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Electricity: Introduction
• Electric shock
• Electric burns
• Electrical arcing
• Fires
• Explosions
Electrical Terms (1)
Volt (Pressure difference):
The unit of measurement of electrical pressure

Ampere (Current):
The unit of measurement of electric current flow

Ohm (Resistance):
The unit of measurement of electrical resistance
Electrical Terms (3)

A material that allows electricity to flow
easily :- e.g. copper, steel, water

Materials that have a high resistance to
electrical current:- e.g. plastic, rubber, wood
Main Dangers of Electricity
1) Electric Shock: Contact with live parts
Direct Contact: Coming in to contact with a
conductor that is supposed to be live

Indirect Contact: Coming into contact with a

conductor that is not live in normal conditions but
has become live due to a fault

2) Arcing
3) Fire & Explosion
4) Burns
Severity of Electric Shock
• Length of contact time
• Path through the body
• Conductivity/resistance of the body
• The voltage
• Age and health status of victim
If a Person has received an
Electric Shock
a) Do not touch injured person until the
current is switched off.
b) If the current cannot be switched off,
stand on some dry insulating material and
use a wooden or plastic implement to
remove the injured person from the
electrical source.
c) Administer first aid if qualified
d) Call professional help
Causes of Electrical Fire
• Overloaded circuits
• Incorrect fuses
• Damaged wiring and insulation
• Loose connections
• Overheating of cables
• Flammable materials to close to electrical
Effects on Body of Electricity
• Damage to the nervous system
• Fibrillation (irregular heartbeat)
• Tissue burns at entry and exit
• Damage to internal organs
• Muscular contractions
• Physical trauma
• Stopping breathing (respiratory paralysis)
• Stopping the heart
Secondary Effects of
Electrical Shock
• Falls from height
• Loss of information
• Throw off
Portable Electrical Equipment
Accidents caused by:
• Inadequate maintenance or misuse
• Modifications by unauthorised personnel
• Modifications whilst the appliance is live
• Using equipment in unsuitable environments
• No system of inspection or removal of damaged
Electricity Protection Devices
• Fuses
• Circuit breaker
• Earthing
• Isolation
• (RCD)
• Double insulation
Types of Inspection
1) User checks
2) Formal visual inspection
3) Combined inspection and

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