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Research of Coordination Control System

between Nonlinear Robust Excitation Control

and Governor Power System Stabilizer in
Multi-Machine Power System
Weiling Zhang, Fei Xu, Wei Hu, Miao Li, Weichun Ge and Zhiming Wang

frequency, voltage and power can restore to equilibrium as fast

Abstract-- Excitation system and governor system are the as possible after disturbances; that is to say, the system is
important parts of power system control. Advanced control expected to have satisfactory dynamic quality. To achieve the
strategy of excitation and governor system can effectively target above, better control of the system is required.
improve the stability of power system. If we can effectively realize
Generators are major control implements of the system, and
coordination control between the excitation and governor System,
we will obtain the best control effect. In this paper, the
excitation and governing system play most significant roles in
coordination control system (CCS) between nonlinear robust generator control. The evolution of excitation system
excitation control (NREC) and governor power system stabilizer experienced the developing from classical control to modern
(GPSS) in multi-machine power system has been carried out, in control. The AVR + PSS excitation control based on classical
order to enhance small-signal stability and get better dynamic control theory eliminates low frequency oscillation by
quality. Firstly, the principle and design flow of NREC and GPSS
increasing damping of system [2], which is still widely used in
are separately discussed. On the basis of the dynamic
performance caused by application of NREC and GPSS, a pattern
the power grid nowadays. With the application of modern
of CCS of NREC and GPSS is presented. In the end, computer control theory in power system, excitation system is moving on
simulation results have proven the validity of the system and the from linear optimal control, nonlinear optimal control [3] to
approaches designed in the paper. robust control [4]. These modern excitation controls have
achieved very effective results. Unlike the wide application of
Index Terms-coordination control system; Nonlinear Robust
power system stabilizer in excitation system, the research of
Excitation Control; Governor Power System Stabilizer; small­
GPSS is still on the starting stage. For a long time, the
signal stability.
mechanical-hydraulic governor is widely applied. Compared
with excitation system, it responses relatively slowly, so GPSS
cannot function well. However, digital electro-hydraulic
With rapid development of modern power system, there
governor with high speed of dynamic response appears these
become more and more transmission lines with long distance
years, which makes GPSS valuable in low frequency
and heavy load, which has a negative influence on damping
oscillation elimination and improvement of dynamic stability.
characteristics. Therefore, low frequency oscillation happens
Furthermore, because of the robustness and decoupling
occasionally, and this imperils the stability and safety of the
property, the control results of GPSS are usually better than
system [I]. Except for stability and safety, it is expected that the
PSS [5], [6].
Since NREC and GPSS can enhance small-signal stability
This work was supported by China's National High Technology Research
and Development Program (2011AA05AI12), China's National Nature and improve dynamic quality separately, how to coordinate
Science Foundation under Grant 50607011 and science and technology them to achieve best result is the key point of this paper. In
projects of State Grid Corporation of China, as well as by the research
this article, the pattern of NREC and GPSS coordination,
projects of China's Hubei Electric Power Corp. and Liaoning Electric Power
Co., Ltd .. namely CCS, is presented on the basis of respective study on
Weiling Zhang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, NREC and GPSS. And simulation shows that CCS can
Tsinghua University, Beijing 10084, China (e-mail:; increase damping of system, so as to eliminate low frequency
Fei Xu is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua
University, Beijing 10084, China (e-mail:;
oscillation rapidly and enhance dynamic stability.
Wei Hu is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua
University, Beijing 10084, China (e-mail:; II. NONLINEAR ROBUST EXCITATION CONTROL
Miao Li is with the Hubei Electrical Power Corp., Wuhan, Hubei 430077,
P.R.China (e-mail:;
A. Theoretical Principle
Weichun Ge is with Liaoning Electrical Power Co,. Ltd, Shenyang,
Liaoning 110006, China( e-mail:; The power system is a typical nonlinear system, so it can
Zhiming Wang is with Liaoning Electrical Power Co,. Ltd, Shenyang, achieve better control result if designed according to nonlinear
Liaoning 110006, China( e-mail:
978-1-4673-2868-5/12/$3l.00 ©2012 IEEE

methods. On the other hand, all kinds of disturbances and B. Nonlinear Robust Excitation Control Design
modeling errors call for robustness of control system. A multi-machine power system is taken into consideration,
Nonlinear robust control is just an excellent method to and the generators are described by three order model like (5):
guarantee a nonlinear system with robust control effects. J = OJ, -OJo
The design flow of nonlinear robust control is as follows:
. OJo ) OJopei+wI
Firstly, the original system is mapped to a new state space by a D;
OJ = - - - ( OJ -liJ.0 - -
suitable coordinate transformation, which makes the new H.;
.i H.;
system a linear one. And then the optimal control law of the (5)
linear system is solved using linear Hoo design. At last, the E.,q; =_(-E q;+Eft+w2i )
control law of the original system is obtained by the inverse TdO;
mapping. i = l, 2, . . . , n

The core problem lies in how to solve the optimal control Where 0 is the rotor angle; OJ is the angular velocity; Pm is the
law of a linear system using linear Hoo design. The system in mechanical power; R is the electromagnetic power; D is the
Fig. 1 is considered, where u is the control input signal; y is
damping coefficient; E� and Eq are the transient electric
Eft is the stator excitation emf;
the observed signal; w is the disturbance input signal; and z is
potential and the load voltage;
controlled output signal. G(s) is the transfer function of the
open-loop system and K(s) is the transfer function of the T�o is the open-circuit transient time constant; H is the inertia
feedback controller. constant. In the model it is taken into account that the
mechanical power disturbance on the rotor Wli and the
z electrical disturbance in the excitation circuit W2;.
G (s)
According to the method in [3], the nonlinear robust
u y
excitation control law is as (6) shows:

Vft = Eq;- T�o [E�)q;+(Xq; - X�;}(i()d;+i ) q;) ]

Fig. I. Typical system for H= design problem.

The linear Hoo optimal design is a problem of seeking for Where Xq; and x�; are synchronous reactance and transient
the state feedback controller K(s), in order to fulfill the two reactance. Combined with voltage deviation, we put the signal
conditions below: the close-loop system is asymptotically of (6) into voltage regulator and get Eft as (7):
stable and the Hoo norm of transfer function II Tzw(s) If., is the
smallest. In practice, linear Hoo suboptimal design is applied: Eft = Eq;- T�o [E;)q;+(Xq;- x�;)(i q)d;+1)'1;) ]
for the given G(s) and r , the state feedback controller K(s) is (7)
solved to satisfy the two conditions below: the close-loop
system is asymptotically stable and IITzw(s)1L < r
In practical, E�;iq;, Eq; and E�; are difficult to be measured, so
When the state-space equation is (1):
they are usually expressed by terminal voltage, power and
x = Ax+Bjw+ B2u
(1) frequency that are easy to get:
. E, = Q + V2 ) � (8)
1 q q ( e _.'_ OJ
And if there exists a positive defmite matrix X > 0 satisfying Xd"I.
Riccati Inequality [3] (2):
ATX+XA+r- XBIB;X+C;CI- Eq = Q,V,xd+V I (9)
(XB2+C;D12)(D�D zrl(B;X+D�CI) < 0
l (10)
Then the feedback making the close-loop system stable and
IITzw(s)1L < r established is as (3): In the end the practical excitation voltage is achieved when (8),
K=-(D;;DI2rl(B;X+D�CI) (3) (9) and (10) are substituted into (7).
In this paper, the way of solving (2) is to set the left of the
inequality as (4):
ATX+XA+r- XB,B;X+CITCI- A. Theoretical Principle
(XB2+CITDIJ(D�DI2rl(B;X+D,�CI) = £1 Fig. 2 is the transfer function diagram of a typical speed
Where £ is an infmitesimal number. The method of fmding governor in the turbo-generator [7].
out the best r is like this: choose a ro that makes (4) solvable,
and then decrease ro until (4) is unsolvable and the solution
of (4) is the X in (3).

mechanical power is constant. However, the condition cannot

hold with GPSS because of the wild oscillation of gate
opening. As a result, GPSS and NREC cannot be applied to
the same generator.
Fig. 2. Transfer function diagram of a typical speed governor. From the above, it comes to the pattern of CCS that the
Where 11 R is the magnification of measurement; flUsup(s) is units with GPSS are turbine AGC generators and the units with
the GPSS signal input which does not exist in the conventional NREC are some other units. The proposed coordination
governing system; Ts, TH and TR are time constants; KH and control system is suitable for multi-machine system with some
turbine AGC generators.
KIL are the power distribution coefficients. According to the
diagram, we can get (11):
-Mm =DMiJ+ KflJ (11)
This paper tests the coordinated control method via the data
of Hubei Grid in 2009 by the analytical tool of Power System
D= + Analysis Software Package (PSASP). Separate simulation of
R(1+T/oi)(1+TH201)(1+TR 20i)
(12) NREC and GPSS are conducted, observing the independent
KH(1+�/ol-TsTHol-TsTH�/ol) effect, based on which the coordination method is tested.
A. Simulation ofNREC
KfL[TR -TsTH�lol+(Ts+TH)ai]
K= + Fig. 2 shows the simplified network involving the fault of
(13) simulation.
KH[1+�/ (Ts+TH)al]


D and K are called mechanical synchronizing torque and


mechanical damping torque. Improper parameter selection will

lead to negative damping. Hubei
GPSS is the auxiliary control variable flUsup added into the Esanxia1.uoli05

governing system to make D positive. flUsup is the lead EsanxiazuO::06


compensation result of MJJ. EsanxiazuO::07

1+7;s .1+T3s
flUsup(s)=K flO)
gp 1+Tzs 1+ T4s

B. Design Flow Fig. 3. Simplified network involving the fault of simulation.

The auxiliary control variable flUsup is designed by the

The fault of simulation is: There is a three-phase permanent
steps below [8]:
fault in one of the two transmission line from Esanxiazuo-500
1) Determine the damping frequency fd which is to be
to Elongquan-500 lasting for 0.1 second, and then the faulty
line is removed. The eight Esanxiazuo units with conventional
2) Calculate the phase lag of the governing system under
excitation and with NREC are compared as the figures below.
the frequency of fd , in order to determine the
1 ,01 5
compensation angle of flUsup : e. - Conventional_Exci tation
____ Robust_Excitation
3) Adjust the parameter Ii , Tz , 13 and T4 to achieve the ,; 1.01
compensation angle.
-g 1.005
4) Set the magnification parameter Kgp on the basis of "­
'" 1

10,995 L
expected damping ratio.


0.99 ------------
Since NREC and GPSS can enhance small-signal stability 6 10
and improve dynamic quality separately, this part introduces
how to coordinate them to achieve best result, that is, CCS Fig. 4. Generator speed of Esanxiazuo#Ol.
between NREC and GPSS. The investigation is mainly on the
installation location.
The investigation reveals that application of GPSS will
augment the fluctuation of gate opening, which requires the
generator have enough margin of gate opening adjustment.
Therefore, we can choose AGC units to apply GPSS. On the
other hand, there is a condition for the NREC model that the

0.6 1 _ Without GPSS

0.595 � __ e. With GPSS

I 0.59



'b 0.6 - -- '"'Robust_Excitation

.5 0.575 �

� 0.4
8-" 0.57

3 0.565
.�� 0.2
� 0.56


10 0.55

Time(s) 0.545 +--.,--,.---,----,---,

o 5 10
Fig. 5. Terminal voltage of Esanxiazuo#Ol.
Time (s)

Fig. 8. Gate opening of Esanxiazuo#OI.

40 - Convenlional_Excltatlan

� 40
:i 30 Without GPSS

.8 25
'"� 30

0': 15
� .8
10 '"'" 10
< •

·5 u


Fig. 6. Active power of the other undamaged line.
0 4 5 10
Time (s)
Simulation results show that after applying NREC,
Fig. 9. Active power of the other undamaged line.
oscillations subsides more rapidly and fluctuations are smaller
compared with system with conventional excitation. NREC
From the simulation results below it is indicated that after
makes use of multiple state variables and take disturbances
applying GPSS the oscillation of generator speed obviously
into account, so that the control results become effective and
decreases and other electrical measurements fluctuant more
slightly. Meanwhile we can see that the gate opening of units
B. Simulation of GPSS swings more wildly, which provides the foundation of
The simulation fault is the same as the previous simulation. coordination.
The eight Esanxiazuo units with GPSS and without GPSS are C. Simulation ofCCS
compared as the figures below.
The fault of simulation in the part is: There is a three-phase
permanent fault in one of the two transmission line from
1.01 -Without GPSS Eshuanghe-500 to Eyuxian-500 lasting for 0.1 second, and

:i 1.008 then the faulty line is removed. The two lines are important tie
---- With GPSS
.8 1.006
."'" lines connecting supply center and load center of Hubei Grid.

1.004 J In order to cause regional oscillations we remove all the PSS
'" during the simulation.
� Two conditions are compared: one is that all the generators
" 0.998

'" 0.996 apply conventional excitation and governing; the other is that
0.994 some of the generators are equipped with NREC or GPSS. The

Time (s)
units with GPSS are some of the turbine AGC generators and
the units with NREC are units of Sanxia. The figures below
Fig. 7. Generator speed of Esanxiazuo#OI.
show the simulation results.

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1006 ---- Coordinated Control
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j O"'i
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0.996 ...---.----,--r---r--,

o 6 10 12

Fig. 10. Generator speed of Ejingmen#07.

10 12

- Conventional Control

---- Coordinated Control



.:;: ·10
·14 Time(s)

Fig. 11. Active power of the other undamaged line.

Although NREC makes the excitation voltage oscillate

fiercely and GPSS makes the gate opening fluctuate violently,
these changes can decrease the frequency and power
oscillations and improve the dynamic quality.


In this paper, the pattern of NREC and GPSS coordination,

CCS, is presented on the basis of respective study on NREC
and GPSS. The investigation reveals that NREC makes the
excitation voltage oscillate fiercely and GPSS makes the gate
opening fluctuate violently, that is, they sacrifice the
smoothness of control signal for better dynamic quality of the
system. Applying GPSS to the AGC units with plenty adjust
margin and NREC to some other units will increase damping
of system, so as to eliminate low frequency oscillation rapidly
and enhance dynamic stability.


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