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While Loops

A while loop continues repeating it’s body while the <condition> is true. Another way of saying
this is it continues looping until the <condition> is no longer met.

while (<condition>) {

public class WhileLoops {
public static void main (String args[]) {
//example 1: counts from 0 to 100
int count = 0; //declares and initializes the counter variable
while (count<=100) {
count++; //count=count+1

//example 2: counts downwards from 500 to 50 by 25

count = 500 //initializes count
while (count >= 50) {
count-=25; //count = count - 25

//example 3: Get a minimum from the user. Show all values from
the minimum up to 100.
Scanner keyb = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter the minimum: ");
int count = keyb.nextInt();
while (count<101) {

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