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The (i) project background, (ii) logical framework, (iii) action plan (quarterly basis), (iv) cost estimates

(quarterly basis), (v) stat

a) Prepare a "Project Third Quarter End Progress Report (July 2019 - March 2020)" covering aspects such as (i) project context
b) Undetake the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges (SWOC) analysis of the project as of March 2020 and sug

Note: You can make relevant and resonable assumptions where required, but you need to clearly write the assumptions you m
mates (quarterly basis), (v) status of implementation of project activities as of March 2020 and (vi) statement of project expenditure as of M
ects such as (i) project context/overview, (ii) status of implementation of planned activities, (iii) actual project expendiures, (iv) physical pro
ect as of March 2020 and suggest future strategies for project management to ensure successful completion of impleemntation of planne

y write the assumptions you made in relation to answer above questions.

of project expenditure as of March 2020 of community based economic development project is provided in atatched excel file. The proje
t expendiures, (iv) physical progress and financial progress of the project and (v) conclusions (30 marks).
n of impleemntation of planned project activities by June 2021 (35 marks).
atatched excel file. The project was under the techncial and financial support of Asian Development Bank (ADB). The ADB recruited you a
ADB). The ADB recruited you as a short-term project management consultant to review the project performance and suggest strategies an
ance and suggest strategies and action plan to speed-up and complete project implementation in June 2021 as planned.

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