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Randi Hacker What if famous authors had written books about
video games? For example. T he World According to Coifor The

~:.~~~~ .~.~d..~.~~.l.l:. ~!..~~~ ~~.~.a.n. ~.~.~i.~e... ~..~~~~~~. ~~~.~.i~t

FIRST SCREENING: BOXED IN Not for the claustrophobic-
s J on Smith'sgame for the Ataricomputers .............. ....... .. ... .87
and Rand! Hacker EF gives you the low-down on all the games Equi ment Reviews
of summer in this m onster of a feature_ We combed both coasts GAME WORKOUT: ARCADIA 2001 By Suzan D. Prince
to ge t the dirt ....... .. ........... .... ........ ................... ......... .. ...... 27 How does the Em erson system compare to the other systems
GOING, GOING, GONEI By Ed Hu lse The way of out there? Find out in another of our con ti nuing series of in-
rights . .. You can' t sell the programs withou t a license. EFtells depth reports ...... ........ ...... ................... ...... .................. .. ... ~
you all there is to know a bout buying the exclusive rights to COMPUTER WORKOUT: THE COMMODORE 64 By David
characters and games ....... ... ..... ... .... .... .... . " ....... ...... .. .. ... ..~4 B. Thomas On beyond VIC. the Commodore 64 offers users
COMPUTtR CAMPOUT By Bruce Sm ith ROM. ROM on the 64K. PETBASICandlotsmore ......................... ... .... ........... ~
range. A look at camps where mosquitos aren't the only things
that byte .. ... .... ...................... ................ .... .. .................. ... 52
Game Reviews
gUide to all the compan ies making software for the Atari sys- HITS 6 MISSILES Dracula. Oin k!. Dolphin. Web Wars. Eggo-
tems. We'll be bringi ng you a similar guide for other computers ma nia. Shark. Shark. Demon A ttack (Odyssey2). Don key Kong
every s ingle month ............................................... ... ... .. .... 76 Jr.. Stargunner. Ice Trek and more. more. more. Pl us computer
games includi ng Baja Buggies. Alien Garden and others. More
reviews than any other magazine ....... ....... ............. ... .... ..... 56
Re ular Features
BOARD By Frank Moldstad One picture is worth S 100.000 but De artments -------
sophisticated com puter graphics like those seen in films are just Editorial A word from the editors .. .. .... ........ .. .. .................. .6
around the comer for hom e computer users. Get ready for some We welcome your feedback .... .... ......... ........ ...... .... 8
astounding an imation .... .. .... ..... ... ....... .......... ......... ... ........ 70
Th. E.A.T. R.port Jens von der Heide on garnes .. .. .. " ....... 10
terview by Phil W iswell EF talks to Ron Dubren. the man who N.w Products The latest in equipm ent .. .. ........ .. .............. 12
was in part responsible for U.S. Games' Name This Game. A EFG Tlm.s You read it here first ................ .. .. ............ ....... 15
gen tleman designer and a scholar ... ....... ............... ........... ... 80 Input/Output Got a question? We've got the answer .. .. ..... 18
Glitch.s An irreverent gazette of gaming news .... ......... ..... 24
ScrHnplays Michael Blanchet's arcade strategy tips .. .. .... 22
Top T.n The m ost popular hom e and arcade games ........... 84
Top S~r.t The latest in gaming gossip ..................... ..... .. 98

4 MA Y 1983
For Heroes Onlyl
Blade of
Step back in time and join
the search for the magical
sword of Myraglym. Travel
cautiously on your journey
for ,/ou will encounter
dangerous serpents,
spine-chilling evils and Critical Mass
carnivorous plants that
crave human flesh! On Jan . 1st at 10:00 am,
the U.N. received this
Avail. on disk for the Apple II . message : "Good Morning,
II + or lie and Atari 800 or in exactly 9 days, the
'200 and Commodore 64. world's 5 largest cities will
be destroyed by thermal
nuclear weapons. " At
10:03 am, you received
this aSSignment: STOP
.. . THIS ... LUNATIC!

Avail. on disk for the Apple II,

II + or lie and Atari 800 or
'200 and Commodore 64.

Type Attack
The planet Lexicon is
under attack! Letters of
the alphabet are falling
from the sky. To repel
them, you must be able to Twerps
type the letters faster than
they can fall. Be quick! The boldest space rescue
An entire civilization is ever! Defenseless Twerps
depending on your skill. are stranded on an aste-
roid . You , Captain Twerp,
Avail. on disk for the Apple II, are to board a Twerp-
II + or lie and Atari 800 or craft , blast through the
'200 , IBM-PC and Orbiters, land safely and
Commodore 64 and on rescue your comrades .
cartridge for the VIC·20. Beware of the Glingas
and Twerp-eating

Avait. on disk for the Apple II,

II + or lie and Alan 800 or '200.

Pure Video Excitement!

For Your Alari 800 or 1200, Apple II, II + or lie,
Commodore 64, VIC-20 and IBM-PC

Sirius, Twerps, Blade of Blackpoole, Type Attack and Crilical Mass are trademarks of
Sirius SoHware, Inc., '0364 Rockingham Drive, Sacramenlo , CA 95827 (9'6) 366-' '95.
All rights reserved. Apple II, II + and lie are Irademarks of Apple Compuler, Inc.
Alari 800 and' 200 are Irademarks of Alari, Inc. VIC -20 and Commodore 64
are Irademarks of Commodore Business Machines, Inc. IBM-PC is a
Irademark of Inlernalional Business Machines, Inc.
Publisher and Editor·ln-Chlef
ASSOCiate Publisher



Qn Issue Managing Editor

Senior Editor
Once again the EF editors have been poking around WILLIAM MICHAEL B"OWN
behind the scenes to find out what's on the way Jor the Contributing Editors
mad gamer. Michael Blanchet did a whirlwind tour oj MICHAEL BLANCHET. SUZAN P"INCE,
Silicon Valley and surrounding areas, and Randi JEHS VON DE" HEIDE, PHIL WISWELL
Hacker visited the almost-as-exotic Toy Fair in New Copy Editor
York City, proving that your best buy in magazines is KIM LA"SEN
also bi-coastal. Read all about their adventures in our Creative Director
"monster" game preview. PETE" PALAZZO
For those oj you who may wonder what the Toy Fair Art Director
is, once a year all the toymakers in the country get MAIUO"IE C"AHE
together in New York to show their new products. Who
ASSOCiate Art Director
gets to see them? All the owners oj toy and game stores VICKI GO"OON
Jrom all over the country. And us. Everyone showing
Assistant Art Director
toys and games at the Toy Fair has a room, and every
room has a security guard. And everybody wears a
badge, telling who they workJor. Ifyou'reJrom Mattel Art Staff
or Atari and you want to see what Coleco has, Jorget it. DANNY LOUIE
Those guards mean business.
OJ course, most people buy toys around Christmas, so Production Director
what we saw won't even be in the stores until the sum-
mer. And it 's still early, so there'll be even more new Production Assistant
games beJore the year is out. You'll read it here first,
and that's a promise. Typesetting
If you own an Atari computer, or are thinking oj get- KATHLEEN MOONEY
ting one, this tssue'sJor you. We've got a complete list oj Circulation Director
all the people who make games Jor the 400 and 800, DAVID OBEY
plus their own picks oj their Javorite games. What? You Circulation Manager
just bought a VIC-20? Well, every single month we'll do EMELIA OLESON
the same Jor another computer system, and when we Direct Sales Manager
run out . .. maybe we'lljust have to start over. Com- KA"EN LE"NE"
puter games are multiplying like rabbits, but then, it's Assistant Circulation Manager
that time oj year. Electronic Fun doesn 'tjust give you JUNE G"IFFIN
moreJor your money-we give you everything.
Advertising Director
Advertising Sales Representative
Western Regional Manager
Advertising Coordinator
FuD ... Gamea Publlab1Dg IDC. President: Richard Ekstract. Vice President. General Manager: Claude P.
Sheer. Director of Finance: Neal C. Vlt.ale. JAYNE PO""AZZO
Ad"erU8lDg Offlcea East Coast. Zoe Aquilla. William O·Brlen . 350 East 81st St.. New York. NY 10028 (212) Accountant
734·4440. West Coast: Shelley Funes. 3757 Wilshire Blvd .. Sult.e 202. Los Angeles. CA 90010. (213)
38()'0996. DEEPAK BATHUA

Electrontc Fun wIth Computers and Games Is published month ly by Fun & Games Publishing Inc .. 350 Accounts Receivable
East 8lslStreet. New York. NY 10028 (212)-734-4440). Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Electronic Fun with MICHAEL JACKSON
Computers and Games. P.O. Box 947. Farmingdale. NY 11737. Annual (12 Issues) subscrtpllon rates:
818.00 In U.S .. 822.00 In Canada. All other countries $38.00 (surface mall). Payment In u.s. funds must © 1983 by Fun & Games
accompany all foreign orders. SubSCription correspondence should be addressed to ElectronIc Fun with PubUshlng Inc . All rights reserved.
Computers and Games. P.O. Box 94 7. Farmingdale. NY 11737. Printed In U.S.A.

6 MAY 1983
A number of our members
alerted us to your new publication
when they read Dolores Haze's arti-
TI DECISION cle "Dial M for Modem" in your BASIC HACKER
I see a lot of articles on the Com- December issue and noted her I just discovered your magazine
modore VIC-20, Atari 400/800 and clever presentation of Game Master in my favorite store and enjoyed it
TRS-80 computers, but none on the under "Let Your Fingers Do the very much. I write. however, to
Walking." The recognition given us commend Randi Hacker (now come
in this article is very much ap- on, is that really a computer
preCiated, and we thank you. expert's name? Randi Hacker?!) on
. Harlow D. Stevens, Jr. the series "Parlez-Vous BASIC?"
President. GameMaster which started in the February issue.
I've read several books on BASIC.
Ed. note: Since "Dial M" was and never have I seen anything
published, Mr. Stevens tells us, quite so simple and easy to under-
GameMaster has changed its pric- stand.
ing structure. You can nowjoinfor J.E. Holmes
as little as $10, and the hourly rate Shiprock, NM
for connect time is $3.00-any
time, any day of the week. Randi replies: I'm very flattered
by your lavish compliments on my
BASIC article. And about my
name. No, Rand! Hacker is not my
KEYBOARD KAPERS real name. I changed it. From Lisa
"'iiil-!!!!!!!f- I notice that Coleco and Intellivi- Hacker. Just kidding.
• sion are making computer
keyboards for their systems. Why
doesn't Atari make a computer
Texas Instruments TI-99/4A. Is the keyboard for their 2600 VCS? CARACAS KUDOS
TI-99/4A a bad computer? Danny McGowan I am probably the strongest In-
Chris Ransford Cola, SC tellivisionist you have ever received
Laguna Niguel, CA a letter from. After having played
Funny you should ask, Danny. all other existing video games, I am
We think U's pretty good-but See our "Souped-Up VCS" article 100 percent convinced that MatteI's
then, whether a computer is "bad" in the July '83 issue, and you 'Il system Is the best and most promis-
or "good" depends on whether it's read all about the new Atari key- ing system in the world.
rightfor you. Take a look at our board. I would also like to congratulate
review of the TI 9914A in the April you on your fascinating magazine
issue ofEF and you'll be able to as it is informative. interesting and
make a more informed deCision. even irresistible. I really enjoy every
GAMES WANTED page and look forward to each con-
I I I enjoyed the article "Making tinued issue.
Your First Million" in the January Benjamin Steinmetz
GAMEMASTER SPEAKS! issue. For the information of your Caracas, Venezuela
Congratulations on being the first readers who have potential
magazine to offer aspiring young blockbusters for the Commodore
computer programmers assurance ·64, Recreational Software Varifor-
of a showcase for their creative mat Publishers (RSVP) pays com- SHY DESIGNER
ability. We agree that there is an miSSions up to 25 percent. You can Could you please send me a few
abundance of talent in the elec- contact us at RSVP, 1332 Old of the past computer programs for
tronics field and commend your Bridge Road. North Fort Meyers, FL my VIC-20 from Electronic Fun so I
organization for helping expose the 33903. can see if the program I wrote is
good works of these capable in- S. Bryan Vaughan good enough to print in your
dividuals. President, RSVP Continued on page 92

MA Y 1983
OMI software ... a world ofchoices
A World of Fun! They're hot! They're new! The settes or UMl's own durable cartridges, depending
exceptional graphics and challenging play of UMl's on your selection. If you're looking for fun, or for
games have made United Microware the leader in an easier way to manage your personal business,
arcade-quality recreational software. look to UMI . .. the leader you can trust. UMI
A World of Help! UMI has created programs to products are available at your favorite computer
help professionals and homeowners "take care of products store.
business." UMI can make your life a little easier Dealer inquiries invited.
with word processing, information storage, finan-
cial management, hobbyist programs, utilities and
• United Microware Industries, Inc .
communication programs - all with easy-to- 3503-C Temple Avenue
understand instructions. Pomona, California 91768
A World of Choices! All programs come on cas- (714) 594-1351
game characters, sounds, shapes, friendly game of Pac-Man. Using the
colors, speed and even program PGP-l, Just change the steps at lines
your own strategy. Don't worry 1954 through 1959, inclusive, to EA
though. You won't ruin your car- (EA is hex/dec for the nwnertc value
tridge or lose the original game of 234). This will slow down the
because all the alterations occur in ghosts to about one-fifth nonnal
the PGP-l's memory-not the speed, while your Pac Man remains
cartridge's. This process is known as fast as ever. Beoause the PGP-l
as "downloading." allows you either to select your
Besides allowing you to alter a modified version or the ortginal
game, the PGP-l can help you learn cartridge, you can easily Switch
the language that your Atari uses- from one to the other.
By Jens von der Heide binary language. Actually, Atari
cartridges are written in machine Eot At Joes
Did you ever think it might be language, but this is closely related Or, let's take River Raid as
more interesting or more chal- to binary language, as well as another example. Look at the
lenging if one or another aspect assembly language. pictures below. The first one shows
of your video games were changed? Each command in your cartridge the nonnal starting conditions of
For example, in River Raid, what is two letters long. The first or sec- the game. The second one shows
would it be like if the plane could fly ond letter can be made up of the same game after having been
over land as well as water? Or how hex/dec digits (hex means six, dec modified on the PGP-l. Notice that
would it be if, in Pac-Man, you means ten, hex/dec means sixteen). the rtver color has changed from
could have the ghosts move slower The hex/dec digits are zero through blue to brown, the fuel tank has
than nonnal speed while you move
as quickly as ever? How would you
like to be able to make games
harder? Or easier? You can. With
Answer Software's Personal Game
Programming System or PGP-l for
Read And Alter
The PGP-l has its own 4K of
RAM memory and its own cartridge
slot and keypad. It slides right over Using the PGP-1, you con change RIVER RAID's river from blue to brown •
.the front of the VCS and the game
cartridge you wish to alter is nine along with the letters "a" thru been changed to JOES eating
~ugged into the cartridge slot on "f'-sixteen characters all together. establishment and the house and
tbe PGP-l. A special connector Because machine language is tree have become a gun em-
cartridge (which contains no somewhat complex, Answer Soft- placement. A change that can't be
memory) is placed in the VCS ware has come up with its own line seen allows the plane to fly over
cartridge slot. You use the keypad of games. complete with special land as well as over the river, in-
to re-program the game. instructions on how to modify them. stead of crashing upon contact with
The PGP-l takes almost any Atari The first game (which will probably the rtver banks as in the ortginal
VCS cartridge and allows you to be included with the PGP-l) will be game. By allowing the plane to fly
read through the cartridge's Malagai. Malagal is a maze game over land as well as water, the
program. Not only are you able to which involves stealing keys from entire game strategy changes.
"see" the program, you can also aliens. In addition, you can alter the
alter the program. You can change Now. about changing that Continued on page 96

10 MAY 1983
Think fast. Here comes MS. PAC-MAN· fromAtari:
Meet the new home version of MS. PAC-MAN.
She looks and plays so much like the arcade,
she's unlike any home video game you've ever
played before. And she's only from Atari for use
with the ATARI" 2600;" and the Sears Video
Arcadet systems.
your little lady backward and forward .

1000 points for the apple . While tj e

player on the right gets only half as
much for the orange. But plenty
of indigestion.
The way the player on the left does. He gets

You get four ghosts. Four mazes . Escape tun-

nels . And lots of floating munchies . Pears to
pretzels, apples to oranges. 'lb get the top ba-
So escort MS . PAC-MAN out
of the arcade.
Because this woman's place KIK
nana, worth 5000 points, you have to know is in the home . A Warner Communications Company.
KeyboQrds, keypQds
Convnand Control Keypad (Model
~1060) 519.95
The Command Control Keypad is in March or April, the Palmtex PVS
Wico's entry in the race to improve has a liquid crystal display which
the Coleco controllers. Unlike other features color graphics. Not only can
joysticks which are compatible with you change the games but you can
the ColecoVision system, the also change the skill level by ad-
Keypad has, well, a keypad-so you justing the controls on the command
can get the benefit of a more sen- console. The first five game car-
sitive and responsive joystick tridges include Crystals of Mor-
without having to switch from one ga, a fantasy game with 49
controller to another in order to different mazes: Spellbound.,
choose games and levels. In ad- a word scramble game with
dition, it's got two independent hundreds of possibilities;
firing buttons which enable you to Star Trooper, a spaceship
use It with all the Coleco games dogfight: Mayday, a
VIDEO that have that option. coast-
TECHNOLOGY 6400 W. Gross Point Rd.
VZ200 computer under 5100 Niles, IL 60648
Computerphobia has many people
in its ugly grip but, for those of you
who are newcomers to computer
technology and are just a little PALMTEX
intimidated by it all. there's the PVS 529.95
VZ200. The VZ200 is designed for The advantage of those little
beginners but can be expanded to dedicated palm-sized games is that, al defense
accommodate even the most unlike home video games, they are game and
demanding user. It has 4K of RAM portable. The advantage of home Mine Field,
and built-in BASIC along with a full- games is that you don't have to a game of hid-
size, moveable-key keyboard with play the same game all the time. den dangers.
soft rubber keys. It can hook up to Palmtex has married the two ad- The cartridges sell for about $19.95
any audio cassette recorder for vantages to- gether and each. Palmtex hopes to have at least
program storage. Peripherals that come up 12 PVS carts available in 1983.
can be used with the VZ200 includp with Palmtex
a 16K memory expander. ~~ the 1167 Chess Drive, Suite E
a 64K memory __ """ ~
expander, ~
-=v Foster City, CA 94404

light pen, AMIGA
modem.and The Power System 544.95
Video In the old days, all you could plug
Technology frrst into your Atari ves were cartridges
2633 Greenleaf palm-sized and your fmgers. Recently, an
Elk Grove Village, programmable epidemic of new things that could
IL flXXJ7 video game. Due out be plugged in broke out. Among the

12 MAY 1983
new pelipherals is The
Power, a plug-in memory expan-
sion module for the 2600. The Power
has its own microprocessor and adds
6K of RAM to the ves. With The
Power and any audio cassette
player, you can play enhanced
games that come on standard audio
cassettes and market for as little as
$9.95. In addition, using

Point Moster Fire Control

Continuous flre. That's the dream MINDWA"E
of many a gamer. But. say you own TS1000 software $9.95 to $24.95
the POintMaster which doesn't offer The TSlooo may be a tiny
you this feature and say you don't computer but there's lots of soft-
want to invest in a new joystick ware available for it. Now Mindware
which does. We wouldn't blame is adding at least 20 new programs
you, of course. New joysticks can be to the list. The selies includes
expensive. Well, if that's the case, business, engineeling and
you can buy the PointMaster Fire programming packages as well as
Control-a joystick enhancer. It arcade and intellectual games. The
connects between your PointMaster key feature of these new programs
and your game console and is their "Quickload" capability.
allows you to flre contin- Mindware says they load six times
uously simply by hold- faster than conventional Timex-
ing the fIre button on Sinclair software. The Quickload
the joystick down. software also saves program data
a modem About the size of a and verifies whether the computer
(purchased disposable cigarette is loading properly. Among the
separately), two lighter, the Fire Control games offered in this new line-up
players can play in- is compatible with the are Gulp, Labyrinth, Pilot. Graphic
teractive games and can Atali 2600, the Atali 400/800 and Golf, Crossword, Anagrams and
"talk" to each other over any the Sears Telegame systems. Cosmos.
dial phone. Power-Play games also Discwasher Mindware
come in 3-D-you play while 1407 North Providence Rd. 15 Tech Circle
weartng those redlblue glasses. Columbia MO 65201 Natick, MA 01700
Amiga is also offeling a new sort
of controller called the Joyboard. It
plugs into the joystick port of the
ves and you stand on it. moving
your "guy" with your feet. Several
games will be made for it including
Skiiing and SUrfing.
Amiga Corporation
3350 Scott Boulevard
Santa Clara CA 95051



Keeping track of all the We forgot about rats.
animals In video games is a But Creative Software
tough business these days, didn't. They've got four
and EF has been straining new VIC-20 game car-
to keep up. First. there tridges, among which is
were all the games with Rat Hotel, starring you as
frogs and various am- The Rat. Waldo, the
phibians in them, so we maintenance man at the
covered that in an article Hotel Paradisio, doesn't
called "Why Frogs?" in like you, so you have to
December. Then last start out at the top floor of
month we thought we'd the hotel and scurry to
sew up any possible new safety through the boiler Beefsteak tomatoes turn Super Bowllnto Salad Bowl
entries v.1th "Hey, What room floor while Waldo
About Us?", which chases you in his atomic
EEEK! Gasp! Dlecchhh! Killer
Tomatoes on the Rampage
PRESENTS -=-============================== While the Washington
Redsklns were in the
vegetable in school lunch
programs. Maybe the


locker room preparing to
clobber the Miami
Dolphins in Super Bowl
XVII. outside in the stadi-
vegetables out of which
ketchup Is made were
picketing for equal time?
But no. It turns out the
um were two other "red- stunt was part of 20th
skins" looking for some Century-Fox Games of the
revenge of their own. Century's promotional
At first we thought this campaign for its newest
picture had something to title, Revenge of the
do with President Reagan's Beefsteak Tomatoes , in
belief that ketchup ought which players have to fight
to be claSSified as a giant tomato bombs.

Atori: shift the bulk of its manu-

facturing of both com·
From Pong to puters and video games
from California to Hong
Hong Kong Kong and Taiwan. About
1. 700 people will be put
All of you who have been out of work because of this
stocking up on suntan move, which is being im-
Rat Hotel: Of rats and maintenance men. lotion, practicing your plemented because Atari's
surfing and planning to earnings were sharply
mentioned all the animals elevator. move to California in order lower than expected. Atari
that hadn't made it to Any second now we to work for Atari had better will continue its arcade
game fame yet, like expect to hear about a start brushing up on your game production and new
skunks, snails and gold- cartridge called ·Cockroach Chinese instead. It seems product development in
fish. Patrol or Flea Quest. that Atari is planning to California.



a monthly magazine
THIS MOMTH'S T.aching T.ach dedicated exclusively to
To T.ach helping elementary school
COMTEST WIMMER There 's no problem
teachers understand and
use the microcomputer in
The winner of our award a free cartlidge to Involved in teaching kids classrooms. It is, according
February Zaxxon contest the reader who achieves how to use computers. to Scholastic, the first
was John Rogers of the highest score. This They're naturals. It 's magazine created to
teaching adults-and provide specific and clearly
specifically teachers- understandable informa-
that's often the problem. tion for the classroom
And many kids know more teacher interested in
than their teachers. That's learnJng about or teaching
why Scholastic Inc. is with computers. The pilot
going to be publishing issue was distributed In
Teaching and Computers, late February.

Coleco Goes To The Doctor

Coleco has announced Christmas. The agreement
the signing of an exclusive, between him and Coleco
worldwide licensing gives the video game com-
agreement with Theodore pany exclusive use of all
S. Geisel. Big deal. you say. the Dr. Seuss characters in
That's because most of you all toy areas including
probably know Theodore video games and computer
The winning Zaxxon entry Geisel better by his nom de software. Expect to see the
plume, Dr. Seuss. As Dr. Cat and Grinch (and many
Stafford, Texas, who rolled month's game : Tron Seuss, he created such other Seuss creations) in
the game-as did dozens of Deadly Discs.
the more than 200 com- To enter, send us one
petitors who entered the envelope containing at
contest! John's winning least one clear photo of
entry was selected by a your score on a TV screen,
random drawing, and we'll and a clearly printed or
be selecting winners that typed three-by-five card
way in all future monthly giving your name, address,
contests where more than phone number and the title
one entry shows the of the cart you'd like to
highest possible score. receive . Send entries to:
Each month we pick a May Contest, E F 350 E.
home video cartridge and 81 Street. NY, NY 10028.

Quote Of
The Month NEWS
"Frankly, I don't see video WANTED
games as being any more Have you got an ttern for
mind-controlling than the EFG TImes? News
fathers sitting spellbound events, game tips, photos
before 86 football games a and other triformatton are
week or their mothers gladly accepted. Send Dr. Seuss makes house calls
mesmerized by 4 hours of matertal to: EF, 350 E.
soaps a day." childhood favorite books as Coleco's new lines soon.
81st St, New York. New
-Erma Bombeck The cat in the Hat and We wonder, will the car-
York 10028.
"At Wit's End" How the Grinch Stole tridges rhyme?

16 MAY 1983
Let's get back to normal
~ I I'd like to know what comes with the VIC·20 home

•• \1
computer, just a keyboard? The reason I need to
know is because I want to buy a home computer in
the near future and it's a choice of either the VIC or the
Atari 400.

•• Shawn Sivy

•• When you buy the VIC·20 you get the keyboard

and whatever is necessary to attach it to your
television set. That's all. But that's all you get
with most of the home computers you purchase. All
peripherals have to be bought separately. The VIC·20
has 5K of memory to begin with but can be expanded

~ I would like to know why the Texas Instruments to 16K. The Atart 400 comes with 16K but it doesn't
home computer (TI 99/4A) doesn't have normal have a typewriter·style keyboard like the VIC does. The
games like PAC·MAN or CENTIPEDE or DONKEY KONG but Atari keyboard is a membrane, or flat one, which is

games that are very weird and different. And, is there any more difficult to type on. Both the Atari and the VIC
way that I can obtain a list of the games and software that accept cartridges (though not the same ones) and both
TI has? ,. offer a wealth of programs and games. It's up to you to
Mike Schoppet deCide how much memory you require right away and
• • • Florissant, MO how important a real keyboard is to you. Then choose.

If by "normal" you mean arcade translations, the

00 reason TI hasn't got the games you mention


, above is simply that other companies own the

exclusive rights to them and aren't making them for
the TI 99/4A. Whether or not they will expand to in·
clude other systems is, of course. up to ·them. As far as
obtaining a list of games for the TI, keep watching EF.
You may just fmd what you're looking for. Or you can
write to TI at: PO Box 10508, MS 5949, Lubbock, TX
79408, and ask for a catalog.

~' . I have an Atari 2600 and I rea lly enjoy it but it's not
I fair that ColecoVision can play Atari cartridges but
Atari can't play ColecoVision cartridges. Why can't .
an expansion module be made for Atari?
James Kirby
Abington, MA

It's not that an expansion module can't be made,

r1tJ it's just that Atari has no plans to make one for
ColecoVision games. The only adapter that Atari
will be marketing is an expansion module for the 5200
which will allow you to play all the VCS games.
MA Y 19 83

c I read your magazine often and I find it more in·
formative thon any other videa game magazine. In
your February issue you hod an article in the EAT
Report about renting videa games from stores or clubs. I
would like to know more about these stores and where
they're located.
Mike Ehmann
Grove City, OH
Jens says to tell you that there is, as far as he
knows, no centralized video game rental club.
Your best bet would be to check the video
specialty stores in your city and you're sure to find that
system? Also, is it necessary to turn off the sytem when
switching cartridges? Keep up the great magaZines.
most (if not all) of them have already begun a rental
club. Jens says that half of the places he contacted in
his home town had clubs, and the others were starting
them in the immediate future.
Derek Thomas

Go ahead and hold down the fIre button all you

Rigby, 10
rnD want when playing Galaxian. It won't harm the
system at all. And as far as turning the system

e . How does the VIC·20 computer compare with the off when you change cartridges goes, you don't have to.
Atari 400 in games and programs? Does the future That's one of the many advantages of the 5200 over the
look bright for the VIC·20? Can I write videa games 2600 and other game systems.
with the language thot the VIC·20 comes with? Is there
another language that I can use to make sophisticated

games? e
In your January issue you hod an advertisement for
Eric Gordon the new Vectrex system which hod the videa game
Forestville, MD BERZERK. As far as I know, Atari has licensed BERZERK
from Stern. How is it possible for both systems to hove the

Well, to begin with, the VIC has 5K of memory some game?
(expandable to 32K) while the Atari 400 comes Michoel Parsons
with 16K and is not really expandable at all. Maryland
Actually, you can expand it further but it requires a
technician and if you're going to want more memory, This is a very good question which I, in fact,
you should go with the 800 as it is a better computer
all around. The VIC has a typewriter keyboard while
the 400 has one of those flat, membrane jobs-hard to
rum asked GCE long ago. The answer should give
you an idea of the complexity of licenSing.
According to Vectrex, Atari has the rights to Berzerk for
type on and ~t as good for programming. Naturally, a home video game that hooks up to a television set
owning the 400 will give you the advantage of having while Vectrex has the rights to it for a system that
the vast Atari library of games at your disposal and doesn't require a television set. Then there's Coleco,
while the VIC has a substantial number of games, you which has the rights to the standalone version.
won't be able to play, say, Pac-Man or Missile Com-
mand on it. As far as programming your own games
goes, you can do it in BASIC but there's a peripheral
e l I have noticed that the Expansion Module 2 plugs
made for the VIC (called the Promqueen, see April's into a controller jack on ColecoVision. Will it work
New Products) which not only allows you to make your I with VCS games like NIGHT DRIVER?
own games but arranges it so you can make your own Kerry Fidleir
game cartridges! That's something you can't do with Tarrytown, NY
the Atari computers . . . yet.
It would be great if it did. wouldn' t it? But, un-
__ ~ - . _. - I
fortunately. it won 't. The Expansion Module 2

e I own one of the Atari 5200 supersystems and I (designed for Turbo) only accepts ColecoVision
would like to know if it is alright to hold down the cartridges and therefore can 't be used with any VCS or
I fire button on the GALAXIAN game. Does it harm the Intellivision driving games.




A friend of mine said that the Atari 5200's
joystick does not spring bock to the middle
or center after pushing the joystick left. right,
etc. If this Is t rue, why don't they correct it?
Allen Tadeo
Son Jose,eA

You're right. As m any purchasers of the Atari

rIJ 5200 have discovered, the controller's j oystick is

not a self-centering one. It doesn't, unfortunately,
spring back to the middle after you've moved right, left,
up or down. We spoke to Atari and were told that there
have been several complaints about this annoying
I'm strongly considering buying eolecoVlslon because shortCOming. Atari is, of course, aware of the problem

ruw my ves computer isn't good enough. I need a


computer for math when we toke up BASIC for

beginners. My question is, should I get eolecoVislon with a
and, even as you read this, the company is working on
a way to solve it in the most efficient m anner. Whether
this means a recall, new controllers at a discounted
32K memory or keep my ves with less than a 5K memory? price or something else remains to be seen . Atari
Marty wouldn't disclose any specifics at press time.
New York

If you had asked us this a few months ago it My uncle says t hat the Atari 2600 system will be


would have been a simple matter of steering you token off the market because they have too many
. towards a ColecoVision or a good inexpensive cartridges and not very many people buying them. I
home computer like the Atari 400 or 800, but things laughed In his face . ....
.Am ".
~ .
I right?
have changed drastically. There were, at last count, Bryon Fitch
three peripherals available that will tum your humble Westminster. CO
ves into a full-fledged home computer with anywhere
from 2K to 16K additional RAM and a keyboard. Rather· Yes, you were right. The Atari 2600 is still the
than go into detail here, let me refer you to the article industry staple with more people owning it than
entitled The All-Purpose ves which will appear in June any other system. In addition , Atari has said
and list everything that can possibly be plugged into nothing about discontinuing the system and plans to
the ves. keep on manufacturing new, better and m ore
"sophisticated games for it.

Oij e

for the 400?

In the January issue of EF you said that the Atari
5200 is on Atari 400 without the keyboard. If this is
true, does the 5200 use all of the cartridges made
e I recently bought the DEMON ATTACK (I magic) car-
tridge for the Atarl ves. My quest ion is, is there a
Demon Fortress after a certain number of waves or
George Fisher not? If not. is there one on the Intellivision version?
South Bend. IN Anthony Wiley
Los Vegas, NV

No. The cartridges are different sizes and are
totally incompatible. What we meant when we No. There is no Demon Base on the Atari version
,said they were the same thing was that the 5200
has as much memory (16K) as the 400 does. All this
memory is devoted to game playing which means
dO Iof Demon Attack. However, there is one on the
Intellivision version and, according to Gary
"Buzz" Kato, the deSigner, you reach it after "suc-
better graphics, better play and more challenge for you. cessfully vanquishing three tough waves."
In addition, the 5200 has more peripherals which can
be added on: a trakball controller, a voice synthesizer Do you have a question about video games or
and the ves adapter to name just three. The Atari 400 computers that needs answering? Send your
is, however, compatible with all the cartridges that fit questions-to: Electronic Fun, 350 E. 8 1st St. New
both the Atari 800 and the new Atari 1200 computers. York, NY 10028.

20 MAY 198 3
Tim. Pilot Qnd Pol. Position:' actually used during each vehicles go, your fighter is very
corresponding time period. maneuverable and armed to the
The battle begins in 1910. Here teeth. With each tap of the fire
you face World War I biplanes. To button, your jet spits out a ton of
advance to the next time period bullets-so many at once that I was
(circa 1940) you must shoot down a unable to count them. Each
minimum of 56 Sopwiths and one projectile travels to the border of the
mother ship, which in this case is a screen before fizzling out-none of
zeppelin. Once this is done, you're this limited range or one-shot-on-
warped ahead 30 years to find the-screen-at-a-time stuff.
yourself smack dab in the middle of
a swarm of P-41 Mustangs. The idea Milk Run
here is the same-shoot down at Contrary to what you might
least 56 planes and a mother ship (a think, the biplanes vs. jet battle is
B-17 bomber) to move one time not the ludicrous mismatch it would
period. The remaining waves carry be in real life. They are the weakest
you to 1970 to face Huey Cobras of all the foes you'll face, but are by
armed with guided missiles; 1983, no means pushovers. My advice for
where its jets are much like your this opening round is simple-milk
own; and finally to 2001 for-you it for all the points it's worth. For
guessed it-spaceships. some reason, all of the planes in
To steer the jet, you use an eight- every round through 200 1 carry the
position joystick which for some same point value. Thus there's no
unknown reason has been placed incentive to move into the more
on the far left side of the control difficult rounds, except maybe to
panel. The fire button is all the way see what they look like. To advance
over on the right side. While I prefer to 1940 you must, according to the
firing with the right and steering directions, shoot at least 56 planes
with the left, some of you south- and then one mother ship. Since
paws may find the control there's nothing that says you must
arrangement a little awkward. Alas, advance, you can play the easier
lefties are again the victims of round for a while to build up your
By Michael Blanchet thoughtless engineering. score-just avoid shooting the
Anyway, the only function the mother ship. By the way, you can
TIME PILOT stick performs is to select the tell if you've shot down 56 planes
As a rule, shoot-ern-ups are direction your ship will face. No by checking the hit gauge at the
staged in a period best described as thrust or hyperspace here-this jet bottom of the screen. This line,
possible but not probable- cruises at a constant speed. When which is made up of a row of planes
specifically, a zillion years in the you turn, climb or dive, the stacked end to end, shrinks with
future. Few, if any, game story lines playfield rolls to give you the each plane you destroy.
are drawn from historical situations. illusion of movement. In reality, the Eventually you'll tire of the first
One cOin-op that incorporates five jet never strays from its center round and wish to move on.
different time periods-past, present position; instead of moving the jet,
and future-into one nifty package you move the sky.
is Centuri's Time Pilot. As far as video game
In this game you, as a jet pilot,
travel from the year 1910 to 2001,
battling aircraft consistent
with those
From Fokk.ts to F.rrGris
A good time to hit the zeppelin is is not easily outmaneuvered. Position Is
when the air is teeming with In each round of play, you'll be superb-bril-
biplanes. When the mother ship is confronted by both lone ships and liant colors, razor-
shot, every ship on the screen is squadrons. The squadrons are a sharp images and
also destroyed. This is an easy way juicy target. Consisting of fIve plenty of detail.
to boost your score. planes in close formation, these Each game Is
The World War II planes differ groups are worth an additional divided into two
from the biplanes only in ap- 2,000 points if they are destroyed segments-the
pearance. They move the same and before they exit the screen. Their qualifying run
fire the same. There is an added entrance is announced by a short and the race. To qualify for the
bonus in this round in the form of a electroniC melody. Once you've Gran Prix, you must naVigate the
bomber that occasionally flies located the squadron, turn and face track (a true replica of the Fuji
across the screen. Shoot it when it the point ship. To wipe out the Speedway) in less than 73 seconds.
appears-it's worth 1.500 points. I'd whole bunch before they get too If you manage it, you've assigned a
also suggest chasing down the close, move the joystick back and starting position for the Gran Prix.
paratroopers that appear in each forth so that your shots fan out over The better your time, the better
round. To retrieve them, just run an area roughly equivalent to a 45- your position. Although the
into them. The fIrst one is worth degree triangle. If you miss one of nurnber-one pole position (front row,
1,000 points, the second 2,000 and the ships, circle it and attack from inside lane) Is the most prestigious
so on. the rear. and the most benefICial in terms of
In round three the going gets a points, it provides no meaningful
little tougher. The Vietnam chop- POLE POSITION edge in the Gran Prix section of the
pers in this wave will launch guided There was a time when all driving game.
missiles at your jet. These babies games were created equal. You To earn extended time you must
just don't quit; they'll circle and remember-simple, one-dimensional complete the course before the
chase you until they find their contests where the player viewed timer runs out. Eventually, the
target. You can temporarily elude the gOings-on from overhead. From clock runs out and the game ends.
them by changing direction, since that vantage point, you were more You are then awarded 50 points for
your turning radius is tighter than of a spectator than a participant. each car you've passed.
theirs, but to be rid of Sega shifted the perspective from Since Pole Position is essentially a
above to behind the car in Turbo. test of reflexes, it doesn't lend itself
The results were undeniably well to strategiC analysis. There are
stupendous, but they almost pale in a few pointers that you may fInd
comparison to what Atari has helpful, though.
them once achieved with Pole Position.
and for all you Although Turbo long stood as the
No Speed Limit
must shoot reigning standard for driving games, One thing to remember is that
them. I'd suggest doing Pole Position has indeed surpassed your car responds better at high
so as soon as they appear. If left it. Instead of the behind and speeds. With this in mind, a touch
unchecked, you may face a half overhead perspective used in Turbo, of the wheel is all you'll need to
dozen or more at one time-a tena- Pole Position puts you down low cross from one side of the track to
cious force that behind the car but not quite in the the other while moving at full
cockpit-as if you hitched a trailer throttle (around 192 mph according
to a Formula One. Graph- to the game's speedometer). From
ically Pole my own experience, I found that
most accidents were the result of
Conttnued on page 97
Inne, space
and extra cheese
Anny bomb experts In of bumper stickers of pizzas. For example,
Freud, Jung Corpus Christi, Texas, reading "If Pac-Man were people who own IBM per-
recently detonated a pack- outlawed, only outlaws sonal computers are
and Pac-Man age that was ticking at the would have Pac-Man." Or generally lovers of pep-
Are you Indecisive? If post office in the city. something. We'll have to peroni pizzas while those
you answered "Yes ... no, X-rays of the package re- work on that some more. with Apples prefer more
wait. I don't know" to vealed that the box con- exotic variations on the
that question then you tained wires and electronic old pie theme. The im-
are, and rather than components which, cou- A Pizza plications, according to
spend lots and lots of pled with the suspicious the research firm, are
money on psychotherapy, sounds, led the police to the Action
spend lots and lots of believe that a bomb might You may not be
money on Pac-Man in- be Inside. So they deton- able to tell a
stead. Why? Because, ac- ated it. It turns out, how- book by its cover
cording to recent re- ever, that the package but you can tell a
search, video games can contained a battery- computer owner by
help you overcome this operated Pac-Man video his or her pizza.
and any other neuroses game. (We knew the Those of you who
from which you might be home cartridge had thought that CP/M
suffering. Mastery over bombed but we'd always stood for Control
games could make you a heard pretty good reviews Program for Micro-
safer driver, more decisive of the standalone version.) computers are
and more alert on the job. What Is this leading to? wrong. Ha ha. What _ ...., - - - . - . ; ; i - - - - - - - -
In fact. video games Will we see a rash out- It stands for is
might help you improve break of criminals carry- Cheese, Pepperoni and fascinating in that com-
at any activity that re- Ing handhelds into banks, Mushrooms-at least ac- puter salespeople can now
quires quick reactions demanding $500,000 In cording to a survey con- seek out potential
and coordination. The small quarters and telling ducted by Kamstra Com- customers in the local plz-
reason for this, according the teller to "make it munications in St. Paul. zaJolnt-that man over
to Mitchell Robin of the snappy because I've got a They discovered that there with the pepperoni
New School for Social Re- Pac-Man and It's loaded?" certain types of computer could be the next IBM
search, Is that video Clearly what we need owners prefer owner. To carry this even
games demand prompt here is a new handheld certain types further, owners of com-
responses to unpredict- control law and a couple puter stores need only
able, speeding and weav- place a hot, aromatic piz-
Ing objects. And, if you
don't like playing the
" za just outside the door to
be used as bait for lUring
games, perhaps you could in new buyers.
just go down to your local
arcade and talk to them.
Bring your own couch. In Medias
(HI) Res
Handheld Aside from the glamour
attached to it after it's all
Grenades over, Jury duty can be a
From the world of video pretty dull job. In fact,
games, a deadly new ter- studies reveal that a dis-
rorists' weapon emerges- proportionate amount of
the standalone version of time is spent simply wait-
Pac-Man. It seems that ing around to be assigned

24 MAY 1983
back issue of Adhesive
Age is one story, but no
one will give up the
chance to enter his or her
initials in the all time high
to trials. And this waiting scorers list on Defender.
time can be very boring,
especially when all you've
got to do is thumb RealSports
through outdated You'd think some peo-
magazines such as the ple would know when
1980 issue of Casting they're well off. Take
Engineering & Foundry Warner Communications,
World . Well, courts in Cal- for example. Here they
ifornia have solved this are, giants in the Video
problem by approving the game field owning car-
installation of coin- tridges that are represen-
operated video games in tative of all sports-foot-
the jury room. The idea, it ball, soccer and, of course,
seems, is to keep jurors baseball. But do they stop
happy and make money when they're ahead? No.
for improving the jury They go and buy a 48%
room. This presents at interest in the Pittsburg ever go on strike. The dreaded Purple Pickle.
least one problem. If a Pirates. They should have most they do is get out of The commercial takes
juror is caught up in a stopped before this. They focus and that is easily place in the local drive-in
corrected. On the other restaurant in the good old
hand, with a real baseball Happy Days of American
team, you don't have to . Graffiti. Boys and girls
worry about making it seated in hotrods are be-
MatteI-compatible. ing served hamburgers,
french fries and milk-
shakes by nubile young
Food and waitresses on roller
skates. The only thing
Games Part III that sets this apart from
We know by this time real life in the Fabulous .
that food and video games Fifties is that everything
are inextricably linked takes place at six times
and the latest testimony nonnal speed to empha-
to this state of affairs is a size the fact that this is
new commercial from fast food. We understand
Telesys for its video game that Telesys is planning to
~dgeFastFood.The come out with a line of
object of the game, as you health food video games,
may know, is to eat as the commercial for which
furious game of, say, have no idea what they're many hamburgers, piz- will take place in a com-
g*bert, how is any court getting themselves into. zas, french fries and other mune and the whole
official going to be able to Video baseball teams are junk food as you can as it thing will be filmed in
tear him away from it? a lot easier to deal with zips past you. You must slow motion to emphasize q,
Being coaxed away from a than real ones. In the first also avoid eating the the laid back life. 0 ~
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more versatile they can be with an investment of about $100.
the addition of a Commodore Most computer companies
VICMODEM . think it's reasonable to ask as
For around $100, the much as $500 for a modem that'll
Commodore VIC MODEM give you telecomputing capabili-
will turn your VIC 20 or ties such as ours.
Commodore 64 computer However, with a VICMODEM
The screens at the top of the into a telecomputer. priced at around $100, we think
page show a few examples of To make matters even better, we're be ing a lot more reason-
how versatile the VIC 20™ or Commodore includes a few little able . Don 't you agree?
Commodore 64 ™ can be with the extras (such as a free hour's time
addition of Commodore software . on the two most popular telecom-
The screens below them give
you a few examples of how much
puting services) that add up to a
value of $197.50* A nice return on c~ commodore
u.s A .- P.O Box SOO. ConshohOcken. PA 19428: Canada 3J 70PharmacyAvenue. Agmcour t. OntarIO, CanadaM 1W2K4.· Certain o ffers subject to change
Com puSeNe IS a trademark of CompuSeN e, Inc and H .& .R. Block Co Dow Jones New s/Retrieval Service IS a registered trademark o f
Dow Jones &. Co., Inc. The Sou rc e IS a service mark of Source Telecomputlng Corporat IOn. a subSidiar y 01 Reader's Digest Corporatron, Inc .
By Michael Blanchet and Randi Hocker
Sure, E. T. 's already got his video game, but look what's coming next. There
are well over 100 new games on the way, not to mention some exciting new
game systems and controllers. We've combed the country to bring it all together,
and here it is . .. a tantalizing look into the future. So move over, E. T. You 're not
the only alien on the block.
is the
spice of life,
you're going to
have nothing but
the hottest Szechuan
food at your favorite
video game store this
spring and summer. The
new games coming out of the
West (as well as the East) are arriv- element of game play. In Kapers
ing with a ferocity close to the awful you're a cop chasing a bewhis-
weather California has been having. kered character, fresh from the
Is the play action that intense? You hoosegow, through a three-story de-
know how it is with video games- partment store that is fraught with
you win some, you lose a lot more. obstacles. Trakball for both available for
A lot of the games we're preview- Due out in late spring are Placque $79.95 (5200) and $49.95
ing here are also reviewed in the Attack (a Steve Cartwright creation (2600), the VCS remote control
Hits & Missiles section. that sounds like a nightmare you'd joystick ($74 .95) and the VCS
We've marked those titles have after a visit to the dentist), En- Proline Joystick available in
asterisk duro (a Turbo-like driving game). July for 819.95. There's also a
(*). A lot and Robotank, a first person con- special controller for kids
more of test that plays like Atarl's Battle developed especially for the
them Zone coin-op. All of these will be new Atari/Children's Computer
. will VCS compatible. Workshop software. This one
For intellivlsion , Activision will will be out in July and will cost
offer Happy Trails, a unique and about 814.95 .
humorous reworking of play princi- All this and new cartridges,
ples first seen in the Centuri coin-op too. Among the games Atari
Loco Motion.
In June, look
for the first Ac-
tlvision com-
pu ter games!

Atari's newest 11111
by us next
month, as well
as some of the new .
gaming equipment that's
First Computer-
is an add-on that
plugs into the
VCS and ups its
memory by 8K
coming your way. bytes of RAM . It
has a keyboard
ACTIVISIOH with raised keys,
The Activision folks continue to
do what they do best-develop and
built-in BASIC
and an expansion
design original games. Watch for port which will allow it to be up- has planned are 2600 and 5200
Oink!, a video game interpretation graded to 32K. Low-cost printers versions of such arcade hits as Qix,
of the "big bad wolf and the three and disc drives will also be avail- Jungle Hunt, Centipede and
little pigs" fairy tale. Also on the able. It will sell for less than $90. Kangaroo. Pole Position will also be
way are Dolphin * and Keystone Also watch out for Atarl's new out but only for the 5200 (so far), as
Kapers , Dolphin designer Matthew controllers for both the 2600 and well as Space Dungeon and Coun-
Hubbard, an accomplished musi- 5200 machines. Did I hear you say termeasure, a game about ter-
cian, has made sound an essential "At last? " There's the 360 degree rorists and Washington D.C.

28 MAY 1983
around July, will cost about $125. be believed. You can practically
COlECO Coleco also has a new Super Ac- smell the hot dogs. The new con-
ColecoVision's new slogan is tion Controller priced at about $70, troller is shaped like a handle and
"The best is yet to come," has four different colored
but that's hard to believe 61 30 buttons that correspond to
once you've seen what four different fingers.
they already have. The Above this is a complete '
most phenomenal of the control panel with a small
recent new products is keypad (used. among other
the Super Game Module, things, for controlling the
an add-on which plugs players on the baseball
into the interface port on game) and the joystick.
your ColecoVision. It One doesn't ever rest this
adds one million bytes joystick on a table. It is
of memory to the exist- gripped in the hand to af-
ing 32K, and instead of ford the greatest control.
using the standard-sized The controller also works
video game cartridges, with Super Action Rocky,
definitely an uppercut
above the rest.
The Roller Controller
finally fulfills Coleco's
which comes with its new Super original promise. Not just a con-
Action Baseball cartridge troller, it is a "control console" and
has got features a free rolling track ball
seen to with 360 degree movement. The

the Super Game uses

wafer thin cassettes-just like the
ones that top executives record
their business notes on. Only
instead of orders to "buy low and
sell high," you've got Super
Donkey Kong and Super Donkey
Kong Jr .. among others. The
resolution is breathtaking, with
graphics that are as good as-if not
better than-those found on their
arcade parents. Each Super Game
Module comes with Buck Rogers.
Other games destined to be
available for the Super Game in-
clude Super Buck Rogers Planet of
Zoom, Super Space Fury, Super
Slither, Super Satan's Hollow. :2
Super Football and Super Time
Pilot. Coleco has really got
CHOMP CHOMP, Yes, its DRACULA, the dentist's dreom, here shown as a bot in the
lmogic game. Also on this page are screens from OINK! and DOlPHIN, both from
something that no gamer will want Activision. Those controllers are Amigo's new joysticks, and you movie buffs can ~
to be without. The Super Game, look forward to BUTCH CASSIDY and 9 TO.5 from Fox Games. Directly above is the
scheduled to appear in the stores ColecoVislon Super Game Module, which will come packed with BUCK ROGERS. ~
new titles. truckers. But you have to supply
beginning with your own CB radio.
Ice Trek·. which is Another game, Safe Cracker. is
already out. In this game going back to the drawing board for
you've got to Sidestep stampeding re-theming. The game originally
console also caribou and build ice bridges to cast the player as a crook who
provides you with places for the two reach the Frost Giant's towering cracks safes while eluding the long
ColecoVision controllers to rest fortress. With Dracula-. horror arm of the law. Graphically. Safe
while being used . Included with the movies meet video gaming in a Cracker utilizes an incredibly
Roller Controller is the home ver- tongue in cheek contest where realistic Zaxxon-ilke perspective.
sion of the arcade game Slither. the player. turned vampire. For the Atari VCS, Imagic has
Wonders in gameland never goes door to door in three carts waiting in the wings.
cease-get ready for the Coleco search of victims. For the younger set. Imagic bows
Gemini game system. Another The sequel to the Carnival-like Shooting
super fancy system? No. it's Beauty and the Gallery. The second
Coleco's Atari 2600 game player. Beast, Tropical title. Escape From
The Gemini will play all Trouble puts Argos, recre-
2600-compatible games. cost the coura- ates the
around $110 and interface with geous build-
Coleco's own sound module-a ing scaler on
modified cassette recorder used a d eserted island.
with specially designed cartridges Here again he must
and tapes. chase some form of
simian that has kidnapped
IMAGIC his girl. There's a raft of
Systems. systems and more sys- raft games, and Imagic's is
tems including computers. By White Water. in which you search
June, Imagic will have games for for treasure. Truckin '. a two-player myth-
eight,different hardware formats. game, puts a pair of big rigs head to ological
including ColecoVision, the TI head . The object is to select and adventures of
99/4A and Intellivision III. transport cargo to different points Jason and the Furies.
For the Odyssey2, there's Demon across the country. With the game The final game. tentatively
Attack-and Atlantis. For Intellivi- you get actual road maps depicting entitled Sky Patrol, is also back
sion, Imagic has developed eight major routes frequented by on the drawing board.

~ MAY 1983
tern of a popular song. To counter-
attack, he must strike the proper FOX GAMES
key on the Music Synthesizer Hooray for Hollywood! At least
keyboard . The final series is the that's the motto of Fox Games, who
Super Games, currently including will debut the much ballyhooed
World Series Baseball, Mind Strike M* A *S *H cart. It will be issued in
and Scooby Doo's Maze Chase. multiple formats for use with many
popular home computers and game
ODYSSEY systems. Also coming from Fox is
In July, Odyssey will bring the Fall Guy. based on the TV
Command Center to the stores. series of the same name. which may
Priced at under
$200, the con-
MATTEL sole features a
full-stroke type-
A latecomer to the licensing writer-like key-
game, Mattei has acquired a variety board and a pair
of properties-everything from of detachable joy-
coin-ops to what may well be the sticks that are
most unusual license ever: the equipped with a
Kool-Aid Pitcher Man. In the games unique frring bar
for kids category, there's Scooby- (as opposed to
Doo, The Flintstones, Rocky and the usual firing
Bullwinkle and Masters of the button).
Universe. Also for Intellivision are In August a
Loco Motion (licensed from voice and sound
Centuri), Burgertime, XIV Winter effects module
Olympics and Arctic Squares. will be out, along
For the Entertainment Computer with a telephone
System , Mattei will offer four dif- modem, which
ferent types of software. In the will allow the
BASIC programming category, user to tap into the growing number turn out to be the most imaginative
there are Mr. BASIC Meets Bits 'n' of information networks. By year's game since Megamania. In a
Bytes, BASIC Programming and end, a computer programming pseudo-celluloid inspiration called
Game Maker, where the user com- module will be available. Revenge of the Beefsteak
bines preset graphics and game The Odyssey library will include Tomatoes. you build walls around
play with his or her own rules. The some licensed properties this year, hostile tomato plants before they
educa tional category includes including Stern's Turtles, as well as take over the world. By June, Fox
The Jetsons, Way With Words, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes will unveil three double-feature's
Number Jumble and The (for the Odyssey3). worth of movie games in multiple
Flintstones Keyboard Fun . In
the music category there's GLUB GLUB, Water. water everywhere. from VOYAGE TO THE OOnOM OF THE SEA
Melody Maker, Music Conductor due from Fox to lmagic's WHITE WATER raft game. second from the left. Other
and Astromusic. In Astromusic. screens. Telesys' RAM IT (far left), U.S. Games' EGGOMANIA (second from right),
which is the musical version of lmagic's ICE TREK (far right) and Fox Gomes' M· A ·S·H (above). Coleco's Roller
Astrosmash, the player is bom- Controller and Gemini game system are also shawn here. Gemini ploys any YCs..
barded with notes falling on the pat- compatible cartridge.



The first batch of games from the
coin-op giant will reach the stores
this month. They include Star Trek
II: The Wrath of Khan, Subterfuge
and TacScan. In July, look for Buck
Rogers, Dragonslayer and War of
the Worlds. In October Escape
From Alcatraz, Mission: Impossible
and Friday the 13th will hit the
shelves, followed by another Buck

formats, including 9 to 5, Butch your memory. and Solar Fox, a Rogers game and Star Trek III by
Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, shoot-ern-up that fizzled in the year's end. Since Paramount and
Porky's, Voyage to the Bottom of game rooms. Expect Intellivision Sega are both owned by Gulf &
the Sea and The Entity. versions of these games by June. Western, more movie games are in-
Also·due from Fox's lair are CBS will also have two expanded evitable. Proposed titles include 48
Meltdown and The Earth Dies memory games that utilize CBS' Hours, Airplane and Marathon
Screaming. proprietary RAM PLUS chip that. Man.
according to its maker. triples the
CDS capacity of the VCS. The games, VECTREX
Ironically, CBS has steered clear both of which pack eight to 12K For you Vectrex fans, watch for a
of the movie and TV game trend. ROM, are Wings and Tunnel Run- lot of new game cartridges, and a
Most of their new carts will spring Wings is a first person light pen. The games include Web
from their agreement with Bally/ perspective flight simu- Wars, which takes full advantage of
Midway, which gives CBS lation, while Tunnel the spectacular 3-D effects the Vec-
exclusive rights to all Runner is a first trex is capable of, and Spike, their
Midway coin-ops. person maze first talking game which requires
Following game similar to no voice synthesizer. We're told
Starpath's that there will be a huge Web Wars '
Escape contest with big prizes sometime
From The this summer. Look for it.
Mind- The light pen will allow you to
draw right on the Vectrex by sim-
ply placing the pen point against
the screen and sketching. If you
don't like using a pen, well, you can
include draw with your finger using their
Omega new touch-sensitive cartridge.
Race In addition to cartridges for the
and John Vectrex itself, GCE has a new line
Wor are Madden Foot- up of Atari-compatible cartridges in
Blueprint. ball for the VCS. and the works. The first two released
a chivalrous the Charles Goren Bridge will be Scramble and Star Trek.
contest that's Series for use with the Atari Both have high-resolution, very col-
a true test of and Commodore Home Computers. orful graphics.

02 MAY 1983
in a late-breaking flash
MILTON BRADLEY that Parker will release
We've got video games that talk, not one but two Return
but what about video games you oj the Jedi games.
can talk to? Impossible? Not really.
Milton Bradley's got something DATA AGE
called The Expander which inter- After Journey-Escape,
faces with the TI 99/4A and what's next? For starters,
which recognizes your there's Mr. Bill's Neigh-
voice and thereby --...--.... borhood,agamebasedon
allows you to the familiar playdough
give verbal com- figure featured on Satur-
mands to the day Night Live. In this
game, the player helps Mr. Bill include skill variations to challenge
pick up his dim witted girl friend, the more experienced gamer.
his dog and his mother and Although Imagic and Coleco are
then escape through the both unleashing Dracula, Data Age
village with Sluggo and is reviving Frankenstein in a game
Mr. Hands in hot pursuit. of the same name. Also on the
For kids, there's Smokey drawing board is a game featuring
the Bear. Although it's Mr. T. who portrayed Clubber Lang
targeted primarily at the in Rocky III.
younger audience it will Continued on page 91

NAUGHTY NAUGHTY. Thos bod boys and girls from PORKY'S will star In a
Fox game, as will Captain Kirk and Co, in THE 'fIRATH Of KHAN. Two
more lmaglc games Include TROPICAL TROUBLES (0 BEAUTY AtI) THE BEAST
sequel) and TRUCKlN' (complete with rood maps.) Those pistol grip con·
trollers ore new from Coleco, and that's not a dootmat on the left- it's
Amlga's Joyboord. It'll put you on the slopes.
in the game in-
stead of having to
use a conventional joystick_ Used in
conjunction with the Milton Bradley
baseball cartridge, it is sensational.
Each time you callout a field
position, the ball is automatically
thrown there. And you don't have
to necessarily use the positions.
You can name the players instead.
Then each time you callout. say,
Gossage, the ball will immediately
be thrown to the pitcher. The voice
recognition system can be used at
the same time as you use the
keypad on The Expander, and in
this way quick double plays and
tricky pitches can be implemented
without your opponent's knowing.
Parker Brothers, as we
know, will have the
home version of both
g·bert and Popeye
and has already re-
leased Jedi Arena
as well as Intellivision versions of all
its games including Spider Man.
Frogger, The Empire Strikes Back.
Reactor and Amidar. We also heard
Going, going,

34 MAY 1983
Big bucks for video game celebrities
When they decided to make the E. T. video game, the scenario
might have gone like this: "Hello, Atari? This
is Universal Pictures. Wejustftnished making E.T.
and we think it'sgonna be big. We thought you'd
like to turn it into a video game. . . . You would? . .
Fine, we'll send it right over. Bye, " Well, it
didn't. There's a lot of down and dirtyftghting
to make those deals, and a lot of money
riding on them, too. Infact, the deals are almost
as important as designing the games themselves.
Killer Carrots would put Demon
Oy Ed Hulse Attack to shame. Fortunately for
Which of these four charac- me, there are laws which prevent
ters does not belong: Q-bert. just anybody from turning out a
Rocky. Strawberry Short- Killer Carrots game. First, they
cake or Pitfall Harry? If you have to come to me and make a
answered Pitfall Harry you deal-they pay me money, and I
win the gold Joystick. It·s give them permission to make the
true that all of them ap- game.
pear in home video Now suppose Lucas and
games. but only one- Spielberg wanted to make the
Pitfall Harry-was created blockbuster movie, Piifall Harry
as a home video game and the Lost Ark. They'd have to
character. The rest all license Harry from Actlvision, who
got their start someplace created him for Ptifall! If that movie
else. specifically in the was as successful as Revenge of the
arcade. the movies and Killer Carrots, Bally-Midway, say,
. .. well, It's not clear might want to tum it into a coin-op
where Strawberry Short- game. In that case they'd have to
cake got her start, since get a license from Lucas and
she was developed with one Spielberg, and get another license
aim and one aim only-to be from Actlvlsion.
licensed. So we have Straw- Would Atarl, for example, then
berry Shortcake books. be able to get a license from Bally-
greeting cards, dolls, comic Midway to produce the home game
strips .. . and now a game. version of the coin-op game based
When we talk about on the movie Piifall Harry and the
"licensing" characters, what Lost Ark? Probably not. Activision
we mean is quite simple-the would almost certainly say that no
creator of the character is paid a matter what was done with Pitfall
certain amount of money by some- Harry in the movie house and the
one else for the permission to use arcades. that didn't mean another
that character In another way. Say video game company could put out
I've produced a movie called a home game using Pitfall Harry.
Revenge of the Killer Carrots But if Actlvision itself wanted to
which ended up only slightly more make the home version of the PH
successful than E.T. Naturally. and the LA arcade game, they
there would be hundreds of people might have to get a license
convinced that the video game themselves from Lucas and


Spielberg and Bally-Midway! Then as Berzerk and Frenzy.
again, they might have made their Looking back on the on-
right to produce the home version set of licensing fever, he
part of the original agreement. says: "It really started
about 18 months ago.
Let's Make A Deal That's when the com-
If this sounds complicated, it is. panies who make home
Licensing is as much a part of video video games finally re-
games as laser blasters and alized how valuable it
although a few companies have would be if they could
made a point of "going solo" also make home ver-
(notably Activision and Imagic, sions of the top arcade
which generate all their own game games." Those early
concepts), many more license at licenses meant extra
least some of their games from other money for the coin-op
sources. To make it with a licensed companies, but most of
product you need not only a good their revenues were
game, you have to cut a sharp generated by the ar-
bargain as well. If you thought play- cades themselves. "Those quarters for them to have all rights to the
ing a game was challenging, try sit- in our machines were the meat and game on anything that connects to
ting down with a Hollywood pro- potatoes; the licensing fees were a home TV. Since the Vectrex
ducer and making a deal. just gravy." Schoenberg says. Late- system is self-contained, it wasn't
Most of the early video game ly, though, the arcades have been covered under that contract, so we
licenses came from the makers of slowing down and according to licensed it separately." Schoenberg
the top arcade games. David Schoenberg, "There's been increas- adds that Atari has since become
Schoenberg is a lawyer for Stern, ing importance attached to licens- more savvy in negotiating and now
which makes such coin-op favorites ing and exclusive rights." gets complete and exclusive rights
You're not kid- when bargaining for a game. How's
ding. Witness Col- that for a strategy tip?
eco's Donkey How much money is involved
Kong from here, and how does it get paid off?
Nintendo, Data- Well, prices charged for licenses
soft's Zaxxon and vary greatly depending on the
Moon Shuttle, value they have in the market
Parker Brothers' place-the rights to E.T. are ob-
Q*bert and many. viously more than the rights to On
many more recent Golden Pond-and video game
releases. Schoen- companies are notoriously tight-
berg's company, lipped when it comes to revealing
Journey (left). Stor Trek (right) ond MI. 0111 (below). Stern, has released how much they are paid. Recently
r---------------------------------------~ Berzerktoboth it was rumored that Atari paid the
Atari and Vectrex, staggering sum of S22 million for
and this brings up game rights to E. T. According to
another of the Schoenberg, this can't be accurate.
flukes of the licens- "In my opinion. that number has
ing game. no credibility at all," he says. "It's
Although it may just too high."
seem curious that But money is only part of the
a company would story. First, a good businessman
be able to license must understand the distinction
the same game to between gross sales and net prof-
two rival systems, its. Let's say you sell 100,000
the Stern legal games at S30 each. Your gross
eagle says not so. sales are S3 million. But you also
"You can slice up have costs-manufacturing costs,
a license any way packaging costs, advertising costs
you want. In the and so on. Your net profits are
case of Berzerk. what you get after you deduct the
our agreement costs, and if you're selling any prod-
with Atari called uct there is a certain point where
you begin to make money, called
the break-even pOint, Until you
reach that pOint, you've only spent
money-you haven't made a cent.
After that point, what you make is
net profit.
Let's go back to my hit movie,
Revenge of the Killer Carrots, Let' s
say I want to make a deal whereby
I not only get paid a lot of money
right away (what the wheelers and
dealers call getting paid "up front")
but I also want to get money every
time someone buys the Killer Car-
rots game, I would ask for a percen-
tage of the game's gross sales,
Even if they only sold 14 cartridges
in the entire world, I'd make a little
more money, although probably
not enough to buy a stick of gum,
Pay Later
The game maker, however,
would not want to pay me any
money (aside from what he paid up
front) unless he was making
money, too. He would decide what
his break-even point was (let's say
he had to sell 30,000 games to
break even) and he'd say, "Okay,
we'll pay you a percentage on all
sales after we sell 30,{)(X) games."
What do I do? In general,
Schoenberg says, "Nobody wants
to be tied to anybody else's profits."
Going by that rule I'd have to say.
"No dice. I want to get paid
whether you break even or not." Dig names. big games.
But. If I'm absolutely convinced From top. The Hulk. In-
that the Killer Carrots game will be diana Jones, Hawkeye,
a big hit. I might make a deal like Frogger, Dolly Porton
Continued on page 94 and. of course, Q*bert.

System for the gamer on the go

if E. T. or some other fun-loving alien being came down here
and banged on your door looking for a good video game time,
you might want to start himlherlit off with an Arcadia 2001
before getting into the upper stratospheres of Atari, Mattel
and Coleco. Emerson's answer to the video game is perfect for
someone who's never before laid eyes on a system and is thus
bound to be astounded by such elegant, yet stark simplicity.

By Suzan D. Prince
For sophisticated gamers-in-the-
know the Arcadia may rank as just
another me-too contender, and an
expensive one at that-list price is
$200, although it generally sells for
about half that amount (available
through Emerson dealers only).
Each game costs between $15 and
$20 but here too, numerous ex-
amples of discounts abound.
Call Arcadia a no-frills, almost
generic system-a compact unit
with wired-in curly cord hand con-
trollers and very few options. It is,
however, pretty smart, with 28K of
RAM (only ColecoVision's is larger,
with 32K ROM) but the power ad-
vantage doesn't mean very much
once you realize that most of the
available game cartridges use no
more than 8K of memory.
Oddly enough, while MatteI and
Odyssey were working feverishly to

MAY 1983
scale down their late generation joysticks. Thus, you've got discs plastic cartridge shells to small.
models to almost pocket-size, Emer- when you want them and/or clumsy hands. Five simple pushbut-
son achieved portability right from joysticks too. For the lefties in the ton controls fonn a row underneath:
the start, with a console measuring crowd, identical fIring buttons on reset, select, option (skill level) start
only 111/2 inches long by seven in- each side of each controller allow and the power on/off button with
ches wide. The controllers, virtual ambidextrous action. LED indicator. All sound emits
Intellivision imposters complete with Speaking of controllers, along with through the TV speaker.
12-button keypad, overlay slots and the channel 3/4 selector, left and Overall system plusses include the
discs, fit neatly in place on top of the right auxiliary jacks are placed at hand controllers, which, since they
unit. the back of the console for adding closely resemble Intellivision's, give
The unit itself is packed with the two extra controllers (optional). The you fairly good 360-degree
usual television connection switch unit has no other means for expan- manipulation-although one might
box for either color or black-and- sion. An oversized cartridge slot quarrel with the occasionally slow
white operation, AC power supply, (more than one-third the length of fire button reactions. Extra-long out-
output cable and owner's manual. the console) is at top center; we sup- put cables afford comfortable reach
Give Emerson credit for paying close pose it's to accommodate giant from table to TV set. On the negative
attention to user hand control
preferences: Included in the game
box are two sticks, which, when I
. "'1ERICA"" -")OTBALL
screwed into their proper places on
the disc mechanisms, create instant

side, the system has no circuitry to

either blank the picture after a few
minutes of non-play or to vary the
colors or intensity of the on-screen
Image. Overall sound effects and
graphics aren't unusual compared
with fanCier systems you can buy to-
day, but resolution is a definite im-
provement over the VCS.
The Secaucus Two Dozen
Probably Arcadia's most serious
drawback in this increasingly plug-
compatible universe-Emerson
systems play only Emerson games
and-unlike Atari's VCS-nobody
else makes Emerson games except
Emerson. There are two dozen or so
cartridges now available with more
to come (including some licensed
titles), say the manufacturing folks
in Secaucus, NJ, but how can this
tiny number even begin to compare
with the more than 400 Atari-
compatible carts? Very simply, it
can't. There's a possibility, although
the company vehemently denies It,
that the system won't survive unless


Emerson or an outside fInn comes saucers and missile launching bases nine-player team and control of
up with an Atari adapter. a la the that appear at the bottom of the pitching. hittllilg and running for
Coleco Module. Otherwise users will screen. There's a satisfactory scroll- making realistic plays. When a ball
find their Arcadia libraries severely ing etTect. as in Defender, and when is hit to the outfield. a second screen
limited compared with those of their you move your Spacefighter plane cleverly appears showing an outline
from left to right or vice versa, the of the outfield and the single player
computer generates an accelerating involved. After the player gets the


Atari-owning friends. (Not to be sound and a fiame appears at the tail

caught entirely unawares. Emerson of your ship. A digital energy meter
is preparing to roll out an Atari VCS on the upper middle portion of the ball. the screen reverts back and the
piggy-back unit. the TCI-16. a screen starts at 50 and counts down manager can call the play to any
keyboard which turns the Atari for each of your Spacefighters (you baseman.
system into a computer and allows get five). If the Spacefighter runs out Tanks A Lot is a complex. war-
playing of Emerson- as well as Atari- of energy and cannot be re-energized tom version of Lady Bug and/or
compatible software.) by the time the meter reading drops Mousetrap. where you must destroy
to zero. it explodes into computer- color-coded enemy tanks with your
Gomes People Replay generated flame and ash. Im- Bazooka Man before they destroy
As for Emerson Arcadia games. pressive. him or the Commanding Base Vehi-
the selection of seven we reviewed American Football and Baseball cle. You have a jumble of options
were all interesting renditions of are adequately depicted on the Ar- which include opening and closing
previously done. and therefore cadia screen. Football's mylar maze gates and warping (putting in-
somewhat hackneyed. themes. For keypad overlay includes all the stan- to hyperspace) your man or base to
example. Space Raiders is a dard game moves (kick/punt. move save either or both from destruction.
Defender-type game with Space In- decoy receiver, pass to upper After four men are blown to
vaders thrown in just for show. The receiver. pass, snap ball. etc.) but the smithereens, the game is over.
object of the game. besides scoring, stadium is a mere rectangle and the Escape is a rather mediocre
is for your Spacefighter plane players look like tennites compared Berzerk which otTers players four
(rendered in attractive high- with the famous MatteI version. different games with four options for
resolution color with ajet-stream to Baseball comes a bit closer to the a total of 16 possible play combina-
boot) to destroy the mutants, flying fine Intellivision standard. with a full tions. Like many Arcadia games.

~ MAY 1983

this one features a freeze (pause ac- able to control the direction of the chip (we're still fighting the good
tion) mode. Although the maze ball with your stick once you've hit fight nightly, haven't won yet and
scrolls away to reveal another one it. We had a lot of trouble playing, loving it!).
when your man escapes the elec- controlling and mastering this. Herein, perhaps, lies the real
trtfied aliens, and although your But every cloud possibility of Emerson: Instead of re-
man is more human-looklng than has a silver lining, doing poorly what has already been
Atari's runner, Escape offers no new and Arcadia's done well, Emerson has taken an


twist on the original. Ho-hum. silver lining is surely established intellectual game and
Worse, the aliens are dowruight Capture, a computer rendition of the enhanced it with the computer. We
cute-nothing like the sheer horror age-old Reversi. In this delightful would hope to see more such
and dread evoked by those unfeel- electronic battle of wits, you are pit- "brain" games from the com pany.
ing, unseeing robots. Above all. we ted against microbrain (or human Despite some serious deficiencies,
miss treacherous Otto and his evil opponent) on a 64-square board. the system deserves recognition on
grin. You must outflank your opponent the merits of Capture alone.
Thinly Disguised by surrounding him on at least two In addition to these seven games.
sides (vertically, hoIizontally or there are a number of others in-
Arcadia shouldn't have wasted its diagonally) with your squares and cluding some arcade licenses. Among
designers' time on BreakAway, a thus win his square or squares over those you should be on the lookout
thinly disguised Breakout. Let's face to your side. The one with all the for are: Cat Trax, a one-player maze
it. guys, the motto should be, "If you squares captured in his color at the game; Space Attack. a space
can't improve on it. don't even try end wins. shoot-'em-up; Funky FiSh, an arcade
it." Although innovative in that it It's kind of like Chinese license; Brain QUiz, a two-player
allows varying the paddle speed and checkers without removing the cap- brain teaser; Space Vultures, a
includes a vertical version, the tured marbles from the board. The space attack; Space Mission, a space
game's paddling control was slug- game allows you, through options, action game; Ocean Battle, a two-
gish even at the highest speed. The to set time limits or change difficulty player war game; 3-D BoWling, no
joysticks WOUldn't move vertically in levels. It also keeps the running explanation necessary; Star Chess,
the vertical games, and overall con- score and times of each move. No a two-player chess, space shooting
trol was rocky, especially in game shoot-ern-up, this-it takes real game; Pleiades and Jungler. All the
two where you're supposed to be strategy to outdo that little ROM newest games are arcade licenses. 0


Do you have the skill, the speed, and
the endurance to reach the ultimate r---G~~EB~~COOAACOOT~T---l
Rules: All players who reach the black cobra in the one player game will have their names
16th level in Parker Brothers G./. Joe published in Electronic Games magazine and will receive a baseball hat with a black
Video Game? That's the level where cobra on it. To receive your hat you must submit 1) a color photograph of the black cobra
on the screen with your signature, name and address on the back, 2) the proof of pur-
the dreaded Black Cobra lurks. To chase from G.I. Joe video game rule book, and 3) this certificate or a facsimile. All entries
commemorate your achievement, are subject to validation by Ventura Associates, Inc., an independent judging organization.
Their decisions are final. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. Offer good only in the U.S.
Parker Brothers will award you the Void where taxed or otherwise restricted . Offer expires July 31 , 1983. All entries must be
Black Cobra Cap and publish your postmarked by that date.
name in Electronic Games magazine. Important Instructions for Taking Picture:
In order to take a picture of the black cobra, Name Age
Should you accept this challenge, when you reach him, you must let your G.I.
just follow the rules on the coupon. Joes get captured. Otherwise you'll proceed Address
back to the 1st level. The shield must not be
touching either flatgun in the picture. It's best City/State Zip Code
to start the shield to the far left and take the
Mail entries to: G.t. Joe Black Cobra Contest
picture as it floats to the right, before it touches P.O. Box 608
the gun on the right. DO NOT USE A FLASH. Lowell. IN 46356
t authorize my name be published in Electronic Games Magazine.

Signature Signature of Parent or Guardian (required for minors)

For your Alari Video Computer System ,.. and Sears Video Arcade '"

Sears Video Arcade ro. is 8 trademark of Sears Roebuck and Co. and Alari Video Computer System ,. is a trademark. of Alan. Inc.
COpyright 1983 HASBRO INDUSTRIES, INC. All rights reserved HAWK and COBRA COMMANDER and the dislincli1l8 J
likenesses thereof are trademarks of HASeRO INDUSTRIES , INC. and are used wilh permiSSIon.

Now, the answer to the 64,OOO·byte question?

For the computer buyer on a budget, it's hard to beat the Commodore 64. With
a base price of $595, the 64 could be the answer to all your computer needs. It of-
fers many features not available on machines that cost twice as much. But until
there is more software support. it may take a lot of time and effort on your part to
get the full benefits of this otherwise excellent computer.

There is also a series of filters er-aJtcrnatlvc.



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By Rondi Hocker
When it com
b reading ,many es to video gam ers
g ecome sarcastic ,,~e~PIe tend to
ames," they sa' .e ore video
was somethin y smdely, "there
Many of you may g known
bo asob S k
remember the e ?Id enough' t

h~:: ~hem althoug~~t

necessary to m. No Joystick w 0
did help to
pages with. (New ands to turn the
that part of a bOO:,ord: Pages-
word appears W on which the
~eaning of '~or; will take up the
ou can still find s at a future time)
around today If orne books .
'library' is a gOoJ'°~'re interested, a
p ace to start ..
, Some Ner , .
We re not' ve.
N abuse
' an Ygomg
more to take that sort
o slrree. And tO '. are we gang?
malicious bro h mp all that .
and at the u aha in the bud
Iy fal se-we've
same time prove it utte-
mer put tog th r-
in reading list that ~ er a sum-
crease your'
broaden your ~nt~Ilectual
will not onl
the weight of onzons and add / '
also add to y your book bag b to
gam our storeh ,u
e trivia. Aft ouse of vid
doesn't ha er all, a book eo
w h ale or a ve
boto nbe a b outa white
Caulfield (alt; amed Holden
name) to be g~:!h .that is a good
makseveral b 00 k' nght? Here th
s dest· . en
in see the bestseller list to either

~ ~~~~~~~~~~::::::::n~o:t:b~O:th:.:: a:J;:orhighSChO ls,~ned

veral m . or be b


............ ..........................
vivor, this dot is The Naked and the Deadly Duck
taken in by the Another war novel, only this one is
ghosts and raised about good old G.I.'s. A bunch of
as one of them, American soldiers are slogging
thus becoming a through the mud on what they
red dot. Later he think is a Japanese-occupied
dresses up in cow- Island. Imagine their surprise when
boy clothes and they find that the Japanese don't
works for General control it but instead It is controlled
Custer, leading by a race of flying crabs and mu-
him to his inevit- tant ducks who spit bullets. This, of
able destruction course, disgusts them and let me
in the maze at tell you, if I were In that war I'd Just
Little Big Horn. quit. I mean, if they're not going to
In the end he play by the rules, what's the point?
gets very old The only reason the word "naked" -
and wears a is in the title is the publisher
lot of makeup. thought it would help sell the book.
In the sequel
he wears a Communist Manifestos From Space A
dress. dry book involving an army of poli-
tical tracts that march relentlessly
down from the heavens and bore
capitalists to death.

Decline and
Pitfall! of the Roman
Empire A sweeping historical book,
the text covers the First 265 screens
of Ancient Roman history. Your

narrator is a man in a toga who likes
to swing on vines. Occasionally he
drops below ground and runs
quickly through the Catacombs. Tip:
Avoid the lions In the Colosseum.

Of Mousetrap and Men The touching

tale of two men-one slightly slow,

the other slightly short-trapped in
the maze of life. Their destiny is to
chase small furry creatures and pet
them to death unless these same
animals eat power pellets-in
which case they attack the two
guys and destroy them.

Little Big Pac·Man A rugged wild west

adventure concerning a pioneering
yellow dot whose whole family
is destroyed by hostile ghosts
in the prairies. The lone sur-

MAY 1983
The BurgerTlme Machine they find that their planes have
The plot of this science suddenly and Inexplicably been
fiction novel involves a rendered incapable of fiying over
chef who travels back in land. This makes winning the war
time and makes ham- difficult since most of the enemies
burgers by walking on are not amphibious.
the buns. He also gets
mixed up In a series of Charlotte's Web Wars One morning,
political intrigues con- a little girl who lives on a pig farm
cerning the Burghers wakes up to find that aliens have
of Calais, the Master written "Some pig" In a spider's
of the Rolls and . web in the barn. She reads it, sighs
the Frankfurt Sym- and goes back to sleep. If they had
phony Orchestra. written something like "Buy
Not for weak Warner Stock," that might have
stomachs. been interesting.

Bridge Over the The World According to Gorf This is

River Raid Set the story of an alien who likes to
during World wrestle and write but whose
War II. it is the mother ship, a nurse, writes better
story of a bunch books than he does.
of Royal Air The object of the book is to get Gorf
Force pilots from page one to the end without
who curse and getting hit by snipers. EXCiting and
COlorfully written, the book is com-
patible with all English-
speaking readers. 0

Single Girl The subject
of some controversy, the book
poses the question: Can a single
girl playing a 3-D game survive In
the big arcade without a man?

The Seven Percentlpede Solution

Mystery at Its leggiest. Sherlock
Holmes goes undercover as a worm
with 100 feet in order to bust an in-
ternational drug ring led by a very
Jumpy spider. Watson goes along
but gets lost among the mushrooms.
Dr. Freud also figures prominently
In this novel. though It's anybody's
guess just what insect ,he Is. Don't
miss the surprise ending In which
Freud gets Holmes to remember
his traumatic larval stage.

A summerful of electronic fun
What does camp mean to you? Saying "I can't
swim" and being forced to take a water test
anyway? Lousy food? Never having a pair of
matching socks? Prayingfor rain? All of the above,
no doubt. And, in traditional camps, that's what
you grew to expect. But this is the era of speciali-
zation and a new generation of camps has
grown out of it. Now we have weight loss camps,
gymnastics camps, music camps and, most
recently, computer camps.

the same way as other on. More about these later.

"crafts" such as ceramics, ham In the spring, prospective
radio and jewelry. If you're looking campers fill out a questionnaire
for heavier doses of microcomput- sent to them by mail. From the
By Bruce Smith ing, what you want is a camp that answers received, the staff makes
specializes in computers. While the preliminary group breakdowns.
How much do computer camps choice here is smaller, there are The groups are decided upon byex-
differ from "real" camps? ASide nevertheless qUite a few-among perience, not age. Ten-year-olds
from intensive work with com- them Atari, Computer Camps Inter- may find themselves in groups with
puters, not much. Along with national and Timbertech Computer 18-year-olds and vice versa. Then,
courses in BASIC and other Camp. when the kids arrive in the sum-
languages, there's the usual array mer, the senior instructors on the
of recreational activities: swim- Computer Camps staff interview each child and place
ming, riding, crafts, etC. Perhaps Computer Camps International him or her in a group which will
the greatest difference lies in the has five residential sites throughout have no more than eight members.
fact that the mosquitos are not the the country: Connecticut, Wiscon- There are no more than eight
only things that "byte." sin, Texas (2) and Georgia. While campers placed with every one in-
For those with a casual interest in each of the camps offers different structor. The computers used are
computers, the American Camping recreational activities (such as rid- Apple II and Apple lIe, and there's
~ Association has a list of nearly 100 ing, swimming and golO, 65 per- one to every kid.
~ accredited camps across the country cent of the day is devoted to compu- CCI has very strict requirements
~ that have computer facilities; 37 of ter-related activities. And, at the which must be met by anyone with
.9 them offer three or more hours of in- end of the summer, Instead of a tal- aspirations to join the staff. All
~ struction a day. At most of them, ent show, campers demonstrate the senior instructors must either have
~ computer activity is treated in much individual projects they've worked an advanced degree in computer

52 MAY 1983
education or be working towards You'll always be covering new
one. Junior instructors ground.
are all Juniors or A typical day at one of the CCl
camps might go something like
7:30 a.m. - Wake up
8:00 - 8:30 - Breakfast
8:30-9:00-Back to the
bunks for clean-up
9:00-1:00 p.m.-Com-
puter classes and
recreational ac-
tivities-two two-
hour per iods

seniors in college.
Campers, however, don't
have to fulfill these criteria. In
fact. campers of all levels are
welcomed with open arms .
CCI has a group for everyone.
Groups are broken down like music. liUli'llq,ag,IS:I:u>t &U".....".~...
this: 1) Beginners who learn in the
both LOGO and BASIC; 2) A graphics.
more advanced BASIC and We men dlvtd,.ual proj-
PILOT; 3) An even more ad- ects. What sort 0 indiv'dual
vanced BASIC and beginning projects are «one during a
PASCAL; 4) PASCAL and typical two-week session?
Assembly Language and 5) Special Lunch the most popul,ju" is a game pro-
work and seminars. Don't panic Afternoon-Four hours divided gram but. warns Clark Adams, the
thinking that once you've been into two two-hour periods of ector of computer instruction.
placed in a group you're stuck there either computer work or recrea- most campers are simply not ~
for two, four, six or eight weeks. No tional activities to tackle those. "Most games call for
way. CCI prides itself on flexibility. Dinner techniques not the
If, after a couple of days, you are Evening ActlvtUes-Workshops, average~.....he says. .~ good
progressing more quickly than the speakers or fndiyidual ~rk on a ideo ganie1tas fo be wrttten in a
other members of your group or if, computer~' quick and
for example, you've already had too
BASIC but no LOGO, the Instruc- In dr Out
tors will either move you up t~ the
next level or, if there are enough
campers with the same needs.
create a special group to cater to
your special needs. Whatever the
case. CCl strives to teach allltr
campers at least rudimentary tIO-
gramming by the end of a singl,
two week session, And if you
longer than two weeks. you
find yourself repeating anyth
out first. develop plans and sub- Atari hasrl't missed a trick so far
routines-and then go ahead. We Jij mll{keting its products. so it is
want every caIJilpel" to <levelop.good
work habtts for use later with more surprise
seven com~that the camps
company o~~r~~~s;:~~~~~i.l~~Ji~
around the .....,..... ~,'_
complex pl'9gr&ms. ,. country. The calJlPs are co-educa-
Oddly enough. not many people tlomd for ages 10 through 16. and
opt to play games from the camp's ofkr computer instruction at be-
software Ubrary during their free gtaher. intermediate and advancdd
ttme. Rather they choose to spend levels. At all levels. "campers spend
time learning more advanced abOutfour hours per day. six
languages. working on individual clays .. week. using
projects or working on a more tn- puters.'· according
dtvtd\1aUzed basts with the instruc- Atari. and. they can
tors. stay a minimum of
The eventng-program which runs two weeks an &
from 8:00 p.m. until about 9:30 maJWnum of eight
p.m. features many typical camp weeks. The camps
activities-dances. a talent show, a are eq,wpped with
night swim or, tfYQU ~
aoqto)npu.ter •

The hard-

some not. For
example. last yearthen: were work-
shops offered fn.qleditatlon. myth
ology. chess. local ~~[u.
ture studies. Why? .say,
Adams. CCI sti'lves the
• Fangs . .bi.f¥l
" . . .b!.. . and must wait tmtil it disintegrates

DrQculQ • ~~: ~~~~::~~~:,o

"'III"" ., " .,... ., before he can move on.

~hA mAmorl·AS
for • W" W" W"
alternate control of Dracula. While
one plays the Cotmt. the other plays the victim. When a
victim is turned into a wmbie. he can be used to attack the
cops. In the one-player version. I had a lot of trouble using
DRACULA J.J.J.) the wmbie to any advantage.
lmagic/lntellivision One of the nicest touches in this game is the Cotmt's
lumbering walk. He moves a lot more like Dr. Franken-
By MicOOeI Blanchet stein's servant than the speedy and swift phantom he is
Contrary to the impression you might get from its title. commonly depicted as. The victims are a riot. too. Instead
Dracula is not a scary game. or a violent one. It's actually of scurrying arotmd in fear. they nonchaJantly stroll their
quite funny-a tongue in cheek contest where the player. meny way. oblivious to the fact that they are about to lose
turned vampire. must canvass the town in search of victims. their jugulars to some maniac.
The game begins in the graveyard. Drac emerges from
his tomb in bat form and floats over to the sidewalk. In 5pencI os ITIJCtI tiN os possible os a bat.
each rotmd. there are an increasing number of available 1Ns way you can avoid the «Jtpt stakes.
victims. Theoretically. the Cotmt must find them all. bite
them. and then return to his coffin before the timer reads
6:00 AM. I use the word "theoretically" because this isn't as
easy as shooting fish in a barrel. or as simple as Frank
Langella makes it look. for that matter. OINK! J.J.)
To flush out a victim. Drac needs only to go to their door ActlvtsionJAtari VCS
By Michael Blanchet
Wolves have gotten a raw deal. especially in fairy
tales. Thanks to over-zealous hunters. wolves are now
an endangered species. If life was a fairy tale. they
would have died of starvation long ago. Now comes
Oink! and the Big Bad Wolf gets his revenge.
In Oink! you are a pig (no offense) and can reWIite the
old story. Instead of sitting in safety as the wolf huffs
and puffs at your brick house. you've got to work-and
work hard.
Alas. the wolf never runs out of breath. No need to
worry though-you never run out of bricks either.
When the game begins. you're inside the fIrst house.
The wolf saunters along the bottom of the scree n.
assumes a General Patton-like stance and begins to
blow away at brick after brick. Your job Is to pluck a
row of stones from the ceiling and toss them down
towards the gaps in the floor. one at a time.
and knock. If one emerges. the Cotmt makes chase either A tireless fellow with lungs of steel. the wolf will
as a bat or a man. As a bat. he is capable of swift flight. At eventually break through the masonry. When he does.
the same time. he's also a sitting duck for the vulture that he will try to suck your little hide out like a vacuum
is stalking him. When he wishes to bite his victim. Drac cleaner. Fortunately for you though. the pig has not
must revert back to human form. At this point. you have done the Scarsdale diet. The wolf will have to carve a
~tiiliil-.. two chOiCes-you can either bite or change him into a good-Sized hole before he can lunch on his prey.
wmbie. who in turn can be dispatched against the Once a complete set of bricks ,is laid. another im-
bobbies that are hot on the vampire's trail. mediately takes its place. and so on. As one famous pig
The game really heats up when the cops start walking used to say "Th-th-th-th-that's all folks!" Yep. that's all
the beat. There's no rest for the weary vampire now. you do-just keep filling the holes as the wolf makes
While chasing his victims. he must avoid the cops and them. Everything gets faster as the game gets
the wooden stakes they are tossing at him. If a stake longer. Everything except you. of course. and boy.
finds its mark. the Cotmt is temporarily immobilized do your hands ever get tired!
56 MAY 1983
To set a brick,
you must first
move under it.
press the action bu tton to
pick it up, move over an open spot
and then release the button to drop it. If you ha ve the
standard Atari joystick, forget it-your forearms will be
completely numb by the tim e you're on your last pig. WEB
GCEN ectrex
Dy William Michael Drown
All hail, 3-D! The illusion of depth
that sense of a new and different world coming at you
from just beyond the fringes of your screen-has been
the kick in arcade monsters from Battlezone to
Zaxxon. Now GCE has finally given Vectrex system
owners a 3-D game that-while it doesn't really have a
c hanging landscape-does indeed leave you with the
feeling that you have penetrated a deep and mysterious
world behind the glowing phosphors.
Web Wars puts you in control of a bird winding its
way down a long, V-shaped corridor that a ppears to be
m ade out of webbing. This web-corridor recedes ofT into
a vanishing point in the misty distance, and while
there's no way to leave the web forever. left and right
(For this review, I used the hair trigger Discwasher movements of the joystick can push you lip or down
Pointmaster, which happens to be a heck of a lot easier the walls of the V. Forward or backward pressure on
to operate than the Atari stick. Even so, I was only able the joystick also controls the speed of your fl ight. which
to reach 20,000 before succumbing to fatigue.) starts at a lower limit of 10 (Miles-per-hour? The
When the wolf finally manages to syphon you out of directions don't say ) and tops out at 240 .
your house, don't expect to see bacon and h am all over
the screen. The pig m erely exits stage right. The game
then continues with a new pig in a new home.
Eventually the wolf will get his m eal. You on the
other hand have only sore fingers and a razed house to
show for your exertions. I would have liked this game
much better if just once I could konk that wolf in the
head with a brick.
Graphically speaking, Oink! is what you've come to
expect from Activision-ric h colors. s harp clear images
and painstaking attention to detail . My only beef (or
pork) is that Oink! gets tedious.
Contrary to the impression the story line and title
may give, I don't believe Oink! was designed with the
younger audience in mind. It's a moderately diffic ult
game that is a true test of stamina. So is running a .
marathon. Personally, I'd prefer the run to Oink! I'd be
so busy huffing and puffing, I wouldn't have time to
You're in the web to hunt down and capture a weird this handicap, there is little fault to be found in the
collection of animals- 20 of them, to be exact, ranging game. You climb up almost exact replicas of the vines
from seagulls and bugs to what look like pieces of and chains found in the arcade parent and you must
industrial machinery and animated home appliances. avoid the same enemies-snapjaws and, later on, birds
Once you've snared one of the animals, a door opens (both these creatures seem to have taken growth
in the side of the web and, aiming expertly, you potions because they are huge compared to everything
then fly yourself and your prize into the calm of the else). Donkey Kong and his son look great but Marto.
Trophy Room, where your booty is displayed . looks like a reject from the factory. Perhaps home
All the while, clusters of stars are rushing at you from games are just not the best climate for him-he's pale.
the vanishing point. It's fairly easy to mow them down Although this version doesn't have Marto's Hideout
on the approach, but once they pass you they begin (the second screen at the third level), it has all the other
creeping up from behind. Miss either the door or the boards which look penect. The Jump Board screen has
trophy twice and a giant pterodactyl-like bird everything-the jump board, the conveyor belt with the
materializes high above the web, ready to bombard you two chains, the birds and the eggs they lay. Also, the
with fireballs the moment you pass beneath him. sound is exactly like the arcade game-the jumping
Web Wars is a great combination: All the appeal of noises, the noise the fruit makes, the birds' sounds and
Turbo and other speed-demon's delights, combined the background music (a separate tune for three dif-
with the destructive interest of a straight shoot-em-up ferent boards which are all exactly like the arcade
and the reward-seeking features of an adventure game. game).
Best of all, when you complete a board the tune that
You can put a following duster In front of you by plays in the arcade game also plays in this cartridge.
altemately speeding up and backing down on m. There's a nice touch on the Key Board. When you get
throttle. all the keys in the locks, DK smiles and raises his
hands in victory. This is a must-buy for all ColecoVision

When on m. J~ Board mission. walk to m. . . ond try

for the super J~ ImmecIIately. then. when you land on
m. high pJatfofm. go for the small chain tight away and
move to m. left as soon as you're on It. ThIs wiD get you
ttvough the Yery cIffIcuIt task of switching from the small
conY.yot belt chain to m. chain at Its left.

TelesysIAtart vcs

SLOW. CHllDREN CRCESING. Very slow children

C1"Ol9Sing-Cosm O"eeps is about some sluggish, pudgy
rug rats trying to escape a doomed planet.
The point is to get as many of the little buggers to safety
as passible before the planet at the bottom of the screen
DONKEY KONG JR. J.J.J.J. sinks frum view. Each Kid is pursued by a gaggle of goopy
Caleco/Caleco Vision green Creeps. You earn 100 points for each Creep you bop.
You get 1500 points for each Kid you save.
By Hoel Steere Each round starts with this big brother called
lf there is anyone game for ColecoVision that an Orbinaut What he has to do with the story is anybody's
will be an instant best-seller, Donkey Kong Jr. guess, but his nUsston is to reach the spare station without
is it. And, unlike Pac-Man, it should stay a best- getting propelled into oblivion by meteors or
seller because its graphics, playability and sound "red plasma" Use your Joystick to move
are as good as the arcade game. the Orbinaut, fire button to bop the Creeps.
You are DK Jr., a baby giant ape who jumps like a This one is strictly kid stuff~utes and Ladders in
chimp and walks with not much finesse. Aside from spare. There is only one cUtllculty level but if you get past

MA Y 1983
correct your position to correspond with a gap in an
approaching sea wall. Move up for high notes, down for
low ones and somewhere in between for the midrange
chords. Get the idea? If the dolphin misjudges the
location of the opening, he'll still pass through the wall
but he'll lose a little ground to the octopus in the
The game begins with one dolphin on screen and a
trio in reserve. Swimming has never been easier-all
15(X) points without getting noogied by a creep, the action you have to do is push the action button, move the
picks up a little. 'The Bobsey Twins would like this game. joystick either left or right and you're off. As you paddle
The graphics are colorful but not very dynamic. The best along, currents, represented here by arrowhead-like
looking feature is the space station from which you shoot figures, pass through the drink. To get a boost, you can
your boppers. It scoots across the top of the screen like a position yourself in front of one that is coming up
Pong paddle, but you can score just as easily by leaving it ~ behind you. Likewise, a stream heading toward you
in one place and waiting for Creeps to get within range. should be avoided, since it will slow you down.
The Orbinaut the Kids and the Creeps look pretty much But what about leaping? On a fairly regular basis a
the same except the Orbinaut has a white head, the Creeps seagull flies overhead, and that's your chance to tum
have green heads and the Kids are a Caucasian beige. the tables on the octopus. Leap out of the water and
The best visual comes at the end of the game touch the gull when he passes. For a limited time only

I when the planet sinks or after a Creep gets you.

That's when the whole screen strobes for a second,
like the end of Missile Command. Swell.
Something weird: If you score over 5,CXX> points, your
next game's score will add onto your first one providing
the hunter becomes the hunted. Tum and catch the
octopus for a hefty bonus.
ol.j U

you haven't been "creepified." In the instruction manual,

Telesys recommends wearing headgear. We assume
any fishbowl will do as long as you empty it first

Aauoty, «If1l*5. there's not rruch to I~. TI)' to

bop ttw Cteeps closest to ttw KIds ftm, ttwy pose tt.
most ~ '* nadlat. tIveot.

ActlvtsloniAtart ves
By Michael Blanchet
As everyone knows, dolphins are great leapers. As
everyone also knows, dolphins use sonar to find their Visually, Dolphin is most impressive. The dolphin
way around the ocean depths, and possibly even to itself, though not overly animated. is as true a
communicate with each other. Are dolphins intelligent? recreation as possible. If you look closely at the barriers.
In the game of Dolphin they better be, because the you'll notice that they are actually formed by a chaln of
dolphin is you-and you've got to use your sonar and little sea horses. To heighten the sensation of
your leaping abilities to the fullest. movement. the clouds overhead roll past a brilliant sun
The sonar brings a new dimension to this game- as you swim along.
sound. Although in an ideal game world, sound would Dolphin is a solid game. It's challenging, but not too
always complement the play action, we know that this hard; visually str1king, but not at the cost of game play;
is seldom the case. Well, it is the case in Dolphin. and above all, it's a game that you can almost beat.
Your dolphin must elude an octopus who is looking, What more could you ask for? Maybe a mermaid?
presumably, for a meal. There are two possible escape
routes-East or West. As the dolphin swims (with the Stee, the octopus Into the oncoming currents. ThIs will
octopus in hot pursuit) you'll hear a reverberating tone. slow him down.
Using the pitch of the note as a gauge, you must


•• ••
RESCUE TERRA 1 1. 1. 1. J
VentureVisioniAtari VCS
By Dan Gutman
At frrst it seems like just another Asteroids ripoff in
reverse-you're at the top of the screen and rocks come
out of the bottom to crash into you or explode in your
laser fire. You know the score, right? Well, you are
so wrong!
Rescue Terra 1 does not put all its cards on the table
at once. You may think you're playing Asteroids, but
when you reach 29,999 light years (you start with
39,999), the asteroids start shooting at you. Then, at
19,999 light years, you switch to a side view of your
space craft and the game switches from Asteroids to SHARK SHARK 1. 1. 1. J
Defender. If you're still alive at 9,999 light years, you MattellIntellivisfon
have the misfortune of encountering Fish Force Fields,
By Mark Brownstein
advancing fishy bars that must be blown away for
survival. At that point. you reach Terra 1. your goal. I'd Having a fish tank is really a drag. First you have to
love to tell you what that's like, but the fish won't let dechlorinate the water. Then you have to make sure it's the
me. right temperature. And you have to feed the fish every
You can't get bored: you're too busy fighting for your mOrning. If you forget. the fish remind you the next
life. The graphics are simple but adequate for a space moming by swimming on their backs at the top of the
game. My only complaint is that about 30% of the tank. In Shark Shark, Mattel saves you all the trouble-
screen is eaten up by your score and number of lives and gives you more than just tropical fish. You get a shark,
remaining. Points come easy, maybe too easy-you can jellyfish, seahorses and assorted crustaceans which hang
out in the coral at the bottom. Playing Shark Shark is kind
of like real life; the big fish eat the little fish, and the littler
fish eat tl100e stilI smaller.
You are in control of a little yellow (or red, in the two-
player version) angel fish, which swims around your 19-
Inch aquarium while trying to stay away from the bigger
fish and out of reach of the jumping crabs and lobsters. If
you can, you make your fish eat the littler fish (often it's
very hard to tell which fish are smaller until you find out
the hard way and lose your fish). Every thou-
sand points your fish grows one size larger-
and his menu grows accordingly.
Occasionally a big black shark comes onto the screen,
eating everything in his path. There are three things you
can do when the shark comes around: you can avoid him,
you can give up and let him eat you or you can attack
him. To kill the shark. you have to nibble at his tail-and
let me tell you, it isn't easy. As soon as you bite it the
score 20,000 if you just stay in one place and hold the shark is stunned, turns brown, then does a quick U-turn to
frre button down. A nice touch in the game is that the bite back. Until you get the hang of It. it's curtains every
two player versions are cooperative. One time. The best way to kill him is to wait until the shark has
player moves the ship up and down while Just turned, and then move straight up or down in one
the other moves it left and right. quick motion, biting him on the way. Your fish will then
It's been quite a while since any newcomers have end up above or below the angry shark. When he turns,
dared enter the crowded and competitive video game you can strike again. Keep doing this until he curls up and
software field. VentureVision has a good frrst effort here. drop;> to the bottom of the tank. Your reward for killing the
Let's hope we'll be seeing more from them. shark is one extra fish.
You can't go too near the bottom, or a jumping crab
Do not fire continuously. Punch off shots In bursts of twO$. will try to get you. If you go too near the sides, the
shark or a bigger fish might come out and eat you.

60 MAY 1983
Your best position Is near the middle. If your fish is size
one or two. you have to pick your food very carefully. It
also takes more bites to kill the shark. A size-three fish
and a size-four or bigger fish can
eat the jumping crustaceans while they are
on their way down (which is also worth an
extra fish). A size-five fish has the best posi-
O IntelIivision controller makes Thor toss his
hook; the upper side fire buttons handle the
fireballs from his torch, used to melt Icebergs
in danger of crashing into his bridge. The con-
troller's disc is meant to handle the trajectory of hook
and fireball both, but only succeeds with the latter. (It's
getting to be a standard suggestion, but If you want to
can eat almost anything except jumping rack up points, get a replacement controller.) Unless
crabs and lobsters, he takes fewer bites to kill the shark Thor completes the ice-bridge, he can't get to the
and each bite is worth more. To even out this Imbalance, castle-unlike the caribou segment, where making it
a size-five fish has to avoid the lethal Jellyfish, which through Is simply a matter of time.
come out to annoy you and generally get in the way. So far so good. Getting penalized for blood-letting and
The graphics are very clean and colorful: bubbles making use of obstacles are novel bits. But
floating on screen. an instantaneous reddening of the
water as your fish bites the sand and nice easy fish
motions are strong points of this game. The sound
effects are fun, from the sound of the bubbles rising to
the jingle at the end of the game. Shark Shark is
amusing, not really violent (there isn't a single shot
fired), and almost forces you into playing "Just one
more game" to beat your high score.

Try "drawing" a box around the sham, this Is the best

way to kill him.

~~i~~~l~~~! Oy Fronk Lovece~

. f- --
This is the voyage of the Norse god, Thor. His three-
what makes Ice Trek less than a masterpiece
part mission: To explore strange new tundra, to seek is the final segment-the graphics are nearly a
out icebergs and caribou. to boldly go where no Norse note-for-note replica of Imagic's Intellivision Demon
god has gone before-namely, the castle of the Frost Attack. In both games' final segments, your on-
Giant and his Ice Beasts. screen fighter confronts the Devil's Castle and
Ice Trek must mark the latest fad In video game all his minions. Myths may spring from the same
.adaptamania-mythological heroes. (Activision's Oink wells, but it's hard to believe the Devil and the
has already staked out nursery rhymes. What's next? Frost Giant share the same quarters.
Proverbs?) Here, the Norse god of thunder must ski The rest of the game is still interesting and ambitious,
(ski?) across a frozen wasteland fit only for caribou, though any long-lasting appeal eludes me. It's neither a
traverse an iceberg-fllled river (river?) and, finally, try to strategy game nor a shoot- em-up. Graphically, Imagic
melt the castle of the dreaded Frost Giant. How and proves once again that it can devise the most beautiful
when the mighty Thor became a cross-country ski Intellivision-compatlble games going. The caribou are
enthusiast, the myths don't tell. What icebergs are sinewy and move realistically and the Frost Giant's
doing floating inland, the myths don't touch on either. castle is nestled amid postcard-perfect mountains that
The skiing business is the easiest stage, requiring would do the Oslo Chamber of Commerce proud. But
Thor only to dodge oncoming caribou and evergreen for a game with mythic aspirations, Ice Trek is
trees. Such, I suppose, is the stuff of legends. U's cute, ultimately ordinary.
but even in the most advanced of the six difficulty
levels U's far too easy to master. Don't hov.Thor use his ax to kill a caribou If you can
After saying toodle-oo to the caribou, Thor ventures help It. The Goddess of the W11c:1emttss will show up with
to the river where, armed with grap piing her bow and arrow, and If you think It's not nIc. to fool
hook and torch, he must nab passing Icebergs 0f0Und with Mother Natur., try tMsslng with angry
form a bridge. Pressing el ther of wilderness goddesses.
lower-side flre buttons
By Art Levis
This is one to give you the willies. You're stranded on
the frigid and forbidding surface of Krybor, a desolate
planet composed entirely of ice. Your only companion is
a laser cannon. This is clearly the fInal frontier. Sud-
denly, the screen is alive with great swooping creatures
resembling prehistoric pterodactyls. Their intention?
Your total destruction .
It's the Odyssey version of Imagic's Demon Attack.
BERMUDA TRIANGLE .l J..l Though not as smoothly colorful or polished as the ves
Data Age/Atari ves version as far as grap hics go. it's n evertheless chal-
lenging and fast a nd finall y offers tha t rabid band of
By Mork Brownstein
Odyssey afficionados the chance to pit their hand/eye
Data Age seems to be locked into developing coordination against something other than games
games making use of "wallpaper" (in which the created by the same old cadre of Odyssey programmers.
background scrolls past). In JourneylEscape. for Players begin Demon Attack with three reserve
instance, you maneuvered the character on the screen "bunkers" (little squares at the bottom left of the
while he avoided groupies, managers, etc., which were screen). a nd can accumulate up to three additional
on wallpaper scrolling from the top to the bottom bunkers by surviving succeeding Demon assault waves.
~:II:' of the screen. Although Bennuda Triangle is an- As long as you've got bunkers. you're still in the game:
• other scrolling game, it's really rather good. once they're all gone, a fInal "coup de glacier" sends
You pilot a mini-sub inside the Bermuda Triangle. At you to a cold and icy grave.
the bottom of the seascape there are numerous ar- Demon Attack offers a range of variations. including
tifacts-evidence of machinery from some long-gone one- and two-player versions and an advanced level
civilization. You must bring your sub down to explore giving our harried hero control over the laser missile's
the bottom, use a tractor beam to pick up the trajectory once it's fIred.
artifacts one by one and bring each specimen
to your research ship on the surface. Don't play the waiting game, shivering on the frozen
By the way, you aren't alone. On the way up (or tundra and waiting for Demons to come after you. An
down) you have to avoid giant squid, sharks, mines and a99re~ive, on-the-go strategy consistently garners more
other obstacles-all of them waiting to steal your points than a lazy, lie-low approach_ Also, don't spend too
valuable artifact. rob you of 100 points and in the case much time on the more benign high-flying demons, even
of the mine, destroy your ship. You can't pick up though they seem to be easier targets.
everything on the bottom either: if you touch a Ber-
muda Bomb, you lose a sub. An enemy ship is also
waiting at the surface to steal your cargo and destroy
the sub. Therefore, aVOiding or shooting obstacles as
you climb to the top isn't enough: you have to make a
safe rendezvous with your research ship.
You can maneuver your ship anywhere Inside a box
bounded on the left and right sides of the screen and
the top and bottom of the ocean. Your torpedoes can
only fIre to the right. so staying away from the comers
and somewhat closer to the left side than the right
seems to be the best way to play this game. In more
difficult versions, searchlights illuminate the ocean and
you have to avoid laser fire coming from the sea floor.

Aft.,. you've picked up an artifact, walt until the enemy

ship has gone by before surfaclng, The research ship
always comes after the enemy ship.

62 MAY 1983
TURBO 1. 1. 1.
Co lecolCo leco vision
Dy Dan Gutman
Make no mistake-Coleco games, though incredibly
accurate translations, are not iden tical to the arcade
games they imitate. In Sega 's Turbo, the arcade game
is louder than the home game, the colors more brilliant
and the scenes change more often. Plus, the arcade
game is much harder than the Coleco cartridge. A
15,000 point scorer in the arcades can expect to hit
50,000 in his living room. This is not to say home
RAFT RIDER 1.J Turbo isn't good. In fact. it's terrific-just different.
u.s. GameS/Atari VCS You are a race car driver, of course. You've purchased
your driving expansion module (steering wheel and
Dy Mark Drownstein
accelerator) and plugged it into the left joystick port.
Raft Rider is one of the new games from U.S. Games Your joystick, which functions as a stick shift, plugs
that fits into their "family" entertainment category. into the right. There are four difficulty levels, and
Unfortunately, as is sometimes the case with "family" don't start at four because it's impossible.
designated entertainment. it's dull. The game is not monotonous because the scenery
In Raft Rider you control the movement of the title changes every thirty seconds or so. One instant you're
character who rides a raft as it travels between the driving in a city, the next you're near the ocean. You
bottom and top of your television screen. Aside from also have snow driving to deal with (you skid), night
going up and down, the only real movement in the driving, sharp comers and patches where the road is
game is done by the river, which travels from right to covered with oil slicks. You get the feeling,
left across your set. The points you earn get higher the as in Demon Attack, that the deeper you get
farther you go along the river. into this game, the more there is to see.
There are several obstacles. A beaver runs along the You don't score points by going fast or
riverbank at the bottom of the screen and tosses wood covering the most miles, but by passing cars. You have
into the river. Occasionally a moose takes a dip in the 99 seconds to pass 30 cars or more at 50 points apiece.
river. You also have to avoid rocks and what look like If you pass 30, you get another 99 seconds. This time
white caps. Run into any of these and you lose one passed cars are worth 60 points. And so on.
At entirely random pOints you'll find a blinking To get around sharp corners safely, try to drive alongside
triangle (alias a gold nugget) sitting in the river. another cor at the some speed, That way you won't hit
Maneuver your raft to the same level. extend your pole anyone or get hit from behind,
and you can pick up a bag of gold which is displayed at
the bottom of the screen. Collecting three bags earns CARS PASSED
you an extra raft. up to the limit of four. If you don't RD .1 11111111111
aim well your chances of running into the nugget and EXTENDED
losing a raft are excellent. If you pass the nugget. don't PLAY TIME : S4
bother reaching back for it-you can't pick it up.
This game might have been more fun if the controls
worked better. U.S. Games doesn't clearly say so, but
controlling the raft involves moving the joystick up or
down in the direction you want the raft to go, and
immediately stopping any further motion by
quickly moving the s tick to the left. Getting
the hang of this is tricky.
The graphics are fair, the sound effects are not
remarkable and game play is S-L-O-W. If you get kicks
out of avoiding moose, or hunks of wood thrown by
beavers, this game might be worth considering.
Otherwise it's too hard for young kids and too boring
for adults.


--- --
-- -

ActivisionJAtari VCS
Dy Phil Wiswell
Spider Fighter falls into a familiar, overworked
category of video games, You control the side-to-side
movement of a cannon along the bottom edge of the
screen. Your object is to shoot enemies overhead for
points before they destroy your cannons. And
every time you annihilate a complete wave of the
space attackers, another more deadly wave sets up.
If that sounds like Space Invaders and STARGUNNER 1. 1.
other games, it should. But there's a lot more to TelesysiAtari VCS
• Spider Fighter.
Dy More Derman
To begin with, there are four different types of
enemies. Mother Nests that move and fIre rapidly, Pods Sharpshooting: a legacy as old as the gun-older, if
and Protectors that drift lazily along, and Attack you count the bow and arrow. The Who's Who of
Spiders that dance around like crazy, spreading sharpshooters includes Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley, The
hailstorms of laser bombs. These last will remind you of Red Baron, Luke Skywalker, and now, Stargunner.
Kaboom! , except here you've got to dodge all the bombs. The targets here are not defenseless buffalo or even
There are also three pieces of fruit in the upper right Empire TIE-fIghters-they're invading space outlaws,
corner which belong to you. Ten or 15 seconds into a Sphyzygies. You, the stargunner, zoom around in an
wave, one of your enemies will grab a fruit and try to orange space shuttle look-alike and try to blow them
exit via the left edge. The game ends either when you out of the sky before they take over your planet. You
run out of cannons, or when all your fruit gets stolen. I have three lives in which to do this, but you get an
found that by taking up a position about one-fourth of extra life for every 10,000 pOints you score. You lose
the way from the left edge just before each wave sets up lives when you get hit by bombs from the omnipotent
satellite, Bobo, or when you crash into an enemy craft.
When a new enemy ship forms, it flies together in four
pieces, warning you to get out of the way. If the ship
forms on you, it's goodbye, gunner.
There are three waves of gameplay. In the fIrst you
have one adversary at a time, in the second wave two
at a time, and so forth. After the third wave the
dauntless Sphyzygies start the cycle over, but faster
than before. Conceptually and Visually, Stargunner
bears some resemblance to Defender.
Alas, the graphics are only fair. The landscape passes
below, looking as monotonous as an interstate freeway .
The two varieties of invaders look like rotating beehives
or mah jong tiles. Nothing has much color. Only Bobo
has any character: he zips across the top of the screen.
There are slow, meclium, fast and beginner levels of
play for one or two players. The slow and beginner
levels are pretty much the same. For an extra-hard
game, flipping the difficulty switch lets you fly and
and letting go a blast aimed at a point I thought the shoot only to the right.
enemy would move to, I could save the fruit. Your The elaborate story that comes with the cartridge
cannon will shoot trios of bullets automatically if you doesn't compensate for the unclis tinguis hed gameplay.
hold down the rITe button. What detracts even more is the uncreative sound effects
which drone on at a constant level without ever
Pods ond Protectors turn into spiders os soon os you kill enhancing the characters or building tension. It's the
the Mother Nest In each wove, So ovoid the deadly kind of incessant. annoying clin that brings fathers to
Mother Nest until lost, their knees and mothers in from the kitchen yelling,

MA Y 198 3 --.-.
- -
"Will you turn that darn thing off!? "
u.s. Games/Atari VCS
Dy Suzan D. Prince
In my opinion. convicts and kids don't mix. Somehow.
parcelled in among the Family Fun SeIies' menageIie of
adorable birdies and bucktoothed little gophers. one ornery
armed gtmman (name of Bungling Barney in our press
release. though not in the boxed instruction sheet) managed
to slip past the U.S. Games powers that be.
Using his Block-Blasting Pistol. Barney must shoot his
way out of jail by knocking out multicolored bars that keep
moving in on him in vaIious fonnations (faster. slower. one
wall stationary. etc.). Each time he succeeds. he walks off
into another room for points and into the same
predicament. Again and again and again.
True. it will take the young audience Squeeze Box is EGGOMANIA J. J. J.
obviously targeting a little while to master. but I've a gut u.s. GamesiAtari VCS
suspicion that even very small children will quickly become
Dy Sherry Jacobs
bored with this cartlidge. Besides. there is a very heavy
underlying theme here: If Barney gets "electrocuted" three After years of being told not to. it's finally time to
times instead of escaping his jail cell. a little devil with a start putting all your eggs in one basket. Or. rather. one
• tIident does a macabre implying that Barney will hat. This new game from U.S. Games turns you into a
bum in Hell for all eternity. Is this any kind of a con- blue bear who balances his hat on top of his head and
structive game for kids? Better they should stick with tries to catch eggs being dropped by a disheveled bird
• gophers and birdies.
For pure and simple game play. Squeeze Box is just a
perched above. And you'd better catch them. because
the yolk which spills out from the uncaught eggs makes
thinly disguised Breakout and not a very good one at that. a gooey trap for the bear. Each dropped egg adds depth
Although its designer touts the game as a skill and to the yolk sea, further submerging the bear until
judgment test. it offers little in the way of even mildly in- there's nothing but his hat moving back and forth . and
teresting challenge. then .. . no bear at all. Just egg yolk. What a souffle!
If you manage to catch all the eggs before they hit the
Damey alwoys faces left at the Start d eod'I game. so file ground. you get your chance at revenge. Your hat
left mnedIotely Instead of wasting precious time tumlng becomes a lethal weapon spewing out egg bullets. If the
~. For quick reaction to swiftly moving walls. you tTUit bear hits the bird. not only do you get extra points but
angle yOJl joystick precisely In the direction of eod'I bIodc. the bird sheds its feathers and flutters upward
toward the heavens dressed only in its polka-
dotted longjohns. Bye bye birdie. Also. if you
shoot the bird. some of the mess on the floor
gets cleaned up.
You won't be wearing egg on your face if you
buy this top-notch game. In addition to being fun and
challenging. the graphics are splendid-bright,
exuberant colors with well-defined feathers on the bird.
The sound is a victory dance and everytime the bird
does the Mexican Hat Dance for dropping a swarm of
uncaught eggs. you want to do a turkey trot.

To get the most eggs and tt. least "...55. follow each
wave of eggs closely. barely moving the bear ond
holding tt. hot directly under the eggs. noting the
pattern of the egg drop. When shooting at tt. bird. keep
fire at 0 minimum since active fire sends tt. bird into 0
frenzy. If you wont to fry the bird. keep cool.


EpyxiAtari 4001800
By Phil Wiswell
If you're even s lightly bored by endless shoot-ern-ups
and chase-ern-downs; if Defender leaves you drained
and Pac-Man leaves you panting ; if you're hungry for
some unusual electronic fun with computers and
games . . . then put on your overalls and take a stroll
through the garden-Alien Garden . that is.
The world of Alien Garden is a graphically stunning
geometrtc wonderland of shapes and colors. consisting
BAJA BUGGIES J. J. J. of 24 colorful. geom etrtc crystals arranged in four
GamestarlAtari 4001800 columns. Only a fe w crystals are on screen at a time
because the world constantly scrolls up and down.
By Steven Sion
reversing direction when it h its an edge of the playfield.
You're in a jen-you-wine two-tone green metal-flake The crystal formations in the Alien Garden behave
dune buggy with a pair of monstro sand haulers in the according to strtct rules. hut you'll have to discover
back and some smaller knobbies up front. You're racing them game by game. Each crystal is comprtsed of
across the Baja desert against a pack of 80 other good perhaps fifty smaller pieces that sometimes yield points.
old boys and girls. But don't be surpl;sed if you forget about scortng-a
Right away when you boot up Baja Buggies, it ap- good round doesn't necessartly mean lots of points.
peals to you with some spiffy 3-D visuals. The tires spin Meanwhile. your character-a cosmic insect equipped
and the craggy mountain range in the distance scrolls with mouth, stinger and wings-can move anywhere on
rtght and left as you snake through the turns. In front screen, shifting the pla yfield rtght and left. As a game
of you the scenery is desert-crtsp. A brown expanse of begins all the crystals are identical, but your crttter can
sand extends to the mountain range. Behind the change that. You can do three things to a crystal as it
mountains is a flne strtp of crtmson, suggesting dawn . passes by: 1) bite it with your mouth, 2) sting it with
Above you the sky is a sharp desert-blue, cloudless your tail, or 3) stroke it with your wings. The crystal
except for one creamy cumulus, which also scrolls. will react in one of three ways: 1) it will grow
This is a racing game of the Turbo school. A pair..of geometrtcally, but retain its general shape and color, 2)
dotted lines that fade into the middle distance s hows it will change shape and color, becoming the next
you your course. You control rtght and left m ovement genera tion of crystal (there are 20 different generations
with the joystick and brake with the red " fire " button. you can put a crystal through). or 3) it will explode,
(Rear stopping lights glow when you brake.) As you get removing the part of your body that caused the
up to about 80 (as indicated on the speedometer on the damage. Sometimes you die.
bottom of the screen) you start to pass other drtvers. How do you know what to do in Alien Garden? You
Baja Buggies is trtcky . It's easy to get trapped on the don't. You expertment. And you do a lot of dying at
outside of a curve and careen out of control into the first. But a touch of the action button resets the game
pipes of the guy in front of you. There are with the same set of rules, so that everything you
five levels of difficulty. At the harder levels, the learned in the last game a pplies. If you turn the game
buggies you try to pass leave you less room off, then back on, the crystals will all be different and
on the road. will react differently than durtng the previous game.
The game would get our top rating except for a few Certain generations of crystals will be "edible."
flaws. 1) The sound is drab; a mindless revving engine meaning you w ill score points as you carve away pieces
and a dull white-noise crash. 2) There's no accelerator, with your mouth. But here's the interesting mechanis m
only a brake. 3) There's no shift. though this is not so that really elevates the strategy required: you ge t one
important. 4) Joystick control is not as fast as paddles point per piece of crystal you eat multiplied by the
would be. Why not design this for paddles, since it's number of different generations of crystals you have
only left and rtght movement? grown in your garden . You will quickly catch onto the
"farming" technique of finding a generation of crystal
Keep your eye on the middle of the screen to watch cors that can be both grown and eaten. First grow it with
appearing Instead of watching .your own buggy, Look for your wings (increasing its number of edible pieces),
patterns. then eat it down to size. Believe me. you can create
some complicated situa tions for yourself.

66 MA Y 1983
\\e've programmed something new
into theTtmex Sinclair 1000~
A $15rebate.
Now Timex has made the world's most affordable personal
computer even n10re affordable. D The Timex Sinclair
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lay an egg. It is rather inconvenient to be chasing
SERPENTINE 1. 1. 1. 1. somebody who is one segment shorter than you are,
BroderbundlAtari 800 and then lay an egg and inadvertently become the
same length as he is . And guess who wins all ties? But
Dy Paul Docker who ever said nature was fair?
Yes. Virginia. there are other maze-chase games
bes ides Pac-Man . Serpentine-is a brand new game from Stay os close to the top or bottom of the screen as you
Broderbund Software and it doesn't look or play like con-that's where the frogs come out. Get them before
Pac-Man at all. It adds an excellent new touch to maze- your enemies do and before they eat your eggs.
chase games-you don't have to clear the maze of dots:
all you have to do is kill enemy serpents in a room.
You kill serpents by hitting them head on. providing
you are longer than they are. How do you become
longer than your opponent? You either eat a frog- WIZARD OF WOR
whic h will make you one segment longer-or attack an Roklan!Atari 400/8C()
ene m y serpent from the rear. which will make him
Dy Paul Docker
shorter. Much shorter. When you attack from the rear.
size doesn't matter at all. What matters is your ability As you probably know. Real Men (or Women. as the case
to a void the serpents' friends. and your skill with the rnay be) don't run from things with names like Inky and
joystick. Clyde, unless it's a rnatter of life or death. Well now there is
When you attack a smaller serpent from the front. Wizard of Wor-·-an alternative which means no more
your serpent gains the number of segments your op- humiliation at the hands of some yellow or red sucker. In
ponent had, up to a maximum of seven. To add more Wizard of Wor you can tum around and vaporize them.
interest to the game. you and your enemy serpents lay Wizard of Wor is the game that never really caught on in
eggs. Each time you lay an egg. you lose one segment. the arcade because the mazes were somewhat complicated.
If they are allowed to hatch. they become IHUe two- Despite this, it generated a small cult following wherever it
segm ent friendly or unfriendly serpents. depending on went. Now it's back. and with a vengeance.
who laid the egg. The unfriendlies can eat your eggi s J The object of Wizard of Wor (as in most other action
j ust as you can eat theirs. They can also eat frogs and games) is to sUIYive for as long as you can. You are
receive the same benefits from these amphibious , provided with a team of either three Worriors, five Worriors
snacks as you do. or seven Worriors, and up to two people can play
The game's overall quality is excellent-the simultaneously. You find yotrrself in one of several mazes
graphics are sharp and the sound effects are fun. which are roughly as complicated as the Pac-Man
For example. the serpents sound like freight trains. and change at every new level. You are equipped with a
You're also able to keep current as well as all-time high rifle that looks like a small cannon or a very large Ilarne
scores. My only complaint is that you thrower. And you are not alone! There are 18 monsters
are not given any degree of hunting you and they range from blue Burwors to the
control over when or how or where you get to Wizard himself. who for some reason resembles a dwarf
throwing lightning bolts.
Among mazeJaction games this one is ah<;olutely unique
because it allows two people to play together as a team or
against each other. What this means is that you can go out
and metaphorically shoot your friend in the back. This
game is probably the best mazeJaction game for the Atari
that I have ever seen. The graphics are exquisite. the
sounds are good and the monsters are MEAN.
If you are only going to buy one maze game this year.
this is definitely the one to get. At earlier levels it is easy
enough for a novice but at higher levels it is challenging
enough for an expert.

Always look for a corridor that only has two possible entrances,
then stand in the rriddIe of It and keep firing bock and forth. If
you're playing with on oily, then stand In the SAME. spot and
face clfferent ways.

68 MAY 1983
JOY·SENSOR )tarfi~hte!{
Totally.Accurate.Controller 1'-'1
Suncom thinks that you deserve a
precision electronic, reliable controller JOYSTICK CONTROLLER FOR APPLE
JOYSTICK CONTROLLER FOR ATARI for your sophisticated computer or COMPUTER·
GAME, SEARS TELEGAME, ATARI video game. And we have done You own an Apple Computer. It costs
400/800, COMMODORE VIC.· something about it. Joy-Sensor. The quite a bit of money. In addition to its
How often have you moved your digitally simulated joystick controller many business, professional and personal
video game man through a maze, tried with no stick. uses, you use it for entertainment and to
to enter a pathway, and missed the Our engineering staff has spent play games. Many of those games require
opening? How often have you flown an months creating, designing and refin- a joystick controller. We think that you
attack ship into a wall? How many ing the Joy-Sensor to bring you just the deserve a controller that is as Up , and
times have you dodged right into the right combination of control and keeping with new technology as your com-
path of a laser beam? Probably too responsiveness. Now, the slightest puter. So we designed one. From scratch.
many times. What if we told you that touch is all that it takes to effect con- Brand new internally. Not like anyone
maybe the problem isn't you, it's your trol movements on your game screen. else's. We did give it a familiar name,
joystick? Rock your finger or thUl;nb , back and however; Starfighter. For Apple.
If your joysticks are like most, you forth, just at the momenfyou decide to As different from the competition as we
can't feel when you have made a move. make a movement or fire, and it seems can be, Starfighter for Apple has many of
You only see it on the screen, when it's like Joy-Sensor has read your mind. its Atari-compatible counterpart's exterior
too late. Suncom has a solution. TAC-2. Moves are executed much faster physical characteristics. Round-cornered
Totally Accurate Controller - 2 fire but- because there is no stick to move, no and smooth, it won't fatigue you over
tons. resistance to movement. those long playing session:,:;. Its preciSion
With its longer shaft, arcade style Your ships will fly across the screen trimming adjustments provide an extra
ball top, and exclusive Suncom internal as easily as light flies through space. measure of control. And internally, its
construction, TAC-2 gives you that ex- Your laser rays will fire exactly when new, advanced design gives you a kind of
tra control. can feel absolutely, you want them to. You will never go feel and response during game play that
positively, for sure, exactly when you back to your old joystick again. you have never experienced before.
have made a move. And with its 2 fire Precise control that lets you take advan-
buttons, TAC-2 is equally fair to left tage of the qualities that distinguish an
handers and right handers.
TAC-2 comes with Suncom's famous
2 year warranty. And ,it comes with
~ Incorporated
Apple Computer from all of the toys , the
men from the boys, And of course, Star-
fighter for Apple comes with a 2 year war-
something else. Totally Accurate Con- 650 E Anthony Trail , Northbrook, IL 60062 ranty, From your friends at Suncom.
• Products and trademarks of Atari , Sears, Commodore, Apple Computer.
Consumer Hotline: 600·556·0003

Computer graphics reach the outer limits

Computers are replacing everyone and they're going to replace the artist too,
right? No way! The fact is that computer graphics are getting so spectacular that
scientists can't keep up. They're trying to design graphics systems that will re-
quire no computer training at all to let the real artists have a crack. Meanwhile, it
won't be too long before some of the fancier computer graphics systems will be
available to the ordinary home computer user at a less thanfancy price.
By Frank Moldstod
Diving. whooshing bursts of color.
shapes that transmogrify them-
selves Into other shapes. images that
the human eye could never see In
nature but seem perfectly natural to
us now-computer generated
graphics are as much a part of our
Uves now as television itself. From
the opening of ABC's Wide World of
Sports to the movie Tron. the com-
puter is everywhere-the new king
of the animation studio. What a con-
trast from the days of painstaking
eel by eel Inking that brought draw-
Ings to llfe in the pre-computer era.
And what a contrast In color, too.
Old-fashioned animation was limited
to whatever colors the artist could
mix up in his Ink stand-and once
the colors had been decided. that
was it. You could change a character
from, say. red to blue, but to be done
smoothly. the process would be so
tlme-consuming and difficult that
you'd probably think twice about it.

Sdenl!Ifc Amer1can J979 Destgner George Alrker DIgItal Effed$

With computer graphics the artist Technology. Now it sells a $105,000 with the stylus. He can start by ,
is limited only by his imagination. In professional computer-based graphic drawing freehand directly onto the
fact. the capabilities of current im- tablet system called Images, but the electronic tablet. Or. he can select
age generators so far surpass the company plans to bring out a home from a menu of geometric shapes,
human imagination that the artist version in two or three years. programmed into the computer.
has virtually no limits at all. These The vartety of effects available to a choosing the shape or shapes which
machines can theoretically generate designer using a professional com- best fit his needs. The geometric
16.8 million colors on infinite puter graphics tablet is mind- shapes can be combined, rotated.
geometric planes ... simultaneously. boggling. down to the width and blended with hand-drawn animation
As spectacular as the computer characteristics of simple lines drawn or with photographic images on the
has proven to be In animation.
though. no one discounts the
human element. It takes people to
create the software. program the
computers and make sense out of
the unlimited array of visions
available. Computer-generated
graphics enhance the traditional
methods. they don't replace them.
Past productions and those now in
the works also prove that computer
graphics can stand on their own as
an art form. In fact one graphics lab,
The New York Institute of
Technology. is producing an
animated feature-length movie-en-
titled The Works-composed entire-
ly of computer graphic animation.
Neither actors nor pens and paper
were used in the production. just a
lot of human concepts brought to
completion with new tools.
Dollars And Senses
How do they do it? It·s not just
with a keyboard. Many Images are
generated using a pen-like stylus
and an electronic tablet which
senses both motion and pressure.
Although such systems for profes-
sionals now cost over $100,000.
some of their elements are incor-
porated In siIPple graphics software
packages for today's home com-
puters. Designers say advances in
software and hardware technolOgy
will bring more sophisticated tablet-
based systems into your hands in
the next few years-units that will
give you 3-D images and cost under
Says Marco Cardamone. of the
Computer Graphics Lab in New
York, "Within the next two or three
years, there will be home computer
graphics systems under S 1,000,
with a 32-bit microchip. We see an
enormous market out there." Car-
damone's firm is the marketing end
of the New York Institute of

MAY 1983
viewing monitor. Not only shapes, baton. He begins by calling up a one of the other menus.
but colors. textures and patterns are baton-like tubular shape from the With the baton displayed on a
retained in the computer's memory. computer menu. This is done by separate vjewing monitor. any
These are called algOrithms. pressing a point on the tablet cor- desired texture. such as a wood-
mathematical fonnulae translated responding to the place on the com- grain. can be applied by outlining
into computer language to do a puter menu (displayed on a monitor) the baton on the tablet and touching
specific task. where the desired infonnation is the wood-grain code on the menu.
Sayan animator wants to create a listed. The baton shape can be Then. on the tablet. a hand is drawn
close-up depiction of the hands of reduced or enlarged by degree with around the baton. and another is
two relay racers as they pass a the touch of the proper command on drawn poised to receive it. Instead of
appearing on the tablet, the hands
take shape on the viewing monitor
as they are drawn.
Commonly, a palette of 265 color
gradations appears at the bottom of
the viewing monitor, grouped in a
preprogrammed color scheme. Many
other palettes are available in the
computer's memory. and colors can
be mixed to get the necessary hue. If
the designer wants to make the
. surreal. he can shade them
,ICU ,IU-=>
red. green or any other color. and
put strange textures on the skin. To
add color. he touches the shade he
likes on the palette. enters it by
touching the area to be colored and
It's done.
Once the computer animator Is
satisfied with his initial drawing.
there's a radical departure from
traditional animation techniques. A
traditional animator would draw a
series of hands coming closer
together for the baton exchange. Not
the computer graphics artist. He
draws the first drawing and others
in the sequence every 10 frames or
so. punches in a few commands.
and the computer averages out the
motions that have occurred in be-
tween. It's a vivid example of how
computer animation can save time
and money In producing quality
Raging Thunderstorms
Like a painter. the computer
animator can select from different
brushes. He has a variety of line
thicknesses and characteristics from
which to choose. For example. one
brush enables a designer to draw a
line composed of spheres with a sim-
ple stroke of the stylus. looking
rather like a series of planets
quence. each sphere obscuring part
of the one behind it. Another brush
you might see on TV weather pro-
grams has a cloudlike stroke, so
animators can depict raging
thunderstorms over southern
California. Any conceivable line can
be drawn. from Wide textured
swashes to delicate pen-strokes.
A computer graphics designer can
also integrate holograms or video-
taped images into the picture
with a digitizer. This device uses a
high-resolution camera to feed im-
ages into the system and they ap-
pear on the viewing monitor. Then
the artist can work on them just like
any other image. adding or remov-
ing colors and lines.
A good computer artist Is limited
only by design ability. imagination
and familiarity with the system he is
using. Because artistic ability Is so
Important. creators of the graphics
systems are trying hard to make
their machines as accessible as

7" MA Y 1983
possible to the non-o>mputerphile.
"We're trying to dev~lop a pro-
grammable user-friendly unit for
people with no computer
background," says Larry Ellen,
designer with New York-area based
Magi, a large contributor to Tron..
"The idea is to attract more people
with an artistic background. We
don't want to have an industry full
of people with a scientific
background ...
Although computer-fear might
seem to loom as a major impedi-
ment to the artistic side of computer
graphics, it's not really such a
serious problem. For Instance, com-
puter graphics systems are already
user-friendly to the extent that all
four computer graphics designers at
Computer Creations, in South Bend,
IN, had no computer background
when they were hired.
"Our whole philosophy is to pro-
vide a system that is easy to use for ...
non-computer people," says Com- 5!l
puter Creations president Thomas tl
Klimek. "We bring in people with a
design and graphics background
and teach them the system. After a

while, they're not thinking about

bits and bytes. U's not something ~
you'll learn in an afternoon. But ~
assuming you have artistic skill, it's a>
like you're switching from water- !
colors to oil paint. You have to learn :§
the strengths of the medium." j
Bit Port '
George Parker, a designer and
animator with Digital Effects in New
York, creates computer graphic im-
agery for feature films, 1V commer-
cials and a host of other applications. 'g
Although he has been working with '<
computers for five years, his ~
background is design. "My function f
as a designer," he says, "is to be a ~
liaison with art directors and e
creative people, to tell them what's
possible and then to do it. We can do
almost anything visually." ~
In addition to the previously men-
tioned Magi, a number of companies ~
worked on computer graphics Im- ~
ages in Tron-Digital Effects and the ~
New York Institute of Technology l
among them. Digital Effects created .
the movie's Bit character with a ~
Continued on page 92 ;C



... for all Atari 400/800 computer users-

ACORN has three games for the AATSO has 4 games for the removing clothing after losing Dog Daze. Have you ever
system In the Strategy and system In the Sports and Individual rounds. Artworx wondered what attracts Ftdo to
Sports categortes. Among the Strategy categortes. Strategy president Arthur Walsh says. eve~ hydrant he passes? Thls
Strategy games are Lost games include Gomokln. "this game has what may be game may not tell you but It
Colony and Everest Ex- Revers! and PokerlSoUtatre. the highest resolution graphics gtves you the chance to put
ped1tton. Company's Pick: Company's Pick: Cypher around. of nearly photographic yourself In Ftdo's place. You
Formula 1 Player can Bowl. Realistic football game quality." $34.95. Address: 150 are In control of a dog that
test his drtvlng ability on five featurtng high resolution N. Main St .. Fairport. NY must beat a rtval pooch to a fire
dl.fferent tracks with four skill graphics and the ability to call 14450. hydrant. $22.95. Address: PO
levels. Operated with joysttck up to 256 offensive and Box 3705. Santa Clara. CA
control simulating five-speed defensive plays Including ATAN has 15 games for the 95055.
gear shift; added intrigue running. punting. passing and system In the Arcade and
comes from obstacles (011 blocking. $49.95. Address: Sports categortes. Among the AVAMr4AADE CMA110MS has
slicks. crashes. explosions) that 10432 Burbank Blvd... North Arcade games are Space In- two games for the system In
the drtver must avoid. Cassette HoUywood. CA 91601. uaders. Mt.ssUe Command and the Arcade and Educational
only. 32K required. $29.95. Centtpede. In the Sports area categortes. The Educational
Address: 1945 Gallows Rd.• AATWOAX has 18 games for the company counts Com- game Is Word Scrambler and
Vienna. VA 22180. the system In the Arcade. puter Chess and Basketball. Super Speller. Company's
Adventure and Sports Company's Pick: Pac-Man. Pick: Lazemtaze. It's either
AD'IENIUU 1MIEN4A11OtW. has categortes. Arcade games The closest adaptation yet of you or the monster In this
20 games for the system In the include EncoWlter at Questar the trend-settlng arcade games challenging maze game.
Arcade and Adventure N and Hazard RWl. In the features the ever-hungry Trapped In a grtd of mirror-like
categortes. Arcade games Sport areas there's Golden yellow gobbler and his arch- reflectors. you must shoot your
Include Preppie n. Stratos and Gloves. Among the Adventure enemies the ghosts. $44.95. lazer at a hidden beastie or
Rally Speedway. Among the games Is The Vaults of Zurfsh. Address: PO Box 50047. San take the consequences.
Adventure games are Sea . Company's Pick: Strtp Poker. Jose. CA 95150. namely a fireball! $29_95.
Dragon and Scott Adams Just what It sounds IIke- Address: 210 E. Third Ave.•
Graphic Adventure. Com- two women playing cards. ATAN PlOGAAM EXCIW4GE Euguene. OR 97401.
pany's Pick: Preppie. Player CAlIX) has 54 games for the
guides prepster Wadsworth system In the Strategy. Sports 116 FIVE has one game for the
Overcash through country and Arcade categortes. Among system In the Arcade category.
club playfteld to pick up the Strategy games are At- Obviously. It's the Company's
wayward golf balls. avoiding tack/. Block ·Em. Rev. 2 and Pick: Miner 204ger. Thls
water traps and lawn main- The Midas Touch. Sports futurtstlc miner runs through
tenance machines. $29.95. games Include Pro BowUng as many as ten dl.fferent shafts
Address: PO Box 3435. and Checker King. In the (each with a dlftlculty factor of
Longwood. FL 32750. Arcade line are Salmon Run. 1 to 10) picking up vartous
Rabbotz and Landing
Stmulator. Company's Pick:

the biggest Who's Who of computer games

objects while trying to avoid system in the Arcade category, Pick: Mountain King, Ac- Moon Shuttle. Among the
collapsing tunnels and cave- Compan y 's Pick: Raste r companied by Grieg's "Hall of Adventure games Is The
Ins. "It's a semi-humorous Blaster . Originally designed for the Mountain King" music, Sands of Egypt. Company's
game," says Big FIve's Ted the Apple format. this video you guide your man through a Pick: ~n, Home computer
Witberg. Cassette only. $49,95. pinball game simulates the real mountain in pursuit of a version of the Sega arcade hit
Address: PO Box 9078- 185, thing with h igh graphic treasure, menaced by bats and features the familtar 3-D
Van Nuys, CA 91409, resolution and sound effects. s piders. Cassette only. Open graphics, scrolling screen and
Disk only. $24,95. Address: price. Address: 41 Madison the deadly robot...Zaxxon.
JIAOI)ERDUHD SOFTW AIU: has 428 Pala Ave" PIedmont, CA Ave" New York, NY 10010. $39,95, Address: 9421
11 games for the system In the 94611. Wlnnetlca Ave.. Chatsworth.
Arcade, Fantasy and Action DATAMOST has three games for CA913II ,
categories. Arcade games CAVALD COMPUTEa has one the system in the Arcade
Include Apple Panic, Genettc game in the Arcade category. category. Arcade games in- DYHACOMP has 30 games in
DrtJt and Stellar Shuttle. Company's Pick: Bug Attack clude: Roundabout and the Adventure and Sports
Fantasy games Include Ser- Described by Cavalier's Ron Pogoman. Company's Pick: categories, Adventure games
pentine and Labyrinth. Nltchals as a "highly en- Air Strike. Scramble-style Include Star Base 3.2 and
Among the Action games are tertaining but often space game pits players Valdez, Sports offering is
Track Attack and Sea Fox. exasperating move'n'shoot against death.<feallng obstacles Cactus League Baseball.
Company's Pick: Choplifter. game," This entry pits players from above and below . Company's Pick: Valley of
Player operates helicopters agalnst numerous insects Programmer Bob Flanagan Kings, Adventure game places
which must rescue groups of gradually descending from the warns that this is one game not the player In three unique
men from exploding barracks top of the playfield. $29.95. for beginners, "Even the mazes, Players must ac-
and transport them to a safety Address: PO Box 2032, Del lowest difficulty level (there are cumulate as much treasure as
zone. Each barrack contains Mar, CA 92014. five in all) will frustrate the possible while battling fierce
16 men. $34.95-$44,95 Disk most accomplished player," princes, marauding bandits
requires 48K . Address: 1938 CDS SOFTWAIU: has six games Cassette only. $39,95, Ad- and man~ting beasts. Disk
Fourth St" San Rafael. CA for the system In the Ad- dress: 8943 Fu/lbrtght Ave.. only. 48 K required, $29,95,
94901. venture, Arcade and Action Chatsworth. Co 9 1311 .
categories, Adventure games
~CO,hasonegamefurthe Include Boulders &. Bombs. DATASOfT has 11 games for the
The Arcade division in- system In the Arcade and
corporates K-Razy Shoot-Out, Adventure categories. Arcade
K-Razy Antiks and K-Razy games include Canyon
Krttters. The Action offering is Climber, Tumble Bugs and
K-Star Patrol. Company's

Address: 1427 Monroe Ave.. direction and shoot In any CartrIdge only. $44.95. Ad- novel-style scenario and allows
Rochester. NY 14618. other. Designed by Atarl dress (1787 TrIbute Rd.. Suite players to choose from a
software competition award G.• Sacramento. CA 95815.) vartety of options and out-
EDU-WAU has two games for winner Fernando Herrera. comes. Disk only. 32K
the system In the Educational $29.95. Address: 22 East 41st ItAYDEM SOFnfAU COMPANY required. $39.95. Address: 55
and Strategy categories. The St.. New York. NY 10017. has 4 games lor the system in ~ler SI.. Cambridge. MA
Educational offering Is Spelling the Strategy and Arcade cate- 02138.
Bee Games. Company's Pick: GAMEST~ has three games for gories. Games of Strategy in-
Prtsoner II. Strategy game the system in the Sports clude Reversal and Go. Among IMT"'NATIONAL sonw A"E
based on television series has category. Among the Sports the Arcade games is Bulldog MAMETIMG has one game for
playerS attempting to escape titles are Starbowl. Football Pinball. Company's Pick : the system. Company's Pick:
from an island prison by going and The Adventure oj Dutch Sargon If. Chess program de- PrIsm. "Story" game features
through 20 different rooms. Dugan. Company's Pick: Baja signed to challenge both begin- text. graphics and sound ef-
each with Its own unique Buggies. Turbo-style 3-D ners and adults with seven dif- fects offertng clues to the
challenge. Disk only. 48K desert road race game features ficulty levels. $29.95-'34.95. location of three valuable keys.
required. $34.95. Address: PO three different tracks and two Address: 600 SuJJoik St .. 819.95 (cassette). '24.95 (disk).
Box 22222. 28035 Dorothy levels of play. Drivers must Lowell. MA 01853. Address: 120 E. Washington
Dr.. Agoura. CA 91301. steer their cars through St.. Syrocuse. NY 13202.
hazardous tracks. avoiding HUMAN EMGIME£MC6 SOFnfAU
EPYX has 17 games for the rival autos and anticipating (lIES) currently has a couple of KmL has six games for the
s ystem in th e Stra tegy deadly curves. $31.95. Ad- games on both disk and system In the Adventure
category. Among them are d ress: 1302 State St.. Santa cassette for the Atarl 4001800. category. Among the Ad-
Temple oj Apshal. Monster Barbara. CA 93101. Among them Coco I and II and venture games. Sword Of
Maze. Hel!ftre Warnor and The Grtdrunner. Company Zedek. Odyssey In TIme.
Keys oj Acheron. Company's GEDELU SOFnfAU has seven pick: The Grtdrunner. in Pythagoras & The Dragon.
Pick: J umpman. This multi- games for the system in the which you have to defend Company's Pick : Time
level game has playe rs Arcade category. Among the Earth·s orbiting solar power Traveller. Text adventure
defusing bombs hidden among Arcade games are An- station against enemy alien game transports player to one
30 different screens while dromeda. Fireblrd and Candy Droids. $39.95 . Address: 71 of 12 time periods where
aVOiding vampire bats. falling Factory. Company's Pick: Park Lane. Brisbane . CA he/she must choose a side
bombs and changing land- Embargo. Fast action Frogger- 94005. (Allies vs. Axis. David vs.
scapes. Disk only . 32K style obstacle game has Goltath. etc.) and battle to the
reqUired. $39.95. Address: players attempting to move IMAGIC so far has Its bright death. Disk only. 48K required.
1043 Klel Ct.. Sunnyoole. CA boxes from one end of the Demon Attack and Atlantis for $39.95. Address: 1320
94086. cargo depot to the other. Ersatz the Atarl computer systems. Stonybrook Rd.. Stonybrook.
longshoreman must avoid Company pick: Demon Attack: NY 11790.
FlUT STAR SOFnfARE has 4 both animate and inanimate A strange breed of bifurcated
games for the system In the objects to reach their objective. bird Is attacking you and L6S COM.UlnWAU has two
Arcade category. Among them you've got to kill them all. games for the system in the
are Dangerous Cargos. SqUish About '40. Address: 981 Strategy category. In the
and Metamorphosis. Com- University Ave.. Los Gatos. CA Strategy area there's Acey-
pany's Pick: Aslro-Chase. S0- 95030. Deucey and Crossword Mogle.
phisticated space action game Company's Pick: Crossword
features 34 levels of difficulty. IHf'OCOM has four games for Magic. Crossword puzzle
seven animated intermissions the system in the Strategy program allows players to
and a unique "Single Thrust category. They include design their own game by
Propulsion " system allowing Starcross and Suspended. supplying words which the
players to fly their craft in one Company's Pick: Zork. Text computer Incorporates into a
adventure game offers detailed
crossword puzzle matrix. Disk category. Company's Pick: Disk only: 529.95. Address: games. players can create their
only. 44K required. 549.95. Ad- Castle Woifenstetn: War game 6660 Reseda Blvd. 105. own game using the simple
dress: 1589 Fraser Dr.• Sunny- finds the player (an American Reseda. CA 91335. authoring language. Address:
vale. CA 94087. soldier) trying to escape a Nazi Scholastic. 730 Broadway.
prison camp th vital war UMIOM SOFnfAU currently New York. NY 10003.
I.IGHnIMG SOFTWAU has one plans. Field commissions are has two games available for the
game for e system in the granted as points accumulate. Atari computers: Thrax Lair SEMIIEKI' SOFTWAU has one
Educational category. Com- Disk only. 529.95 Address: and Trust. Company pick: game for the system in the
pany Pick: MasterType. Zap 347 N. Charles St.. Baltimore. Thrax Lair. in which an Adventure category. Com-
the enemy word by typing in MD21201. animated pterodactyl flies pany's Pick: Cyborg. Science
the correct version or get around a cave kiIIing in- fiction text adventure game
zapped. Game is a typing PROGRAM DESIGH (POI) has 10 sectolds. Address: PO Box that. according to the com-
instructional program games for the system in the 5480. Aoon. CO 81620. pany. "is written by an actual
featuring 18 progressive Arcade category. Among the professional writer!" The story-
lessons. Disk only. 32K Arcade titles are Swamp ROKLAH SOFTWAU has 10 game asks for player in-
required. 539.95. Address: PO Chomp. Clipper. Star Crystals games for the system in the volvement through character
Box 11725. Palo Alto. CA and Android/Captivity. Com- Arcade category. Among the development and sophisticated
94306. pany's Pick: Moon Base 10: fast Arcade titles are Wizard of plot line rather than point or
action adventure game featur- War. Deluxe Invaders and treasure accumulation. Disk
MDOCOMPU'I'tR GAMES has 28 ing voice narration. You must Anti-Sub ·Patrol. Company's only. 534.95. Address: PO Box
games for the system in the navigate through alien mine Pick: Goif. High resolution 4929. Aspen. C081612.
Arcade and Adventure fields. land on Jupiter's three adaptation of the arcade hit
categories. Among the Arcade moons and destroy the enemy pits players against the evil SlEP.P,A OM-lINE bas 14 games
games are Space Station Zulu mothership to save the Earth·s Gorfian Empire. Game in- for the system in the Ad-
and Gypsy. Adventure games outposts. 529.95. Address: 95 corporates all four screens and venture and Arcade categories.
include Telengard and G.F:s East Putnam Ave .. Green- seven difficulty levels. Car- In the Adventure line there's
Sorceress. Company's Pick: wich. CT 06830. tridge and Disk only. $39.95- The Wizard and the Princess.
Legionnaire. You are Julius $44_95.Address: 3335 N. Mystery House and Ulysses
Caesar in ancient Gaul. bat- QUALITY ' SOFTWARE has 15 Arlington Heights Rd .. and the Golden Fleece. In the
tling the barbarian hordes in games for the system in the n
Arlington Heights. 60004. Arcade games are Marauder.
this board-style strategy game Adventure . Arcade and Mouse Attack and
created by Chris Crawford. The Strategy categories . In the SCHOLASTIC has three games for Jawbreaker. Company's Pick:
program uses scrolling Arcade area. Star Base the Atari computers: Frogger. Loyal adaptation of
screens. sound· and artifical Hyperion and Tank Trap. Microzine. Turtle Tracks and the arcade hit has players
intelligence to enhance game Among the Strategy games are Square Pairs. Microzine is guiding a hapless frog through
play. 535·540. Address: 4517 Block Buster and Fastgam- available only on disk. Turtle a highway and adversary
Harford Rd.. Baltimore. MD man . In Adventure the Tracks on both disk and infested pond to reach hislher
21214. company offers Ali Baba. cassette and Square Pairs on on page 89
Company's Pick: Jeepers cassette. Company pick:
MUSE SOFTWAU has one game Creepers. Arcade quality maze Square Pairs-a simple game
for the system in the Arcade game requires players to draw based on the old favorite
lines about boxes while Concentration. An added plus
avoiding the omnipresent is that in addition to being able
wasps. When a maze is to play the pre-programmed
completed. players move to the
next difficulty level (six in all).

Gamet Ron Dubren, of the
Name This Game team
Forty-year-old Ron Dubren is probably not
the only video game designer with a Ph.D.,
but he may be the only one with a Ph.D. in
Clinical Psychology. If that doesn't insure his
uniqueness, he's also afiction writer and
playwright. Now he's working with Dave
Nutting Associates, a subsidiary of Bally, on
a new coin-op that he can't talk about. For-
tunately, there's lots he can talk about.

games all day long must be great!" casionally, but they didn't excite
Interview by Phil Wiswell What does that do to you? me-I was a coin-op player. What I
EF. Have you always been a game DUDREN. There are all kinds of saw in terms of production value
player'? romantics in the world! At fIrst it and play value wasn't as good on
DUDREN. You'll like this answer and was a lark, but the reality is that the home systems.
I swear it's true. My parents had a you are constantly challenged EF. What are your favorite coin-ops?
little grocery store in a country creatively to come up with some- DUDREN. I was weaned on Space In-
town in Michigan. I couldn't have thing that's good and original, but vaders, but I never played it well
been more than two years old, but I something that also has to be com- and it isn't a favorite. The fIrst coin-
remember very vividly the phlball mercial. It's hard creative op I really got into was Scramble,
machine they had in the store. And work-there's no easy thing about next was Pac-Man and the game
I remember not only being it. I've gotten to the point now when after that was Centipede. I tried to
enamored with all the lights and I'm playing the games where I get into Defender, but it's too
sounds, but I remember playing. spend less and less time enjoying much. For me, the attraction to
My parents tell me one of my fIrst myself. I'm into an analytical point video games was not really playing
words was "nickel." If you want to of view about them. I really can't them. It was the same thing that at-
talk about formative influences, just have fun playing anymore. tracted me to design traditional
maybe that experience is why I EF. But you're still a video game board games. It was the imagina-
wound up doing this interview! player, right? tive challenge of coming up with a
EF. When someone fmds out you're DUDREN. Yes, but let's be honest. game that people would like, that
making money designing video About two or three months ago was would be entertaining, that would
games and says something like the fIrst time I owned a home video have substance and depth and stay-
"Gee, I wish I had your job. Playing game system. I had played them oc- ingpower.
EF: The video game industry in As lon g a s t h e
gen eral has not used the talents of VCS h as its built-
the traditional game designer, such in 4K limita-
as yourself, as in the toy and board tions, th ere isn 't
game industry. too m u c h y ou
DUBREN: That's changin g. Coleco can do g r a phi-
now advertises that it's hiring game cally. You would
deSigners- not programmers, game get more quality
designers. Coleco is fully aware that if more m emory
to fill the demand for new games, were availa b le.
hiring programmers is not the same So now the direc-
thing as hiring game deSigners. tion in h o m e
EF, Is the team approach to video video gam es is
game design the direction the in- towards t h e 8K
dustry is moving in? chip , and t h e
DUBREN: Yes, but it's different 12K chip t h a t
everywhere. Clearly Activision is CBS is doing. One thing that ch ip is February 1982 to try to sell to Park-
taking a "star" approach, where going to allow for is more graphic er to use with their .Jaws license
th ey are only interested in de- differentiation . And as it does, I only Parker lost the license. The
Signers who are also programmers, su spect a lot of the individual pro- upshot was that I had this game
where they locate a single game's grammer/designers will be a t a loss partly developed when I showed it
conception and development in a to express themselves because th ey to Jim Wickstead, who had done a
single programmer/designer. I don't are not primarily graphics artists or lot of U.S. Games' VCS software,
know how long they can sustain animators . and h e liked it.
th at. U was okay when video games EF, As tra ditional game deSign ers EF, At that point the game was
were in their infancy- the criteria becom e involved in video games , nothing more than a story board?
by which you would evaluate them will there be less copy-cats? DUBREN, Yes, a story board. This
were more lenient. Now companies DUBREN, No question a bou t it. But was in July when it was presented
are beginning to look for better pro' u nfortunately , the bottom line for to U.S. Games. Approval came in
duction value through a production the industry is the bottom August and the game was devel-
team, using a specialist who knows line-dollars and cents. If Odyssey oped very quickly. Jim had a very
about graphics, another who knows or TI or Panasonic develops a n ew good team that worked on the game
animation and another who knows system, th e first game they're going as a collaborative effort. So part of
a bout sound. to do is Odyssey Invaders or TI1i1- . the reason it was developed quickly
EF, These machines are that com- vad ers or Panasonic I nvaders. is that five people worked on it. The
plex? Wh y? Because it has a track record concept was mine, but develop-
DUBREN, U's not that the machin es of su ccess. There will always be a ment should be credited to James
are that complex. After you've seen demand for it, especially while Wickstead Design Associates. If you
a Nintendo game of Popeye wh ere there are people yet to be exposed want to use the analogy with the
the character looks very close to h is to th is type of game. U's clear tha t film industry, for Name This Game
cartoon cousin, you won't be satis- " nothing succeeds like su ccess." I played the roles of both writer and
fied with an abstract space invader. Rip-offs are basically the watch- director. I had plenty of input.
...-------- - - -- - - -- - - -----.... word of the in- EF, Did the game change much?
dustry, but DUBREN, Oh sure. My original con-
that doesn't cept for the air supply was that the
mean there person in the boat would be drop-
won't b e more ping air tanks and they would settle
and moreofa to the bottom of the sea. The diver
place for origi- would have to catch them instead
nal games. of just grabbing the end of the air
EF, When did hose. But we couldn't have all that
you come up happening with the octopus' ten-
with t h e con- tacles already moving back and
cept for Name . forth. We really ask a lot of the VCS
T h is Game? to do a game with this much action.
DUBREN, Actu- EF, When did you finish work on the
ally, Name game?
This Game DUBREN, October. And no, it wasn't
was developed that they wanted it for the Christ-
as a concept in mas season. It just happened to fall
together more quickly than anyone designer to provide fresh ideas. an animator who would have come
an tici pated. EF: Once you have the story board up with that. I wouldn't have
EF: August to October still seems worked out you have a lot of the thought it possible, so I wouldn't
like a fast schedule. graphics in mind, yet you still want have suggested it, and neither
DUOREH, Well remember, Activi- to use a graphics artist? would the programmer. Working
sion's approach is to have a single DUOREH: Let's put it this way: If I with the Atari VCS you have to ac-
designer work on a single game have a graphics artist available cept certain things, like pixels-
from beginning to end . In terms of who's better than me, yes. If! don't square boxes that make up the oc-
man hours, a single designer might have a graphics artist available, I'll topus' tentacles. That's why the il-
take six months, but he's doing be happy to do the graphics myself. lusion of movement, and the role of
everything. We had a graphics de- But I would much prefer to work the graphics person in this game,
signer working on graphics concur- with someone who's very good. was so important.
rently with two programmers, a EF: So you trust the creative in- EF: How did the unusual name
sound designer and a game stincts of the team?
DUOREH: Absolutely. The graphics
person working on Name This
Game made a vital suggestion.
Each tentacle is not merely advanc-
ing, but it's oscillating back and
forth . It's an illusion, but basically
an animation illusion, and it's only
It to Guardians of Treasure. But I
think when they all took a good
look at the history of the name
changes. the marketing people
came up with the contest idea, call-
Ron Dubren tells aspiring video game designers to ask themselves
ing the cartridge Name This Game
the following jIve questions:
and challenging the public to do
just that. 1. What Is the object of the game? To score points-sure. To stay alive
as long as possible? Be more specific. Your game should have a clear-
EF. The first video game you were cut goal: shooting out a wave of enemies, eating all the dots, etc.
Involved with is the coin-op under 2. Is the game fair? There's no room for chance in a video game. If a
development at Dave Nutting Asso- player can lose a life through no fault of his own. your game has got a
ciates for Bally/Midway-the game bug. Video games are active fun-the player should never be a sitting
we can't talk about yet. What major duck. Skill, however awesome. Is what it's about.
differences do you find in designing 3. How Is the learning curve? A good game is easy to get into and hard
games for a home system like the to master. There should be a gradual Increase in the challenge; sudden
VCS and a coln-op machine? spurts in difficulty only frustrate the player. Even a steep climb is frne.
DUBREN. If you're dealing with the but at no point should the player feel up against a sheer wall.
Atari VCS, you're talking about an 4. Does the game make sense? A game can be silly. fantastic.
realistic-whatever world you want to create. But it must hang together
extremely limiting palette. The VCS within that world.
is least forgiving for the designer or 5. Is there anything unique about my game? Originality. invention
conceptualizer. This actually makes and Innovation are the ideals but hard to live up to. There are more than
it the most challenging system, and enough stale rip-offs out there. Strive for that breath of fresh air.
in some ways the most fulfilling.
You can't be lazy. It's such a de- DUOREN. In the coin-op bUSiness, the DUOREN. Basically, you're talking
manding and limiting system that most important limitation you're about another entertainment form
you have to make up for it with under is that you must design a when you talk video games-an en-
creative thrust. Everything has to game so that the average player tertainment form that. right now,
be in the gameplay because you gets no more than three minutes for nobody's even talking about as an
don't have too much room left for a quarter. The problem that creates art form. But lO or 20 years from
decoration. is that it limits the type of game you now perhaps it will be looked upon
EF. What about coin-op games? can do, because you have to design as an art form. Critics may look
a game that will zap a lot of players back to the original Space Invaders
after 30 seconds to make up for the and proclaim it a classic. And when
really good players. No adventure they try to find out who invented it.
games. No games where time is not they won't be able to locate a name.
a factor. And that's the real advan- I think that in the video game in-
tage In the direction I think the dustry. over time. specific indi-
home computer revolution Is mov- viduals will be identified with a
ing us as game deSigners: Ultimate- body of work just like the director
ly we are not going to be driven by or writer or star of popular films has
the cOln-op mentality. Name This a body of work. When Spielberg
Game was done with a coin-op gets John Williams to do the music
mentality-a game that would be for E.T., he knows that he's getting
challenging, not easy to get into on something that's vital to the whole,
higher levels and might only play without which the whole might not
for a minute or two. Why not design work. And yet it's still Spielberg's
games that last a lot longer? vision. I see that as basically the
Because we are appealing to a way in which video games are
crowd of arcade players who own heading. The way interactive enter-
home systems. They're playing tainment is going to evolve, you'll
what they're familiar with. This will have a variety of people with roles
change over time as people become that are difficult to pigeonhole, but I
more familiar with computers and think there's going to be a core of
what they can ofTer to video gam- creative, driving originality, just as
ing. In any medium.
EF. Do video game designers really EF. What about Clinical
deserve the kind of publicity they're Psychology?
getting? Are they really like authors DUOREN, Basically, I didn't have the
or composers, or just glorified confidence to follow my creative in-
1. DONKEY KONG (A) (Coleco)
2. PITFALL! (A) (Activision)
:So PAC·MAN (A) (Atari)
4. MS. PAC·MAN (A) (Atari)
5. RIVER RAID (A) (Activision)
6. FROGGER (A) (Porker)
7. SPIDERMAN (A) (Porker)
8. VANGUARD (A) (Atari)
9. DEFENDER (A) (Atari)
10. PITFALL! (I) (Activision)

1. JOUST (Williams)
2. MS. PAC·MAN (Midway)
:So Q*BERT (Gottlieb)
4. POPEYE (Nintendo)
5. MOON PATROL (Williams)
6~ FRONT LINE (Taito)
8. SUPER PAC·MAN (Midway)
9. CENTIPEDE (Atari)
10. GALAGA (Midway)
~~~w W~y~ ~TYff
'-Ildaa F.!layaas

NAME _____________________________ AGE MALE 0 FEMALE 0

ADDRESS __________________________ TYPE OF IN-HOME VIDEO SYSTEM OR
COMPUTER: ________________________
TE LEPHONE _________________________ FOR ___ MEMBERS. ENCLOSED IS A CHECK OR
NAME ____________________ AGE _ _ IN-HOME 0 ARCADE O .

NAME AGE _____ MAl L T 0 : ~1CII.a P.IgyKs

NAME AGE _____ P.O. BOX 3663B, BIRMINGHAM , AL 35236 .

.. _.-- .._----------------------------------------------_._------_.----------_._------_ ......--_...--..-_....... ..

' ,

We're waiting to discover you.

Send us a program that you've written and maybe we'll send you $100. Each
month in First Screening we print a program that one oj our readers has writ-
ten. If you think that you have hidden talent as a designer and you have a pro-
gram that you think deserves recognition, send it to us. Be sure to let us know
which computer it'sJor and to include the complete computer printout.
This month's winner is Jon Smith. Jon is 12 years old and attends Sterling
Middle School in Sterling, Virginia. He's been programmingJor two years and
would like to be a game designer. His program is called Boxed In and it was writ-
tenJor any Atari computer with 8K andjoysticks.

determine strategies that are best move diagqnally. The diagonal lines
How to Play for each. What may work in one are not impenetrable and may be
variation, may not in another. passed through if approached from
In this two-player action game of Learn the characteristics of each the proper angle.
skill and strategy there are eight and then make your battle plans. Variation 3: Similar to Variation
variations-four in which each Variation 1: In this 1. You can move horizontally
player attempts to trap his oppo- variation you can Continued on page 93
nent and force him or her to stop move either vertically
moving, and four others which pit or horizontally. Both
you against your worst enemy .. . types of lines are im-
yourself. You and your opponent penetrable and the
move simultaneously on your own line you start con-
half of the screen until one of you tinues to increase in
can no longer move. The player length all by itself
that is in motion longest wins. without additional in-
put from the joystick,
The Variations until such time as
You can choose from straight im- you either change
penetrable line or diagonal line direction or are
variations and you have the option stopped by an-
of playing with or without sound ef- other line.
fects. Use the joysticks to out- Variation 2: As
maneuver and box in your oppo- in Variation I,
nent. There's no time to stop and you may draw
think. Stop for ten seconds and both vertical and
your opponent wins! Time adds up horizontal lines-
as you play, so watch out! And, both of which
most important. don't box yourself are impenetra-
in as you try to trap your opponent. ble-but Varia-
Knowing what peculiarities each tion 2 also per-
of the variations has will help you mits you to
.~. OP= 1 DR AW TO 2,
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:C OL OR l:P LO T 2,2
10 GRAPHICS 5+ 16 A= 70 :B B= 10 :Jl =1 3
2:X X= 10 :Y Y= 10 :A
11 J2 =1 3 39 ,4 3
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12 IF OP >= 5 THEN o
15 51 =1 00 :5 2= 10
0 <> O THEN x= o: y=
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20 LOCATE XX +X ,Y 30
22 IF 80 <> 1 THEN ,10 ,15
25 SOUND 0,X X+ YY
,10 ,15
26 SOUND 1,A A+ BB O:B=O
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30 IF =8 2- 1
AN D YY+Y=YY THEN 82 1- 1
33 IF XX+X =X X =5 AA ,BB :X =O :Y =O
34 +B:CO
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80 A= A+ IJ2 =7 )-I 0
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82 IF 51 OR OP =8
=4 OR OP =6
85 IF OP =2 OR OP 6 THEN 10 00
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87 IF PE
92 GO TO 20 D 2, 0, 0, 0: 50
UN D 3, 0 ,0 ,0
O: SO UN D 1,0,0 ~ 0:SOUN
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15 0:S DU ND 0~10,3
10 1 FOR 1= 1 TO
10 5 SOUND 0, 0, 0,
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10 9 IF 51 ( =0 .;' : WT=vl'
11 0 IF 51 ( =0 TH
12 0 IF 52 <= 0 TH #6 ;"
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12 5 7 #6: ~'
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:? #6 : ? #6 ;" pr es s In order jor US to co ns~er yo ur
13 0 7 #6 00 entry, we ne ed the
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14 0 IF PE EK (5 32 a co mp let e co
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50 5 Y= Y+ J2 =9 »
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10 00 Gl =G l+1 :50
16 Fu n, 35 0 Ea st 81~g
, Ele OniC
10 05 GRAPHICS 1+ ": ? #6 : " #6 St. , Ne w York,
( 10 10 ? #6 ;" ** BOXED IN ** :-... ..": ') #6: ~' #6 - NY 10028. Includ e yo ur ph on e
#6 ;" U .,. . nu mb e
"; : r;; ca n reach you.
10 15 -;.' #6 ;" 'Il Gl : 7- #'6 r so we
ga me :
10 20 ':'- #6 ;" OP =l
10 25 IF DP =9 TH EN > #6
v ar ia ti on : - " ;8 P: """'
10 30 ') #6 ;" =0
10 32 IF 50 =2
THEN 50 S[) =O TH EN '"? #6
; "o ff II
so un d : II; : IF
10 35 ? #6 ; II

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10 50 ? #6 ;" ,:" ~ ~E GI N"
10 60 ? #6 ; "p~~~. /I

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2 7 9)
10 75 IF PE EK (53
EK (5 32 79 )= 6 THEN 10
10 80 IF PE
17 10 85 PO f'::E 77 , °
10 90 GOTO 10 70
- -------------------------------------


opportunity to design their own 4OK. $29,95. Address: 750 Third

GAMER'S GUIDE star cruisers. Disk only. $39.95. Ave., New York, NY 10017.
Continued from page 79 Address: 465 Fairchild. Dr., 108,
lily pad. $34.95. Address: Sierra Mountain View, CA 94043. TRONIX has one game for the system
On- Line Coarsegold, in the Arcade category. Company's
CA 93614. SUDLOGIC COP.P. has six games for Pick: Kid-Grid. Maze game requires
the system in the Adventure and fast moving "Kid" to bolt about the
SIRIUS SOfT't(AIU has 10 games for Arcade categories. Among the Ad- screen attempting to complete the
the system in the Arcade and venture games are Adventure on a square before destructive monsters
Adventure categories. Among the Boat and Black Forest. Arcade take him out of the game. "Kid"
Arcade games are Bumper Bash. games include Sky Rescue. Com- can stun, but never destroy, the
Wavy Navy. Final Orbit and Spider pany's Pick: Night Mission Pinball. villains. $29,95. Address: 701 West
City. In the Adventure area are Pinball simulation based on World Manchester, Inglewood, CA 90301.
Blade of Blackpool and Critical War II night bombing raid boasts 10
Mass. Company's Pick: Squish 'Em. preset pinball designs. Software also
THOP.N EM! has 24 games for the
Crazy-Climber-type game requires allows users to design their own system in the Strategy, Arcade and
players to climb up a series of pipes pinball layouts. 32K required. Sports categories. Strategy games
and squish nasty spiders while $29.95. Address: 713 Edgebrook include Jumbo Jet Pilot and
avoiding falling bricks. Realistic Dr., Champaign, II 61820. Reversi. Among the Arcade games
sound effects (pipes clanging. spider are River Rescue and Orc Attack.
squlshing) add to the fun. Cartridge SYNAPSE has 30 games for the In Sports there's Major League
only. $39.95. Address: 10364 system in the Arcade and Ad- Hockey, Soccer and Pool. Com-
Rockingham Dr.. Sacramento, CA venture categories. Among the pany's Pick: Submarine Com-
95827. Arcade games are Dimension X. mander. Underwater simulation
Picnic Paranoia, Chicken and Dodge puts you in the captain's seat as a
SPINNAKER makes seven games for Racer. Adventure games include sub commander out to destroy
the system in the Educational Nautilus, Fort Apocalypse and all enemy merchant ships in
category. Among the Educational Necromancer. Company's Pick: Mediterranean waters. Game
games are Facemaker, Story Pharaoh's Curse. This fast-paced requires constant vigilance.
Machine and Delta Drawing. adventure game offers 15 high Cartridges only. $49.95. Address:
Company's Pick: Snooper Troops I . . resolution screens representing 1370 Avenue of the Americas, 9th
Mystery games poses the "Case of rooms in a tomb. $34.95. FL, New York. NY 10019.
the Granite Point Ghost." Players Address: 5327 Jacuzzi Street, I,
are asked to solve the puzzle of the Richmond, CA 94804. T.H.E.S.I.S. has 15 games in the
mysterious spectre by interviewing Educational category. Among the
suspects. $44.95. Address: 215 SYNERGlS11C SOFT'tfARE has three Educational programs are Preschool
First St., Cambridge, MA 02142. games for the system in the Arcade Fun. Spatial Relations. Fishing for
and Adventure category. Arcade Homonyms and Guessword.
STARPATH. the makers of the games include CriSis Mountain. In Company's Pick: Wanted.
Supercharger, are turning their hit the Adventure area is Warlock's Vocabulary game asks players to
VCS games into computer games. Revenge. Company's Pick: Probe identify words described in "Wanted
The fIrSt two available are Mind- One. You're an outer space 007. Poster" fasWon. For example:
master and Dragonstomper. Your mission: Steal all the Wanted: Noun. Distinguishing
Company's pick: Dragonstomper. necessary plans for a vital defense characteristic: Accent on second
an adventure game in which you system. Your challenge: 30 different vowel. Alias: Toy. Cassette only.
find yourself in medieval times and rooms. each with a different layout $15. Address: PO Box 147. Garden
have to gather strength. weapons and crawling with aliens. Disk only. City. MI48135.
and magic potions to battle demons. 40K required. $34.95. Address: 830
invisible forces and a dragon. N. Riverside Dr., 201, Renton, WA ZIMAG (MagMtiC TQ~ Int..-notlonol)
$19.95. Address: 324 Martin Ave., 98055. Zimag has many for the Atari
Santa Clara, CA 95050. computers in all the formats-
UNITED SOfT't(ARE OF AMERICA has cartridge. diskette and cassette.
STRATEGIC SIMUlA110NS has seven one game for the system in the Among them are Kerplop. Coogar
games for the system in the Arcade category. Company's Pick: File. Outpost. Cat.Nap and Quest
Strategy category. Among the Robot Battle. Robotron-style game for Inca Gold. Company pick: River
Strategy games are Cytron Masters. finds a lone gunman trying to save Rat-race your speed boat against
Battle of Shiloh and Battle for the last Earth colonists from an the clock and up the river aVOiding
Normandy. Company's Pick: android invasion. The game features rafts. ducks, swimmers and other
Cosmic Balance: Space action- five difficulty levels and can support "wildlife." $39.95 (prices vary ac-
strategy game inspired by the Star up to four players. Cassette version cording to format). Zimag. 14600 S.
Trek TV series affords players the requires 32K. Disk version requires Broadway. Gardena CA 90248.


Now... o mogozine ohout
video ond computer gomes
thots os mucli fun to reod
os the gomes ore to pJoy!

r E:C;;O;; F~~ ;;H70:;u~:~: , I

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Breakout, puts the player's Ram· In this game, you are the pursuer,
PREVIEW roid in the center of the screen Leatherface . .
Continued from page 33 against 32 advancing multicolored
Depending on the success or bars. As each bar is shot, a different DISCWASHER
failure of Journey Escape, we could musical note is heard. The other ti· Though no specific systems have
see a number of rock & roll video tle , Star Gunner * , belongs to the been named yet, Discwasher is
games in the near future. According DeJender school of ships vs. ships developing replacement joysticks
to Data Age, groups such as the games, with impressive X·Y like for formats other than Atari. Likely
Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac and graphics on the raster monitor. candidates are ColecoVision and
Styx have already approached the On the drawirig board for possible MatteI's Intellivision II. An inexpen·
firm with proposals for games. As release in June is Bouncing Baby sive trakball is also on the drawing
yet, no deals have been signed. Monkeys. You guide two hospital board.
By June, Journey Escape will be attendants holding a stretcher. As
issued in formats compatible with the bouncing baby monkeys fall AMIGA
Intellivision and ColecoVision. Cole· from the top of the screen, you've You don't want to take gaming
co has been contracted to do the got to catch them and bounce them sitting down? Amiga's also bringing
translating for Data Age. into a hospital. Also in the works is out the Joyboard-a foot-powered
a VIC 20 version of Fast Food. controller. You stand on it and con-
u.s. GAMES trol the movements of your
Here come U.S. Games for the SPECTRAVIDEO character by rocking back and
whole family-Family Fun series. Along with the SV 318 computer, forth. Two games will be available
Watch for Eggomania * (a spruced watch for SpectraVideo's Compu· specifically for use with the
up Kaboom), Gopher (a farmer Mate 2600 Computer Converter-a Joyboard-Mogul Maniac, a skiing
defends his carrot patch), Picnic keyboard upgrade for the VCS. game, Surfs Up (guess) and OJf
(swat flies off your burger), Piece oj Priced under $100, CompuMate Your-Rocker (who knows?).
Cake (baker stacks cakes on a con· features built·in BASIC, 16K ROM
veyor belt), RaJt Rider * (a float and a 42-key membrane keyboard. GREAT GAME CO.
down an obstacle·strewn river), En· Also included is a Music Composer And finally, TV comes to video
tombed and Squeeze Box, * where program and a scribbling exercise games. The Great Game Company
an atterripted jailbreak always fails called Magic Easel, which allows the is planning to make video versions
and yields a message-crime user to draw pictures on the screen of such popular TV programs as Tic
doesn't pay. by moving the joystick. Tac Dough, The Joker's Wild,
In the action/adventure series, The first in a series of 3-D games Family Feud, Jeopardy, Wheel oJ
look for M.A.D. (Missile Attack and from SpectraVideo, Vortex will be Fortune and Password. 0
Defense) plus the yet·untitled issued in multiple formats for use
undersea adventure called Name with many popular home compu- COMING
This Game. ters and game systems. Each car· NEXT MONTH
U.S. Games' first 8K cartridge will tridge will come with a pair of 3-D
glasses. Mayhem in the ArcadeS-Did you
feature the Pink Panther and In·
spector Clouseau in the Trail oj the Shortly after the introduction of know that arcade operators can
Pink Panther. the SV 318, SpectraVideo will also change the way a game plays?
By June, look for an ultra respon· unveil the SV 603 ColecoVision They can and, what's even more
sive, self centering U.S. Games adapter. For less than $70, you can alarming, they sometimes do.
joystick similar in design to the Co· play all ColecoVision games
leco Super Action Controller. The through the SV 318. The Souped· Up VCS- There are
joystick will not only move the at least 13 devices you can plug
game characters but will also WIZARD VIDEO into your VCS (not counting your
regulate their speed. Speed is deter· If Dracula and Frankenstein are fingers) that will make it better
mined by how far the stick is moved too tame for your tastes, here come than it already is.
from the center position. The new a couple of real horrors. Billed as the
controller will also feature a rocker first scary and violent video games, The Coleco Super Game Module-
switch for selection of screens in Halloween and The Texas Chain- Tiny little wafers and an add-on
certain upcoming U.S. Games carts. saw Massacre will be courtesy of that puts one million bytes of
The yet unnamed joystick will work Wizard for the Atari 400/800 com- power into your hands.
with the Atari VCS. puter and the VCS. Both games are
staged in Pitfall-like outdoor The Complete Gomer's Guide to
TELESYS scenarios with some form of maniac Commodore Games"':'- All the
Small but innovative Telesys will chasing a h ysterical female . "Know companies that make games for
debut two VCS compatible carts by the pleasures of total destruction," the Commodore computers.
June. Ram It* , a nifty variation on says Wizard regarding Chainsaw.

simulators are used by the military

LETTEM MASTERPIECE to train pilots. Explains Klimek,
Continuedfrom page 8 Continued from page 75 "The instrument panel in the
magazine. The program I wrote is custom-designed computer graphics cockpit is functioning as it would in
called Stop Thief In it, you are a tablet. "I think he was the only an actual plane, reacting to various
thief trying to rob a bank, going character in the movie who drew a circumstances, and when you look
through security guards and trying laugh. He was the most human out the window and turn the stick,
to work your way through a maze character, interacting with a human the scenery changes accordingly.
of bank walls. actor," says Parker. Trees, mountains and valleys rush
Steve Jensen Although many of the capabilities by as if you were flying a jet in real
Muskegon, WI of computer generated graphics time."
systems currently in use have not These devices are tagged as "the
Don't be shy. We haven't re- even been tapped, research and ultimate video games" by computer
ceived many VIC-20 programs, and development of new techniques is graphics researchers. Some go so far
would love to get one called needed. Certain goals, like greater as to predict that "mini-adventures"
Stop Thief! realism and more natural lighting, will replace shoot-ern-up games.
are priorities. Better software is the "I have a feeling that people will
)~ 0 i~ main way these goals will be get bored with the way video games
reached, but the constantly falling are currently structured," says Lad-
STERN CORRECTION price of computer hardware with die Odom. "Basically, after you learn
Just a note of clarification on greater memory capacity will help. the maze, you're just trying to beat
your excellent response to Stem's Greater realism is just a matter of the clock or better your score. I don't
new game Rescue: The 3-D effects time, says Laddie Odom, a Chicago- find that as interesting as a game
that you attribute to "quantum based graphics artist who's been which is constantly a little different
leaps in arcade technology" are ac- obsessed with computer graphics than it was before, with different
tually the result of the since taking a college course on the endings and segments that are con-
designer/programmer's creativity. subject. trolled by the player." .
The hardware in Rescue is the "It's really just a matter of If anyone has developed such a
same as that used in Scramble and getting the right algorithm. The game, they've kept it under wraps
Super Cobra. Your magaZine is one model for light is really a simple so far. But they're coming, no doubt
of the best; keep up the good work. model, it's a known physical model. about it. How soon they arrive de-
Chris Oberth Now the software developers are try- pends on how fast the price of com-
Chicago,IL ing to plug in as many physically puter memory declines so that
correct factors as they can." somebody besides the government
Thanks for the clarification and Meanwhile, the techniques can afford them. One possible tie-in
the compliment, Chris. Chris already available are enough to tide is the laser videodisc, with its capac-
Oberth is a software engineer for over most viewers. Ultra-real or not, ity to store over 50,000 images and
Stern and is, in fact, the designer they are very effective. Thomas the ability to shift from frame to
of Rescue. Klimek explains one simple frame almost instantly. Tied to a
technique which heightens the computer, such storage capacity
realism of animation conSiderably. could provide a gamer with hun-
"Suppose you draw a whole bunch dreds of plot twists.
FUN FAN of shapes on the same screen and While you wait for such develop-
I would like to congratulate the color them so they are all ments to come home, however, you
editor and staff for their hard work background colors, gray for exam- can check out state-of-the-art
in keeping this magazine going. My ple. Then you go back and selective- graphics in upcoming feature films.
favorite part of EF is those game ly color some of them. If the rest are Magi is working on a future Disney
reviews. I would find it exceptional- the same, the ones that are colored movie called Something Wicked
ly hard not to read your magazine. will stand out vividly. This is what's This Way Comes, where computer
Once again, I congratulate you! done in weather animation to make simulation creates a "magic devil
Allen Tadeo raindrops appear as though they're circus" that comes out at night. It's
San J.ose, CA falling. But they're really just turn- anyone's guess what that looks like.
ing on and off." Digital Effects' George Parker must
There's a quantum leap from that withhold title names for now, but
Write to us! We can't promise that simple example to the one example says one feature film is almost
we'll answer every letter, but we will nearly everyone cites as the height ready and another is on the way.
read them all We welcome your
of current computer graphics tech- The New York Institute of
comments, advice and questions.
Send your letters to: Electronic Fun, niques, and it's not something you're Technology's The Works is near
350 E. 81 st St., New York, NY 10028 likely to see in the local movie completion and will be distributed
house: a cockpit simulator. Cockpit nationally. 0
92 MAY 1983
Continued from page 83
clinations. It came to me late. I
didn't start writing until I was
about 19 years old. My first career
goal was very modest. A CPA came
to my parents' house. He had a nice
dog with him, so I wanted to be a
Here are the latest, most exciting arcade
CPA. I guess I might as well have
wanted to be a dog! I got into col-
and adventure games POI has ever offered
lege, and after one semester of pre- ATARI® computer owners!
business I decided I wouldn't be a
CPA. Then I got interested in psy-
chology. My first course was really N£V4 SWAMP CHOMP
dynamic, taught by a female profes- Life in the Muckedoo Swamp is tough. Alligators,
sor. She made psychology look very snapping turtles, vampire bats and even ghosts-
interesting, but I found the text- all try to eat you, a hungry defenseless Gorx. If
book interesting too. It was full of only you can make it to the feeder station and
designs and tests, all playful. and metamorphose, you'll show them what a swamp
psychology became a game to chomper can do! One or two players. 24K Disk &
me-a game of experience and talk- Joystick/16K Cassette & Joystick.
ing about different ways things hap-
pen and why they happen. The ex-
Most Innovative Game of 1982
periments and the studies all
(Electronic Games Magazine)
seemed like games. There was
something playful there to attract Moonbase 10 is a winner every way. It's a voice-
me. activated arcade game with three very different
H, If you don't mind my asking, adventure settings. 1) Navigate the alien mine
what made you give up Clinical field. 2) Defend Moonbase 10. 3) Attack & destroy
Psychology? mother ship. If you win, you get a personal Presi-
DUBREN, Well, I don't know if I have dential commendation from Earth! Seven levels of
given it up. I was in the research difficulty. Sensational graphics. 24K Disk, Cassette
end. Let's just say it's something &Joystick/16K Cassette &Joystick.
I'm not doing right now.D tlE.~ Clipper (Around The Horn in 1850)
You're the captain of a clipper ship bound from
FIRST SCREENING New York to San Francisco, with lots of decisions
Continuedfrom page 87 to make. You pick vessel, cargo, crew and course.
or vertically but the lines are not as Then use your skills to overcome storms, icebergs,
self-motivated: they stop lengthening illness, delays, doldrums, mutiny and more! Voice-
if you stop pushing on the joystick. narrated, this high adventure challenges your
Variation 4: Similar to Variation 2 brain and navigation skills. 32K Disk, Cassette
in that you have a choice of three & Joystick/24K Cassette & Joystick.
types of lines except. as in 3, you Available at leading stores or direct from POI. AlARI'''' is a trademark of Atari, Inc.
must continuously apply pressure to
the joystick in order to increase the
line lengths.
Variations 5, 6, 7 and 8: These are
identical to variations 1,2,3 and 4
respectively, except that where you
and your opponent played on the en-
tire screen in the above variations,
you are now separated. The screen is
divided into two equal parts and the
game becomes a race against time.
In variations 1 through 4, try to
trap your opponent by making use of
an outside wall. Remember, your op-
Continued on page 96
Program Design, Inc. 11 Idar Court, Greenwich, CT 06830

the 15 percent of the profits. If I'm the arcade game rights to Midway,
LICENSING wrong, though, and the game and so far that game has earned
Continued from page 37 maker doesn't even break even, I more money in quarters than the
this: "Okay," I'd say, "either you don't get anything. movie did in box office receipts.
pay me five percent of all your To give you an idea of how much Depending on the sort of deal the
gross sales, or you pay me 15 per- is at stake, consider this. The movie Disney people made with Midway,
cent of your net profits." If I'm Tron, from Walt Disney Produc- that one license could push the piC-
right, and the game is a hit, I would tions, did not even break even at ture into profitability.
stand to make more money getting the box office. But Disney licensed While arcade game adaptations
into home formats represent a
sizable number of licensed proper-
ties, more and more home video
games are being patterned after
movies, TV shows, comic-book
characters and even real people.
Of the major home video game
producers, Parker Brothers has em-
barked upon the most extensive
licensing campaign, a strategy
which made the company one of
America's biggest names in games
long before the first quarter was
dropped in a Pac-Man cOin-op.
Richard Stearns, the company's
vice president of consumer elec-
tronics marketing, explains how
Parker Brothers manages to snap
up so many valuable licenses: "Our
approach has been to maintain
weekly contact with the arcade
manufacturers, movie studios and
other property holders. We
familiarize ourselves with the peo-
ple and the products, and strike up
a good working relationship. It's
very important to be visible and to
have a good track record."
Parker Brothers' visibility has
paid off a number of times and
Stearns maintains that, in some
cases, the company is approached
with a potential game prospect
before the original property ap-
pears-a factor which the Parker
exec acknowledges as being very
significant: "It's an important con-
sideration," says Stearns. "It's im-
perative to tie a license down as
soon as possible wherever we can.
By the time a game hits the ar-
cades, or a big movie breaks across
the country, you can bet the home
game license is long gone."
When a property has been offered
or displayed to the Parker Brothers
video games division, it is vigorous-
ly discussed and analyzed. "We try
to wedict which properties would
be best suited for us," Stearns says.
"There are a number of things to

94 MA Y 198 3

be considered: compatability with license not only Bruce Lee's name, successful video game. "The name
our system, game uniqueness, the but his likeness and career as well. is good for a $5 novelty Item," he
quality of game-play, and so on." Is basing games on movies just says. "but for a $30 game you need
The company has to gamble on the a way to hype a new product? more than that. Mr. Bill's
strength of a given coin-op or movie Parker Brothers' Stearns says no. Neighborhood has great
or TV character, but smash hits are "Games from movies-if well playability."
not as important as they were a done-inspire players to relive their Data Age has also had first-hand
while back. favorite moments from the films, experience in licensing real live
"It used to be that an arcade re-experience the fantasy they ex- people for game development.
game being conSidered for home perience in the theater. A Company exec Joan Morra recalls
version licensing had to be a smash recognizable name Is always going the circumstances that led to the
hit," recalls David Schoenberg,"but to be a draw, but it won't sell the signing of the rock group Journey
that's not necessarily the prime fac- game by itself. A good title, though, for translation into a video game.
tor anymore. While prospective can make a good game even better. "It was uncanny. We had the
licensors once wanted only those If you developed a game called idea to create the first rock-and-roll
coin-ops with immediate name Space Shootout which featured video game last July, and we knew
recognition-like Pac-Man, dueling spaceships, you 'd probably that however strong our initial con-
Berzerk, Asteroids-now they're do pretty well with it. But if you cept was, It would be enhanced by
more open. The industry has ad- called it Star Wars, you'd do even the name of a popular group in the
vanced to the point that adaptabili- better." title." Data Age conducted research
ty to the home screen is valued just There are quite a few TV among teenagers to find out which
as much-maybe more, in some characters that have already been group might prove popular, and
cases-as name value." licensed, but The Great Game Journey conSistently placed high
Amazingly enough, some arcade Company. a new comer, has gone on the lists.
games are actually better suited for one step further by licensing Data Age acted immediately-the
home play. For instance, a coin-op popular TV game shows like The group was contacted on a Friday,
that plays too slowly in the arcade Price Is Right. Password Plus, and on the following Monday they
doesn't offer enough turnaround Jeopardy and The Joker's Wild . made a deal. The result was
(translation: doesn't generate Great Game's creative vice presi- Journey Escape.
enough quarters) and may be dent, Pat McBride (a former consul- The story doesn't end there,
much better at home. tant to Bally-Midway) believes that however. Interestingly, Bally-
An increasing number of car- the company has latched onto a Midway-in a history-making event
tridges, both for game and com- potential treasure trove of Video for the game business-licensed ar:-
puter systems, are being adapted game prospects. "We've licensed cade rights to Journey Escape
from movies and TV programs. games that weren't obvious to the from Data Age. This was the first
Datasoft. for example, recently rest of the industry," he says, "and time an arcade company bought a
licensed the cartoon characters we're going to be targeting our license for the home game-usual-
who have appeared in the Terry- home versions to a family au- ly it works the other way around.
toons cartoons for over 40 years. dience, especially women." And so it goes-licensing fever
Part of the strategy in picking up Another TV favorite slated for continues to rage through the video
home game rights to characters video game fame Is lovable but game business, with coin-ops,
like Heckle and Jeckle, Pearl hapless Mr. Bill, the little clay movies, TV and cartoon characters
Pureheart and Deputy Dog stems figure whose adventures (or increasingly fmding their way to
from the company's desire to pro- misadventures) have been or- home playfields. Even mighty Mr.
duce educational software as well chestrated by filmmaker Walt T of Rocky III and A-Team has
as games utilizing the cartoon Williams. Williams created the been licensed (by Data Age) to pro-
favorites . "Cartoon characters can character in a brief film for Satur- vide the basis of a game cartridge.
serve as strong learning reinforcers day Night Live some years ago, and But as Parker Brothers' Stearns
for children," says Datasoft presi- Mr. Bill still hasn't run out of ways points out, "Licensing provides
dent Pat Ketchum. "That's why we to get mangled. more exposure and appeal for cer-
licensed the Terrytoons characters An avid video game fan himself, tain video games, and it's more fun
as well as Heathcliff, America's top Williams recently signed with Data for the player if the game is based
syndicated cartoon cat." Age, licensing his character for a on something or someone he's had
Datasoft has also snapped up game to be called Mr. Bill's experience with. It makes game-
rights to Dallas, the prime time Neighborhood. playa richer experience. But licens-
soap opera which has been one of Williams will work on advertis- ing alone is not enough to sell a bad
CBS' top shows for some years ing, publicity and marketing as game; in order for it to remain ef-
now, and plans to bring out com- well as game graphics. He realizes fective, the industry still has to con-
puter games based on Kung Fu that a character might have name centrate on good, sound game
favorite Bruce Lee. Datasoft had to value, but needs more to become a development. " 0

847-4180. Sessions begin June 25. others in your area, we suggest

FIRST SCREENING TimberTech Computer Camp in writing to the American Camping
ContinuedJrom page 93 Sunnyvale, CA was founded by Assocation, Bradford Woods, Mar-
ponent has sometimes formed one or Nolan Bushnell, Atarl's founder. tinsville, IN 46151. Remember, if
more enclosing lines himself, Four hours of formal instruction are you go and find machines are less
In variations 5 through 8, stay as offered each day with additional fun than you thought. you can
close to the outside as possible and free time for campers to work on always short sheet the counsellor's
always move In the same direction programs; and all levels from begin- bed or put Froggers down the shirts
creating the largest possible space In ner to advanced are accom- of campers you don't Uke,D
which to move. modated. There are three class-
In all the variations never go down rooms and enough computers so
a one-way street. You can't retrace that no more than two campers EAT
your own lines. 0 must work at the same unit. ConttnuedJrom page 10
The camp teaches BASIC, LOGO, speed at which the plane flies and
PILOT, PASCAL and Assembly the joystick response can be made
CAMPS language, as well as graphics, more or less sensitive. If you're an
ConttnuedJrom page 55 sound and electronics. There are expert player at River Raid as it
to the Atari Program Exchange, computer game tournaments and stands, you could Increase your
Two weeks at an Atari Computer all the usual other camp activities, challenge by Increasing the flying
Camp costs $890; four weeks is including horseback riding. Two- speed and joystick sensitivity. If
$1.690; eight weeks Is $2,950. The week sessions cost $895; one week you're a novice, you mIght choose
camps are located in Greenfield, is $495. TlmberTech is cooed, for to slow everything down to help you
MA; Stroudsburg, PA; Glencoe, MD; ages 8 through 17, Sessions begin sharpen your skills.
Asheville, NC; Faibault, MN; Dan- June 12. The Personal Game Programming
ville, CA and San Diego, CA. For in- These are only three of the many System will be out sometime In
formation or reservations, call 800- computer camps around, To find June, with a price tag somewhere In

tete ~c)f·t~ inc. NATIONWIDE 1-800-255-2000

P.o. Box 3456, Troy, MI 48084 MICHIGAN & CANADA 1-313-524-1030


iiAdMSlO.. i
Pitfall . . 52425 ACCEPTED
Megamania . 24 .25
Chopper Command . 24.25

"'" 1~".!iI/1
Barnstorming . 2425
AlAR I 5200 ............ $199.00
Stampede t8.00
AlARI '.
Freeway t800
Tennis t8.00 Delender 528 50
Pac:Man ...... . S32.00
Missle Command 28.75
Galaxlan . S3200 Skiing 18.00 Pac· Man 2850 Tt'xa, AlARI
Soccer 28.75 Adventure 2425 WICO Red Ball In'trument,
Space Invaders . 28.75 Star Raiders 2875
'*vkltc!c· Missle Command
Adventure 1 .
Joy Stick .
Wico Joy Stick .
. . 524.80
22.50 mcol'TUTlodore
Goffer Anack S22-90 Adventure 2 . 2850

WICO Track Ball

i.". ., {COLECO
Word Zapper 22.90 Star Raiders 28.50 Commodore " 64" (special)
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Sneak 'N Peak 22.90 All Others . CALL Wico 12'
Space Jockey 18.50
J Maze Chase 22.90 ~~~t."RRV'5'ION Extension Cord 6.50 CBS Software
China Syndrome S2110 (For Alan 400-800)
Donkey Kong Jr. 530.50
Zaxxon . 49.75
Smurt Action . . S26.75 •
Venture . 26.75 •
("mi~() fmlj Tape Worm .
Cross Fire
2110 Spec" ••, . ,
Krazy Shooloul
Krazy Knners .
536 .00
36 .00
Las Vegas . 30.50 Mouse Trap . 26.75 • Plane I Patrol . 19.90 K-Star Patrol 36 .00
26.75 • Miner 204ger S49.95 Krazy Anliks 36.00
Space Fury . 30.50 Lady Bug Gangsler Alley . 2110
Cosmic Avenger . 26.75 • For Coleco Boulders & Bombs 36 .00
Carnival . 30 .50 All Others .. CALL
Horse Racing .
Turbo .
Space Panic .
30.50 'IGL,VIJIGn'; MIlTT~~ ~l.tnP,CnjC:5
Spectravlsion Ouick Sho
(For V'c 20)
K-Slar Panol 36 .00
Module . . 69.00 Miner 204ger Joy Slick . $25 .00 pair Krazy Antlks 3600
Coleco For Manel . CALL
For Alari VCS . . S22.50 INtElliViSiON
Coleco For Alan CALL
Jedi Arena
i {1 Supercharger . . . . . .
Communist Mutants
Suicide Mission
S45 .00
Check . Money Order. Master-
Star Wars . Advance Dungeons Fireball Card . Visa and C.OD . orders
26.60 14.95

VIC:20 $165.00
& Dragons ..
Space Sparlons
Tron Deadly Disc ..
1795 accepted . All orders shipped
U. P.S. Michigan residents add
4% sales tax. Hours 8 a.m. to
Deman Anack 52300 N.F.L. Football 26.00 Slick Siand . . . . S 6.99 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Datasene C2N . $ 69.00 Cosmic Arc 23.00 Pinball . 21.75 2 For 12.00 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Salurday. All
Disk Drive 1541 339.00 Riddle 01 SphinX 23.00 Tron Maze-A-Tron . 2875 Alari Joy Slick 6.20 prices subjecl10 change without
8K Expansion .. 45.00 Atlantis 2475 Delender . 28.50 Many More Accessories .. CALL notice . 'While Supphes Last.

[j rrip~ui3~SmEsGo_'
Clip rhis ad and moil along wirh
Gam. for Sofrwo..
• ATAN VCS. 400 ond 800.
$2.00 for Corolog and Price Lisrs.
You' /I be glad you did!!!

the range of $170 to $200. HAM[ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
If you're scared off by the smn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
machine language stuff, don't be.
Once you know the proper com- 0lY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sl"lt_ _

mands it'll become fairly easy. To ~ We cony full lin•• of ZlP _ _ _ _ __

Game CompuffJrs. Co"~dge ••
learn these commands there's a 5rorage COSfl •. Co... ". and Moil To:
variety of books available on how to Disk Game •. Joysrlcks and orher
program the 6502 microprocessor, game occesson.. all Near Wholesale!
COl%g Depl.
which is what the Atari ves and Join COMPUGAMEP.5 CLUD. Toke advonroge of P.O. Dox 737
several of the Apple computers use. GreoffJr Discounts and F_b,... Deroils in corolog . Somers. CT 06071
Allow 1 . <1 \Vee~ PhorOCOPled Coopon Accepred . Cht'Ck no M.O . ooIv (·2
Almost every computer store carries
at least one of these books. One of
the better ones is Programming the
6502 by Rodney Zaks. If you don't
know anything at all about machine
language try Apple Machine WITHOUT US! ""-~~-~if-~-~-iitC-fFW-~~~----"
Language by Don and Kurt Inman.
Are you moving? Don't forget to let us BCOMPUTER$~GAMES
If you would like more info on the know. Give us 6 weeks notice
PGP-l add-on for the Atari ves or
any other Answer Software 1. NAME AND OLD ADDRESS: 2. NEW ADDRESS
product. write to them at: Answer (Mach your current mailng label or print your name
Software Corp., 20863 Stevens and address exaclly as it appears on your label.)
Creek Blvd., Building B-2, Suite C, 7Add~r~es~s--------------------

Cupertino, CA 95014. 0 Name

City State Zip

P.O. BOX 919
Conlinuedfrom page 23 City State Zip FARMINGDALE, NY 11737
overreacting. If you find you cut the
wheel too hard on occasion, don't •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
wony. Unlike other driving games. ~ 400/800 ~:
you are able to go off the road ATARI ATARI' COMPUTERS ATAR!'-
without automatically crashing. You GAMES
will, however, lose some speed and & FR088EI
Clld_: (-Carl . T -To~ . D-O i,k
DN-UNE 11K, T 27.11
you will meet a fiery demise if you
collide with one of the many bill- INTELLIVISION JAWI"WEJI
11K. T
3211:, 0
40K, 0
32K, 0
27 .16
boards that line the course. CHOPl.IFTU
elK. 0
_, 0
n .1I
Until you memorize the layout of USED AND NEW CARTRIDGES STAR "AlDERS
., C
the speedway, you'll have to rely on USED· BELOW WHOLESALE & GUARANTEED PAC MAN ATAIII P. C 35.50
the square yellow roadsigns to warn NEW·SO LOW'!!! .. .. AND DISCOUNTED
• .e, C 3&.511
aI(, C 2'1 .75
you of impending sharp turns. SHAMUS
161(, T. 0
321 , 0
There are two on this track that rollK I
UK , 0
3n:. 0
require special care. Unless you can FOR PRICING INFORMATION WYON cU.ln
11K. T, 0
321(, T, 0
n ,"
take them on the inside lane, I SEND 50¢ TO : GOIIF
16K, C
1aK. T
35 .•
discourage going around them at .EA. au.... o
15K , T
15 .•
full speed. A safer method is to JUIIIIO JfT "'lOT
4'1( , 0
downshift as you enter the turn,
while keeping the accelerator to the CRIBBS & ADD 3% SHIPPING/HANDLING IS3.OD MINIMUM)
Atari 400/800 are trademarks of Atar i. In c.
floor. As the turn begins to
straighten, shift back into high gear. ASSOCIATES o SEND ME YDUR PRICE LIST
Passing cars is easy since they
g~~~~~~T::gO~!~:E~R-;;-CA-:-:R",.D-=O"'V-;;-,S.,...A- -- -
P.O. BOX 1012 CARD " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
rarely change lanes. If you come BEDFORD, TX 76021 BANK 1I _ _ _ _ _ EXp DATE _ _ _ __ •
upon two cars running side by side, (817) 498·3045
SIGNATURE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
straddle the center line and go
No Collect calls STREEt AOORESS_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
between them. If you lack the nerve CITY STATE_.-ZIP _ ___
for this type of maneuver, you can
either downshift or momentarily
release the accelerator pedal. Doing
either of these may cause the two !illJr Boot

cars to move apart and that isn't OF VIDEO GAME SOFTWARE
2116 E. Arapaho #600
something that you want. 0 Richardson, TX 75081
When is Atari going to start rent- you guys by the end of this year? Skelly is supposed to be releasing
ing out space on those billboards Seventy million-at least! ... The a cartoon book called Shoot the
that flash past your car in Pole Posi- Fly's been expecting the arcade Robot, Then Shoot Mom. I really hope
tion? Right now they've only got honchos to come out with their Tim is putting us on again ...
ads for Atari's Dig Dug and Millipede, own home games since last Journey Escape will be the first home
December, but now it looks like it game to make the jump to arcades.
THIS-I'll GET THE will take a little longer. Stern says Bally/Midway will be bringing the
GOLO 1 STA5I-1EOH/ those rumors that it will come out first rock video game to the 25-cent
with home games are not true, and arena this year and Data Age has
Sega is already cutting back its already been approached by several
releases from 15 to 12 (Tac·Scan and other groups-Fleetwood Mac, Styx
Sub·Scan, the first two, should and The Rolling Stones-who want to
already be out by the time you read be in game hits, too ... Speaking of
this) ... Coleco's slogan may be hits, if Pitfall! and Laser Blast were
"The best is yet to come ," but rock albums they'd have gone
spend five minutes with their new platinum by now. Activislon claims
Super Game Module and you'll be each game has sold one million
convinced the best is already here. copies, and that Pitfall! was the
The SGM packs one million bits of bestselling game last year ... Cen·
BAGMAN busts out game info onto little bitty plug-in tipede's Donna Dolley and River Raid
microcassettes, and their first Super designer Carol Show aren't the only
along with Atari itself (on two dif- Donkey Kong cassette game almost female game wizards out there. A
ferent billboards!?) and Namco, the looks better than the arcade ver- Dark Crystal game is due out soon,
game's licensor. After all, they sion. They're planning "Super" and the designer is Sierra On-Line
could be making a lot of dough out versions of Donkey Kong Junior, Duck founder Roberta Williams ...
of this bright idea, and I can't wait Rogers Planet of Zoom, Turbo, Sub
to thumb my proboscis at a "55 Roc, Zaxxon and Time Pilot for later
MPH-That's The Law!" sign while in the year ... Atari 5200 Rumor
I'm doing 240 on the Fuji Speed- Number 43: They're redesigning
way ... He may be the Master the barf-a-delic 5200 controllers,
Roboteer now, but watch Nolan recalling all the old ones and
Bushnell get back in the games replacing them with the new ones,
business with a vengeance this Oc- and then packing all new 5200
tober (his new company is called units with the new controllers.
Serite which, in the game Go, is the Rumor Number 44: They aren't.
response to the challenge All The Fly can learn is that Atari
"Atari") ... It's gotta be the blend- is "addressing the problem." Well,
of-the-finest-ingredients arcade when they finish doing it, they can
game of the year: Stern's new "address" one to me care of EF by
Bagman, Looks sort of like Dig Dug, Federal Express! ... Are you ready
plays like Donkey Kong and has a for a $99 designer game cart?
name that puns on Pac·Mon. One That's right, boys and girls, one
other nice touch (and shades of big C-note sent to Video Software
Swordquest's clue book): Comic- SpeCialists in Dallas will net you a
book style directions on the cabinet limited-edition VCS cart with your
panels ... You'll see a review of it in name emblazoned on the first
Hits and Missiles real soon, but screen and a numbered "certificate
don't expect to buy Atari's Crazy of authenticity." Who cares how it Well, gang, it's time for my six legs
Climber from a store until July at looks? What I want to know is will to be a-wanderin'. Keep those cards
least. Till then it's only available Brooke Shields play it with and letters comin'.
through the Atari Club-and it's on- me .... Word is that the average
ly the first of many that will come company spends $2 million on
out that way ... Know how many advertising each time they release a
cartridges they expect to have sold new game ... Reactor inventor Tim

MAY 1983
Please se nd m e more Information from the companies I've
The companies listed below market and manufacture
· cted below.

software for the Atari 400/800/1200 computers. Should
you want additional information on their products, Just · Address
circle the appropriate numbers on the adjacent card and
return it to us. We'll forward your address to the com- · City State Zip

panies you indicate. 2 5 7 8 9 10

1 3 4 6
··· 2111
MANUFACTURERS CIRCLE NUMBER 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Acorn ...... ... .. ..... .... ......... .... ..... . 1 Marketlng .... .. ........... ......... ..... 25 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Adventure Inte rnaUonal ..... ... .... 2 Kre ll .... ... ..... ... ...... ........... ....... 26
· 4131 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Artsct... .. ....... ..... .... ....... ...... .. .... 3
Artworx ........ ....... .... ............. .... 4
L&S Computerware ................ 27
Lightn ing ......... ..... ....... .... .. .. .. 28 · 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Atarl ........ ......................... ..... ... 5 Microcomputer Games ........ ....29
Muse .............. .......... .. ........ ... .. 30
• See Buyer's Guide page 76 this issue. 5/83
Atarl Program Exchange ..... ...... 6
Avant-Garde CreaUons ...... ........ 7 PDl .... .. ..... .. .. ...... .. .......... ........ 31
B1g Flve ...... .. .... .. .... ...... .... ... ...... 8 Quality Software .. ... ........ .... .... 32 ELECTRONIC FUN CONFIDENTIAL READER SURVEY
Broderbund ..... .. .. ......... ... .... .... . 9 Rantom ............. .. .. .... .... ... .... .. 3 3
Budge Co ..... ........ .... ... .... ....... . l0 Roklan .. ... ..... ... ....... ....... .. .. .... .34 • 1. How old are you? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Caval ier ........ .. ......... .... ... ... ..... 11 Scholastlc .... ... .... ...... .... ... ...... . 35
CBS Software .......... ... ....... ...... 12 SenUent. ..... .... ....... .. ...... ....... .. 36 • 2. Do you own a video game system? _ _ __ _ __
Da tamos t.. ......... ... ... ..... ..... .. ... 13 S Ierra On ·Llne ..... .. ........ ... ...... 37
• Brand(s) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Datasoft .... ...... ....... .... ....... ..... . 14 Slrius ........... ... ............... ....... .. 38
Dynacomp ................ ......... ..... 15 Splnnaker. .. ................... ......... 39
: 3. How many game cartridges do you own? _ _ __
Edu-Ware .. .. ...... .. .. ... ..... ... ...... 16 S tarpath ...... .... ... ..... .. ..... ..... .. . 40
Epyx .................... .... .. ........... .. 17 S trategIc S Imula tions .. .. .. .. .... ..41 • 4 . Do you own a computer? ___________
First Star.. .. .. .... .. .. .... .... .. ...... ... 18 Subloglc ................ ........ .... .... . 42
Gamestar ................ .... ... .. ...... . 19 Synapse ....... ... .......... ... ... .... .. .. 43 : Brand(s) _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _
Gebe1l1 ........ ....... ..... ....... ... ... .. . 20 Synergls tlc .. ...... ................ .. .. . 44
Ha yden ..... ...... ... .. .. ...... ........... 2 1 United Software of Am erica .. .45 : 5. How many computer games do you own? _ _ __
HES .... .. ... .... ... ... ... ......... ... .. .. .. 22 Tronlx ...... ....... ......... .... .. ....... . 46
Imaglc ... ..... .... ........ .... .... ... ... .. 23 Thorn EMI... ........ ... .. .. ....... .. . ..47 : How many other programs do you own? _ _ _ _ __
Infocom .. ....... ...... .. .... .. ..... .. .... 24 T HESIS ........ ..... ..... .. ... .. .. ... .... 48
Inte rnational Software Zlmag ..... .......... ... ....... .... ...... .. 49 : 6. Do you own an accessory con troller? ______
Bally Midway ............. .............. ... 50 : Do you plan to buy one? _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __
~ .............................................................. .

111111 IF MAILED



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P.O. Box 947

Farmingdale, NY 11737

-~--------------.-- -------------





P.O. Box 947

Farmingdale, NY 11737
Now Intellivision ®owners can hop FroggerTM
home; because Frogger has just made the jump to
Intellivision®-with all the enhanced, colorful
graphics Intellivision ®is famous for. But that
doesn't make Frogger's journey home any easier.
Frogger still must cross a highway, where reckless
hot rods hurtle by, and huge trucks go thundering in
his path. Every safe jump is a crucial step home.
Beyond is the raging river where the safety of a slip- ~~~::""o{(Fc~~(2(2fi~1
pery log or diving turtle is all Frogger can count on to stay afloat.
Frogger's last leap to his lily pad home must be perfect,
or it's back to the road to try agai n.
Good luck, Intellivision ®owners. Frogger's life is in
your hands too.

':' FRO GGER game graphics © 1982 Sega Enterprises, Inc. FROGGER is a trademark of Sega Enterprises, Inc.INTELlIVISION '"
is a registered t rademark of Mattei, Inc. Parker 8rothers is not affiliated with Mattei, Inc . © 1983 Parke r Brothers, Beverly, MA 0191 5.

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