Gen Psych Syllabus

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Course Syllabus

Teaching and Learning form the mission of Bethany College

General Psychology
PSY 100

Credit hours: 4
Grading: ABCDF
Class meeting time(s): 10:00-10:50am
Prerequisite Course(s): None

Meanings are not determined by situations, but we determine ourselves by the

meanings we give situations. ~Alfred Adler

Instructor(s): Diane Snyder

Contact Information:
Office Location: 305 – Kirkpatrick Hall
Office Hours: MWF 12:00 – 1:00pm
MWF 3:00 – 4:00pm

I. Rationale: The course will provide you with a general understanding of psychology by
briefly discussing the various perspectives and applications of the field. These areas
and applications will not be covered in depth but will be covered with enough detail to
show you what psychology is really about and what psychologists really do. This
course fulfills the college’s Liberal Arts Core requirement “L4” – Life Science.

II. Course Description (catalogue): This course is an introduction to the general field
of psychology, including learning, motivation, sensation, cognition, personality,
abnormal behavior, health, social, and physiological psychology.

III. Student Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course you will:
1. understand the main concepts used by psychologists.
2. gain an appreciation to the different answers given by different types of
psychologists to the same basic questions.
3. gain an appreciation to the dynamic, ever-changing nature of this field.
4. have enough knowledge to take future courses in psychology.
5. see the benefits of psychology on society.
6. apply the scientific method

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Course Syllabus
Teaching and Learning form the mission of Bethany College

7. apply scientific information to everyday life

You will demonstrate these outcomes through:
1. multiple choice and short answer quizzes that require critical thinking
2. in-class exercises and discussion
3. multiple choice exams
4. hands-on lab exercises and assignments

IV. Format and Procedures: This course consists primarily of lectures that cover the
major areas of psychology in a logical order. I will give lecture outlines at the beginning
of each major topic. The lecture outlines will structure the information into more easily
understandable cohesive units. They do not contain all of the information that you
need to do well on the exams.
During the lectures, you will participate in some in-class exercises and discussions.
These exercises will better illustrate the major concepts being given in lecture.
Participation in these exercises are mandatory so you must be present for them.
Most weeks, (except for the first week of the term and exam weeks), I will give a
quiz covering the reading material of the week. The quizzes will consist of 10 multiple
choice questions. NOTE: Quizzes CANNOT be made up at a later date. Quizzes
are meant to insure that you are reading your textbook. If you miss a quiz, then you get
a zero for that quiz.
I am requiring you to take 4 exams throughout the term. The exams are non-
cumulative and consist of 40 multiple choice questions. Many of the exam questions
are taken directly from the quizzes so it benefits you to study your graded quizzes.
Also, I will post a study guide on Canvas one week before each exam. The study guide
will tell you explicitly what to focus on when you study.
In order to be registered for the course, you need to be registered for a laboratory
section. The lab sections are meant to give you hands-on experience with the
principles and concepts discussed in the lecture. Each week you will participate in an
experiment or exercise and collect data. You will then write-up a small assignment or
report (only one full research-style report during the term) based on the exercise.

V. My Assumptions: I assume that this course can be useful no matter what your
major may be. Whether you are majoring in the physical sciences, natural sciences, or
humanities, you will be dealing with other people in your professional and personal life.
You will interact with people better if you know how they think and behave. This course
will assist you in this never ending process of human interaction.

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Course Syllabus
Teaching and Learning form the mission of Bethany College

VI. Course Requirements:

1. Attendance and participation: Attendance is mandatory. You will have to
participate in in-class exercises and be present for quizzes.
2. Late Work Policy:
Exams – There are no makeup exams in the course. You must notify the instructor
in advance if you will need to miss an exam day.
Quizzes - You must be present on the day of the quiz. However, at the
end of the term, your SINGLE lowest quiz grade will be dropped.
So, if you missed a quiz day, that day’s quiz will be dropped.
Labs - See the lab syllabus.
3. Recommended Text:
Zimbardo, P. G., Johnson, R. L., & Weber, A. L. (2014). Psychology:
Core Concepts (7th Edition). Boston, MA: Pearson. (ISBN #

VII. Grading, Evaluation and Assessment Procedures, including Grading Scale:

. Weighting of assignments:
Assignments Percentage
Exams 50% (12.5% each)
Quizzes 25% (with lowest quiz score dropped)
In-Class Exercises and Discussion 15%
Lab 10%

2. Grading Scale: standards of college (see College Catalogue)

VII. Academic Honesty

According to the guidelines of the Bethany College Catalogue, cheating on exams and
plagiarism on papers will not be tolerated. Plagiarism is considered word for word
copying between or among students. Cheating on exams consists of looking at
another student’s answers during an exam.
If caught doing either, students will receive a zero for that assignment. The
instructor may report the offense to college administration. NOTE: A different policy
exists for lab.

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Course Syllabus
Teaching and Learning form the mission of Bethany College

IX. Behavioral Expectations, Classroom Etiquette

It is expected that students behave in an appropriate manner while in this classroom. I

like to maintain an open, positive, atmosphere in class which is in part fostered by
mature student behavior.

• Listen in class, to the instructor and to other students
• Pay attention
• Participate appropriately
• Show respect and courtesy toward others
• Show interest and enthusiasm
• Arrive on time
• Take notes
• Behave like an adult
• Turn off cell phones before entering the classroom
• Keep cell phone out of sight during class – not texting or checking messages
• Take the seat closest to the door if you are late

• Talk while I or another student is talking
• Talk during a video
• Exhibit inappropriate, disruptive, or disrespectful behavior
• Pack up before class has been dismissed

X. Electronic Communication and Course Management

Students are expected to check their campus e-mail accounts daily. I will communicate
with students via email. This course will be managed by Canvas. Be sure to enroll in
our Canvas course and check the Canvas site regularly. Study guides will be posted on

XI. Title IX Disclosure

Your instructor is a mandated reporter of suspected discrimination. Please do not share
anything regarding sexual harassment or discrimination if you wish to keep it expressly
confidential. Please see the College’s Title IX policy in Volume VII of the Policy Manual.
A hard copy can be obtained in the Office of Student Life, or an electronic copy can be
found on the College’s website (

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Course Syllabus
Teaching and Learning form the mission of Bethany College

XII. Accommodations for students with disabilities

This class respects and welcomes students of all backgrounds, identities, and abilities.
If there are circumstances that make our learning environment and activities difficult, if
you have medical information that you need to share with the instructor, or if you need
specific arrangements in case of an emergency, please let the instructor know. The
instructor is committed to creating an effective learning environment for all students, but
the instructor can only do so if you discuss your needs with the instructor as early as
possible. The instructor promises to maintain the confidentiality of these discussions. If
appropriate, also contact the McCann Learning Center (accommodations for learning
disabilities) or the 504 Coordinator (medical accommodations and accessibility) to get
more information about specific information. The McCann Learning Center is located on
the second floor of Cramblet Hall and the 504 Coordinator is located in Student Life in
Bethany House.

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Course Syllabus
Teaching and Learning form the mission of Bethany College

XIII. Course Schedule:

Date Topic Text Assignment

Week 1
Aug. 26, 28, 30 Mind, Behavior, & Science Chapter 1

Week 2
M Sept. 2 Quiz #1 (Chapter 1)
Sept. 2, 4, 6 Biopsychology Chapter 2

Week 3
M Sept. 9 Quiz #2 (Chapter 2)
Sept. 9, 11, 13 Sensation & Perception Chapter 3

Week 4
Sept. 16 Sensation & Perception Chapter 3
W Sept. 18 Exam #1 (Chapters 1-3)
F Sept. 20 No Class

Week 5
Sept. 23, 25 Learning Chapter 4
F Sept. 27 No Class

Week 6
Sept. 30, Oct. 2 & 4 Learning/Memory Chapters 4 & 5
W Oct. 2 Quiz # 3 (Chapter 4)

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Course Syllabus
Teaching and Learning form the mission of Bethany College

Week 7
Oct. 7 & 9 Thinking & Intelligence Chapter 6
F Oct. 11 Exam # 2 (Chapters 4-6)

Week 8
Oct. 16, 18 Consciousness Chapter 8
M Oct. 14 Fall Break – No classes

Week 9
Oct. 21, 23, 25 Consciousness/Personality Chapters 8 & 10
M Oct. 21 Quiz # 5 (Chapter 8)

Week 10
Oct. 28, 30, Nov. 1 Psychological Disorders Chapter 12
M Oct. 28 Quiz # 6 (Chapter 10)

Week 11
Nov. 4, 6 Psychological Disorders Chapter 12
F Nov. 8 Exam #3 (Chapters 8,10,12)

Week 12
Nov. 11, 13, 15 Developmental Chapter 7
F Nov. 15 Quiz # 7 (Chapter 7)

Week 13

Nov. 18, 20, 22 Social Psychology Chapter 11

Week 14

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Course Syllabus
Teaching and Learning form the mission of Bethany College

Nov. 25 - 29 Thanksgiving Break – No Classes

Week 15
Dec. 2, 4, 6 Stress & Health Chapter 14
Week 16
M Dec. 9 Exam # 4 (Chapters 7, 11,14)

Final Exam Thursday, Dec. 12 3:00pm

Note: This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the Professor.

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