Project Report Submitted Towards The Partial Fulfillment of Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.)

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BATCH: 2017-2020


Enrollment No: - 40820688817 (Assistant Professor)


Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi.


This is to certify that the project work “Consumer Perception Towards Samsung
Mobile” made by SAGAR TIWARI, B.Com(H), Enrolment No. 40820688817 is an
authentic work carried out by him under guidance and supervision of MRS. UPASNA

The project report submitted has been found satisfactory for the partial fulfillment of the
degree of Bachelor of Commerce.

Internal Supervisor

Signature ...............

I hereby declare that the following document project report titled “Consumer Perception
Towards Samsung Mobile” is an original and authentic work done by me for the partial
fulfillment of Bachelors of commerce (Hons) degree program at “Samsung India
Electronic Ltd.”.

I hereby certify that all the endeavors put in the fulfillment of the task are genuine and
original to the best of my knowledge and I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Name of student : SAGAR TIWARI

Course: B.COM (Hons)

Enrollment no. : 40820688817


An independent project is a contradiction in terms. Every project involves

contribution of many people. This project also bears the imprints of many people and
it is a pleasure for me to acknowledge and thank all of them.

I am deeply indebted to MRS.UPASANA GUTT who acted as a mentor and guide,

providing knowledge and giving me her valuable time out of her busy schedule, at
every step throughout the project. It is only because of his/her this project came into
being. I also take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to each and every
person, who directly or indirectly helped me throughout the project and without
anyone of them this project would not have been possible.

The immense learning from this project would be indelible forever.




Table of Content
Sno Particular Page NO.

1 Chapter – 1 Company Profile

1.1 Introduction

1.2 History

2 Chapter - 2 Research Methodology

2.1 Research Objective of the Study

2.2 Research Methodology

2.3 Research Design

3 Chapter – 3 Data Interpretation

3.1 Data processing

3.2 Analysis of the problem under study

3.3 Intreprtation of the result

4 Findings

5 Limitations

6 Suggestion and Recommendations

7 Conclusion

8 Bibliography

9 Annexures

Mobile phone market in India is going through major changes. Key players are losing market share
while new and young companies, mostly from Asian countries, are coming to the market. At the
same time the market is slowly expanding when people are buying more phones than ever. The
whole process of buying mobile phones has changed in the last few years. People no longer carry
the same phone year in year out, change is the fast technological development of the phones. But
also consumer’s but they change their phone every year, some even twice a year. One reason for
these attitudes towards mobile phones has changed. Mobile phones are no longer seen as
expensive, hi-tech products, but they have become accessories like jewellery or a piece of clothing.
“Nokia is still the largest mobile phone company in the world, but its long-term dominance is now
challenged more than ever. Observers have begun asking whether the cutting edge that has turned
Nokia into the No 1 vendor still exists, as Nokia’s market share and revenues have been on the
decline. Falling average sales prices (ASPs) and market share have had an impact and forced Nokia
to further re-think its strategy towards developed and emerging markets.”
This report gives an overview on what is happening on the mobile phone market today and
analyses Nokia’s market position in the growing market. This report includes a brief introduction to
Nokia followed by an environmental analysis, SWOT analysis of the company. Half way through
the report you can find information about consumer behavior and segmentation. At the end, this
report introduces the main strategies and objectives of Nokia for the competitive market. Finally
we try to make a conclusion of the topics discussed and attempt to give some possible answers to
the question at hand.


The Indian telecom market has been displaying sustained high growth rates. Riding on
expectations of overall high economic growth and consequent rising income levels, it offers an
unprecedented opportunity for foreign investment. A combination of factors is driving growth in
the telecom market, promising rich returns on investments.
India is the fourth largest telecom market in Asia after China, Japan and South Korea. The Indian
telecom network is the eighth largest in the world and the second largest among emerging
economies. The industry has witnessed an explosive growth in recent years. Teledensity has more
than doubled from 2.3 per cent in 1999 to 4.8 per cent in 2002. However, the world average is
almost 7.5 times and the Asian average 4.5 times the Indian average. The Indian telecom market
size of over US $ 8 billion is expected to increase three fold by 2012. The expansion of the telecom
industry in India has been fuelled by a massive growth in mobile phone users, which has reached a
level of 10 million users in December 2002, an increase of nearly 100 per cent in 2002. This
exponential growth of mobile telephony can be attributed to the introduction of digital cellular
technology and decrease in tariffs due to competitive pressures. For the first time in India, the
growth of cellular subscriber base has exceeded the fixed line subscriber base. However, cellular
penetration is still 1 per cent as compared to world average of around 16 per cent.


Over the past 10 years, India has registered the fastest growth among major democracies, having
grown at over 7 per cent in four years during the 1990s. It represents the fourth largest economy in
terms of “Purchasing Power Parity”. According to a recent Goldman Sachs report, over the next
fifty years, Brazil, Russia, India and China - the BRIC economies- could become a much larger
force in the world economy. “India could emerge as the world’s third largest economy and of these
four countries; India has the potential to show the fastest growth over the next 30 to 50 years ”. The
report also states that, “Rising incomes may also see these economies move through the ‘sweet
spot’ of growth for different kinds of products, as local spending patterns change. This could be an
important determinant of demand and pricing patterns for a range of commodities”. The share of
the services sector as a percentage of total GDP is also predicted to rise from the current 46 per
cent to about 60 per cent by 2020. The boom in the services sector is slated to come from India,
emerging as a chosen destination for software and other IT enabled services, tourism etc.
According to a Nasscom- McKinsey & Co. Study, by 2009,

the Indian IT software and services sector will account for US$ 70-80 billion in revenues; employ
4 million people, and account for 7 per cent of India’s GDP and 30 per cent of India ’s foreign
exchange inflows.

Population projections from the Planning Commission of India suggest that the share of the
working age population (15-64 years) in total population will grow from the current 59 per cent to
about 65 per cent, translating into 882 million by year 2020. According to the Vision 2020
document of the Planning Commission of India, the country will witness continued urbanisation.
The urban population is expected to rise from 28 per cent to 40 per cent of total population by
2020. Future growth is likely to be concentrated in and around 60 to 70 large cities having a
population of one million or more. This profile of concentrated urban population will facilitate
customised telecom offerings from operators. Over the years, spending power has steadily
increased in India. Between 1995 and 2002, nearly 100 million people became part of the
consuming and rich classes. Over the next five years, 180 million people are expected to move into
the consuming and very rich classes. On an average, 30-40 million people are joining the middle
class every year, representing huge consumption spending in terms of the demand for mobile
phones, televisions, scooters, cars, credit goods and a consumption pattern associated with rising


Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) was permitted in the telecom sector beginning with the telecom
manufacturing segment in 1991 - when India embarked on economic liberalisation. FDI is defined
as investment made by non-residents in the equity capital of a company. For the telecom sector,
FDI includes investment made by Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), Overseas Corporate Bodies
(OCBs), foreign entities, Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs), American Depository Receipts
(ADRs)/Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) etc. Present FDI Policy for the Telecom sector:

 In Basic, Cellular Mobile, National Long Distance, International Long Distance, Value
Added Services and Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite, FDI is limited
to 49 per cent (under automatic route) subject to grant of license from the Department of
Telecommunications and adherence by the companies (who are investing and the
companies in which investment is being made) to the licence conditions for foreign equity
cap and lock-in period for transfer and addition of equity and other licence provisions.
 Foreign Direct Investment up to 74 per cent permitted, subject to licensing and security
requirements for the following:

- Internet Service (with gateways)

- Infrastructure Providers (Category II)

- Radio Paging Service

 FDI up to 100 per cent permitted in respect to the following telecom services:

- ISPs not providing gateways (both for satellite and submarine cables)

- Infrastructure Providers providing dark fibre

- Electronic Mail

- Voice Mail

The above is subject to the following conditions:

 FDI up to 100 per cent is allowed subject to the condition that such companies would divest
26 per cent of their equity in favour of Indian public within 5 years, if these companies are
listed in other parts of the world.

 The above services would be subject to licensing and security requirements, wherever

 Proposals for FDI beyond 49 per cent shall be considered by Foreign Investment Promotion
Board (FIPB) on a case-to-case basis.

 In the manufacturing sector 100 per cent FDI is permitted under the automatic route.


Today, India has the eighth largest telecom network in the world, which is growing at an overall
rate of over 20 per cent. As of May 2004, India had about 43 million fixed lines and 36 million
wireless subscribers contributing to the total tele-density of about 7 %.

According to Morgan Stanley, the total revenue from the Indian telecom market in financial year
2003 was estimated to be about US$ 9.2 billion. Presently, wireline service contribute about half of
the total service revenues. Over the next 5-8 years, however, their contribution is expected to fall to
about 30 per cent and wireless services are expected to contribute half the industry revenue. Data
revenue is expected to increase from 2 per cent to 8 per cent of total revenues.
Most of the telecom infrastructure till now has been deployed in the urban areas, raising urban tele-
density to about 18.2 per cent compared to a rural tele-density of about 1.5 per cent. According to
the latest Telecommunication Industry Performance Indicators issued by the Telecom Regulatory
Authority of India (TRAI), the equipped switching capacity of the fixed network is about 60
million with the ownership distribution.

Emerging Markets (EMs) with large consumer bases and untapped demand constitute the major
growth opportunities for the multinationalsand global companies. However, not all companies are
successful in establishing a foothold, leave alone operating profitably, in such markets. For most, it
takes years of struggle before they can even breakeven. Marketing is difficult in such EMs because
of little or no market data, non-existent or poorly developed distribution systems, lack of regulatory
discipline, and where regulations exist, a propensity to change them frequently and unpredictably.

Samsung entered India in December 1995 as a 51:49 joint venture with Reasonable Computer
Solutions Pvt. Ltd (RCSPL), owned by Venugopal Dhoot of the Videocon group. In 1998, RCSPL
diluted its stake in Samsung to 26% and in November 2002, the FIPB cleared Samsung's proposal
to buy RCSPL's remaining (23%) stake. With Samsung buying the total stake of RCSPL, it became
a wholly-owned subsidiary of its South Korean parent company. In spite of being a latecomer to
India, Samsung was able to become one of the top consumer electronic companies in India, an
emerging market was due to a combination of several aspects: Product innovation, Promotion,
Pricing, distribution and Positioning; wherein Samsung primarily focused at.

The three-pronged objectives of Samsung are: -

1) Strengthening their channel relationships,

2) Enhancing their product portfolio and

3) Creating the best service infrastructure, to gain more mindshare."


Many multinational companies adopt a “less developed countries” mindset, assuming that these
markets are at an earlier stage of the same development path followed by the developed countries.
To take the example of the automobile industry, Ford and GM launched their outdated models like
Ford Ikon and Opel Astra in the Indian market. When these models did not sell well, the
companies changed course and decided to launch newer models in India. In the case of Samsung,
the company from the very beginning launched its whole range of high technology products, which
included CTVs, audio and video products, information technology products, mobile phones and
home appliances in India. It introduced products such as the ‘Bio’ range in CTVs, high-powered
Woofer series of colour televisions in 21-inch and 29-inch conventional and 21-inch flat TV
segments. And not to forget the lateset DNie television.

By positioning itself on the technology platform, Samsung was able to differentiate itself from its
competitors. Differentiation today is the key for a brand to be preferred by the consumers, when
there are so many other brands within the same product category. Without differentiation, its loyal
customer base cannot be created or sustained. But to be a true differentiator, a company must
provide features that are meaningful to customers. Which is what exactly Samsung has been doing.

Products: -

Samsung’s product range in India includes CTVs, video products, information technology
products, mobile phones and home appliances. Its product range covers all the categories in the
consumer’s electronics and home appliances. According, to the analyst’s wide product range of
Samsung is one of the main reasons for its success in the Indian market. The wide range products
are as follows: -

 Home appliances

 Microwave Oven

 Refrigerator

 Air Conditioner

 Washing Machine

 TV, video & audio

 TV

 DVD Player

 Camcorder

 Audio

 Home Theater

 Digital Audio Player

 Digital Still Camera

 Mobile Phones



 Information technology products

 Note PC


 CD Rom & DVD Rom Drive

 CD & DVD Read & Write Solution

 Monitors

 Laser Printers & Laser Based MFPs

 Fax

Samsung by launching innovative products and using proprietory technology was able to gain
market share. Samsung has therefore set up Samsung India Software Centre (SISC) and Samsung
India Software operations unit (SISO) for software development at Noida and Bangalore
respectively. While the Samsung India Software Centre in developing software solutions in
Samsung’s global software requirements for hi-end television like Plasma and LCD TVs. SISO is
working on major projects for Samsung Electronics in the area of telecom: wireless terminals and
infrastructure, Networking, SoC (System on Chip) Digital Printing and other multimedia/digital
media as well as application software. In addition to working on global R&D projects, SISO is also
helping Samung India’s CDMA business by focusing on product customization for the Indian


Samsung India has created an independent vertical to handle its digital mobile business. Under this
vertical, the company expects to grow volumes of these products (MP3, digital still cameras and
digital camcorders) by over 400% this year. "Looking at the strong growth potential of these
product categories in the Indian market and our strong product lineup, we decided to set up a new
team which will put a fresh focus on this business," says R Zutshi, deputy managing director,
Samsung India Electronics. A team of 18 people and a general manager will lead the vertical. The
company's consumer electronic business now has three verticals audio-visual (TVs), home
appliances (washing machines) and digital mobile. Samsung is targeting a market share of 12-14%
in each of the categories

Samsung Telecommunications India (STI), a design and technology leader in the Indian Mobile
market , today , announced the appointment of Actor Aamir Khan as its Brand Ambassador for
Samsung Mobile Phones in India. Announcing Aamir Khan as Samsung’s Ambassador for Mobile
Phones, stated Mr. H. B. Lee, President & CEO, Samsung South West Asia Headquarters, “The
Samsung brand stands for qualities of innovation, change, discovery, self-expression and
excellence in performance. And these very same qualities are epitomized by Aamir Khan, whose
quality and depth of work as well as versatility as an actor, have made him a much loved and
respected actor in India today. We are indeed very proud and privileged to have him as our Brand

The Company plans to leverage Aamir in its brand advertising as well as product advertising for
Mobile phones. In Sync with its thrust on introducing innovative, consumer oriented,
breakthrough technology products, Samsung today announced its new brand positioning for
Samsung Mobiles, which is reflected in its new, spunky, tagline - ‘Next is What ?’ being used in all
its communication material for mobiles.

Living up to its promise of ‘Next is What?’, Samsung today announced the launch of five new,
sleek and stylish Samsung Mobile phones that exemplify cutting edge technology and design
innovation. The new handset range targets consumers across the multimedia (Imaging and Music),
Business Lifestyle and Popular segments.

The highpoint of Samsung’s Multimedia Phone range in the Music Phone segment is the Samsung
SGH –i450, which seeks to give users a Mobile Theatre experience. Combining the next level in
form and function, the i450 brings alive the pulsating experience of 3D surround sound powered by
ICE Power amplifiers by Bang & Olufsen. Storing, accessing and juggling music on this mobile
phone gives the users a new high because of the revolutionary Music wheel and the Dual-Slider
form factor. The SHG –i450 has been priced at Rs.15, 000/-

The Samsung SGH-G800, the world’s first 5 mega pixel camera phone with 3x optical zoom, is
the answer for customers’ needs to have the perfect digital camera and the multimedia mobile
phone combined into one single device. A sleek camera phone, the G800 from Samsung Metal
series is equipped with advanced camera features such as face detection , Xenon flash and Wide
Dynamic Range (WDR), and also provides a very easy tool for sharing images and videos. The
Samsung G800 is priced at Rs.21, 799/-.

Samsung i550, D 880 address the needs of the business consumer. Powered by Symbian S60
operating system, the sleek and stylish Samsung i550 comes with an in built GPS Receiver and
five hot keys provided for music, camera, navigation, internet and main menu. The trackball
provided in the phone allows for 360 degrees movement on the screen for navigation and selection.
This 3 mega pixel camera phone with capability to support Bluetooth audio streaming is priced at
around Rs.25, 000/- .

The Dual GSM Sim phone from Samsung – the Samsung D 880 comes with 3.2 Mega Pixel
Camera, 2.3” Wide LCD screen, Bluetooth and Stereo FM radio. It is priced at Rs.13, 799/-.

The new launch in the popular category of Samsung Mobile phones is the Samsung J210. It is a
stylish and compact 2 mega pixel camera phone with FM recording and Bluetooth music
streaming. Compact meets impact in the form of the J210, which is priced at a very affordable

Samsung India has strengthened its distribution network in the country, by appointing SSK and
Link as its distributors for Mobile sales in the Western and Eastern part of the country respectively.
Thus, in addition to Telemart and United Telelinks who were two distributors handling the
distribution of Samsung Mobiles in the country, the Company now has four distributors, each
operating on a regional basis. Telemart services the Northern markets while UTL services South.
“With Aamir Khan as our brand ambassador, our strong, differentiated product lineup and our
enhanced distribution reach, I am confident that we should be in a position to double our market
share in the Indian market this Year”, states Mr. Lee.

1.2.2 Product/Market Positioning

As mentioned earlier, Samsung has positioned themselves as wide variety products, good quality-
affordable priced company. There are many companies competing in the same industry like Apple
with its mp3 and computer products, Canon Samsung is one of the largest electronics and IT
companies. According to Fortune, they have made themselves noticeable by being ranked second
company in their industry (Electronics, electrical equipment) with a fortune 500 rank of 46
(Fortune, 2008). We have chosen to position Samsung's products in 5 different categories, because
they have different position in each category.

Products & Market Positioning Diagram

High Prices

 Mobile


 Digital Appliance
High Perceive
Low Perceive Value

 Semi Conductor

The substitutes in the telecom industry are landline phones and email. At the moment, landline
phones are losing popularity because of lower prices and popularity of cell phones and internet
calling programs. In the cell phone industry, Apple's I phone has the latest technology with its
Touch screen, but companies are following and introducing new phones. Technology is very
important in this market. Samsung has just introduced new line of innovative cell phones for 2009.
Cell phones and PDA's have standard features and the only product differentiation lies with adding
services such as Bluetooth, gaps and other communication applications and tools that are important
for customers in the cell phone industry. it is important to know that there are several companies
who compete based on price in the cell phone industry because it is a product that all kind of
customers want. Samsung provides an affordable PDA with the modern features to satisfy the
average telecom user. Apple and Nokia are selling mobile phones with new technology for a high
price for customers who are willing to pay more. There are not many substitutes for PDA's. The
main one is using a cell phone or computer, laptop to call someone using e.g. Skype.

Omnia launching with amir khan as brand ambassador

Samsung launched its fully-loaded handset, Samsung Omnia (SGH-i900), in the Indian market
recently. A touch phone that features Samsung’s patented TouchWiz user interface is a stylish and
fully loaded handset that could be tough competition to some HTC touch phones.

• High resolution screen

• 3.2-inch WQVGA LCD screen

• On-screen QWERTY keyboard

• Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional operating system

• MS Office documents such as PowerPoint, Excel and Word

• Outlook Express

• 12.5-mm

• 16 GB Internal Memory

• 16 GB microSD card from Sandisk


• Dedicated dome key to control communications

• DivX, Xvid and other video formats


• Geo-tagging

• 5 megapixel CMOS camera

• Auto-focus (AF), face detection, smile detection and auto-panorama shot

• Optical mouse

Announcing the launch of Samsung Omnia, Sunil Dutt, Country Head-Samsung Telecom, said,
“Samsung Omnia is our flagship model aimed  at users who desire  a lot of functionality, a lot of
style, a lot of usability and a lot of entertainment in one innovative device. Samsung Omnia  will
help users to be at the forefront of work and play and at the same time, to stay connected anytime,


Rs. 39,999 (32 GB Memory) and Rs. 37,999 (24 GB Memory)

Among the spread sheet of Samsung in the Mobile World Congress, the star-studded and the
cynosure is its Omnia HD, projected as the recorder of video in HD resolution and the play on an
HD-ready TV. The brief outlook of this handset portrays – a 3.7 inch touch screen, Symbian S60
5.0 ( claimed to be Samsung’s first touch-capable device), 640 x 360 pixel resolution ( with the
display efficiency of 720p signal), an 8-megapixel camera and back up for GPS.

To meet the needs and challenges of internet applications, the Omnia HD has the ability to surf the
Web aided by Wi-Fi / HSPA enabled downloading(7.2Mbps) and the upload (5.76 Mbps); 16GB
internal storage, a via card slot for microSDHC to store further 32GB.Samsung is planning to
unveil this Omnia HD during the second quarter and the price may be higher than the currently
available one.

The strategy included bolstering its distribution network, rolling out a number of mobile phone
models in all price segments, and adopting a new positioning for the brand supported by celebrity
endorsement. With these initiatives, the company aimed to increase its market share in India by
100 percent in 2009. Sunil Dutt (Dutt), country head (mobile business), Samsung India, said, "We
are looking at doubling our market share to 15 per cent in 2009, which at present is around 7-8 per
cent. The company will make required investments in building the brand, expanding channels and
rolling out new models." Samsung India, the 100 percent subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co.
Ltd.2 (Samsung), had a manufacturing unit at Noida and also imported high-end mobile phones
from the parent company. Samsung, which had firmly established itself as the No.2 player in the
global arena in 2008 with a 14.3 percent market share,3 trailed Nokia, Motorola, and Sony
Ericsson in India. With Nokia's market share dropping from 78 percent in 2005 to 48 percent in
2008 and its stranglehold on the Indian market loosening, its rivals including Samsung were
gearing up to boost their market share further.4 Analysts expected fierce competition in this
market as all the companies viewed India, which had emerged as the world's fastest growing
mobile phone market, as a key market.
Earlier in 2008, Samsung India had planned to increase its market share to 20 percent by 2009,
focusing primarily on the mobile phone replacement market6.7 With this in mind, the company
had discontinued its cheaper monochrome-screen models and focused on offering sleek and stylish
mobile phones. Its slim phones, in particular, were popular with a segment of the youth population.
However, its market share continued to hover at around 10 percent. In March 2009, True to its
brand positioning ‘Next is What?’, the new Samsung mobile phone launches exemplify the latest in
terms of cutting edge technology and design innovation. Addressing the needs of the business users
, are the Samsung SGH-i780 and the Samsung D780.The Samsung SGH-i780 is a sleek smart
device featuring a full QWERTY keyboard and full touch screen. The Windows Mobile 6.0 device
features push email, MS Office, MSN Chat; GPS capabilities, an optical mouse, Wi-fi support and
2-megapixel camera.


Brand Architecture

Brand architecture is the structure of brands within an organizational entity. It is the way in
which the brands within a company’s portfolio are related to, and differentiated from, one another.
The architecture should define the different leagues of branding within the organization; how the
corporate brand and sub-brands relate to and support each other; and how the sub-brands reflect or
reinforce the core purpose of the corporate brand to which they belong.

Types of brand architecture

There are three generic relationships between a master brand and sub-brands:

 Monolithic brand or Branded house - Examples include Virgin Group, Red Cross or Oxford
University. These brands use a single name across all their activities and this name is how they
are known to all their stakeholders – consumers, employees, shareholders, partners, suppliers
and other parties.

 Endorsed brands or House blend - Like Nestle’s KitKat, Sony PlayStation or Polo by Ralph
Lauren. The endorsement of a parent brand should add credibility to the endorsed brand in the
eyes of consumers. This strategy also allows companies who operate in many categories to
differentiate their different product groups’ positioning.
 Product brand or House of brands - Like Procter & Gamble’s Pampers or Henkel’s Persil. The
individual sub-brands are offered to consumers, and the parent brand gets little or no prominence.
Other stakeholders, like shareholders or partners, know the company by its parent brand

Fig1: Brand Architecture

Co branding & branding analysis for Nokia and Samsung

Brand Architecture

PRODUCT MARKET CONTEXT ROLES – N series & E series (NOKIA) and Omnia, SGH

Brand Role Description

Driver  In the case of Nokia N series the , MP3, Music, video and high

(Master) definition camera phone would be key drivers for the selling pattern

And the user experience.

 For the E series it is Business phone which gives you an excess of

the Internet like black berry

 Omnia key drive is its look and touch screen.

 For SGH Series of Samsung its Key component is sleek smart

device featuring a full QWERTY keyboard and full touch screen

Co-driver  For first time in Nokia N series position itself as an entertainment

series rather than the simple phone which is used for camera,
music etc.

 For E series it is primary drivers for connectivity which

influenced people to buy E series


 High average selling price for Omnia in this product portfolio

with compare to the other model like Apple and Nokia N93.

 The business models of the Samsung mobile phone series offer

mobility as well as permanent and secure access to data for all
your business activities

Endorser  High Data Storage, High Quality camera, amazing sound quality,
professional usage for N series.

 High end phone use for more faster Internet delivery also wider
key pad like A to Z alphabets make easier to type messages


 Omnia has a different feature like 5MP, 2592х1944 pixels,

autofocus, image stabilizer, video, flash; secondary video call

 Samsung's business customers enjoy efficient and flexible

working and comfortable handling with comprehensive business
applications and intuitive user interfaces.

Ingredient Adding feature like real player for the song , acrobat reader for the
document reading would be great ingredient for selling N series

Omnia patented Touch Wiz user interface makes entering data

and text simple

The 2.2 inch screen would elaborate the details of the displayed
images with distinct clarity, as it has the capability to support 16
million color shades.
PORTFOLIO ROLES Nokia N series & E series Vs Samsung Omnia and Sg series

Brand Purpose Description

Flagship N series is the Certainly Nokia most visible and most valuable
brand. Account for high proportion of revenue, and is
foundational to company’s mission. High category awareness.


Omnia is Samsung flagship mobile devices in the portfolio roles

for the Samsung, because of the two reasons one is highly
advertised product in Samsung mobile device and the Amir
promotional strategy.

Strategic  However, the market for the Nseries range is completely

different. On the one hand, it could be argued that Nokia
doesn't yet have a strong competitor in this market. "The
situation is such that we're talking about a completely new
market here; a market of converged devices that is still in
its making

 “Enterprise mobility is here to stay in India with wider

acceptance of pus h e-mail amongst consumers.


 Viral marketing concept play vital role to play Samsung

Omnia one study suggested that 30% of the revenue spent
on promotion by Samsung on Omnia for the digital.

 The Samsung G Series mobile phones are equipped with

all the essential features. You can experience a whole lot of
difference by incorporating them in your hectic life
Distinguisher/ 0 For N Series it is entertainment
silver bullets
1 For E series is the internet.


 For Omnia it is touch screen and some apple I phone


 For SG series user experience is simpler.

Cash Cow Definitely N series Money making brand but for long run does not
represent future significant growth.


For Samsung it would be SG series because Omnia has a

perceived value attached to it but for SG series not have such
branding concept adding to it.

1.2.4 BRAND PORTFOLIO STRUCTURE – N series & E series (NOKIA) and Omnia, SGH

a. Brand Grouping for N Series

Brand grouping refers to a coming together of brands that have common characteristics. The
groupings provide logic to the brand portfolio and help guide them over a period of time towards
healthy growth. Segment, product and quality that are common across brand groupings play a
major role in defining the market structure in terms of Nokia N series it comes with N-70 to N 95
which different features and style statement keeping to the customer engage to buy Nokia N series.
There are several models of N-series phones that make Nokia N-series phones a much hyped
mobile series. Mobiles such as N73, N95, N95 8GB, N80 and N93 have proven their real worth.
These mobiles represent features such as very high power resolution cameras, music players and
FM radio. When it comes to style and performance, the Nokia N95, Nokia N95 8GB and Nokia
N80 are absolute masterpieces. This is the reason why people can experience capturing sharp
pictures and recording clear videos with the camera. The music player can play files on the
commonly used formats. It makes it possible to play music and the user is entertained all the while
whenever the music player is set on. There is also the incredible FM radio that makes the N series -
thrilling phones. Entertainment is also enhanced by playing high definition games on the handsets.
The mobiles are marvellous for they have extended memory support. The user can indiscriminately
store files, ringtones, videos, pictures, wallpapers and games in their whopping memory. This
ultimate memory support enables users to store messages that they receive for long periods of time.

These mobiles come loaded with some mesmerizing ringtones. The users can also download
ringtones that are known for their scintillating sound. These ringtones are of polyphonic as well as
MP3 nature. These make the handsets more elegant. The user can download ringtones of his or her
choice by making use of the WAP browser. Browsing becomes extremely easy on the Nokia
mobile phones and users can download files very easily.

b. Brand Grouping for E Series

The Nokia E-series, including the new Nokia E65, Nokia E61i, and Nokia E90 Communicator,
exhibit usability and functional design, as well as our understanding of corporate IT requirements
for device security and manageability. Nokia will continue with new phone launches, including a
few touch screen-based handsets (something that Nokia has not been big on). Also, Nokia are
doing a lot to improve the design of the E-series handsets and the result would be out in the market

Nokia Intellisync Mobile Suite, a portfolio of products that reside on a single server that can be
used in isolation or paired together to create a comprehensive mobility solution, is the core for our
future developments. Nokia will be actively looking at acquisitions so as to strengthen the software
solutions offered in our enterprise and Smartphone devices.
c. Brand Grouping for Samsung Omnia

Samsung Omnia recently launched in India likewise Nokia N series or E series Samsung does not
has any brand group in Omnia but yes it has The Omnia looks and feels solid. The touch screen
dominates the front of the handset with call answer and end keys, plus a touch sensitive optical
mouse pointer below it.

The biggest flaw of the Omnia thought is that the handset runs on Windows Mobile 6.1. Although
currently there's no Smartphone alternative operating system until Symbian launches a touch
screen version, you just can't get over the irritation of having to use Windows Mobile.

Samsung has done very well to hide the Windows OS with its own skin, replacing the somewhat
antiquated icons with something a little more colorful, but there are still real problems with the
speed at which anything happens.

Most apps take three or four seconds to load up which is disappointing when you compare it to say,
the iPhone, or even a non-touch screen Symbian device. The Photo slide photo album viewer and
media album are possibly the most irritating applications on the phone.

Loading up pictures is fine, but zooming in and exploring the image close-up is just painful. Photos
take ages to 'process' and until then the images are just pixilated shots. The accelerometer is just as
sluggish too

d. Brand Grouping for SG Series

Addressing the needs of the business users, are the Samsung SGH-i780 and the Samsung
D780.The Samsung SGH-i780 is a sleek smart device featuring a full QWERTY keyboard and full
touch screen. The Windows Mobile 6.0 device features push email, MS Office, MSN Chat; GPS
capabilities, an optical mouse, Wi-Fi support and 2-megapixel camera and it is some other features

Fig2: Brand Hierarcy Tree for N Series


Fig3: Brand Hierarcy Tree for E Series


Fig4: Brand Hierarcy Tree for Omnia Series


Fig5: Brand Hierarcy Tree for SG Series

Brand Range for Nokia N series

A major issue is the extent to which endorser or N series brands must be extended. Because the
competition of the Nokia N series to the great extent will entered in this segment like Samsung
Omnia or LG cookies while extending this brand after N96 would be great challenge for the Nokia.

Brand Range for Nokia E Series

Nokia need to focus in this series because still in India it is gearing pace from entertainment to the
Internet so Nokia can leverage the brand portfolio of the E series.

Brand Range for Samsung Omnia Series

But since we already mentioned that there is no real Flash support, one can guess the answer. The
Samsung i900 Omnia cannot play YouTube videos directly from the desktop version of the web
site. The same holds true for every other flash video website out there. Never mind, there is the low
down on the Omnia and web-based flash video. The only way one could possibly watch YouTube
videos is via the mobile version of - with it videos get streamed in 3GP format over
the RTSP protocol. The mobile version of YouTube found at gets you access to the
same videos as the desktop version,
Brand Range for Samsung SG Series

Samsung has done very well to hide the Windows OS with its own skin, replacing the somewhat
antiquated icons with something a little more colorful, but there are still real problems with the
speed at which anything happens.

Most apps take three or four seconds to load up which is disappointing when you compare it to say,
the iPhone, or even a non-touch screen Symbian device. The Photo slide photo album viewer and
media album are possibly the most irritating applications on the phone.

Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process,
and analyze information about a topic. In a research paper, the methodology section allows the
reader to critically evaluate a study's overall validity and reliability

Research Objective

 Different Factors to analyze in terms of customer perception towards mobile phone

 Various factors which involved for purchasing behavior towards Samsung mobile.

 How Samsung mobile placing there expectation and targeting customer to purchase there

 To analyze various key factor which involved creating positive customer perception?

The Company plans to leverage Aamir in its brand advertising as well as product advertising for
Mobile phones. In Sync with its thrust on introducing innovative, consumer oriented, breakthrough
technology products, SAMSUNG today announced its new brand positioning for SAMSUNG
Mobiles, which is reflected in its new, spunky, tagline - ‘Next is What ? ’ being used in all its
communication material for mobiles .

Living up to its promise of ‘Next is What?’, SAMSUNG today announced the launch of five new,
sleek and stylish SAMSUNG Mobile phones that exemplify cutting edge technology and design
innovation. The new handset range targets consumers across the multimedia (Imaging and Music),
Business Lifestyle and Popular segments. Would this approach change the customer perception
towards the Samsung mobile?

2.2.1 Secondary Data:

It will consist of information that already exists somewhere in documents. The secondary data will
be collected from the newspapers, expert reports, internet and company website, etc.

 Internet :- , www.HBR.Com, etc

 Past records and analysis

 Books, Magazines & Journals.

Both primary and secondary data will be collected to analyze:

 Existing market scenario of Indian market with respect to MOBILE HANDSET


 Customers views regarding Indian MOBILE HANDSET industry

 Experts’ opinion regarding Indian Industry and contribution of Samsung Mobile.

 Existing market scenario of Indian market with respect to MOBILE HANDSET


 Customers views regarding Indian MOBILE HANDSET Industry.


Primary data will be collected from the end customer and the collected from the Marketing
manager and the account manager or senior level management. The primary information will be
collected through questionnaire and Interviews presented to.

 Questionnaire – Structured

Dichotomous, open ended, multiple choice

 Personal Interview

 General Discussions

Tool Used:

 Bar Graph, Pie Diagram


 Random Sampling chosen by the gathering of data


 100 people


 End consumer & Marketing Manager


The objective involves matching consumer needs with the product. The better the match, the more
lasting the potential for the relationship between the seller and the buyer. The selling process is
aided by Samsung Mobile strategy to provide high quality, readily purchasable items with a good
environmental positioning, offering consumers good value for money.

2.3 Research Design

The research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different
components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring you will effectively
address the research problem; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurem ent, and
analysis of data. Research design is of three types:

1. Exploratory Research

2. Descriptive Research
3. Explainatory Reseach

Exploratory Research

Exploratory research is defined as the initial research into a hypothetical or theoretical idea. This
is where a researcher has an idea or has observed something and seeks to understand more about it.
An exploratory research project is an attempt to lay the groundwork that will lead to future studies
or to determine if what is being observed might be explained by a currently existing theory. Most
often, exploratory research lays the initial groundwork for future research. Exploratory research
can come in two big forms: either a new topic or a new angle. A new topic is often unexpected and
startling in its findings. For example, American psychologist John Watson really began his
behaviorism research with a new topic on the study of human behaviors and learning: rats!
Because humans have brains and rats have brains, it makes a certain kind of sense. There was an
attempt to find the universal laws of learning in all brains.

Descriptive Research

Once the groundwork is established, the newly explored field needs more information. The next
step is descriptive research, defined as attempts to explore and explain while providing additional
information about a topic. This is where research is trying to describe what is happening in more
detail, filling in the missing parts and expanding our understanding. This is also where as much
information is collected as possible instead of making guesses or elaborate models to predict the
future - the 'what' and 'how,' rather than the why?

Explanatory Research

Explanatory research is conducted in order to identify the extent and nature of cause-and-effect
relationships. Causal research can be conducted in order to assess impacts of specific changes on
existing norms, various processes etc. Causal studies focus on an analysis of a situation or a
specific problem to explain the patterns of relationships between variables. Experiments are the
most popular primary data collection methods in studies with causal research design.

Research design selected for this project is Exploratory Research


Q1. Which brand comes to your mind when you think of high end mobiles?

Nokia 65

Sony Ericson 28

Samsung 59

Motorola 32

Other 16

As per this study suggested that Nokia is still has market leadership in India because
32% of the people has recalled Nokia adding to this 30% of the people suggested that
they have Samsung in top of the mind recall activity similar to the that 16% of the
people like Motorola and 14% of the people suggested that Sony Ericson.
Q2. Which brand of mobiles do you use at present?

Nokia 123

Sony Ericson 14

Samsung 30

Motorola 23

Other 10

As per this study suggested that 61% of the people currently using Nokia which show
there market leadership in the Indian market, and 15% of the people using Samsung
and 12% of the people using Motorola this kind of output is also we are getting
because of the People perceiving that Nokia is the best brand which can be used for.
Q3. What do you look for in mobiles?

  Most Important Somewhat Important Least Important

Price 98 35 67

Safety 78 87 35

Looks 134 23 43

Brand Name 141 32 27

Reliability 88 99 13

As per our study suggested that 98 people out of 200 are suggested that Price is the
most important factor to choosing the Any Mobile Phone adding to this 67% of the
people suggested that Price is the Least important for them when purchasing to the
Mobile phone. It is found that Indian consumer are very price sensitive, 87 people
suggested that safety is the somewhat important for the Mobile purchasing 134 people
out of 200 suggested that they purchase the Mobile phone according to the Looks
wise where an Brand name is playing very important role to purchasing the Mobile.
Q4. Which mode has motivated your purchase for the particular brand?

Newspaper 46

Television 76

Family & Friends 43

Dealers 22

Others 13

Customer purchasing power is also influenced through the advertisement and the
channel that chosen by the Mobile company to promote their individual brands. As
per our study suggested that 38% of the people out of 200 got the relevant
information of the product from the Television, 23% of the people suggested that the
News paper is the Best Medium where they can get the Maximum knowledge of the
brand and there offers. 21% of the people suggested that the family and friends
motivate them to purchase any particular mobile phone.
Q5. Are you satisfied with the current purchase?

Fully Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Satisfied

87 77 36

This question suggested and judge the satisfaction level of the existing consumer
towards their Mobile phone, 43% of the people who contributed their views in the
survey suggested that the that they are fully satisfied with the mobile phone which
they are using adding to this 39% of the people suggested that they are somewhat
satisfied with their current Mobile phone, 18% of the people suggested that they are
not happy with the current handset which they are using. It is very great opportunity
for the mobile phone company to use unsatisfied customer to turn them out to their
potential customer.
Q6. Which brand are you looking for the purchase in future and why?

Nokia 87

Sony Ericson 23

Samsung 80

Motorola 8

Other 2

This question gives an insight people perception towards purchasing the New handset
which also reflects the customer perception towards the customer preference. As per
our data suggested that 12% of the people want to purchase Sony Ericson mobile
whether 43% of the people would like to purchase Nokia so clearly Nokia is the
Market leader , surprisingly Samsung scored 40% people prefer to purchase this brand
as they also come with various inbuilt feature in that. For example recently launched
Samsung Marine is launched against of the Nokia 1100 which said the shock proof.
Q7.would you recommend this brand to your friends?

Very Likely May be Unlikely

136 39 25

Word to mouth publicity always helps company to retain more and more customer as
per our study suggested that 68% of the people prefer to tell other people about the
features , and there new purchased mobile phone. Adding to this 19% of the people
they are not prefer any show off business so they did not tell anybody for their new
Q.8. In the following scale how do you rate Nokia and Samsung on following
parameters? (1=excellent,2=v. good,3=good,4=average,5=poor)

  Brands Particulars excellent V good good average poor

Nokia price 108 12 32 43 5
Config. 87 45 36 26 6
style 56 67 65 9 3
After sale
1 service 45 55 59 34 7
Samsung price 68 69 43 13 7
Config. 49 67 39 29 16
style 87 49 47 16 1

After sale
2 service 78 49 23 30 20
others price 101 57 34 3 5
Config. 67 39 23 56 15
3 style 77 45 32 30 16

This question gives an insight where consumer preference is comes from different
parameter like Price , configuration, style and after sales service, as per our study
suggested that almost 108 people said Nokia is the brand who can give the better price
than the other, adding to this Samsung has better style than the others mobile handset
provider, almost 135 people would go for the Samsung because of the Style icon.
Q.9.Place of purchase

Most of the people love to purchase High end phone from the authorized retailers as
suggested that almost 99% of the population 1% of the customer using high end
phone but they either purchase second hand or near by the shop.

Q.10.What you liked about that showroom?

  Particulars Brands V.Good Good Average Poor V.Poor

Nokia 49 67 39 29 16

Samsung 87 49 47 16 1

S.Ericson 78 49 23 30 20

1 Reach of outlet Others 102 57 33 3 5

Nokia 77 43 64 11 5

Samsung 111 12 28 32 17

S.Ericson 143 36 3 6 12

2 Availability of Designs Others 99 78 11 9 3

Nokia 87 94 9 3 7

Samsung 138 32 22 5 3

S.Ericson 67 59 18 46 10

3 Price of models Others 89 48 49 10 4

Nokia 78 49 53 12 8

Samsung 68 34 32 45 21

S.Ericson 49 57 23 48 23

4 Pride in Ownership Others 68 67 25 35 5

5 Special offers like Nokia 120 35 12 23 10

Samsung 78 49 27 21 25

S.Ericson 59 69 45 22 5

Others 98 32 43 12 15
Behavior/helpfulness Nokia 87 32 36 26 19

Of staff Samsung 56 67 65 9 3

  S.Ericson 45 55 59 34 7

6   Others 68 69 43 13 7

As this study suggested that the customer preference towards the various parameter
before the purchasing of Luxurious mobile handset , as per our data suggested that
Nokia has a strongest Reach of outlets, Samsung has the Availability of the phone Is
better than other while price of the model have preference of NOKIA by the various
consumer group.

Marketing strategies, a short-term inducement, offered to the employees or

trade has gained momentum as a promotional tool world over. It represents
nearly three fourth of the marketing budget at most consumer product
companies. Marketing Strategies can enhance employees self-perception of
being “smart” or a “good” employee/seller

1. Selling place as the most influencing factors in the selling decision while price
is also an important for sales decision.

2. Schemes always attract more and more consumers towards particular brand.
Simultaneously it gives idea about the factors which consumers look most in
the product before they make final decision

3. Price off and extra quantity is the two main offers/schemes which consumers
have came across at the time of purchase

4. People are ready to buy products of brand which suits their budget means
more quantity by charging less cost and giving the best quality.

5. Extra quantity with less or same price, more satisfaction, quality and other
factors influence consumers to switch over to other brands.

6. People are more quality and price oriented.

7. Consumer remember that name of the product by the company name and
also from the past performance of that company

Following are the limitations of the study:

1. The main three limitations of this research are time, finance and access.

2. This study has been done in the city of Delhi NCR only and hence cannot be
representative of the industry across the entire country.

3. Therefore starting from sampling till data collection everything needs to be

done as quickly as possible thus leaves researcher with limited amount of

4. Access to companies data may be an issue because the researcher will not be
able to reach customers due to limited time.

5. The use of convenience sampling may have impacted the quality of the
sample that may not have been the true representative of the entire


The mobile manufacturing industry has underwent and surpassed the nightmare of
facing severe economic crisis and the sales figures frightened the future with brim
chances. An analysis reveals that the GSM mobile market in 35 cities of India faced a
meager growth with less than 1% by the end of October 2008 while the same period
of the last year saw the turn over with increase of 46% than the previous year (2006).

ORG-GFK disclosed the sales figures available till October 2008 and the report says
that about 17.23 million GSM handsets only found the market from multi-brand
outlets whereas the same outlets of 35 cities received a sales figures of 17.17 million
in the same period of 2007. The analysis, to be honest, does not cover the figures
which come under the organized trade coverage, which, analysts feel, enfold around
12-15 of mobile sales. Many of the big handset manufacturing companies echoed the
findings of the report. Samsung’s country head agrees that the downfall in economy
and the lack of meaningful elements in the market brought dismal results to the
mobile industry. The fall of rupee value and the inflation factor also contributed to the
downfall. This ultimately led to the withhold of the consumers from going for a

Sony Ericsson’s official in India sees a positive trend amidst this turmoil that there
seems to be a growth in the sales of mobiles at the lower end in other areas,
specifically rural pockets. Nokia has a different story to tell that the trend has not
affected the company much but there has been a slight lagging in the growth of its
market in these 35 cities.

Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and HTC are some of the best mobile phone
manufactures. Nokia is a leading player in the mobile phone industry. Now, let's
discuss about the top 5 latest phones in the industry. The Nokia N97 is one of the
latest handsets in the present day market. The N97 is an elegant and sophisticated
handset that comes with many easy-to-use multimedia functionalities like high quality
camera, touchscreen and many more. This gadget comes with 32 GB of internal
memory and its external memory can be expanded through a microSD (TransFlash)
memory card up to 16 GB. It has a high quality 5 mega pixels camera which has
further been enhanced with features such as autofocus, Carl Zeiss lens and flash to
deliver superb still pictures even in dark environment. It also has some other great
features like media player, web capabilities, GPS function, Bluetooth and many more.

The Sony Ericsson C510 is a great mobile phone in the market that comes with an
easy-to-operate high resolution camera. This is a 2G as well as 3G enabled mobile
phone which would permit you to make face-to-face video call with other compatible
devices. It has a 3.2 mega pixels camera, which has the potential to capture and store
images with high resolutions of 2048 x 1536 pixels. It has various amazing features
such as large colourful screen, Bluetooth, media player, FM radio with RDS, GPRS
and EDGE features, which makes it an extraordinary device in the market. In the
queue of the top 5 latest phones in the industry, the Sony Ericsson W508 is another
great mobile phone, that boasts of features like flip opening system, dual screen,
Walkman music player and web accessing capabilities. This handset comes with a 3.2
mega pixels camera that delivers sharp and crystal clear images with an image
resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels. It comes with 100 MB of internal memory and the
users can expand its external memory via Memory Stick Micro (M2) memory card up
to 16 GB.The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is one of the latest handsets in the present day
mobile phone market. This is a very sleek and wonderful looking device that comes
with so many easy-to-use features like touchscreen, massive internal memory,
Bluetooth, built-in games, high quality camera and media player. The 5800
XpressMusic is a complete music centric mobile phone that supports numerous
popular audio and video formats. It has a 3.2 mega pixels camera with extra features
such as Carl Zeiss optics, flash and autofocus.Samsung is also a leading mobile phone
company across the world. Recently, it has released the Samsung Omnia. The Omnia
is an ultra-stylish handset, which comes with a fully touchscreen interface. It has a
large 3.2 inches TFT touchscreen and provides a screen resolution of 240 x 400
pixels. Communicate and groove with this high-tech business phone that boasts of
features such as huge internal memory, web access capabilities, Bluetooth, GPRS,
EDGE, 3G network, high quality camera, Pocket Office functionality and easy-to-
operate music player.We mentioned above, the top 5 latest phones in the industry that
boast of many futuristic features. Furthermore, all these mobile phones are very good
for all kinds of people like business professionals, music lovers and mobile phone

An interesting opportunity for future research is to look if consumers use all the
factors considered in our present model simultaneously. We believe that the model is
quite complex and that it is likely that each respondent will use a simplified decision
rule to decide whether he or she is attracted to the new co-branded product. For
instance, there may exist a group of respondents that only look at the fit between the
two brands and nothing else. Another area might be dominance in the relation
between the two brands. For instance, most consumers think that the draught beer
system for home use recently introduced by Heineken and Krups is a product of
Heineken on its own. This implies that a lack of awareness or interest of consumers
for one of the parent brands may lead to a reduced importance of the fit between the

At this moment the focus of my research is on co-branded products and how the
different fit factors influence the evaluation of such a product. My next study will
focus on different forms of co-branded products in relation to the fit factors. We are
now conducting a thorough analysis of the products collected in the database.

Finally, another interesting research direction is how consumers experience the

possible a-symmetry in the relation between the two brands, created by the fact that
with co-branding the new product is either equal to the current product categories of
one of the brands or new to both brands. An example of a co-branded product that is
equal to the current product categories of one of the brands is the portable audio
player by Philips and Nike. Philips is already a producer of portable audio players, but
Nike never made such products before. Thus, it may be possible that the Philips brand
is of more importance when consumers evaluate this product. It is likely that the one
brand for which the product is not new has a dominant position in comparison to the
second brand, and that this dominance has an effect on consumer evaluations and the
fit factors. In addition, the dominance may have effects on the attribution of the
success or failure of the new product towards the original brands

This research can contribute to the present state of knowledge about co-branding and
new product development, because it examines the critical factors of success
concerning new product development from the consumers’ point of view in a co-
branding context. Also, it investigates the important but underestimated relationship
between brands and their new products. If the importance of each of the factors in the
model that represents the consumer evaluation process can be determined, it will help
product and brand managers to introduce their new product on the market place in a
more effective manner. For example, if it appears that the fit between brands is the
most important determinant of the evaluation of a new product; brand and product
managers should take this into account when choosing a partner. If however, the fit
between the product and the brand is most important, the brand image of both brands
should be reflected in the new product and the introduction strategy.

As per our research also suggested that Samsung did a co-branding exercise last year
with singing star Bayonne and that has paid dividends. The company also plans to
launch an Armani phone soon. Kids identify with iconic brands and, together with
sophisticated technology, Samsung has got the mix just right,” she says. The result of
the survey sends a significant message to Nokia, still the world’s cellphone leader. Its
products are solid but tend to be conservative. By contrast, Samsung’s handsets are
perceived as sassy and sexy by young people. As per our survey nokia has a all
around approach for the co branding exercise whether Samsung has a more imphasise
on the movie and film. Total effectiveness of the branding also depends upon the
various factor as our result depicted that Correlation between sponsorship for the co
branding Vs co branding with film or music promotion like during the time of
launching N series by Nokia promote M TV one show also recently launched Omnia
promoted amir khan Gajni movie of the business Is 0.983783 From the graph
showing the relation between consumer behaviour to buy Mobile is more influenced
towards its sponsorship for the co branding rather than co branding with film or music
Also it gives the good idea in Delhi and NCR region what kind for influenced will
genrally consumer have before buying the product. And enhance branding excersie

 Marketing Management: by Philip Kotler

 C.R Kothari “Research Methodology” Methods And Techniques.

 Hair/ Bush/ Ortinau (2006). “Marketing Research”

 Naresh K. Malhotra (2006), “Marketing Research- An Applied Oriented”

 ICFAI Journal of Marketing Management, The ICFAI University Press,

Vol.V, No.1, February 2007

 ICFAI Journal of Marketing Research, the ICFAI University Press, No. 2,

February 2007.








 www.winebusiness,com



Q1. Which brand comes to your mind when you think of high end mobiles?

Q2. Which brand of mobiles do you use at present?

Q3. What do you look for in mobiles?

Most Important Somewhat Least Important





Brand Name


Q4. Which mode has motivated your purchase for the particular brand?

a) Newspaper b) Television

b) Family and friends d) dealers e) Others

Q5. Are you satisfied with the current purchase?

Fully Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Satisfied

Q6. Which brand are you looking for the purchase in future and why?

Q7.would you recommend this brand to your friends?

Very Likely May be Unlikely

Q.8. In the following scale how do you rate Nokia and Samsung on following
parameters? (1=excellent,2=v. good,3=good,4=average,5=poor)

Brands Particulars excellent V good good average poor

Nokia price

1. style

After sale

Samsung price

2. style

After sale

others price

3. Config.


Q.9.Place of purchase
Q.10.What you liked about that showroom?

Particulars Brands V.Good Good Average Poor V.Poor


1. Reach of outlet



Availability of Samsung
Designs S.Ericson



3. Price of models



4. Pride in Ownership



Special offers like Samsung

discounts. S.Ericson


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