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Assessment Form for Bronze and Silver El Hassan Youth Award participants

Name: Bonita Baladi Telephone number: 0797534929

:Award level: Bronze Record Number


?When did you first hear about the Award? Who told you about it .1

I heard about it in 2016, when I heard that some of my older brother’s friends were
interested in taking part, so I then went and asked the teacher in charge of helping students
.complete the El Hassan award for more information

?What did you know about the Award before you took part .2

I knew that this was an opportunity to show that a student is well developed in many areas
(shown by the service, skill and physical recreation activities). I also knew that we were then
.given the chance to go on a camping trip, where we would spend a night in a tent

?Which activities did you choose for your Award programmes .3

Service: Community service (every week I would go to a public school near ICS, and with a .1
group of students we would organize a fun and educational activity which the Jordanian
students would take part in)

Skills: Drama (I was an actor in a play) .2

Physical Recreation: Football team .3

?How long did you spend doing the Award programmes .4

Bronze Award: (Total – January till July 2017) -
Service – April till mid-July 2017
Skills - February till June 2017; between 2 and 4 hours of rehearsal a week
Physical Recreation – January till April 2017

?What was your favourite Award programme? What was enjoyable about it .5

I loved the Physical Recreation the most, because I have been part of the football team at ICS
since Year 5 (2013), and the team is a really great group of students that are similar to a
family; this team sport has helped us all grow into more caring individuals because even if
someone feels down, we have a sense of responsibility to be mature and resilient anyway in
.order to make ourselves and the team feel proud of our achievements

?What was the most difficult part of the Award? Why .6

The most difficult part was during the trip; the first night we had to sleep in tents in a clearing
in the middle of a large area of trees, and that night, there were many owls and other noises
that both me and my friends couldn’t identify, so it was quite scary as it felt like we were
.alone in the dark with these animals surrounding us

What effect has the Award had on your general attitude/awareness? How have you .7
?changed on a personal level since completing the Award

Before taking part in the Award programme, I wasn’t very active in the community, but the
service programme really made me more aware of others around me, and helped me
appreciate all the things that I used to take for granted, like loving and supportive parents
and friends, as well as the fact that I was fortunate to have a family that doesn’t have
financial difficulties. This realization helped me care more for others around me, and made
.me want to help them however I could

?Are you aware that there are opportunities to take the Award programs internationally .8


9. Do you want to participate in the Silver Award ? Yes No

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