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The Health Scare at 10th May 2020

I’m not a fan of David Icke but on the second of May 2020 he was deleted from the mainstream
platforms such as YouTube and Facebook. This is very important because it shows that what he said
in his last interview disturbed the Deep State people so much that they showed themselves up by their
reaction in banning him. So, what was it that David said which bothered them? He said:

1. Referring to the Deep State people he said “I’m more powerful than they are” .

2. “They own the mainstream media, they own Silicon Valley, they own the corporations, they own the
banking system, and yet one interview with one man has this supposedly all powerful group running
around like someone just shouted “fire” and showing by their actions that they know the
consequences for them unless they stop that one man being heard”.

3. They have to control the perception of the majority of people and so they say that there is this deadly
virus and so we must stay indoors – “my God we are all going to die!” And that lie causes a vast
number of people to concede their freedom, sit in a house under house arrest, being told what to do
by a handful of people. The other perception is “I can see that something is not right here, but what
are the consequences for me if I take this on and challenge it?” Those two perceptions are the
reason that it is happening. When you break down the number of people in each country who are
causing this to happen is tiny. It is perception and fear of consequences which are making this
possible, and they are destroying the independent livelihoods of billions of people.

4. We are now living in a global version of Nazi Germany. No, they don’t have the jackboots. No they
don’t have a silly moustache, but the structure is the same – a tiny number of people dictating to
everyone else.

5. This group of people have convinced many that there is a fake virus and that they are in danger, so
giving up their freedoms is essential to their survival.

6. So where is the Deep State trying to take the world? I have been describing this as “The Hunger
Games Society”, not just now with this fake pandemic and lockdown but I have been saying it for
many years now. They want a pyramid structure with their very few people at the top and below
them, the rest of humanity in dependency, in deprivation and poverty and dependent on the top few
people for means of survival. Also, they want a Police/Military State to enforce their will on the rest
of humanity and preventing the rest of humanity challenging the top few people.

7. I have been saying for years that this pyramid society would be controlled by technology. So we are
talking about a fascist-communist global Technocracy. To make this possible you have to destroy
the independent livelihood of vast numbers of the population, because while they are running their
businesses and employing people and operating independently, making money and paying
employees, you are not going to be able to put everybody into poverty and dependency on the few
at the top. This fake pandemic has been employed for many reasons but profoundly in there is the
aim to have a lockdown long enough to destroy most small businesses which will not survive the
lockdown, and that effect is irreversible.

8. They will have new waves of fake viruses to force this new society on people and to use as an
excuse to vaccinate everybody.

9. So how can they pull off this fake global pandemic? Well, consider a multinational company, how it
has a headquarters with links out to subsidiary companies in different countries. The Deep State is
similar except that it’s headquarters is hidden and operates in the shadows, but it too has links out
to other countries, not to companies but to secret organisations in almost every country. But the
headquarters dictates to every subsidiary network of the cult in every country, and the objective of
every network in each country is to control the government, the administration, the intelligence
service, the military, the big corporations, the media (controlling perception by controlling the
information broadcast), the medical systems, etc. but all under the same central agenda.
10. There are two main mass perception manipulation strategies used by this Deep State cult. The first
is Problem – Reaction – Solution where they covertly create a problem and get the mass media to
tell the public the version of that problem which you want them to believe and you want the public to
say in a state of fear, anxiety or outrage “something must be done, what are they going to do about
it?” and then the people who created the problem presents a solution blaming somebody else for
creating the problem in the first place.

There is another version of that which is No Problem – Reaction – Solution where you don’t need
a real problem but instead you need the perception of a problem. Weapons of Mass Destruction in
Iraq justifying the invasion of Iraq, also, Human-caused Climate Change which when you examine
the facts is absolutely unsupportable. And then we come to the global pandemic. Here, there
appears to be a response from every government in every country, but the Deep State does not see
any borders because each country is controlled by the Deep State network in that country, following
the orders of the central Deep State command centre.

11. The blueprint for this planned society is China where they have had a prolonged, vicious
dictatorship for many years. China is a Technocracy and they have millions of face-recognition
cameras in Chinese cities. This fake pandemic has caused the West to become China. And where
did this pandemic start? – China.

12. Wuhan is famous for extraordinary levels of toxic air and in consequence of that, it has enormous
levels of respiratory disease from breathing the stuff in. One hundred and ninety eight people died
and they took fluid from the lungs of seven of them, collecting a random mixture of genetic material
from those sick people. No virus was ever separated from that genetic material. Instead, a test was
produced which detected any component of that grand mix of genetic material and it is called a test
for “covid-19”. The reality is that the test just detects genetic material which is normally found in
most people. They can’t use a real bio-weapon because they would have no control over it and it
would kill people whom they need to run the police state – fake figures are much better because
they can control those.

13. Doctors are being pressurised into putting “covid-19” on death certificates no matter what the cause
of death actually was. Extra hospitals have been built or cobbled together but those are just for
show and they are empty. In America, Medicare payments to a hospital for a patient who dies of
some well-known disease are $4,600 but if “covid-19” is put on the death certificate then the
payment rises to $13,000 and if the death certificate also says “put on a ventilator” then the payment
rises to $39,000 and that arrangement is a major incentive to report deaths as being from covid-19
even though covid-19 does not exist.

14. The World Health Organisation, which is funded mainly by Bill Gates now that the US government
has stopped funding them, has come out and said China has shown the way to deal with this virus –
we need to have a severe lockdown to stifle the virus.

15. Old people and the ‘vulnerable’ (people with other illnesses) are more susceptible to the fake virus
because they have a much higher level of actual real illnesses than young people “so we must have
a lockdown to protect our old people” (and destroy the livelihoods of millions) !! And because they
could not produce enough dead bodies, they resorted to faked computer models saying, well,
people are not dying now but death is coming down the line so we need to act now, and when those
predicted deaths did not happen (surprise, surprise) they will say “those deaths did not happen
BECAUSE of the lockdown” !!

16. They are now saying that people who tested positive to this mix of common biological material (not
covid-19 !) did not become immune to it, and that is because they want to inject everyone with Bill
Gates’ highly damaging “vaccine”.

17. Hospitals are empty because operations, consultations and all contact has been cancelled because
of the virus scare. Hospital staff have been laid off. Extra people will die due to lack of care. A man
who went around a British hospital with a camera and showed that it was empty was jailed for doing
18. A “vaccine” will be produced in impossibly short a time, probably only weeks when normally it would
take years. Of course as no covid-19 virus has been isolated, both a test and a genuine vaccine are
impossible, but as the objective is to inject whatever material they want into almost every human on
the planet, there is no actual time constraint other than trying to avoid making it obvious that there
never was a covid-19 virus.

19. Some people have claimed that David Icke says that 5G causes covid-19. That is completely wrong
as David states categorically that covid-19 does NOT exist. Instead, David states that 5G at it’s
60 gigahertz frequency interferes with oxygen molecules, making oxygen unable to operate
correctly with human lungs. That produces oxygen starvation which has symptoms similar to the
supposed symptoms of the fake covid-19 virus. The present lockdown is being used to allow rapid
installation of new 5G transmitters without interference by the public. In the future, 5G will be used
to introduce “a newly mutated covid-19 virus” scam with a future full lockdown.

20. Another objective of the Deep State is to get humans separated from each other and instead
become linked to machines such as smart phones and Personal Assistants. The idea is to achieve
a psychological link between humans and machines, later leading to humans becoming part of a
technological cloud. A lockdown with face masks blocks off human facial expressions and tends to
separate people from each other and that is reinforced with pub closures as pubs are social places.

21. The proposed “vaccine” will contain ill-health producing components along with nanotechnology
robots which will multiply inside the body and work against the human who received the vaccine.
This is what the recent transgender push is all about. Their objective is that modified humans will
have no need for procreation.

22. The question is what can we do about it? This hinges on the human population as a whole. If you
do things on the basis of “what are the consequences for me personally if I do that?” then you will
never do anything other than act as a slave to the few at the top of the pyramid. Instead, we need
to choose to do what is right no matter what the consequences are.

This video can now be viewed here on the

new uncensored platform.

Also, American Jerry Day made the following presentation:

It is April 2020 and I’m going to guess that when you see this, your life will have been changed in some
way by the Corona virus. I’m not calling it a pandemic because in a pandemic millions would die all
over the world. So far, in terms of deaths, we have had an average ‘flu season with a few spikes in
places where they have a lot of frequencies, air pollution, poor sanitation, an elderly population and
incompetent public officials.

The medical crisis may be bad where you live, but it is nothing compared to the economic destruction
which we have all allowed to happen. All over the world the cost has already been estimated to be
between $6 trillion and $20 trillion I would say, and it is rising, and economic damage from businesses
closing, jobs lost, supply chains disrupted, food production and supply severely crippled, transportation
pared down to a minimum and medical industry chaos where they can’t seem to get a reliable test for
the disease, month after month after month.

It is a world-class fiasco where our nation’s medical officials gather behind a podium to tell us all how to
respond to the on-going crisis and none of our medical officials are wearing a mask – how is that for
“social distancing”?

You probably know that the way that our economy is measured is by Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”)
– how much we produce and how much we exchange with the products and services which we create.
When we are told to go home, not work, close our businesses, this is like a bullet to the head of the
GDP. And this was not just one country, this was global. When annual GDP goes down, or goes up by
less than 2%, that indicates a recession. The GDP must be a solid positive number year to year to
balance taxes, debt, crime and natural disasters and the normal fluxes of commerce.

It has been conservatively projected that the pandemic lockdown will take US GDP down by twenty to
forty percent annually. It will be a miracle if a recession is all we get. The many countries on which we
rely on will have their GDP downturns worse than ours. Usually when one country suffers a disaster,
other countries come to it’s aid. This is the first time in recent history when essentially all developed
countries have suffered an economic disaster at the same time. Ladies and gentlemen; we are going to

So, here is the lesson which we have learned. Our society and economy were badly damaged, but not
by the disease. It was by the reckless, corrupt, hysterical and ill-informed policies which were shoved
down our throat by media, Big Pharma, and a scattering of power-crazed politicians. Social isolation,
masks, shutdowns, slamming commerce to a halt globally in barely a week in late March, this is by any
kind of definition the black-swan event which certain financial advisors have been predicting for years
because our global economy was so fragile before the corona virus dog-and-pony show.

The financial analysts have been waiting for a leaf to fall and cause an economic avalanche. Well the
lockdown is an avalanche all by itself. But the destruction will not be limited to the speculative financial
markets, but crippling almost everything the financial markets depend on to stay solvent and functioning
as well as crippling the markets where you and I get our toilet paper, bread and rice. So it is clear that
corona virus (which is the equivalent to an average ‘flu season) is a minor contributor to the global
economic catastrophe which will result from the lockdown of people, government, business and trade
which all have economic consequences far beyond that of the disease itself.

But ironically, what has caused massive damage to our global economy, was us. It was our belief in the
hype and hysteria and our compliance with the ridiculous and unnecessary dictates coming from people
who seem to know nothing about either medicine or economics. Mayors, Governors and Presidential
advisors and the President himself told us to do things which we knew would cause damage to
ourselves and our communities. Many of us knew that these impulsive precautions and shutdowns
were not necessary, and yet the general public without any noticeable hesitation went into full
compliance, went home, isolated ourselves, sabotaged our own livelihoods, stopped providing goods
and services for others, dismantled our critical supply lines of food, goods, medicine - everything.

It was not just that there was a disease, or a lot of bad ideas about how to react to that disease. It was
our obedience, our compliance that did most of the damage. What you and I did, will cause on the
global level, poverty, suicides, famine, and extended crisis for nearly all of us, because many
businesses cannot afford to close for many weeks or months. For many of them, they have
permanently lost their suppliers, defaulted on their credit or their rents. Lost their employees or their
customers. Farmers have thrown away millions of pounds of food because restaurants were closed,
and grocery stores were running out of everything we need because the restaurant food could not be
redirected to the grocery stores in time. Too much food over here and not enough food over there,
massive waste, inefficiency, mismanagement on a world-wide scale, complete idiocy in policy. You and
I supported these policies as if our politicians knew what they were doing. We did this to ourselves.

We listened to career public servants who have no business commanding people around – in fact, no
authority to do so. Their job is to give us information and let us find our own solutions. But oh no, we
need central planners – at least that’s what the central planners tell us. They had to become little
dictators, threatening to shut off our utilities if we did not close our businesses. Threatening to arrest us
if we did not self-quarantine for no apparent reason. Telling us to report each other to them if someone
did not obey the commands of our stooge officials who literally led us off a cliff in their ignorance and
ego-driven zeal.

We failed ourselves by listening to fools talking to us like we were fools. We must not let that happen to
us again. We have to use our common sense. We have to find our own local solutions. We have to
tune out from the ivory tower gang. We have to be responsible for ourselves, our families, our
neighbours, and the last thing we need is to shut down civilisation, shut down society, shut down the
economic engine on which we all depend to eat, live and survive.

I don’t care what kind of pandemic we are having, society as we know it, as we need it, cannot sustain
commercial lockdowns – there are too many of us to feed, too many of us who rely on the supply chains
for too many things. The disruptions are catastrophic for some, deadly for others. There will be a death
toll on the lockdown, especially in poor countries from famine, suicides, violence. By letting this happen
we are bringing calamity on ourselves. Commercial society is like a bicycle, if you stop moving you fall
over, you don’t just stop and then start off again some time later. You have to understand that global
commercial systems as complex as we have today, it is absolute lunacy for some poorly informed
politician to step up to a microphone and call on everyone to stop what they are doing and go home.

Most of us can easily exercise better judgement than our politicians have shown us, especially when it
comes to our own special local circumstances, our own families and friends – things our politicians
know nothing about. They have no idea what we need or what we can do to solve our immediate
problems, as long as stores are kept open and people are not prevented from gathering, helping each
other, serving each other and taking action rather than sitting around alone in our own homes while the
world disintegrates around us. Society is a massively complex thing. We all rely on each other, we rely
on what we do for each other every day. Every job matters. Every supply line matters. Every store,
office and business matters. There is no such thing as a non-essential job or business. That is
someone’s job or business and they need it to survive.

If you try to flip a switch and pause all of that for a month or two, you cause damage. The only way to
stop a freight train quickly is for the train to hit another train – it causes damage. We have damaged
society at the very foundations – we are shattering the massive civic engine which fills all of our
complex needs as they arise in real time, day by day.

I think by now we have all realised that our civilisation is more fragile than we thought. We cannot allow
our politicians, bureaucrats and global chess players to mess with us in these ways. There are many
people who went home from work, locked their doors, thought of the people who would need the things
which they would be making – the food, the products, the services which they could have provided.
They knew that. They knew that by not working, by closing their businesses they would be hurting
people. You may be one of those people who could have made things easier for others by staying on
the job. But we were told that there was a big, bad disease by a bunch of public officials who thought
that over-reacting would be better for their careers. What about our careers? And many of the
businesses which we depend on will never be able to reopen.

A quarantine is a drastic measure. A quarantine should only be used when there is an immediate local
life and death situation. Quarantining people who are not sick, makes no sense whatsoever. Most of
the people who went into quarantine did not have the slightest chance of catching or transmitting any
disease. We will study for years to figure out how we fell for this. Entire towns were quarantined when
there was not even one sick person in the town. There could not be a better demonstration of herd
insanity. But even if people are sick, there was a much bigger disease which was causing much
greater harm – the disease of following nonsensical orders, the disease of believing lies and hysteria,
the disease of giving up our ability to help ourselves. The disease of relying on people who have no
ability to help us, telling us what to do. The disease of not thinking for ourselves. All right, we made a
mistake, but have we learned anything from this? Are we going to go out and try to rebuild what we
had, try to repair the damage, and tell everyone who tries to stop us that they will not be allowed to do

In a crisis it is not the politicians we should be serving – it is the people around us, and we should do
that in any way that we find that will work. Maybe we’ll get the ‘flu – we’ve had the ‘flu before and we
will have it again. Life goes on, or at least we can try to make life go on. You can’t suspend life until
there is no more risk – that is not how it works. If you want to quarantine yourself, then go ahead and
do that. But do not interfere with people who are more courageous and positive than you. Do not
preach to people who are wearing masks and social distancing. Just go home and lie down while the
rest of us try to pull things back together in whatever way we can, hopefully without any interference.
Your Governor can’t rebuild your business or salvage your job. As usual, that will be on us.

We may be able to salvage our economy, supply lines, our standard of living, or we may not. But either
way, we are doomed if we don’t get back to work or if we let anything like this happen again.

Jerry Day’s video can be downloaded from

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