2002 MERRIAM - TOC Qualitative Research in Practice - Examples For Discussion and Analysis

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Qualitative research in practice: examples for discussion and analysis

06-2002 464p. Paperback
Qualitative research (QR) is the method of inquiry that seeks to understand soci
al phenomena within the context of the participants' perspectives and experience
s. The research methods of QR are more flexible, responsive, and open to context
ual interpretation than in quantitative research, which uses inventory, question
naire, or numerical data to draw conclusions. In Qualitative Research in Practic
e, Sharan Merriam combines discussions of the types of QR with examples of resea
rch studies and reflections by the researchers themselves. An important resource
for students and practitioners of QR, the book may be used as a companion to an
y general text on QR.

The Editor.
The Contributors.
>>> Part One: The Nature of Qualitative Inquiry.
1. Introduction to Qualitative Research (Sharan B. Merriam).
2. Assessing and Evaluating Qualitative Research (Sharan B. Merriam).
>>> Part Two: Examples of Qualitative Research for Discussion and Analysis.
3. How Cultural Values Shape Learning in Older Adulthood: The Case of Malaysia (
Sharan B. Merriam, Mazanah Muhamad).Do All These People Have To Be Here? Reflect
ions on Collecting Data in Another Culture (Sharan B. Merriam).
4. Spirituality and Emancipatory Adult Education in Women Adult Educators for So
cial Change (Elizabeth J. Tisdell).Researching One's Passions: The Perils and Po
ssibilities (Elizabeth J. Tisdell).
5. A Phenomenological Study of In-Church and Televised Worship (Richard F. Wolff
).Self-Reflection: An Essential Quality for Phenomenological Researchers (Richar
d F. Wolff).
6. A Phenomenological Investigation of ""Good"" Supervision Events (Vaughn E. Wo
rthen, Brian W. McNeill).Phenomenological Research and the Making of Meaning (Va
ughn E. Worthen).
7. Development of Professional School Counselor Identity: A Grounded Theory (Pam
elia E. Brott, Jane E. Myers).My Journey with Grounded Theory Research (Pamelia
E. Brott).
8. A Conceptual Model of Multiple Dimensions of Identity (Susan R. Jones, Marylu
K. McEwen).Becoming Grounded in Grounded Theory Methodology (Susan R. Jones).
9. The Role of the School in the Assimilation of Immigrant Children: A Case Stud
y of Arab-Americans (Ernestine K. Enomoto, Mary Antony Bair).Reflections of Our
Own Inner Lives (Ernestine K. Enomoto, Mary Antony Bair).
10. Jermaine: A Critical Case Study of a Gifted Black Child Living in Rural Pove
rty (Thomas P. Hébert, Teresa M. Beardsley).Reflections on My Research Experience w
ith Jermaine and His Community (Thomas P. Hébert).
11. The Ethnography of an Electronic Bar: The Lesbian Café (Shelley J. Correll).Ref
lections of a Novice Researcher (Shelley J. Correll).
12. Hard and Heavy: Gender and Power in a Heavy Metal Music Subculture (Leigh Kr
enske, Jim McKay).""You're Researching What?"" The Importance of Self in Ethnogr
aphic Research (Leigh Krenske).
13. Stories of One's Own: Nonunitary Subjectivity in Narrative Representation (L
eslie Rebecca Bloom).From Self to Society: Reflections on the Power of Narrative
Inquiry (Leslie Rebecca Bloom).
14. Cathy: The Wrong Side of the Tank (Juanita Johnson-Bailey).Dancing Between t
he Swords: My Foray into Constructing Narratives (Juanita Johnson-Bailey).
15. Tootle: A Parable of Schooling and Destiny (Nicholas C. Burbules).Tootle Rev
isited: Fifteen Years Down the Track (Nicholas C. Burbules).
16. The Politics of Consumer Education Materials Used in Adult Literacy Classroo
ms (Jennifer A. Sandlin).Structure and Subjectivity: Reflections on Critical Res
earch (Jennifer A. Sandlin).
17. Exposed Methodology: The Body as a Deconstructive Practice (Wanda S. Pillow)
.Looking Back to Move Forward: Reflections on How I Did Research Impacts What I
Know Now (Wanda S. Pillow).
18. Methodology in the Fold and the Irruption of Transgressive Data (Elizabeth A
. St. Pierre).Troubling the Categories of Qualitative Inquiry (Elizabeth A. St.
19. Reflections on Doing Qualitative Research (Sharan B. Merriam).
Name Index.Subject Index. "

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