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hi my name is alejandra sepulveda solis

today I am going to talk about reverse logistics

Reverse logistics is a new concept in the academic, business and social field that is
usually associated or confused with green logistics, however there are differences not
only between its definition but also its practice and implementation. 
Reverse logistics is responsible for the recovery and recycling of containers, packaging
and hazardous waste; as well as the processes of return of excess inventory, customer
returns, obsolete products and seasonal inventories. It is a way of return for materials
that are reused, recycled or destroyed
In recent years, the societies of the most developed countries are suing the
companies more positive environmental behavior, mainly in aspects
related to the generation and management of waste. Issues such as reduction
of polluting emissions, the minimization of the waste generated, the production
clean or recycling, improving both processes and products from design
until the end of their useful life they begin to be considered elements in the formulation
of the
business strategy. Companies begin to discover the economic possibilities
of these "waste", whose management is configured, in many cases, as a new activity
An undoubted source of improvement in these aspects is related to logistics and
new challenges posed by the recovery and recycling of materials. The reality is that
reverse logistics is becoming a fundamental link in the market
logistics, because it can reduce the cost and make the most of the products that in a
form or otherwise no longer integrate a direct supply chain, in addition to including
waste, the use of recyclable products or obsolete materials, which
allows in turn to gain and retain customers, so that a position is guaranteed
favorable competitive.

Reverse logistics differs from green logistics as it considers the

environmental aspects of all logistics processes and focuses on logistics
direct. Green logistics is oriented to the consumption of natural resources not
renewable sources, the emission of pollutants, the use of roads, noise pollution and the
deposition of waste
while reverse logistics solves a problem for companies that do not
They invested in "green" processes from the beginning, green logistics helps
directly to the conservation of the planet.
The previous statement is supported because the first one has the purpose of resolving
the conflicts that generate the products out of use and of
integrate within the logistics system an efficient return of goods (to
its reuse, reprocessing, repair and efficient dispatch according to the
conditions and infrastructure of each company). While the second involves planning
and investment in green technologies and the implementation
of sustainable processes so that the environment is taken care of (Chirino García,
2018). That said, it is important that a bibliometric analysis is carried out
so that both concepts can be clearly differentiated and the studies that have been
carried out can be shown in a way that
there is a clear starting point for the study, implementation and specific knowledge of
each one and the confusion around these does not continue

Caring for the environment: it reduces the environmental impact, although it is not a
primary objective, it does take care of it.
Reduces the cost: being able to recycle, reuse or even manufacture materials again, is
a way to save compared to the purchase of new raw materials.
Reduction in the consumption of resources: this minimizes the cost of purchasing and
supplying materials, as well as new resources.
A better relationship between the customer and suppliers: both parties benefit.
Some inconvenients
Increased work: reverse logistics processes are not easy. You have to know how to
manage the supply chain and make proper programming so that it works well. In order
for these functions to be implemented, additional staff or overtime is required.
All company departments must participate: through this process, a large part of the
company has to get involved, if not, it may be negative for the day-to-day work of some
sections or departments of the company.
Control of the products that are returned: here it is necessary to have personnel to
inspect the materials, and the review must be done one by one, something expensive.
Return of material: sometimes the cost of reverse logistics cannot be amortized. If the
customer returns small quantities, recycling or reuse may end up not being worth it.
As you have seen, reverse logistics is a good option, but you have to make sure it can
be done.
New system

GISIR, a reverse logistics management system

It is the reverse logistics management application developed by Hiberus Tecnología.
As we explained in the Sarga success story, Gisir is in charge of organizing the waste
collection processes from the different collection points and transporting them to the
warehouse or treatment plant.

Using the latest technology that allows significant cost savings derived from this type of
logistics through optimal management of resources and times, in a simple and accurate

Consulting in the virtual library allowed me to delve into the subject and clearly see the
specifications in which it is applied, I also saw how important this new trend is at the
business level and how it strengthens companies, of course, the advantages and
disadvantages are considered

how is it implemented in the city?

In Medellin and its surroundings, as in Itagui, there are companies that are dedicated to
working with this system, such as, Inversautos S A S this company uses used cars and
resells them Inversan S A Inversan S A.that are in charge of buying and leasing
real estate
LOGISTICA INVERSA SAS which seeks to make its processes cleaner and promotes
the use of raw material that has already completed its useful life.
and many more than its purpose is to generate income with products that the client
already used and returns to the company
It is good to know how this type of systems are applied in the city and the ability of
companies to invest a little more in their process but that generates a positive change
in the environment
Chavez Gallegos, g., Valenzo-Jiménez, M., & Bayte, N. (2020). Politecnico Grancolombiano //
Acceso externo a recursos electrónicos. Retrieved 1 September 2020, from

Ivis Suárez Ordaz, D., Puerto Díaz,, O., & Hevia Lanier, F. (2020). Politecnico
Grancolombiano // Acceso externo a recursos electrónicos. Retrieved 1 September 2020, from

Rentero, A. (2020). La logística inversa: ¿qué es y para qué sirve? - Blog de Hiberus
Tecnología. Retrieved 1 September 2020, from

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