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CHAPTER 6 Design of Sanitary Sewers 6.1 Introduction Sanitary sewers are underground conduits that are used to transport domestic, commercial, gad industrial wastewaters to disposal oF treatment locations. Sanitary sewers must also be designed to acenmmodete groundwater infiltration as well as ilicit and extraneous inflows from sources such as roof leaders, basement drains, and submerged manhole covers. Sanitary Sewers are also called foul sewers in the United Kingdom (Butler and Davies, 2011). The term “sewer” generically refers to an underground pipeline system that transports drainage inurban areas, In cases where the drainage is wastewater, the sewers are called sanitary Sewers, when the drainage is stormwater runoff they are called storm sewers, and when the Sewers transport both wastewater and stormwater runoff they arc called combined sewers "The dexign period of a sanitary-sewer system is typically determined by the planning horizon of the local planning department and the expected useful life of the sewer pipe Planning horizons are typically in the range of 10-50 years, however, in some cases the Satu- ation population or build-out population of the service area is used in iew of the population apiuhe end of the planning horizon in determining the design capacity of sanitary-sewer pipes ‘The uselul life of sanitary-sewer pipes is usually on the order of 50 years (ASCE, 2007). In cases where there might be significant additional development beyond the design period, itis generally prudent to secure easements and rights-of-way for future expansions. Pump ‘ations in sanivary-sewer systems can be designed with shorter design periods since they are Sulatively short lived and easier to upclate. Sewage-treatment plants, which are also relatively ‘easy 10 update, are generally designed for periods of about 20 years, 6.2 Quantity of Wastewater Flows in sanitary Sewers broadly consist of two components: lows contributed through ser ice connections end flows contributed by infiltration and inflow. Service connections inchisie wer etions to residential, commercial, and industrial users, and these sources of wastewa tet flow are typically considered separately since their usage characteristics are signfican:!y Uilferont from each other. Community master plans typically lay out the current and future fund uses in an area, and these master plans are usually the bases for estimating the Loe tions of sorvice connections and the magnitudes of wastewater flows contributed at the connections Infteation and inflow (I/) contributions are largely the result of pipe defects Soutien connections, and are dificult to predict. To estimate the quantity of wastewater to fe accommodated by sewer pipes, all sources of low must be estimated and aggregated. ower flows must be estimated at bath the beginning and the end of the design period! Flows at the beginning of the design period, which is when the sewer system is frst put into ipviee, must be adequate to prevent the buildup of solids in the sewers (te. the sewers m be self-cleansing), and the sewer system must also have sufficient capacity to accommodate the flows that wll exist at the end of the design period 6.2.1 Residential Sources ‘Average wastewater tlows trom residential sources are typically estimated using the following relationship, dy X th X gr X Ar 1) an 212 Chapter6 Design of Sanitary Sewers ‘TABLE 6.1: Typical Residential Densities Unit deny Oaupaaty Density a Deetiy Glassiication __(DUIhe).__(DUlue)_(persons/DU) _(persongha) (personas ee eee) Low density =i0 + 30 % 2 Medium density 10-25, +10 23 28-70 ne High density 225 >10 23 >82 35 Sage ASCE GM Source: ASCE (2007), TABLE 6.2: Average Per Capita Wastewater Residential Flow Rates, Flow rata iy (Waiperson) (galld/person) ‘Winnipeg, Manitoba 210 5 Seattle, WA 20 38 San Diego, CA 220 38 Milwaukee, WI 240 8 Tampa, FL. 250 6 Boulder, CO 250 65 US. Average 230 66 Denver, CO 260 ® Phoenix, AZ, 200 n Phoenix, AR 300 n Eugene, OR 320 8 Los Angeles, CA 340 0 Source: ASCE Git. where @ is the average flow rate from residential sources [L3T~!], dy is the residen- tial dwelling unit (DU) density [DU L~2}, dy is the number of persons per dwelling unit [persons - DU) gis the per-capita flow rate from residential sources [LT "person, and A, is the residential service area [L?]. Zoning regulations typically divide residential arcas into different dwelling-unit densities, and an example of such a division is shown in Table 6.1. Population densities in residential areas at the end of the design period are commonly taken as the saturation densities based on the community masterplan, The average per-capila residential wastewater lows, q,, vary considerably within the United States, and several mea sured per-capita flow rates from residential areas are listed in ‘Table 6.2. ‘These data show avgrage per-capita flow rates inthe range of 210-340 Lid/person (35-90 gal/d/person), witha US. average of 250 Lidiperson (66 gallday/person). Local regulatory agencies usually specly the per-capita residential wastewater flow rates to be used in their jurisdiction, ‘The average flows from residential sources calculated using Equation 6.1 can be adjus- ted to account for vacancy rates by reducing the number of dwelling units per unit area. Other residential ouirces such as hotel, motels, prisons jails, ursing homies, and seasonal-use facil ties can be converted into equiveient full-time residents, and their average-flow contributions calculated using Equation 6.1 Values of Q, given by Equation 6.1 must be calculated at both the beginning and the end of the design period so that minimum and maximum flow rates 1° bbe accommodated by the sewer system can be determined i 62.2. Nonresidential Sources Nonresidential sources of wastewater flow are usually associated with commercial and indus" trial sources. For commercial sources, the wastewater flow rate is related to the: Pe a Size ofthe business, and the number of employees. For each type of commercial operaioh the wastewater flow contributed to the sanitary-sewer system can be estimated sing HE relationship Section 6.2 Quantity of Wastewater 213 AX FAR Y ¢X Ge (62) flow rate fromm the commercial source [L°T-, A is the floorares-tam-area ratio [dimensionless], ¢is the num- | and ge is the per-capita wastewater where De is the average wastewater tand area occupied [L?], FAR is the ber of employees per unit floor-area [empluyees: L~ flow rate [L3T-!employee™']. Industrial operations typically eration from industrial sources must Sf industry, the sizeof the industry, operational techniques, and Creatment are all factors to be considered in estimating, wast sources use water to manufacture products, and wastewater gen 1 usually be developed on a case-by-case basis. The type method of onsite wastewater water flows from industrial 6.2.3. Inflow and Infiltration (V/) Inflow is defined as the component of sewer fl water sources, The modes of inflow include Connected storm drains, basement drains, roo se veftow usually originates from rainfall and/or snowmelt. In many existing sewer systems, Jetiow is the largest flow component on rainy days and is often responsible for the backup of nustewater into basements and homes, or the bypassing of untreated wastewater to streams wa ethar watercourses. Inflation is defined as water that enters the sewer conduit from groundwater, and sources of infiltration flows include broken pipes, cracks loose pipe Jos Biulty connections, and manhole walls. In areas where the water table is far below the Monitary-sewer eondult, infiltration is not usually a problem. However, under these circum, Slanees leakage from the pipe, called exfiration, can cause subsurface pollution, thereby providing another reason to control leakage in sewer pipes, Inflow is difficult to separate Poevcnfltration, and so these two contributions are usually lumped together and called cieattration and inflow,” which is usually abbreviated as “I/(” and enunciated as “I and [ ‘Regulatory agencies in Most s¥w-s specify maximum allowances (or V/. and typical Wlallowances are shown in Table 6s is apparent from Table 6.3 that 1/1 regulations can Uke two alternate forms, either expressing VT as a flow rate pet unit contributing area in ((nbidyfha or asa flow rate per unit diameter per unit length in (/@)/100-mum diamexes/em {Rpowh approaches there is order-of-magnitude vatiabilty in the regulatory rates. Based sa ncaurvey of 128 cities, ASCE (1982) reported an average design infiltration allowance of 3.9 (m?#d)/100-mmv/km. low that enters the sewer conduit from sutface- flooded sewer vents, leaky manholes, ilicitly f drains, and/or sources other than groundwa- ‘TABLE 6.3: Infiltationinflow Allowances ication ‘Allowance Remarks ‘Lethbridge, Alberta 22 (aP/dyrha - state of Maryland 3.8 (o/h = London, Ontario 86 (nr/dyha i Kingston, Ontario 12 (m/dyha Residential areas ‘State of Oregon 19(mP/dyiha - Edmonton, Alberta 24 (mide Not in sag locations Kingston, Ontario 28 (mP/d)rha Industrial & commercial areas Edmonton, Alberta 34 (m/e)ha In sag locations Same atNew Hampshire 093 (mP/4)/I00-mm diameterkm Pipe diameters = 1220 mm State ofNew Hampshire 1.9 (m/d)00-mm diameter/km Pipe diameters > 1220 mm ‘Union County, NC 2.8 (m°/d)/100-mm diameter/km_ - 4 Antigonish, Nova Scotia 5.6 (m3/d)/100-mm diameter/km - Source: ASCE (2007). 214 Chapter6 Design of Sanitary Sewers 1a Ate of regulatory values being expressed in (/y100-minfkea, McGhee (199, diameter sean ameter of Sewer pipes has litle effect on infiltration ites ahs larger | Glamere Sewers tend to have better joint workmanship, offsclling the moar size of the Pee tecinltration area. The actual amounc of infiltration depen wa the quality of sewer | installation, the height of the water table, and the properties of tne serrounding soil Expat | sive Soils tend to pull joints apart, while granular soils permil water ws mene easily through | VI to near zero, 6.2.4 Peaking Factors | 1 i8 defined ag in 1 defined as the Be Row rate to the | plied to the sum of the residential and commercial flows. The peaking factors are ocd Oy determine the design mati flow atthe beginning of the design period, On, and lo determine ee design ‘maximum flow rate atthe end of the design period, Omar, according tothe relate Qain = PPoin X Quygt + Qinat + Orns 3) | Qeux = PFmac X Quy + Qinas + Ove (64) smhere Quel and Onog2 are the average residential-plus.commercial flow at the beginning and end ofthe design'period (LT =" Tespoctively: Qinas and Qigae are the industrial howe are the Hh ang, and end of the design period [L!T"Y, respectively. and Orne, Om Te reseeanblons to the sewer flow atthe beginning and end of thesia a te ant spectively. Residential and commercial wastewater Resa continuously, with ee deree eatows between 2:00 A.M. and 600 A.M. and pus Sows occurring ort Daas and Sen cavlight hours In cases wher te industrial compement i sleteely smal, Bins and Giz canbe included in Qn and Oavg, respectively Hhew calms 8 Onin and component typically remains fairly constant during Qoous using Equations 6.3 and 6.4. The ine divs excep! uring and immediately following perieus of heavy rental oe ree Rtally ceur, When the UE tow i low and major indueal ove ee eset separnel sansiered part ofthe lumped domestc~plus commercial Now an nat ees separately. When commercial, institutional, or ind Portion of the average flows (such as 25% or me ot Peak factors forthe various flow components should be estimated separatans ar are aking Actors Pus and PF pia in Equations 6.) and 6. both coneepond to the that Pron ene chou flow rte to the average low rae, wth the only diferoee her Phy eotemmgpends oan acage fo rateat the end ofthe design prod Bed rnin aps to an average Now rte atthe beginning othe design period Bee te Telationship of the peaking factor, PF [dimensionless], to the average flow rate, svg [m/s], an be estimated by (ASCE, 2007; Merritt 2009) 1.88052 —Qave = 0.00368 m2/s | ae 5) 9.281058 avg < 0.00368 m/s Pence using Qreg = Qn in Equation 6.5 yields PF = PF gig, and using Qevg = Qany yields Fea pax, The formula for On = 0.00368 ms (58 gpm*) in Equation 6 Senet devel: sree tae pureau of Engincering, Cuy of Los Angeles (LA), California aad een ec, referred w asthe LA formula. The formula for Quyg < 0.00368 m/s (8 upin) in Equation6s + eee eee : ‘gpm = (US) gallon per minute Section 6.2 Quantity of Wastewater 215 was developed by Merritt (2009) based on work reported by Zhang and others (2005) ans ea pe ealled the Poisson reciangular pulse (PRP) model. Fora typical per-capi wae sometimes cai cbution of 300 L/d/person (80 gall/person), the LA formula is applica oy watsce populations greater than around 1100 people, while the PRP mode! 's applicable to service popwiations fess than around 1100 people. Peaking faciorssiencrally decree with an ree Peryecrage flow rate and also decrease with an inereasing service population Based increasing ae Bets of vious sewer agencies in the United States the following peaking actors are typical (ASCE, 2007): 2. P > 500,000 persons pr =}2.6 100,000 persons = P = 500,000 persons (66) 3.0 P< 100,000 persons where isthe resitent population in the service area, In general, peaking factors speciie#! Pyrregulatory agencies with jurisdiction over the project area must De use Tn fiew of such fuidanee, loeal measurements in either the project aren or simlae Svea et the next-best aida with generalized formulae such as Equations 6.5 and 6.6 being the last resort, EXAMPLE 6.1 vp nei unk sewer® sto be designed fora 2-kni? city that when fully devetoped wil incuds ¢O% a ayo arameeial and 10% indusra development. The residential ea wil consis of 0% ree ( personha)35% small single-family tots (75 personlha), and 5% mulisony Part (Gabo persona) The design average wastewater flo rats are: 300 Ld/person fr ogy and single Cranes 20 Lidiperson for apartments, 25,000 Lidha for commer areas and 0% TNs for dara et eax Inftraion and inflow is 1000 Lida for the entice area cs autciated tas 4 ini ee cer fs Ht installed the average flow will be 30% of the Now when the ey fully ae ae ay gumate the raximam and minimum flow raes to be hanled by the trunk Sewer. Solomon From te given data, the toll area ofthe diy 625 kr? = 2500 ha and the fuby selene Seton Fron 60% of2500 na = 1500 ha. Taking the average per-capita low rate as 200 /dlpera9 Fea and single fmily tots and 200 Lidpersn for apartments gives the wastewater Bows in the following ble: ee Area Density Flow Type (ha) (personvha) Population (m'¥5) Tee Lage lots (0.40 (1500) = 600 6 3000013 ‘Small single-family tors 0.55 (1500) = $25 a s1g7s 0215 5 2500 187,500 0434 Multstory apartments 5 (50)<75 252975 0.662. Total eee ae ‘The commerci 750 ha, with a Now rate per unit area an spy Lida 259 % 10~! mba, Hence the average low rate from the commercial Seri S (2.89 10-4)(950) = 0.217 ms “The industrial sector of the city covers 10% of 2500 ha = 250, with flow sate per tai AF of Teton Lama = 868 10-4 maha. Hence the average flow rate from the commercial sects (4.63 % 10-4)(250) = 0.116 mis. “Te infitration and inflow foe he entre area is 100 La 2500 ha = 2.5 X 106 Us om the basis of these eaeuations the average daily wastewater flow rte (excluding VO) af he oe Gf the design period (when the city is fully developed) is 0.662 + 0.217 + 0.11 = 0.995 m/s. Since 029 mis, “avers dal sw sewer Sonu receiving sewage from many tributaries serving 8 large errs ra 216 Chapter 6 Design of Sanitary Sewers the average low rate at the beginning of the design period is 50% of the low rate atthe end of she design period, then the average flow rate when the trunk sewer i fist installed i 0.50 (0.995 miny (0.498 m'/s. Using Equation 6.5, the peaking factors can be estimated as PF = 1.889525 = 1.98(0 995)-9 PF min = 1.880.215 = 1.88(0.498)-9% = 2.01 val = 188 ‘The maximum and minimum flow rates are estimated by multiplying the corresponding average ‘wastewater flow rates by these factors and adding the IL. Thus 88(0.995) + 0.029 = 1.90 m/s .01(0.498) + 0.029= 1.03 ms Maximum flow rate = Minimum flow rate = ‘The teunk sewer must be of sufficient size to accommodate the peak flow rate of 1.90 m5, and must ‘also generate sufficient shear stress on the bottom of the sewer to prevent solids accumulation undet ‘inimum-flow conditions of 1.03 m°15, 63. Hydraulics of Sewers Flows in sanitary sewers can be described by either the Manning or the Darcy-Weisbach equations, which can be expressed in the forms Bh AVRSG Manning equation (67) where Q is the volumetric flow rate [L3T~], Ris the hydraulic radius (LI, is the Manoing Toughness, A is the flow area [L?], Sp is the slope of the sewer (dimensionless) g is gravity [LI™}, and fis the friction factor [dimensionless] that can be estimated by the Colebrook vet 2st + 68) =) ues where ¢ is the roughness height [L], and Re is the Reynolds number {dimensionless} defined as VR Re 9) where V is the average velocity [LT], and y is the kinematic viscosity [L?T-1]: In cases where solution of the Colebrook equation for f iy a computational inconvenience (because it is implicit in f), the Colebrook equation can be approximated by the Swamee-Jain equation (Swamee and Jain, 1976) which is given by Equation 2.39 for pipe flows and is adapted for ‘open-channel applications (by replacing the pipe diameter by 4 times the hydraulic radius) as 025 toe(—&— + £5) lisa * Re, This approximation is valid for 10® = ¢/4R = 10? and 1250 = Re = 2.5 x 107, where Re is defined by Equation 6.9. Regardless of which equation is used for estimating /, itis (10) Scene FIGURE 6.1: Flow in partially filed pipe section 63. Hydraulics of Sewers 217 apparent from Equation 67 that both the Manning an Darey-Weisbach equations yield the SO a roy (Q) tor any given value of hydraulic radivs (X) and slope (So) provided that Sieaming’s msaisics the relation al fe zi _ [be Gn mY (6.11) “Taking g = 9.807 mis?, Equation 6.11 can be put in the convenient form anz9Rty' (6.12) tn modern engineering practice, the Darey-Weishach equation considered 10 be a more ao erentation of the How in sewer conduits whe the Mant, ‘equation remains age used, particularly inthe United States. To ensure tet ‘both approaches yield the same wre Manning's n must be specified in accordance with Eqva0e ‘6.12, Based on the combi- rest ee untons 6.12 and 68, it has been demonstrated thal OF ‘circular sewers when the Bept of flow is more than 15% of the diameter, Mannings 1 ‘shows essentially no variation cern epth of fow, and when the depth of flow is grater Win "10% of the diameter, the ei eeP i will not change within two significant digits (Mer '1998). Approximation of a Fae ot value when the depth of flow exceeds 15% of the diameter 5 therefore justified (ASCE, 2007), =, 2007) cy-Weisbach and Manning equations give a relationship bere the flow rate, Gani the depth of flow, inthe sewer aad calculation &f this relationship requires Spoaiheation of the roughness height ¢, or Manning roughness, n, the hydraulic radius 28 @ spect ne How depth, RCM), the flow area asa function of he Ne depth, A(h), and the function visoosty ofthe Hud, v. Typical values of ¢ range {rom ‘about 0.03 mm for smooth King vee 10 0.0015 mum for plastics (ASCE, 2007), and v can be estimated directly from Temperature ofthe uid and for water ancl wastewater normally taken as 1076 m/s at see (ems Tunctions R(H) and A(h) are determined based the shape of the sewer cross aor Fon. Consider the circular pipe rss section in Figure @ ‘where h isthe depth of flow and Bis the water surface angle. The depth of flow, h. cross sectional area, A, welted peraerter, tw nydraulic radius, can De expressed in terms of @ By tHe geometric relations rr - 10mm? = 0.0055 Jf describing the hydraulics of flow in sewer pipes, the actual insce diameter of the Pipe should ideally be used in design calculations rather than the nominal diameter Of te Theres pena ab proximate diameter thats used for easy reference. However, the sight sions etween the actual inside diameter and the nominal diameter of sewer pipet y often neglected in calculations, which i justiied by the much langer uncertaiatey Woot iuatly associated with other design variables such as low rate. The (inside) top of a cones Pipe js commonly called the crow, and the (inside) botlom of a sewer pipe fallen ve invert 63.1 Manning Equation with Constant n In cases where a constant Manniag's n is specified along with Q, D, and Spit is convenient to Fingctate Equations 6.14 and 6.16 directly into the Manning equation (Equation 61) which yields the convenient forin, (6.17) qihich can be solved for [radians], which is then substituted into Equation 6.13 to obtain the feet of flow inthe sewer pipe. The average flow velocity is obtained by hrs calculating ‘he low area, A, {rom Equation 6.14, and then calculating the average velocity, V. by vad (618) Fee ery eaaele to Solving Equation 6.17 for 8, and hence obtaining h and V, is that Equa- Son 6.17 isan implicit equation in that must be solved numerically, FIGURE 62: Flow In circular conduits Section 63 Hydraulics of Sewers 219 Se EXAMPLE 6.3 Water flows at a rate of 4.00 m/s in a circular concrete sewer of diameter 1300 mm and longitudinal slope 1.00%. Manning's of the sewer pipe can be taken as 0013. Estimate the normal depth of flow and the average velocity in the sewer 100 mis, D 013. According Solution From the given data: Q = tw Equation 617, o-d@ — sineyi — ro1engn-tsgt =0 a-Fe — singy$ — 20.16(0.013)(4)(15)-# @.0100)-4 which yields @ = 330 radians. Therefore, the normal low depth, A, and area, A, are given by Equations 6.13 and 6.14 as r= $f mo) =P] om a-(? =) 9 = (2S $835) 592 int 7 970 “The average flow velocity, V, in the sewer is given by 2 400 a> 0970 A2mis ence the normal flow depth is 0.81 mand the average velocity is 412 mvs “The hydraulics of fows in circular concluits, including sanitary sewers, for a constant value of Menning’s n are summarized in Figure 62, The velocity, V. and flow rate, Q. are hormalized by thei full-flow values Vea and Qa, Fespectively, where the Manning equation gives io oo 08 | a or a z 08 he = os os te 03 Fao of dopthvciameter, vO 02 ae =e 001 02 03 04 05 08 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 220 Chapter6 Design of Sanitary sewers and hence ta (Gy (21) aa-(s) (Ss) (6.22) FE cuves in Figure 62 ae useful for visualizing the variation of Q and V with ow dep, ‘n However the actual values of Q and V for any given value off should be ealeulsted soe Equations 6.13 to 6.18 rather than estimated visually from the curves plotted in Fleurs The combination of Equations 6.17 and 6.13 gives a nonlinear relationship betwee she flow rate, Q, and the depth of flow, and it can be shown that the maximum flow rate cee when h/D = 0.54, This condition manifests itself asa flow instability when the pipe is fowine almost fll and there isa consequent tendency forthe pipe to run temporarily tllatinroge intervals (Henderson, 1966; Hager, 1999). This condition, sometimes referred 10 a lageg (Sturm, 2010), results in streaming air pockets atthe crown ofthe pipe and pulsationsihgy | could damage pipe joints and cause undesirable Auctuations in flow rate, This condicon | Lppicaly avotded in practice by designing pipes Such that A/D = 075 under maximum ow | conditions. A related consequence of the nonlinear variation of flow rate with depthis se als conduits that he wate underflow condition, Oma cars thane A | full-flow condition (when h/D = 1) and at parially full condition (h/D ~ 0.82), which meme | that there are two normal depths of low for O = Q jay! In adden to the aforementioned | nonlinearity in Now rate, it ean be shown thatthe velocity isthe saene whethar the pipe floes | half full or completely full. According to the Manning equation (Equation 6.17), the velocty | zeases with depth of flow uni it reaches a niaximum at f/D ~ UA; the velocty then | decreases with increasing depth and becomes equal to the half-ull velocity when the pipe flows ful. 6.3.2 Manning Equation with Variable n The Manning equation with variable m is used to match the flow estimated by the Mar . equation to the flow estimated by the Darcy-Weisbach equation, in which case Mannings must satisfy Equation 6.12. For any given sewer-pipe diameter, D, it has been shown that when h/D = 0.15 Manning's n shows essentially no variation with depth, and when f/D = 0.10 the value of a will not change within two significant digits (Merritt, 1998). There fore, assignment of a constant Manning's is justified under these flow conditions for a given diameter, D, and roughness height, ¢. However, for any given value of ¢, the appropriate (constant) value of Manning's 1 will vary as a function of D, and this relationship can be determined by using Equation 6.12. For smooth-finish concrete, where © = 0.03 ram, the relationship between n and D has been calculated by ASCE (2007) and is yiven in Table 6.4 ‘The n values shown for the “Extra Care condition in Table 6.4 were derived for fll fow at a velocity of 0.6 mis (2 (US) in a smooth-finish concrete pipe of given diameter and roughness hheight equal to 0.03 mm (0.0001 ft); the temperature of the flowing sewage was taken #5 156°C (60°F), Pipesin “Typical” condition are assumed to have n values 15% higher than the Extra Care values, and pipes in “Substandard” condition are assumed to have n values 30% higher than Extra Care values. ASCE (2007) recommends that the Typical condition be used in design. The n values given in Table 6.4 account for the variation of n with pipe diameter, while ignoring smaller variations caused by flow depth, velocity, and temperature variations Design engineers should take into account that if the pipe roughness exceeds 0.03 mm, which SE ae A 1 rare eee 2 (ggg) BOS 2200S cio = Oc cco aepurwsqns eto e100 sui00 0 o 90100 oA, upto ooroo 96009 $6000 75000 ano emg curd) (ue) > cHol) (uss) ‘wonipuD, su SSE wer ost uw 95, mH O19 ee Rare Pea ae 222 Chapter 6 Design of Sanitary Sewers valves rowig St smooth-nish concrete, n values begin to ineease significant Yalues shown in Table 6.4; however, the usual presence of a thin aige increased roughness. Under low-flow conditions where h/D «0 15, the ow depth is pret’ ably calculated using the Darcy-Weisbach equation, singe the Constant-n assumption of thy Manning equation is not valid under these circumstances Tasroricaly m = 0.013 has been taken as characteristic of concrete sewer Pipes; how Exot, this n value is based on very old data (carly 1900s), and more sees mifleanty from the film moderates ne chen tues, Metals and sediment buildup. However, it has also been een effets seldom justty using an n value as high as 0.013 (ASCE, 2007) EXAMPLE 6, sre, it 10 const of several 610-mim diameter concret-pip segments aid on an av Ate slope 010.1%. The pipe finish i estimated to have a roughness height et Oomg Assuming thatthe sewage for as# temperature of20°C andthe sewer pipes are in typical condition eetony Manning's n when Sine it, 30%, 50%, 80%, and 100% fl. Based on these results do you Anticipate that there willbe signiticent variation of Manning's n with flaw depth? eaten From the given data: D = 610 mm~ 0.610 m, &) = 01% = 0.001, € = 0.1 mm T= 20°C, Foe) = 0.10, 030, 0150, 0.80, and 1.00. At 20°C, the Kinematic viscosity of water i 10 m2 Pasig ten values of (~ 0610 m) and A/D, the central angle, 0, the Now area cd the hydrautic radius, Rare given by Equations 613,614, and 6628 rem (1 24) )o snd) 010, ine) sso = 58) 280 (: 8) ccaa(s 2) @ TARNg Ihe unknown variables, the following sysem of equations must be sted by Q Rem WAR 62) fa 08 (624 [>= (aem + $8) n=01129RE fp} (625) o~ THe — sna a 2o16nb- 45,4 ‘tantes fn Equations 6.23 to 626 and solving for Q and m yields the following Substituting known results oO © ® @® © 2 fre MD (hs) nn Typicaln —(%) 010 0.096 0.0099 OoI1a 9, 030 0052 0.0100 dots 99, 050 0130 0.0101 0116 100 08 0253 oom 0017 10 1000261 00101 09115 100 Section 6.3 Hydraulics of Sewers 223 -twe input values of 1/D are shown in Column 1 andthe caleuiated values of @ and n are shown in Pe ea vend 3, respectively. The “Typical” value i obtained by increasing Ihe caleulated 1 value Cota py 15% and ls shown in Column 4 The ratio of Manning's fr 209 BES A/D to the ie pue Mannings nis shown in Column S.Based on these results its apparent ‘Manning's will ful y more than 2% forthe flow depts considered, and hence Manning's "or be assumed t0 aoe A wpical value of n = 0.0116 could be assumed. This close 10 the ‘value of n= 0.0115 in Table 6:4 for a roughness eight of 003 me. ‘an sternative to wing the Manning equation with variable m isto simply use Se Dave velonen equation dec, and tis dec approsch is common United King: eared Davies 2000), However, in the United Suates formulation of sewer paral in terms ofthe Manning equation remains commonplace 6.3.3 Self-Cleansing Sewers must be designed to ensue that slids do not accumulate on We Borer of the con- Sewers must Eri catying eapacty. The suspended.slids eontent of Gomes er is yeally in ihe range of 100-500 mg/L, and includes bor ‘mineral and organic materia in piesa at sizes and densities, To prevent solids accumulation in FeO the recommended design approach i to deity a “design particle” and then castes that the minimum flow rate design 2p (when itis first put into service) creates sufficient sheas ses! the bottom of in he sewer (rove the design particle along the bottom of the sewer Sree designed to prevent solide accumulation are called self-cleansing. Ths fecommended design approach to Prene de nsing scaled the (ractive free method. Using the tractive ovr ‘method, the eratpge shea sess, to [FL~Z], on the perimeter ofthe sewer eonduts calculated using the ween “where isthe specific weight of water [FL], Ris ue hydraulic radius f° flow section TU; Ss te slope ofthe sewer conduit [shmensioness] Tt oes shear StreSS, Ty iS UL, an So sodas the tractive force (although is actually ase). the design commonly refers yated under minimwumefiow conditions when the sewey 9 1 Puli) value OC cea the num flow rte, ap, i deseribed ia Section 6° critical service Stina ota denign particle can be estimated by the elation (Was ct ‘al, 2008) (628) where dis the nominal diameter {mm of a disrete sand particle wish & specific gravity ite sen paricle sizes should typically be in the range of LO -° Oh ‘depending on Oe ragone (Merrit, 2009), and these values substituted in Equal 16.28 yield te ot soc aoa, respectively. For sewers transporting larget-than-usua) P2°TS sizes, design pete sey of 2m or higher ean be used i suc exuo1 ary ‘conditions (ASCE. 2007). Pijuaton 6.28 i applicable to ciserete granular parcies 28 Oe particles embedded ina ai eit tne ormation ofa cohesive matsx being prevented By Ne maintenance of Shear stresses exceeding the critical shear stress. the design flow rate for sclf-cleansing is normally taken a8 Onin 0 calculated in Section 6:24, which corresponds to the highest 1-hour flow rate in the lowest low week when the oat hua put into service. This means that the eritieal ele canine ‘condition is mostly sewer dod at other limes of the year, Ideally, selt-cleansing condiicrs ‘should be achieved at erect pot day (Buller and Davies, 2000); however, in cul-de-sac served by short dead- teas age it wil often be impossible to meet self-cleansing requicctoen and such pipes shay require periodic Dushing to scour the accomulated sef mar ‘Since self-cleansing of a raaleary sewer is assessed under minimum-flow conditions 100) {important that the design Sanitary seAgw ale, Onin be estimated as accuratcly as possible ane Tot overestimated. 1f a ils designed for an overestimated nin. then the condut will not be self Sensing under actual minimum-flow conditions 224 Chapter 6 Design of Sanitary Sewers 11 is still common practice to assure self-cleansing by specifying a minimum permisy: ble velocity under ful-ilow conditions. This minimum full-Aow velocity is sometimes cals the self-cleansing velocity. A typical self-cleansing velocity is 0.60 m/s (2 fs) although set siransing velocities as high as 11 as 35 fs) have been used (e.g. Nalluriand Ghan, 1996), Tae fundamental limitation of using a specified self-cleansing velocity in the design of sew, Pipes is that the tractive force under minimum-flow conditions will vay depending on we ameter ofthe pipe, so sel-cleansing might not be assured for all pipe ciameters, particular, for sewers with relatively small flows. Se EXAMPLE 6.5 1 is proposed to lay a sewer pipe of diameter 610 mm on a slope of 0.045%, and the minimum flow rate expected upon installation is 7 Ls. The pipe roughness is estimated a8 0.03 mm, Local regulstions require a minimum permissible full-flow velocity of 0.60 mis to assure sel-cieansing. Ifthe minions tractive force required for self-cleansing is 1 Pa (based on a particle size of 1.67 men), determing ‘whether the minimum permissible velocity criterion will assure self-cleansing ‘Solucion From the given data: D ~ 610 mm = 0610 m, Sy = 0.045% = 0.00045, Onin = 7 Us = 0.007 miss ¢ = 0.03 mm, Vpm = 0.60 nvs, and re = 1 Pa. Under fulllow conditions, the velocity of flow in the pipe, Viyy, is given by Manning's equation as 1 1 (2610)} a pyyen} 000606 Vea mag thasd = (732) easy! ue 2 For a roughness height of 0.03 mm, ayy can be calculated using the Darey-Weisbach equation and Equation 612 which yields ny = 0.00982, and hence Equation 629 yields 0.00606 b.00992 Since Vig > Vom (460.61 mis > 0.60 ms) the pipe configuration is adequate to assure sell-cleansing as per the regulatory requicement % cr 061 mis Under minimum:tow conditions (Qn = 0.007 m5, solution af the Muaning equation (vith ‘variable m) yields = 0.00986 and a hydraulic radius of R= U.0S14 m. Ilence the misimum shear sve. the pipe boundary. trig i given by (taking » = 9790 Nim?) -RSq = (9790)(0.0514)(0.00045) = 0.23 Pa Since the minimum shear siress (0.23 Pa) is less than th3 critical shaar stress (1 Pa). the sewer pipe will fot be self-cleansing for a particle size of 1.67 mm; the largest particle that a 9.23 Pa shear stress will ‘move is 0.25 mm. Based on these results if the sewer pipe is assessed for self- should be SAiaT to the dlameter of the upstream pipe, or equal to the minimum allowable pipe diameter if there is uo upstream pipe. Step 3 Specity Q = Qnax and h/D = (h/ Dra, and use the Manning or Darey-Weisbach equation to find the required slope, Sr Step 4: Speciy O = Onin, and use either the Manning or the Dacey- Weisbach equation Pes Sequined Slope, Swe for the shear stress on the bottom of the pipe to equal the critical shear stres, Step 5: Assign the pipe slope, Sy = max(Seen.Sieit Set) Step 6 Verily that V = Vin when O = Ona It not, adjust the pipe diameter and repeat Steps 1-5 ‘This proceduce yields corresponding values of D and So that satisfy the hydeauti design com ae proceneve Spis the minimum slope that meets all of the design constrains for the given Sater, D. There can be multiple (D,So) combications that satisty the design constrains diametet P anee wl usually consider how the entire sewer system fis together before mae inga Binal deesion of the appropriate (D.S0) combination for any indivicual pipe Usually the ist preference is to use the same diameter asthe upstream Pipe See creer rere EXAMPLE 6.6 renal to ue a 610-rindiameter concrete pipe a segment ofa sewer fie The maximum and tri aes wr sates inthe pipe segment are 0:30 m°Fs and 0.015 mvs, espoctvely. Design specie ions Mute tha the roushacse height ofthe concrete pipe be taken as 01 mm the rial seas see for re ung a0. Ca, and the sewage temperature as 20°C. Regulatory requirements state that he Sih mast Rawno ore teun 75% full under maximum-ow concivons andthe masinur riety TE cere than 2. ans Based on the invert elevation of the upstteam pipe Segment and minimunrciver requirement, any pipe slone greater than 22r0 is feasible. Determine the minimum allowable pipe slope ‘that could be used ‘Soluton From the given data: D ~ 610 mum = 0610 m, Oa = 030 ms Oyun = 0015 mils, € ai te = 00001 m, ce = O87 Ba, T = 20°C, (/D)arox = 0.75, 2nd Vien = 40108 Step 1: From the given information, any pipe slope greater than aer0.meets the minimum-coves requirement, Therefore, Spe, = 00. Step 2 ‘he pipe diameter under consideration is = 610 mn. This likely equa tothe pipe diameter ofthe upstream segment Step 3 When Q = Qnax = 0:30 mA and h/D made weer hal oof, __sin(s.189) ~ (h/D) mux = 0.75 the following calculations are os" [1 ~ 2(0.75)] = 4.189 radians 184m 226 Chapter6 Design of Sanitary Sewers dna = [228 = $a] pp [az = sin ss ? (0.610)? = 0.235 m? Regu, = (2ar/AmeRnax _ (0:30/0.235)(0.184) i =235 x 108 - : 0.0001 Be = a = 0.000543 foe =005f = 00141 ous = 0.1129 Rafe = 0.1129(0.184)4 (0.0141)4 2 | 2 16teae ant | -| 2.16 Suu Fad Po ~ sin Guach | ~ (4189) Based on these resulis, the minimum slope cequired 75% {ull is 0.00159, Hence, Spee = 0.00138, Step 4: Taking Q = @ O15 m/s and tig = 087 Pa, the fol forthe sewer to flow no more than ia lowing equations are solved for Df, _ singein] 0610, singain] FE baie 4 te tn-( enfn) - [ ai = 80a] (,540)2 J 5 Reig = (Quin/Aain) Rin {O01 aj i i Irie 025 ( : |!" (Wim 1 i Siig = | 2286 risd“F i = sin 3 Pain — Si Opi] L6mi8 nin ~ Sing} Finan ~ SP pig) Fain = YResinSinin Fae gots Solution ofthe above equation (withthe given values of Onin ad tig Yields Spin = 0.00168. Hence, Sys = GO0166 Step S: To meet the physical constraint ts the maximum flow depth limitation, and the minimum boundary shear sires requirements, the minimum requted pipe slope, Sys given by S0= max(Srett-Srt2-Srets) = max(0,0.00159, 0.00166) = 0.00166 ‘Therefore the minimum boundar requirement Sten 6: Determine the average velocy when Q = Qnax = 030 mis and Sy = 0.00166 Appli- Savion ofthe Manning equation yields Vinx = 1.65 mvs Since the maximum velocity y shear stress requirement controls the minimum-slope FIGURE 6.3: Energy grade line through manhole Section 6.3 Hydraulics of Sewers 227 (1.66 nv) is es than the given limit (40 mis, the ealelated ini allowable slope ‘of 00166 is acceptable. -the cleulations presented here are easily performed using a spreadshest With solver capability; ‘unknown variable can be taken as 6. 63.6 Hydraulics of Manholes vec nead toss, hy, (LJ, a8 sewage Rows Uhrough a manhole i typically estimated wsing the relation (6.30) ehere K is a hend-ss coeticient (dimensionless), Va isthe velocity inthe IPS downstream where KM pole (LT). and gis gravity [LT™2] For manholes with one ine Bry and one Oe pipe, values of K depend on the angle, 8, between the inlet PIP ‘and the outlet pipe, fand typical values are as follows: (631) For contoured flow-through manholes, typically hy, = 0.6 cm (002 (he Cocret grade For contours franbolei iusirated in Figure 6.3, where its apparent that ia order to avoid tne enter effecis a drop of Az [L] is required such that (632) veere yy and yp are the normal flow depths in the sewer condulis upstream and downstream of wre ae capetively, and Vj and Va arethe veloiisin the sewer condis pS As thea Uf the maatole (T-'] respectively, The maximom flow raf, Ons should anu! downsttrutaing, since this represents the worsens scenain Or AAS) ‘backwater Be ae a erp (ue Hi) is clcalated from Equation 632, then i588 7 etfs, C8 nega bean obstacle to bediond sediment transport and st eat Tt i wse sine 8 ens enter the same manhole, then Az i Equation 632 showd Oe calculated wo or mare seNer Cait and the maximum shouldbe used at the manele SOE Tor each ema required at locations where the sewer transitions 0" SF fiat manholes for ypiel evcumetances Az = 3em (0.100) tf manole ops 6 T needed slopes. Under pi gible might be prudent speciy a op of AZ = oh 05 £0) and hen ees a gall hea lose and asa construction tolerance s0 hat steht horizontal te Scjgnmentof the manok wil no esutn an outlet ata higher elevation than the lowest inlet (ASCE, 2007). Energy Grade Line 228 Chapter6 Design of Sanitary Sewers EXAMPLE 6. ‘A manhole i tobe placed at location where the slope ofa 760-mm-diameter pipe chan 002%. The roughness height ofthe concrete pipe i estimated as 1 mm and the desi rate is 0.485 m/s If the inflow and outflow pipes are located directly opposite each ‘the minimium drop inthe pipe invert that must be provided at the manhole Solution From the given data: D = 760 mm = 0.760 m, 5, = 05% = 0.005, $; =02 ‘mm = 0.001 m, and Q = 0485 m/s. Assume a temperature of 20°C so that v= 10-8 mag, Bes from 0.55, 0 maximum how other, determing Step ts Determine the upsiccam Row contiions. The following equation are solved for the value Of the central flow angle, 8 a ef - [Sgn [SE 0 (QAR, _ (ef oat, 36s meaiehs! : 7 mon-¥ ny 1.760) arig0rt J famosa] as yay 5a, — sing} 6516 ~ sino) ‘The solution of these equations is 4 ~ 3310 radians, which corresponds to a flow depth Yi = 0.412 m and an average velocity Vy = 1.93 mis Step 2: Determine the downstream low conditions Use the same equations asin Step 1 with the exception that the slope in Equation 633 is taken as 0.002 inscead of 0.005. This yields a flow depth y2 = 0.570 m and an average velocity V2 = 1.33 mis ‘Step 3 Determine the head lossat the manhole. Since the low is straight through the manhole, the : hhead:-loss coefficient can be estimated as K = 0.15 and the head loss iz, at the manhole is given by Equation 6.30 as (233 m= Kae = OER = 0014 m (0.13) Determine the required drop atthe manhole. The required drop, Az, is given by Equation 632a5 Ww Ar=(2- 1) + if - g]em % ‘ = (0570 042) + [aa : | +0014 orm Section 6.4 System Design Criteria 229 6.4 System Design Criteria Sanitary sewer systems hive a variety of components which typically intude Pipes Tent, Sanitary pug, stations Criteria governing the design of several Key s)stem components are given in the following sections. 6.4.1. System Layout ‘To layout a sanitay-sewer system requires selection ofthe system outlet: Setermnn of Fey aaa ihe “sewershed”); locaton of the main sewer, determination of Whether the tripwiar if for, and the location of, pumping, stations and force mains: osston ty tae sock Tovmtions, and loeation of water and gas lines, electrical, elephone, ade erand other underground utilities. The main sewer isthe principal ewe Te television wits one oe butary In larger systems, the main sewer is also called the Wun which branch vd system outlet depends On the scope and objectives of the parreul sever and ray consist ofa pumping station, an existing trunk OF mai sewer, oF a eaimest plant Since the flows in sewer systems are typically driven by gravity, preliminary leyowrs topographic maps. Trunk and main sewers ace located at the "ower are usually made using are usualy Ph gervige area, although existing roadways and the availablity of ihe ¢1 4 ;monly located at shay affect the exact locations. In developed areas, sanitary sewers ave com ra tree eenven of roadsays and alleys. In very wie streeis however it might be ere ee won both sides of the street. When sanitary sewers are soo spnaity to public water supplies its common practice 0 use pressure Ups Sort sa etea a force main), concrete encasement of the sewer pipe, sewet ips WTA Lak, that Fi ee cafltravonvexfitration requirements, of at last 10 put water pipes snd eet reer a opposite sides ofthe street. Most building codes prohibit sangany sory installation pipes on Opp Sg water mains and require that sewers beat least 3m (LO &) horacnidly inthe sae teins and, where they ess, atleast 450 mm (18 i.) vertical separation Between sewers and water mains (Lagvankar and Velon, 20010) 6.4.2 Pipe Material ‘A vavity of pipe materials are used in practic, including conerete, vied Cay, cos Se A nary oF pt various thermoplastic materials including PVC: Pipes are broadly classified aa ae road pipes or flexible pipes. Rigid pipes derive a substantia! past ot Ae load 2 hing capacity from tne structural strength inherent inthe Pipe wall while flexible pipes Carn eee eag-carying capacily from the interaction ofthe pipe and the embedrer soils sere they the deflezion of the pipe 10 the equilibrium point undet oad, Pipe materials atte OF tigid and flexible are listed in Table (5, and the advantages ane dtsaret aS 2 ppm), high relative humidity, and atmospheric oxygen. The effect of HeSOx on concrete surfaces exposed to the sewer environment can be devastating. Concrete pipes, asbestos-cement pipes, and mortar linings on ferrous pipes experience surface reactions in which the surface material is converted to an expandiny pasty ‘mass which may fall away and expose new surtaces to corrosive attack. The color of corroded conerete surfaces can be various shades of yellow caused by the-direct oxidation of Hz8 to elemental sulfur. Entire pump stations have been known to collapse due t0 loss of structural stability from corcosion. Hydrogen sulfide gas is exiremely toxic and can cause death at con- centrations as low as 300 ppm (0.03%) in air. A person who ignores the first odor of the gas quickly loses the ability to smell the gas, eliminating further warning and leading to deadly consequences. Significant factors that contribute to HS generation are high wastewater temperatures and low tlow velocities. The potential for sulfide generation in sewers with diameters less ‘than 600 mm (24 in.) can be assessed using the value of the Z variable, where (Pomeroy and Parkhurst, 1977) EBOD , P 30? x Z tot sob Section 6.4 System Design Criteria 235 “TABLE 6:7: Sulfide Generation Based on Z, Values Z values Sulfide condition gabe ee % < 5000 Sulfide rarely generated ‘5000 = Z = 10,000 Marginal condition for sulfide generation. At Z * 7500, low HaS concentrations are likely. At Z = 10,000 odor and corrosion problems can occur Z > 10000 Sulfide generation common. At Z © 15,000 frequent problems with odor and significant corrosion problems can be expected. GREEN Sources ASCE (1982); Butler and'Davies @O11) where EBOD is the effective biochemical oxygen demand {mg/L}, defined by the relation EBOD = BODs x 1.077- 63) where BODs is the average 5-cay biochemical oxygen demand {mg/L} at 20°C during the highest 6-hour low period of the day, 7 is the temperature of the wastewater in the sewer [°C], Sp is the slope of the sewer {dimensionless}, @ is the flow rate in the sewer [m/s], P is the wetted perimeter [mm], and B is the top width (m] of the sewer flow. The wastewater pHs assumed to be in the range 7-8, The relationship given by Equation 6.36 is commonly referred to 28 the Z formula, and the relationship between the calculated Z value and the potential for sulfide generation is given in Table 6.7. : "The Z formula given by Equation 6.36 is widely used in practice (Butler and Davies, 2011), However, it has been suggested that the biodegradability of the wastewater in sanitary Sewers is an important factor influencing sulfide generation that is not incorporated in the Z formula, Vollertsen (2006) has suggested that the value of Z calculated using Equation 6:36 tbe modified by the factor, fz, where (6.38) where COD is the chemical oxygen demand {mg/L}, BODs is the 5-day biochemical oxygen Genand [myL ], and hiodeyradability is measured by the rativ of BODs/COD. If Equation 6.38 is used, then the modified Z value is equal to fz, X Z and the same criteria in Table 6.7 can be used to evaluate the likelihood of sulfide generation. ‘tis usually impractical or impossible to design a sulfide-fece sewer system, and engi- neers endeavor to minimize sulfide generation and use corrosion-resistant materials to the inaximum extent possible, Increased turbulence within sewers will increase the rate at which HOS is released (rom wastewater, and structures causing avoidable turbulence should be identified and retrofitied to produce a more streamlined flow. Wastewater-treatment plants dre usually located at the terminus of sewer systems, and chlorination with either elemen- tui chlorine or hypochlorite quickly destroys sulfide and odorous organic sulfur compounds. Chiorination in sanitary sewers is generally considered impractical The dissolving of air or ‘oxygen in the wastewater as it moves through the sewer system, addition of chemicals such Gs won and nitrate salts, and periodic sewer flushing are effective sultide-contro! measures. oe EXAMPLE 6.8 ‘A o15-mm-diameter concrete sewer is laid on a slope of 0.9% and is to carry 1.7 mifs of domestic timated as 0.013. Ifthe S-day BOD of the wastewater at 1m when the wastewater ‘wastewater, Manning's of the sewer pipe is es 20°C is expected to be 300 mg/L, determine the potential for sulfide generation temperature is 25°C. 236 Chapter 6 #sign of Sanitary Sewers palution From the given data, Q ="L.7 mig D = 915 mm x 0915 m, 55 = 0.009, n = 0.013, an Equation 6.17 gives the ow angle 9. by the reation aus oF — sinayi — 20.16n9D-4554 9 He ~ sinayt ~ aorsooisya 70.915)-4(0.009)-4 9 | whlch welds 9 = 431 radians The low perimeter, P, top width, 8, andthe ratio P/B are given by pa pa B (=)s9(5) -sn(2) '5°C, is given by Equation 6.37 as EBOD = BODs x 1.977-20 | 100 X 1.0752 491 ng, According to the Z formula, Equation 636, | | I 6. 0 Combined Sewers Sombined sewers carry both stormwater runoff and sewage, and are found in many older ftow that ns Waited States. Typically: urban combined ees systems are designed to cary | Now that is about four to eight times the ‘ircrage dry-weather flow (sewage flows), while * Toa raat PADIS serving these systems are typicaly esigned to handle mixed flows that are tba tes the average dey-weuther Row Oven from combined systems in most urban Steas occur on average 10-60 times per yews (Novotny, 2003). Under normal circumstances, combined ewes {ransport water through partially full dllered device se channel tegime, However, flow eondiiene vine sewers are significantly wn an Unee itense rain events 35 the pipes wane oes Pressurized full-pipe condition i tled by a hydraulic bore propagatiny on the hat SP alerharimer pressures such as deseribed by Gos on sieage TARP system and Zhou etal (2002) in ie drainage system en arial, difterent numerical techniques have ba employed to diana Pressurized regimes, and no existing technique is fully citions exist. A proposed technique that can Keser 10 simulate by Vasconcelos and et a, (2006), 65 Design Comput: Er of ecisign computations for sanitary sewers seck to determine the slope and diam conduc PIPE Sezment Such thatthe pipe has adea dy capacity under maximum-flow mining aan seleansing under the minimum for eerie Procedure for deter in Section 6a ie ciameler slope combinations inenchrpe see ‘escribed in detail invge nna Homever, this procedure can become vehi Se fepeated manually for a terge number of pipe segments and design aide ae eet circumstances ns | sien. Section 6.5 Design Computations 237 6.5.1 Design Aids Design aids have been developed to facilitate the computation of Manning's n and for deter- mining the minimum slope for self-cleansing. These design aids provide close approximations to the results obtained when calculations are done manually; however, when computations are automated using a computer program, the exact methods presented previously should be used 68.11 Manning's Manning's n can be caléulated exactly for any given pipe diameter, low, and roughness height using the Colebrook equation (to estimate the friction factor) along with the relationship between Manning's m and the friction factor given by Equation 6.12. However, it has also been shown (ASCE, 2007) that for depths of flow greater than 15% of the diameter Maa ring’s mis relatively insensitive to the depth of tlow, velocity of low, and temperature of the sewage, Manning's mis much more sensitive to the pipe diameter and the roughness height. For most concrete pipes ofa given diameter, itis recommended to specify a roughness tieigh cof 0.03 mm (0,0001 ft) and take the design value of Manning's to be a so-called “Typical value that is 15% higher than the n vaiue calculated using Equation 6.12. These “Typical” values of Manning's » are shown in Table 6<4 for several common pipe diameters. The values corresponding directly to a roughness height of 0.03 mm are used to characteri concrete pipes in “Extra Care” condition, and n values 30% higher characterize pipes in “Substandard” condition. Pipes in “Typical” condition usually reflect operating concitions, and the corresponding n values shown in Table 64 are appropriate for most desigos. Some regulations, particularly in the United States, require that » values in concrete sewers be taken as 0.013. Although this requiternent is typically an overestimate of st and does not take into account the reality that nis 2 function of pipe diameter, local regulatory requirements should be followed when they exist. Using an overestimate of m to assess pipe capacity under maximum-fiow conditions will generally iead to an overly conservative sewer ipe design 63512 Mi The minimum slope required for self-cleansing depends on the minimum flow rate, pipe diameter, pipe rousshaess, and the design particle size for bedload transport, A typical design particle size is 1 mm, although 1.5 mm is also used and 1.67 mm is also convenient in that it corresponds io a critical boundary stress of exactly { Pa, according to Equation 6.28. The exact procedure for calculating the minimum slope required for self-cleansing is given in Section 6.3.5, however, in the usual eases where the rvughness height is taken as 0.03 mm and the pipe is in “Typical” condition, the slopes requiced lor self-cleansing are closely approxi mated by the empirical relations shown in Table 6 8. The predictions of these equations have ‘correlation covtficients greater than 0.999 when compared with the exact values for relative flow depths, h/U, in the range of 0.10.4, and can be extended to the range of (05-050 with very little loss of accuracy (Merritt, 2009). For relative flow depths outside this range, which is uncomaion for minimum-flow conditions, and for design particle sizes outside the range of 1,0-1,67 mm, the minimum seif-cleansing slope should be calculated using the exace approach described in Section 6.3.5. The self-cleansing stope values derived from Table 6.8 ‘would normally be rounded to three significant digi. In cases where local regulatory requirements state that a Manning's n of 0.013 must be used in design, this will typically lead to an underdesign of the pipe for self-cleansing, since 0.013is typically higher than the actual n value as computed via Equation 6.12, For any given pipe slope, this leads to an overestimate of the ow depth and associated boundary shear stress under minimurn-flow conditions. Therefore, the professional recommendation of the design engineer should be to determine Manning's n using Equation 6.12 when designing pipes for self-cleansing. As minimum flows decrease, the required slope for self-cleansing increases. For very small minimum flows the required minimum slopes might become unreasonably steep and for economical reasons the design engineer might want to set the slope at a lower value 1m slope for self-cleansing 238 Chapter 6 Design of Sanitary Sewers TINIE 64 Self leasing Slopes Function of Design Minimum Flow Rates Soper o diameter Desizn partic ——____ Design ‘as Tm Une Bonsssa5h" ——ounserg-osra oon ge0s% .onea50,8% —qanrav9-a57 00rssg-2s% a5 omnscaO-8 ——ooorg-2575 00750-2518 450 o0re6g, 8 oons01g-a5r 0083399578 500 coreg. —— oonsaag=as4 00854905764 325 OUTED RRM — 0800-276 gosygnaiis on omseg5257" ——oanes6g-asm o.onasag 25% 675 OOD oagyrzgn asm 750 ooorrse= ——oansmag-2sm * 00sing 278 ws Qwors6ZE™ —— 0009239=057— goog 052508 oon aooer39527" ——oanwa-250m owosgig-29%2 O75 Doers," —onnseng=d5ms 4 moga29%7 1050 one g-0s4 onio1eg 85% 125g osr0g-8857 onset 1200, 0.00893979.5854 0.010170; 0.s821 on105208807 1300 BuosmigzA — oaIM14g=0$50 yy 13593088 2000 onIrTeRK ——001390,85 — ooragggn ase Muvcing’sn deve forthe Darcy-Weisbach equation ta ‘Cand ¢=0.031mm (0000 the m value is increased by 15% above that derived from, . the Dargy-Weishach equation, caireleael relying on manual cleaning until the minimu dow sate increases to the seffSteansing flow rae that corresponds tothe selected pn slope. This course of action is With conta ea era i ces where the estimated minimums pe ree ee eee oes 138, seer A Possible approach might be to limit the rela oe depth, A/D, to 10% or faring determine the corresponding minimum slope, Sette! ‘minimum flow rate, One, Teams aeaia.Tte Pibe would then be laid on the appagy sd imum slope and selt: cleansing would be attained when the minimum flow cate oe Pipe equals or exceeds the forded ge et Csign minimum flow rate. Tofaiitate this apt Pe CUA Sin and One reeautge particle Sizes f].0mm,1 5mm, and 67mm are grees ‘Table 6,9. ASCE (2007) Fecommends using @I-mm particle unless lol conditions $9 licate that granular sediments im local sewage are larger than found in typical domestic, Sewage, ‘a OOS ‘aru gt ‘un SOT ‘uu 006 ‘una QSL ‘um 909 ‘un sz ‘wu OS ‘um Sze tus 0€ ‘anu 057 ‘ww 007 su OST ) soroueg, Tina Ot pUE 951 3e sedoys wu UIA +69 TTAVL 239 240 Chapter6 Design of Sanitary Sewers 65.2 Procedure for System Design | {ipa euotmation required prior to computing the sizes and slopes of sewer Pipes includes. | sewers are as follows: SteP 1: Computations begin withthe uppermost pipe inthe sewer system, List the pipetine theres Column (usualy sterting fom the Number 1), elahe an location at and ane Column 2 list the beginning and ending manhole aunt ct Colurnns 3 Fat the legeuabole numbers usually start from 1 atthe uppermen hole), an the og rgusth OF the sewer pipe in Column 5. The wrouraeer vations at Theat reagan downstzam manhole locations ae stadia Colon oo 24, Step2: In Column 6, list the land area that will contribute wastewater flow to the sewer Proposed development plan Step fn Column 7, tist the total area cantsbuting wastewater ow othe sewer Pipe. This (raced anting area is the sum of the aren that enuributes Mec RS Pipe {esxein Coluran 6) and the ares that contributes ow te the weer pipes that feed the sewer pipe. Step & In Coluni 8 the contribution of infiltration and infow (U1) tothe Pie flow ist Connected pipes. Step &: In Column 9, the maximum sewage Row rate i calculated by muttiptying the con tytn area listed in Column 7 by the average wastewater hone the end of se fosign period (usually given in maha) andthe penking eves (otived using 4 relation similar to Equation 6.5) Step 6 ‘In Column 10, the peak design Now rate is calculated as the sum of Il (Cotumn 8) and the peak wastewater flow cate (Column 9), Step In Colurms 11,12. and 13, the minimum design low rate is ealeulated using a similar Pron (Colonie used i calculating the peak design flow mite the Hi maageny(clumn 11) is typically the same as calculated in Sion ¢ (Column 8); the when the seus ger flow rate (Column 12) is the average wasteware tee tn Ureecn, Seer Systems fist becomes opecational multipin by the peaking factor {derived wsing a relation similar to Equation 63); and themani oe ign flow rata (canta 13) 5 the sum of M1 (Column 11) and the minor eens low rate (Colume 12) Step & For agiven pipe diameter, the slope of the sewer (Column 14)is equal to the steeper 4 suas Aueyues ~ ub s9p 20) vaayspeaids en1dKL 19 SNS wear [eel (w) pve | pus | poe secsn jamo}ecén] ues spl uanssowes| dom yous Pret we OL wos ‘mow Wn perry 20 o5quen TH 242 Chapter 6 Design of Sanitary Sewers Clameier is increased to the next commercial size (eg, sce Appendix E 3) or the ibe Sope (Column 14) is increased until sel-cleansing. maxima Now ae Sever ning’ locity criteria are all met. After this iteration, the dlamot dheancie fgaed fo manuel clesaing, and the minimum how ate ojos ce self. seansing should also be noted. In cul-de-saes and other dead-end sures sections, often impossible to satisfy the sell-cleansing requirement Such pines ig Usually STope fr cone ishing to scour accumulated sediments The minimum practeeye. slope for construction is usually around 0.08% Step 9: When good estimates of the maximum design flow rate are available, itis ree. Section 634 In ee cequired drop at each manhole be calculated as deseredt Section 636, In cases where manhole losses cannot be eet Accurately, the jolowing guidelines are sometimes followed: (1) if the mlow aed sung pipes are foe ine ent directions, the pipe invert is dropped by 30 mm (1-2 n) ty compensate {oie eneray losses; and (2) Ifthe diameter of the sewer pipe leaving a manhole recasatan the diameter of the sewer pipe entering tne mathole, head ee are Using arbi fateh the crown elevations of the entering and lenviee pipes. Using arbitrary fixed drops at cach manhole is not recy calculation spreadsheet, the drop ia the sewer invert is listed in Columa 19, ep 10: The fallin the sewer line is equal to the product of the slope (Columa 14) and the length of the sewer (Column 5) and is listed in Column 20, Step 14: The invert elevations of the upper and lower ends ofthe sewer line are listed in Columns 21 and 22. The difference in these elevations is equal te thefts the Somer citer gin Coluran 20, and the invert elevation at the upper end at tS The eranntSts {rom the invert elevation at the lower end of the unercane Pipe by the manhole invert drop listed in Column 19 Step 12: Repeat Steps2 to 1 fort connected pipes, proceeding downstream until thesewer {othe nea ee hen fepeut Steps 210 11 Tor the sewer main until the corsets to the next lateralis reached Step 13: Repeat Steps 2 to 12, beginning with the outermost pipe in the Next sewer lateral Coajinue designing the Sewer main until the outlet point of the seer ae is reached. the design procedure described here is usually automated to some degree and is most fallosaetesimented using u spreadshect program. The design procedure nacre by the following example, EXAMPLE 6. Pyare ee RT, 619 be designed to service the development of mulistory apartments shown in Figure 68. The average per-capita westewater How rate is estimated te be 0 Lidiperson, and the sees on and iow (Vis estimated 1 be 10 m/dkm. The sewer systems teers cg existing main DSTO Ther ne 2sWbere the average wastewater ow rate a the end ofthe design Period is 0370 m'¥s The UI contribution to the Now inthe main sewer at MIT negligible. The existing sewer s ‘ ‘ ™~ Section 6.5 Design Computations 243, FIGURE 6.8: Residential som oe eam NYS i i *p \ ' £2 3 sL \ ' a ‘A sreot 1 i 1 | \ H \ ' 8 Sxast | 1 | 1 1 1 } \ E—CSv0s1 \ 1 \ t | ' ' I i : {— osiest t Hi ' ' i | \ 1 ! \ ji ! t \ _ / | a tbo i __Mannoleao Length ContrbutingUpperend Laer sed ' Lineno, Location TD tm) area(ha) eo) ) i : oO @ @ © ©. o 6 i 0 MiinSweet = 5 ~ = = cat 1 ASteet 1 2 ow «300 aan 2 RStoot 2 4 O30 30 0 i 3 ASteet 3 OS oat ean mn Q 4 RSet 4 3 0 oss 004 i 5 Mamstet = «S$ ox aot 5 BSteet Cee eee ons 7 P Avene oe ay 088 8 BStreet 8 0 Ot 039 9 Qawme = «9185 038 i 0 BSueet wv oR 9 085 a0 Ho BSteet nop 09 eon 2 MamSieet 2 028 «2 3 CSteet ase easter on ax Ko PAwme = SB 06 ass | 1% CSuret 5 37 ost ey ! 1 Qaveme 16 6 om sis0 7 CSueet a ee 085 20 1 Csureet B OI ran 2 | 19 MainSeet 19258 i) 08 ! ‘When the system is first installed, it is estimated that the average flow rates willbe 30% of the average 1 flows when the area is fully developed. Design the sewer system along A Street und the frst extension i segment of the sower main between manholes 5 and 12. The saturation density ofthe area being served 1 is 347 persons/ha. Local municipal guidelines require that the sewer pipes have a minimum cover of 2 m, a minimum slope of 0.08%, a minimum allowable pipe diameter of 150 mm, and be designed for sell-cleansing based on a 1-mm particle with a specific gravity of 27. 244 Chapter 6 Design of Sanitary Sewers Soluiion Preliminary calculations and specifications: From the given data, the average wistewater low rtes the beginning and end of design period, Qyug2 Bd Quvgn respectively, and the UI How coe Ce expresid in convenient units as (allows Qneg2 = 300 Liperson X 347 persons/ha = 104,000 Lida = 1.20 Lisa Qnsg1 = 030Qany2 = 0.30(1.20) = 0.360 Usha Quiz = 70 m¥/d/km = 8.10 x 10-4 Lisim Qin = Onn =810 x 10~* Lis Since the design particle diameter is 15 mm, the design boundary shear stress (.c, tractive force), re is given by Equation 628 as 0.86700277 = 0.867(1.5)°2" = 0.97 Pa ‘Therefore, sewers in which the boundary shear stress is greater than or equal to 0.97 Pa under ‘minimure-flow conditions will be taken as self-leansing. fn aeordance with conventional prac. tee, the sewer system will be designed to meet the following additional constants 35 ms bec Fears Hydraulics of existing sewer: The results of the design computations are shown in Figure 69. The computations begia with Line 0, which is the existing sewer main that rust be extended to ccommodate the sewer lines in the proposed residential development. The average flow rate in the sewer main #t the end of the design period is 0.370 m/s = 370 Lis, and the average Now ‘ate ot the beginning ofthe design period is 0.3(0:370) = O.11 mls = 111 Ls. Using Equation 6.5, the peaking laciors and corresponding flow rates are given by PFs = 188020995 = 189(0370)~"5 - 207 Pn = 1.880;05 = 1 gn(0i11)-95 = 230 2.07)(0.370) = 0.756 mPis = 766 Us i Ons = PF avg? Qin = PPinigQavgl = (232)(0A12) = 0.258 mPis = 258 Lis Hence, the maximum Row rate is 766 L/s (Column 10) and the minimum Bow rate is 258 Lis (Column 13), The m value for # 1065-mm concrete pipe in typical condition is 0.0120 (ASCE. 2007), With 4 stope of 0.009 (Column 14) anda diameter of 1068 mam (Column 15), the depth of flow at the maximum flow rate is 373 mm (Column 17) and the corresponding maximum velocity is 2.76 mis (Column 18). Under minimum-flow conditions, the depth of flow is 214 mm with a corresponding boundary shear stress of 11.4 Pa (Column 16). The invert elevation of the main sewer at MHS is 55.35 m (Column 22) and the ground:-surface elevation at MHI is 6004 m (Column 24), ‘Sewer Line 1: ‘The design of the sewer system begins with Line 1 on A Street, which goes from MH 1 fo MH 2 and is 53 m long, The area contributing wastewater flow is 0.47 ha (Column 7). The ‘maximum and minimum wastewater Row rates are caleulated as follows: suoneimye> ubisap somes ‘69 sundt4 TOS | woos [TESS] 70500 [060 [605] oor0n op 20 [oa 5 52 0] Gr 20 [og 9 [sz'09]59"19] ‘a t9 [009 [s9 191530] w 207 do. von rouse 20 ‘nov aru ‘Noy ERLE rr | 246 Chapter6 Design of Sanitary Sewers Qin2 = 8.10 x 10-4 Lisi x 53 m = 0043 Us. 1.000043 m3/s Qin = Ore = 0.000083 mFs Quyga = 1.20 Listha X 0.47 ha = 0.565 Ls = 0.000565 m/s argh = 030 n.g2 = 03(0.000565) = 0.000170 mis PEmox = 0.2810,04* = 0.281(0.000565)-24 — 7.55 PFmin = 028105054 = 0.281(0.000170) 4 = 19 § rat sewage = PFs avg = (755)(0.000565) = 0.00127 m¥s = 4.27 Lis = Qhinsewage = PFnin Quret = (12.8)(0.000170) = 0.00218 mrs = 2.18 Ls Qmex = Omaxsowage + Ou =4.27 + 0.043 = 431 Us min = Ominsewage + Qin = 2.18 + 0043 =2.22 Us (Gata agrmiznum flow rates 431 Us (Column 10) and the minimum Row rats 2.20 Li ale 13). The value fora 130-nm conerete pie intypieal condone OOTOS Meee ‘mum slope for selfleansng, Sy calculated trom the appropa With the ground slope, Sproudf 35(llows 10226 {2e7e%,t0 maintain w minimum cover of2 , specify the pipe slope Sp, to equal the ground slope GGA. With a pipe lope of 0.0226 (Colum 14) anda diameter of 150 sa (Conn 15).the pth of flow atthe maximum flow rate is 40 min (Columin 17) and the cortesponding maximum wath wigs 213 mls (Column 18), Under minimur-low conditions the depth of lee sienceeatresponding boundary shear stress of 382 Pa (Column 4), The pipe tne adequate siven by ‘capacity i elf-cleansing. and meets all design constraints The drop in ihe eee Az = LS = (53)(0.0226) 120m eeaenes invert at the upper end to have a200-m coveris 65.00 m ~200.m~0:150m (Column 21), andthe sewer invert at the lower end is62 85 m — 120 me Ghee So ate design of Lines2 and 3 follows the same sequence as for Line 1, withthe treat of all apseeanastewate flows in each pipe are derived ram the sum ofthe consibue the sum ofa aecam Pipes pus the pipe being designed, and thatthe I Now in each pp she sum ofall upsieear ws pls the 1 contribution othe pipe beng deignes Using this, eee teas invert elevation atthe end of Lines 3 and 4 is 5189 m (Colume2a), where res 57 89 eat join the main sewer. The invert elevation of the sewer main is 3.35 mute Shi ncg a2) = 354m below the invert ofthe laters spiel dop-meaahe see Will be required a this intersection, Sewer ine S: The main sewer leaving MH 5 (Line 5) is designed next. The uibstary arca to Fea gite sum of the contributing areas ofall contcibuting sewer laterals (Lines te 4 rah Problems 247 contribution to Line 5 isthe sum of the VI contributions to all upstream laterals (0-200 + 0.072 = 0.272 Ls) plus the IM contribution dietly to Line 5 (69 m 8.10 x 10~* Listm = 0.056 Ls) fora total Ml contribution of 0.272 + 0.056 rates are calculated using the peaking flow factors as previously described. Since the required riinimum slope is less than the practical slope of 0.08%, a slope of 0.08% is used. A manhole ‘rap at the end of the pipe of 0.03 m is used to account for energy losses at the manhole, where laterals intersect. 328 Lis (Column §)."The maximum and minimum ow Problems Get. Estimate the maximum and minimum design waste- water flow rawes {rom a 65-ha residential develop- rent that when fully developed will consist of 10% large lots (6 personslha), 75% small single-family lots, (75 personstha), and 15% small 1wo-family ots (125 per- sons/ha), The average wastewater flow rate when the sewers are figst installed is expected to be 30% of the average wastewater flow rate when the area is fully developed. Assume an average per-capita flow rate of 30 Lid/person ‘A fully developed 45-km? city will have land uses that are 65% residential, 25% commercial, and 10% indus- trial, The residential development will be 15% large tos (6 persons/ha), 75% small single-family lots (75 per- sonsiha), and 10% mulistory apartments (2500 per soms/ha), The average domestic wastewater flow rate can ‘bc taken as 500 Lid/person, the average commercial flow rate as 50,000 Liha, and the average industrial Mow rate ‘5 90,000 Lidia, When the sewer is first installed, the average wastewater flow rate will be 35% of the aver- age low rato expected when the area is fully developed. Tniltration and inflow is estimated as 1300 Lid/ha for the fence area, Estimate the maximum and minimum flow rales to he handled by the main sewer. 6.8, A sewer pipe has a diameter of 760 mm and flows hee- fourths full when the Now rate is 260 Us. Estimate the average velocity of flow under this condition 64, Show that the Manning equation can be written in the focm given by Equation 6.17 Water flows at a rate of 7 isin a circular concrete sewer of diameter 1600 mm. [the slope of the sewer is 0.01, estimate the depth of flow and velocity the sewer. ‘What diameter of pipe would be required for the pipe to fow three-quarters full? 6.5. Water flows at 3 mlsin a circular concrete sewer laid on a slope of 0.005, Ifa velocity of 2 mvs is desired in the sewer, caleulate the diameter of sewer pipe that should be used. What would the depth of low be in the sewer Pipe? 6.7. Water flows at 35 mts in a 1400-mm-ciameter concrete sewer in which Manning's n is 0.015. Find the slope at Which the sewer flows half full 6.8. Show that the maximum flow rate in a circular pipe ‘oceurs when h/D = 0.94, where his the depth of flow and, 63. 640, 6a. 642, as, 614. 61s. Dis the diameter of the pipe. Assume that Manning's n is constant with depth. ‘Show that the low velocity ina circular pipe isthe same ‘whether the pipe is flowing hull full oc completely full ‘A concrete sanitary sewer isto be designed to flow on: half full when the flow rate is 30 Lis If the sewer is on a slope of 0.005 and the Manning roughness is 0.015, ‘what commercial sizeof pipe is required? Compare your results using the Manning and Darcy-Weisbach equa- tions, taking into consideration that for fully turbulent flow Manning's and the equivatent sand roughness, ks, are approximately related by none Determine whether the same Manning's should be used for the pipe owing ful and half fll. Determine the relative depth of flow in a partially full circular pipe that yields to the same flow rate as when. te pipe is Rowing full Consider a 915-mim-diameter concrete pipe with a char- acterisie coughness hoight of I mim, in typical condition, and laid on a slope of 0.4%. Estimate Manning's m when the pipe is 10%, 30%, and 100% full, Assume a vemper- ature of 20°C. ‘A miniraum flow of 7 Ls is to be transported in a con- crete sewer pipe laid on a slope of 0.5%. The estimated ‘Manning's m of the sewer is 0.013, and the critical shear stress lor self cleansing is LS Pa, Determine the range of ccommercial-size pipe diameters that would assure self- cleansing ‘A sewer pipe of diameter 915 mm is to be laid on a slope of 0.027%, and the minimum Row rate expected ‘upon installation is 15 Lis The pipe roughness is estimated as 0.03 mm and local regulations require a minimum permissible velocity of 0.60 mis to assure sell- cleansing. The minimum tractive force required for selt- cleansing is 0.9 Pa based on a particle size of | mm. Will, the minimum permissible velocity criterion assure set cleansing? ‘The design maximum and minimum flow rates in a con. crete sewer pipe are 0.60.m/s and 0.030 m/s, respec- tively. The roughness height of the concrete pipe is 1.5 mm, the critical shear stress for sell-cleansing is 6.46, ear. 68, ou. 620, Chapter Design of Sanitary Sewers 20 Pa, and the sewage temperature as 20°C. The pipe ‘must flow no more than 75% full under maximum- flow conditions and the maximum velocity must be less than 40 mis. Any pipe slope greater than 0.1% is feas ble. Determine the minimum allowable pipe slope for a 915-mm-diameter pipe A sanitary sewer system is to be designed for a newly developed 1700-ha area that is expected to have a popu. lation of 10,000 people when the sewers are first installed ‘and a population of 50,000 people whem the area is fully developed. Local regulations require that the sewer sy tem be designed for an average per-capita flow rate of 250 Lid/person, accommodate an infiltration and inflow of ZmP#dhha, not flow more than 73% full, be seit cleansing for 1.5-mm pacticles, have @ minimum diam eter of 150 min, and have a maximum velocity les than 3 mis Field surveys indicate thatthe ground slope is 1% along the planned route of the sewer system. Ifthe main pipe scgment draining the area isto be made of concrete and have the same slope as the ground, determine the required (commercial-size) pipe diameter. A 455-mm-diameter concrete pipe changes slope from 0.4% to 0.1% at a manhole. The roughness height of the pipe is 15 mm and the design maximum flow cate is 842 Ls The inflow and outflow pipes are located directly opposite each other, Determine the required

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