FI Toolcard v3.2 PDF

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Innovation Diagnostic Canvas

This tool can be used to identify different challenges from
various stakeholders. It is particularly useful when an
organization want to start innovate without having a specific
challenge in mind.

Color coding
• Participants will start by filling up the canvas with
green, yellow and red sticky notes.
• Green for what we celebrate well. Where we are
• Yellow for these things that are not always successful in
the organization.
• Red for what we do not do, or fail to do.

• As the canvas get filed with many notes. We start
understanding areas of the organization where things
are lacking.
• It maybe tempting to fill up the canvas with green
notes. We are actually looking for red notes. Where the
scope of improvement is much higher.

Challenge Identification
• From the red notes particularly, we drive challenges at
the center of the canvas.
• Challenges can be a combination of several notes and
• Each challenges will be identified in a separate note.
Challenge Abstraction
This tool is used when we already have a general understanding
of the challenge. We want to understand the challenge
environment or a potential new challenge that derive from he
initial challenge.

How to read this canvas?
• At the center is the initial challenge.
• At the circumference are the variables that may affect
the initial challenge.
• In between are the potential new challenges.

A potential new challenge integrate the basic of the initial

challenge and the specificities of selected variables.

Identify Variables
How to proceed?
• First, we need to discover the variables. These
important factors that may change the challenge scope.
• Once we have define variables. We can go on with the
writing of potential new challenges.
Discovering variables can be a long process you can
conduct using tools like stakeholder interview,
observation, qualitative and quantitative analysis.

• We suggest that you run rounds of interviews with
challenge stakeholders to understand underlying factors
that could affect the challenge scope. Reframe your
challenge question if needed proposing different
• This will help you to validate that the assumed
challenge is really at the origin of dysfunction,
alternatively you would have a potential new challenge
to propose.
Challenge Profile
Creating a well defined challenge will help you to communicate
with stakeholders. Harvest best ideas from collaborators and
discard unwanted deviation from the scope. For each challenges
identified design a challenge profile. The suggested challenge
profile will help to determine challenge components.

The potential challenge

• The potential challenge usually start with the
statement: How might we…?
• The statement would be in a single sentence that
resume all the aspect we want the challenge to cover.
• The challenge can include constraints like “without
additional employment”
• Keep concepts and wording simple.

The sponsor
• It is important to have someone who is willing to
support the challenge within the organization.
• The sponsor must have enough power enforce decision
and run the challenge within the organization.
• The sponsor must be in position to represent all
stakeholders taking part to the challenge.

• Knowing your Horizon and what you want to do. Will
help in understanding the scope of change you can
expect around this challenge.
• Horizon and wants is something you should assess as
team. Both these information would be determining to
select the appropriate ideation technique.
Idea Bridge
Among the 4 ideation methods proposed in this tool kit Idea
Bridge is the most suitable to generate radically new ideas.
Something that may change your business model or reach new
markets. It is not suitable method for quick fixes.
Rules Preparation
• SILENCE. This exercise is done in silence. We won’t • You will need yellow, pink, orange and green
verbalize our ideas or questions INCLUDING non- sticky-notes.
verbal communication. • Enough markers for the number of delegates to
• EVERYONE PARTICIPATES. Everyone has something write on the sticky-notes.
(insights, knowledge and ideas) of value, therefore
everyone has an obligation to participate.


• Start by placing the Goal / Objective in the right • Finally you can bridge ideas to constraints and
corner. questions. The whole canvas would create a rich
• Place the Constraints in the left corner. content where you will see patterns to innovate by
• You may already have some ideas you place just removing limits. Take time to analyze the whole thing
above the goal. and understand rich concepts.
• You have questions about the constraints. Place
them just above them. Delegates may answers these
questions. But always in silence and by writing.
Subtract is particularly useful to simplify processes and eliminate
costs. An opportunity to offer something different by
simplification. This ideation technique is suitable to re-design
something that already exist and need to be refresh.
Rules Preparation
• Everyone has something of value, therefore everyone has • For this exercise you will need to prepare the user
an obligation to speak and share. Respect the speaker. journey with its key instances.
• Remember, all the greatest ideas started sounding really • You need to know what you may like to eliminate across
dumb. the journey.
• Avoid ‘bar discussion’ and take a stand.


• Start by mapping the user’s journey horizontally at the • Soon you will discover a new user journey on which
middle of the board, leave plenty of space above. unnecessary functionalities or tasks have been
• Analyze which functions you could eliminate. Where eliminated. You may end up with several user journey
they intervene in the process. Put a note of these on which user’s journey functionalities have been
function below the process. Use different colors for eliminated. It is your role to assess which scenario
different functions. respond the best to the user experience you are looking
• Write down ideas to eliminate functions above the for.
existing process.
Idea Hacks
This ideation technique consist in replacing function or benefits
by other. It create rich solutions by combining things that are
apparently not related. Idea Hacks is particularly suitable to
repair, fix things that are broken or does not work well.
Rules Preparation
• Everyone has something of value, therefore everyone • Prepare some topics to address with this exercise:
has an obligation to speak and share. Respect the Example: Components, utility, materials or format, sales
speaker. model, customer, value proposition, user experience,
• Remember, all the greatest ideas started sounding business model, Etc.
really dumb.
• Avoid ‘bar discussion’ and take a stand.


• Start by writing down the name of the subject you • Once you are done with this analysis. Start replacing
would like to explore. attributes with new attributes that have not been
• This subject has sub-categories you may like to explored before.
explore as well. Write them in separate sticky notes. • You may try to create new categories as well.
• Under each categories, Write down the respective • Finally, Analyze the whole thing and understand new
attributes for each categories. concepts of offering.
Reverse Innovation
This exercise require participants to think the worst experience
they could offer to their customers which seems to be
contradictory to the principle of innovation. However it offers
interesting insights to make things really different and
contextually integrated.
Rules Preparation
• Everyone has something of value, therefore everyone • It is essential to know what you want to improve from user
has an obligation to speak and share. Respect the experience perspective.
speaker. • Example: To improve the user experience of your restaurant
• Remember, all the greatest ideas started sounding you will reverse the user experience of the customer. But if
really dumb. you want to improve your business process you may reverse
• Avoid ‘bar discussion’ and take a stand. the user experience of the restaurant manager.


• Start by writing down a fictional chronological scenario • Add a colored sticky note under each key instance with
with the worst experience you could offer to your the following assessment.
customers or manager. Use one sticky note for each key
instance of your scenario. Place them in line from left to  Not true: means you are good - GREEN
right on top of the board.  Somehow true: means you are average - ORANGE
• Now that you have the worst user journey.  True: means you are not good – RED

• Focus on the red notes that indicate clear areas of

improvement. Generate ideas for improvement.
Idea Assessment Canvas
This canvas help you to evaluate ideas and prioritize solutions for
responding to the challenge. It has 3 Business categories and 3
columns of idea contribution. At the intersection of business line
and idea contribution you will find a classical feasibility / impact

Business Categories
• For each idea you will need to select between 3
business lines.
• Place your idea within the appropriate row. People,
Technology or Infrastructure.
• An idea could be split between several categories, in
this case pick the most prominent category for the
particular idea.
• This is not a final categorization as ideas will merge. You
may not border about accountability at this stage.

Idea Contribution
• Some ideas would have a fundamental impact towards
challenge resolution other would be incremental. The 3
vertical columns help in sorting ideas’ contribution to
the challenge.
• Place fundamental ideas on the right.
• Incremental ideas on the left, those you are not sure on
the central column are substantial ideas.

Impact & Feasibility

• Ideas are sorted with respect to Impact and Feasibility.
• Move the idea towards High Impact if you believe that
this idea would have an high impact towards challenge
• Move the idea towards High Feasibility if you believe
that the idea is easily feasible.
• Ideas that have Low Impact and Low Feasibility are
likely to be discarded.
Idea Elimination
If you have lots of ideas the choice of development may become
difficult. Idea elimination help to discard ideas that may looks
genius but does not respond to basic organizational
requirements. Go/No Go is a common practice for idea

Criteria Go/No Go


1 2 3 4

Institutional The solution can be developed in 6    


The prototype wont cost more than    


Challenge We have internal resources to    

specific develop it

We contribute to at least 2 of the 5    

strategical objectives for this year.

RESULTS    

Go/No Go criteria
• Create a Go/No Go list of criteria.
• Split your list into 2 categories:
• Institutional criteria would set the limits set by
institutional policy and politic.
Egg.: The idea reflect the corporate strategy.
• Challenge specific criteria to respond to the constrains
of the development team.
Egg.: The idea can be developed within our department.

Non exception
• Go/No Go aims in validating ideas without evaluation.
The idea ether pass or fail.
• If an idea fail a single criteria, the idea is definitively

Change criteria
• If the criteria are too strict, too many ideas will get
discarded. Reversely if the criteria are too soft very few
ideas would be eliminated.
• Consider revising your criteria if needed.
Intelligent Sticky note
While writing a business case about your business solution you
may find difficult to retrieve connection with business honors,
contribution to the concept solution and institutional values. To
respond this challenge we use Intelligent Sticky note with a set
of standard pictograms you can tick mark.

Business category
• In this box you can tick mark the business category the
idea belong to.
1. People – management, strategy, policy.

 2. Technology – IT, processes.

3. Infrastructure – Building, plan, installation.

• This information become useful at a later stage when

you want to write a report about your business case.
You will know what are the business categories
associated to your idea concept.

Idea contribution
• Some idea are fundamental to the challenge resolution
other maybe incremental. We have 3 categories of
ideas. Fundamental, incremental and something in
between for those we are not sure about.
• While using Idea Assessment Canvas you will need to
sort your ideas into those 3 categories. We encourage

you to report this information on each sticky note using
the “tree” label.
• The truck is fundamental (or vital for the tree), the
branches are substantial and leaf incremental.

Impact & Feasibility

• Ideas are sorted with respect to Impact and Feasibility.
• Move the idea towards High Impact if you believe that

this idea would have an high impact towards challenge
• Move the idea towards High Feasibility if you believe
that the idea is easily feasible.
• Ideas that have Low Impact and Low Feasibility would
be eliminated by default.
This tool help you to find relationship between ideas, group
them and create concept solutions. It is probably the most
challenging task of the process where ideas get integrated into
desirable working models. Concept solution must be seductive
and unique.

Idea Groups
• Group the ideas in a way that make sense to you
without theorizing. Avoid classification as such as
business categories, ownership, etc. We have done this
• The game here is to orchestrate ideas all together to
create a compelling model. Eventually fill the gaps with
new ideas. However you must perverse yourself of
deviating completely from the original ideas proposed.

Concept Design
• Best concepts would come from awaken dreams for
which you get motivated. They have little logic behind
but just sound great to tell as a story.
• For instance if you identify several ideas that reflect the
concept of “philanthropy” you may try to develop a
concept solution around this attribute. Be radical in that
sense to give a real identity to your concept.
• Avoid combination as such as philanthropy, green,
technologic, basic, digital, etc. Do these attributes
maybe part of your concept they are not the essence of
it. While designing solution concept we look for

Dependency assessment
• After presenting your concept to the group look for
feedback. Understand what the bottle neck are to
develop your project.
• If you concept solution is a presentation poster. It
maybe wise to ask the public to leave sticky note
feedback on specific elements you are demonstrating.
Goal Assessment
Ideas can be genius but in marge of institutional goals which
make them irrelevant. With this tool you can assess each ideas
with respect to institutional goals that maybe predefined within
your organization or that you may want to define for your
specific project.

Goals Setting
• Large organization may have several brands and
portfolio whose goals differs from the main
organization. In this case it make sense to utilize goals
that directly relate to the brand or institution who own
the challenge.
• Reviewing the challenge profile can be a good source of
inspiration to drive goals.

Number of Goals
• You may have as much goals as the project require.
• If you have predefined goals for the project use the
template corresponding to the number of goals that
were set for it.
• Write down goals at the extremity of each tips of the
web diagram.
• Start assessing solution design individually.

Solution Design Goals

• This web diagram help you to visualize the performance
of each solution design with respect to challenge goals.
• You can assess each solution design under the same
diagram and establish comparison.
• The objective of this template is to help you defining
goals and accessing them before reporting the result on
the Gain/Pain matrix.
Gain/Pain Assessment
This tool helps you to evaluate concept solution with respect to
2 factors; Organizational Goals and Implementation Constraints.
After setting you goals and constraints. Evaluate your concept
solution. Automatically discover what the best concepts are from
the pain gain matrix.

• In this matrix each number correspond to a specific goal
of the Goal Assessment tool.
• You can attribute a goal to each number and eventually
change the coefficient for each of these goals.
• You can start assessing each Solution design (a,b,c..)
with respect to Goals.
• If you have done the Goal Assessment exercise before,
you just need to report the result on this table.

• We have set attributes by default that you can modify
with respect to your organization priorities.
• Once you are done, fill the table by attributing a note
from 1 to 5. 1 being low pain and 5 high pain.
• To discover the result move to the Gain/Pain Matrix

Gain / Pain Matrix

• The Gain/Pain matrix is automated. Once you introduce
all evaluation from the Gain and Pain table. Result will
appear on this table.
• You need to develop the ideas that are located on the
top right corner. These ideas are LOW pain and HIGH
gain, what we are looking for.
• Other ideas could be developed as well thus they are of
secondary priority.
Prototype Decision Matrix
This grid help you to sort solution ideas and assess what the
concept solution is about. The solution will be a service, system,
space or product, most probably a combination of those.
Place solution ideas on the grid with respect to the nature of
each ideas and idea contribution.

Evaluate solution
• For each solution. Place the solution ideas on the grid
according to what you believe the solution is about. The
idea solution maybe a Service, System, Space or
Product. Make a choice based on your assumption.
• Some ideas would be a combination of Service, System,
Space or Product decide which is the most prominent.
• The cross separate the 4 types of concept ideas that
contribute to your challenge solution.

Idea contribution
• Each sticky note has a tree symbol with a mention
about the idea contribution. (The trunk, the branch or
the leaf.)
• Place your solution on the grid with respect to idea
• Note: at any time in the process you may add ideas to
the concept solution. Change idea contribution value,
business line, etc. As general guideline, make sure that
findings and discovery make sense to you.

Result interpretation
• Totalize the points you have harvested for each solution
idea. The highest result is you primary process the
second highest result is your secondary process.
• Interpret these 2 results with the Process Matrix and
find out which process is the most suitable to develop
your solution.
• Egg.: The highest result is 6 for SPACE an the second
highest is 4 for SERVICE. SPACE is the primary process
and SERVICE the secondary process. Reporting these 2
values on the Process Matrix we can see that process
number 3 is the most suitable.
Prototyping Matrix
The highest score from Process Assessment is the primary
process, the second highest score is the secondary process.
Once you cross the values of your primary process and
secondary process you discover the suggested process to
develop your solution design.

Process Requirement
• For each challenge solution you will find a suggested
process. Execute the tools from the left to the right
sequentially. Keep coming back to the previous tool to
refine your findings.

• This means that you can choose which tool could work
the best for you. That does not preserve you to execute
both of them if you believe information relevant to your

• In this case we recommend you to utilize both the tools
in parallel. Utilize each tool findings to improve your
design again and again.
• As general rule remember that each tools are iterative.
After finishing with a tool, move to the second, third
and come back to the first. Keep going this way until
you reach the desired outcome.
• And why not, look at other tools in the toolkit and try
whatever seems relevant to you. You can only gain from
the experience.
The storyboard is a graphical technique that helps in
understanding user tasks across a specific process of execution.
It include picture or drawing that focusses on the user
experience. Storyboard can be used to describe the current user
experience as well as the desired one.

TOOL Process
• The storyboard is composed of photographic boxes • Start by identifying the main tasks and put them in
accompanied of title and eventual explanation text. sequence. To do so, you may start by representing a
• Best storyboard would be self explanatory and would maximum of task each on individual sticky note.
not require text explanation. Afterwards start hierarchizing, eliminating and
• The text could refer external elements that cannot be combining task to limit yourself to the most important
explain on the visual. Thus you limit visual tasks.
representation to the most important touch point. • Draw quick thumbnail scenario, question yourself and
• Does not hesitate to adopt a singular graphic style. take feedback from others. Reiterate until you are
Regardless the technique you chose; hand drawing, satisfied with your design.
photography or digital images. • If you chose working with photography, request friends
• Adopt systematic color coding for the personages, to play the role of your personage. Make their acting
product or environment. That would greatly contribute meaningful.
to user’s understanding.
• A storyboard may content between 6 to 10
photographic boxes.
Preparation Execution Checklist
• You do not need much material for this exercise. A few • Always think key user touch points.
pen to draw scenario. • Draw your scenario from the end user perspective.
• A digital camera to take picture. • Be consistent across the scenario using the same actors
• A software like Illustrator or Photoshop to overdraw for each personage, maintain a graphic language.
pictures if needed. Alternatively Paint can do the job.

TEST Template
• You may find storyboard example on the internet. Type
• New task flow can be source of resistance as it may keywords in your domain to understand best practices
disturb stakeholders’ privileges in the particular in terms of graphic design trends.
ecosystem. For this reason, it is important to collect • Goanimate, Crazytalk, Iclone and Powtoon allow you to
regular feedback while developing the new task flow. create graphic storyboard based on template images
• Storyboard is good to use to create understanding and persona. It is good to start with.
between stakeholders. You may take the stakeholders Some of these platforms allow you to make virtual
representatives walkthrough your storyboard. Collect personage, speak and interact with each others.
their feedback and stimulate debate.
Construction Iteration
The storyboard is a graphical technique that helps in
understanding user tasks across a specific process of execution.
E.g.: Driving through a fast food chain would include a sequence
of tasks to reach the desired outcome for the user.

TOOL Process
• Construction Iteration is usually made of paper, • Identify existing objects that could be used as base to
cardboard and thermocol. It is a low cost prototyping create your design. Boxes, cans, pipes, strow, etc. Use
technique. these basic elements to create the volume of your
• The objective is not to create “something nice” but design.
understand the volumes and functions of a particular • Stick buttons, screen and added functionalities to your
design. design.
• This technique help you to understand the desired size • It won’t work and it won’t look nice. That’s not the
and volume of things. purpose. The purpose is to understand that functional
• Construction iteration focuses especially on user touch elements may not be at the right place, that volumes
point. We speak about physical touch points in this could be disproportionate.
case. • Reiterate until you get product volumes and
functionalities at the right place.
Preparation Execution Checklist
• A good idea maybe to start recuperating all kind of • Be curious and try different combination to create
cardboard and plastic elements that would inspire you something.
to create something once you see them. Meanwhile, • Focus on user touch point, what they want to do and
you can start with classical stationary and craft. how practical it will be to do it on your design.
• Basic cutting and fixing elements. • Integrate your construction iteration on the user

TEST Template
• Your store room will be the best resource for this
• This tool is about self learning. You test as you go. You exercise. With few basic elements you can recreate
keep trying different volume combination to discover most of the products you use daily.
the “ideal” design. • You may find opportunities to innovate by resizing
• Test is part of the exercise itself. You pass the test once volumes and change the functionalities.
your design has achieve a certain level of aesthetical
and functional performance.
System Map
A way of representing complex ecosystem, when many micro
system are interdependent. System map focuses on the “big
picture” to provides an understanding about stakeholders
relationship with systems, policies, technology and target.

TOOL Process
• System map usually comport a central object and • In short you start from the BIG PICTURE containing
gravitational functions that all work as an ecosystem. fuzzy elements to narrow down to the most essential.
• You can execute this process by occupying a wall and
• Visual hierarchy stick on it all the elements of your ecosystem.
By understanding the importance of each function and • Use sticky note, printed documents, printed
give it an appropriate size within the ecosystem. photography to visualize your thoughts.
• Synthesis • You keep reorganizing information as new elements
Complex ecosystem are too big for us to detail each and integrate the ecosystem.
every function. Fr this we need restrict ourselves to the • Once you believe that you have collected all the
most important end user touch point. elements you wish to see in your ecosystem start
• Systematization working the visual hierarchy, synthetize and systematize
Similar function, system, mechanism, resources, etc. your communication format.
are repeated all across the ecosystem. Systematize • You will need multiple attempt to reach desired
labeling and representation. outcome.
Preparation Execution Checklist
• If you choose to work on the wall which is still the best • Design is about Economy, Culture governance and
way to go, you will need to print documents and Technology. Make sure you considered all these
photos. aspects.
• If you use Visio or Muraly. You may create a file with all • Systematize, Hierarchize, synthetize.
the documents you wish to see on your ecosystem. • Nothing free, whatever you place on your ecosystem
should add meaning or remove it.

TEST Template
• There is very few reference about system map and no
• System map are best to test with stakeholders specific process to create them. The quality of system
representative that understand their place and interest map highly depend on the level of iteration. The more
within the ecosystem. you keep redesigning and recreating design element the
• Drive them through the system map and collect their more quality you will get. Thus, do not try to “fix” the
feedback and suggestion. system map early, be open to experimentation.
• You may leave a printed copy to them to write on it. • Browse system map in y domain. That would give you
Suggest correction and improvement. opportunities to observe different type of design
• Utilize colored sticky note to identify categories of languages that best suit your domain of expertise.
issues within the system map.
Conceptual Model
An exploration of the multiple possibilities a design could be.
Functional and esthetical preference, model of interaction. It is
mainly the same design but seen from different angles in such
way that stakeholders can take an informed decisions.

TOOL Process
• You need to explore design possibilities by creating • Shift your mind into conceptual mode. Inspire yourself
several model of design. with magazines, fashion and design trends website.
• The challenge behind this exercise is to think • Create a list of value, adjective, ambiance or emotion
conceptual. Understand the mindset, behavior, you would like to explore with conceptual model.
attitude and lifestyle behind specific design. • Make sure each direction you take is unique.
• To think conceptual associate to your design strong • Do not combine things or try to make your design
personalities, characters, heroes or opinion leaders. “universal” In other words, if you design for everyone
Capture in your design the values that characterize you ll end up designing for no one.
these personages. • Design each model with a determined lifestyle.
• This tool invite you to explore aesthetical and
functional option for your design.
Preparation Execution Checklist
• The storyboard is a graphical technique that helps in • Think conceptual, associate meaningful words to your
understanding user tasks across a specific process of design. Give your design a strong personality.
execution. E.g.: Driving through a fast food chain would • Forget “universal design” or design for everyone.
include a sequence of tasks to reach the desired • Create at least 3 conceptual model to compare.
outcome for the user.

TEST Template
• Look at conceptual design trends on the internet.
• The test would be relevant only if you have significantly Inspirational design that communicate value and
different solutions to present for selection. emotion. Transpose these trends on your design
• Be consistent with the prototyping format. Designs models.
should be different but comparable. For example; you • Sharpen your eye with lots of shopping. Visit boutique
do not want your user to select a particular design just that you usually don’t prefer. Understand why people
because he/she like the color. like these things, what are the values they
• Conceptual models are good to understand customers. communicate to them.
You may present them to them and collect their • Become a design trendsetter.
feedback. Ask why they like specific model and why
they rejected other. That would help you to progress
towards your final design.
Initially mockups can be of very low quality. But as designers
understand better the volumes and functional aspects of the
product the mockup can be of higher quality. A mockup is used
to demonstrate what a product or space will be after

TOOL Process
• A mockup can be of 2 types: • As a general guideline. Fail early and cheaply. That
means that your early prototype can be executed with
• Functional Prototype paper and cardboard. Just to understand size
This type of prototype would provide the service but mechanism and functionalities.
wont have the desired look and feel. It need to be full • Once you are clearer about your design try more
scale and it is usually executed before the aesthetical advanced materials like metal, plastic, wood, etc.
prototype. • Finally you may want to develop your model in 3D
• Aesthetical Prototype • Lesson from history: The famous design James Dyson
This type of mockup give the look and feel of a product, developed not less than 5127 prototypes to reach the
service or space. It maybe full size or scale size depending revolutionary vacuum solution now sold around the
the nature of the subject. Creating a aesthetical world.
prototype does not prevent you of making it functional
however for practical reasons is difficult to realize.
Preparation Execution Checklist
• Cardboard prototype can be executed anywhere. • Be clear about your objective Function Vs. Aesthetic.
• Material like wood, plastic and metal require basic Function should be determined first.
workshop facilities. • Make it at the right size. Full size or ≤ to ¼.
• CNC (Computer Numerical Control) like 3D printing, • Iterate, try low quality prototype before starting high-
laser cutting, lathes require specific infrastructures that end prototyping techniques.
are available locally.

TEST Template
• Most standard product have suggested measurement
you can find on the internet. You can download base
• Functional Prototype blueprint for all most anything.
It aims in understanding if the basic usability challenges • For many products it is a common practice to re-design
have been solved and the user is comfortable using the over the existing one. Products volumes does not
design. always change radically. Thus, you can re-use existing
products to re-design over it.
• Aesthetical Prototype
Demonstrate the prospective look and feel of the brand
experience. Aesthetical prototype need to create the
whaaa! effect.

To proceed comparative testing of your design with

competitor’s product it is advised to remove brand
elements to avoid – Brand bias.
Service Image
A unique picture that describe at once all the interaction
possibilities with the design. The service image illustrate the
main functions of a product, service, system or space. Graphic
design helps in presenting the design in a compelling manner.

TOOL Process
• Service Image is an illustration that would content a • Identify the central object for your composition.
central object which is determined by you. The central • Determine the size of other gravitational objects around
object would be the product or system that has most your central object.
touch point with the user. • Select the function of your design you wish to
• Other elements that interact with the central object emphasis.
can gravitate around. • Find systematic way of labelling elements and providing
• Hierarchy of information is important; objects size details.
determine their importance. • Icon could be part of your design by symbolically
• The whole picture need to adopt a seamless design representing functionalities.
language. Typography, color, graphic elements.
Preparation Execution Checklist
• The storyboard is a graphical technique that helps in • Make sure your service image include the most
understanding user tasks across a specific process of important touch point for the user.
execution. E.g.: Driving through a fast food chain would • Prioritize functions you wish to detail.
include a sequence of tasks to reach the desired • Use a systematic design language.
outcome for the user. • Have a marketing approach for presenting the solution.

TEST Template
• Marketing illustration are the best inspiration material
• Design show to create service images.
If your approach is to reveal a new design to the public • Representing all functions in a single page can be
and collect their feedback. The service image would be challenging. You may find help in using tools like Mental
well appropriate as it does not cost much and allow any Map to bring information about visual hierarchy.
user to understand what your design is about. • Get inspiration from graphic design workshop to find
design elements that could contribute to your design.
• Comparative design
Service image is also used to compare a solution to
another. It is particularly useful when businesses want to
develop different alternatives before going for the best
Experience Prototype
The experience prototype aims in materializing a series of
touchpoints with the user in such way that we can understand
what the experience will be. From the experience prototype
designers discover new insights they need to take for account in
the design of a Product, Service, System or Space.

TOOL Process
• This tool focus on customer’s touch point. Which • As general rule you want to fail early at low cost. That
means the key instances where customer has a means that you do not want to invest your time in
relationship with the system we are designing. detailing your design and then realize that you went
• Designing an experience prototype does not means wrong. Thus, we suggest that you keep trying solutions
that you need to design all screen. Only the most at low cost before moving towards advanced prototype
important screen. However you must design these techniques.
screen in a sequence you can narrate as a story. • Here is a proposed sequence of tools, feel free to try
• There is multiple possibilities to design an experience other techniques.
prototype. It can be by drawing, digital images, • Hand drawing
pictures or a mix of all. • PowerPoint
• Photoshop
Preparation Execution Checklist
• Make sure you have plenty of stationary to work with. • Be sure you prioritize the user touch point and focus on
• Collect template from the internet about screen size, the main functions of your design.
best practices for print, signage, etc. as your design • Put yourself on the shoes of your user while designing.
suggest. • Ask your neighbors if they understand your design.
• Once again, on the internet you can find plenty of icons, • Take comments and suggestions seriously do not feel
buttons, design elements you can use for your design. offended.

TEST Template
• There is plenty of template you can find on the internet
• Test early, fail early and cheaply. for this exercise.
• Design a test protocol. That means a sequence of
questions and tasks you would execute with every • Keywords:
users. • PowerPoint interface template
• Ask the user to test your prototype. Do not explain how • Mobile phone screen template
it work. Just ask the user what he understand from • Wireframe design
what you are presenting to him.
• Ask the question: • Software:
• What do you think it is about? • Axure
• What do you think you can do with this? • Keynotopia
• How does it work? • Flash
• Is it the way you would like to do things?
• Do you find it useful?
• Etc.

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