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TAXATION- it is the process or means by which the sovereign  Taxes cannot be subject to set-off or compensation

(independent state), through its law making body (the since claim for taxes is not a debt or contract. A
legislature), imposes burdens upon subjects and objects distinguishing feature of a tax is that it is compulsory
within its jurisdiction for the purpose of raising revenues to rather than a matter of bargain.
carry out the legitimate objects of government. D. Right to select objects (subject) of taxation
PURPOSES OF TAXATION  The power to tax is essentially legislative in nature.
Primary Purpose Hence, the right to select the objects/subjects of
Revenue or Fiscal Purpose - To provide funds or property with taxation rests with the Congress.
which to promote the general welfare of its citizens and to
enable it to finance its multifarious activities. Basis of Taxation: BENEFITS RECEIVED or RECIPROCITY
Secondary Purpose THEORY
Regulatory Purpose or Sumptuary/Compensatory- While the
primary purpose of taxation is to raise revenue for the  Basis is the reciprocal duties of protection and
support of the government, taxation is often employed as a support between the state and its inhabitants.
devise for regulation or control (implementation of State’s  The state collects taxes from the subjects of taxation
police power) by means of which certain effects or conditions in order that it may be able to perform the functions
envisioned by the government may be achieved such as: of government.
 Promotion of General Welfare  The citizens, on the other hand, pay taxes in order
 Reduction of Social Inequality that they may be secured in the enjoyment of the
 Economic Growth benefits of organized society. This theory spawned
THEORY AND BASIS OF TAXATION the Doctrine of Symbolic Relationship which means,
taxes are what we pay for civilized society.
all powers of the government.
 The power of taxation proceeds upon the theory
that the existence of government is necessity  Comprehensive- as it covers persons, businesses,
(“Necessity Theory”). It is necessary burden to activities, professions, rights and privileges.
preserve the State’s sovereignty and a means to give  Unlimited- in the absence of limitation prescribed by
the citizenry an army to resist aggression, a navy to law of the constitution, the power to tax is unlimited
defend its shores from invasion, a corps of civil and comprehensive.
servants to serve, public improvements for the  Plenary- as it is complete; BIR may avail of the
enjoyment of the citizenry and those which come certain remedies to ensure collection of taxes
within the State’s territory and facilities and  Supreme- in so far as the selection of the subject of
protection which a government is supposed to taxation
 The power of taxation is essential because the ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF A TAX
government can neither exist nor endure without
taxation “Taxes are the lifeblood of the government A. It is an enforced contribution
and their prompt and certain availability is an B. It is generally payable in money
imperious need” (Lifeblood Doctrine) C. It is proportionate in character
D. It is levied on persons, property, or the exercise of a
Manifestation of LIFEBLOOD THEORY right or privilege (subjects or objects of taxation
E. It is levied by the law-making body of the state
A. Rule of “No Estoppel against the Government” F. It is levied for public purpose
 The state cannot be stopped by the neglect of its
agents/officers ASPECTS OF TAXATION
 Erroneous application and enforcement of law by
public officers do not block the subsequent correct
application of statutes (Executive
B. Collection of taxes cannot be enjoined (stopped) by function)
 no court, except the Court of Tax Appeals (through
administrative remedies when collection could
jeopardize the interest of the government or
C. Taxes could not be the subject of compensation or 1. LEVYING
set-off (ligislative function)
3. Excise- tax which does not fall within the
classification of a poll tax or a property tax. This is a
1NATURES/CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STATE’S POWER TO tax on the exercise of certain rights and privileges
TAX (income tax, estate tax, donor’s tax)

1. It is inherent in sovereignty BURDEN

2. It is legislative in character
3. Exemption of government entities, agencies and 1. Direct- tax which is demanded from the person who
instrumentalities. also shoulders the burden of tax or tax which the
4. International comity (polite and friendly agreement taxpayer cannot shift to another
among nations) 2. Indirect- tax which is demanded from one person in
5. Limitation of territorial jurisdiction the expectation and intention that he shall indemnify
6. Strongest among the inherent powers of the state himself at the expense of another

Exceptions to non-delegation rule: AMOUNT

a. Delegation as provided for in the 1987 Constitution 1. Specific- tax of fixed amount imposed by the head or
such as “delegation to the president” under section number or by some standard of weight or
28 article vi stating that the congress may authorize, measurement
by law, the president to fix, within specified and 2. Ad valorem- tax of fixed proportion of the value of
subject to such limitations and restrictions as it may the property with respect to which the tax is
impose: assessed
 Tariff rates
 Import and export quotas PURPOSE
 Tonnage and wharfage of dues
 Other duties and imposts within the framework of 1. Primary, Fiscal, or Revenue Purpose- tax imposed
the national development program of the solely for the general purpose of the government
government 2. Secondary, Regulatory, Special or Sumptuary
b. The power of local government units to impose taxes Purpose- tax imposed for a specific purpose
and fees is always subject to the limitations which
congress may provide, the former having no RATE
inherent power to tax
 Power to value property 1. Proportional- tax based on a fixed percentages of
 Power to assess and collect taxes amount of the property, receipts, or other basis to
 Power to perform details of computation, be taxed
appraisement or adjustment, among others. 2. Progressive or graduated- tax the rate of which
increases as the tax base or bracket increases
CLASSIFICATION OF TAXES 3. Regressive- tax the rate of which decreases as the
tax or bracket increases
1. National- imposed by the national government
(income tac, estate tac, donor’s tac, VAT, etc) A. Fiscal Adequacy- the fundamental purpose of
2. Local- imposed by local government units such as taxation if to raise the revenue necessary to fund
municipal corporation (real estate tax, professional public services
tax receipts) B. Theoretical Justice or Equity- ability to pay principle
C. Administrative Feasibility- tax laws must be capable
OBJECT of effective and efficient enforcement. A good tax
system requires informed stakeholder who
1. PERSONAL. POLL OR CAPITATION- tax of fixed understand how taxes are assessed, collected and
amount imposed upon individual, whether citizens complied with
or not, residing within a specified territory without
regard to their property or the occupation in which LIMITATIONS ON THE STATES’S POWER TO TAX
he may be engaged (community tax)
2. PROPERTY- imposed on property whether real of The restriction arising from the very nature of the power to
personal in proportion either to its value or in tax itself. Inherent limitations are those limitations which
accordance with some other reasonable method of exist despite the absence of an express constitutional
appointment (real estate tax) provision.

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