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Grade: 6
Choose the correct option.
Living organisms and their surroundings.
1. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(a) Several kinds of plants and animals may share the same habitat.
(b) All the animals and plants in a habitat are adapted to it.
(c) Both the statements are correct.
(d) None of these is correct.
(c) Both statements are correct
1. Which term means 'Adjustment to environment?
a. Adaptation
b. Mimicry
c. Hibernation
d. Aestivation
Answer- a. Adaptation
2. Which part of a camel will shrink in size when there is no food for a long
time and retain its size when food is available?
a. Rough tongue
b. Long eyelashes
c. Hump
d. Neck
Answer- c. Hump
3. Dhruv decides to go for Trekking in Himalayas. He packs everything that he
would need to make his journey comfortable and safe. However, when he reaches
an altitude of 2700 meters, he feels nauseated and breathless. Doctor advises him
to take rest for 2-3 days and then his body will get used to the low level of
oxygen in the mountains. What is this type of adaptation called?
a. Hibernation
b. Mimicry
c. Acclimatization
d. Symmetry
Answer- Acclimatization
4. Following are some features of plants:
1) They lose a lot of water through transpiration
2) Their leaves are always broad and flat.
3) They lose very little water through transpiration
4) Their roots grow very deep into the soil.
Which features listed above are typical of desert plants?
a.1 & 2
b.2 & 4
c.2 & 3
d.3 & 4
Answer- d. 3 & 4
Sources of food
1. How does energy flow through an ecosystem?
a. From decomposers to animals, then to plants
b. From animals to soil then to decomposers
c. From the Sun to plants, then to animals, and finally decomposers
d. From the Sun to decomposers, to animals, to plants

2. Examine the food chain below

Grass Grasshopper Mouse Owl

What will happen if a drought causes the population of grass to decrease?

a. The population of decomposers will decrease because there are less organisms
b. The population of owls will not be affected because they are predators who do
not eats grass
c. The population of mice will decrease because there will be less food available
due to the drought.
d. The population of grasshoppers will increase they will find a different, better
food source.
3. Anita's mother soaked some gram seeds in water and left them overnight. Next
day, she removed the water and tied the seeds in a wet cloth. Next day Anita saw
some white structures which will develop into
a. Stem
b. Root
c. Flower
d. Leaves
4. Read the following statements and identify the true statement.
a. Frog is a herbivorous animal and it eats only plants
b. Man is a herbivore
c. Animals like tigers, snakes are carnivores
d. Cow is a herbivore
i. Both b & d are correct
ii. Only d is correct
iii. c & d are correct
iv. None of these
5. DIRECTIONS: The questions in this segment consists of two statements, one labelled
as Assertion A and the other labelled as Reason R. You are to examine these two
statements carefully and decide of the Assertion A and Reason R are individually true
and if so, whether the reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion. Select your
answers to these items using codes given below.
Assertion A: Food provides energy for life activities and also protect the body from
several diseases and keeps it fir and healthy.
Reason R: Rice and wheat are cereal foods. They are obtained from animal source.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
Changes Around Us

1. The gas we use in the kitchen is called liquified petroleum gas (LPG). In the
cylinder it exists as a liquid. When it comes out from the cylinder it becomes a gas
(Change – A) then it burns (Change – B). The following statements pertain to these
changes. Choose the correct one.
A. Process – A is a chemical change
B. Process – B is a physicalchange
C. Both processes A and B are chemical changes.
D. Process -A is physical change and Process -B is chemical change.

2. Iron rim is made slightly smaller than the wooden wheel. The rim is usually
heated before fixing into the wooden wheel, because on heating the iron rim
A. Expands and fits onto the wooden wheel
B. Contracts and fits onto the wooden wheel
C. No change in the size takes place
D. Expands first, then on cooling contracts and fits onto the wooden wheel.

3. Rusting of iron is faster in coastal areas due to

A. Cool air
B. High temperature
C. Low temperature
D. High humidity
4. Which of the following statement is true for a physical change?

A. More than one substance must be present

B. It changes a substance into different substance
C. Burning is a physical change
D. It alters the form and appearance of the substance

Component of Food
1. Deficiency of which mineral causes swelling of the thyroid gland?
A. Iron
B. Calcium
C. Phosphorus
D. Iodine
2. Symptoms like swelling and bleeding gums, wounds not healing properly may be
due to
A. Deficiency of vitamin B
B. Deficiency of vitamin C
C. Deficiency of vitamin D
D. Deficiency of vitamin K

3. Water plays a vital role in the body’s system because,

A. It helps to absorb nutrients.
B. It transports nutrients throughout the body.
C. It helps to maintain body temperature.
D. All the above.

4. Obesity occurs due to

A. Overeating carbohydrates and fats
B. Overeating of vitamins and minerals
C. Not eating enough carbohydrates and fats
D. Not eating enough vitamins and minerals

5. A slice of any fruit will test positive for

A. Carbohydrate
B. Fats
C. Protein
D. All of the above

Living and Non - Living

1. The given graph represents how three different living organisms (X, Y and Z)
cope with the external environmental conditions. Study the graph and select the
correct option regarding X, Y and Z.

A) X could be a mammal.
B) Y could be a bird.
C) Z could be a mammal.
D) X could be a bird.
Correct Answer: B
Solution :
In birds and mammals, the temperature of the body does not vary with the temperature of
the external environment. It remains constant. So, 'V could be a bird or mammal.
2. The structure marked as X in the given figure is not involved in ____.

A) Gaseous exchange during photosynthesis

B) Gaseous exchange during respiration
C) Evaporation of water during transpiration
D) None of these
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
Structure marked as 'X' in the given figure represents stomata. They help in gaseous exchange
during respiration and photosynthesis. They also help in evaporation of water from the leaves
3. The given figure shows an example of____.

A) Phototropism
B) Geotropism
C) Autotropism
D) Photosynthesis
Correct Answer: A
Solution :
The figure depicts phototropism. The tip of the plant bends towards the direction from where
the light is coming in. This response of a plant to light is known as phototropism or negative

What is a common character of the above shown animals?

A) They all live in water.

B) They all lack backbone.
C) They all have scales on their body.
D) They all lay eggs to reproduce.
Correct Answer: B
Solution :
The backbone or the vertebral column is a long, bony, rod-like structure, which extends from
the base of the skull to the lower back. The animals which possess the backbone are called
vertebrates and the ones which do not possess it are called i nvertebrates. Ant, spider, octopus,
amoeba and starfish, are all invertebrates.
5. Refer to the given paragraph and answer the following question.
Plant P is the only source of food for the caterpillars of a butterfly species, Plant P depends on the
adults of the butterfly species Q for pollination. In fact, animal Q is the only pollinator of plant P in
nature. Animal R feeds exclusively on the caterpillars of the butterfly species, Q. Animal R in turn is
the prey of animal S. Which of the following is likely to happen if animal S is hunted to extinction?

A) Animal R will continuously feed on animal Q which may lead to coextinction of both P and
Q with time.
B) The populations of both animals Q and R will increase, however the population of plant P
will decrease with time.
C) Population of animal R will increase while population of animal Q will decrease with time.
D) Both (A) and (C)
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
According to the given paragraph, P and Q show mutual relationship, i.e. if Q will extinct then
it will lead to extinction of P as well and vice versa. If animal S is hunted to extinction, then
population of animal R will start increasing abnormally in the absence of its predator. This
uncontrolled growing population of R will feed more on Q population which may ultimately
lead to Kits extinction with time. As both P and Q 'depend on each other for existence hence, P
population will start decreasing and ultimately get extinct with time.
Getting To know plants

1. Which of the following combination of features would you observe in grass?

a. Parallel venation and fibrous root.
b. Parallel venation and taproot.
c. Reticulate venation and fibrous root.
d. Reticulate venation and tap root.
2. Which of the following terms constitute the female part of the flower?
a. Sepal, petal and stamen.
b. Stigma, anther and ovary.
c. Ovary, style and stigma.
d. Ovary, style and stamen
3. The food prepared by leaves is stored as _______.
a. sugar
b. proteins
c. starch
d. fat
4. A plant has weak stem and cannot stand upright. It spreads on the ground. It is known
as ______.
a. herb
b. shrub
c. creeper
d. climber
5. Plants that produce seeds enclosed in a fruit are ___.
a. angiosperms
b. cotyledons
c. gymnosperms
d. sepals

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