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Glo-anne Dayag Lampad

BEED 2-2


Guide Questions:

1. You are a bundle of possibilities. You are meant to develop like any other living thig or else you will
rut. Remember “Growth is an evidence of life.” If you are alive, then you must be growing and
developing. Are you on your way to development?

 Not for now, because other people in the world are starting to have a many trials in their lives.
We all want to live a long time but in what we have doing now there are lives that they have
only a short time left in our world. Happy to live in peace everything you can do everything you
achieve when you work hard you will progress and your life will be prosperous.

2. Like you, each of your future student is also a bundle of possibilities. How should you look at them in
terms development? Write down your reflections. There’s no wrong answer, remember.

 As a student, they also have a budle of posibilities also. We can see or discover it in anything.
There are many questions as to live how this is where aour curiosity begins. As a student while
you still a live explore first the things you do not yet know. When you watch the babies how
they move and the way they talk you suddenly think right? and when you watch also the
children how curious they are about the things they see. It is here that a person develops,
begins the creation of complex forms the expansion of the mind until the mind expands.
Glo-anne Dayag Lampad
BEED 2-2

Guide Questions:

1. Reflect on your early childhood, middle and late childhood days. Were you able to acquire the
developmental tasks expected of early, middle, late childhood and adolescence? What facilitated your
acquisitions of the ability to perform such tasks? Write your reflections.

 In our early childhood our development is a continious use of complex forms that things we do
not know. In the middle our little worl expanda as we discover things scape and new people and
it is here that our curiousity about things takes place. In the middke and late childhood days,
they already have the right frame of mind. i think maybe i got the development of my
personality from childhood and until now as a teenager, because from what i see of todays
children being compatible i think that almost all children are curious, maybe i was like that when
i was a child. In what facilitated my acquistion to be able to perform such tasks was to walk
when i was young

2. Having mastered the developmental tasks of early childhood middle and late childhood and
adolescence, reflect on what you should do as a teacher to facilitate your students’ acquisition of these
developmental tasks. Write down your reflections.

 As a teacher to expedite the acquistiin of the students in these developmental activitis should be
taught to them what should be right and wrong. Share what you really did when you were a
child and now you and to enlighten them and serve as a guide to what they have learned. As a
teacher should be made aware of the things they are curious about the things taht they do not
understand and also to enlighten them as well.

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