Global Warming

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My topic is the global warming, we have heard a lot of this, that it is

the beginning of the consequences of our acts, so, why is this topic
interesting?, take a moment and think that we are very young, we
have a entire life to live, and we have two choices to choose, first,
do something to try to fix all the problems in the nature that he have
created, or second, be prepared to all the impacts that we will get
from the nature; so, that's why is interesting, we are in that point
where literally the future is in our hands, the change is in our acts,
we just have the solution, also it's a topic that involve to all the
world, it's not only for humans, or nature, is for animals too, it cover
all the world. That's my topic, global warming, the thing who is
going to get all of us closer, or disappear us.
I took three photos when I was walking home, those photos
represent the view that I see every day, and I wanted to share
It with some friends and family, well, everyone, I decided to
post the pictures on Instagram and I concluded some toughts.
Clearly most of the comments that the people wrote were
talking about that we have a commitment with ourselves and
with the rest of the people, and we have to work hardly to
achieve the goal, beginning by changing the conscience of
the people, on the other hand, only 15% percent of the
comments talked about the future, for example, like the
future generations and the impact that they are going to have
because of our actions.
The main proposal will be a machine wich is going to
operate trought the ocean and some rivers from Colombia,
so, what is the work of the machine?, how does the machine
operate?, It will be controlled by a person, who is going to
try to collect as much garbage as the machine can, like
bottles, plastic packaging, and diferent types of trash, the
material that were collected It’s gonna be donated to
foundations that use all those things to recycle and help the
environment, but, how are we going to support this
machine?, with events to recollect some money from the
people of the communities who really want to do something
for our country and for the world.
From my point of view the machine not only will clean the
ocean and some rivers, It will support to improve the way
that we live.

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