Water LP 2

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Samar State University | College of Engineering

BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

Learning Packet 2
Common sources of water supply: surface water; groundwater;
mixed water resources; and rainwater

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shared nor copied by other individuals.
Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

2.0 Learning Outcome

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to analyze the water supply water

2.1 Introduction

The understanding of comprehensive water resources planning and

management is becoming increasingly important as the demand for water increases
and the reliability of existing supplies decreases, not just in the Philippines, but all
over the world. In this learning packet, we will discuss the course CES 3: Water
Supply Planning and Development (3-unit subject) with the following topics,
composed of 9 modules:

LP 1. Importance of safe drinking water on public health

LP 2. Common sources of water supply: Surface water, Groundwater, Mixed

water resources, Rainwater.

LP 3. Assessment of water quantity: Surface monitoring, Groundwater.

LP 4. Water characteristics and drinking water: Parameters and standards with

regards to physical, chemical, bacteriological and organoleptical properties;
Water related diseases; Factors affecting water quality; Sources of
environmental contaminants.

LP 5. Estimation of water demand: Classification of water use, Quantifying

present and future use, Domestic water demand, Industrial, commercial,
agricultural and other types of water demands, Fluctuations in water use,
factor of inequality low rate patters.

LP 6. Development of water sources: Groundwater, Construction of wells,

Environmental effects and sea water intrusion, Surface water, Watershed and
reservoir management and dam siltation.

LP 7. Introduction to conventional water purification processes: Physical

treatment process, Chemical treatment processes.

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Disclaimer: This learning material is for instructional delivery purposes of the faculty members of Samar State University only.
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shared nor copied by other individuals.
Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

LP 8. Water transport and distribution systems: General procedure and layout

of masterplan of a distribution system, Design criteria for normal and fire
demand, Hydraulic design of branched and grid systems, Pipes, appurtenances
and pipe laying, metering, flow and pressure control.

LP 9. Introduction to water laws, codes, finance and water rates.

This learning packet (LP) is a self-directed material, wherein you are going to
learn on your own. This learning packet has series of instruction, discussion, and
assessment of learning about the course content.
At the end of the lessons in this LP you need to complete the student’s task and
submit back to me by using the packaging material in this LP.

2.2 Common sources of water supply

Water resources are natural resources of water that are potentially useful. Uses of
water include agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental
activities. All living things require water to grow and reproduce.

97% of the water on the Earth is salt water and only three percent is fresh water;
slightly over two thirds of this is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. The remaining
unfrozen freshwater is found mainly as groundwater, with only a small fraction
present above ground or in the air.

Fresh water is a renewable resource, yet the world's supply of groundwater is steadily
decreasing, with depletion occurring most prominently in Asia, South America and
North America, although it is still unclear how much natural renewal balances this
usage, and whether ecosystems are threatened.

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Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

Image adapted from Wikipedia.

2.2.1 Surface water

Surface water includes water found in streams, rivers, lakes, marshland, snow, ocean
water, or any other water found on Earth’s surface. Surface fresh water is naturally
replenished by precipitation and naturally lost through discharge to the oceans,
evaporation, evapotranspiration and groundwater recharge.

Although the only natural input to any surface water system is precipitation within
its watershed, the total quantity of water in that system at any given time is also
dependent on many other factors. These factors include storage capacity in lakes,
wetlands and artificial reservoirs, the permeability of the soil beneath these storage
bodies, the runoff characteristics of the land in the watershed, the timing of the
precipitation and local evaporation rates. All of these factors also affect the
proportions of water loss.

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Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

Human activities can have a large and sometimes devastating impact on these factors.
Humans often increase storage capacity by constructing reservoirs and decrease it by
draining wetlands. Humans often increase runoff quantities and velocities by paving
areas and channelizing the stream flow.

The total quantity of water available at any given time is an important consideration.
Some human water users have an intermittent need for water. For example, many
farms require large quantities of water in the spring, and no water at all in the winter.
To supply such a farm with water, a surface water system may require a large storage
capacity to collect water throughout the year and release it in a short period of time.
Other users have a continuous need for water, such as a power plant that requires
water for cooling. To supply such a power plant with water, a surface water system
only needs enough storage capacity to fill in when average stream flow is below the
power plant's need.

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Disclaimer: This learning material is for instructional delivery purposes of the faculty members of Samar State University only.
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shared nor copied by other individuals.
Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

Nevertheless, over the long term the average rate of precipitation within a watershed
is the upper bound for average consumption of natural surface water from that

Natural surface water can be augmented by importing surface water from another
watershed through a canal or pipeline. It can also be artificially augmented from any
of the other sources listed here, however in practice the quantities are negligible.
Humans can also cause surface water to be "lost" (i.e. become unusable) through

Brazil is estimated to have the largest supply of fresh water in the world, followed by
Russia and Canada.

2.2.2 Groundwater

Groundwater is fresh water located in the subsurface pore space of soil and rocks. It
is also water that is flowing within aquifers below the water table. Sometimes it is
useful to make a distinction between groundwater that is closely associated with
surface water and deep groundwater in an aquifer (sometimes called "fossil water").

Groundwater can be thought of in the same terms as surface water: inputs, outputs
and storage. The critical difference is that due to its slow rate of turnover, groundwater
storage is generally much larger (in volume) compared to inputs than it is for surface
water. This difference makes it easy for humans to use groundwater unsustainably for
a long time without severe consequences. Nevertheless, over the long term the
average rate of seepage above a groundwater source is the upper bound for average
consumption of water from that source.

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Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

Image adapted from Wikipedia

Image adapted from communityimpact.com

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Disclaimer: This learning material is for instructional delivery purposes of the faculty members of Samar State University only.
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Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

The natural input to groundwater is seepage from surface water. The natural outputs
from groundwater are springs and seepage to the oceans.

If the surface water source is also subject to substantial evaporation, a groundwater

source may become saline. This situation can occur naturally under endorheic bodies
of water, or artificially under irrigated farmland. In coastal areas, human use of a
groundwater source may cause the direction of seepage to ocean to reverse which can
also cause soil salinization. Humans can also cause groundwater to be "lost" (i.e.
become unusable) through pollution. Humans can increase the input to a
groundwater source by building reservoirs or detention ponds.

2.2.3 Rain water

Rainwater is a relatively clean water source and with necessary caution it can be even
used for potable consumptions. Importantly, it is a free source and can be collected in
a considerable quantity from roof catchments and other pavement areas which can be
used for various purposes (e.g., garden watering, toilet flushing, laundry, cooling and
heating, hygienic use and drinking). Therefore, rainwater harvesting can play an
important role in water sustainability by reducing the pressure on mains water

Rainwater harvesting (RWH)

Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is the collection and storage of rain, rather than allowing
it to run off. Rainwater is collected from a roof-like surface and redirected to a tank,
cistern, deep pit (well, shaft, or borehole), aquifer or a reservoir with percolation. Dew
and fog can also be collected with nets or other tools. Rainwater harvesting differs
from stormwater harvesting as the runoff is collected from roofs, rather than creeks,
drains, roads or any other land surfaces. Its uses include watering gardens, livestock,
irrigation, domestic use with proper treatment, and domestic heating. The harvested
water can also be committed to longer-term storage or groundwater recharge.

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Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

Rainwater harvesting is one of the simplest and oldest methods of self-supply of water
for households, and residential and household scale projects usually financed by the
user. However, larger systems for schools, hospitals and other facilities can run up
costs only able to be financed by companies, organization and governmental units.

Image adapted from dreamstime.com

2.2.4 Mixed Water Resources (Waste Water)

Wastewater is any water that has been contaminated by human use. Wastewater is
"used water from any combination of domestic, industrial, commercial or agricultural
activities, surface runoff or stormwater, and any sewer inflow or sewer infiltration".
Therefore, wastewater is a byproduct of domestic, industrial, commercial or
agricultural activities. The characteristics of wastewater vary depending on the

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Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

source. Types of wastewater include: domestic wastewater from households,

municipal wastewater from communities (also called sewage) and industrial
wastewater. Wastewater can contain physical, chemical and biological pollutants.

Households may produce wastewater from flush toilets, sinks, dishwashers, washing
machines, bath tubs, and showers. Households that use dry toilets produce less
wastewater than those that use flush toilets.

Wastewater may be conveyed in a sanitary sewer that conveys only sewage.

Alternatively, wastewater can be transported in a combined sewer that conveys both
stormwater runoff and sewage, and possibly also industrial wastewater. After
treatment at a wastewater treatment plant, treated wastewater (also called effluent) is
discharged to a receiving water body. The terms "wastewater reuse" and "water
reclamation" apply if the treated waste is used for another purpose. Wastewater that
is discharged to the environment without suitable treatment can cause water

In developing countries and in rural areas with low population densities, wastewater
is often treated by various on-site sanitation systems and not conveyed in sewers.
These systems include septic tanks connected to drain fields, on-site sewage systems
(OSS), vermifilter systems and many more.

Sources of Mixed Water Resources (Waste Water)

Activities producing industrial wastewater include:

• Industrial site drainage (silt, sand, alkali, oil, chemical residues);

• Industrial cooling waters (biocides, heat, slimes, silt)
• Industrial processing waters
• Organic or biodegradable waste including waste from hospitals, abattoirs,
creameries, and food factories.
• Organic or non-biodegradable waste that is difficult-to-treat from
pharmaceutical or pesticide manufacturing
• Extreme pH waste from acid and alkali manufacturing

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Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

• Toxic waste from metal plating, cyanide production, pesticide manufacturing,

• Solids and emulsions from paper mills, factories producing lubricants or
hydraulic oils, foodstuffs, etc.
• Water used in hydraulic fracturing
• Produced water from oil & natural gas production

Other related activities or events:

• Urban runoff from highways, roads, railway tracks, car parks, roofs, pavements
(contains oils, animal feces/manure, food waste, litter, petrol, diesel or rubber
residues from tyres, soapscum, metals from vehicle exhausts, de-icing agents,
herbicides and pesticides from gardens, etc.)
• Agricultural pollution, direct and diffuse

Wastewater can be diluted or mixed with other types of water through the following

• Seawater ingress (high volumes of salt and microbes)

• Direct ingress of river water
• Rainfall collected on roofs, yards, hard-standings, etc. (generally clean with
traces of oils and fuel)
• Groundwater infiltrated into sewage
• Mixing with other types of wastewater or fecal sludge

Industrial wastewater, image adapted from buchi.com

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Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

2.2.5 Water Cycle

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle or the hydrological cycle,
describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the
Earth. The mass of water on Earth remains fairly constant over time but the
partitioning of the water into the major reservoirs of ice, fresh water, saline water and
atmospheric water is variable depending on a wide range of climatic variables. The
water moves from one reservoir to another, such as from river to ocean, or from the
ocean to the atmosphere, by the physical processes of evaporation, condensation,
precipitation, infiltration, surface runoff, and subsurface flow. In doing so, the water
goes through different forms: liquid, solid (ice) and vapor.

The water cycle involves the exchange of energy, which leads to temperature changes.
When water evaporates, it
takes up energy from its
surroundings and cools the
environment. When it
condenses, it releases energy
and warms the environment.
These heat exchanges
influence climate.

The evaporative phase of the

cycle purifies water which
then replenishes the land with
freshwater. The flow of liquid
water and ice transports Image adapted from freepik.com

minerals across the globe. It is also involved in reshaping the geological features of the
Earth, through processes including erosion and sedimentation. The water cycle is also
essential for the maintenance of most life and ecosystems on the planet.

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shared nor copied by other individuals.
Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

How does the water cycle work? What are the processes involved?

The sun, which drives the water cycle, heats water in oceans and seas. Water
evaporates as water vapor into the air. Some ice and snow sublimates directly into
water vapor. Evapotranspiration is water transpired from plants and evaporated from
the soil. The water molecule H2O has smaller molecular mass than the major
components of the atmosphere, nitrogen and oxygen, N2 and O2, hence is less dense.

Due to the significant difference in density, buoyancy drives humid air higher. As
altitude increases, air pressure decreases and the temperature drops (see Gas laws).
The lower temperature causes water vapor to condense into tiny liquid water droplets
which are heavier than the air, and fall unless supported by an updraft. A huge
concentration of these droplets over a large space up in the atmosphere become visible
as cloud. Some condensation is near ground level, and called fog.

Atmospheric circulation moves water vapor around the globe; cloud particles collide,
grow, and fall out of the upper atmospheric layers as precipitation. Some precipitation
falls as snow or hail, sleet, and can accumulate as ice caps and glaciers, which can store
frozen water for thousands of years. Most water falls back into the oceans or onto land
as rain, where the water flows over the ground as surface runoff. A portion of runoff
enters rivers in valleys in the landscape, with streamflow moving water towards the
oceans. Runoff and water emerging from the ground (groundwater) may be stored as
freshwater in lakes. Not all runoff flows into rivers; much of it soaks into the ground
as infiltration. Some water infiltrates deep into the ground and replenishes aquifers,
which can store freshwater for long periods of time. Some infiltration stays close to
the land surface and can seep back into surface-water bodies (and the ocean) as
groundwater discharge. Some groundwater finds openings in the land surface and
comes out as freshwater springs. In river valleys and floodplains, there is often
continuous water exchange between surface water and ground water in the hyporheic
zone. Over time, the water returns to the ocean, to continue the water cycle.
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Disclaimer: This learning material is for instructional delivery purposes of the faculty members of Samar State University only.
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shared nor copied by other individuals.
Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

Image adapted from open.edu


• Precipitation. Condensed water vapor that falls to the Earth's surface. Most
precipitation occurs as rain, but also includes snow, hail, fog drip, graupel, and
sleet. Approximately 505,000 km3 (121,000 cu mi) of water falls as precipitation
each year, 398,000 km3 (95,000 cu mi) of it over the oceans.

• Evaporation. The transformation of water from liquid to gas phases as it moves

from the ground or bodies of water into the overlying atmosphere. The source
of energy for evaporation is primarily solar radiation.

• Transpiration. The release of water vapor from plants and soil into the air.

• Percolation. Water flows vertically through the soil and rocks under the
influence of gravity.

• Runoff. The variety of ways by which water moves across the land. This
includes both surface runoff and channel runoff. As it flows, the water may
seep into the ground, evaporate into the air, become stored in lakes or
reservoirs, or be extracted for agricultural or other human uses.

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Disclaimer: This learning material is for instructional delivery purposes of the faculty members of Samar State University only.
This is intended solely for the consumption of officially enrolled students of the course and this should not be sold, reproduced,
shared nor copied by other individuals.
Samar State University | College of Engineering
BS Civil Engineering
CES 3 – Water Supply Planning and Development

2.2.6 Video Lessons

Click and watch the following videos:

Sources of Water

Water Cycle | Hydrological Cycle


Groundwater and Surface Water


Wastewater Sources and Types


Student’s Task 02

Please answer the following:

1. When there no available water bodies, how/what water source are you
going to recommended? Why?
2. Describe the presence of groundwater relative to water table.
3. Why there is wastewater? How can we use wastewater as source of water?
4. Why aquifer is important in groundwater source?
5. Which water source would you recommend? Why?

Write your answers in a bond paper and submit. If you have internet, submit a soft
copy online.


Water resources.2020/8/03. Retrieved from


Muhammad Muhitur Rahman, Ataur Rahman. 2019. Sustainable Construction

Technologies. Butterworth-Heinemann 2019. ISBN: 9780128117491

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Disclaimer: This learning material is for instructional delivery purposes of the faculty members of Samar State University only.
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shared nor copied by other individuals.

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