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Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image

Behavior cannot be imitated. Even if we manage to do it, it will still be a fake.

You can't play the role of another, no matter how much you would like and would
like it.
From an early age we are educated by parents and through their behavior towards
us, we try to learn something, the small child remembers better than an adult and
he will try to behave the same as their parents. My parents behave nicely with me
and my siblings, if they do something wrong they tell us that when you grow up
not to do as we do, but to try to do better and not to trample on our mistakes.
I would try to open many parentheses to my behavior, but I think I would have
many unanswered questions. I am a type of person who often breaks promises and
behaves with a person who has hurt me very well and I only do them good, this is a
big minus to my behavior because I do not try to be the same with others as they
are with me, yes I know it's good to do good and beautiful things, but sometimes
all this gets on your heart and you get into depression for example.
If you have made mistakes, remember them so that you do not deviate in the
future from the behavior you have built with so much effort. Behavior ultimately
determines the direction we are heading. We could compare it to a road that leads
to two destinations.
Proper behavior is one of the necessary, essential means on our way to the
desired destination. It must not be borrowed or imitated in any form, even if this
tendency exists…

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