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Script Pg./ Shot No. Int./Ext.

Shot Framing Shot Movement Subject Shot Description

Scene No. Angle

1/1 1 EXT. WS Eye level Zoom out The group walking Establishing the people in the film
1/1 2 EXT. MS Low angle pan Main charter Establishing the main character and
showing what they’re doing
1/1 3 EXT. WS POV- of static The group Establishing the exclusion of the
character character
1/1 4 EXT. CU Eye level static Main character Establishing the characters feelings
1/1 5 EXT ECU Low angle Static Rock in the Establishing the weapon of murder.
characters hand
1/1 6 EXT WS Over the static The group Establishing them looking at the
shoulder character and laughing
1/1 7 EXT. ECU Low angle zoom The main Establishing something snapping in the
character characters head
1/2 8 EXT. WS Eye level Dolly- forward Main character Establishing the character walking
towards the group
1/2 9 EXT. WS Eye Level static The group Establishing that they have no idea what
is about to happen
1/2 10 EXT ECU Low angle Track of hand The characters Establishing the character has hit
movement hand someone with the rock

1/3 11 EXT CU Eye level Zoom out character Establishing the character has woken up
from a day dream

1/3 12 EXT WS POV- of Pan left and right The river Establishing the character is looking for
character where the group went
1/3 13 EXT WS POV- Tilt down The group Establishing the character has actually
Character killed even though they thought it was
in their head
1/3 14 EXT CU Eyelevel Zoom out The character Establishing the characters facial
expressions of guilt

1/3 15 EXT CU Eye level Zoom out The character Establishing the feelings in the
characters head of laughing.

1/3 16 EXT CU High angle Zoom out The character Establishing the character and the
bodies on the floor whilst guilt is shown

1/3 17 EXT CU High angle Zoom out The character Establishing the character laughing in
their head.

1/4 18 EXT WS POV Pan left The location Establishing the character is about to
run away

1/4 19 EXT WS Eye level static The character and Establishing the character running

1/4 20 EXT CU Eye level static The character Establishing the character even out of
their head is still smiling.


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