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fo 4) FEIERE x REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES HIS EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT FIDEL. V. RAMOS NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE TOMAS P. AFRICA Administrator NELIA R. MARQUEZ Deputy Administrator ii (ASBN 971-562-459. FOREWORD national progress. The growing interest in the economic, social, and Region, has never been as eminent as now. Countryside development is a reflection of to demographic trends of the country’s 76 provinces, including the National Ca increasing demand for small-area statistics for policy making and development programs contin h the Provincial Profiles as a convenient and valuable resource material prompts the The first edition printed in 1991 readily met the needs of data users, gaining wide patronage among researchers and planners, This second edition provides the latest available data at the NSO and other agencies at the time of its preparation. It also has an expanded statistical coverage on several topics and follows the same format and presentation used in the 1991 edition for easy reference. We gratefillly acknowledge the invaluable assistance of the information. Their contributions are indication of deep concern fos nati ional and local agencies in providing the needed al development. Beli AFRICA imifistrator Table of Contents Foreword List of Tables List of Figures Map of the Province Chapter 1 Overview of the Province 2 Physical Characteristics 3 Demography 4 Health and Welfare 5 Crime and Delinquency. 6 Education 7 Labor Force and Employment 8 Income, Expenditures and Prices 9 Agriculture 10 Fishery ul Forestry 12 Mining and Quarrying 3 Manufacturing 4 Housing and Construction 15 Transportation and Communication 16 Electricity, Gas/and Water 7 Trade and Tourism 18 Community, Social and Personal Services 19 Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services 20 Administrative Machineries v Page iit vi xiv xv W 37 65 67 B 89 103 131 135 139 145 149 187 193 199 221 226 229 Table Number Chapter 2 List of Tables Physical Characteristics Status of Land Classification: 1982-1993 ‘Summary Statisti¢s on Climatological Normals by Month: 1993 Demography Population Density and Growth Rate: Censal Years 1903-1990 Population and Household Projections: 1980-2000 ‘Age and Sex Coniposition of the Population: 1960-1990 Urban-Rural Popblation by Sex: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 Population and Sex Ratio by City/Municipality: 1960-1990 Population 10 Yéars Old and Over by Age Group by Marital Status: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 Literacy of Private Household Population 10 Years Oid and Over by Age Group and Sex: 1980 & 1990 Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1990 Live Births by Month of Occurrence: 1980-1990 Registered Births by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 vi Page 27 29 41 42 ‘Chapter 5 1 Deaths by Sex and Age Group: 1980-1990 Registered Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 Foetal Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990, Infant Deaths by Age and Sex: 1980-1990 Maternal Deaths by Age Group: 1980-1990 Marriages by Month of Occurrence: 1980-1990 Number of Migrants to Batangas by Area of Origin: 1975-1980 and 1985-1990 of Migr 1975-1980 and 1985-1990 Health and Welfare Estimated Vital Rates and Life Expectancy at Birth: 1980-2000 Distribution of Government & Private Hospitals and Bed Population Ratio: 1980-1993 Number of Health Facilities: 1980-1987 Number of Goveriment Health Personnel and Ratio to Population: 1991-1993 Number of Goveriment Health Personnel by Municipality: 1987 Crime and Delinquency Crime Volume anid Crime Rate by Type of Crime: 1986-1991 43 6. 47 48 SI 52 34 61 62 63 Chapter 7 Education Distribution of Schools by Level of Education by Sector: SY 1989-90 - SY 1993-94 Enrolment in Government and Private Schools by Level of Education: SY 1989-90 - SY 1993-94 Education Indicators in Government Elementary Schools: SY 1989-90 - SY 1990-91 Education Indicators in Private Elementary Schools: SY 1989-90 - 1990-91 Education Indicators in Government Secondary Schools: SY 1989-90 - SY 1990-91 Education Indicators in Private Secondary Schools: SY 1989-90 - SY 1990-91 Labor Force and Employment Population 15 Years Old and Over by Sex by Employment Status, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - October 1994 Employed Persons by Type of Industry, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - October 1994 Employment in Local Government by Level: Fourth Quarter 1992 - Third Quarter 1994 ‘Compensation in Local Government by Level: Fourth Quarter 1992 - Third Quarter 1994 Income, Expenditutes and Prices Number of Families, ‘Total and Average Family Income and Expenditure by Income Class: 1985, 1988 and 1991. ‘Number of Families, Total and Average Family Income and Expenditure by Family Size: 1985, 1988 and 1991 viii 69 70 n 2 15 83 88 90 a1 5 Chapter 9 1 2 3 4a 4b 1985, 1988 and 1991 . Distribution of Expenditures by Expenditure Group and Income Class: 1985, 1988 and 1991 ‘Consumer Price Index for All Income Households: 1988-1994 Agriculture ‘Number of Farms by Size by Municipality: 1971, 1980 and 1991 Number and Area of Farms by Land Use: 1971, 1980 and 1991 ‘Number and Area of Farms by Land Use and by Municipality: 1991 ‘Number and Area of Farms by Type of Tenure: 1971, 1980 and 1991 ‘Number and Area of Farms by Size and Tenure: 1971, 1980 and 1991 ‘Number and Area of Farms by Tenure and by Municipality: 1991 Number and Area of Farms by Type and by Tenure: 1971, 1980 and 1991 ‘Number of Farms Reporting and Area Planted by Kind of Temporary Crop: 1991 ‘Number of Farms Reporting, Total Number of Trees/Vines/Hills and Number of Productive ‘Trees/Hills/Vines by Kind of Permanent Crop: 1991 Livestock and Poultry - Number of Farms Reporting and Population by Municipality: 1991 ‘Number and Asea of Irrigated Farms by Land Use and by Munici lity: 1991 ix 93 7 101 105 109 110 12 13 MS wT 121 123 126 Chapter 10 i Chapter 11 1 ‘Chapter 13 1 2 ‘Number of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Establishments, by Actual Total Engaged by Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Person by City/Municipality and by Major Industry Division: 1993 Fishery ‘Asea and Production of Brackishwater Fishponds by Type of Ownership: 1992 and 1993 Forestry Census of Forest Occupants: 1981-1986 Integrated Social Forestry Projects: 1986-1991 Pasture Leases and Permits: 1980-1986, Active Sawmills: 1980-1993 Mining and Quarrying Overall Mineral Production: 1985-1990 ‘Number of Mining and Quarrying Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality: 1993, Distribution of Employed Persons in Mining and Quarrying Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by City/Municipality: 1993 Manufacturing ‘Number of Manufacturing Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Persons in Manufacturing Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by City/Municipality: 1993 x 128 129 133 136 136 137 138 140 142 143 146 147 edd. Housing and Construction ‘Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building: 1990 Number of Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building by Municipality: 1990 Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building by Type of Occupancy: 1990 Number of Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building: 1990 Households in Occupied |Dwelling Units by Year Built and by Construction Materials of Roof and Outer Walls: 1990 Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Kind of Lighting Facility by Municipality: 1980 & 1990 ‘Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Source of Water for Drinking by Municipality: 1990 Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Toilet Facility by Municipality: 1980 & 1990 Existing Road Length by System Classification and Standard: 1990 ‘Number of Construction Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Persons by City/Municipality and by Major Industry Division: 1993 Number, Floor Area and Value of Private Building Constructions by Type of Building, by City/Municipality: First to Fourth Quarter 1994 xi 152 153 155 157 158 163 165 167 169 170 in 172 Chapter 15 ‘Transportation and Commnnication 1 ‘Comparative Statistics on Motor Vehicles by Type: 1985-1994 2 Registered Motor Vehicles by Major Classification: 1985-1994 3 Number of Transportation, Communication, Storage and Warehousing Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality: 1993 4 Distribution of Employed Persons in Transportation, Communication, Storage and Warehousing Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by City/Municipality: 1993 Chapter 16 Electricity, Gas and Water 1 Status of Enesgiation by Cooperative by Municipality: 1992 - Septenber 1993 2 Number of Electricity, Gas and Water Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality: 1993 3 Distribution of Employed Persons in Electricity, Gas and Water Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by City/Municipality: 1993 ‘Chapter 17 ‘Trade and Tourism 1 Cargo Tonnage and Value of Cargo Loaded and Unloaded by Port and Commodity Stem: 1993 2 Number of Wholesale and Retail Trade Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Munieipality: 1993 3 Distribution of Employed Persons in Wholesale and Retail Trade Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by City/Municipality: 1993 Chapter 18 1 ‘Community, Social and Personal Services Number of Private Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Persons in Private Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by City/Municipality: 1993 ‘Number of Public Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Persons in Public Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by City/Municipality: 1993 Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services of Finn, by Actual Total Engaged by City/Municipality: 1993 Distribution of Employed Persons in Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services Establishments by Actual Total Engaged, by City/Municipality: 1993 Administrative Machineries Voting Population by District, by City/Municipality: May 9, 1994 Barangay Elections xiii 222 223 225 227 228 230 ll Figure Number 31 81 91 10.1 121 List of Figures Urban-Rural Population: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 ‘Consumer Price Index for All Income Households: 1988-1994 ‘Number of Farms by Land Use: 1971, 1980, and 1991 ‘Area and Production of Brackishwater Fishponds: 1992 and 1993 ‘Value of Non-metallic Mineral Production: 1985-1990 ‘Number of Mamifacturing Establishments: 1993 ‘Number of Private Building Constructions: First Quarter - Fourth Quarter 1994 ‘Number of Registered Motor Vehicles; 1991-1994 Potential and Actual No. of House Connections: 1993 ‘Number of Wholesale and Retail Trade Establishments: 1993 Page 56 102 130 134 148 186 192 220 CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW OF THE PROVINCE Batangas was derived from the word “Gatangan”, a small native boat. It was founded in 1581 and was earfier known as “Bombon” after the lake in whose center was an island formed by the crater of Taal Volcano, It was alto once named Balayan then ‘Taal, and in 1754, the province was given its present name. ‘The province is well known for its embroidery industry being the source of the famous embroidered “Barong tagalog”. Taal volcano, one of the tourist attractions in the Philippines and also one of the world’s Cowest, smallest and deadliest volcanoes, has endowed the province with volcanic soil that explains the abundance of fruits and vegetables in the area. In 1896, Batangas was one of the first eight provinces which revolted against Spain, thus earning a ray in the sun forever emblazoned on the Philippine flag in use today. Batangas fas an area of 3,165.8 square kilometers. It is located in the southwestern part of Luzon, bounded on the north 6y Cavite, Laguna and Quezon on the east, the Verde Island Passage on the south and the Cftina Sea on the west Batangas, a first class province, consists of two cities and 32 municipalities. Batangas City, which is a first class city, is the provincial capital with 105 barangays and a land area of 283 square Rilometers, List of cities/municipalities with thet corresponding land area, classification and number of barangays: City/Municipality Land area Classification Number of (square Kilometers) barangays Agoncillo 54.7 Sth 24 Abitagtag 23.4 Sth 19 Balayan 1/ 108.7 3rd 48 Galete 25.0 Oth B Batangas City 1/ 283.0 ist 105 Bauan 1/ SBS Ist 40 Calaca 100.2 Sth 40 Calatagan 112.0 Sth as Cuenca 1/ 34.3 Sth 24 Téaan 1/ 69.0 Sth 26 Laurel 1/ 101.6 Sth a Lemery S78 4th 46 Lian 76.8 Sth 19 Lipa City 209.4 and 72 Lobo 1/ 174.9 Sth 26 Continued City/ Municipality Land area Classification Number of (square Kilometers) barangays Mabini 1/ 44.5 Sth 34 Mabvar 1/ 33.0 Sth 15 Mataas na Kahoy 22.1 Sth 16 Nasug6u 1/ 278.5 3rd 42 Padre Garcia 1/ ALS Sth 18 Rosario 1/ 226.9 4th 48 San Jose 1/ 53.3 Sth 33 San Juan 273.4 ath a2 San Luis 39.2 Sth 26 San Nicolas 1/ 43 6th 18 San Pascual 1/ 50.7 2nd 29 Santa Teresita 1/ 16.3 6th 17 Santo Tomas OL 4th 30 Taal 1/ 29.8 Sth 42 ‘alisay 28.2 Sth 2 Continued City/Municipality Land area Classification Number of (square kilometers) barangays Tanauan 1/ 107.2 Sd. 498 ‘Taysan 1/ 93.6 Sth 20 ‘Tingloy 1/ 53.1 oth 4S Tuy 1224 Sth 22 Sources: Nations Saisie ice, Deparin ce a8 Ube and Management Bureau, Depa Note: land ares base on Une Approved Cadastre! Sursey 4 of Decerber 1988 andthe 199 Esimaed land dress Concluded 1/- Areas with 1999 Cadastral Survey. CHAPTER 2 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Batangas fies on an elevated land, sloping down toward Cavite in the north and towards the west, south and southeast coasts, Batangas Bay, which is well protected by mountains and hills in the east and the west, provides the country with one of the finest harbors. From 1987 - 1993, 265,419 hectares or 83.84 percent of the province's total land area (316,581 fiectares) were certified afienable and disposable land while 16.16 percent were forested. Of the total forest land, 82.21 percent were classified and only 17.79 percent were still unclassified. Established timberland comprised 33,153 fectares of the total classified forest land; national parks, game refuge and Gird sanctuary/wildemess areas, 8,537 hectares; military and naval reservation, 51 hectares; and fishponds, 319 hectares. Various types of soil are found in Batangas, varying from clay loam to fiydrosol Existing land is generally suitable for upland field crops and rice farming, pasture, forest, fishpond, salt bed site and recreation. Listed below are the different types of soil in Batangas with their comesponding land capability, dominant features, imitations, recommended land use, and extent: loam, sandy loam 82,903 26.19 5.7968 1.83 150.152 47.43 Continued Dominant Limitations Recommended Extent features and hazards land use Hectares Percent Posture 69520 21.98 (grazing) or tree farm or forest ‘Tegaytay loam, sandy loamn ‘Teal voleano send ‘Hydrosol Very poorly Very severe Fishpond, 6,206 2.59 drained; vwelness salt bed marshy ot site or swarnpy recreation Source: Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Scis aud Waler Managemert (concluded) 8 * | PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS - BATANGAS * gable 1. Status of Land Classification: 1982-1993 Classification (in hectares) i982 1983, i984 1985 1986 otal 316,581 326,581 316,581 «316,581 316,581 316,81 i certified alienable and disposable 209,662 231,087 «231,047 233,087 218,206 265, 419 ; Forest land 406,919 85/534 85,534 05,534 98,375 51,162 Unclassified 91,036 82,963 - 4,786 2/ 84,324 9,102 Classified 15,883 2,871 85,538 748 14, 062, 42,060 Eetablished forest reserve 1,264 3,264 1,264 - - - Betablisned timberland 13,683 sn 83,522 - 33,313 33,153 National parks GRBS/WA 1/ - - ~ - - 8,537 Military and naval reservation si St 51 51 51 51 Civil reservation 685 685, «85, 685 68s - Fishponds - - 32 2 12 319 Continued PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS - BATANGAS “table 1. status of Land Classification: 1962-1993 (concluded) Area i ott bieys01 326,501 a6 SEL 26,501 326,582 ate set ' Certified alienable and disposeble 265,419 265,419 265,419 265,419 265,419 265, 419 fa Forest land Si,162 54,162 “51,162 51, 162, $1,162 | Unclassified 9,202, 9,102 91 102 3,102 9,102 i Classified 42/060 42,060 42,060 42,060, 42,060 : Established forest reserve - - ~ - - Established tinberland 33,182 -33,153 33,153 33,383, 33,153 i National parks GRAS/WA 1/ 6,537 8,537 8,537 8,537 3,537 Military and naval reservation 3 51 31 31 31 Civil reservation - - ~ - - - Fishponds 30 319 319 313 319 319 Source: Philippine Forestry Statistics, Bureau of Forast Development. 1/ Game refuge and bird sanctuaries / wilderness areas. | z/ Revised. 10 ®| | puysrcaL CHARACTERISTICS - BATANGAS gable 2, Summary Statistica on Climatological Normals by Month: 1993 (Station: Anbulong) ‘Temperature Mean Rainfall —- Rainy (deg c) sea level ----wnenne nen peceeeeeene eoneese ces Sassen pressure Direction January 6. 2 30.0 21.9 26.0 1,012.8 ENE, 20 February - - 32.0 21.8 26.8 1,012.9 z 10 March a a/ af a/ a/ af a/ a/ April - - 34.7 22.5 28.6 1,009.3 zB - may - 35.5 23.4 29.5 1,006.8 sw - June a/ a/ as a/ a/ af as a/ duly aad Ww 32.1 24-4 28.2 2,007.3 Sw 10 August 466.0 20 33.0 24.0 28.5 1,008.8 ssw 24 September as af a/ a/ a as a al October 245.7 a5 31.0 24.0 27.5 3,008.9 = 24 Novenber 109.6 2 31.7 24.3 28.0 1,008.4 ENB, 16 December a af a/ ar al a/ a/ a/ source: philippine Atmospheric, Geephysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASAl, a/ no report CHAPTER 3 [ DEMOGRAPHY “his section contains population data and vital statistics. Population data were gathered from private as well as collective households. A private household consists of a group of persons who sleep in the same dwelling unit and fave a common arrangement for the preparation and consumption of food. Persons who sleep with a household but individually cook, their meals or cat elsewhere are considered separate households, Collective households consist of persons living in collective fiving quarters such as welfare institutions, penal and corrective institutions, dormitories, military camps and lodging houses. While « complete count of the population was made, data on otfer population characteristics such as language or dialect generally spoken at fome, school attendance, teracy and economic activity of the person were collected on a sampling basis. AMT persons were enumerated in their usual place of residence, the geographic place where the enumerated person usually resides WVitaf statistics, on the other hand, are facts related to births, deaths, foetal deaths and marriages collected systematically 6y civil registration and compiled numerically by local and national offices involved. It must be noted that the data were based on the documents filed and no adjustments for under-registration were made. The National Statistics Office is responsible for the collection, compilation and dissemination of population data and vital documents. Awoage Amat Growth Rate Aye tee Hd Results of the 1990 Census of Population and Housing placed the population of Batangas at 1,476,783, an increase’ of 302,582 persons from 1980. In terms of population ‘size, it ranked 10th among the 73 provinces in the country, and first within the Southem Tagalog Region, comprising 17.9 percent of the population of the region, Assuming an. even distribution of the province's total population to its total land area of 3,165.81 square kilometers, approximately 466 persons would occupy every square Kilometer of land in 1990. Between 1980 and 1990, the population grew at a mean annual rate of 2.32 percent, a downtrend from the 2.62 percent registered between 1975 and 1980. Distribution of population in 1990 by age group was as follows: below 15 years old, 38.3 percent; 15 to 64 years old, 57.2 percent; and 65 years old and over, 4.5 percent. Sex, ratio refers to the number of males per 100 females. It was computed to Ge 101.4 in 1990, which increased by about 1.2 percentage points from the 1980 figure. Majority (72.97 percent) of the people in Batangas were classified as rural dwellers in 1990. On the other hand, 27103 percent were classified as urban dwellers. The percentage share of rural dwellers in 1980 was higher at 83.03 percent. 13 In 1990, the 10 years olf and over population was distributed by marital status as follows: never married, 48.3 percent; married, 46.4 percent; widowed, 4.3 percent; and divorced/separated/others or the status was not stated, 0.9 percent, The percentage share of never married individuals was relatively lower in 1980 (44.34 percent) Literacy rate in the province in 1990 was recorded at 96.5 percent. Literacy rate for males was slightly higher at 97.1 percent than that for females at 95.9 percent. ‘Total five births in 1990 was 43,878, 8.24 percent higher than the previous year’s total of 40,538. October and December had the highest registered number of live births. Total deaths registered in 1990 was 8,198. Of this number 57.79 percent were males and 42.21 percent were females. Total marriages solemnized in 1990 was recorded at 10,258. This figure increased by 9.78 percent fron the previous year's number (9344). January, December, and May were the wedding months in the ‘province with 1705, 1247, 1077 marriages solemnized, respectively. ‘Total number of migrants to Batangas was recorded at 34,461. A big number of these in-migrants came from the following provinces; National Capital Region or NCR, 7,344; Quezon, 3,659; Occidental Mindoro, 3,133; and Laguna, 2,105. otal number of out-migrants from Batangas, on the other kand, was slightly frigher at 36,302. More ‘than half or 18,421 of the out-migrants went to the National Capital Region. Caguna received 3,474 migrants; Cavite, 2,101; Quezon, 2,023; and Occidental Mindoro, 2,014. Table 1. Population Density and Growth Rate: able 2. Population and Household Projections: 1960-2000 ‘Censal Years 1303-1990 Number of Censal Population Growth rate Density year a) (per sq. km) 1980 a/ 1,166,869 207,771 1903 257,715, - 81.41 2985 4,312,287 242,474 1986 1,342,156 249,828 isis 340,199 1.87 107.46 1387 4/372; 047 257,284 2988 1,401,992 268,843, 2999 442,034 1.25 139.63 1989 1,431,986 272,510 1980 1,461,993 280,277 1946 510,226 1.6L 161.17 3991 1,491, 916 288,127 1992 3,521, 658 296,044 1960 ea1,414 2.48 215.24 1993 4,981,224 304,023 1994 1,580, 551 312,059 1970 926,308 3.12 292.60 1995 1,609, 614 320,143 1996 1,638, 400 328,276 1975 1,032,009 2.28 325.99 1997 1,665,844 336,442 1998 1,694,953, 344, 641 1980 2,274,201 2.62 370.80 1999 1,722,713 352,872 2000 1,750,073 361,122 2990 1,476,783 2.32 966.50 a/ Censal year Souree: National Statistics Office, 1980 Census of Population and Housing, Vol. I. Source: National Statistics office, 1990 Census of Population and Housing, Population Projections by City « Municipality: 1980-2000 Report No. 3 & 7. (Series 2: Moderate Fertility Decline and Moderate Mortality Deciine} . | i 16 i DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS ‘table 3. Age & Sex Composition: of the Population: 1960-1990 Age group ==~ ALL ages 68 337,570 343,844 472,362 1,032,009 $19,793 512,216 Under 1 year 9,990 9,235 12,927 30,434 14,708 1a 47,324 45,231 57,871 125,886 60,693 5-9 53,643 $3,283 67,060 150,349 73,360 10-14 44,905 44,107 61,796 64,804 15-19 33,003 33,954 $4,831 58,710 20-24 27,379 28,833 43,024 47,834 25-28 22,435 24, 722 31,653 37,624 30-34 17,812 20,068 26,418 28,500 35-39 16,766 18,735 24,394 26,375 40-44 13,901 15,788 19,578 21,577 45-49 13,773 34,323 18,388 18,627 50-54 10,145 10,202 15,544 15,936 55-59 6,220 5,978 12,467 12,917 60-64 5,768 5,547 9,449 32,003 65-69 2,994 3,346 5,543 7,248 10-74 3,655, 3,752 4,482 5,431 Srover 5,887 5,936 6,825 5,874 Wot stated - - - 103 - - Continued DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 3. Age & Sex Composition of the Population: 1960-1990 (concluded) 1980 i990" a ‘Total Male Fenale Total Male Female All ages 1,174,202 587,647 $86,554 1,475,223 742,708 732,515 Under 1 year 41,511 21,529 19,982 40,652 21,012 19,640 14 243,412 74,376 69,036 «247,629 «75,988 = 71,631, 5-9 157,384 81,074 193,661 99,762 93,893, s0-14 139,888 71,802 383,001 94,039 a8, 962 15-19 116,565 58,259 361,905 82,979 78,926 20-24 108,971 34,465 341,828 72,587 «69,241 25-29 94,332 47,479 315,072 58,661 56,411 30-34 74,817 37,186 200,255 50,732 49,523 35-39 58,656 29,754 86,159 43,307 42,852, 40-44 48,378 23,918 70,735 34,962 «35,773, 45-49 40,466 18,879 94,960 26,664 28,296 50-54 34,821 16,033 46,713 22,340 24,373, 55-59 29,683 13,349 37,508 17,613 19,895, 50-64 27,407 12,287 29,432 13,612 18,620 65-69 24,357 11,516 23,310 10,084 = 13,226 0-74 16,047 7,640 17,808 7,343 9,959 7S-over 17,496 e142 24,605 10,811 14,094 Not stated ~ - - - - - Source: National Statistics Office, Census of Population & Housing: 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990; Integrated Census of the Population & Its Economic Activities, 1975. * Based on household population. Table 4. Urban-Rural Fopulation by Sex : 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 1990" 1980 1975 Area classification ~~--~---=~ --------2= ---2-2222= -nnnnnne oonnnnenne anne oon and sex Mumber Percent = Nunber_—Percent Number Percent = Mumber Total 1,475,223 100.00 1,174,201 190.00 3,032,009 100.00 926,308 100.00 | Male 742,708 80.35 "$87,647 $0.05 $19,793 50.37 453,956 49.01 | Female 732,515 49.65 586,554 49.95 512,226 «49.63 472,352 $0.99 Urban 398,725 27.03 199,220 150,096 14.54 136,533 14.74 Male 198,103 13:43 97,502 73,967 7:17 65,982 7:12 Female 200, 622 43160 101,718 76,129 7.38 70,552 7.62 Rural 1,076,498 72.97 974,981 881,913 85.46 789,775 85.26 male 544, 608 36.92 430,145 445,826 43.20 387,974 a1 88 Female $31,893 36.06 484,836 436,087 42.26 401,801 43.38 Source: National Statistics Office, Census of Population & Housing, 1970, 1980 and 19907 Integrated Census of the Population and Its Economic Activities, 1975. * nased on household population. DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 5. Population and Sex Ratio by City/municipality 1960-1990 ~ city Agoncillo alitagtag Balayan Balete 1/ Batangas City Bauan, calaca Calatagan Cuenca Tbaan haurel 2/ Lenery Lian Lipa city Lobo Mabini Malvar Matas na Kahoy Nasugbu Padre Garcia Rosario San Jose San Juan San Luis San Wicolas 681,414 9,719 9,967 23,745 82,627 41,247 18,667 14,457 1086 45,708 23,700 13,658 69,036 15,197 15,545 10,313 1744 34,045 10, 708 32,968 18,675, 36,220 12,290 9,575 926,308 12,169 32,822 33,198 71134 108, 868 36,862 27,780 20,889 14,538 21,067 13,137 32,337 20,624 93,971 19,376 19,522 14,169 1,032, 008 14,076 12,243, 38,214 8,228 125,363 38, 200 31,705 23, 64€ 15,975 23,019 25,143 36,207 23,271 106, 094 22,092 21, 694 15,584 10,928 50,822 27,542 47,298 25,787 52,936 16,884 8,877 Continued 19 20 DEMOGRAPHY ~ EATANGAS Table 5. ‘Population and Sex Ratio by City/Municipality : 1960-1990 I (continued) Municipality/ 0 --r---eennne meena ene nner nnee nee city Population Sex ratio Population Sex ratio Total 2,174,201 100.2 1,475,223, 101.4 Agoncillo 16,143 101.9 20,227 102.5 Alitagtag 14,500 98.0 16,013 100.8 Balayan 43,486 99.8 53,768 99.8 Balete 1/ 8,698 20 21,671 104.3 Batangas city 143,570 9 184,533 99.6 Bauan 43,560 20 59,225 100.2 calaca 36,508 45,373 101.9 calatagan 27,578 35,527 105.3 Cuenca 17,109 20,169 102.2 Iban 25,875 31,220 100.4 Laurel 2/ 17,889 22,076 105.6 Lenery 42,703 53,926 100.6 Lian 26,091 31,278 302-2 Lipa city 121,166 159, 606 102.3 obo 24,333, 26,877 108.3 Mabini 23,637 30,454 102.1 Malvar 18,028 24,253 100.4 Mataas na Kahoy 32,057 100.2 Nasugbu 59, 405 102.3 Padre Garcia 19,591 <9 4 103.6 Rosario $4,282 26 66,774 102.7 San Jose 28,743 100.2 38,674 104.1 San Juan 59,345 100.2 67,731 100.6 San Luis 17,991 96.6 22,137 98.0 San Nicolas 10,541 99.1 33,173 99.8 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 5. Population and Sex Ratio by ity/Municipality : 1960-1990 (continued) 1975 Municipality/ anne ere city Population Sex ratio San Pascual 3/ - - 19,377 94.0 22,761 100.3 Sta. Teresita 4/ - - 9,336 97.0 10,087 102.8 | sto. Tonas 22,716 31,935 95.5 37,452 99.8 taal 23,000 24,907 90.2 26,705 96.7 Talisay 19/834 14,221 95.5 16, 624 102.8 ‘Tanauan 44,975 61,910 94.1 66,703 98.2 Taysan 12,750 14,999 97.6 17,075 102.0 Tingley 7,656 10, 636 302-7 11,963 201.4 Ty 14,012 19,562 96.9 21,833 103.0 22 DEMOGRAPHY ~ BATANGAS + Table §, Population and Sex Ratio by City/Municipality : 1960-1990 (Concluded) Muniepality/ 9 ------=-e-2= weecce tenes coco ces nee sane city Population Sex ratio Population Sex ratio San Pascual 3/ 100.2 34,607 102.3 Sta. Teresita 4/ 94.8 12,004 97.7 Sto. Toras 98-1 58,186 99.8 Taal 96.8 34,895 99.9 Talisay rors 23,142 104.9 ‘Tanauan 97.4 92,730 98.3 Taysan 101-8 22,508 105.3 Tingloy 13,382 99.8 15,429, 103.6 tuy 25,070 102.4 30, 400 103.0 Source: National Statistics office, Census of Population & Housing: 1960, 1970, 1980 and 19907 Integrated Census of the Population and its Economic Activities, 1975. 1/ Created municipality June 21, 1969 under R.A. No. 5659 7 taken from Lipa city. 2/ Created municipality June 21, 1969 under R.A, No. 5689 ; taken from Talisay. 3/ Created minicipality August 4, 1969 under R.A. No.6116 ; taken from Bauan. 4/ Created municipality December 28, 1961 under B.0. No. 454 taken from Taal, ‘San Nicolas and San Luis. * Based on household population. DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 6. Population 10 yrs. old & over by Ago Group by Marital Status: 1970, 1975, 1960 and 1990 Total Never Divorced/ Not Age group 10 yrs. old married Married Widowed Separated others stated 2970 647,003, 319,742 294,013 3,136 - 551 Wot stated 204 57 28 2 - 108 10-14 yes. 124,595, 124,350 39 16 - 7 is-i8 106,263, 58,250 7,743 uz - 29 84,308 50,780 32,824 441 - 63 60,730 17,899 41,920 442 - 31 49, 667 7,986 40,564 423 - “a 46,804 5,126 40,074 409 - 19 36,919 3,508 31,375, 367 - 32 34,085, 3,130 28,314 290 ~ 24 29,058 2,707 22,896 230 - 35 24,009 2,202 18,524 149 - 3 18,363 4,707 12,048 129 - 26 10,732 865, 7/168 59) - 10 8,822 603 5,044 35 - 1 12/583, 632 5,355 32 - 33 Continued 24 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 6. Population 19 yrs. Old & Over by Age Group by Marital Status: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 ‘continued otal Never Divorced Nor age group «10 yrs. old —=smassied = Married Widowed Separated others stated Ooier ut 1978 728,340 385,760 339,339 27,789 2,382 - 140 wor stated : - - - : - : To-u4 yes. 132,913 x26 as 38 : : 15-19 nie) 20 2,70 68 2 : 2 20-24 96,237 36,760 22 218 : u 25-29 nana 50,099 se 226 : 2 30-34 ss.4s2 ison ns 245 : 20 338 51,294 43,955 2,108 te : ° sont ie 36,382 nas zo : 5 45-49 36,619 aaass 1974 220 : 6 : so-s¢ 30,935 25,164 27a 228 : 3 $5059 25,592 20,279 Sone 167 : 3 | 60-64 24,601 18,098 4,198 158 - 8 | e589 14,648 40,139 3,109 tos : 2 | yoo 3307 6,917 30466 53 : 7 aeeover nae Siise sata 6 : 7 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS ‘rable €. Population 10 yrs. Old & Over by Ave Group by Marital Status: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 199¢ Never married (continued) Married Widowed Divorced/ Separated 25 Not stated 1980 Not stated 10-14 yrs. 15-19 20-24 25-29, 30-34 35-39 40-44 831,894 139,888 16, 565 108, 972 94,332 74,817 58,666 48,378 40,466 34,821 29, 683 27,407 24,357 16,047 17,496 368,685 139,168 105,934 59,021 25,062 20,914 6,522 4,740 3,882 3,495 2,791 2,389 2,007 4,572 1,398 417,582 516 10,413 48,874 62,110 6 39,287 5,630 a 109 67 B91 259 680, 599 546 490 210 ize 132 26 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS ‘Table 6. Population 10 yrs. old & over by Age Group by Marital status: (Concluded) Never married Married Widowed 1970, 1975, 1960 and 1990 ‘Total Age group 10 yrs. old ass0+ 1,093, 292 Not stated - 10-14 yrs 183,003, 1S-i8 161, 905 20-24 141,028 28-29 415,072 30-34 100,255, 35-39 88,159 40-44 20,738 45-49 54,960 50-54 46,713 58-59 37,508 60-68 29,432 68-69 23,310 70-74 17,808 75-over 24, 605 Source: National Statistics Office, Census of Population & Housing, + Based on household population. 528,543 182,872 153,214 97,983 43, 636 17,892 9,014 5,929 4,243 3476 2,823 2,813 2,053 i778 2,417 507,374 993 8,202 42,614 69,457 79,892 47,418 a7 12a 325 6538 1164 3,726 2,47 3,208 4,296 4,865 5,565 5,897 Diverced/ Separated others 8,043, 1,736 40 8 154 126 oad 241 998 297 1,295 291 1,258 230 1,082 im 798 ug 630 96 403 48 270 39 204 27 138 26 129 22 1970, 1980 and 1990; Integrated Consus of the Population and its Economic Activities, 1975. DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 7. Literacy of Private Household Population 10 yrs. Old and Over by Age Group and Sex : 1980 and 1990 ALL ages 830,271 «684,638 «145,633 $09,432 342,879 66,553 420,839 341,759 30-14 yes. 139,819 123,355 16,454 72,773 62,430 9,343 60,046 60,925 15-i9 111, 686 4/456 57,896 55,288 2,608 58,246 © 56,398 20-24 102, 485, 5,870 3,933 $0,579 3,354 54,422, 51,906 25-28 87,648 6491 47,352 43,872 3,480 46,788 43,777 30-34 67,817 6,894 37,122 33,606 3,516 37,889 34,211 35-39 51,147 7,471 29,723 25,793 3/930 28,895 25,354 40-48 40,134 8,191 23,886 20,155 3,731 24,439 19,979 45-49 29,644 10,789 18,862 14,568 4.294 21,571 15,076 50-54 22,489 12,297 16,017 11,372 4,645 18,769 11,117 55-59 16,357 4315 13,343 8,161 5,182 16,328 8,196 60-64 aeieaa 14,751 12,237 6,586 5,651 15,155 6,055, 65-69 9,404 14,945 11,512 5,077 6434 12,838, 4,327 10-74 5,320 10,720 7,638 2,885 4,753 8,402 2,435 5,967 75-over 4,510 12,979 8,139 2,507 5,632 9,350 2,003 7,347 Continued i i 28 | DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 7. Literacy of Private Household Population 10 yrs. old and Over by Age Group and Sex : 1980 and 1990 * (concluded) Source: National Statistics Office, Consus of Population & Housing: 1960 and 1990. + Based on household population. i age group 1990+ j ALL ages 1,093,191 1,055,090 38,101 $45,840 $30,048 «18,792 $47,351 $25,042 22,309 10-18 yea. 193,001 180,952 2,089 94,039 92,852 1,187 8,962 88, 100 862 15-19 161,905 160,473 1432 82,979 82,124 855 70,926 70,348 877 20-24 u4ije28 140,706 ayizz 72,587 71,934 653 68,772 469 25-29 4as;o72 114,000 1072 $8,661 58,083 608 55,947 464 30-34 100,258 99,202 3053 50,732 50,162 ST 49,041 492 35-38 26,158 85,076 vos 43,307 se 42,383 499 to-ae 70,735 69,366 1368 34,962 530 35,094 679 i 45-49 54,960 $3,104 TBS 26, 668 873 27,319 977 50-54 46,613 44,292 21321 22,240 91 23,003 1,370 | 55-59 37/508 34,333 31175 17/613, 1,168 17888 2,011 | 60-64 29,432 25,666 3766 13,612 1,320 13374 244s 65-69 23,310 18,881, aes 0,088 1,502 10,299 2,927 70-74 17,808 13,133, 4,675 7,949 1,636 6/920 3,039, 15-over 24,605 15,906, 9,699 10,511 3,192 2,587 5,507 e rp 4 t | 29 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 8. Population 7 Years Old & Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1990 college undergraduate Academic degree holder Age (years) Year/ Highest 7 8 ° grade completed =--------~ ---=-eonn wee enneen necec ne cne cence anne nantes ice cnes cece nee ae secession Both sexes Male Female Both sexes Male Female Both sexes Male 1990+ 39,192 20,378 «18,814 «38,454 19,734 18,720 39,939 20,618 19,322, No grade completed 8,210 4,532 3, 679 1,452 aa 508 57 337 234 Pre-school 6,582 3,405 3,277 632 397 298 188, 308 n Blementary 24,400 12/442 «11,958 «36,239 29,457 17,782 «39,137 20,184 18, 983, Ist-4th grade 24/400 12,442 «11,958 36,239 18,457 «17,782 «38,765 19,965 18, 800 | Sth-7th grade - - - - - - 372 189 183 | High school - - - - - - - - - i Undergraduate - - - - - - - - - Graduate - - ~ - - - - - - | Post secondary - - - - - - - - - Undergraduate - - - - - - - - - Graduate - - - - - - - - - Not stated - - n 36 35 46 a9. 27 3900 31,479 16,352 15,127 90,611 15,656 14,955 30,333 15,904 14,949 | No grade completed 12,178 65375, 638 1,972 276 695 467 262 205 Blementary 19,304 9,825 9,439 29,080 34,780 14,260 29,866 15,122 14, 744 Lse-3rd grade 19,304 9,815 9,489 28,778 «34,708 «14,070 26,497 33,451 13,046 4th grade - - - 250 2 178 3,023 1,495 1,528 5th grade - - - 12 - 12 280 254 126 6eh-7th grade - - - - - - 66 22 “4 High school - - - - - - - - - Lst-3rd year - - - - - - - - - 4th year - - - - - - - - : college - - - - - - - - - ist-3rd year - - - - - - - - - 4th year-higher - - - - - - - - - Academic degree holder - - - - - - - - - Wot stated - - - - - - - Continued —_— nee 30 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 8. Population 7 Years cld & Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1990 ( continued ) Year/ Highest grade completed 1s90* Wo grade completed Pre-school Elementary Ist-ath grade Sth-7eh grade High school Undergraduate | Graduate Post secondary | Undergraduate | Graduate | college undergraduate | Academic degree holder i Hot stated 1980 No grade completed Elementary Ist-3ed grade ath grade Sth grade 6th-7th grade High school Ist-3rd year 4th year Wot stated Ek 30,721 n0 30,376 13,809 13,094 15,952 196 15,786 7,397 6,665 3,882 143 19,176 457 26 18,952 16,920 2,032 4 34,769 us 14,620 6,412 6,428 2,538 241 35 35 14,138 67 13,852 1,540 4,286 6,018 2,008 219 219 28, 608 218 25, 686 1,788 2,997 8,733 12,168 2,704 2,704 13,544 65 12,075 685 31 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 8. Population 7 Years Old & Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1990 (continued) Year/ Highest grade completed 1990+ 95,062 17,962 17,100 34,286 «17,42€ 16,860 «33,267 «17,028 16,239. No grade completed 256 1236 ue 252 158 94 256 164 92 Pre-school 7 aa 6 20 n 8 8 5 3 Elementary 20,499 12,158 9,341 11,347 6,523 4824 9/188 8,353 3,835 ist-ath grade 3,193 2,022,271 2,489 1,528 961 2,170 1,358 612 Seh-7th grade 17/306 9,136 8,170 8,858 4,395 3, 863 7,018 3,995 3,023 High school 14/259 6,634 7,625 22,628 10,710 a1;91e © 23,655 11,434 42,221 ‘Undergraduate 14,259 6,634 7,628 «22,159 10,487 11,672 21,452 10,448 21,010 | Graduate - - - 469 223 246 2/197 986° 4,211 Post secondary - - - ~ = - 31 16 15 Undergraduate - - - - - - 27 13 4 Graduate - - - - - - 4 3 1 college undergraduate - - - - - - 107 48 59 Academic degree holder - - - ~ - : - = - Not stated 33 23 10 39 24 a5 22 8 ua | 1980 26,322 13,284 13,048 25,789 13,242 12,547 25,598 13,079 No grade completed 142 4 66 224 130 4 246 125 Blenentazy 15,245 8,218 © 7,028 9,590 §,198 4,392 6,485 4,519 lst-3ed grade 1,084 710 374 703 420 281 868 817 4th grade 1,436 898 538 on 578 393 984 646 5th grade 2,434 1,326 1, 168 1,203 735 468 1,031 566 Gth-7th grade 10,232 5,284 4,948 6.715 3,465 3,250 5,608 2,780 High achool 10,98¢ 4,992 5,952 15,911 7,889 «8,022 16,684 «8,353 ist-3rd year 10,821 4,936 5,885 15,509 7,706 «7,803 «14,912 7,593 4th year 123 56 67 402 183 219 1,782 760 conlege = - - 64 25 39 173 82 ist-3rd year 64 25 39. iB 82 4th year-higher academic degree holder Not stated (aNOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Wo grade completed College undergraduate Academic dagree holder Academic degree holder male 2e, 985 173 5 5,012 2,205 3,807 9,342 4,132 5,220 apo a8 201 2,254 Table 8. Population 7 Years Old & Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Complete?: 1970-1950 3,377 21526 3,081 2,152 DEMOGRAPHY ~ BATANGAS 33 ‘Table €. Population 7 Years Old & Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1990 (continued) Year/ Highest grade completed Both sexes Fenale Both sexes Male Female Both sexes Fenale 1980 30,813 15,753 15,060 140,828 72,587 68,242 - - No grade completed 2a 135 76 1,03 575 438 - - Pre-school 5 2 3 23 2 a6 - : Elenentary 87 4,426 3,485 37,207 16,887 = : ist-4th grade 1,601 1,012 897,537 2,750 - : Sen-Tth grade 6270 3,418 2,888 29,570 13/837 4 : : High school 12,977 6,863 6,134 56,130 30,127 26,003 38,459, - - Undergraduate 4419 2,587 1,862 17,237 9672718641242 = : Graduate 8,558 4,306 4,252 38,893 20,454 18,439 27/217 - : Post secondary 1,405 mr M4 e682 4,885 3,827 6610 - - Undergraduate 265 155 101,582 990 592 1,235 - : Graduate 1,140 576 Sei 7/120 3,875 3,235 8,375 : : je undergraduate = 7,872 «3,412 4,460 21,831 11,320 10,511 «12,614 - - degree holder 442 ui 27, 15,723 $,013 10,710 48,207 - - Not stated 30 3 "7 304 155 us 233 - - 1980 20/639 9,796 10.843 108,255 53,933 94,140 47,352 46,788 No grade completed tas 89 oo 1,394 742 1,589 8a5 14a Blenentary 8,083 3,672 4,372 50,957 24,454 81/930 25,498 26,434 Lst-3ra grade 789 aa 3655675 3,303 6/505 3,515 2,991 ath grade 1,220 604 536 7,877 4, 386 9,434 4023 alent Sth grade 928 491 438 468i 2,523, 5,116 a 251e 6th-7eh grade 5,105 2,073 3,032 32,524 14,242 30,874 416,320 High school 124 3,951 31173 30,588 17,380 22,122 2 9,160 Ist-3rd year 2242-1778 Adee 12,078 6566 8,509 4,738 3,772 ath year 3,882 2,173 «1,709 18,510 10,024 13/613 8,224 5,308 college 4/896 1922 2)878 7811883 3.228 4517 a7 ist-3rd year 41380 1/743 2/607 13,930 6,688 7,455 3,509 3,946 4th year-higher 546 179 3673/8811, 805 1773 1,008 765 Academic degree holder 314 146 ise 7/2082 644 9,099 3,436 8, 663, Not stated 3 1 37 397 170 12 96 6 34 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS able 8. Population 7 Years Old & over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1990 (continued) Year/ Highest B0-over grade completed =--------~ ce ceenenne Senenneeee conteenees ose Both sexes Male Female 1990* 491, 495 - - - - - No grade completed 36,017 - - - - - Bre-school 807 - - = - : Elonentary 296,264 - - - - - ist-4th grade 125,094 - - - - - sth-Tth grade 161,170 - - - - - High school 87,074 - - - - - Undergraduate 30,866 - - - - - Graduate $6,208 - - - - Post secondary 12,246 - - - - - Undergraduate 2,343 - - > - - Graduate 9,903 - - - - - College undergraduate 25, 249 - - - - - Academic degree holder $3, 089 - - - - - Wot stated 239 - - - - - 1980 371,615 178,478 193,337 - - - No grade completed 66,244 26,223 40,021 - - - Elementary 228,192 109,570 119,222 - - - Lst-3rd grade 62,501 29,264 «33,337 - - - 4ch grade 62,673 29,974 32,699 - - - Sth grade 20, 698 9,859 10,839 - - - Gch-7th grade 82,920 40,873 42,347 - - - High school 36,749 23,105 13, 644 - - - ist-3rd year 16,510 9,692 6,818 - - - 4th year 20,238 13,413 6,826 - - - college 43,120 3,411 4,709 . - - lst-32d year 10,525 6,916 3,709 - - - 4th year-higher 2,895 1,595 1,000 - - - Academic degree holder 25,660 10,578.15, 082 - - - Not stated 1,250 591 659 35 DEMOGRAPHY ~ BATANGAS Table 8. Population 7 Years Old ¢ Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1990 (continued) Rog e© (yeas s) Year/ Highest 7 8 9 grade completed ---------= -annnena= nn nnnnnn= enna nenne ene neem nnne none nnnne eeneeene Both sexes Male Fewale Both sexes Male Female Both sexes Male ‘Female 1970 2e,602 16,679 13,923 26,660 13,822 13,148 23,771 11,936 12, 835 No grade completed 15,563 8,157 7,406 2,993 1,638 1,356 888 475 413 Elementary 13,039 6,522 «6,S17 23,667 11,874 11,793 22,883 23,461 11, 422 ist-3rd grade 33,099 6,522 6,517 «23,667 «11,874 11,793 21,254 10,742 -20,513 4th grade - - - - ~ - 1,629 720 909 Sth grade - - ~ ~ - - - - = 6th-7th grade - - - - - - - - - High school - - ~ - - - - = : ist-3rd year - - - - - - - - - 4th year - - - : - - - - - college - - - - - - - - - ist-3rd year - - - - - - - - - 4th year-higher - - - - - - - - Not stated 36 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS able @. Population 7 Years Old & Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1990 Ccontinued) Year/ Highest 30 a grade completed -aneennvv~ sonnnnn ae wenn nanan ene nnne ne ween eee oe Both sexes Male Female Both sexes Male. | 1970 27,120 13,868 13,252 «22,271 «11,153 «22,138 27,886 14,041 13, 845 | Wo grade completed 638 372 268 338 193 145. 420 225 195 f Elementary 26,982 13,496 12,986 21,933 10,960 20,973 26,469 13,501.12, 968 Ist-3rd grade 45,925 8,513 7,412 5,379 3,136 2,243 3,639 2,238 1,402 4th grade 8,787 agg 4, 638 8,424,168 4, 28g 5.192 2,898 2,243 Sth grade 1,770 834 936 6903 3,131 3,778 si4l1 41596 4,815 6th-7th grade - - - 3,233 525 708 8,278 3,769 4,09 High school - ~ - 697 315 382 Ist-3ra year 697 315 382 ach year = . = college ist-3rd year 4th year-nigher Wot stated 37 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 8. Population 7 Years Old & Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1990 (continued) : A ge (years) Year/ Highest 13 4 grade completed -------wa~ wenvneene aenenenne oon we sce cn ne cannes ce eee nen seen Both sexes Male Female Both sexes Male Female 1970 23,437 11,728 11,708 24,282 12,008 12,173 22,783 11,286 No grade completed 343 174 169 418 aig 204 472 237 Blenentary 18,975 9,662 9,343 18,335 7,786 «7,873 «13,016 6,529 Ast-3rd grade 2,046 1,250 795 2,781 1,031 750 1,747 989 fen grade 2,627 1,497 1,130 2,204 1,202 1,082 1,993 1,006 Sth grade 3,800 2,068 = 1,732 2,222 1,259 963 4,572 875, 6ch-7th grade 10,502 4,847 5,655 9,098 4,268 4, 784 7,705 3,659 High school 4,119 1,893 2,226 428 © 4,038 4,380 9,265 4,520 ist-3rd year 4319 -1,893. 2,226 8428 4,038 4,390 8,817 4,350 ath year - - - - = - 448 170 College - - Ist-3rd year 4th year-higher Wot stated 38 DEMOGRAPHY ~ BATANGAS taple 8. Population 7 Years Old & Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1990 (continued) Age Year/ Highest 16 qrade completed -------00~ weenenene aan nan ne wenn weenie oor Both sexes Male Female Both sexes 1970 22,533 10,712 «11,822 «24,616 «10,842 20,774 21,686 10,455 «11,233 Mo grade completed 460 234 226 S00 262 238 602 298 308 Elementary 32,848 5,623 6,225 11,196 8,833 8,663 11,549 8,492 6,058 Lst-3rd grade 1,586 863 723 1,518 879, 640 1,610 851 159 4th grade 2,108 1,019,089 2,160 1,062 1,099 2,373 1,184 1,229 Sth grade 4,377 722 655 1,308 700 608 4, 402 709 693 Gth-7th grade 6,777 3,019 3,758 6,209 2,893 3,316 6164 2,787 3,377 High school 9,967 4,778 «$209 6428 4,535 3,913 5,560 3,655 2,905 ist-3rd year 7,510 3,827 3,683 4.732, 2,773 1,958. 3,444 2,028 1,416 4th year 2.477 951 1,526 3,696 1,742 1,954 3116 1,627 1,489 college 238 n 361 1,492 532 960 2,977 1,018 1,982 Ist-3rd year 238 ” ie2 1,492 532 960 2,977 1,015 1,962 4th year-higher - - - - - Not stated - - - - - - - - - 39 DEMOGRAPHY ~ BATANCAS Table 8, Population 7 Years Old & Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1990 (continued) Year/ Highest grade completed 1970 17/573 8,037 9,836 84,309 41,285 «43,024 60,730 29,077 31, 653 No grade completed 439 195 2ae 2,934 1,416 1,568, 3,101 1,442 1,660 Elenentary 9,444 4,179 5,265 50,326 23,636 26,690 41,957 22, 684 Lst-3rd grade 1,317 674 643 7,336 3,911 3,425 6,096 3,441 4th grade 2,036 935 «1,261 12,9296 01L_— 6,918 12,107 6,532 Sth grade 1,133 837 596 6441 3,183 3,258 5,416 2,918 6th-7th grade 4,898 2,033 2,885 23,620 10,531 «13,089 17,540, 9,796 High school 4/493 2,550 1,943 18,048 «9,875 5,473 7,361, 2,813 ist-3rd year 2,242 1,318 928 7,330 4,563 3,754 1,579 4th year 2,281 1,236 1,015 T7118 5,012 3,607 3,234 college 3,197 1,113,208 18,898 6, 627 8,260 4,472 ist-3rd year 2,938 1,043 1,895 8,246 © 4,109 2,771 1,082 4th year-higher 259 70 188 7,652 2,518 5,489 3,391 Wot stated - - - 33 3 51 26 i 1 40 a DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS i + Table 8. Population 7 Years Old & over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1990 (concluded) Year/ Highest 30-over Noe stated grade completed ------~--= =22eanenne cenencecne wenn Cansecenn naceeo sees Both sexes Male Fenale Both sexes Male Fenale 1970 271,002 127.915 143,087 203 100 103 No grade completed 80,891 32,664 48,227 30 B 7 Blenentary 153,827 73,984 73,843, 38 19 7 Ist-3rd grade 49,767 22,928 26,842 3 8 5 4th grade 49,736 23,522 26,214 9 5 4 Sth grade 15,072 7,253 7,819 3 1 2 6th-7eh grade 39,252 20,284 18,968 n 5 6 High school 20,196 12,762 7,384 3 2 - Ist-3rd year 9,918 5,790 4,128 2 2 4th year 10,228 6,972 3,286 1 ° - college 15,780 8,330, 7,450 a0 6 4 Lst-32d year 5,228 3,297 1931 4 4 - ath year-higher 10,552 5,033, 5,519 6 2 4 Not stated 358 vs 183 325 60 65 Source: National Statistics Office, Census of Population & Housing: 1970, 1980 and 1990. * Based on household population. 4 1987 41,282 42,059 39,708 42,433 43,078 3,608 3,843 3,602 3,642 3,800 2,978 2,948 21875 - 2,972 3,348 3,336 3,200 3,170 3,379 3,524 3,262 3,252 3,091 3,532 3,615 3,329 3,434 3,136 3,715 3,667 3,163 3,039 2,930 3,320 3,348 3,350 3,239 2,837 3,172 3,202 3,249 3,302 3)u17 3,101 3,261 3698 3,650 31492 3,508 3,872 3,782 3,772 3,625 3,962 4,180 3/689 3,793 3,708 4,042 3,967 3,776 3,918 4,101 a Source: National Statistics office, Vital statistics Section. Table 10. Registered Births by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 Unlicensed Wot I Year Total Physician Midwife © Nurse midwife Others stated Source: Haticnal Statistics office, Vital statistics section 43 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 11. Deaths by Sex and Age Group: 1980-1990 All ages 7,105 4,221 2,884 7,396 4,306 3,090 7,412 4,270 4,488 3,174 Under lyr. 1,608 979 629 1,607 930 671,487 801 862 873 1-4 yrs. 631 379 282 641 348 293 629 336 367 338 188 us 73 126 74 52 14s. 13 13 91 101 53 48 115. 58 60 131 16 68 3 126 80 46 342 26 56 136 83, 94 46 1ae 80 56 479 127 82 283 225 ant 4a 130 at 63 391 126 65 193 324 328 49 487 128 59 195, 133 62 130 122 62 iss ils ee 378, 202 cz abi 130 63 par uaz 79210 3a 69 138 156 68 264 174 30 240 159 a ase 200 8 248 164 84 313 207 106 ima 209, a2 280 382 99, 296 200 96 199) 216 90 372 247 2s 377 242 135 261 249 asa 458 273 168 458 283 76 218 252 200 465 265 200 sss 310 245 350 359 258 44a 240 204 aie 238 180 24a 282 233, a0-over 989 476 513 1,150 544 606 ‘500 562 642 Not stated 2 - 2 3 1 2 2 - 2 Continued 44 DEMOGRAPHY ~ BATANGAS ALL ages under 1 yr. 1-4 yzs. 5-9 10-16 15-19 80-over Not stated Table 11. Deaths by Sex and Age’ Group: 1980-1999 (continued) 8,289 1,238 680 202 422 335 yeL 235 265 25 267 287 339 462 556 633, 679 1,379 ° DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS , . ‘Table 11, Deaths by Sex and Age Group: 1980-1990, (concluded) All ages 8,925 5,154 3,771 «4914884 «3,607 8, 1984, 7383, 460 Under lyr. 1,195 690 505 987 560 427 943 543 400 1-4 yrs. 647 313 334 513 283 230 347 195 152 5-8 231 14 30 208 110 98 475 36 79 10-14 331 76 55 132 18 53 12a 68 56 15-19 172 218 54 339 75 64 322 85 30 20-24 231 161 10 201 144 87 201 140 61 25-29 238 170 68 203 149 60 204 164 40 30-34 273 194 13 282 207 5 240 im 6 35-39 an 192 85 33 208 105 238 155 80 40-44 254 176 18 307 aut 96 287 192 95 15-49 329 222 107 316 228 8 340223 ut I 50-84 333 249 334 353 247 106 386 263 123 1 35-59 402 280 122 azn 270 352 408 272 136 i 60-64 477 298 119 498 225 173 513 347 166 | 65-69 546 328 218 519 342 237 517 aaa 206 70-74 702 360 322 652 354 293 652 382 270 75-79 822 424 398 198 404 395 852 433 418 80-over 1,615 742 873 1,582 688 011,653 698 955 Not stated 0 - - ~ - - - - ~ Source: National Statistics office, Vital Statistics Section. 46 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS ‘Table 12. Registered Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 simply xear Toval Attended =-Examined reported 1380 7,108 4,748 5,308 82 1981 7,396 3,932 5,436 28 1982 7412 Lass 5,509 20 1983 7, 662 2,062 5,573 27 1984 7,848 2,432 3,585 4,832 1985, 7,975 3,970 af as 1986 7,950 2,797 a/ a/ 1987 8,249 2,980 af af 1988 8,925 3,071, af a/ 1989 8,491 3,084 af af 1990 8,198 3,129 af a/ a/ Considered not ater Source: National stati ded. stics Office, Vital statistics Section. wk. DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 13. Foetal Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1990 Unlicensed Year Total, Hospital Physician Nurse Midwife midwife others 1980 345 - asa 4 5 278 - 1981 331 - 66 5 252 1982 316 - 73 2 3 224 1 1983 483 - aaa 46 7 283 1 1984 277 - 319 25 2 110 2 1985 348 - 12s 63 a 28 > 1986 218 - 98 - 2 49 5 1987 267 - 169 3 20 60 22 1988 288 - 12a 4 qn 38 18 1989 316 - aaa - 3 80 19 1990 334 - 327 12 - 76 8 Source: National Statistics office, Vital Statistics section. aT 48 | DEMOGRAPHY ~ BATANGAS Table 14. infant Deaths by Age and Sex: 1980-1990 930 677 201 646 862 573 869 647 738 528 298 197 242 198 188 333 212 au 198 148 276 142 190 328200 116 159 105 157 108 106, 94 95 68 107 83 92 64 70 54 142 76 ann 38 140 36 125, oa 106 60. 82 7 87 63 89 60 65 48 2B 40 m4 a 62 67 82 54 ae 6 n 6 2 30 44 34 56 aL 6 49 61 57 Continued DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS able 14, Infant Deaths by Age and Sex: 1980-1990 (concluded) ALL ages 690 494 742 496 690 505 860 427 543 400 under 1 day 166132, 213 an 3h 162 ae 147 nna 1-6 days 197 106 aeL 357 ng 138 78 265 ” 7-27 days 64 52 67 73 37 55 48 43 4a 28 days- 3.mos. 100 8 99. 115 4 34 B 65 56 4-6 mos. 54 40 62 38 a7 32 3 a7 44 7-3 mos 63 45 8 46 47 a 34 42 33 10-11 mos. 46 a2 39 59 30 38 35 28 n Source: Naticnal Statistics Office, Vital statistics Section. 50 DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 15. Maternal Deaths by Age Group: 1980-1990 Age isso 19818621983 sea ages) 19861987 ALL ages 28 23 a1 “2 19 2. 26 36 we 22 Source: National Statistics Office, Vital Statistics Section. semen 1980 Total 8,753 8,723 8, January 3,652 1,529, ¥ebruary 358 319 March 238 260 April an2 28 May 993 1,012, 1. June 285 381 guly 543 586 August 372 349 Septenber 526 589 october 584 651 November 269 325 December 926 864 409 8,649 9,390 1,486 1,526 302 352 on 926 894 749 965 987 952 375 602 ee 357 328 634 675, 630 760 304 357 949 1,079 9,381 1,588 353 340 922 1,042 935 687 343 620 oan 313 1,038 9,823 9,344 20,258 1,619 3,388 1,708 384 342 380 955 14 966 792 785 807 2,203 3,082 1,077 3,065 932 1,013 724 aoe 740 377 329 334 634 659, 74 n0 70 75 300 290 270 1,020 1,136 (1,287 Source: National Statistics office, vital Statistics Section. DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 17A. Number of Migrants to Batangas by Area of Origin: 1975-1960 and 1965-1990 1975-1980 1985-1990 Area of origin Both sexes Male Female Both sexes Male ~—- Female ALL provinces 19,295 9,121 10,114 34,461 17,098 17,363 WcR 3,536 1,688 1, 848 7,344 3,869 3,775 Abra 10 5 5 33 18 35 Benguet, 89 45 4 uno 82 58 . Teugao - - - 6 5 4 Kalinga Apayao - - - 20 10 10 Mt. Province 45 6 9 37 20 a7 Tlocos Norte 40 16 32 104 62 42 Tlecos sur 6s 25 a1 84 4 3 La Union a 2 35 268 336 332 Pangasinan 189 115 4 394 199 195 Batanes - - - 4 3 1 Cagayan 104 43 a 132 62 70 Isabela 57 27 30 234 109) 125 Nueva Vizcaya 58 38 23 55, 22 33, Quirino - - = 6 3 3 Bataan 187 6 a1 274 150 12a Bulacan 420 208 212 686 332 384 Nueva Ecija 20 162 08: 363 1e2 asi Panpanga 286 142 aaa 380 180 200 Tarlac 70 39. 31 im 90 an ganbales 237 106 Fest 250 a2. 129 Batangas - - - - - - cavite 54 226 288 980 490 490 Laguna 2,110 543 567 2,105 1,008 1,097 Marinduque 135 87 76 282 136 146 oriental Mindoro 1,821 850 on 345, 158 487 Occidental Mindoro 513 isi 322 3,133 1,485 1,648 Palawan ag 66 46 136 64 72 Quezon 2,282 1,033 1,219 3,659 1,752 1,907 Rizal 739 418 381 519 245 274 Ronbl on 564 361 303, 1,098 607 ann Rurora 2 6 6 ia 88 2 Albay 377 334 243 rR 379 348 Camarines Norte 278 130 148 289 126 261 Camarines sur 61s 318 293 4,342 702 640 catanduanes 80 “4 36 86 43 a3 Masbate 169 80 8s. 627 gai 306 soraogen 230 98 132 607 333 24 Adan 88 33 35 87 42 45 Antique 36 25 1 70 41 29 Capiz 97 36 61 83 33 50 Meilo 330 368, 162, 449 242 207 Negros Oceidental 284 126 158 52a 2665 258 Boho} 134 7 63 1s sa 7 cebu 347 ase 189 381 201, 180 Nagros Oriental a4 16 28 451 16 75 Siquijor - - = a4 6 8 Continued DEMOGRAPHY ~ BATANGAS Table 17A. Number of Migrants to Batangas by Art (concluded) 1975-2980 Area of origin Both sexes Male = Female Both sexes Eastern Samar 24 7 a] 19 Leyte 187 ea 326 363 Northern Samar 30 10 20 142 Western Samar 303 103 206 201, Southern Leyte 4 4 - 44 Basilan 4 22 w 4 suu | 9 3 4 25 Tawi-tawi a 6 5 3 fanboanga del Norte 43 33 20 40 Zamboanga del sur 82 uw 38 76 Agusan del Norte 45 10 35 B Agusan del Sur a 5 6 20 Bukidnon a - ub 30 Camiguin 14 - 4 3 Misamis occidental 23 u cra 35 Misamis Oriental 23 ~ 23 60 Surigao del Norte a7 vv 70 79 Davao del Norte 3 a2 nm 38 Davao del Sur 17 5 12 159 Davao Oziental, 9 5 4 26 South Cotabato 32 ul 24 34 Surigao del Sur 32 5 27 63 Lanao del Norte Bre 6 5 Be Tanao del Sur 5 - 5 37 Maguindanao 6 6 : 35 North Cotabato 38 22 16 31 Sultan Kudarat - - - 23 Guimaras - - - 1 Biliran - - - ae Agusan - - - 1 Bicol - - - 872 Davao. - - - 20 rloces - - - - Leyte - - - 28 Negros - - - 10 Samar - - - 156 Zamboanga - - - 4 Euzon - - - ~ Visayas = - Z on Mindanao = - : 82 Bc. af 154 98 56 1,892 Unienown 999 482 547 397 Note: Migration is based on the Question on residency 5 years ago 1990 Census of Population and Housing. . a/ Foreign countries. Source: National Statistics Office, Population statistics Section. of Origin: 1975-1980 and 1985-1990 39 40 168 195 76 66 102 99. 22 22 2 3 15 10 2 1 v7 23 34 42 32 46 n 9 12 1 2 1 27 18 21 39 35 44 v 22 70 89 a2 4 3 22 26 37 45 3 20 u 29 26 1s 16 2 bt ~ 1 5 3 - 1 an 302 B 15 3 38 3 7 7 0 5 9 28 a2 2 45 2,104 788 437 460 in the 1930 and €s DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 178. Number of Migrants from Batangas by Area of Destination: Area of destination 1975-1980 and 1985-1990 Both sexes Male All provinces ier Kora Benguet, ifugao Kalinga Apayao Me. Province Ilocos Norte Tlocos sur La Union. Pangasinan Batanes Cagayan Tsabela Nueva Vizcaya Quirino Bataan Bulacan Nueva Ecija Pampanga Tarlac Zambales Batangas cavite Eaguna Marinduque oriental Mindoro Occidental Mindoro Palavan Quezon Rizal Romblon aurora Albay Camarines Norte Camarines Sur Catanduanes Masbate Sorsogon Aelan Antique capiz Toile Negros Occidental, Bohol cebu Wegros Oriental siguijor a2 aes 46 61 mL 380 13, o7e 266 170 51 224 32 37 601 25 287 185 994 sou 15 46 54 244 uw 45 32 ua 82 a 94 nm 1975-1980 15,386 485 Fenale Both sexes 36,302, 129 316 a ua as sai 855 232 397 285 245 2,103 3,474 359 2,014 189 2,023 isie 198 169 im 465, 55, 100 46 35 33a 72 55 un 163 232 133 200 iso 128 1,008 1,695 1985-1980 19,366 10,539, 7 80 1 3 a 20 86 153 1 21 «6 31 7 269 428 99 197 Continued Ss DEMOGRAPHY - BATANGAS Table 178, Number of Migrants from Batangas by Area of Destination: 1978-1980 and 1985-1990 {concluded} Area of destination Both sexes Bastern Samar Leyte Northern Samar Western Samar Southern Leyte Basilan sul ‘rawi-cawi Zamboanga del Norte Zamboanga del Sur Agusan det Norte Agusan del Sur Bukidnon, Camiguin Misamis ‘Occidental Misamis Oriental Surigao del Norte Davao del Norte Davao del Sux Davao Orlental South Cotabato Surigao det Sur anao del Norte Lanao del sur Maguindanao North Cotabato sultan Kudarat Guimaras Biliran Note: Migration is based on the Question on residency $ years ago in the 1980 and 1990 Census of Population and Housing. 35 33 30 1s uu 3 R 2 2 80 67 os 31 367 28 132 1978-1980 Male -Fonale Both sexes 25 20 7 16 30 124 7 - a7 Bry 23 49 u 5 26 - - 7 6 5 1 22 aa a 26 5 49 6 6 a - 5 7 an 6 Ere : - 2 : = 7 82 28. 68 40 27 16 48 36 16 31 20, 3 9 9 = 83 84 84 38 10 16 66 66 22 - - 6 é 6 23 46 21 31 5 - nn > - 1 - - 3 Source: National Statistics Office, Population Statistics Section. 1988-1990 ss Fig. 3.1 Urban-Rural Population: 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 Thousands | Durban | 1,200 . iO Rural 1,000 . 800 of i i 600 i : id 400 | ul 200 oy \ fo 1980 1990 CHAPTER 4 HEALTH AND WELFARE Vital Rater Bath Rate Death Rate The health status of the province is characterized by decreasing birth, death and infant mortality rates. As of 1995, crude Girth rate or the number of births for every thousand population was estimated at 24.4, However, it is projected to decline to 21.9 by year 2000. Crude death rate in 1995 or the number of deaths for every thousand population was computed at 5.7. The number of infant deaths for every thousand population in 1995 was estimated to be 27.00. On the other hand, child mortality rate and under-five mortality rate were placed at 13.17 and 54.04, respectively. Likewise, maternal mortality rate was estimated to be 139.11. Batangas 17.23 1642 1561 14.78 1398 13.17 Batangas City 15.84 1502 14.19 13.37 1254 14.72 1325 12.44 1164 10.84 Listing of Households and 1993 National No. 1-98. Estimated Under-five Mortality Rate: 1990-1995 Province! city Batangas 62.81 61.08 59.30 57.55 58.78 84.04 Batangas City 55.95 «83.65 51.15 48.75 49.35 43.95 Lipa City 54.85 5238 49.94 47.48 45.03 42.57 ‘Source: National Statistics Office (basic data), 1993 Listing of Households and 1993 National Demographic Survey, NSCB Resolution No. 1-98. Estimated Maternal Mortality Rate: 1990-1985 Year Provirice! Cee aes — City 1980199 1992 1993 © 19041995 | Batangas 186.30 15286 «= 140.43 145,09 142.55 130.11 Batangas City 185.40 148.00 1426913649 130.28 124.08 Lipa city 15380 14734 «140.88 «= 134.42 127.98 121.50 ‘Source: National Statistics Office (basic data), 1993 Listing of Households and 1993 National Demographic Survey, NSCB Resolution No. 1-96. 59 Rate ‘Total fertility rate, or the number of children born to a woman, was projected to decrease from 3,230 —entility ty PIG children per thousand women in 1995 to 2,811.7 in year 2000. Lhe &s ‘The expected life span of a person since Girth will increase from 70.4 years in 1995 to 71.6 years in “eB ‘year 2000. . Als of 1993, there were 49 fiospitals, 37 of which were privately oumed and 12 were government Health Feces worsted. Total Ged capacity was 1,628 ora ratio of 973 persons to one hospital bed. Government health personnel in 1993 numbered 517. Field health services workers totalled 333 or Heath Pereannel 64 percent. Physicians numbered 96; nurses, 140; midwives, 159; dentists, 15; and otfiers, 107. 60 HEALTH and WELFARE - BATANGAS ‘able 1, Estimated Vital Rates and Life Bxpectancy at Birth: 1980 - 2000 ( Medium assumption ) Infant crude crude ‘Total. Life year mortality birth death fertility expectancy rate /1 rate /2 rate /2 rate /3 at birth /4 1980 41.8 31.8 6.6 65.6 1985 36.2 29.4 6.2 67.3 1986 35.2 28.9 6.1 68.2 1987 34.2 28.4 6.0 63.4 see 33.2 219 5.8 68.7 1989 32.2 27.4 5.9) 69.0 1990 31.2 26.9 5.8 69.3 i991 303 26.4 5:8 69.5 1992 29.8 28.9 5.8 69.7 1993 28.7 25.3 5.7 69.9 1994 218 24.8 5:7 0.2 1995 27.0 24.4 5.7 70-4 1996 25.3 23.9 5.6 70.6 1997 25.5 23.4 5.6 70.9 1998 24.7 22.9 5.6 m1 sss 24.0 22.4 5.5 73 2000 23.2 21.9 5.5 nse Source of basic data: National Statistics office, 1975 Vital Statistics Report. 2/ Per thousand live births. 2/ Per thousand population. 3/ Per thousand women. 4/ tn years. 61 HEALTH and WELFARE ~ BATANGAS Table 2. Distribution of Government and Private Hospitals and Bed-population Ratio: 1980-1993 Population 1/ Bed- Number Bed Number Bed Number Bed population capacity capacity capacity ratio ! 1980 49 1,613 10 530 39. 2,083 1,166,869 1 323 j ise. 49 1,613 10 530 39 4,083 3,198,332 Ta 1982 46 1,504 10 a7 36 1,107 3,224,138 m3 1983 43 1,390 10 487 34 903 1,253, 262 902 1984 87 1,591 12 591 45 2,000 1, 282, 668 806 1985 87 a,bar R 591 45, 1,900 2,312,287 625 1386 35 1,695 12 675 43 1,010 4,342,156 197 1987 55 1,702 2 675 43 1,027 1,372,047 806 1388 38 1,700 12 675 43 1,025 1, 401,992 828 1989 af = - - ~ - - - ~ 1990 a/ - - - - - - - - i 1991 53 1,632 1“ ems, 39 937 1,508,443 = 92d ig92 45 1492 8 685 37 806 1,342,636 1,035 | 1993 49 1, 628 1 675 37 953 1,584,732 973 Source: Department of Health. V/ Medium assumption a/ Data not available 62 HEALTH and WELFARE - BATANGAS Facility/ institution Hospitals Rural health units Barangay health stations Sanitaria Chest clinics skin clinics Family planning clinics Social hygiene clinics Mental hygiene clinics Dental clinics Malaria units Schistosomiasis units Filariasia control units Wutrivard units Source: Department of Health. Table 3. Nuxber of Health Facilities: 1990-1997 1982 1982 1983 1984 an 44 “4 37 4 a1 43 3 186 146 224 224 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ar aa a a a 1 i a i 1 1 L 35 35 35 38 - - - 2 3986 1987 ss 55 43 a 206 206 a 1 i 1 rye a 1 1 1 1 35. 36 2 é HEALTH and WELFARE - BATANGAS Table 4. Number of Government Health Personnel and Ratio to Population: 1981-1993 Physician Field Health Services Hospital Services| nurse Field Health Services Hospital Services midwife Field Health Services 207 Hospital Services Dentist Field Health Services Hospital Services Pharmacist Field Health Services Hospital Services Rural sanitary inspector Field Health Services Hospital Services Medical technologist Field Health Services Hospital Services Dietician/nutritionist Field Health Services Hospital Services Health educator Field Health Services Hospital Services Sanitary Engineer Field Health Services Hospital Services 2 32,088 ie, 619 7,206 £3,508, 143 125, 679 754,072 215,449 26,459 137,104 125,679 301, 629, 302, 629 508, 143 32,822 36,401 9,764 21,842, 636 118, 664 771,318 140, 240 26,597 514,212 110, 188 308,527 220,377 + 1,542, 636 71,318 38,652 28,813 34,451 16,859 10,030 21,884, 732 121,902 792,366 144,067 27,323 528,244 313/195 325,946 226,390 22,584,732 198, 092 Source: Department of Health. \ 64 HEALTH and WELFARE ~ BATANGAS 8 Table 5. Wumber of Government Health Personnel by Municipality: 1987 Sanitary Barangay Municipality Physician Nurse Midwife Dentist inspector health worker ‘Total 42 39 aaa 9 5 7,607 Agoncillo 1 2 4 - 2 353 Alitagtag 1 1 2 - a 89 Balayan 2 1 5 - 2 302 Balete 3 - 5 - 1 7 Bayan 2 2 6 - 4 410 calaca 2 2 é 1 2 259 Calatagan 1 1 3 - 1 120, Cuanca 3 1 5 - 3 203 Tbaan 1 1 7 - 2 176 Laurel - a 1 - a aa Lenery 2 2 a 4 3 431 Lian i 1 4 - - 249 Lobo 1 1 4 - 1 183 Mabini 1 1 5 - 1 189 malvar a a 5 - 2 asa Mataas na Kahoy 1 a 3 - 1 aa Nasugbu 2 2 5 1 3 476 Padre Garcia 1 1 1 - 1 178 Rosario 2 1 uu - 3 6a San Jose i 2 5 1 a 230 San Juan 1 2 8 - 2 662 San Luis 2 2 6 - 3 200 San Nicolas i 1 4 - 2 34 San Pascual 1 a 3 - 2 156 Sta. Teresita 1 i 3 - 1 102 Sto. Tomas 1 2 4 1 : 338 ‘Taal 2 2 6 - 2 238 Talisay 1 i 3 - - 332 Tanauan 2 a 6 2 2 439 Taysan 1 1 2 - 2 186 Tingloy 1 1 3 2 141 1 3 - 300 Note : Table excludes hospital personne! Source: Department of Health. CHAPTER 5 CRIME AND DELINQUENCY Crime incidence is a good indicator of the peace and order situation of an area. Crime statistics throughout the country, however, generally suffer from undercoverage, the extent of which is not youn. Thus, an area with a figher crime rate than otfer ‘area does not necessarily mean that the former is relatively less peaceful and orderly than the latter. Moreover, this limitation must «also be considered when comparison is done over time. ‘Total volume of crimes committed in 1991 was 476, of which 246 crimes or 51.68 percent were Crime Volume index crimes and 230 crimes or 48.32 percent were non-index crimes. \ Grime Rate Crime rate in the province was 3.19 cases for every 10,000 population. Index crime rate was placed | at 1.65 while non-index crime rate was 1.54 cases for every 10,000 population. 66 ‘CRIME and DELINQUENCY ~ BATANGAS Table 1. Crime Volume and Crime Rate by Type of Crime: 1986-1992 (Rate = per 10,000 population } 3470476 3.9 1.66 2461.65 0.42 730.82 0.49 800.84 9.05 > - 9.21 2 ag 0.44 540.36 0.07 5 0.03 1986 1987 ses 1989 1990 1991 Type of crime --~-=2= wnneenne nannenn eee Hoenn wee een eee eee Volume Rate Volume Rate Volume Rate Volume Rate Volume ‘Total 3120 0.89 92° 0.67235 eB gd. Index crimes 62 490.36 © 14a 303 3nd Murder a 10.13 820.37 2078. 62 Homicide 20 wz 0.08 480.34 34066 2 Physical injury 6 5 0.06 7 0.08 8 0.08 7 Robbery 2 0.01 4 0.03 100.07 380.27 a There 200.15 6 0.08 21 0.15 560.39, 6a Rape 30.02 a o.02 6 0.04 13 0.09 10 Non-index crimes 580.43 4300 0.34 St 06S 315 2.22208 Note: Murder ~ includes attempted/fmustrated. Homicide - includes attenpted/frustrated, Physical injury - includes serious/less serious only, Robbery ~ includes robbery in band/brigandage. Theft ~ includes attempted/qualified/simple theft of large cattle. Rape ~ includes attempted/frustrated. Source: PC/INP Computer Center. CHAPTER 6 EDUCATION Uamber of In school year 1993 - 1994, there were 1,271 schools in Batangas, About 1,145 or 90.09 percent of Schools these schools were government-owned and only 126 or 9.91 percent were privately owned. Pre-schools numbered 312; elementary, 773; secondary, 168; and colleges/universities, 18. Ewrolment As of the same school year (excluding enrolment in the tertiary level), enrolment reached 392,593. Around 80.08 percent were enrolled in public schools and 19.92 percent in private schools. Enrolment in elementary schools totalled 247,679; secondary, 128,455, and pre-schools, 16,459. Number of State and Private Colleges and Universities: as of June 1993 ‘Source: Department of Education, Culture and Sports, Bureau of Higher Education. 6 68 EDUCATION ~ BATANGAS table 1. Distribution of Schools by Level of Education by Sector: S¥ 1989-90 - sy 1993-94 ‘1989-1990 345 e320 213 16 - 16 762 731 31167 202 66 1990-1991 933 31102 ~ - ~ 967 731 36 166 100 66 1991-1992 a/ 1992-1993 a/ 1993-1994 b/ 4,272 2,2Ms agg Bz 312 - 73 n9 4a 168 202 or Source: bepartment of Education, Culture and Sports. a/ Data not available B/ See 1993 breakdown for tertiary level on page 67 Table 2. Enrolment in Government and Private Schools by Level of Education: s¥ 1969-90 - s¥ 1993-94 School ALL levels Pre-school Year renee semen eeee caw anes connnee ceeneeenee Secncee cone 1989-1990 371,587 298,333 73,254 15,398 «12,312 4,086 244,920 231,182 13,738 111,269 55,839 $5,430 1990-1981 377,423 301,703 75,720 16,627 12,817 4,810 246,482 231,613 14,869 114,314 58,273 56,041 1991-1992 a/ 1992-1993 a/ 1993-1994 392,893 314,379 78,214 16,459 16, 459 = 247,679 228,726 18,953 128,455 69,194 59,261, Source: Department of Education, Culture and sports. af Data not available. , 69 \ EDUCATION ~ BATANGAS Table 3, Education Indicators in Government Elementary Schools: SY 1989-90 ~ s¥ 1990-91 ( Rate in percent } Enrolment Retention Participation Graduation Transition Cohort- Drop- Repetition Completion Teacher~ year rate 1/ rate 2/ rate 3/ rare 4/ rate $f survival out rate 8/ rate 9/ pupil zate 6/ rate 7/ ratio 5 i 3989-1990 100.93 97.14 - 99.42 98.79 85.98 0.08 0.95 05.47 a1 | 1990-1991 102.68 «9659, ~ 98:75 9915 as6e 02s? alsa tse Source: Department of Education, Culture and sports 1/ ER = (Total enrolment/Population 6-21 yrs. old) x 100 2/ RetR @ (Enrolment in grades II-VI/Enrolment in grades I-V of previous S¥) x 100 3/ PR = (Bnrolment 7-12 yrs. old/Population 7-12 yrs. old) x 100 4/ GR = (Wo, of graduates/Enrolment in grade VI) x 100 5/ TR = (Enrolment in grade V/snrolment in grade IV of previous Sy) x 100 6/ CSR = (Enrolment in grade VI/Enrolment in grade I five previous S¥s} x 100 7 DOR = (Total no. of drop-cuts/Total enrolment) x 100 8/ RepR = (Total no. of repeaters/Total enrolment of previous SY) x 100 9/ CR = (No. of graduates/Enrolment in grade 1 five previous S¥s) x 100 70 School year 1990-1991 Table 3a. Education Indicators in erivate Blenentary Schools: SY 1989-90 - S¥ 1990-91 ( Rate in percent } Enrolment Retention Participation Graduation Transition Cohort- Drop- Repetition Completion Teacher- rate 1/ rate 2/ rate 3/ rate 4/ rate 5/ survival out rate 8/ rate 9/ pupil rate 6/ rate 7/ ratio 11.72 97.58 - 98.11 100.90 46.58 0.63 0.87 45.87 1: 40 12.54 99.46 - 99.88 100.55 45.08 0.50 0.22 45.021: 38 Source: Department of Education, Culture and Sports. a/R = 2/ Retr = 3/ PR = 4/ GR S/R = 6/ CSR 1 por = 8/ RepR = sy cR = (Total enrolment/Populatién 6-21 yrs. old) x 100 (Enrolment in grades I-VI/Enrolment in grades I-v of previous S¥} x 100 (Bnrolment 7-12 yrs. old/Population 7-12 yrs. old) x 100 (No. of graduates/Enrelment in grade VI) x 100 (Enrolment in grade V/Enrolment in grade IV of previous S¥) x 100 (Bnrolment in grade Vi/Enrolment in grade I five previous S¥s) x 100 (Total no. of drop-outs/total enrolment) x 100 (total no. of repeaters/Total enrolment of previous St) 100 (Ne. of graduates/enrolment in gtade I five previous S¥s) x 200 EDUCATION - BATANGAS School Table 4, Education Indicators in Government Secondary Schools: (Rate in percent | Enrolment Retention Participation Graduation Transition Cchort- SY 1989-90 ~ sy 1990-91 Repetition Completion Teacher- year rate 1/_— rate 2/ rate 3/ rate 4/ rate 5/ survival out rate 8/ rate 8/ pupil rate 6/ rate 7/ ratio 1989-1990 51.91 94.10 - 93.20 70.89 99.87 5.24 2.24 93.27 1: 32 1990-1991 §2.94 91.39 - 94.87 69.29 84.79 5.62 2.22 80.51 1: 33 Source: Department of Education, Culture an@ sports. A/ ER = (Total enrolment/Population 6-21 yrs. old) x 100 2/ RetR = (Enrolment in yrs. II-IV/Enrolment in yrs. I-III of previous SY) x 100 3/ PR = (Bnrolment 13-16 yrs. old/Population 13-16 yrs. old) x 100 4/ GR = (No. of graduates/Enrolment in yr. IV) x 100 5/ TR = (¥nrolment in yr. I/No. of elen. graduates of previous SY) x 100 6/ CSR = (Enrolment in yr. IV/Enrolment in yr. I three previous sys) x 100 7/ DOR = (Total no. of arop-outs/Total enrolment) x 100 8/ RepR = (Total no. of repeaters/Total enrolment of previous S¥) x 100 9/ CR = (No. of graduates/Enrolment in yr. I three previous S¥) x 100 12 EDUCATION - BATANGAS Table da. Education Indicators in Private Secondary Schools: SY 199-90 - sy 1990-93 (Rate in percent ) | School Enrolment Retention Participation Graduation Transition Cohort- Drop- Repetition Completion Teacher- year rate 1/ rate 2/ zate 3/ rate 4/ rate / survival out. rate 8/ rate 9/ pupil rate 6/ rate 7/ ratio 1989-1990 39.72 93.85 - 98.95 88.70 3.92 2.90 1990-2991 40.34 96.96 = 92126 775.73 86.20 4132 nas Source: Department of Rducation, culture and Sports. 2/ BR = (Total enrolment/Population 6-21 yrs. old) x 100 2/ RetR » (Rnrolwent in yrs. II-IV/Enfolment in yrs. I-III of previous S¥) x 100 3/ PR = (Enrolment 13-16 yrs. old/pbpulation 13-16 yre. old) x 109 4/7 GR» (lo. of graduates/Enrolment, in yr. IV) x 100 5/ TR = (Enrolment in yr. I/No. of plem. graduates of previous s¥) x 100 6/ CSR © (Rnrolment in yr. 1V/Enrolment in yr. I three previous S¥s) x 100 7/ DOR = (Total no. of drop-outs/Total enrolment) x 100 8/ RepR = (Total no. of repeaters/Total enrolment of previous SY) x 100 I 9/ CR .= (No. of graduates/Enrolment in yr. T three previous S¥s) x 100 CHAPTER 7 LABOR FORCE AND EMPLOYMENT Labor force data are culled from the Integrated Survey of Households (ISH) conducted quarterty by the National Statistics Office. In the labor force or econotrically active population refers to population 15 years old and over who are either employed or unemployed. Employed persons include all those who, during the reference week, are either at work, or with a job Gut not at work, A person is at work, if fie does any work for pay or profit, or work, without pay on the farm or business enterprise operated by a member of the same household related by 6lood, marriage or adoption. On the other hand, a person is considered with a job but not at work if he has a job or business Gut not at work, Because of temporary ilfness, vacation, strike or other reasons; or if he is supposed to start the operation of a farm or business enterprise within 30 days from the date of interview. ‘Unemployed persons include all those who, during the reference week, are reported wanting or looking for work, Also included are persons wanting full-or part-time work, but not looking for work, because of temporary illness, bad weather, or other valid reasons, Statistics on employment in the local government are generated from the Quarterty Survey of Local Government. In the Labor Force ‘The October 1994 labor force survey showed that of the 121 thousand population of Batangas who ‘were 15 years old and over, 615 thousand or 60 percent were in the labor force, Of the persons in the labor force, about 89 percent were employed while 11 percent were unemployed: 63 percent were males and 37 percent were females, However, more than one half or 65 percent of persons in the (abor force came from the rural areas By skctor, service sector accounted for 43 percent of the total employed followed by agricultural sector (30 percent) and industry sector (27 percent) Te local government units of Batangas employed a total of 7,805 persons during the third quarter of 1994, an increase of 14 percent from tle previous year of the same quarter (6,846), ack employee in the focal government of the province received an average monthly compensation of 83,916 during the quarter. TABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT - BATANGAS Table 1. Population 15 Years old and over by Sex by Employment status, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - October 1994 (1m thousands; details may not add up to totals due to rounding ) Total population Im the labor force Not in the 35 yes. old labor force ‘and over Employed ‘Unemployed October 1988 Both sexes 858 532 68 259 Urban age. 82 wv 49. Rural 710 449 51 208, Male 420 308 a2 n Urban 64 38 n 1s Rural 356 270 30 56 Female 438 224 20 187 urban 84 “4 6 a4 Rural 354 180 21 153 January 1989 Both sexes 864 536 «7 260 urban a7 eo 20 48 Rural m7 457 ae 212 Male 427 ay 38 16 urban 64 38 aa 18 Raral 363 274 27 61 Fenale 437 224 29 194 urban 83 a2 2 3 Rural 354 183 20 151 April 1989 Both sexes 270 560 101 209 vrban 143 0 18 38 Rural 720 473 83 172 Male 420 327 55 46 Urban 65 a 13 u Rural 363 286 a 35 Female 442 233, 46 13 Urban 1 46 5 26 Rural 368 Ww a 37 Continued LABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT - BATANGAS ‘Table 1, Population 15 Years Old and over by Sex by Employment status, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - october 1994 (continued) (1m thousands; details may not add up to totals dus to rounding } Total Sex populats 19 yrs. ol and over Suly 1989 Both sexes Urban Rural, Male urban Rural Female Urban Rural october 1989 Both sexes Urban Rural male Urban Rural Fenale Urban Rural vanuary 1980 Both sexes urban Rural Male Urban Rural Fenale Urban Rural Ld 676 150 127 427 66 359 449 32 367 83 152 734 428 68 359 455 23 am 889 149, 740 422 68 354 467 81 386 Im the labor force lnployed 530 88 442 316 45 an au 43 im 832, 85 486 318 42 273 216 43 173 500 8 422 302 40 262 198 38 160 55 az 43 35 a vv 50 38 12 26 29 Unemployed Not in the force 2st 50 241 76 1s 61 215 35 181 284 50 234 "4 3s 59, 2210 38 178 322 55 256 8 u 244 39 205, 9 LABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT - BATANGAS Table 1, Population 15 Years old and Over by Sex by Employment status, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - October 1934 (continued) (tm thousands; details may not add up to totals due to rounding ) Total, Sex populati 1S yes. and over guly 1990 Both sexes Urban Rural, male urban mural Fonale urban Rural dctober 1990 Both sexes Urban Rural Male Urban Rural, Fenale Urban Rural genuary 1991 Both sexes urban Rural Male Urban Rural Female Urban Rural 2a 902 149 784 440 69 372 462 20 382 909, u7 762 407 63 384 461 64 378 915 az 173 443 60 383 472 82 390 In the labor force Bmployed 529) 18 451 338 45 293 191 33 138, 517 7 449 328 189 38, 154 832 2 460 329 39 290 202 33 169) ‘Unemployed 54 ua 40 30 40 20 2a 60 12 a7 32 23, 28 Not in the Force 39, 87 262 2B 4g 89 2a7 43 208 329 56 273 89 a 240 “4 196 324 56 266 e2 1 242 45 197 Le TABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT ~ RATANGAS ‘Table 1, Population 15 Years old and over by Sex by Employment Status, October 1988 - October 1994 (continued) (mm thousands; details may not add up to totals due to rounding ) Urban-Rural: ‘Total SOX population 35 yes. old and over April 1992 Both sexes Urban Rural Mate urban Rural Penale Urban Rural gudy 1992 Both sexes Urban Rural, male Urban Rural, Female urban Rural october 1991, Both sexes urban Rural, Male Urban Rural renale 922 349 113 an 64 an 482 85 396 929 342 586 452 164 238 an 378 300 936 343 592, 453 163 291 483 en 302 In the labor force Employed 562 24 ay 342 44 237 220 40 180 540 193 397 326 310 215 24 a4 132 549) 196 352 325 332 214 223 a6 138 160 31 129 n 14 87 89 v7 2 63 30 34 39 22 7 25 unemployed not in the force 200 33 167 28 cv] 28 uaa 326 aaa 205 se 22 35 239 88 1ag 333 a0 210 89 a 242 e9 353 & — ‘ABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT - BATANGAS Table 1, Population 15 Years Old and over by Sex by Employment status, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - October 1994 (continued) (tn thousands: details may not add up to totals due te rounding } Total sex populati: 15 yrs. ol and over January 1992 Both sexes Urban Rural, Male Urban Rural Female Urban Rural april 1992 Both sexes urban Rural Male Urban Rural Fonale urban Rural Baly 1992 Both sexes unl a Rural Male Urban Rural Fenale Urban Rural on ot 943 345 598 458 163 294 sea 180 304 950 349 600 168 291 491 183 310 957 352 605 471 as 296 496 27 309 In the labor force Enployed 555, 190 365 328 108 222 226 82 a3 555 187 368 334 106 229 220 31 139 557 sas 372 347 11s 232 210 n ao Unemployed 172 n 96 90 48 42 83 30 64 33 a1 36 23 1a 2 io uv Mot in the labor force 333 126 207 92 36 87 240 90 150 224, 85 136 34 us 186 2 ay 335 133 202 87 37 50 248 96 352 6L LABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT - BATANGAS Table 1. Population 15 Years Old and over by Sex by Employment Status, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - October 1994 (continued! (In thousands; details may not add up to totals due to rounding Total sex population 15 yrs. old and over October 1992 Both sexes Urban Rural, Male Urban pural Female Urban Rural January 1993, Both sexes urban Rural, Male Ueban Rural, Fenale Urban Rural, April 1993 Both sexes urban Rural, male Deban Rural, enale Urban Rural 964 384 609, 414 176 298 490 178 312 971 350 eat a4 16a 310 497 186 au 978 355 623 478 166 312 500 189 ann Im the labor force Enployed sel 186 374 349 1s 234 212. 7 140 554 192 372 342 un 230 213 142 563 188 375 345 ane 233 28 6 342 65 34 a1 27 2 4 28 at 17 4 as 27 27 10 as 4 6s 17 48 “a a 24 Not in the labor force 338 134 204 ee 38 250 96 154 378 152 222 105 43 62 270 tos 161 350 150 200 92 3 50 258 108 150 @ 8 LABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT - BATANGAS ‘Table i. Population 15 Years Old and over by Sex by Employment status, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - October 1994 (continued) (tn thousands; details may not add up to totals due to rounding ) Total sex population In the labor force Not in the 25 yrs. old - oo Rabor force and over Employed Unemployed guly 1993 Both sexes 985 538 51 386 urban 387 192 16 ass Rural 628 356 35 237 male 482 339 22 x0 Urban 166 ae 10 40 Rural 316 224 22 70 Female 503 208 19 276 urban 192 76 7 109 Rural 312 132 13 167 october 1993 Roth sexes 992 533 48 412 urban 368 196 20 182 Rural 624 336 28 260 Male 485 338 33 a4 urban in ue 22 40 Rural 315 220 20 14 Female 507 194 45 298 Urban 198 18 7 ane Ruzal 308 16 8 185, January 1994 Both sexes 999 554 56 390 urban 366 198 20 aaa Rural, 633, 355 36 242 Male \ 497 345 40 ae urban wa aw 3 3 Rural 325 229 27 7 Fonale 502 208 16 218 Urban 194 92 6 106 Rural 308 227 10 ar 18 LABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT ~ RATANGAS Table 1. Population 18 Years old and over by Sex by Employment status, Urban-Rural: October 1988 - october 1994 (concluded) (Im thousands) details may not add up to totals due te rounding ) total sex population In the labor force Not in the 35 yrs. old - labor force and over Employed Unemployed April 1994 Both sexes 1007 363 55 388 Urban 375 200 24 asi, Rural 632 363 31 237 Male 499 358 35 107 Urban 175 yea as an Rural 324 238 21 66 Fenale 507 205 a1 282 Urban 200 33 a0 ano Rural 308 126 10 472 July 1994 Both sexes 1014 552 6 399 Urban 368 189 28 asi Rural 646 362 35, 208 Male 517 347 45 12s Urban v6 1a 38 45 Rural 341 234 27 80 Female 497 208 19 274 Urban 193 n 10 106 Rural 305 1a 9 168 october 1994 Both sexes 02a 54a a 407 Urban 373 181 36 187 Rural 648 367 31 250 Male 317 343 44 130 veban 178 207 23 46 Rural, 342 236 21 3s Yenale 505 205 23 ann Urban 199 " 13 aa Rural 306 13 10 165 Source: National Statistics office, Integrated Survey of Households. ze LABOR FORCE and EMPLOYNENT - BATANGAS Table 2. Employed Persons by Type of Industry, Urban ~ Rural: October 1988 - October 1994 (tn thousands; details may not add up to totals due to rounding ) ‘Type of industry Total Urban Rural october 1988 Total 831 82 448 Agriculture 16s 4 165 Industry 128 13 108 Service 238 59 175 Industry, n.e.c. - = 2 January 1989 total 536 80 457 Agriculture an 3 168 industry 127 18 108 Service 238 59 17s Industry, n.e.c. - - - April 1989 otal 560 a7 473 Agriculture 183 7 176 137 20 116 241 60 131 Industry, n.e.c. - - - suly 1989 otal 530 88 442 Agriculture 17 6 2e2 Industry 131 2 alo Service 232 60 an Industry, n.e.c. - - - Octoner 1989 Total 532 85 446 Agriculture 179 5 174 Industry 137 27 108 service 216 52 163 Industry, n.e.c. - - = continued £8 LABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT - BATANGAS Table 2. Employed Persons by Type of Industry, Urban - Rural: ‘October 1988 - October 1994 (continued) (In thousands; details may not add up to totals due to rounding ) Type of industry ‘Total Urban Rural January 1990 Total, 500 78 422 agriculture 16s 4 165 Industry 123 28 95 Service 208 46 162 Industry, n. ° April 1990 ~ Wo survey guly 1990 Total 529 78 451, Agriculture 192 3 iss Industry 144 35 10 service 192 40 182 Industry, n.e-c. - - = october 1990 Total 537 ” 440 ageiculture 186 4 183 Industry 427 26 102 Service 208 48 1586 Industry, n.e.c. - - January 1992 ‘rota 532 2 460 Agriculture 166 3 163 Industry 140 2 ae Sexvice 225 a 178 Industry, n.e.c. - - - April 1992 Total 562 84 a7 Agriculture 160 5 185 Industry 159 24 135, Service 243 55, ee Industry, nsec. - = = = -_ LABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT ~ BATANGAS Table 2. Employed Persons by Type of Industry, Urban ~ Rural: October 1988 ~ October 1994 (continued) (t™ thousands? dataile may not add up to totals due to rounding ) ‘type of industry guly 1981 ‘otal Agriculture industry Service Industry, n.e.c. October 1991, Total Agriculture Industry Service Industry, n.e.c. January 1992 total agriculture Industry Service Industry, nee.c. April 1992 Total, agriculture Industry Service Industry, n.e-c. guly 1992 Total Agriculture Industry service Industry, n.e.c. otal 549 158 147 207 555 182 isi 250 555 170 489 236 587 173 166 219 193 2a 58 110 196 26 117 190 24 57 ate 1e7 27 55 204 352 130 93 130 365 129 95 140 368 aaa 94 132 272 347 102 122 se EABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT - BATANGAS Table 2. Employed Persons by Type of Industry, Urban ~ Rura! October 1988 ~ October 1994 (continued) (In thousands; details may not add up to totale due to rounding } Type of industry Total urban Rural October 1992 total ser 186 374 Agriculture aa 25. 149 Industry 167 64 103 Service 220 7 322 Industry, n.e.c. - - : vanuary 1993 Total, 384 182 372 agriculture 163 33 130 Industry 163 48 115 service 228 101 127 Industry, n.e.c. - - - April 1993 Total 563 188 375 agriculture 161 36 1st Industry 164 44 120 Service 232 108 124 Industry, n.e.c. - - - July 1993 Total 548 192 386 Agriculture 156 34 122 Industry 152 “6 108 Service 239 na 325 Industry, n.e.c. - - - october 1993 Total 533 196 336 Agriculture 182 34 ue Industry 154 52 103 Service 226 ni 115 Industry, n.e.c. - - = 98 LABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT - BATANGAS Table 2. Employed Persons by ype of Industry, Urban ~ Rural: ‘October 1988 ~ October 1994 (concluded) (tm thousands; details may not add up to totals due to rounding } type of industry total Urban gual January 1994 Total 554 198 355 Agriculture 155 33 122 Industry 152 56 37 Service 246 10 136 Industry, n.e.e. - - - April 1994 Total, 563 200 363 agriculture 187 31 137 Industry 166 et 105 Service 228 108 122 Industry, n.e.c. - ~ - July 1994 Total $52 189 362 Agriculture 156 24 132 industry 164 57, 106 Service 232 107 124 Industry, n.e.c. - - - october 1994 Total 548 aga 367 Agriculture 162 26 137 Industry 149, 45 104 Service 236 iio 127 Industry, n.¢.c. - ~ . Source: National Statistics office, Integrated survey of Households. e & + q 88 # EABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT - BATANGAS e [ Table 3. Employment in the Local Government by Level: Fourth Quarter 1992 - Third Quarter 1994 "92 "93 93 193 +93 94 "94 EVEL deh Qtr, Ist Otr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd ote. ath Otr. st Qtr. 2nd oer. 3rd gtr. Batangas 5,466 5,584 6,566 6,846 7,030 7,249 7,808 Provincial 3,221 4,221 1,843 4,887 3,946 1,914 1,938 city 4390 1,456 1,428 1646 1,668 1784 2,304 Municipal 2,855 2,907 3,295 3,313 3616 3551 3,563 Source: ‘Treasurer's Office in the Province, City or Municipality. Note: Employment includes permanent, temporary, contractual and casual employees. Table 4. Compensation in the Local Government by Level: Fourth Quarter 1992 ~ Third quarter 1994 (Compensation in thousand pesos) +92 "93, "93 93 toa ath Qtr. et gtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. Jat Qtr. 2nd grr. ard gtr. Batangas 56,990 52,292 «67,712. 74,524 93,557 77, 691-99, 79991, 699 Provincial, 16,265 14,502 «19,321 20,612 28,234 22,995 40,530 28, 161 city 42,383 12,894 13,212-17,098 25,183 «17,619 18,546 22, 702 Municipal 28,342 27/895 «35,279 «36,814 40,140 38,077 38,723 39,836 Source: Treasurer's Office in the province, city or municipality. Note: 1. Limited to the responses of the Treasurer's office in the province, city or municipality. 2. Compensation includes basic pay, overtime pay, other benefits and GSIS employer's contribution. CHAPTER 8 INCOME, EXPENDITURES AND PRICES 1991 Family Income aud, Mata Source of ucame Patton Consumer Price Index ‘Total income of 213,997 families in 1991 was 13.9 billion or a mean income of 64,967. Family expenditures, on the other hand, totalled P10.6 Gillion or an average of P49,319. Mean income and expenditure were both fower than the national level of P65,186 and P51,991 for income and expenditures, respectively. Of the total number of families, 37.86 percent were in income class P60 thousand and over. By source of income 48.58 percent of the total families derived income mainly from wages and salaries; 31.20 percent, from entrepreneurial activities and 20.22 percent, from other sources. otal famity expenditure was 10.6 billion, of which 48.4 percent went to food: 11.4 percent to rental of occupied dwelling unit; 5.2 percent to fuel, ght and water, and 35 percent to other items, Consumer price index in 1994 (1988 = 100) was 196.9 index points, higher by 16.1 index points from the previous year's index, Housing repairs item had the highest index at 236.0, followed by services at 234.4. Price index for each specific commodity item increased from 1993 to 1994. 89 90 INCOME ~ BATANGAS Table 1, Number of Families, Total and Average Family Income and Expenditure by Income Class: 1985, 1988 and 1991 ' Expenditure Income class Total number enews nee nee (in pesos) Average 1 Total Average (in pesos) | (a P1,000) (an pesos) 1985 237,408 7,127,073 30,020 6,105,010 25,715 Under 10,000 21,935 172,374 7,958 195, 802 10,000 - 14,999 34,082 425, 636 12,489, 423, 685 15,000 - 19,999 3e,221 668,709, 17,500 649,232 20,000 ~ 23,395 64,892 3,577,007 24,302, 2, 409, 660 30,000 - 39,999 30,166 2,024,972 33,978 901,730 29,893 40,000 - 59,999 26,678 2,245,675 46, 700 3,051,712 39, 428 60,000 and over 21,448 2,012,702 93,843 3,473, 190 66, 668 1988 253,004 10, 940,340 43,240 2,336,365 32,948 under 10,000 12,844 97,112 6,782 113, 166 10,000 - 14,999 23,975 294,302 12,275 293,194 15,000 - 19,999 26,116 460,561 17,635 407,823 20,000 - 29,999 59,295 1,454, 905 24,537 4,317, 046 2 30,000 ~ 39,999 29,325 1,011,587 34,485 799,957 27,279 40,000 - 59,999 55,441 2,672,036 48,196 2,151,072 38, 800 60,000 and over 46,019 4,959,037 107,779 3,254, 118 70,713 1991 213,997 13,902,619 64,967 10,554,087 49,319 under 10,000 2,363 19,221 8,134 29,678 12,559 10,000 - 14,999 3,933 52,966 13,469 69, 880 17,770 15,000 - 19,999 21,188 199,928 17,868 196, 474 20,000 - 29,999 31,201 158,796 24,319 779, 632 30,000 - 39,999 29,411 1,027,724 34,944 932,328 31,700 40,000 - 59,999 54,069 2,740, 466 49,928 2,309,365 42,074 60,000 and over 81,012 9,103, 722 432,374 6,236,732 76,985 Note : Details may not add up to total due to rounding. Source: National Statistics Office, 1985, 1986 and 1991 Family Income and Expenditures Survey. INCOME ~ BATANGAS Table 2. Number of Families, Total and Average Family Income and Expenditure by Family Size: 1995, 1968 and 1991 Family size 1985 one person Two persons ‘Three persons Four persons Five persons Six persons Seven persons Bight persone Nine persons Ten or more persons 1968 one person wo persons ‘Three persons Four persons Five persons Six persons Seven persons Bight persons Nine persons ‘Ten or more persons Total number of families 237, 408 3,690 17,367 25,285 37,319 34,302, 38,177 21,347 25,824 12,935 16,064 253,014 9,419 14,556 27,613, 39,599 48,805 44,524 26,329 29,550 7,278 14,342 Total (in PL, 000) 7,127,073 52,009 346,434 643, 631 1,072,789 4,013,934 1,272, 788 877,258 857,392 328,317 655,522 30,940,340 144,830 588,129 383,177 1,850, 797 2/254,084 1,689, 434 1,210,289 515,280 531,328 773,021 Average (an pesos) 30,020 14,094 19,948 25,355 20,746 29,559 33,339 32,079 33,202 28,096 40,808 43,240 15,377 40,405, 35,606 46,738 36,185 37,945 45,968 44,540 73,009 53,898 6,105,010 41,976 316,102, 344,098 938,925, 59,250 1,059, 210 773,727 726, 452 294,708, 554,565, 8,336,365 125,987 280,413, 772,273 1,388,582 1,638, 842 1,403, 480 999,797 743,835 379,569 617,717 25,715 11,375 19,203 21,434 25,159 25,050 27,745 28,513 27,744 24,698 34,523 32,948 22,301 19,264 27,932 35,066 33,518 31,522, 31,873 36,197 52,156 43,070 Continued 92 INCOME ~ BATANGAS able 2. Number of Families, Total and Average Family Income and Expenditure by Family Size: 1985, 1988 and 1991 (concluded) Family size ‘Total number - of Total Average Total Average families (an P2, 000) (in pesos) (in P1,000) (in pesos) 1991 213,997 13,902,819 64,967 10,554,087 49,319 one person 4,893 117, 603 24,037 1is,128 23,531, ‘Two persons 18,813 750, 989 39,918 31,384 Three persons 21,362, 2,160,234 34,316 41,456 Four persons 23,798 1,878, 359 63,036 2,405,142 47,155 Five persons 40,989 2,410, 647 58,869 1,894, 002 46,252 Six persons 25,663 1,902,320 74,128 4,276,471 49,742 Seven persons 1,979, 991 72,370 7 56,578 Bight persons 8 1,952,023 88, 256 1,347,756 60,935 Mine persons 10,782 900, 194 83,490 753,786 69,911 Ten or more persons 32,185 850, 460 69,795 733, 631 60,207 Note : Details may not add up to total due to rounding. Source: National Statistics Office, 1985, 1988 and 1991 Family income and Expenditures Survey. 93 INCOME ~ BATANGAS Yable 3. Number of Fanilies by Main Source of Incone end Income Class: 19€5, 1989 and 1991 Main source of income 20,000- 30,000~ 008 14,999 29,999 39,999 59/999 and over 1938s 237,408 21,935 34,082 38,211 64,892 30,166 26,674 21,448 Wages and salaries 320,038 13,509 15,412 «17,588 32,681 «14,198 «10,8518, 889 Agricultural 24,987 7,819 4,561 2,608, - - - = Won-agricultural 95,051 3,690 10,851 «44,980 31,681 14,109 10,8518, ¢89 Entrepreneurial activities 83,796 5,064 15,199 16,935 25,186 ©3887 6 509.4 115, Agricultural 45,605 $213 10,426 «9,858 14,548 3,258 3,955 652 Crop farning and gardening 33,876 3,910 8,471. «7,600 «9,335 2606 1,303, 652 Livestock and poultry raising 71168 652 1,303 «1,953 2, 606 652 : - Fishing 3,810 > 52 > 2,606 - 682 - Forestry and bunting 652 652 ~ - - = 2 Z Won-agricultural 38,130 652 4,778 7,380 10,6386, 7234, 5543, 468 Wholesale and retail 27,786 652 «3,680 6,518 6536 4,983 2,387 3,032 Manufacturing 4,774 - 652 432 1,955 652 1,084 - Comunity, social, recreational and personal services 1,728 - 432 432 - 432 432 - ‘Transportation, storage and communication services 3,251 - - ~ 2,167 682 - 432 Mining and quarrying : - - - - - - - Construction 652 - - ~ - - 652 - Entrepreneurial activities a.e.c. < - . - - : = : other sources of income 43,574 4,561 3,472 3,690 8,025 6,070 «9, a8 44 Net share of crops, fruits and i vegetables and livestock, Poultzy from other households 1,728 - ~ - 432 - = 2,286 cash receipts, gifts and other forms of assistance from abroad 20,597 662 1,303 662 4,342 2,819 6,725 4,225 Cash receipts, support, assistance and relief from domestic source 3,281 652 1,088 432 652 432 - - Rental from non-agricultural lands, | building spaces and other | properties 868 - - - 432 - 432 - | Interest from deposits and loans - : - - - = - - | Sontinued 94 INCOME - BATANGAS Table 3. tuber of Families by Main Source of Income and Income Class: 1985, 1988 and 1991 (continued) families Under 10,000 15,000- —20,000- 30,000- 40,000- 60, 000- 10,000 14,999 19,999 29,999 39,999 59,999 and over Pension and retirement, workmen's ‘compensation and social security benefits 3,683 - - - 2,088 1,735 432 432 Imputed rental value of ouner- ‘occupied dwelling units 10,631 1,955 1,084 = 1, 988 652 1,084 = 1,738, 167 Net receipts from fanily sustenance activities 652 652 - - - - - - Dividends from investments - : - - - - - - Goods and services received as gifts 2,167 682 - 692 432 - - 432 Other sources of income n.e.c. - - - s = - - - 1se88 253,014 12,844 23,975 26,116 59,295 29,325 $5,441 46,019 Wages and salaries 126,434 3,211 13,058 15,627 28,470 16,911 29,754 22,404 ‘Agricultural 20,580 2/563 3,211 $138 6, 422 642 2,568 - Won-agricultural 107,884 642-9847 10,489 22,048 16,268 27,188 21, 404 Entrepreneurial activities 71,067 «3,211,349, 208 23,333 7,278 «15,198 7,491 ‘Agricultural 30,826 2,569 7,084 = 3,853 899128694 495 1,284 Crop farming and gardening 20,580 2,563 «3,853 1,927 5,720 2,569 3,853 - Livestock and poultry raising 7,064 = 3,211 12841208 - 642 642 Fishing 21569 - - = 1,927 - - 642 Forestry and hunting 642 - - 642 - - - - Non-agricultural 40,241 642 1,284 = 2,355 34,342 4,708 10,7026, 207 Wholesale and retail 31,038 642 1,284 2/385 11,559 3,425 9,204 2, 568 Manufacturing 4,495 - - > ane - = 2,783 Conmunity, social, recreational and personal services 428 - - - - - - 428 ‘Transportation, storage and communication services 3,052 - - ~ 2,070 1,284 4,070 428 Mining and quarrying - - - - - - - = Construction - - - - : : : 2 Entrepreneurial activities n.e.c. 428 - - - - - 428 : j 95 } INCOME - BATANGAS { able 3. Nunber of Families by Main Source of Income and Income Class: 1985, 1982 and 1991 (continued) pesos) Main source of income 0. Of ween nnennnnan neeeennee aenweenan se ceoene annette cannneen under 10,000- 15,000- 20,000- 30,000- $0,000- 60, 000- 10,000 14,999 19,999 29,999 59,999 and over Other sources of income 53,513 6,022 2,569 4,282 «7,492.5, 137 10,489 17,123 Net share of crops, fruits and vegetables and livestock, poultry from other households 2,385 - - 1,284 1,070 - - - cash receipts, gifts and other forms | of assistance from abroad 29,538 - - 642 2,569 3,425 7,492 15, 414. cash receipts, support, assistance ‘and relief from donestic source 10,061 3,853, az 1,284 3,212 642. - 428 Rental from non-agricultural lands, building spaces and cther properties - - Interest from deposits and Loans Pension and retirement, workmen's compensation and social security benefice 3712 - - 642 - 642 - 428 Imputed rental value of omer: occupied dwelling units 5,382 a2 1,288 428 - - 2,869 228 Net receipts fron family sustenance activities 642 642 - - - - - - Dividends from investments - : - - - - - : Goods and services received as gifts 3,053 1,284 642 - oa2 428 420 428 Other sources of income n.e.c. as91 223,987 2,363 3,939 31,201 29,412 $4,889 61,012 Wages and Salaries 403,962, 59 591 15,081 12,924 26,992 42, 648 ‘Ageicultural 15,305, - 591 5,096 2,260 3,729 «1,987 Won-Agricultural 88, 656 591 - 10,985 10,764 23,262 40, 69 Entrepreneurial activities 66,760 511,772 32,573 11,391 19,072 17,061 Ageicultural 34,986 - 592 9,637 7,071 9,047 5, S02 Crop farming and gardening 27,528 - 591 5,887 -$,502 6,887 4, 523 Livestock and poultry raising 5,890 ~ ~ 2,260 979 1,772 979 Fishing 1,563 - - - 591 592 368 - Forestry and hunting ~ - - - - - - : Non-Agricultural 31774 91 1,182 1,1@2—2,936 $320 10,025 11,539 Wholesale and retail 21,787 591 sor 3/482 2Sa8 3,138 7,662 6, 056 96 INCOME - BATANGAS ‘Table 3, mumber of Families by Main Source of Income and Income Class: 1985, 1988 and 1991 (concluded) Total Income class Main source of income NO. Of wnnenaieenrencae en eenewne nena none. families Under 10,000- 25,000- 20, 000- 10,000 14,999 19,999 29, 999 Manufacturing 4,320 - son - - ~ ater 2,548 Community, social, recreational and personal sezvices 1,756 - - - - 591 = 1,263 ‘Transportation, storage and comtnication services 3,933 - - - 368 so. 3182 4,772 Mining and quarrying - - - : * * 2 2 Construction - - - - - - - - mntrepreneurial activities n.e.c. - - - - - - : : Other sources of income 43,276 1821/86 «2,732 2,548 «$096 8,825 21,324 Net share of crops, fruits and vegetables and livestock, poultry from other households 5,096 592 979 388 - 979 591 1,568 cash receipts, gifts and other forms of assistance from abroad 24,278 - - - 389 1,365 6,480 16, 044 cash receipts, support, assistance and relief from donestic sougce 4,505 - 591 1,366 - 7 300388 Rental from non-agricultural lands, ‘building spaces and other properties sal - - - so. - - - Interest fron deposits and Loans 591 - - - - - = sa Pension and retizenent, worksnén's ‘coupensation and social security benefits 2,936 - - - - - 591 2,345 Imputed rental values of owner~ ‘occupied dvelling units 3,914 591 - 373 1,569 368 368 - Net receipts from family sustenance activities - - - - - - - - Dividends from investments - - - - = - - Z Goods and services received af gifts 1,365 - - - - ssl 389388 Other sources of income n.e.c. Hote : Details may not add up to total due to rounding. Source: National Statistics Office, 198, 1988 and 1991 Family Income and Expenditures Survey.

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