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23rd September, 2020

Ana Nedelcu

1 The Big Bang Theory – was initiated in the 1929 by the American astronomer
Edwin Hubble. Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson of Bell Telephone Laboratories
sustained it in 1965. According to the above-mentioned scientists, the Universe was
inside an extremely hot mass bubble 14 billion years ago. The Universe was smaller
than the tip of a pen.
It suddenly exploded, so time, space and matter emerged. In a fraction of second,
what we now call Universe started growing faster than the speed of light and it is still
growing today. As the Universe expanded, clouds of gas and dust began to condense
and rotate due to changes in pressure.
Thus, the Milky Way galaxy was formed, along with other stars, the sun, planets and
satellites. The rocky planets, including Earth, were near the sun and the gaseous
planets were in more distant orbits.
The expansion of the Universe can be compared to that of a cake with raisins sitting
in an oven. Raisins inside begin to spread apart from each other. In a similar way,
galaxies are moving away from Earth.

2 Religious beliefs on how the Universe was created

Christianity – The earth was formless and empty. Darkness was all over the surface
of the deep. The Spirit of God was above the waters. God created the heavens and the
earth in seven days.
On the first day, God ordered to be light. He separated the light from the darkness and
named them day and night.
On the second day, God made the sky. On the third day, God produced vegetation. On
the fourth day, God made the sun, the moon and the stars. On the fifth day, God
created the birds and the creatures of the sea. On the sixth day, God created the rest of
the animals that live on land and the human beings: male and female. They were
supposed to rule over all the earth. On the seventh day, god rested after all the work
He had done.
The first man, Adam, was given a woman named Eve who was created from one of
Adam’s ribs. They lived in a beautiful garden in the east, in Eden. The serpent
deceived the woman into thinking that by eating an apple, the fruit of knowledge, she
will become like God. The serpent was punished to crawl, while Adam and Eve were
banished from Eden. They realized they were naked, so God made clothes for them
out of leaves.
Adam and Eve were told to populate the earth. They had two children: Cain and Abel.
Abel was a kind man who worshipped God by offering a sacrifice from his crops but
Cain was a mean man who was jealous of his brother. He murdered Abel and was sent
far away with a sign on his body that meant God’s protection over him. Cain went to
live east of Eden, in the land of Nod. He got married and had a baby whom he named
Enoch. He also founded a city that bore his son’s name.
Cain was a mean man who was jealous of his brother. He murdered Abel and was sent
far away with a sign on his body that meant God’s protection over him. Cain went to
live east of Eden, in the land of Nod. He got married and had a baby whom he named
Enoch. He also founded a city that bore his son’s name.
Adam and Eve had another child called Seth, who had a son, who had another son and
so on. When the evil and violent humanity reached up to Noah, a fearful man of God,
God caused a flood to happen. It rained for forty days and nights. Noah and his
children together with their wives were saved inside the big ark they had built on
God’s command.
Later on, the descendants of Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or Israel became God’s
people. They were called Israelites or Hebrews and were different from the rest of the
people on earth because God was their ruler or king.
The humanity was evil in God’s sight, so He decided to save the humanity from the
burden of their sins by sending His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, who died on a
cross as an evildoer. Whoever believes in Him shall not perish in fire but have eternal
life, a life that can be lived abundantly in God’s kingdom which is in heaven.
Ancient Inca Religion – The “Creator of All Things” created a world without the
sun, stars and the moon. Everything was dark. He then created giant beings and
humans and ordered them not to argue. They disobeyed and were cursed to be
swallowed by the earth and the sea or to be turned into stone.
Later on, it rained for 6o days and 60 nights. A great flood washed away all the giants
and humans. Only 2 people were kept alive to help the creator in his time of need. Out
of Lake Titicaca, the sun, the moon and the stars were summoned, while out of the old
stones remaining after the great flood, birds, animals and human beings were created.
Some women were painted as being pregnant, others as taking care of their babies.
They were all wearing clothes.
Viracocha carved on stone all the nations, tribes, languages, food and songs and
divided them into groups. He buried them into the ground to wait for his calling. His
helpers traveled across the earth to awaken the people who were lying in caves, rivers,
streams and waterfalls and told them to populate the land.
Viracocha went to the city of Cuzco. Since he was disguised as an old man, people
didn’t recognize him and attacked him. Viracocha forced the mountain nearby erupt.
The Canas knelt before Viracocha and he forgave them. He founded the city of Cuzco
and called forth the lords of the city.
After awakening more people, Viracocha met his helpers on the ocean. He finally
gave humanity a word of advice to be aware of false people who would come and
claim to be the returned Viracocha.
3 Legends about who created the Universe
The Polynesian legend of the creation of the world by the creator god Ta’aroa –
Ta’aroa lived alone in a shell like an egg for millennia. Rumia (Upset) was the name
of the shell. That shell turned into infinite space, neither sky, nor land, nor water, nor
moon, nor sun, nor stars. Ta’aroa had no parents, no siblings. There were no animals,
no birds, no fish.
Ta’aroa caused his shell to crack and went out. He sat on his shell, looked at it and
realized he was all by himself. He cried aloud to find out if there was anybody else
but he received no answer. He could only hear the sound of his voice. He went
swimming faraway in the earth without space.
He returned to Tumu’iti (Small foundation) to Fa’a-iti (Little Valley) inside the shell
and stayed there in the darkness. At the end, Ta’aroa stood on his old shell Rumia. He
became a young man naming himselg Ta’aroa. He grew up and became mature.
He remained for centuries inside Rumia. He created the gods that were born to him in
the dark. So, the sky was called the sky gods. Much later he was Tou Ta’aroa when he
created the man.
Ta’aroa shook his feathers and they became trees, clumps of banana trees and
greenery on earth. The land became farm and the large octopus Tumu-ra’i-fenua
(Terrestrial Sky foundation) was hanging over it. Its tentacles were to the four
cardinal points: north, west, east, south. They maintained the sky against the earth.
Everything belonged to Ta’aroa.

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