Tracer Study

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The graduates of Bachelor of Science in criminology of Collegio de Amore SY

2010 to 2018: a tracer study

Chapter 1
The Problem and its background

Bachelor of Science in Criminology is a promising course wherein students are
given a chance to serve people and practice, guide people and most importantly is to
protect our sovereignty. This degree can obtain job in policy work, research and others
too. The choice of a career is, therefore, not merely a decision of a moment: it is a
complex and difficult process that spans a number of years (Ginsburg, 2009) if not
Nowadays, various schools are evenly existing producing thousands of
graduates. Tracer studies are useful tools to get further information and to have
knowledge about the course and the school. This tracer study aimed at providing
information regarding whereabouts of the graduates as well as the school to have an
adjustment with the help of feedbacks from the criminology graduates in Collegio De
The study also provides information which can help others in assessing them for
choosing the same course because of the availability of the job.


This study sought to answer to the following questions:
1. what is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 age
1.2 gender
1.3 civil status
1.4 professional examinations passed
1.5 present occupation
1.6 Place of work
1.7 First job after college
1.8 Job level position

2. What are the reasons for employment/ unemployment?

3. How long is the period in searching for a job from the date of graduation?
This study aims to determine the employment status of the Bachelor of Science
in Criminology graduates from 2010 to 2018. The study is also concerned of what type
of employment the graduates have gain and whether they have productive and high
salary jobs.
The up surge in number of college of Criminology graduates, employment
opportunities for students have become competitive. In lines with the mission of Collegio
de Amore which is to provide a center of excellence for human resource development in
academics and technological disciplines, the university evaluates the means on how its
graduates shall fare with their employment scene after the training. It is in this respect
and context that the study was conducted.



1. what is the profile
of the respondents
in terms of:
1.1 age
1.2 gender
1.3 civil status Analysis of data gather base on
1.4 professional questioners the interview and
examination answered by the questionnaire
s passed respondents
1.5 present
1.6 Place of
1.7 First job
after college
1.8 Job level

2. What are the

reasons for
3. How long is the
period in searching
for a job from the
One of the important ways of evaluating the effectiveness of an educational
institution is to keep track of its graduates. It is necessary to find out whether they are
employed, unemployed or they are in the field where they want.
The relevant data which will gathered in this study will be of value to the

The findings and recommendations would be used objectively to inspire and
encourage the alumni to help and recommend their fellow graduates to job vacancies
because they are provided with objective information that the graduates are well
prepared for employment.

Instructors may use the result of this study to measure the quality and relevance
of they have been teaching. It will give insight to instructors as to which criminology
subject should be strengthen and modified to adapt with the demands of the current
criminology profession.

Both government and private sectors could make use of the result as a pring
board in the recruitment, selection and placement of highly-skilled criminology

Parents and community

The information derived from this study can help parents became aware that their
investment with their children’s education are paying off while the community benefits
with better trained students and employed graduates.

The researchers will benefit from the result of this study because the research
methodology, statistical tools, as well as the findings, conclusion and recommendations
of this study can be used as their basis when conducting similar or related studies in the

Criminology students
The end-product of this research will help the aspiring criminologist discover the
quality of the curriculum, adequacy of school facilities, the competency of academic
instructors of Collegio de Amore in preparing the students, and the kinds of employment
waiting for them after they graduates.


The study focus only to the Bachelor of Science in criminology graduates of
Collegio de Amore from SY 2010 to 2018.
This focus on the demographic profile, educational background, trainings and
advance studies attended and employment of Criminology graduates. The study will be
confine to all the criminology graduates from SY 2010 to 2018. The registrar will be the
primary source of information I this study where reliable records of the graduates are

The following have been used as follows:
Criminologist - It refers to a person who is graduate of criminology and passed the
criminology licensure examination.
Criminology - It refers to the entire body of knowledge regarding crimes and criminals
and the effort of society to repress and apprehend them or a scientific study of crimes
and criminals.
Employability - It refers to the position of skills and knowledge that allow individuals to
be employed in an occupation, or the fitness or availability for employment (Barnhart
and Barnhart, 1987, 692).
Employability skills - This is defined as skills required not only to gain employment,
but also to progress within an enterprise so as to achieve ones potential and contribute
successfully to enterprise strategic directions.
Tracer study - It refers to the type of descriptive research that investigates graduates
who had left the institution after completing the course or field of specialization. It is
concerned with what has happened to them and what has been the impact upon that
institution and its program.
Underemployed - It refers to employed graduates whose work requires less training
and qualification than their educational preparation and training.
Unemployed - It refers to the graduates who are not gainfully working and receiving
monetary compensation.



Tracer study is an approach which widely use in most organization especially in
the educational institution to track and to keep record of their students once they have
graduated from the institution. Through tracer study, an institution able to evaluate the
quality of education given to their graduates placements and positions in the society
which later can be use a benchmark in producing more qualified and competitive
graduates. As specified in the book of labor economics by Cristobal M.
Ross (2000) mentioned that industries complain that new recruits from schools
sometimes do not have the basic tools that are required. The skills mostly in demand by
the employers, as measured by the wide range of skills asked of future employees, are
typically the least in supply, as measured by the skills, abilities and competencies that
university graduates bring to the job. He emphasized that the goal of education is to
equip children to the best of their ability, for a lively, constructive place in society, and
also to fit them to do a job for work.
Cameron and Chickering (1996) pointed out that the notion of employability skills
development in the university environment continues to challenge traditional thinking
and concepts on higher education and raises the question of the role a university
graduates to adapt according this poses a problem for universities because of growing
dichotomy between the purposes of education for employment and education primarily
based on content knowledge for its own sake. Current students view the purpose of
university education as a step to career preparation.
Allen (1998) presented two contending theories about the role of advance
education in the evolving world economy. These theories are the common view and the
Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. According to the common
view, high unemployment and falling incomes due to globalization and the pressure of
imports from low wage countries characterize the new world economy.

The tracer study methodology was first developed in IPEC in 2003-2004 as part
of the project “Measuring Longer Term Impact on Children and Families through
Tracer/Tracking Methodology.” It was piloted in six locations. The lessons learned in the
implementation of the six original tracer studies, helped to adjust the tracer study
methodology. The improved methodology was then used to carry out six further tracer
studies which were implemented during a period of two years (2010-2011). This was
part of the global project, “Impact Assessment Framework: Follow up to Tracer and
Tracking” (IAF).

Data gathering instrument

The major instrument use in gathering the data is the questionnaire. The instrument
used was formulated based on the questionnaire from CHED for its own tracer study.
Minor revisions were done to the original questionnaire to meet, the objectives of the
present study. The instrument was used on the presumption that respondents are
literate, and clearly motivated and willing to participate.


In this study, the researcher included as part of the study the profile of the
respondents as to their age, gender, civil status and educational attainment

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