYX, one

of the oldest , the largest-and,
we believe, best - designers
and producers of games for
Available now at your computer
software dealer. If he doesn't have
it in stock, suggest that he order
it now. Or call EPYX at (800) - - - - OUR VIDEO GAME EXCHANGE LIST FEATURES - - --

g •
824-7888. Ask for
~ operator 29. In Cali-
fomia, call (800) 852-
7777, operator 29.
© 1982, EPYX, 1043 Kiel Court,

Sunnyvale, CA 94086. For Complete Cartridge Exchange List Send 50¢ To:
p.o. BOX 686 ELM GROVE. WI 53122

around February or March. while and the ability to display a total of

COMING ATTRACTIONS the Intellivision add-on keyboard is 256 different characters on the
Continuedfrom page 35 expected to cost under $150 with screen. Peripheral products coming
MatteI's expansive lineup among initial distribution starting next later will include a 40-column ther-
the show's flashy booths included summer. mal printer. a data recorder and the
two low-priced. stand-alone per- Aquarius has a maximum Aquarius Mini-Expander which ac-
sonal computers: a free- memory capability of 52K RAM commodates a memory cartridge
standing console called Aquarius (thus making it quite competitive and game cartridge and provides
and a revised version of MatteI's oft- with Atari 400. TI-99/4A. Com- two hand controllers for enhanced
promised Intellivision keyboard modore VIC-20 and Timex Sinclair game play. Four primary categories
component. The Aquarius will sell 1000). CP/M compatibility. built-in of plug-in software will be initially
for less than $200 beginning Microsoft BASIC. 16-color graphics available including Education.
Home Management. Personal Im-
provement and Entertainment. A
low-priced LOGO language car-
tridge that does not require the pur-
chase of additional hardware is also
among planned software.
The Intellivision computer
keyboard. which turns the video
game system into a home com-
puter. plugs into the Intellivision
master component's 16-bit micro-
processor. The system utilizes built-
in BASIC program language and a
range of software including color-
coded graphics. which teach
children through game play. a pro-
gram in three-dimensional graphiCS
combined with music and a new
generation of sports games (to be
announced). Users will also have
the opportunity to program their
own video games.
Ironically. Telesys. the company
that started the "food" game trend
with Fast Food. decided to get back
to video game basics with Ram-It.
Reminiscent of Breakout. the game
features colored bands moving
closer to the center. leaving it up to
the player to "zap" them back to
the edge of the screen.
Fox Gomes
Hollywood movie and character
offerings were previewed by 20th
Century-Fox Games. Based on the
movie and TV show and reportedly
co-created by Alan Aida. the new
M*A *S*H cartridge places you in
the middle of the 4077th. You may
not be able to play practical jokes
on the nurses. but you do get to
drive ajeep. pick up an injured
soldier. round-up a doctor and
nurse. get them to the O.R. and
then accumulate all the necessary
equipment for the operation before
the patient expires. Now who said
the Korean War wasn't fun?
Continued on page 96


strings variables like A$ without ment. Older BASICs (like the Atarij
BASIC first telling the computer how do not allow for a prompt string.
Continued!rom page 81 many characters will be in the An example of both is given below:
numbers. To assign words to string. To do that, you've got to use #1 (With a prompt string)
variables, read on. the DIM command. DIM stands NEW
Not only can numerical values be for dimension and it should be used 10 INPUT "WHAT IS YOUR
assigned but strings, also. A string at the beginning of all programs us- NAME "; N$
is a variable of one or more alpha- ing string variables. 20 PRINT N$; " IS YOUR
numeric characters. String 5 !JIM A$ (10), for example. NAME,"
variables must be surrounded by The number in parentheses lets RUN
quotes and cannot be assigned to the computer know the maximum The computer will print:
letters (A, B, C). Numbers, however, number of characters allowed in WHAT IS YOUR NAME?
can be assigned to string variables the string. Don't worry about using HAL 2000 (you respond)
which are represented by a letter fewer characters than you've al- HAL 2000 IS YOUR NAME
(A) followed by a S (AS). Try this: lotted for. Worry about using too (responds the computer.)
NEW many, however. The computer is #2 (Without a prompt string)
10 LET A$ = "GIMME" very literal and will simply stop NEW
20 LET E$ = "A" printing out the characters once it 5 !JIM N$ (10)
3D LET C$ = "EREAK" reaches the maximum. A good rule 10 PRINT "WHAT IS YOUR
40 PRINT A$, E$, C$ of thumb is to overcompensate. NAME?"
RUN Now that you can assign string 20INPUTN$
Did the words come out very far variables, you can put together a 3D PRINT "YOUR NAME
apart? Separate the PRINT state- pretty efficient interactive program IS"; N$
ment using semicolons (and don't using the INPUT command. Some RUN
forget to allow for spacing). There. computers allow for a prompt The computer will print:
That should have run better. string which means a line promp- WHAT IS YOUR NAME?
In some BASICs, such as the ting you to input the information HAL 2000 (you respond)
Atari. you can't assign values to can appear in the INPUT state- YOUR NAME IS HAL 2000


~~~~:i[f'~ VIDE HEAVEN, INC. ~~~~;
-E.T.·28 95
. Intelligent TelENISIOfl (FOR ATARI)

I~. I
)I~ LOST ARK· 25 95
. -B-17 BOMBER
Now! Activision(i) made

-CHESS· 39"
- SHARK, SHARK· 17" for your Intellivision'" ! -HIGH SEAS· 2895
-SHARP SHOT· 1595 -AIR·RAIDERS . 249 5

lei 23::E::: m
- VECTRON . 2595 NETWORK - FOOTBAll. 21 95
* New low prices
• W

on Mattei classics * ADVENTURES OF TRON
- BASEBALL - 1995
46 95
-SPACE HAWK· 21 95
-STAR STRIKE· 21 95 23 50
N -SKY JINX· 1695 AVAILABLE· 30 00 complete
1·800·2$3·01649 '.m.·5 p.m. EST
in MICHIGAN 616·335·5056)
or send Money Order' Cert ified Check with $2.00 shipping for total order.
94 F (;; B R U A R Y (9 8 3

(responds the computer)
As a final little program to end
this lesson with. try this. It is writ-
ten for Atari BASIC. so if you're
computer allows for a prompt s tr-
ing in the INPUT. mOdify it to fit.
5 DIM N$(20), A$(20), J$(20)
50 PRINT "YOU .ARE "; A$;
DO YOU Dm'''
YOURSELF A "; J$; "?
Nex t installment: READ and
IF .. , THEN statements and a
complete interactive program for
you to practice with. O

Q: What is the hardest thing in the world?

A: Tearing yourself away from an EPYX game.
Nobody but nobody builds more lasting
playing value into their computer games
than EPYX.
EPYX-computer games thinkers play.
EPYX-producers of award-winning games
(including "Crush, Crumble and Chomp";
" Dragon's Eye"; " Temple of Apshai" ... and
dozens of other thinking games.) For Atari~
Apple ~ Commodore~ Radio Shack~ and
IBM· personal computers. EPYX-the
leader in computer game quality,
creativity, innovation.
You will love them all.
Write or phone for our latest catalog; it's
absolutely free ... we even pay the post-
age. Or stop in at your favorite computer
dealer. He should have a supply of catalogs
and he can also show you some of those
marvelous EPYX games in action.
-The tradema rks . respectiv ely. of Atari. Inc.: Appl e Computer, Inc.:
Commodore International : Tandy Corp.; Internat ional Business
Machines. And EPYX is the trademark of Automated Simulations. Inc ..
just so you don't forget.

• 1043 Kiel Court
~ Sunnyvale, California
(408) 745-0700




Activision-River Raid for Atari.. . . ........ 23.86 II I was a
97 lb.
Activision-Spider Fighter lor Atari. ................ 223 •.86 •
• Activision-Sea Quest tor Atari 3 88 COMING AnRACTIONS
Activision-Sky Jinks tor Atari ........ 17 .88 •
• 20th Fox-Megatorce tor Atari ........ 27.88
Continued f rom page 92

• weakling!
Another Fox VCS movie game
• ~:::::~d~;~ '~iih~l~;tA;k ": ~:::: •

• Reds .....
. ........... 89.86 •
......... 74.86 •
was Flash Gordon, a space game in
which Flash must do battle with
Ming's armada and destroy the
emperor's city. The only non·movie
• Annie .. .. ............... ....... 89.86
title from Fox is Crypts of Chaos, in
• ~i~~i~w~~h~~~~i~Te~ " " "" ~~:::

which you investigate a crypt while
Missing .............................. .. ..... 70.86 •
• Star Trek II . .. ..................................... 33.86 fighting off the guardians of the

Tron ... .. ............... ................. .. ......... 31 .8 6 .
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid .... 28.86 •
• tomb.
Star Trek II ..................... ...... .. .. .............. 28.86 While Texas Instruments
• Questtor Fire ............. ... ....... ... ........ ....... 33.86 •
Young Frankenstein .............. ... ................. 37.86 demonstrated a new version of its
• On Golden Pond ....................................... 37.86 • • •• And then I slipped my popular TI-99/4A, Commodore of·

• TI99/4A .. ........ .. ............................. 219.86 •
(Atter $100.00 rebate you send .. .. ... 319.86
• Monster Maze cartridge
into my computer.
fered its MAX Machine home com-
puter and video game system with
built-in music synthesizer at under
• Commodore VIC·20 .... ..
Tandy Radio Sheck Color 16K..
. ................ 198.86 •
.. ....... 333.66
First I saw a full screen $ 100. Always the price leader,
• Tandy Radio Shack Color ........... .. .. .......... 263.66 • maze. And then I entered Commodore introduced yet another
Atari400 ............ .... .. ..................... ...... ... 269.66 • under-$ 1,000 small computer
• Atari aDo ..... .. .. .. .............. ..... .. ......... 649.66 a chamber of horrors. I
• Atari 5200 ... .. ...... .. .. .. .. ...... ................. 199.86 • scurried down endless halls system, the P-500, fit for personal
or business use.

TDKT· 120 .....
.. .... 9.86 •
...... 9.86
• looking for gold bars and
vitamins and watched out for
lurking terrors. And all as
u.s. Games
u.s. Games' premieres were
• ~~~ ~:~~g ::::::::::::::. .:::::~::: • though it were in 3·0. I ate typical of the new type of non-
• No limit •
enough vitamins to subdue violent game many software com-

Universal Phone ... .... .. .................. .. .. .......... 29.86 •
White Trimline .... ..... .. .. .. .. .... .. ................ 59.86
White warl Phone .. . .. .. ...... . ........................ 89.86 •
• the monsters before I lost all
of my nine lives. Hours of
fun. Thrilling. Scary.
panies showed.
Kicking off the previously men-
tioned "food" genre is a trio of U.S.

• •
White Desk Dialer Phone .......................... 29.68
Games games, namely Eggomania ,
... And forgot all about being Bakery and Picnic. The former
• Tron . .. ......................... 23.86 •
a 97 lb. weakling. finds a circus bear in a top hat at·
Mommie Dearest ............................ ........... 29.66 •
• Richard Pryor Sunset Strip. .. ............ 23.66 You can have the same fun. tempting to catch eggs laid by a low
Cheech & Chong Nice Dreams... . .. ......... 20.86 •
All you need is an Atari .Home flying bird, something that all bears

• a-
• Taxi Driver ..... .. .... ...... ........ . ... 22.66

• Vid·CrattDetaier 1 .... ........ ............ .............. 99.66 •

Vid·Cratt Stabi izer .. ... .. ..... 49.86
• Computer or
VIC 20 ... and
do naturally. Miss enough eggs and
you have a bear ready for the frying
In Bakery, you must decorate
• a· Hour Battery lor Portable VCR's ............... 149.66 •
Monster $39.95. cakes and put them in a box via
We Got Them All Maze paddle controllers before they fall
This Months Spectals Monster Maze off the end of a conveyor belt. If
ALL SAlE PRICES EXPIRES: is by EPYX, you're still hungry, there's Picnic .
one of the oldest, largest-and another paddle game in which you
, VIDEOUVERV \ we believe, best -designers must stop flies from eating your
and producers of games for hamburgers.
• For FREE catalog ex credit card •

orders call toll free 24 hours a day
7 days a week. 1-8()().32SOS143
• Coleco Vision
Available now at your ColecoVision has a sleek new
• In Illinois 1-8()().942-0583 • computer software dealer. If
HOW TO ORDER BY MAil • home computer adapter for under
• For ptompl IIII_t.....d monev order. ce<tllleel he doesn't have it in stock, $100 featuring a full typewriter
check. COIIMr"I check. MoI.rcard. \/110. 01,.,. •
• Oub. Cart. Blanche. Ameflcan expr... (Include suggest that he order it now. keyboard and expanded memory.
card number. Interbank number. expkollon dale
• and IIgnature). !her. wtll be a _ delay tor • Or call EPYX at (800) 824- Mattel/Atari·compatible cartridges

check cl_ance. Minimum order II $25. ShIpping.

IIandIlng and InlUranee charge II 5'40110101
with a $3.95 minimum. Prtceo quoleel are tor check
• 7888. Ask for from Coleco include Chess, Tun-
operator 29. In nels & Trolls fantasy game and Ken
• =.~~;:r~~~'4~':~~C~ • • ~ California, call Uston 's Blackjack. By summer and
• ~~: ~~~~~:.~$6~~'':,:::'
OIlIer foreign orderl. write tor InoINct\ono.

• (800) 852-7777, fall, look for new coin·op licensed
Dealer InqulMs Welcome games as well as home computer
• operator 29.
Order From: • software from well-known com-
• VldeollveIY P.O. Box 686, Dept. © 1982, EPYX , 1043 Kiel Court,
panies (like Imagic) to run on
"South ChiCago Heights. Illinois 60411 , Sunnyvale, CA 94086 .
Co]ecoVision. O
96 FEBRUARY 1983
ContinuedJrom page 43
games with the intention of selling
them, here are some hints:
*Write them in machine lan-
Invaders. The game starts with the guage (you'll need it for the speed).
appearance of what seems to be a *Use lots of color graphics and
skull that issues a virtually incom-
prehensible challenge. Then eight
ships dart in a line across the
*Use existing arcade games for
general ideas, but don't copy them
screen and drop bombs on your closely. They are protected by
starbase. Timelord murmurs more copyrights. .. ,including many new
jumbled taunts like "The earth will *Don't try to market the game releases, and a long
be mine," and "Defend your yourself. Customer support often
world." You can tum the sound off requires a lot of time as does keep- list of favorites
and the game strategy won't be af- ing track of dealers and what they FOR
fected at all. owe you.
For this, you paid $90 for the *Don't send your program un- ATARI
add-on module. After playing
with these seven voice game
solicited to a software publisher.
Write a letter fIrst giving only •VIC-20
cartridges, I'm not really general details of your game to fInd
sure that the dimension of hu-
man-sounding voices is worth the
out if they are interested.
*Ask for an advance against roy-

money yet. There's not a voice
game on the market that I'd rate on
alties-$I000 is not unreasonable.
*Royalties range from 10% to

a par with the top non-voice game.
Still, it's too early to tell whether
20%, but 15% is pretty common,
so try to get at least that. •
or not voice games are the wave of While the preceding are certainly
the future. To me, their debut has
been disappointing. But the techno-
not comprehensive gUidelines,
they'U at least get you started on

logy leaves a lot of room for high- the right foot. Happy computing!O
powered programmers to develop AND MANY MANY MORE!
remarkable games in the not-too-
distant future. And when that hap- !!! FANTASTIC GIVEAWAY!!!
pens, those voice game systems FROM VIDEO GAME CLUB USA Cartridges, cassettes,
will really be the talk of the town.O 38 Video Game Cartridges of floppy disl~s
Your Choice To Be Given Away In 1983

Starting January 1983 and through December
1983 Video game club will give three game car·
tridges a month to a lucky club member. Winners
ContinuedJrom page 77
will be selected by random drawings on the last
fessional-looking report. What's day of each month. All members of the club are FAST DELIVERY!
great about a word processor is that eligible. Selection of games will be from the clubs
if, after typing your report, you current price list. Winners can select games from
decide to make changes, they can Atari U.S. games Arcadia REEEALLY COMPETITIVE
be done quickly and easily and you Intellivision Odyssey Tigervision
Coleco Bally 20th Cent PRICES!
won't have to type your report
Activision Timex Emerson
over. With the press of a key, the Imagic Data Age Telesys
computer will print out a
whole new version of your report. It
Spectravision Commodore
Parker Bros . NOMiNIMUMI
makes writing a pleasure. In addi- Join the #1 video game club in the world (Foreign Small & large orders
tion, if you use one of the spelling- Members welcome) and be eligible for fantastic handled with equal
checker programs available for the giveaway. Membership fee is only $5 .00 for one
Apple, you'll never have to worry year. Buy the newest game cartridges at low low efficiency!
prices. Mail in entry form below for your club
about losing credit for misspelled package.
You wont overnight delivery?
Name ________________________
Write Your
Address _____________________
Own Gome City _ _ _ _ _ _ State_ _ Zip _ _
One of the most eXCiting things
Phone ( ) ___________________
about the Apple II is that, not only
can you playa wide variety of
games, you can wrtte a wide vari-
Enclosed Is 15.00 US Dollars ..
..... To YGC USA

1975 Cedar Village Crescent
North Vancouver, [3. C. Canada

for my Yearly Membership in
ety of games as well. Many a teen- the Video Game Club U.s.A. V75 JP5
Please send me my Member·
. ager has earned his college tuition ship Card and Club Package PHONE USAT
by writing computer games. If
you're going to write your own
of Prices of All Game Cart·
ridges and Accessories
Available In the Club.
4501 West Aster Dr.
Glendale, Arizona 85304
978-3135 Area Code 602
(604) 985·4376
Shocking news, folks. The truth football players are video ganle
is, the average video game cart junkies. Seems that more than half
costs just U to make. I wonder of them, especially top draft pick
where the other $25 I have to pay is Leonard Mitchell, are addicted to
going . . . U.S. GaIMS plans to split DEFE~DER. Coach Dick V.~II has
their releases into two categories-
Family Fun for the whimsical "PAC·
MAN crowd" and Action Adv.ntw.
for you blood, ~ and guts fans .. .
Hey, I saw those X-tattKI ga~s,
DEAT EM 6 EAT EM. Trust me, after five
minutes, the novelty wears off and
you're lusting for a piece of ASltROIDS
... I hear that n~x has been
getting 50,000 phone calls each top arcade games of
week from people who want to 1982 were, in order:
Imow about the fITSt computer for MS. PAC·MAN, IAXX0t4,
less than $100, the TS 1000. They DONKEY KOHG, 11.000-
should have read the fIrst issue of EF TP.0t4, TUIYIO, GALAGA,
. .. Science fiction genius Ray STARGAlt, ltMP£5T. QlX,
Bradbury has taken us to galaxies FP.OGGER, PAC·MAN, CEMT1PEDE and
far, far away. But it wasn't until DEFE~D£P. ... GALAGA? That came
November that he flew on an air· out two years ago! How come you
plane for the fITSt time . . . It looks guys are still playing it? ... I'll tell
like another game company has you what I want to know-Which
bitten the big one-Cln.matronlcs, will be the first home video game
which gave us ~AUGHTY DOY last that gets made into an arcade been known to order the game
game? I don't see why it's always unplugged so the players will listen
the other way around ... Oh no, to what he's saying . . . Here's a few
now somebody, Comput.r KIMtlcs celebrities and the kinds of com-
COIpOfOtion of Westlake Village. puters they own: Walt., CronkIt.-
California, is making X-rated arcade- TRS-80 Color Computer, Jack Nichol-
games. Barf me out .. . Can you son-Apple II, Marlon Drando-Apple
believe this? There's rumor floating II, St.VWl SpI.Ib«g-TRS-80 Model
around that video game champs are II, Todd Runctgr.n-Apple III ...
being recruited for slave labor on October 24-30 was national "Hug a
military spaceocraft. Yes, it seems that Vending Machine Week." Who
when you punch your initials into carM? . . . Remember the TV show
the game as a high scorer, a picture Family Affalt? Well, the girl, Sissy,
is taken of you and sent to Wash- (Kathy Travis nee Garver) is now
ington. Give me a break . . . married to one of the heads over at
Another name change-Arcadia Starpath. I IMCIn it! .. . A ~D pinball
becomes Starpath. They say "the game? I hear they're working on
name change occurred because the one. Funny, I thought all pinball
name Arcadia was considered to be games were in three dimensions . . .
both limiting and confusing." Not to
mention the fact that EfIWfSOn calls Write to The Fly, folks, so we can
their system "Arcadia 20(H" ... all catch up on what's going down.
Rumor has it that RAIDERS OF THE LOST Next month-a startling reve-
ARK is so hard to figure out, even lation! D
the people at Atari don't Imow how
to play it ... 1M Phlla~lphia EagJ.s
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