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Selling Styles
TASK • Give them all the facts and
FACTS details. • Don’t keep them
LOGIC • Allow plenty of time. waiting!
REASONS • Don't talk down: • Give them a short
get technical. summary of the benefits,
• They like to learn • especially the fast and
• Give information on visible ones like saving
competitors, for time or money
comparison, showing how • Make the process of
you are better. buying easy.
• It covers all the options • “At the next meeting I’ll
• “At the next meeting I’ll have the forms with all
have some options ready for the detail filled in ready
you to look at” for you”

PEOPLE • Get to know them. * Give them a feel, a
FEELINGS • Build a relationship by
EMOTIONS picture, a vision.
listening. * Let them try or touch
• Don't pressurise them. the product, or have
• Self disclose. samples.
• Feel felt found * Point out novelty
• Emphasise safety and after- * Give references &
sales support. stories.
• “This has been very popular, * Make the process fun -
lots of other happy meals out etc.
customers” * Nothing to lose by trying
• Guilt: “I’ve researched and it
prepared everything for * “At the next meeting I’ll
you” bring you some more
• “Looking forward to seeing things to see, perfect for
you at the next meeting” you – and some pictures”

Quiet Assertive
Careful Quick
Take their time Decisive

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