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The second transnational meeting in the project School Entrepreneurship; An

Adventure Looking at The Future of Europe, financed through Erasmus+

Between the 9th and the 16th March 2019, representatives of “Avram Iancu” School Bistriţa took part in
the second meeting of the Erasmus+ project “School Entrepreneurship, an Adventure Looking at the
Future of Europe”. The meeting was hosted by the Instituto Comprehensivo Statale Ignazio Buttitta in
Bagheria, Sicily. „Avram Iancu” School was represented by the teachers Stefan Lazaric, Anca Toader
and Bianca Moşneguţu. The students who participated at the meeting were: Moldovan Florian, Titianu
Maria Ana, Fodorean Daria, Lup Alexia—all VIIth graders.

During five days, the participants—both students and teachers—participated in a workshop meant to
establish the name and the logo of the transnational company, its brand and its commercial image.
There was a general presentation of the activities carried out in each school as well as the results of the
questionnaire on honey consumption in Bistriţa-Năsăud County. At the same time, every national
product was presented (Romania-honey, Lithuania-cheese, Poland-bread, Spain-olive oil, Italy-
lemons) but also several consumption habits and methods of usage. The presentation was organised at
the City Hall in Bagheria.

On the occasion of this meeting, the students were able to improve their spoken English; they
upgraded their teamwork competencies, as well as their skills regarding time management, creativity,
graphics and design, self-confidence and the communication with peers. Both the students and the
teachers had the opportunity to discover the Italian tradition related to citrus fruit and the consumption
habits of thereof.

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