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Unitatea de învăţământ: Colegiul Naţional Pedagogic „Stefan cel Mare” Bacau Viză Director:

Clasa: a IX-a G
Disciplina: Limba engleză Viză şef catedră:
Nr. ore: 2 /săpt. L1
Profesor: Zancu Laura Florentina
Viză şef catedră:

ANUL ŞCOLAR 2017-2018

Nr.crt Unitatea de învăţare Obiective de referinţă Nr ore Săptămâna observaţii

0 Introduction - class presentation 1 S1

1 Unit 1 - to be able to use Present Tense Simple 3 S2 - likes and dislikes

I enjoy it - to be able to use object pronouns - hobbies and wok
- to be able to use two verbs together( verb+
to be able to understand the details from the
text book, from the listening activity
- to be able to express their own opinions
about hobbies and work
- to be able to comprehend the differences
between likes and dislikes
2 Where are they now? - to be able to use The present Tense Simple 3 S3 - music and artists
-to be able to use Present Tense Continuous S4 -name and
- to be able to describe daily events descriptions
- to be able to describe events that takes - describe yourself
place in the moment of speaking - describe your
- to recognize the frequency adverbs country
- to be able to write different types of texts
3 Fans and wizards - to recognize the relative clause 3 S4 - computer
- to be able to use the relative clause S5 vocabulary
- to be able to use stative verbs - to talk about sports,
- to be able to recognize possessive television
- to be able to initiate and develop free
4 Action - to be able to use Past Tense Simple 3 S6 - story telling with the
- to be able to describe events in the past S7 present simple
- to be able to make the difference between - film vocabulary
regular and irregular verbs - write biographies
5 Magazines - to be able to read coherent paragraphs 2 S7 - article from a
- to be able to tell the names of the most magazine
famous magazines in the world
- to be able to express their own opinions
7 CONSOLIDATION - to assess unit 1-5 2 S8 - test paper

8 Is there any meat in- to be able to use there is there are 3 S9 - food and healthy
it? - to be able to use countable and S10 eating
uncountable nouns
- to be able to use quantifiers
- to be able to use possessive pronouns
9 Is there a museum - to be able to use articles with places 3 S10 - listing events and
near here? - to be able to make the difference between S11 actions
specific and general information write an itinerary
- to be able to obtain and give information
10 Why do boys have to - to be able to use verbs that express 2 S12 - school subjects
wear ties? obligation and prohibition - rules in your schools
- to be able to use modal verbs - school in Britain
- to be able to initiate and develop a
11 When I leave school - to be able to express intention with going 2 S13 - I want to become….
… to - I want to visit…
- to be able to use so and because to
indicate reasons
- to be able to read the paragraphs without
12 Working in another - to be able give examples of different jobs 2 S14 - opportunities
country - to be able to express personal opinions regarding working in
other countries
14 Robot slaves of the -to be able to use The Future Tense 3 S16 - predictions about the
future -to be able to initiate and develop S17 21st century
conversations - personal predictions
- to be able to anticipate different aspects
15 Read the instructions - to be able to recognize conditional 3 S17 - conditional
sentences S 18 sentences about you
-to be able to use imperatives for giving and your life
instructions - technology
- to be able to understand a text that they
listened to

16 I am having a party - to be able to use Present Tense for talking 3 S19 - invitations
about future S20
- to be able to make, accept and refuse a
-to be able to initiate and develop a
17 You shouldn't do that - to be able to use should  shouldn't 3 S20 - bicycle vocabulary
- to be able use other modal verbs S21
to be able to ask for and give advice
- to be able to make warning signs
18 The end of the world - to be able to read without mistakes a text 2 S22 - would you like to
book travel in space
- to be able to give examples of natural

20 What colour are her - to be able to describe appearance and 3 S24 - what does she look
eyes? personality S25 like?
- to be able to describe a best friend - what's she like?
- to be able to use adjectives
- to be able to initiate and maintain a
21 He is taller than me - to be able to use comparatives of short, 3 S25 - expressing opinions
long and irregular adjectives S26 - compare yourself
- to be able to describe an artist, a football with your friend
player, an actress
- to be able to use adjectives referring to
school objects
22 The most exciting - to be able to use superlatives of short and 2 S27 - talking about places
place long adjectives
- to be able to read information about some
of the word's biggest cities

23 I've never seen a - to be able to use The Present Perfect Tense 2 S28 - wild animals
camel - to be able to use ever and never
24 Europe and the USA - to be able to read a paragraph without 2 S29
- to be able to give information about
Europe's capitals
- to be able to talk about an American state
26 I've just bought some - to be able to use The Present Perfect with 2 S31 - shopping
new trainers just and already
- to be able to describe things that have
recently happened
to be able to compare The Perfect and The
Past Simple Tense
27 Aliens have invaded - to be able to use The Present Perfect Tense 2 S32 - news items
Earth - to be able to invent newspaper headlines
28 Excuses, excuses - to be able to use The Present Perfect with 2 S33 - routines
- to be able to describe things that have
recently happened
29 I've been here before - to be able to use The Present Perfect with 2 S34 -traveling vocabulary
- to be able to put diary notes into correct
30 Review of the book 2 S35

An şcolar 2007-2008
Disciplina Limba engleză
Clasa X
Nr. Ore sapt 2 ore
Nr total de ore din lista de continuturi 72 din care
Semestrul I predare- învăţare 33h
Recapitulare- evaluare4

Semestrul II predare- învăţare 30

Recapitulare- evaluare 6


Introduction 1 S1 17.09- 21.09

Unit 1 3 S2
I enjoy it
Where are they now? 3 S3 01.10- 06.10
S4 08.10-12.10
Fans and wizards 3 S4 08.10-12.10
S5 15.10-19.10
Action 3 S6 22.10-26.10
S7 29.10- 02.11
Magazines 2 S7 29.10- 02-11

Is there any meat in it? 3 S9 12.11-16.11

S10 19.11-23.11
Is there a museum near here? 3 S10 19.11-23.11
S11 26.11- 30.11
Why do boys have to wear ties? 2 S12 03.12- 07.12

When I leave school … 2 S13 10.12- 14.12

Working in another country 2 S14 17.12- 21.12

Robot slaves of the future 3 S16 14.01- 18.01

S17 21.01-25.01
Read the instructions 3 S17 21.01-25.01
S 18 28.01- 01.02
I am having a party 3 S19 11.02-15.02
S20 18.02- 22.02
You shouldn't do that 3 S20 18.02-22.02
S21 25.02- 29.02
The end of the world 2 S22 03.03-07.03

What colour are her eyes? 3 S24 17.03-21.03

S25 24.03- 28.03
He is taller than me 3 S25 24.03- 28.03

The most exciting place 2 S27 07.04- 11.04

I've never seen a camel 2 S28 14.04- 19.04

Europe and the USA 2 S29 21.04-25.04

I've just bought some new trainers 2 S31 12.05- 16.05

Aliens have invaded Earth 2 S32 19.05- 23.05

Excuses, excuses 2 S33 26.05- 30.05

I've been here before 2 S34 02.06- 06.06

Review of the book 2 S35 09.06- 13.06

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