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Class Period: [Insert

teacher name]
End of Semester: Student Survey

This is an anonymous survey designed to help your teacher improve the
class for the next semester, Please be honest and take the time to read each
statement carefully and consider your experiences, feelings and opinions about this
specific class before checking a box that best describes how you feel about each
individual statement.

Statement Strongl Disagre Neither Agree Strongly

y e agree or agree
disagre disagre
e e
Example: I read almost every day at home. X
1. I understand our class wide goals for this

2. Because of my teacher, I think more about

going to college.

3. If I see another student struggling with

our work, I will try to help them.

4. My teacher seems to believe in my ability

to be successful.

5. I often feel like this class has nothing to do

with real life outside of school.

6. My teacher makes learning enjoyable.

7. I feel smart when I am in this class.

8. Being in this class makes me feel

frustrated or upset.

9. What I am learning in this class will help

me in my life.

10. I work hard to attend this class every


11. During group work I am comfortable

working with almost anyone in the class.

12. Students in this class treat the teacher

with respect.

13. This class does not keep my attention—I

get bored.

14. I frequently put in time after school

(homework, studying, etc) to better

understand the material in this class.
15. I have individual goals for what I set out
to achieve in this class.

16. This class is a happy place for me to be.

17. In this class, I stop trying when the work

gets hard.

18. My teacher in this class makes me feel

that s/he really cares about me.

19. Student behavior in this class is a


20. My teacher knows me as an individual

(my likes, dislikes, etc).

21. Our class stays busy and doesn’t waste


22. I believe that I can be successful in my

next [INSERT CONTENT] class.

23. What we learn on a daily basis is

important to our class goals.

24. Students in this class don’t get to say

much about what we think, we mostly listen.

25. I have done my best quality work in this

class all semester long.

Short Response:
26. What changes, if any, would you recommend to this class for next
semester? Focus your answer on changes that will support student
learning and a positive classroom environment.

27. Besides improving in (insert content area), what have you learned in
this class that will help you succeed in school and life?

28. Open feedback: Please use this space to share any additional
comments or feedback.

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