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Name: Ramil L.

Villotes year/section: BSIT 1D

Instructor: Raymond Juanir Date: September 29, 2020


1. What have you observe while doing the exercise?

 I observe that my muscle contract, my body begun to warm and sweaty.
And I feel my heart pounding so fast.

2. Which part of your muscle contracts?

 With the exercises that I performed I think all of muscle in my body

3. Can you sustain each exercise within a minute?

 I think there are some of those exercises that I can’t sustain in a minute,
like push-ups and leg lift, because during the exercise I feel my legs and
arms numb and I feel that I could not even reach 30 seconds while doing
push-ups and leg lift. But the rest I can sustain it.

4. Did you feel the pain in your body?

 During the exercise I don’t felt any pain but after, I feel exhausted and
muscle soreness.

5. How often do you think you have to exercise?

 I think I should exercise every day because it can help me to have
healthy and develop strong body. Every day exercise is good as long as
you’re not pushing yourself too hard or getting obsessive about it.

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