Ezra D. Gambican MTH 1:30 - 3:30

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GAMBICAN MTH 1:30 – 3:30

EZRA D. GAMBICAN MTH 1:30 – 3:30

A. Compare and contrast the gains earned by the world from the current period of Globalization from the gains earned
during the Cold War between the former Soviet Union and the United States.

Today, Globalization expanded trade spurs the spread of technology, innovation, and the communication of ideas. The best ideas
from market leaders spread more easily. Competition from abroad drives US firms to improve their products. Consumers have
better products and more choices as a result. Larger markets enable companies to reach more customers and get a higher return on
the fixed costs of doing business, like building factories or conducting research. Technology firms have taken special advantage of
their innovations this way. Globalization also encourages each country to specialize in what it produces best using the least amount
of resources, known as comparative advantage. This concept makes production more efficient, promotes economic growth, and
lowers prices of goods and services, making them more affordable especially for lower-income households.

In the past, The Cold War between the former Soviet Union and the United States it produced Balance of Power. Bipolarity
ensured balance of power. No country could be subjected to submission forcefully by any super power as happening in the present
international political environments. Although the Cold War had some negative influences on international community, the
World’s Economic Condition was later greatly improved by the military build-up induced by the Cold War, execution of the
American Marshall Program, the atomic weapons competition, the space competition, and the International Military build up
created Global Political Stability and Economic Prosperity. There are also technologies that are produced by the Cold War that are
still valuable today.

The World benefited both from the Cold War and Globalization. Trade and investment increased, while barriers to migration and
to cultural exchange were lowered. The world became more interconnected. The main difference between the two is that Cold War
provoked the fear of “Nuclear Conflagration” that would annihilate the whole world while Globalization connected different parts
of the world closer together; it had also manifested itself in imperialism. It had often provoked fierce opposition on the part of
nations and individuals that wished to preserve their traditional loyalties and ways of life.

B. Is Globalization a better alternative to the Cold War between the two superpowers? Support your answer.

Globalization is a better alternative to the Cold War between the two superpowers because it is more peaceful than resorting to
Cold War, Globalization is a better alternative between the two superpowers because it represents worldwide integration of foreign
trade, finance, information technology and cultures. Globalization unlike Cold War is designed to move economies domestically
and internationally to promote growth and increase standard of living for their people.
EZRA D. GAMBICAN MTH 1:30 – 3:30

The two countries should resort to Globalization rather the Cold War because economically, it promotes better goods and services
and the economical resources of capital, technology, and information. All of these improvements have been major factors in
globalization and have generated more interdependence of economic and social activities around the world. On the other hand,
Cold War is much more radical and it can cause much more violent competition between the two countries.

C. Read about the current trade war between the United States and China and understand what you did in the blank map. Is
there a new Cold War between China and the United States at present? Support your answer. If your answer is “Yes,”
describe the differences between this “new” Cold War (USA vs. China) and the “old” Cold War (USA vs. Soviet Union).

Yes, there is a new Cold War between China and the United States. However, this new cold war will be less of an Ideological
based dispute like the cold War that dominated 20th century politics. This new cold War will be about power, with Ideology
relevant, but not the driving force. In the 20th century, the USSR and the west clashed over which Ideology was worse, capitalism
or communism. This new cold war will have two sides with opposite objectives: the west who will want to maintain the status quo
with the USA at the top of the world order, and China wanting to remove the status quo and put China on top.

While Ideology may not be the driving force in this dispute, it will be a force. My belief is that many authoritarian regimes, or
governments under US led sanctions will turn towards the military and economic power-driven China due to similar government
structure and because it is locked in this dispute with the west. This cold war will also increasingly test both sides readiness in an
increasingly useful space between peace and war. This grey zone involves tools such as propaganda and disinformation, weapons
in their own right yet do not directly kill. The nature of this Cold War is very different from the last one with the USSR. The
differences between the U.S. vs USSR Cold War and the U.S. vs China Cold War is that The U.S. and China are heavily
interdependent on each other. Look at bilateral trade, capital flows, cross border supply chains, offshoring, outsourcing, and
technology transfer. The US and USSR were not economically interdependent on each other. This economic interdependence
severely limits the steps that each nation can take against the other. One key difference is that acquiring the ideological supremacy
was primary objective of both the superpowers, viz. USA and USSR, in cold war, whereas in case of new cold war, ideological
considerations are absent. China wants to gain economic supremacy while Russia wants to check and subdue the military
dominance of USA in global politics. Also, symmetry is lacking between USA and China when it comes to military dominance
though China is trying vigorously to match the military capabilities with USA. Events of cold war were manifested in various
proxy wars, confrontations like the one during Cuban missile crisis, race for development of nuclear weapons etc. However, the
new cold war, with the emergence of non-conventional warfare techniques, trade and tariff wars, hacking and other non-
conventional warfare devices are used to subdue each other power.
EZRA D. GAMBICAN MTH 1:30 – 3:30

The Chinese wants a bigger economy, a more powerful military, and a larger say in world affairs. U.S-China contradiction will
exist for the next decade, China wants to become the most powerful country in the world but the US don't want this happen at all.
Those democratic states don’t want this happen either. This new cold war between China and the US is now presenting in a
different way such as “Trade and Technological War”.

D. What world order would you prefer - a world order dominated by USA or a world order dominated by China? Support
your answer.

I prefer a world dominated by United States of America than a world dominated by China. Democracy over Communism.
There are plenty of reason why China should not have control over the world order. They manipulated the Silk Road to make
the entire world a market for their goods just like what the British Empire did during their colonial times destroyed local
industries to colonies forcing the colonies to buy British products at really high prices. China will completely flood these
markets with goods without providing the countries the capabilities or job to let them get ahead. China’s territory has actually
expanded after the CCP take over. A visible proof of the countries’ imperialistic ambitions, China also continues to bully
their neighboring countries in South China Sea, they continue to claim territories that do not belong to them. They use their
military dominance to bully weaker countries. We also need to know that China is rampantly abusing Muslim Uyghurs’,
forcing them to abandon their belief and accept the Chinese Ideology, there are also reports that they are sent to
“Concentration Camps” that is disguised as “Re-Education Camps” by the CCP. Imagine what will China do to other Muslim
Dominated Countries if they dominate the world order. A world dominated by China will literally have no freedom of
speech, we all know how China manipulates and controls the media.

There are plenty of reason why I prefer a world order dominated by USA. “Uncle Sam” did a lot for the world to be better.
They stopped one of the most ruthless empires in human history (USSR) in which over 30 million humans were slaughtered
by their own leader, in which no one had any rights and could be murdered, raped or tortured with impunity. After the World
War II they provide incentives to Europeans and Japan and Korea to rebuild themselves. The other great victor of WWII like
the USSR slaughtered their former enemies and even murdered their people. United States of America helped establish and
legitimize the United Nations and a whole bunch of organizations many under the UN like the UNICEF, UNESCO, IMF, the
World Bank. United States of America even with its flaws, values Human Rights, Justice, and Equality that is why I will
always choose them over China.

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