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Like cockroach, grasshopper is a very familiar insect.

Just like Bangladesh

, in the whole world, in green crop fields and vegetable gardens different
grasshoppers roam around alone or in groups. Few species of
grasshoppers are known as locust. These are brown colored medium sized
insects and travel in swarms from one area to another. Sometimes, their
number increases so much that they damage the whole crop field in a
moment. Swarm of insects is a great threat to tropical countries.

Since grasshoppers have exoskeleton made of chitin, a body of three parts

(head,thorax and abdomen), three pairs of joint legs, compound eyes and
one pair of antenna - they are called insecta or insects. Since they jump
and around grass and leaves, they are called grasshoppers. The
grasshopper is of two types: Tettinoidae family with tall antenna &
Acrididiae with short antennae. Poikiliopterus pictus is of aceididiae type
found commonly in our country

In the whole world, till date, almost 20 thousand types of grasshoppers

have been identified. Among the most common species, In BANGLADESH
20 types of species have been discovered . Common species are are
Schistocerca americana, Romaleta microptera , Poekilocerus pictus.

Phylum : Arthropoda
Class : Insecta
Subclass : Pterygota
Order : Orthoptera
Family : Acrididae
Genus : Poekilocerus
Species : Pooekilocerus pictus
Habitat :
Since grasshoppers like to eat grass,leaves, crops and crop leaflets, they
like lower grounds for living. Mainly in every kind of habitations (grasslands,
water forest, pasture land, field, desert, freshwater etc) different species of
grasshoppers are seen. Since in freshwater and mangrove water the level
of water rises and falls and becomes ineligible for the eggs to be laid here,
the grasshoppers do not stay in these areas. In adverse situation huge
number of grasshoppers migrate , even upto 15 km a day.

Food :

Grasshopper is herbivorous animal . Just as they hatch from egg, in their

nymph stage grasshoppers eat small , easily available plants , grass or soft
branches and twigs. After molting for one or two times, when the
grasshopper grows more, it starts to eat solid vegetative foods. Like adults,
young grasshoppers start to take specific vegetative food. Then grass,
leaves, and crops come under main food list. Most of the grasshoppers
take food from different species of plants, few species take food from
specific plants.

The body of grasshopper is narrow, long, cylindrical, and bilaterally

symmetrical. Fully grown grasshoppers measure about 8 cm. The color of
its body is mostly yellowish-green or brown with spots and markings. This
mixed color helps them blend into their environment and protect
themselves from other predators(Camoflauge effect). Besides, there are
few grasshoppers who have bright bluish-yellow color (example:
Poekilokercus pictus).
The body of grasshopper is covered with chitinous cuticle. The exoskeleton
is formed of secretion from Hypodermis and turn the body segments into
hard plates called sclerites.
The joining points of the sclerites are covered by a thin soft membrane
called suture. For the presence of sutures the body parts and organs can
easily move. Since different pigments are there above and below the
cuticle , the coloration is observed in body of grasshopper.
The body of grasshopper is segmented and like other insects is
divided into three parts -

Head - Bears eyes, antenna and mouth apertures.

Thorax - Joins three paired legs and two paired wings and bears
Abdomen - Bears spiracle and genitalia.
Though it looks unsegmented from outside, mainly it is formed of six
embryonic segments. The head a pear, in shape, and like hypognathous,
that is facing downward of mouth aperture under the head. With the help of
a small and elastic throat, the head remains attached with thorax and stays
in the body perpendicularly . With the help of throat grasshopper can move
the head in different directions. The exoskeleton of head is known as head
capsule or epicranium. The exoskeleton of head is divided into few parts -
the triangular area at surface is vertex, situated at two sides are the gena ,
towards forehead is the wide frons and the rectangular plate clypeus under
frons. The head of grasshopper bears one pair of compound eyes, three
simple eyes or ocilli, one pair of antenna and one set of mouth aperture

The head has 4 parts: 1. Compound eye

2. Ocelli
3. Antenna
4. Mouth parts
1. Compound Eye : On each side of head dorso-laterally there is
a compound eye in the first segment . These are uncovered and
occupy a large area of head. When it comes down to vision power
grasshopper is better than any other Arthropod. Most probably
they can also see colorful objects clearly. In case of structure and
efficiency the compound eyes of grasshopper is similar to other
animals like cockroach and prawns. A compound eye is formed of
innumerable ommatidia. Ommatidia is the structural and
functional unit of compound eye.

2. Ocelli : Between the two compound eyes in grasshopper there

are three simple eyes or ocelli ( singular : ocellus ) . Every Ocellus
is thick, transparent cuticular lens and with a bunch of
photosensitive cells. Every cell is rich in pigmenting substances.
Beneath the ocelli there are nerve fibres that enter the brain. In
inside of it there are photosensitive cells which act like Retina.

3. Antenna ( plural antennae ) : In front of grasshopper’s

compound eyes, an antenna from two sides of head extend.
Keeping the antennae in front they can travel without any
discomfort and can move the antennae easily. Moving the
antennae they can sense touch,smell and sound waves. Each
antennae is formed of three parts - specs, pedicle and flagellum.
Pedicle is short and undivided. Flagellum is quite long and divided
into 25 segments.

4. Mouth parts : The shaky, joint appendages are together called

mouth parts. The mouth apertures of grasshopper is situated in
the posterior side of head. Since the mouth parts can chew young
leaves and stems , the mouth parts are called chewing or
mandibulate mouth parts. The mouth parts are five in number -
Labrum, Mandible, Maxilla,Labium and Hypopharynx.
Different mouthparts of grasshopper:

Labrum : It looks like a pressed disc and forms upper lip. Color
may be green,brown or any other color. At its middle portion a fold
can be seen. It helps to keep up foods, push food towards
mandible and intake the taste of foods.
Mandible : The aperture situated on two sides of mouth ,
triangular in structure ,black or brown in color , very hard and bear
‘saw’ like teeth is called mandible or jaw. They help in cutting the
food and chew it.

Maxilla : Behind mandible and towards outside there an

elongated maxila on each side. Every maxilla is divided into few
parts. The most base part is called cardo, then stipes . Then on
stipes there is claw like lacinia and lid like galea which remains
side by side. Beside galea there is maxillary pulp that has five
parts. On this is situated thin fur . Receiving taste of food, keeping
it, entering it inside mouth and chewing thereby- are functions of
maxilla . Maxillary pulp cleans the antenna and frontal part of legs
, prevents food detraction and works as a sensitive organ.

Labium : Below the mouth along the middle portion there is a

labium which contains multiple shuttles. Labium represents a
second pair of maxilla. This is mainly divided into two parts -
mentum and submentum. On each side mentum has two shaky
ligulae at the end and three joint labial pulp. It prevents food from
slipping out and helps entering chewed food. Labial pulp works as
sensitive organ and thus its eligible in choosing right food.

Hypopharynx : Below the labrum there is small,fleshy

hypopharynx or epiglottis . From the edge of labium a membrane
is created which remains joint with the posterior surface of
hypopharynx. Its function is to shuffle foods and mix it with saliva.
A fleshy thorax is joint with the short,narrow and flexible
neck behind the head. The thorax is divided into three parts -
prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax. Posterior surface of
these parts are tergum, anterior part is sternum and lateral
part is pleuron. Theses are joined by thin membrane of
cuticle. The tergum of prothorax is quite big,wide and
extended in posteriorly and laterally. This is called pronotum.
In thorax there are spiracles, legs and wings.
1. Spiracle : In the posterior lateral side of thorax there is a pair of
spiracles . First pair is between pronotum’s front and midthorax and the
second pair is between mid and posterior thorax.

2. Wings : In between mid and posterior thorax i.e. between tergum and
pleuron there is one pair of wings in each side which are covered with thin
cuticle. The wings are primarily form like double membrane walled sac and
later grows fully. Every wing is formed of a lot of tubes and blood vessels .
The structure and function of the two wings are different. Mesothoracic
wings or front wings are quite hard,small,narrow and never help to fly. They
cover the hind wings. That is why they are called Elytra , wing covers or
tegmina. Metathoracic wings are big, wide,membranous,transparent and
help to fly . During relaxation, the hind wings remain covered under the
front wings.
3. Legs : In thorax, in every part there is one pair of legs. Every leg is
divided into five parts : at base there is gross , triangular coxa; then
triangular small trochanter; then long,cylindrical and firm femur; then
narrow tibia and finally tarsus.
Again tarsus is divided into three small segments . These are called
tarsomeres. There is needle like claws on apex of tersus . Besides, there
are small thorny furs in the lateral side of tibia and tarsus. The legs of
grasshoppers are used for locomotion and ascending. But femur is big and
fleshy and used for crossing distance by leaping. Since tibia and tarsus
have hard thorns , they are used for capturing foods.

The abdomen is quite long, narrow and divided into 11 segments.

Every segment has the posterior tergum and in anterior portion
sternum where there is no pleuron. First abdominal segment is
incomplete; because the sternum remains joint with the posterior
thorax. Only tergum is present here.

1.Tympanum: Beside this remains the tympanic membrane

which covers hearing sac in the first segment
2. Spiracle: From the first to eighth segment, on each segment
there are one pair of spiracles.
3. Anal opening and germinal organ: the 9th and 10th segment
tergum is partially and sternum is completely unified. At 11th
segment, tergum forms super anal plate. In male, in 10th segment,
one pair anal cercus is seen. In female, 9th sternum contains
female genital pore. Tubular specialised organ namely Ovipositor
is found in 8th and 9th segment

Comparison between Male and Female Grasshoppers

MALE Female

1. Comparatively smaller in size 1. Comparatively larger

2. Narrow abdomen 2.Abdomen broader

3. Legs shorter 3.Longer legs

4. Male genitalia is on the 9th 4.Pore is made at 8Th and 9th segment
5. Sternum at 9th segment extends to 5.Sternum at 9th segment extends and
become Subgenital plate becomes Ovipositor
Digestive System of Grasshopper
The digestive system of grasshopper is adapted from its food habit. It is formed of two
parts - Alimentary Canal & Digestive Gland.

Alimentary Canal
The Alimentary canal of grasshopper is simple natured and from mouth opening to anus
a single tubular structure represents the canal. For ease of explanation it has been
divided into three parts - Stomadium, Mesenteron & Proctodaeum.
1. Stomadium : This is extended from mouth opening to gizzard as the first part of
alimentary canal. Originating from embryonic ectoderm, the internal wall is formed of
hard chitinous membrane. Main parts of stomadium are :

A. Mouth : This opening is situated at the base of preoral cavity or cibarium. The cavity
remains covered by mouth apertures.
Function : At cibarium food is intaken and mouth work as the entrance gate of food into
the body.

B. Pharynx : The mouth is opened into small tubular and fleshy pharynx.
Function : Through this food travels to oesophagus.

C. Oesophagus : This is a narrow , straight , tubular thin walled cavity behind the
Function : Transports food from mouth to Crop.

D. Crop : The oesophagus inflate into conical and thin walled crop.
Function : Food substances store here for a while . With the contraction and expansion
of crop the food is somewhat mashed and salivary enzyme start the process of

E. Gizzard of Proventriculus : After crop this is a triangular, very hard , thick walled
structure that has six chitinous teeth and six vertical folds . Behind teeth there are hairs
and six pads. After this part there is posteriorly extended valves.
Function : The intense contraction-expansion of gizzard completely breaks down food.
The hairs of pads work as filters during passing down foods to mesenteron and the
valves prevent the food substances from coming to opposite direction.
Mesenteron :
Mesenteron is the thin walled midgut that starts from gizzard and ends up
to the mid of abdomen. It originates from the embryonic endoderm and the
internal wall is covered by peritropic layer instead of cuticle. At the terminal
ends of mesenteron sphincters are present. At the joining of mesenteron
and stomatidium there are six hollow , long, conical sacs. These are gastric
cecaeor hepatic cecae. Every pairs of hepatic cecae is extended in frontal
and back portions. The internal walls of mesenteron is formed of columnar
endodermal cells and forms numerous villi by folding. At the end of
mesenteron there are a innumerable green colored fine hairs on yellow
organoid. These are called malpighian tubules whose main function is to
work as the excretory organ.
Function : In mesenteron lumen food substances are digested and the villi
present in the wall absorb the juices.

Proctodeum or Hindgut :
This is the last part of alimentary canal which originates from the embryonic
ectoderm and internal wall is covered by cuticle. It is formed of the following
4 parts :
Ileum: This is a simple wide tubular structure.
Function : Through its wall digested juice gets absorbed.
Colon: This is a narrow tubular part behind the Ileum.
Function : The remaining part of the digested food gets absorbed here.
Rectum: This is the last part of alimentary canal which is inflated and thick
walled. In its internal wall there are six organoid folds called rectal papilla.
Function : To absorb excess water,mineral salts and amino acid from waste
product and to store undigested food for a time are its function.
Anus: This is situated at the end of the rectum as an opening and opens
into the posterior end of the tenth segment.
Function : Undigested foods are ejected out of the body as faeces through
Digestive Glands

The salivary glands,mesenteric internal layer and hepatic caeca work as

digestive glands in grasshoppers.

Salivary Gland : This is the main digestive gland of grasshopper. Below

the crop the small branched pair of salivary glands are present. The duct of
salivary gland opens into the pharynx.
Function : The secreted saliva of salivary gland helps to swallow and chew
food. In carbohydrate digestion it plays a small role.

Mesenteron or mid-alimentary canal internal layer : There are

innumerable secretary cells in the internal layer of mesenteron which
secrete digestive juice.
Function : The secreted digestive juice plays role in digestion.

Hepatic Caeca : The cone shaped six pairs of long transparent tubes are
called hepatic caeca or gastric caeca which remain in the joining place of
anterior and mid alimentary canal.
Function : From the secretary cells present at the internal wall of hepatic
caeca , digestive juice secrets and help in digestion.

Feeding and Digestion

Food : Grasshopper is completely a herbivorous animal . Grass,

grains, leaves are taken by them as foods. Carbohydrate, protein
, fat - every kind of elements are present in their food.

Feeding Procedure : The mouth aperture of grasshopper is

used only for chewing and that is why the food intaking procedure
is called chewing and their mouth aperture is known as
mandibulate mouth aperture.
Grasshopper at first chooses foods by using maxillary and labial
pulp. Fore-limbs, labrum and labium stick the food . Mandible and
Maxila cut the food into smaller pieces and chew.


Just as the foods enter the oral cavity, saliva starts secreting from
salivary gland. Saliva contains amylase, chitinase and cellulose
enzyme which hydrolyse different carbohydrate type of foods and
digest them partially. Then the food travels to crop. Then it goes
to gizzard. After the partially digested food enters the gizzard the
chitinous teeth mandibulate the food into a paste like form. These
enter the mesenteron after being filtered by the fine hairs of
gizzard. The moltase,triptase,amylase,invertase,lipase etc
enzymes in mesenteron makes the complex food simpler and turn
it into liquid juice. The digested foods get refined in cell walls of
mesenteron and enters the haemocoel to be transported
throughout the whole body.

Undigested food goes to rectum through colon and before it

reaches rectum the excess water, mineral salts,amino acids and
inorganic ions are absorbed. Later solid undigested foods are
released out of the body as faeces.
Blood Circulatory System
In animal body, the process by which all the necessary,nutritious
elements,hormones etc enter the body cell and again the excretory
materials created from digestion go to excretory organ using blood as
medium is called blood circulation. Based on the path of blood , two types
of circulation system are there - Open or lacunar and closed circulation

Open Circulation : In the circulation system where blood circulates from

heart to body and body to heart using cavity is called open circulation. That
is, it doesnt always circulate through blood vessels. Arthropoda,Mollusca
etc animal show open blood circulation.

Closed Circulation : The circulation system where blood always circulate

using blood vessels and heart in a closed circuit and never opens into body
cavity is called closed circulation. In Annelida and all vertebrate animals
closed circulation is seen.

Coelom is found in only in the earlier ohase . in adult body, Mixocoel is

found which is made from blastocoel and coelom. As blood substance
passes through Mixocoel its called Haemocoel and the fluid is haemolymph


Blood present in Heart, blood Blood remains in heart & blood
vessels, sinus vessel
Heart, blood vessels, sinus seen heart & blood vessel seen only
As the blood enters body cavity, its Blood doesn’t enter any cavity
named as haemoceol
Blood directly connects with cells Blood cells don’t mix with cells.
and exchanges nutrition and gas Exchange happens through Plasma
Found in Arthropoda & Mollusca Found in Annelida & Chordata
FROM MAJEDA MAM BOOK: (very important)
Haemolymph: Nutrients of haemolymph:
haemolyph contains 19% of body wt. . High amount of Amino nitrogen,
transparent, 70% water in fluid Mg, Uric acid,
cells: Haemocyte named WBC . Low amount of Sodium-Potassium
Total Haemocyte is 9 milllion . blood sugar- TRIHALOSE
15-60 thousand haemocyte per cubic mm . Blood Lipid- DIGLICERIDE
3 types Haemocyte: a. Gray – 23%
b. Transitional – 68%
According to Arnold, Haemocyte 4 types: 1. Phagocytosis
a. Prohaemocyte 2. Osmotic regulation
b. Plasmahaemocyte 3. Embryonic development
c. Granulocyte
d. Spheriole cell

In grasshopper blood circulation is open type and has three main

divisions - Haemocoel,Haemolymph & Dorsal Vessel .

A.Haemocoel (greek,haima = blood = koila = cavity) : During embryonic

development, the wall of actual coelom split and joins with blastocoel and
become one and in adult animal that joint cavity does not remain covered
with peritonium. Such coelom is called mixocoel. It remains filled with
blood.The haemocoel of grasshopper is divided by two transverse
diaphragm into three sinus . The diaphragm situated along the bottom of
heart is called anterior diaphragm while the one spread above the nervous
system is posterior diaphragm. The three sinus created due to the
presence of these two diaphragm are -

#Pericardial Sinus : This is situated just above the anterior diaphragm.

The heart lies in it.
#Perivisceral Sinus : This is situated just below the anterior diaphragm
and bears the alimentary canal.
#Perineural Sinus : It is situated below the posterior diaphragm. The
nervous system is present here.
The diaphragms are porous and thats why blood can travel from one sinus
to other par need. The posterior diaphragm is also situated inside the legs.

Function : Haemocoel contains different organs,blood and lymphs of body

and using haemocoel food juice and waste material circulate.

B.Haemolymph or blood : The blood of grasshopper is made of colorless

plasma and unlimited floating colorless blood molecules or haemocytes in it
. Since blood of grasshopper remains mixed with lymph in a cavity called
haemocoel , the blood of insects like grasshopper is called haemolymph.
Due to the absence of respiratory pigments like haemoglobin, the
haemolymoh is colorless and does not play role in respiration.

Function : Transporting foodstuff, waste materials, hormones etc , storing

amino acid, carbohydrate , destroying bacterias, helping in coagulation ,
conduction in wing and in molting haemolymph plays role.

C.Dorsal Vessel : In the middle posterior side of body is situated the main
oscillatory organ . This organ is divided into two parts : (i) Ostia less ,
straight, tubular frontal and dorsal Aorta & (ii) Heart. In grasshopper a
long tubular heart is present. The cavity in the posterior middle portion of
thorax and abdomen which hold the heart is called pericardial sinus. The
heart is divided into the covered chamber of every tergum . In every
chamber laterally there is one pair of wide holes. These holes are called
ostia ( singular - ostium ) . There are valve in Ostium that lets blood only to
enter the heart but not leave it. The heart is attached to the tergum by
serially arranged alary muscle.
Mechanism of blood circulation :

For the contraction-expansion of heart and alary muscles blood transport to

different parts of the body of grasshopper. Every chamber of heart
continuously contract and expand like wave. The pulse of heart of
grasshopper is 100 to 110 per minute. The blood circulation process is
described below :

#By the help of alary muscle contraction blood enters pericardial sinus from
perivisceral sinus.

#At this time due to the expansion of heart through ostia blood goes to
heart from pericardial sinus.

#When every chamber of heart gets filled with blood , it contracts . Then
the blood through frontal aorta reaches sinus of brain.

#Then blood being directed posteriorly goes perivisceral sinus and finally to
perineural sinus to throughout the body.

#Due to the action of alary muscle the blood enters pericardial synus from
perivisceral sinus and repeats the cycle.

Comparison between Coelom and Haemocoel

# The coelomic liquid filled cavity between body wall and alimentary canal is
called coelom. On the other hand, between body wall and alimentary canal the
blood filled cavity is called haemocoel.
#The body of coelom do not extend but the haemocoel extend to every organs of
the body.
#Coelom doesnt form any part of blood circulation system. But haemocoel forms
blood circulation system.
#No nutritional elements circulate in coelom but in haemocoel nutritional
elements circulate.
#Along with annelida coelom is found in all chordates. Mollusca and Arhtropoda
have haemocoel.

Respiratory System

Like other terrestrial insects, grasshoppers take oxygen from air

during respiration. The respiratory system of grasshoppers is very
developed and that’s why the ineligibility of bearing oxygen in
blood do not become a big problem. By a fine respiratory canal
called Trachea and it’s branches the Oxygen inhaled from
environment enters the body and reaches the body cells. Carbon-
di-oxide produced from the cells get away in the same path. For
respiration the trachea and it’s branches join and form a special
system called tracheal system. The tracheal system of
grasshopper is formed of the following organs-

1.Spiracle : These are the openings of tracheal system. In body

of grasshopper at both sides in total there are 10 pairs of
spiracles. Among them, two are of thoracic area and remaining
eight are from abdominal area. Every spiracle is oval type hole .
Their edge remain covered by a chitin called peritreme . For the
presence of filter made of fine hairs dust,water, bacteria etc
cannot enter the spiracle path . With muscular control over the
valves the spiracles can be closed or opened. If spiracles remain
closed , water vapor cannot escape the body.

2.Tracheae :
Every spiracle opens into small chambers of atrium. From here
the branched , elastic, ectodermal air canal or trachea originates
which is the main respiratory organ of grasshopper . It is
distributed throughout the whole body. Trachea is formed as the
intermediary of skin. The wall of trachea is made of three layers.
The outer basement membrane made of epidermis, the
epithelium in middle formed of muffled polygonal cells and the
intima made of cuticle as the innermost layer.

By the internal cavity of trachea air passes . In this cavity at

intervals the intima gets thicker and forms rings. These are called
ctenidia. For the presence of ctenidia trachea never gets
compressed. Though most of the branch of trachea remains
scattered in the body like net , there are specific ducts that are
spread in transverse and vertical direction. These are called
tracheal trunk. In total 3 pairs of vertical tracheal trunk are in the
body along the length. For example -

#Lateral Longitudinal Tracheal Trunk

#Dorsal Longitudinal Tracheal Trunk
#Ventral Longitudinal Tracheal Trunk

3.Tracheole : From trachea a fine branch called tracheole

originates. These are one-celled ducteoles of 1μm diameter and
the wall is without intima and ctenidia but the inside is filled with
tissue juice. This juice like blood of other animals directly plays
role in respiration. By the help of this juice gaseous exchange
takes place .

4.Air Sac : Few branches of trachea expand to become big,

intimaless and thin walled air sac. In these air sacs air stores and
during respiration control air circulation.
1.respiratory canal of insects is 1.sub-branches of trachea
2.branched, larger diameter 2. branchless, narrower
diameter formed from atrium formed from trachea
4.due to the presence of 4.wih the absence of intima,
intima, trachea doesn’t tracheole collapses
5.Lumen is air filled 5.Lumen is fluid filled direct connection with connection with body
body tissue tissue

Process of Respiration
For the absence of respiratory pigment, blood doesnt play any
significant role in respiration of grasshopper. The gaseous
exchange takes place in the trachea and tracheoles which are
spread like net around the body. Both inspiration and expiration is
controlled by spiracles . With the action of muscles the rhythmic
contraction and expansion of abdomen lets Oxygen enter in the
body and the tracheal system releases Carbon-di-oxide.
Inspiration :

With expansion of muscles the abdominal segments expand and

the volume of internal cavity of trachea increases . At that time
inhalatory spiracles open and Oxygen enters through the
spiracles, then to trachea, then to tracheole, then to air sac and
finally to internal cells.


After digestion the carbon-di-oxide created from oxidation of cell

releases into the air sac . It then travels from air sac to tracheole,
from tracheole to trachea , from trachea to exhalatory spiracles
and finally goes out of the body though exhalatory spiracles.

Excretory System
The process of excretion of the nitrogenous waste products produced from
the metabolism of protein is called excretion. Malpighian tubule is the main
organ of grasshopper like other insects. Some other cells like uret
cell,uricose gland & cuticle is used as additional excretory organ.

Malpighian Tubule

Naming: Macello malpighi (1628-1694),an italian physician & zoologist first

discovered this tubule and it is named after him.

Position: Numerous thread like malpighian tubule situated between the

joining of mid and posterior alimentary canal is scattered in the
hemocoel.Their openings are contaminated and submerged in the
hemolymph of hemocoel.The other edge is opened in the cavity of
alimentary canal.

Structure: Malpighian tubule is composed of single layered epithelium

cell.The microvilli of outer basement membrane and inner numerous
microvilli forms brush border of joint characteristics. Tubules are not
unstable rather completes excretion from the stimulation of hemolymph of

Excretion process: Malpighian tubule helps in osmoregulation. cells of

malpighian tubule from the environmental hemolymph absorbs metabolic
urea and urates. their uric acid converts in this tubule and in basement
part of this malpighian reabsorption of this excretory substance occurs.
Later on it is combined in intestinal cavity & mixes with indigestible wastes
and goes out through anal path as dry waste.

Other Excretory Organ

i. Urate Cell : In body of grasshopper there huge number of fat body or fat
cells. Mainly it stores carbohydrate, protein and fatty food in converted form
. Besides they also store uric acid of haemolymph in the form of urate . To
store such substances they are called urate cell.
ii. Uricose gland : In male grasshopper’s genital system there are
mushroom glands a long narrow gland can be observed. These store the
excretory materials of haemolymph as uric acid . When reproductive cell
transfer this uric acid get ejected with sperm.
iii. Cuticle : When grasshopper remains at nymph stage , their excretory
materials store under the cuticle. During molting when cuticle change with
these excretory materials , the excretory materials get out of the body.
iv. Nephrocyte: situated in pericardial sinus, nephrocyte excretes out
v. Fatbody (Alim Sir)


Type Excretory organ of insects Excretory organ of chordates

Location Clustered around intestinal wall Single unit in each kidney

Number 100 in each grasshopper 20 lacs in 2 kidneys

Structure Tubular like structure containing Cup like structure containing

epithelium & basement membrane Bowmans capsule
Connection One side is is haemmolymph, One with proximal convoluted
other in intestine tube, other with bood vessel
Function sending excretory products to Filtration of excretion from blood
alimentary canal


1.Tactile organ: Hair follicles & bristles present in pulp,cercae, legs etc
work for tactile stimulation
2. Olfactory organ: antennae beside compound eyes help in olfaction
3. Gustatory organ: Maxillary pulp & labial pulp help in this function
4. Visual organ: Compound eyes & Oceli
5. Auditory organs: found in tympanum in first segment
Compound Eye

The huge,liver shaped, convex,black part at the surface behind

the head of grasshopper is called compound eyes. Each
compound eye has almost two thousand hexagonal ommatidia.
Each ommatidia work as visional unit. The whole compound eye
is covered by transparent cuticle. The structure and function of
each ommatidia is indifferent. The structure and parts of
ommatidia are explained below :

1.Cornea : This is a colorless , transparent convex and

hexagonal cuticular membrane which works as lens
2. Corneagen Cell: These are one pair of pressed and adjacent
cells whose secretion create cornea.

3.Crystalline Cone Cell : These are 4 elongated cells beneath

the corneagen cells and surrounding crystalline cells. From the
secretion of crystalline cone cells crystalline cone is formed.

4. Crystalline Cone : It is covered by cone cells and in their

middle portion a transparent conical organ is present . From the
secretion of cone cells crystalline cone is formed. It works as
reflectory organ and let light enter the ommatidium.

5.Iris Pigment Sheath : These are elongated colorful (black cell

bearing) cells that surround the cone cells. In bright light this
covering extend to completely cover the cone cells ,again in mild
light it contracts and leaves partially opened.

6. Retinular cell : Below the cone cells there are 7 / 8 long

retinular cells in circular path. These nucleus remains attached to
the cell edge. These cells on one hand arewith cone cells and on
the other hand with nerve fibers. From secretion of these cells
Rhabdome is created. Besides these are also light sensitive.

7. Rhabdome : Below the crystalline cone cells this transparent

elongated part is transversely lined . Secretion from retinular cells
create Rhabdomes and provide nutrition. In these light is
8. Retinal Sheath : This is a black membrane formed of pigment
cells and surrround the retinular cells. It keeps each ommatidium
distant from each other. The pigments of this membrane can
circulate in different directions based on the brightness of light.

9. Basal membrane : The thin membrane on which ommatidium

is positioned is called basal membrane. It holds ommatidium.

10. Nerve fibre : From every retinular cells nerve fibre comes out
and joins with optic nerves. These fibers send the received
reflection through ommatidia.

Mechanism of Vision

An animal regards on object by creating reflection . Grasshopper is a

diurnal animal. In bright daylight or the mid light when the day ends - their
eyesight remains effective in both times. Superposition is formed in mild
light whereas apposition forms in bright light. When the sensation of the
reflection reaches the brain through optic nerves, the grasshopper is able
to see it. The description of the two processes are given below :

A. Superposition image : The pigment particles of retinal sheath constricts

in mild light and denses towards the cornea and most of the parts of the
crystalline corners is exposed. Though vertical light rays reaches
rhabdomes through the corneas of ommatidium , lateral light rays from one
ommatidium reaches the rhabdome of neighbor ommatidium through the
exposed crystalline corner. That is, an ommatidium in spite of getting light
rays from its own cornea, receives light rays from cornea of neighbor
ommatidium too . The reflection of different parts of an object falls on one
another in the compound eye and so a blurred image of the total object is
B. Apposition or Mozaic image : Every ommatidium can work independently
in bright light . In bright light the pigment of the retinal sheath spreads
under the crystalline corners in such a way that a black septum is created
around it. As a result an ommatidium can receive the vertically reflected
light rays from its own cornea only. Lateral light rays coming from the
neighbor ommatidium is observed by the pigment of the Irish. In this case
the reflection looks like mosaic stone floor . For this, its name is mosaic
image .

#Comparison between superposition and mosaic image :

*Superposition image is formed in mild light . Apposition is formed in bright

*In Superposition image , retinal and irish coverings are constricted. These
two coverings are stretched.
*In Superposition image both lateral and vertical light rays forms the image
in ommatidium while in apposition only the vertical light rays create the
*In Superposition , an unclear overall , blurred image is formed of the total
In apposition , clear and separate image is formed at different parts.

Reproductive system
Grasshopper is an unisexual animal.Their bisexuality is clear.A male and
female grasshopper can be identified easily.Male grasshopper can be
differentiated from female’s abdominal ovipositor.Below male and female
grasshoppers reproductive systems are described particularly:

Male reproductive system:Male reproductive system is composed of

testis,vasa deferentia,ejaculatory duct,seminal vesicle,genital etc. Testis is
the main part of male reproductive system . Above the intestine , at third,
fourth and fifth abdominal segment testes remains attached to the surface
wall by a median ligament. Each testis is composed of small transparent
follicles. The testes produced in the follicle through vasa eferencia enters
vas defentia . an ejaculatory duct is created by combining two vasa
deferentia in the ninth abdominal segment. It opens through the genital
pore. A pair of accessory gland open at ejaculatory duct and secretes liquid
substances. Testes are submerged in this liquid. Twisted,long seminal
vesicle is attached to accessory gland.

Female reproductive system: Female reproductive system is composed

of ovary ,ovariole,oviduct,ovipositor,vagina,sparmathica or seminal
receptacle ,female genital spiracle & accessory gland. Two ovaries are the
main parts of female reproductive system and attached to the surface wall
by the median ligament above the intestine. Each ovary consists of several
duct like ovarioles. By combining together ovarioles forms a wide oviduct.
Two oviducts being joined forms a small chamber called vagina. Vagina is
a muscular chamber located between two ovipositor in the seventh
abdominal segment . being ovipositor it opens through genital pore. In
vagina there is also a coiled sparmathical duct attached along with oviduct.
At the end of this coiled duct there remains a bag like sparmathica which
temporarily stores sperms in female body. In the upper portion of ovary
there is a pair of accessory gland which through oviduct gets attached to
the vagina. The liquid secreted from this accessory gland helps to keep the
eggs bunched before coming out

Process of Reproduction and Metamorphosis

Process of reproduction :
The grasshopper completes its reproduction through sexual process. The reproduction
process follows some particular stages stated below:

1. Copulation : The reproduction of a grasshopper takes place in the last phase of

summer. In this time, the male grasshopper stuck with the back of the female
grasshopper and in this condition secrets seminal fluid through the ovipositor inside the
genital organ (fanny) of the female grasshopper. Seminal fluid contains sperm. The
sperms are deposited in the spermathica upto laying of eggs. Copulation can occur
several times before the laying of eggs.

2. Fertilization: At one stage of copulation, sperms are transferred to the female body
from the male body and fertilization is completed by the fusion of sperm and ovum
nucleus. The fertilization process of grasshopper is internal. The 3-5mm long ovum is
covered with soft vitelline membrane and external chorion during coming out through
the yolk and oviduct. When going above the spermathika aperture,the sperm enters into
the ovum through a small orifice of the egg fertilized chorion. This orifice is called

3. Oviposition: After the copulation, the female grasshopper starts laying long,brown
colored eggs with the interval of some days.This laying of eggs is continued upto
Autumn.The female grasshopper develops a 10 cm deep hole with the help of the
ovipositor and lays 20 eggs inside it in a mass form.The eggs are stuck together by
sticky substances. In this way,a female grasshopper lays 200 eggs in 10 masses. Both
male and female grasshopper dies after laying of eggs.
4. Development : The ovum of grasshopper is confined within the yolk centre which is
of centrolecithal type.Development is continued upto 3 weeks after the starting of
cleavage of the fertilized ovum.Development is stopped during winter.This phase is
known as diapause.Diapause plays an important role for young grasshopper so that it
doesn't have to face the adverse condition in winter.Growth starts when the moderate
weather arrives with spring and small,young grasshoppers are born.

Metamorphosis : When the embryo of an insect undergoes some successive

changes and obtains adult phase, then this kind of sniperscope of the embryo is called
Metamorphosis is mainly of 2 types:

1.Incomplete and
2.Complete metamorphosis

1.Incomplete metamorphosis :
The kind of metamorphosis in which an insect, after coming out from the egg goes
through some young phases and turns into complete insect is called incomplete
metamorphosis. Every nymph phase is the small replica of the complete insect but they
lack in wings and reproductive parts and shows clear color difference. The young stage
of incomplete metamorphosis is called nymph. Example: Metamorphosis of
grasshopper and cockroaches

2.Complete metamorphosis :
The metamorphosis in which there is no similarity in young and adult animal and young
animal gets its complete stage through intense change is called complete
In this case,metamorphosis has 4 steps:
Egg - larvae - peupa - imoga.
In young stage of complete metamorphosis the animal is called larvae.
Example: metamorphosis in honeybee and butterflies.

Metamorphosis of grasshopper:
A grasshopper’s metamorphosis is of incomplete or
hemimetabolus type because immature young nymph after some
stage turns into adult grasshopper.
The 3 steps are Egg → Nymph → Adult
Nymph is the earlier stage after coming put of egg. A nymph & an
adult grasshopper possess almost similar characteristics in terms
of external features, habit, habitat etc except the point that
Nymphs don’t have wings or genitalia and the size is smaller than
the adult one.
In Nymph, in earlier phase, the chinitous exoskeleton is
transparent, the colour is deepened with the course of time. The
exoskeleton keeps the nymph bound inside and halts the growth.
To maintain proper growth thus molting happens and the nymph
ascends to 2nd step. The nymph turns into a full grown
grasshopper after further 3 molting. At the 2nd step, there
develops wing pads from where wings are formed eventually.
There is no resting phase in the process of metamorphosis. After
5th molting, it happens to be an adult grasshopper. The interval
time between two molting is called instar. It takes 2 months to
complete the whole process

Role of Hormone in Metamorphosis

There are 4 exocrine glands in grasshopper- Intercerebral gland
cell, Prothoracic gland, Corpora allatra, Corpora Cardiaca. Among
them 3 glands help in metamorphosis

1 Intercerebral gland Cells: They are situated in brain & secrete

Prothoracitropic hormone or brain hormone which help
Prothoracic gland to perform
2. Protoracic gland: Situated in Prothorax, this gland secretes
ecdysone hormone which helps in ecdysis or molting & helps in
tissue growth
3. Corpora allata: It secretes juvenile hormone in nymph stage
for which reason, nymph stage is maintained. In adult stage,
gonadotropic hormone is secreted to form reproductive organ
4. Corpora Cardiaca: Situated behind Head and Oesophagus
this gland secretes growth hormone.


1.immature form is nymph 1.Mature form is Imago or
2.Adult nymph gives rise to 2.Nymph after partial
immature nymph after metamorphosis turns adult one
3.smaller in size, faded or 3.larger in size, greenish in
transparent in colour colour
4.wings absent, but wingpad 4.2 pairs wings present
5.reproductive system is 5. Complete reproductive
incomplete system

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