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Task 2 Wriiting production

Grace Montealegre Celis

Tutor: Maricela Guzman

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a

Programa de Psicologia
san vicentel del caguan

It is located in
the national
park of the
Serrania de la
Macarena, in
the department
of the meta.
This photo was in the year
2018 when we went for a
family walk with my
husband and my
daughter, it is a natural
space that is covered with
trees and if tropical

At night it is a bit cold and in

the afternoons it heats the
sun quite a bit. This site is
representative for the
waterfalls and the beautiful
seaweed and colorful flowers
that stand out in it. We made
a walk for about one hour
and my daughter was on
At night we met in the
cabins that are there and
many foreigners who come
to enjoy these beautiful
landscapes visit it, this
photo was taken with some
friends who were there that
day, we in an integration in
the reign of the velloussea
that is held every year in
order to represent the
typical flower of the

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