Lakshya Rank Enhancement Test-2: Jee Advance Pattern

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Time:07.30 AM to 10.30 AM JEE ADVANCE PATTERN Max. Marks:240

Kinematics : Motion in 1D,Uniform motion,uniform accelerated motion,motion under gravity and
related graphs (60%)

Integration & its application, Complete vectors (Introduction to physical quantities like Position
Vectors , displacement Vectors ,Velocity Vector ,acceleraction Vector and mathematical relation
between them) (30%)
Cummulative syllabus covered till now (10%)
De-Broglie Equation, Heisenberg's Uncertainity principle, Schrodinger's wave equation; Quantum
numbers, Pauli's exclusion Principle; Hund's rule; Electronic configuration of the elements, (70%)
Atomic Strucutre : Fundamental Particles - their characetrstics; Thomson's, Rutherford's atomic
model, Plank's Quantum theory, Bohr's atomic model, Applications of Bohr's atomic model -
calculation of radius, velocity, frequency, time period and energy of electron in an orbit,
Electromagnetic spectra, Hydrogen spectrum, Photoelectric effect, (30%)
Quadratic equations - Nature of roots, condition for common root & common roots, Graphs of
quadratic expressions, location of roots, Quadratic inequations, Wavy curve method, finding the roots
of a polynomial equations, rational equations, rational,irrational inequalities, Transformation of roots,
Solving of equations containing absolute values, logarthmic and exponential values, Rational
equations, P(x)/Q(x)=0 P & Q being polynomials, Q ≠ 0 ,Rational inequalities, method of Intervals,
Quadratic expressions, their graphs and bounds(30%) + Roots of nth degree polynomial equations,
relation between roots and coefficients, transformed equations, Reciprocal equation, division
algorithm, remainder theorem and problems, Problems on inequations and theory of equations,
Miscellaneous problems, Equtions, inequations involving logarithms, exponentials, modulus and
greatest integer functions(60%)+Cummulative(10%)
Time: 3:00 Hours IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Max Marks: 240
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 8) Questions with Integer Answer Type 4 0 8 32
Sec – II(Q.N : 9 – 16) Questions with Multiple Correct Choice 4 -2 8 32
Questions with Comprehension Type
Sec – III(Q.N : 17 – 20) 4 -2 4 16
(2 Comprehensions – 2 + 2 = 4Q)
Total 20 80
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 21 – 28) Questions with Integer Answer Type 4 0 8 32
Sec – II(Q.N : 29 – 36) Questions with Multiple Correct Choice 4 -2 8 32

Questions with Comprehension Type
Sec – III(Q.N : 37 – 40) 2 -1 4 16
(2 Comprehensions – 2 + 2 = 4Q)
Total 20 80
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 41 – 48) Questions with Integer Answer Type 4 0 8 32
Sec – II(Q.N : 49 – 56)

Sec – III(Q.N : 57 – 60)

Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Questions with Comprehension Type
(2 Comprehensions – 2 + 2 = 4Q)

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Page 2
PHYSICS Max Marks : 80
This section contains 8 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
1−e −5
1. ∫ 1 − x2
1− e

2. If y = 3cos x , find the area enclosed by the given curve and x axis from x1 = − to
x2 =
3. A solid sphere of radius R is cut into two parts at a distance of from the centre

as shown in the figure. The volume of the upper part (spherical cap) is given as
nπ R3
. Find the value of n.

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4. A particle has velocityV = 3i − 4 j . If i is taken along the south and j is taken along
the East, the angle made by the velocity vector with south west in degrees is
15 − n . Find value of n.
5. A vector makes angles 600 and 450 with x and y axes respectively. If the angle
between the vector and x − y plane in degrees is 5n , find n.

6. Given A = i − j + k , B = −i − j + k and the projection of A along B as Px i + Py j + Pz k .

If Px Py = , Find n

7. The initial velocity of a particle is 20i ( m / s ) and acceleration is −8i ( m / s 2 ) . If the

distance travelled in 3rd second is m , find n
8. A particle starting from rest moves along x axis with acceleration of 4m / s 2 .After
2 seconds, the acceleration is reversed in direction keeping the magnitude
constant. If the total distance travelled in metres before coming to rest is 4n , Find n
E space for rough work Page 4
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
9. The initial velocity of a particle is 4i ( m / s ) .The acceleration is always
−2i ( m / s 2 ) .For the motion between t = 0 and t = 3 sec

A) The average velocity is 1i ( m / s )

B) The average acceleration is −2i ( m / s 2 )
C) The average acceleration is 3i ( m / s )
D) The average velocity is −
( m / s2 )

10. A particle moves on a straight line whose square of velocity versus displacement graph

is shown Mark the correct option(s)

E A) The particle stops after 5s

B) The acceleration of particle is –2ms-2
C) Its velocity – time graph is a straight line
D) Its displacement – time graph is a parabolic
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11. A stone is projected vertically upwards from the top of a tower of height 240m
with initial velocity 40m / s . It reaches the highest point after t1 sec and reaches the
foot of the tower after another t2 sec (take g = 10m / s 2 )
A) =3

B) For the complete journey, distance = ⎛⎜ ⎞⎟ Displacement

C) =2

D) For the complete journey, distance = ⎛⎜ ⎞⎟ Displacement


12. A circus joker throws vertically three balls one after another with an interval of
0.5s. After 0.5s of throwing the third ball, he catches the first ball. When he
catches the first ball, then
A) The height of second ball is 2.5m
E B) The velocity of second ball is 2.5 ms-1 in upward direction
C) The height of third ball is 2.5m
D) The velocity of third ball is 2.5 ms-1 in downward direction
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13. A particle is moving on a straight line. Its velocity versus time graph is semicircle
as shown in the figure. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

A) The particle is moving on a semicircular path

B) The acceleration of particle is never zero
C) The distance travelled by particle is 2 π m
D) The particle does not make a turn during its motion
14. In one dimensional motion, if x is the position coordinate, s is the displacement
and t is the time

dx ds d 2x d 2s
A) velocity = B) velocity = C) acceleration = 2 D) acceleration =
dt dt dt dt 2
15. In one dimensional motion, the position coordinate of a particle is given as
x = sin t where t is the time, v is the velocity and a is the acceleration. Consider the
motion of the particle between t = 0 and t = ( 2.1) π in appropriate units (include t=0
E and t=2.1 π also)
A) x = 0 three times
C) a = 0 two times
B) v = 0 three times
D) v = 0 two times

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16. Consider the v − t diagram of a particle moving along x axis as shown below.
Velocity is in m/s and time is in seconds

4 8

A) The particle reverses direction at t = 4

B) The particle reverses direction at t = 8
C) The particle returns to starting point at t = 8 + 32
D) The particle never returns to starting point

This section contains 2 groups of questions. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choices A), B), C) and D) for its answer, out of which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 to 18
E Two toy cars A and B are participating in a race along positive x axis. Initially A
is at x = 0 and B is at x = 5m. Car A has constant velocity of 5m/s. Car B starts
from rest and moves with a constant acceleration of 2m / s 2
17. The time from the beginning at which they cross each other is (nearly)
A) 1.4sec B) 1.1sec C) 3.6sec D) 2.2sec
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18. The maximum distance of separation between A and B in between the two
crossings is
A) 0.75m B) 1.25m C) 1.75m D) 2.25m
Paragraph for Question Nos. 19 to 20
A stone is dropped from the top of tower. Before it hits the ground another stone is
dropped. Assuming the stones stick to the ground after hit, the separation
(s) between them is plotted against time (t). Portion OA and BC of the graph are
parabolic, while portion AB is a straight line. Acceleration due to gravity is 10


E B) 30m

The height of the tower is

A) 25m C) 40m D) 45m

When the first stone hits the ground, the second stone was moving with
A) 10m/s at 40m above the ground

C) 20 m/s at 20m above the ground

B) 10m/s at 25m above the ground

D) 20 m/s 25m above the ground

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CHEMISTRY Max Marks : 80
This section contains 8 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
21. The number of nodes in 3p orbital are/is…..
22. The maximum number of electrons can have principal quantum number n=3 and

spin quantum number ms=- 1


23. The magnitude of an orbital angular momentum vector of an electron is

6 .Into how many components will the vector split if an external field is

applied to it?

24. Three isotopes of an element have mass number m,m+1&m+2. If their ratio of
abundance is 4:1:1 and mean mass is m+ then x is -------

25. The number of deBroglie waves made by a Bohr electron in an orbit having lowest
principal quantum number which contains f sub level….
E A single electron system has I.p 11,808 kJ/ mol. The number of protons in the
nucleus of the system will be…

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27. A certain transition in H spectrum from an excited state to ground state in one or
more steps gives rise to total 10 lines .How many of these belong to UV spectrum?
28. Find the number of maximas in radial probability distribution curve of valence
orbital of Sc.
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
29. In which of the following conditions the de Broglie wavelength of a particle ‘A’
will be less than that of particle B (mA > mB )
A) Linear momentum of these particles are same
B) move with same speed

C) move with same K.E
D) Have fallen through same height
30. False statements about the deBroglie wavelength of an electron is the first Bohr
orbit is
A) equal to the circumference of the first orbit
B) equal to twice the circumference of the first orbit
E C) equal to half the circumference of the first orbit
D) equal to one fourth of the circumference of the first orbit

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31. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers respresents the orbitals of same
shape and orientation in external field.

A) n=3,l=2,m=+1,s=+ 1 B)n=3,l=2,m=-1,s=- 1
2 2

C)n=4,l=2,m= ± 1,s=- 1 D) n=3,l=2,m=0,s=+ 1

2 2

32. If ‘g’ subshell is possible

A)n=5,l=4 B)it can accomadate of 18 electrons
C)it will have 9 types of orbitals D)it has highest value of m as +5
33. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect
A)In order to specify an orbital, four quantum numbers are required

B)Shape of orbital is determined by magnetic quantum number
C)All the subshells of a particular energy level have same energy in He+
D)Be atom contains degenerate occupied orbitals.
34.E ground state electronic configuration of Nitrogen atom can be represented as

A) B)

C) D)

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35. Select the correct statement(s) for hydrogen like atoms (or) ions
A) radius of an orbit in inversely proportional to Z
B) radius of an orbit is directly proportional to Z
C) energy of the electron in an orbit is inversely proportional to Z
D) energy of the electron is an orbit is directly proportional to Z2
36. H2 molecule absorbs 6 × 10-19 J of energy then the K.E of one hydrogen atom is if
bond dissociation energy of hydrogen is 240 K.J/ mole.
A) 10-19 J B) 0.625 eV C) 6.25 eV D) 1.6 × 10-19J
This section contains 2 groups of questions. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choices A), B), C) and D) for its answer, out of which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
Paragraph for Question Nos. 37 to 38

When an electron jumps from higher orbit to lower orbit, then energy is radiated in
the form of electromagnetic radiation and these radiations are used to record
emission spectrum.
⎛ 1 1 ⎞
∆E = ( En2 − En1 ) = 13.6 × Z 2 ⎜ 2 − 2
⎜ n1 n ⎟⎟ eV / atom. The equation used by Rydberg to
E ⎝ 2 ⎠
calculate the wave number of a particular line in the spectrum.
1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ −1
v= = RH Z 2 ⎜ 2 − 2
⎜ n1 n ⎟⎟ m Where RH = 1.1×10−1 m−1 (Rydberg constant)
λ ⎝ 2 ⎠

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37. The ratio of wavelength of the first line to that of second line of Paschen series of
H-atom is
A) 256:175 B) 175 :256 C) 15:16 D) 16:15
38. The wave number of limiting line of pfund series is
A) B) 25 C) 16 D) R
25 R R 9

Paragraph for Question Nos. 39 to 40

The hydrogen like species Li2+ is in a spherically symmetric state S1 with one
radial node. Upon absorbing light the ion undergoes transition to a state S2 has one
radial node and its energy is equal to the ground state energy of the hydrogen

39. The state S1 is.
A) 1s B) 2s C) 2p D) 3s
40. Energy of the state S1 in units of the hydrogen atom ground state energy is
A) 0.75 B) 1.50 C) 2.25 D) 4.50
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MATHS Max Marks : 80
This section contains 8 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
41. The set of real parameter ' a ' for which the equation x 4 − 2ax 2 + x + a 2 − a = 0 has all
⎡m ⎞
real solutions, is given by ⎢⎣ n , ∞ ⎠⎟ where m and n are relatively prime positive

integers, then the value of ( m + n ) is

42. If the polynomial f ( x ) = 1 − x + x 2 − x3 + ......... + x 20 is expressed as
g ( y ) = a0 + a1 y + a2 y 2 + ........ + a20 y 20 where y = x − 4 and
1 + α 21
a0 + a1 + a2 + .................... + a20 = , then β − α is


1+ α 1+ β 1+ γ
43. If α , β , γ are the roots of x3 − x2 − 1 = 0 , then the value of + + is equal to
1 − α 1− β 1 − γ

44. For the function f ( x, y ) = log x y x and y ∈ N , x ≠ 1 it is given that f ( a, b ) = 3 , f ( c, d ) =

E 2 4

and a − c = 9 , then the digit in the units’ place in the value of ' b − d ' is
45. If the equation x 4 − ( a + 1) x 3 + x 2 + ( a + 1) x − 2 = 0 is having at least two distinct
positive real roots then the minimum positive integral value of ‘ a’ is equal to
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46. The number of real solutions of the equation 11x + 3 − 2 − x − 9 x + 7 + x − 2 = 0 is
47. The number of integral values of ‘a’ for which all the roots of the equation
x 4 − 4 x3 − 8 x 2 + a = 0 are real and distinct.
48. The sum of the irrational roots of the equation x 5 − 5x 4 + 9 x3 − 9 x 2 + 5x − 1 = 0 is
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
49. Let f ( x ) = x3 − px + q where p > 0, q > 0 and all the zero’s of f ( x ) are real. If α is a
zero of f ( x ) with least absolute value,
⎛ q 3q ⎤ ⎛q p⎞ ⎛ q 3p ⎤ ⎛ p q⎤
A) ⎜ , ⎥ B) ⎜ , ⎟ C) ⎜ , ⎥ D) ⎜ , ⎥

⎝ p 2p⎦ ⎝p q⎠ ⎝ p 2q ⎦ ⎝ q p⎦

50. Let a < b and a, b are real roots of the equation x 2 − α x − β = 0 . If 1 + α < b then

the equation log a ⎛⎜ ⎞⎟ = 1 has

⎝ b⎠

A) one root in ( −∞, a) B) one root in ( b, ∞ )

E C) one root in ( a, b) D) no root in (a, b)

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x3 − 6 x 2 + 11x − 6 a
51. The values of ‘a’ for which + =0 does not have a real solution, is
x3 + x 2 − 10 x + 8 30

A) -30 B) -10 C) 5 D) 12

52. The equation a0 x8 + a1 x 7 + a2 x 6 + .............. + a8 = 0 has all it’s roots positive and real

(where a0 = 1, a1 = −4, a8 = ), then

1 1 7 1
A) a7 = − B) a5 = C) a6 = D) a7 =
24 22 24 24

53. If α is a root of the equation x 4 + ax 3 − 6 x 2 − ax + 1 = 0 , then it’s other roots are

1−α 1+ α
D) α − 1

A) B) C) −
1+ α 1−α α α +1

54. Let α , β ,γ be the roots of the equation x 3 − 6 x 2 + 11x − 6 = 0 . If the equation whose

E roots are β 2 + γ 2 , γ 2 + α 2 , α 2 + β 2 is x 3 + a1 x 2 + a2 x + a3 = 0 , then

A) a1 = −28 B) a2 = 240 C) a3 = −650 D) a2 = −245

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55. Which of the following are true
1. If p,q,r,s ∈ R then the equation ( x 2 + px + 3q)( − x 2 + rx + q )( − x 2 + sx + 2q ) = 0 has atleast
two real roots
2. Number of positive integer n for which n 2 + 96 is a perfect square is four

3. If the equation lx 2 − mx + 5 = 0 does not have distinct real roots then the minimum
value of 5l + m is -1
A) 1, 2 only B) 2, 3 only C) 1, 3 only D) 1,2 and 3
56. α , β , γ are the roots of x 3 + 2 x 2 + 3 x − 4 = 0 then

A) β 2 + γ 2 + α 2 = 2 B) β 2γ 2 + α 2γ 2 + α 2 β 2 = 25
C) (α + β )( β + γ )(γ + α ) = −10 D) α 3 + β 3 + γ 3 = 22

This section contains 2 groups of questions. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choices A), B), C) and D) for its answer, out of which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
Paragraph for Question Nos. 57 to 58
Let f ( x ) = a0 x n + a1 x n−1 + ................ + an ; ( a0 ≠ 0 ) . If f (α ) and f ( β ) are of opposite signs
E (α , β ,∈ R ) i.e., f (α ) f ( β ) < 0 , then atleast one or in general odd number of roots of
the equation f ( x ) = 0 lie between α and β

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57. If 0 < k < 16 , then the equation has one root in the interval
x 3 − 12 x − k = 0
A) ( 2,3) B) ( 3, 4) C) ( 4,5 ) D) none of these
58. If f ( x ) = ax 2 + bx + c is such that c < 0 and a − 2b + 4c > 0 , then f ( x ) has
⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
A) one root in ⎜ 0, ⎟ B) one root in ⎜ − ,0⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
C) both roots are positive D) none of these
Paragraph for Question Nos. 59 to 60

Let P ( x ) be a polynomial which when divided by ( x − 3) and ( x − 4 ) leaves

remainders 2 and 1 respectively, when this polynomial is divided by
( x − 3)( x − 4 ) leaves the remainder R(x)
59. If R ( x ) = ax 2 + ( b − 1) x + 6 has no distinct real roots and a > 0 , then the least value of
3a + b is

A) 2 B) −
C) −2 D) −
3 3 3
R ( x)
60. Let f ( x) = , then
x − 3x + 2

E A) the range of f ( x ) is ( −∞, − 7 − 2 3 ⎤⎦ ∪ ( −7 + 2 3, ∞ ⎤⎦

B) the range of f ( x ) is ( −7 − 4 3, − 7 + 4 3 )
C) the range of f ( x ) is ( −∞, − 7 − 4 3 ⎤⎦ ∪ ⎡⎣−7 + 4 3, ∞ )
D) the range of f ( x ) contains ( −∞, − 16 ) ∪ (16, ∞ )

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