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cj1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

All rights reserved

Biotechnology Annual Review. 1
Volume 4.
M.R. El-Gewely, editor.

Transgenic animal bioreactors in biotechnology and production

of blood proteins
Henryk Lubon
Plasma Derivatives Department, Holland Laboratory, American Red Cross, Rockville, Maryland; De-
partment of Biochemistry, The George Washington University,Washington, D. C. USA; and Department

of Genetics, Educational University, Kielce, Poland

Abstract. The regulatory elements of genes used to target the tissue-specific expression of heterol-
ogous human proteins have been studied in vitro and in transgenic mice. Hybrid genes exhibiting
the desired performance have been introduced into large animals. Complex proteins like protein C,
factor IX, factor VIII, fibrinogen and hemoglobin, in addition to simpler proteins like ctl-antitryp-
sin, antithrombin 111, albumin and tissue plasminogen activator have been produced in transgenic
livestock. The amount of functional protein secreted when the transgene is expressed at high levels
may be limited by the required posttranslational modifications in host tissues. This can be overcome
by engineering the transgenic bioreactor to express the appropriate modifying enzymes. Genetically
engineered livestock are thus rapidly becoming a choice for the production of recombinant human
blood proteins.

Keywords: a-lactalbumin, ct 1-antitrypsin, antithrombin 111, P-lactoglobulin, bioreactors, factor VIII,

factor IX, furin, livestock, mammary gland, nuclear factor 1, plasma, posttranslational modifica-
tions, protein C, recombinant, tissue plasminogen activator, transgenic animal bioreactor.


The best gift one can give another human being is the gift of life, of blood. Fatal-
ities due to blood loss from injuries caused by accidents or war, postpartum
hemorrhage, surgical intervention or genetic disorders have always accompanied
humans. It was no surprise that physicians started developing blood transfusion
methods in the 17th century, first with blood from animals and then from
humans [I]. Modern blood transhsion developed at the beginning of the 20th
century was a consequence of the monumental discovery of blood groups [2]
and the introduction of anticoagulants. The first transhsion with preserved blood
was performed in World War I. The first blood bank was established in 1936 dur-
ing the Spanish Civil War and a blood banking system was adopted by other
countries during World War 11. That war was also a “plasma war”. But even
before the war, blood collected in hospitals was being regularly stored and trans-
fused. With organized blood collection came innovations in the preservation of
blood components. Most of the 13 million pints of blood collected by the Ameri-

Address for correspondence: Henryk Lubon PhD, 15601 Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville, M D 20855,
USA. Tel.: + 1-301-738-0782. Fax: + 1-301-738-0708. E-mail:

can Red Cross between 1941 and 1945 was processed into dried plasma [3].
Component and derivative therapy started during World War I1 when Cohn’s
group developed a method of plasma fractionation [4] as preserving fresh blood
was difficult. Blood-derived products, being highly concentrated and more
stable, were soon partially substituted for whole blood. With the availability of cel-
lular components such as red cells, platelets, leucocytes, and plasma products
[5], surgical procedures became less risky, increasing the demand for these prod-
ucts. The discovery of disease-associated protein deficiencies and abnormalities,
such as coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) in hemophilia A, factor IX (FIX) in
hemophilia B, and more recently, of von Willebrand factor, protein C (HPC), pro-
tein S and factor V disorders have led to increased demands for plasma fractions
and highly purified proteins. Blood and its derivatives have saved countless lives
in the 20th century, and today’s broad spectrum of clinical applications [6] will
expand in the future [7,8].
Blood and plasma-derived therapies brought with them the drawback of the
transmission of human blood-borne infectious agents [9- 1 13. For example,
between 1977 and 1985, more than 50% of hemophiliacs were infected with the
human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS-related deaths accounted for 57% of
their mortality in a recent study [12]. Even though today blood, plasma and plas-
ma-derived products are safer than ever before, several lots of albumin, immuno-
globulin products for intravenous use, human factor VIII (FVIII) concentrates
and al-antitrypsin (AAT) were voluntarily withdrawn from the market in 1995
because of the threat of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. In the early 198Os, recombi-
nant DNA technology brought with it great expectations of producing human
blood proteins in bacterial and yeast hosts. However, yields were low and/or
complex eukaryotic posttranslational modifications could not be performed
[ 13- 151. Nonetheless, human serum albumin is under development in yeast
[ 161. Proteins produced in mammalian cell systems may be correctly modified,
but the levels secreted leave much to be desired [ 17-20], Today, only three recom-
binant blood proteins are available from tissue culture sources - FVIII [21,22],
factor IX [23] and factor VIIa [24]. These proteins are free of human pathogens,
but are far more expensive than plasma-derived products [6,7,25].
Transgenic animal bioreactors (TABs) for the “farming”of pharmaceutical pro-
teins were first proposed in 1982 [26,27] following the successhl transfer of
recombinant DNA by microinjection into the pronuclei of fertilized mouse
embryos [28]. The integration of DNA into host chromosomes and germline
transmission [29-341 resulted in tissue-specific expression, and the generation
of animals with unique genotypes and phenotypes [35,36]. The creation of trans-
genic mice was succeeded by the generation of transgenic rabbits, sheep, pigs
[37,38], goats [39] and cows [40,41]. The classic paper from L. Hennighausen’s
group [42] on the expression of human tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) in
mouse milk described a milestone in the implementation of the “farming” con-
cept for blood proteins. Several reviews have recently been published on TABs
[43-501. In this paper, the author will focus on his work which led him to study

TABs for the production of human blood proteins, present new data and share
his perspective on the subject.

Transgenic bioreactors - diversity to explore

The most widely recognized application of the TAB is the production of human
proteins of therapeutic importance. The real potential of TABs is significantly
broader (Fig. 1). The proteins of interest may be secreted into body fluids like
blood [51-541, urine [55], saliva [56], insect hemolymph [57,58]; into the diges-
tive tract [59,60], hair follicles [61], silk glands [62], urinary bladder [55], or the
extracellular matrix of tissues [63-651. The products may also be targeted for
intracellular sequestration in circulatory cells like erythrocytes [66-691, or in
avian eggs, to specific organelles [70-721 or for secretion in association with
lipids, as in the milk fat globule membranes [73]. Proteins may also be localized
on cell surfaces [74] or as structural components of tissue. Changing the compo-
sition of meat [43], milk [75] or skin [76], for instance, will add new nutritional
or commercial value to these products. Proteins for specific nutritional needs
could be produced in this way [49,77]. Some of these objectives may be accom-
plished by modulating the regulation of hormone, growth factor [43,76,78], or
biochemical pathways [60]. Enzymes secreted into the digestive tract can improve
the nutrient extraction and conversion processes, making animal feeding more
efficient and economical [59,79]. Peptides with bacteriostatic activity [80] can
prevent infections like mastitis minimizing financial losses connected with the
treatment of animals, and/or improve the stability of milk. Proteins secreted to
urine may change the composition of urine and perhaps one could ameliorate
the unpleasant odors associated with livestock operations, or more important,
use the altered urine for improved waste management. Novel mammalian cell
lines may be derived from tissues of transgenic animals [81] to produce human
proteins [82,83], while cells and organs may be used in xenotransplantation
Yodel (1) SECRETION INTO: (A) Body fluids
Animals: Milk
(B) Extracellular matrix


Production SEQUESTRATION IN: (A) Clrcuiatoly cells
Animals: Erythrocytes
(B) Ogrnelles
LOCALIZATION (A) Non-secreted structural
Pigs proteins
Rabbits (B) Proteins modifying
Sheep biochemical pathways

Fzg. I. Diversity of the transgenic animal bioreactor.


The transgene

The performance of a transgene incorporated into a host genome is dependent

on a number of factors. Transcription is controlled by the complex interactions
of nuclear proteins with promoter and other regulatory sequences forming locally
active chromatin structures that direct cell- and tissue specificity, developmental
regulation and hormonal modulation of expression. The promoter is located just
upstream of the transcriptional start site, while enhancer elements can be located
at variable distances both up- and downstream of the transcriptional start site.
Tissue-specific promoter/enhancers are preferred for the production of heterol-
ogous proteins in transgenic animals [50] and for the modification of biochemical
pathways, endocrine and immune systems.
Transgenes are usually inserted randomly into the genome and their expression
is influenced by sequences surrounding their insertion site, producing “position
effects”. This variability in temporal and spatial pattern, and in expression level
has been frequently observed [88,89]. Dominant/locus control regions (LCRs)
act as general chromatin regulators and buffer the transgene [90]. LCRs act in
concert with other regulatory elements, controlling the transcriptional status of
the entire gene locus or chromatin domain. This confers correct developmental
expression of transgenes in a position-independent and copy-number-dependent
manner [91]. As compared to a gene locus, a transgene without all its cis-regula-
tory elements has a heterogeneous chromatin organization and its expression is
position-dependent [92]. Transgenes of native genes with their 5‘ and 3‘ flanking
sequences like sheep p-lactoglobulin (BLG) may hnction in a position-inde-
pendent manner [93]. In contrast to LCRs, the BLG promoter did not hnction
independently and the expression of a BLG promoter/AAT (a1-antitrypsin)
transgene was position-dependent [94]. The insertion of matrix attachment
regions (MARs) [95-971, and the coinjection of transgenes with known high
transcriptional efficiency [98,99] improved transgene efficiency However, these
approaches are not universally applicable and may in fact suppress the expression
of some transgenes [ 100,1011. Coding, intragenic and 5‘ and 3‘ untranslated
regions (UTRs) all play roles in regulating expression. Generally, cDNA-based
transgenes are poorly expressed and genomic sequences or cDNAs with inserted
introns are preferred [ 102,1031. Expression from the large 186 kb gene of human
FVIII [lo41 was not possible earlier, but may be feasible with current techniques
[105,106]. Besides, two other genes are transcribed from the FVIII gene
[ 107,1081. FVIII coding sequences have regions that inhibit transcription [lo91
by blocking transcription elongation [ 1lo], or by silencing transcription [ 1111.
The FVIII cDNA contains an autonomously replicating consensus sequence
and an MAR-like sequence that represses heterologous gene expression [112].
Genomic sequences of heterologous genes may contain elements like enhancers
[ 113- 1151, MARs [ 1141, inhibitory sequences [ 1161, or cis-acting regulatory el-
ements that interfere with the specificity of a heterologous promoter/enhancer
and generate novel patterns of transgene expression [63,117]. Expression in ec-

topic sites may ensue from such elements and/or the interaction of transgene
regulatory and coding sequences [ 118,1191. Endogenous genes and UTRs or
inserted heterologous sequences may play a role in the posttranscriptional regula-
tion of transgene RNA processing, tissue-specific splicing [ 120- 1221, RNA sta-
bility and translation eficiency [123,1241. For example, transcripts from FIX
cDNA or gene constructs were correctly spliced in the liver [51,53], but not
from a cDNA construct in the mammary gland [98,125].
In general, targeting the expression of human proteins to homologous tissues
using the regulatory elements of endogenous animal genes is more predictable.
Hemoglobin A (Hb) is a good example. The regulation of globin genes is well-
understood [91,126] and depends on the 01- and P-genes and the P-globin LCR.
Hb was produced in a tissue-specific manner in mouse [66,67] and pig erythro-
cytes [69,127]. Similarly, FIX [53] and AAT genes [52,54,128,129] containing
native 5' and 3' flanking regions were expressed in animals at endogenous gene
levels or higher, and retained the human pattern of tissue-specific expression.
With the development of new embryonic cell lines from nonpermissive genetic
backgrounds [ 1301, homologous gene replacement techniques [ 1311 and the clon-
ing of whole animals [ 1321, the production of human proteins instead of the host
counterparts will become more common. These technological advances may
one day result in TABs producing human polyclonal antibodies and experimenta-
tion is already underway [133-1371. We are still learning about the regulatory
elements of genes used in targeting heterologous proteins to specific animal tis-
sues. As hybrid genes can exhibit new characteristics, they have to be checked
empirically to determine if they work. The difficult in making the optimal trans-
gene is exemplified by the efforts of one group in expressing human serum albu-
min (HSA) [101,138-1451. As of today, more than 25 hybrid genes have been
tested in transgenic mice and/or cell culture, using three different promoters
and various combinations of coding, intronic and 3' flanking sequences. Trans-
gene control is still under study, and in my opinion, the level of expression is too
low for commercial production.
Proteins with potent biological activity or functions in diverse target tissues, like
human growth hormone [43,146,147] and erythropoietin [148,149], have had
deleterious effects on animals due to imprecise or deregulated transgene expres-
sion [148,149]. Korhonen et al. [150] successfully demonstrated a way to over-
come these problems by creating a BLG-erythropoietin fusion protein with low
in vivo biological activity that could be later cleaved to release the active protein
in vitro. Thus, in some cases it will be necessary to modifL the coding sequences
of transgenes to obtain healthy TABs, to hlly utilize the host cell's posttransla-
tional machinery [151], or to improve upon natural proteins [49].

Control elements of the mouse whey acidic protein gene

Regulatory sequences in the upstream, intragenic and downstream regions of

genes are being studied for their interactions with nuclear proteins in vitro and

in vivo. The involvement of these elements in gene regulation is being analyzed by

transcription in vitro, in transient assays and in transgenic animals. Defining the
regulatory elements for controlled transgene performance is a challenge and as
the author has been working on the mouse WAP (mWAP) gene, he will use it to
illustrate the problem. The WAP gene encodes the major whey protein present in
the milk of mice [152,153], rats [154], rabbits [ I S ] , camels [156], and was
recently found in porcine milk [157]. In mouse milk its concentration reaches 2
mg/ml and in rabbits 15 mg/ml. Its synthesis is nearly undetectable in the virgin
mammary gland, but increases during pregnancy to reach a maximum during
lactation [154,158,159]. The expression of WAP and other milk protein genes is
regulated by the synergistic action of the lactogenic hormones insulin, glucocor-
ticoids, and prolactin [ 1601. Glucocorticoids appear to control WAP and p-ca-
sein gene expression through distinct mechanisms that may entail both direct
and indirect pathways [ 159,161 - 1631. WAP expression is critically dependent on
cell-extracellular matrix interactions [ 164- 1681. WAP expression increases
sharply between days 15 and 17 of pregnancy in mice, while p-casein is induced
on day 10. The temporal pattern of mWAP gene expression during pregnancy
provided a reason to use mWAP gene regulatory sequences to target foreign pro-
teins to milk [42,169].
The author and his co-workers have used in vitro assays [170] to search for
regulatory sequences in the mWAP promoter [171], the rat u-lactalbumin (LAC)
promoter [ 1721, the human immunodeficiency virus enhancer [173] and the pro-
moterlenhancer of the human cytomegalovirus immediate early 1 gene [ 1741. In
the mWAP promoter, we found several sequences recognized by nuclear proteins
from lactating rat mammary glands and mammary epithelial cell lines including
the TGGCA motif which is a part of the consensus sequence TGGC/
A(N)SGCCAA for the nuclear factor 1 (NF1) binding site (Fig. 2)
[170,171,175]. We first noticed that rat mammary gland nuclear extracts con-
tained more binding activity to NF1 sites in the rat LAC promoter than extracts
from HeLa cells [172]. Binding sites at a purine-rich sequence
CCAAGAAGGAAGTG in the WAP promoter and a specific TTTAAA box are
conserved in the promoters of mouse, rat and rabbit WAP (Fig. 211). Some bind-
ing occurred between - 144 and - 1 1 1 in a conserved region present in the pro-
moters of four whey protein genes, with the consensus sequence
sequences were recognized in the mWAP (Fig. 21) and rat LAC [172] promoters
by nuclear proteins from the mammary glands of virgin, midpregnant and lactat-
ing rats. Proteins from nonmammary cells also bind to some of these sequences
and are members of a family of general transcription factors that recognize and
regulate other genes studied by us [ 173,174,176- 1781. This is supported by the
efficient transcription of the mWAP promoter in vitro in nuclear extracts from
mammary and nonmammary cells, the activation of the cytomegalovirus
immediate early 1 gene promoter by sequences upstream of the mWAPTTTAAA
box upon transfection into nonmammary cells [ 1791, and the low-level expression

Fig. 2. Regulatory elements in the 5' flanking region of the mouse WAP gene. I: DNasel protection
analysis of the - 354 to +24 SstI-KpnI fragment of the mWAP promoter was performed as described
[170,171]. A/G Maxam and Gilbert sequencing reaction (M), DNAsel digestion products in the ab-
sence (C), and presence of nuclear proteins from virgin (V), midpregnant (P) and lactating (L) rat
mammary glands. Protected regions are denoted by vertical bars, DNAsel hypersensitive sites by ar-
rows and nucleotide positions with respect to the cap site by numbers. A hypersensitive site character-
istic of Etsl binding is marked bya large arrow. Etsl: a transformation-specific protein produced by
the gene ets discovered in the E26 avian erythroblastosis virus. 11: Nuclear protein binding sites in
the mWAP promoter. Sites identified by exonuclease 111 digestion are marked by red boxes
[171,175], by DNAse I protection by red dots [171] and regions protected by GR by green bars
[ 18I]. The MAF/Ets I site is denoted by a blue bar [ 182,1831, an F1 I site (ACAAAG) by a black bar
[182], two CKINBF sites [I841 by orange bars and three putative STAT5 sites (185-1871 by yellow
bars. Hexanucleotide sequences corresponding to delayed secondary GR sites are highlighted in yel-
low and NFI sites in pale blue. GR: glucocorticoid receptor, MAF/Ets: mammary cell-activating fac-
tor, CKINBF: feline kidney CK cell factor/ negative regulatory element binding factor, STATS: signal
transduction and activator of transcription factor 5 . 111: Diagram of the 5' flanking region of mWAP
gene from mouse strains GR and C57BLl6 ((257) [I@]. The red line denotes the sequence between
- 1636 and +24 that is 99% conserved between the two strains. S: SuulllA, E: EcoR1, B: BuniHI,
K: Kpnl restriction enzyme cleavage sites.

of mWAP gene in nonmammary tissues [ 169,1801.

Transfection studies in HC11 mammary cells demonstrated the importance of
some of these binding sites in regulating mWAP promoter function. The tran-

scriptional factor mammary cell-activating factor (MAF) that recognizes the

sequence GPuPuGC/GAAG/T, binds to the mWAP promoter, is important for
hormone-independent function [182] and belongs to the Ets family of DNA-
binding proteins [ 1831. Analysis of 5' deletions of the mWAP promoter uncovered
a negative regulatory element between - 210 and - 195 [182]. Deletion of the
ACAAAG sequence between - 195 and - 165 (Fig. 211) decreased expression
by 80%. A deletion of one of the half-palindromic NF1 sites located between
- 165 and - 133 practically abolished expression. This indicates that the combi-
nation of factors binding to these sites is a key regulatory element in controlling
expression from the mWAP promoter. Interdigitated binding sites for NF1,
MAF/Ets and/or ACAAAG factors are present in the upstream region of whey
protein genes such as BLG [185], rat WAC rat, bovine and human LAC
The sequences between - 231 and - 71 of the mWAP promoter were found to
contain multiple glucocorticoid receptor (GR) binding sites (Fig. 211) [ 1811 com-
prising sequence motifs related to the delayed secondary glucocorticoid response
elements [189]. The GR-binding sites are in close proximity to or overlap with
binding sites for other factors.This suggests a cooperation between GR and other
transcription factors. In HC 1 1 cells, 0.45 kb of 5'-flanking sequences remain hor-
monally responsive to prolactin and dexamethasone induction, with a minimal
response region extending from - 165 to +24 [190]. However, the main mWAP
gene hormone response element(@was found in the region between - 1.1 and
-0.55 kb [191], in contrast to the - 1.8 and - 3.0 kb region ofrabbit WAP [192].
The sequence recognized by MAF contains the GGAA/T core motif charac-
teristic of the Ets transcription factor binding site. A hypersensitive site was
seen close to the TTCC sequence on the complementary strand of mWAP promo-
ter (Fig. 211) [171], a characteristic pattern caused by Etsl binding [193,194].
Recombinant Etsl bound to this site [ 1871. In transgenic mice, mWAP transgenes
with a normal Ets site are expressed on day 13 of pregnancy, with increases in
late pregnancy and lactation. Transgenes containing a mutation in the Ets site
were not expressed at midpregnancy, but were expressed during lactation. Dele-
tion of sequences between - 122 and - 9 1 removing the Ets site but leaving the
proximal NF1 sites intact did not affect expression during lactation [187]. A
transgene containing only 89 bp of the promoter but retaining the most proximal
NF1 site targeted expression of human growth hormone preferentially to the
mammary gland [119], suggesting the importance of N F l binding for mWAP
gene regulation. These sites are not conserved in the rat WAP promoter and
may explain the lack of expression of rat WAP transgenes containing 535 bp of
promoter [195]. In contrast, the introduction of mutations into a stretch of 16
bp overlapping the TTTAAA box of mWAP promoter did not change the tran-
scriptional activity of the WAP transgene during pregnancy and lactation (T.Bur-
don, R.J. Wall and L. Hennighausen, personal communication). It is therefore
possible that general transcription factors binding to a heterologous core promo-
ter sequence may make contact with transcriptional activators bound to other

regulatory sequences in the mWAP promoter, changing the conformation of

DNA and thereby modulating transcription. We have proposed such a mecha-
nism for the interaction of the cytomegalovirus immediate early 1 gene promoter
with its transcriptional complex and enhancer DNA-binding protein [ 176,
reviewed in 1961.
The 2.5 kb upstream region controlled the expression of mWAP transgenes in
the mammary gland of mice [162] and pigs (Fig. 2111) [197]. The -949 bp
upstream region of the rat WAP gene controlled expression of a rat WAP trans-
gene in the mammary gland of mice [198] and elements present in the 3’ untrans-
lated region contributed to the level of expression [199]. Two regions of specific
DNase I-hypersensitivity located at approximately - 150 and - 800 were identi-
fied in the rat WAP 5’ flanking region [195]. The proximal site may act with tran-
scription complexes assembled on the TATA box, and with other nuclear factors
bound to sites identified in the mWAP promoter and conserved in rat WAP.
Similarly, we also detected a DNaseI-hypersensitive site in the proximal region
of rat LAC [172]. The region of the distal site between - 853 and - 720 bp is
essential for transgene expression and contains binding sites for NF1, GR [200]
and signal transduction and activator of transcription factor 5 (STATS)
[ 186,2011which was called milk protein binding factor [ 1851 or mammary gland
factor [202] in earlier reports. This region conferred glucocorticoid-inducibility
and changes in transgene expression correlated with the appearance of DNaseI
hypersensitive sites [200]. STAT5 is a latent transcription factor that becomes
activated by a tyrosine-specific protein kinase, Jak2, associated with the prolactin
receptor [203]. The activated STAT5 binds to DNA and is a central component
of the lactogenic hormone signalling pathway The GR can act as a transcrip-
tional coactivator for STAT5 and enhance transcription. STAT5 forms a complex
with GR which binds DNA independently of the glucocorticoid-response el-
ement [204]. Introduction of point mutations into one or both NF1-binding sites
abolished rat WAP transgene expression. Mutation of the STAT5-binding site
reduced transgene expression by approximately 90% per gene copy, but did not
alter tissue specificity [ 1861. Thus, the distal region of the rat WAP promoter con-
tains a cluster of transcription factor-binding sites which are highly conserved in
both mouse and rat WAP genes (Fig. 211) [186]. However, an mWAP minigene
with a deleted third intron containing only 973 bp 5’ flanking region exhibited
activity in only one out of 17 lines. Addition of MARS released this transgene
from severe position effects [97]. The endogenous mWAP gene sequences that
mediate this process are still unknown.
Many organs and cell types respond to pregnancy hormones, however, induc-
tion of WAP does not occur [ 1601 and in transfection experiments, the WAP pro-
moter mediates a mammary-specific cell response in the absence of lactogenic
hormones [ 1911. Additional regulatory mechanisms like enhancer and repressor
elements may play a role in tissue-specific expression. The author and his co-
workers identified an enhancer-like element between - 175 and - 25 using in
vitro transcription and in vivo transfection assays [ 1791. A negative regulatory

element located between -413 and -93 has been found by others (Fig. 211)
[ 184,2051. Negative regulatory element binding factor(s) (NBF) are present in
cells that do not express WAP and may restrict WAP expression to the mammary
gland. For mammary-specific expression of WAP and other whey protein genes,
the author favors the idea of the existence of unidentified mammary gland spe-
cific factor(s), or modified form(s) of this factor(s), and/or factors already identi-
fied in the regulation of milk protein genes. There may be forms of NF1 [206],
STAT5 [207,208] and Ets proteins [209] with specific splicing, posttranslational
modifications, or heterodimers which are preferentially expressed in the mam-
mary gland, that together with other factors contribute to tissue specificity. This
is based on the demonstration that -89 bp of mWAP 5' sequences were sufFi-
cient to allow expression during pregnancy and early lactation [119] and on the
binding of at least four proteins, whose fhctions are still unknown, to a region
between - 89 and +24 [171,175] (Fig. 2). N F l is a good example of a known
transcription factor with more than a dozen cloned N F l isoforms [206]. These
isoforms may be tissue-specific, as illustrated by the high levels of NFl/Redl
and low levels of N F l /X in hamster liver [210]. They may also be differentially
regulated by hormones, other factors and cell-cell contact [211]. NF1 serves as
a trans-acting factor in adenovirus replication [212] and in eukaryotic class I1
gene transcription. Additionally, NF1 acts as a silencer for genes encoding reti-
nol-binding protein [2 131, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase
[210], growth hormone [214], mouse a2(I) collagen [215] and peripherin [216].
For other genes, NF1 acts as a transcriptional activator, including the a-globin
gene [217], human hepatitis B virus S gene [218], the myelin basic protein gene
[219] and the ctlb-adrenergic receptor gene [220]. Particular species of NFl
increase in level in the bovine mammary gland during lactation [2211. Two forms
of N F l from lactating sheep mammary gland with different affinities bind to
five sites in the minimal 5' regulatory region of the sheep BLG gene. The pres-
ence of a mammary-gland-specific form has been suggested [ 1851 as tissue speci-
ficity does not depend upon the three STAT5-binding sites [222].
Knowledge of the regulatory elements of genes helps in the design of more efi-
cient hybrid genes and opens up a way to increase or modulate the performance
of native regulatory elements. The mWAP promoter with silenced MAF/Etsl el-
ements may be practical for use with proteins that affect mammary gland differ-
entiation during early development and pregnancy. Insertion of a fragment of
the mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat containing four hormone
response elements at - 330 in the - 524 to +1 flanking region of the rat p-casein
gene improved expression of a reporter gene in mice on average by 13-fold
[223]. The glucocorticoid-responsive units of tyrosine aminotransferase, a gene
expressed specifically in rat liver parenchyma, in association with the regulatory
sequences of the ubiquitously-expressed largest subunit of the RNA polymerase
I1 gene, showed the predicted composite pattern of liver-specific glucocorticoid-
responsiveness and ubiquitous expression in mice [224]. Repressor elements limit-
ing expression of milk protein genes in nonmammary tissues may allow the

design of a vector active exclusively in mammary cells. Systems with transcrip-

tional activation switches that permit the quantitative control of transgene activity
in a tissue-specific manner are under development [225,226] and will open up
possibilities for novel types of inducible TABS.

Mouse WAP-plasma protein hybrid genes

Several constructs using the mWAP promoter, gene and 3' UTR were generated
to express human protein C (HPC) in the mammary gland (Fig. 3).
Results obtained were similar in part to the observations of others. When the
HPC cDNA was inserted into the first exon of the mWAP gene, the levels of
expression in mice were low (Table 1). Constructs containing only 1.6 kb of 3'
mWAP gene sequences performed unexpectedly well and the 4.1 kb mWAP pro-
moter improved them firther (Figs. 2111 and 3), similar to a construct containing
the entire HPC gene [229]. This was not limited to HPC, as human fibrinogen
(FIB) and AAT were expressed at mg/ml levels (Table l), and firin at
0.08-0.33 mg/ml levels [72]. The improved performance of the 4.1 vs. the 2.5
kb mWAP promoter proves that the region between - 4.1 and - 2.5 kb contains
previously unidentified regulatory elements enhancing expression, but does not
contain elements required for appropriate developmental regulation (Fig. 13IV)
[188]. Moreover, this region is not conserved between the GR and C57BL/6
mouse strains (Fig. 2111). The effectiveness of the 4.1 kb mWAP promoter in
expressing the AAT gene was surprising. AAT has been frequently expressed
using the regulatory sequences of other genes [52,94,128,230]. Our data show

DNA Construct
m W HFC 3 w
Remoter cONA Wpaa UTR
WAPPC1 k ---,'''-'' I
25kb l5kb 30kb 1 6kb

8 8
25kb l4kb 16kb

pHU27 C
4 1 kb 15kb l6kb
pHKM -
4 1 kb 13kb 04kb

4 E.
pHU38 ___I-+---Hb
4.1 kb
€9 4E.4
-- - - - - -4-w--
8.0 kb HPC gen.3
E7 E,
0.4 kb

Fig.3. Schematic representation of mWAP/HPC transgene constructs. WAPPCI [227] and WAPPC3
[228] have been described. pHL227 containing the 4.1 kb mWAP promoter, 1.55 kb KpnI fragment
of HPC cDNA and 1.6 kb 3' mWAP gene flanking sequences and pHL250 containing the 4.1 kb
mWAP promoter, HPC coding sequences with the 1.3 kb first intron and 3' UTR of HPC gene were
prepared (H. Lubon et al., unpublished observations). pHL238 was assembled as described [229].
mWAP gene 5' and 3' sequences are depicted with solid lines, the mWAP gene with a stipled box,
HPC exon sequences (E) with solid boxes and introns (I) with dashed lines. UTR: untranslated re-
gion, S: stop and start codons.

Table 1. Plasma proteins produced using the mouse WAP promoter.

Protein Species 2.5 kb WAP promoter 4.1 kb WAP promoter

Construct Expression Number Expression Number

(mgW of lines (mg/ml) of lines

t PAa Mouse 0.05 4 - -

LA-tPA Goat 0.003 1 - -

HSA ' Mouse 0.04-0.15 7 - -

HPC (WAPPCl)d Mouse 0.003-0.01 11 - -
HPC (WAPPC3)' Mouse 0.03-0.3 6 - -

HPC ( ~ H L 2 2 7 ) ~ Mouse - - 0.44-1.53 2

HPC ( ~ H L 2 3 8 ) ~ Mouse - - 0.1-0.9 6
HPC ( ~ H L 2 3 8 ) ~ Mouse - - 0.2- 1.6 4
HPC (WAPPCl)' Pig 0.1-1.0 3 - -
HPC (pHL238)i Pig - - 0.1-1.8 2
Fibrinogenk Mouse 0.01-0.05 6 0.1-0.6 3
Factor IX' Pig 0.2 1 - -

Factor VIIIm Mouse 0.03-0.18 pg/ml 1 - -

Factor VIII" Pig 0.001-0.003 1 - -
AAT gene' Mouse 1-5 2 5-10 2
< 0.1 or n.d. 3 50+ 3

"Pittius et al. [169]; bEbert et al. [39]; 'Ilan et al. [145]; dVelanderet al. [227]; 'Russell [228]; 'W Velan-
der and H. Lubon, unpublished observations; gDrohan et al. [229]; hBigenicmice for HPC and PACE
[303]; 'Velander et al. [264] and Van Cott et al. [335]; 'Van Cott et al. [335]; kButler et al. [279,282],
W Velander, personal communication; 'W Velander et al, personal communication; "H ' . Lubon,
R.K. Paleyanda and D.H. Scandella, unpublished observations; "Paleyanda et al. [235]; "Y. Echelard,
H. Meade and H. Lubon, unpublished observations. (Four founders transgenic for construct
pHL250 did not express rHPC.)

that the mWAP promoter performs almost 100% better than others in mice. This
may be another example of the interaction of regulatory sequences with heterolo-
gous gene sequences to confer improved performance on the hybrid gene, as
compared to endogenous genes and tissues.
In my opinion, for selected plasma proteins like HPC, FIX and FVIII, one can
use cDNAs to obtain the levels required for production, thus avoiding both
known and potential problems associated with genomic sequences. Especially as
I have learned that even the level of protein produced using cDNA transgenes
can stress the posttranslational machinery of mammary cells. Some mWAP/
cDNA constructs work better in pigs as compared to mice, similar to a mWAP
transgene [ 162,197,231-2331 indicating species-dependent expression (Table 1).
The author used this rather conservative approach to target FVIII expression to
the mouse mammary gland (Fig. 41,II) and we found (H. Lubon, R.K. Paleyanda
and D.H. Scandella, unpublished observations) that even the large 7.2 kb FVIII
cDNA was transcribed (Fig. 4111) and the protein secreted into milk (Fig. 4IV).
Although expression levels were low, biologically active FVIII was detected and
its levels increased in homozygous mice (Fig. 4V). These results are in contrast
to experiments with BLG/FIX and BLG/AAT cDNA constructs [234]. Similar


2.5 kb 5' WA6 7.2 kb h M l l &DNA 4.6 kb 3W P gene

p m r

MouaaLim IRMAAssay- APlTTAssay- APTTAssay-

Hetsmrvrrob HS(sr0~llote Hwnorv-
~~ ~

R.1 0.160 Uhnl 0.2 Uhnl 0.0 Uhnl

(33.8 ~rghnl) (40 Wml) (180 nglml)

Fig. 4. mWAP-directed expression of FVIII. I: Structure of mWAP/FVIII transgene. NotI, EcoRI,

KpnI, BamHI: restriction enzyme cleavage sites. 11: Slot blot detection of FVIII transgenic mice.
Three mWAP/FVIII transgenic founder mice were identified out of 14 and lines were established
from f2.1 and f3.1 that transmitted the transgene. CON: control mouse DNA, p225.11: mWAP/
FVIII plasmid DNA. 111: Detection of FVIII expression in the mammary gland. RT-PCR was car-
ried out on total RNA prepared from mouse and PCR products were analyzed on a 2%
agarose gel. Primers specific for human FVIII (1) or random primers (2) for RT reaction, PCR of
RNA from f2.1.9.10 as a control for DNA contamination (3), RT-PCR of control mouse RNA
using FVIIL(4) or mWAP gene-specific (5) primers. PCR negative control (6) and DNA standards
in kb (M). Arrows indicate the 0.6 kb FVIII and 0.224 kb WAP PCR products. FVIII-specific pri-
GAA, and WAP-specific primers #1265: ATCCATGTCTCCATGCCTTCTTCT and #1266:
T G T T G A C A G G A C C G G G T C C were used 1V Analysis of rFVlTT in mnurc milk Milk
whey proteins from control (CON) and f3.1.9 transgenic (TRG) mice, and plasma-derived FVIII
(FVIII) were resolved by 7.5% SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions after 5 min thrombin treat-
ment. Western blots were probed with a mixture of Mab 413 against the A2 domain of the heavy
chain and MAb 37 against the light chain of FVIII. The arrow indicates FVIII-specific polypep-
tides of about 90 KDa. V Quantitation of rFVIII in mouse milk. Immunoradiometric assay
(IRMA) was performed as described [236] using iodinated anti-FVIII Fab' fragments. One-stage
activated thromboplastin time ( A m ) assay was performed in FVIII-deficient plasma, as de-
scribed [237]. Normal pooled plasma was employed as a standard in both assays.
Fig. 5. Tissue-specific expression of WAP transgenes. I: Northern blot analysis of total RNA [ 1. 3, 5,
7) and mRNA (2, 4, 6. 8) from human liver. the mammary gland and kidney of WAP/HPC trans-
genic mouse [ I881 and human liver HepG2 cells.To obtain signals of similar intensity, differ-
ent amounts of RNA were loaded in lanes 1 through 8; 3.7, 0.1 I , 0.004, 0.0001, 3.7, 0.096, 2.1 and
0.021 pg, respectively. Blots were hybridized with HPC cDNA probes as in [188].The arrow indicates
the mature rHPC transcript, RNA standards in kb are on the left. 11: Example of the sequence of
rHPC mRNA from the mammary gland. Total RNA from mouse was used for reverse tran-
scription with oligo d(T)16.Oligos #3979 and #3584 were used for PCR and #3584 for cycle se-
quencing of the junctions of the first ( E l ) and second exons (Ez).Oligo #253 and #2269 were used
for PCR and #2269 for cycle sequencing of the junctions of the second and third exons ( E d The
DNA sequences of the junctions are presented on the right. The sequences of the oligos are,
rHPC in transgenic pig urine. Immunoafinity chromatography using the 8861 MAb against the
heavy chain of HPC was employed to enrich rHPC from the urine of sow 110-3.Western blot of uri-
nary proteins from a control pig resolved by 10% SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions (CON),
rHPC (TRG) and HPC (HPC) were probed with a rabbit anti-HPC polyclonal antibody HC: heavy
chain, LC: light chain. I V Salivary gland-specific expression of rHPC. Slot blot analysis of RNA per-
formed as in [I881 revealed rHPC transcripts in the salivary gland (SG) of line 4.2.10 mice (Trg),
but not in control (Con). Other tissues examined include tongue (Ton), thymus (Thy), liver (Liv), kid-
ney (Kid). brain (Brn) and mammary gland (MG). 0.1 to 0.01-fold less RNA was analyzed from
mammary gland than from other tissues. Immunohistocheniistry of salivary gland sections using
the 8861 MAb further localized rHPC to the ductal epithelial cells. Magnification: 100 x .V Salivary
gland expression of a 4.1 kb WAP promoter/ 0-galactosidase transgene, as detected by X-Gal staining
(G. Robinson and L. Hennighausen, personal communication). Magnification: 100 x , 400 x .

to WAP/HPC constructs, the WAP/FVIII cDNA construct was better expressed

in pigs [235], allowing further characterization of the protein.
It is not uncommon to find trace amounts of transcripts from transgenes of
native [238] or hybrid genes in nontarget tissues [239]. mWAP gene itself is nor-
mally expressed at low levels in other tissues [169,180]. The processing of pre-
mRNA from an mWAP/HPC transgene in the mammary gland and kidney dif-
fers from the human liver and HepG2 cells (Fig. 51). This could be due to tis-
sue-specific splicing events that alter the coding sequences in the mRNA, as
reported for BLG/FIX and BLG/HPC transgenes [ 125,1511. Thus, I prefer to
routinely determine the sequence of the transgene mRNA, or at least check the
exon/exon junctions (Fig. 511). Leaky expression of transgenes in other tissues
may not have an effect if no protein is synthesized. Transgene expression in the
kidney was connected with protein synthesis (H. Lubon and W. Velander, unpub-
lished observations). A sandwich ELISA performed on the urine of WAP/HPC
transgenic mice resulted in the detection of 64-76 ng/ml of rHPC. This was con-
firmed in pigs where rHPC expression levels were high enough to allow detection
by western blotting (Fig. 5111). In the author’s opinion, these “negative” results
illustrate that the urine of livestock animals can be used as another body fluid
for the production of blood and other human proteins. The promoters of genes
like uromodulin and uroplakins that are expressed in the kidney [240] and uri-
nary bladder [55], respectively, may target the secretion of recombinant proteins
to the urine (D. Kerr et al., personal communication). Many products of medical
use are routinely purified from urine, e.g., estrogenic compounds from pregnant
mare urine [241J and gonadotropins from the urine of women [242].
The detection of rHPC in the salivary gland confirmed that some proteins can
be targeted to this tissue as also shown by the use of salivary gland-specific pro-
moters [56]. mWAP gene regulatory elements directed expression of rHPC (Fig.
5IV), and the P-galactosidase reporter gene to these cells (Fig. 5V). Low-level
expression in the salivary gland was likewise reported for bovine K-casein direct-
ed by the goat P-casein promoter [243], for ovine BLG promoter driven AAT
transgenes [93] and for bovine asl-casein promoter driven lysozyme [244].

Exploring the protein modifying capacity of transgenic bioreactors

From the beginning the author believed that blood proteins could be produced in
TABS, but was concerned about the appropriate posttranslational modification
of proteins in homologous and heterologous tissues synthesized at an order of
magnitude higher than usual. This is one of the limiting factors in large-scale
production of recombinant protein and the assumption that the secretory cells
of intact animals could perform these functions better than mammalian cell sys-
tems was only partially true. Below I have summarised our work in this area
and added a discussion on other proteins.


Fig.6. Human protein C structure and hnction. I: The 461 amino acid precursor with cleavage sites is
presented. The arrows indicate protein cleavage sites, the numbers denote amino acid residues. Gla:
y-carboxyglutamic acid, EGF: epidermal growth factor-like domain, OH: P-hydroxyaspartate,
CHO-oligosaccharides, AP: activation peptide, Ser, His, Asp: residues of the catalytic triad, PL:
phospholipid, T/TM: thrombin/thrombomodulin,PF4: platelet factor 4, a2-MAC: a2-macroglobulin,
PAI: plasminogen activator inhibitor. 11: Heterogeneity of rHPC purified from pig milk. Two-dimen-
sional gel electrophoresis of rHPC was performed by isoelectric focusing in the first and 15% SDS-
PAGE in the second dimension, as in [256]. The western blot was probed with a sheep polyclonal anti-
body to rHPC. SC: single chain, HC: heavy chain, LC: light chain.

Protein C - our model

We have studied this problem extensively using HPC (Fig. 61). HPC circulates in
plasma as a 62-kDa zymogen of a serine protease and activated HPC has potent
anticoagulant activity [245,246]. The 19 amino acid signal peptide directs trans-
location of the nascent polypeptide into the hepatocyte endoplasmic reticulum
(ER) and is cleaved by a signal peptidase. The 24 residue propeptide mediates
the binding of vitamin-K-dependent (VKD) y-glutamyl carboxylase, an integral
ER membrane protein [247]. The carboxylase utilizes reduced vitamin K, COZ

and O2 to convert nine Glu residues to y-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla), following

the addition of the glycosyl core. The Gla domain is essential for Ca+*-mediated
activation of the zymogen, binding to phospholipids [248], thrombin-thrombo-
modulin [249], platelet factor 4 [250] and for plasminogen activator inhibitor
inactivation [2511. In its transit through the Golgi, complex carbohydrates are
added to four N-linked sites, the propeptide removed and an internal KR dipep-
tide cleaved to generate a light and a heavy chain held together by a disulfide
bond. HPC undergoes p-hydroxylation through the action of the aspartyl p-
hydroxylase at Asn residues in the epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) domain,
which also binds Ca+' [252]. All the above posttranslational modifications could
contribute to significant heterogeneity of the recombinant protein (Fig. 611). After
secretion, the activation peptide is proteolytically cleaved by thrombin to generate
activated HPC. The heavy chain contains the serine protease domain and is
implicated in multiple roles, such as mononuclear phagocyte response [253], c12-
macroglobulin binding [254], inactivation of plasminogen activator inhibitor
[2511 and inhibition of cytokine production by monocytes [255].
The five other plasmaVKD glycoproteins, prothrombin, factor VII, FIX, factor
X (FX), and protein S are synthesized with propeptides and contain 10-12 Gla
residues. FX and protein S contain P-hydroxyaspartate in their EGF domains.
FIX has five O-linked and two N-linked glycosylation sites. O-Fucosylation in
the EGF domain of FIX and N-fucosylation of HPC have been described
[257,258]. Moreover, FIX is phosphorylated at Ser'58 and sulfated at TyrlS5in
its activation peptide [259].
A complex protein, HPC, was a challenge for the TAB. The signal peptide was
removed in the mammary gland [229,260] similar to that of rHb [261], rAAT
[54,262] and rtPA [42,169,263] by host enzymes. Subsequently, we were the first
to report that the proteolytic processing of the rHPC propeptide was incomplete
in the mouse mammary gland [229]. Compared to HPC, 20-30% of rHPC
secreted into transgenic mouse [227,229] or pig [260,264] milk contained the pro-
peptide (Fig. 7). Amino acid sequencing revealed that 40-60% of pig rHPC
existed in the single-chain form (Fig. 7). We also observed that y-carboxylation
was inefficient in the mouse (Fig. 711) and more efficient in the pig, showing spe-
cies-specific differences in the ability of mammary epithelial cells to y-carbox-
ylate heterologous proteins (Fig. 7111). This may reflect differences in substrate-
specificity or enzyme levels between species. Despite this, about 20-30% of pig
rHPC was recovered in a biologically active form [264,265]. Thus, up to 0.38
mg/ml of active rHPC was produced in pig milk [264], compared to 0.3 mg/ml
in sheep milk [151], 0.02 mg/ml/106 cells/24 h in 293 cells [17] and 0.003 mg/
ml in mouse milk [227]. The fact that a portion of rHPC was hlly y-carboxylated
may be due to a property of the VKD-carboxylase which is not a distributive
but a processive enzyme [266].
In the liver of transgenic mice the rFIX propeptide was processed [51,53], but
rFIX produced in sheep milk possessed a different electrophoretic mobility
from plasma FIX [267]. Similarly, rFIX secreted by mouse trans-hybridoma cells

600 - Swine rHPC

E0 500 -

zf400 -
"300 -
SE 200 -
t 100 -

I1 100
90 - Mouse rHPC
4 80 -
ca 60 -
40 -
30 -
t 20 -
0 Ir. Im,
Light Chain Sequence

I Swine rHPC Amino Acid Sequence 1%
Light chain " A N S F L y y L R H S S L y Ry 75
Propeptide - T P A P L D S V F S S S E R A H Q V 25
Heavy chain *'-D T E D Q E D Q V D P R L I D G K M 25
Additional Ktenninus
Mouse rHPC Amino Acid Sequence %
Light chain "AN S F L E E L R H S S L E R E
Propeptide "T P A P L D S V F S S S E R A
Heaw chain ""D T E D Q E D Q V D P R L I D G loo

Fig. 7. Proteolytic processing and y-carboxylation of rHPC. Amino acid sequencing of rHPC purified
from pig (I) and mouse (11) milk was performed as described [260] and the processing of rHPC in
swine and mouse mammary gland was assessed by sequence comparison (111). PTH: phenylthiohy-
dantoin. As PTH-derivatives of Gla residues are not extracted during Edman degradation, this sug-
gested that the nine Glu residues were y-carboxylated in pig rHPC, but not in mouse rHPC.

had partial activity, although rAATwas active [82]. rFIX expressed in mouse liver
at a level 7 times higher than endogenous protein had electrophoretic mobility,
immunorecognition, Gla content and activity similar to that of plasma-derived
FIX [5 1,531. Indirect evidence suggested that y-carboxylation of rFIX may have
occurred in mouse [ 1251, pig (W. Velander, personal communication) and sheep
[267] mammary gland.
rHPC from pig milk was partially cleaved at positions - 1, 152 and 157
between dibasic KR residues [260], in addition to the expected N-termini at

residues - 24, +1 and 158 (Fig. 7111). Enzymes similar to the N-arginine dibasic
convertase isolated from rat testes [268] may be responsible for this cleavage,
reflecting the accessibility of sites in foreign proteins to endogenous enzymes.
rtPA from mouse milk and long-acting tPA from goat milk existed mainly in
the two-chain form, unlike that from Bowes melanoma cells [169]. Mature pul-
monary surfactant proteins are generated by the removal of N- and C-terminal
propeptides. Surfactant protein-C expressed in the mouse mammary gland was
partially processed [269] and surfactant protein-B was completely unprocessed
[270]. The unexpected secretion of the proproteins implies that the mammary
epithelium does not contain the same enzymes as the pulmonary epithelium, or
that sites in these highly hydrophobic proteins are not accessible during transport
through the secretory pathway. Recombinant interferon-y (IFN) was secreted as
a heterogenous population of polypeptides C-terminally truncated at dibasic
amino acid sites [271]. While no full-length molecules were observed in CHO
cell-derived rIFN, with most of the peptides terminating between Gly12' and
Gln'33, mouse mammary gland derived rIFN terminated at GlyI2', LysI2' or
Arg'29, with some minor components ending at Gly13'. This might result from
initial cleavage by hrin at L~s'~*-Arg-Lys-Arg' 3 1 followed by other endopro-
teases and/or carboxypeptidases. Human IFN from peripheral blood lympho-
cytes has six different C-termini, G ~ Y ' Lys12', ~ ~ , Arg129, Lysl3', Ser132 and
Met134.As intact N- and C-termini are required for full bioactivity and residues
L y ~ ' ~ ' - A r g ' ~ ~ - Sare
e r ' crucial
~~ for receptor binding, rIFN will be less active.
The secretion of rHPC indirectly indicates the lack of C-terminal truncation, as
39 C-terminal residues have been shown to be essential for secretion [272].
rHPC and rFIX from transgenic animals were not assessed for P-hydroxyla-
tion, nor was recombinant human fibrinogen (FIB) studied for prolyl-hydroxyla-
tion of its BP chains. Prolyl- and lysyl-hydroxylation of human procollagen I
were found to be reduced in the mouse mammary gland (D. Toman, personal
communication). As hydroxylation regulates the temperature stability of the col-
lagen triple helix, the recombinant protein may behave differently. The only het-
erologous protein to be phosphorylated in mouse milk was bovine 0-casein. It
contained the same number of phosphoserines as the native protein [273] and
was incorporated into casein micelles. rFIX from CHO cells was less than 1%
phosphorylated compared to plasma FIX leading to reduced in vivo recovery
[259], but this modification in the transgenic product was not reported. Likewise,
data have still to be presented for the Ser-phosphorylation of the Aa chains of

Factor VIII

FVIII is synthesized as a 2351-amino acid precursor from which a 19-amino

acid signal peptide is cleaved (Fig. 81). In the secretory pathway, it undergoes gly-
cosylation at 25 potential sites, tyrosine sulfation and proteolytic cleavage. FVIII
is secreted as a metal ion complex of a 90-200 kDa heavy chain and an 80-

Fig.8. rFVIII from transgenic pig milk. I: Schematic representation of the complex processing of hu-
man FVIII. FVIIIa: activated FVIII, FVIIIi: inactivated FVIII, APC: activated HPC, Xa: activated
factor X.Al, A2, B: heavy chain domains; A3, C1, C2: light chain domains.Vertica1bars denote po-
tential glycosylation sites, arrows indicate thrombin cleavage sites and the numbers indicate amino
acids. 11: rFVIII enriched from the milk of transgenic pigs by immunoafinity chromatography was
analyzed by 8- 16% SDS-PAGE and western blotting with a sheep polyclonal antibody, as in [235].
A: Plasma-derived FVIII (H), proteins from control pig (C) and transgenic pig 177.2 (T) milk. B:
rFVIll from pis 178.1 milk (T)probed with CS MAb asainst the A l domain of FVTTl heavy chain
(HC). C: rFVIII (T) and human FVIII (H) probed with J16D-9 MAb against the FVIII light chain
(LC) after resolution by 8% SDS-PAGE. The arrow indicates FVIII LC, molecular weights in kDa
are on the left. 111: Thrombin digestion of rFVIII isolated from pig milk. rFVIII was analyzed by
8-16% SDS-PAGE before ( - ) and after (+) thrombin digestion. Twice the amount of protein was
used for digestion (+).Western blots were probed with MAb 8 against the A2 domain of FVIII HC
(1-3) or the sheep polyclonal antibody (4-6). Molecular weights in kDa are indicated on the left.
Al, A2, B: domains of heavy chain, T: thrombin.
I: Adapted with permission from: Kaufman RJ, Transf Med Rev 1992;6(4):235-246.

kDa light chain [274]. rFVIII secreted into the milk of pigs [235] was processed
into the heavy and light chains (Fig. 811). Like plasma-derived FVIII, rFVIII
was heterogenous as expected from internal processing of the B domain [20].
Both the light and heavy chains of rFVIII were recovered after immunoafinity
chromatography using a heavy-chain-specific antibody, showing that rFVIII was
present as a metal-ion-linked heterodimer in milk. Additionally, rFVIII was
appropriately cleaved by thrombin (Fig. 8111) and had both cofactor and coagu-
lant activities, indicating correct assembly of the multidomain Al-A2-A3Cl C2
heterotrimer. As FVIII activation is sensitive to the sulfation of Tyr residues in
the heavy and light chains [275], this also suggests its sulfation in the mouse and
pig mammary gland. Human factor V, bovine FX, mouse IgA, IgG and IgM, as
well as FIB p- and y chains from several species also undergo Tyr-sulfation
[276]. Despite reports of an 85'% decrease in sulfation in rFIX from CHO cells
[259], this modification has not been studied in transgenic products as yet.

fig^ 9. mWAP-directed expression of fibrinogen. 1: Structure and activation of human fibrinogen. The
hexameric protein consisting of two a . p and y chains linked by disulfide bonds is cleaved by throm-
bin to release fibrinopeptides A and B (FPA. FPB) to generate fibrin. The binding sites for thrombin
(IIa), tissue plasminogen activator ([PA), Factor XI11 (FXIII) and ctz-protrase inhibitor (a2-PI) are in-
dicated in circles. 11: Western blot analysis of milk proteins after SDS-PAGE using a polyclonal anti-
body against fibrinogen for detection. Control mice (CON),WAPiFIB transgenic mice (TRG) and
plasma-derived fibrinogen (FIB) [279.282].
1: Adapted with permission from: Mosesson MW.Fibrin polymerization and its regulatory role in
hemostasis. J Lab Clin Med 1990;1 16( 1):S- 17.

Multimeric proteins: fibrinogen and hemoglobin

FIB is a 340-kDa hexameric protein composed of dimers of three polypeptide

chains designated Aa, BP and y (Fig. 91) of 610, 461 and 41 1 amino acids with
molecular weights of 66, 54, and 48.5 kDa, respectively [277]. The three chains
are synthesized in the liver from three individual mRNAs. The signal peptides
are cleaved, propeptides removed from the C-termini of Acr chains probably by
furin, polypeptides glycosylated, assembled and secreted into plasma as mature
molecules. In mature FIB, the six chains are assembled, then cross-linked by 29
inter- and intrachain disulfide bonds. During coagulation, thrombin removes
the N-terminal fibrinopeptides A and B from the cr and P-chains, converting
FIB to fibrin monomers which polymerize and form an insoluble clot. The BP
and y chains contain N-linked carbohydrates that can influence the rate of fibrin
polymerization, while the long y chain variant is Tyr-sulfated [278]. In plasma,
the 340-kDa form constitutes 70% of FIB, and C-terminal processing of the Acr
chains gives rise to 305 kDa (25%) and 270 kDa (5%) forms [278]. As fibrin clots
from degraded FIB are less stable, this needs to be studied in rFIB. rFIB was
expressed in the milk of transgenic mice (Fig. 911) [279] and sheep [280]. From
10 to 100% of the rFIB subunits were assembled into hexamers in the milk of
any given mouse line and assembly was dependent on the ratio of the individual
chains [281,2821. This variability may be connected with mosaic transgene
expression [283,284]. Colocalization of the three transgene products in the secre-
tory pathway may be another factor. Three out of four lines of sheep produced
rFIB, but the percentage of assembled material was not reported [280]. rFIB pu-
rified from milk was functional, but all subunits were not assembled into the
mature hexameric molecule [285]. In this case, the presence of unassembled indi-
vidual chains may be connected with the differential expression of multiple trans-
genes [281,2861, as observed during mammary gland development in HPC/
PACE bigenic mice. Perhaps, similar to other proteins, the processing of the pro-
peptides of rFIB is limited in the mammary gland and affects the assembly of
Human hemoglobin A (Hb), the oxygen transporter in erythrocytes, is a tetra-
meric protein composed of two a- and two P-globin chains, with globin subunits
covalently attached to a heme prosthetic group. Oxygen binds reversibly to iron
incorporated into the heme unit. rHb purified from the erythrocytes of trans-
genic swine was characterized in detail [68,69]. The protein was structurally and
functionally equivalent to Hb [261], showing that swine erythrocytes correctly
translated globin mRNAs, carried out cotranslational processing of chains, did
not introduce unwanted postranslational modifications and properly assembled
the functional tetramer. However, in every case an unbalanced expression of the
a- and P-chains favoring a-globin was observed.
Bovine follicle-stimulating hormone was an early example of the assembly of a
functional heterologous protein from two different subunits in TABS [286]. The
protein secreted to milk exhibited both biological- and receptor-binding activ-

ities, confirming that appropriately glycosylated subunits had been assembled

into heterodimers, but free ct subunit was also detected in milk. Similarly, a tetra-
meric metalloprotein, extracellular superoxide dismutase (SOD), was assembled
from four subunits [287] into a 155-kDa protein in the milk of mice [288] and
rabbits [262] and had biological activity indistinguishable from that of human-
or cell-derived SOD.


Oligosaccharide composition influences the biological activity, solubility, rate of

secretion, protease resistance, pharmacokinetics and immunogenicity of most
proteins [289]. As glycosylation is both cell- and species-dependent, studying
the glycosylation patterns of human proteins in transgenic animals is essential.
For example, the mammary form of glycosylation-dependent cell adhesion mol-
ecule l lacks the sulfated carbohydrates present in the endothelial form which
are required for interaction with leukocyte cell surface L-selectin and thus may
have different hnctions [290]. Likewise, the oligosaccharides of HPC inhibit
selectin-mediated cell adhesion and these carbohydrates may differ when plasma
proteins are produced in heterologous tissues [2911. The primary glycan struc-
tures of human, bovine, caprine, murine and porcine lactoferrin are specific to
the species [292]. Glycosylation of human lactoferrin from mouse milk also dif-
fers slightly from the natural protein [293].
rHPC from pig milk demonstrated increased electrophoretic mobility [264,265]
and species-specific heterogeneity upon two-dimensional electrophoresis when
compared to HPC (Figs. 611 and 101). The extensive heterogeneity of the single
chain could be explained by different y-carboxylation of the Gla domain. The
heterogeneity of the heavy chain is due to specific glycosylation in the mammary
gland and also differed from that of mouse rHPC, showing species-specific
modification of rHPC. In general, rHPC was more basic than HPC indicating a
lower degree of sialylation. Human kidney 293 cell-derived rHPC which had a
50% lower sialic acid content than HPC [258] was found to have 30-40% higher
specific activity. In addition, novel oligosaccharides terminating in GalNAcP 1,4-
(Fucct 1,3)GlcNAc(31-R were detected which may contribute to the higher activity.
Most of the heterogeneity of HPC and mouse rHPC was due to glycosylation, as
shown by deglycosylation with N-glycosidase F (H. Lubon and R.K. Paleyanda,
unpublished observations), with minor forms due to differences in proteolytic
processing. The various forms indicate either differential accessibility of glycosy-
lation sites to enzymes, a different composition or ratio of glycosylases in mam-
mary'epithelial cells compared to the liver, or both. Analysis of sugar composi-
tion of pig rHPC revealed a high level of hcosylation and the presence of N-
acetylgalactosamine, a sugar absent in HPC, although the total carbohydrate con-
tent was similar to plasma-derived HPC (W. Velander and H. Lubon, unpub-
lished observations).
tPA, AATand antithrombin I11 (ATIII) are plasma glycoproteins that do not

Fig. 10. Overcoming mammary gland limitations in rHPC processing. I: Two-dimensional gel elec-
trophoresis of transgenic whey proteins and HPC, and western blot analysis using the 8861 MAb di-
rected against the HPC heavy chain, as in [304]. 11: Expression of posttranslational modification en-
zymes in mouse tissues. Slot blot of total RNA from the liver and mammary gland (MG) of CD-1
mice were probed with 32P-labeledcDNAs of human furin and PACE4, bovine y-carboxylase, chick-
en propyl hydroxylase-a and -p and rat N-arginine dibasic (NRD) convertase. 111: Northern blot of
total RNA from the mammary gland of a line C5.2 HPC/PACE bigenic mouse [303] was probed with
32P-labeled HPC and PACE cDNAs. Molecular weights in kb are on the left. I V Milk proteins from
control, line 6.4 HPC transgenic and line C5.2 HPC/PACE bigenic mice were resolved by 8-16%
SDS-PAGE.Western blots were probed with the 8861 MAb as in [303].The dot denotes the milk pro-
tein detected by the secondary antibodies. SC: single chain, HC: heavy chain.

undergo other complex posttranslational modifications. tPA is a protease of 527

amino acids that regulates hemostasis by converting plasminogen into proteolyti-
cally active plasmin which cleaves fibrin, thus promoting the lysis of blood clots.
Interestingly, long-acting tPA from goat’s milk also contained N-acetylgalactosa-
mine which was absent in the C127 mouse fibroblast cell-derived protein. AAT
is a serine protease inhibitor of 394 amino acids that inactivates factor XIa, plas-
min and neutrophil elastase among others. Glycosylation of AAT is not required
for activity, but is crucial to maintain its half-life in vivo [294]. rAAT produced
in mouse and rabbit blood exhibited the expected molecular weight [52,54], but
AAT from sheep milk had a different electrophoretic profile [295]. Isoelectric
focusing showed 15-20 bands with PI values ranging from 4.46 to 4.88, while
AAT resolved between pH 4.42 and 4.67 [262], possibly due to decreased sialyla-
tion and/or the deletion of five N-terminal amino acids in 10% of the protein.
No compositional analysis was presented for rAAT from transgenic sheep. High-
er levels of a1,6 core fucosylation of bi- and triantennary structures were
detected at AsnS3in mouse rAAT than in AAT At Asn247predominantly fucosy-
lated biantennary glycans were present in rAATunlike the complex sialylated gly-
cans of AAT [294].
ATIII is a single-chain polypeptide of 432 amino acids which is a major inhibi-
tor of thrombin, FXa, FIXa and other serine proteases. In the goat mammary
gland, addition of oligomannose to specific Asn residues of rATIII was observed
[296] which could increase clearance of the protein by the mannose receptor. As
shown by lectin binding, rSOD from mouse milk contained no terminal galac-
tose, and terminal sialic acid residues were attached to galactose by a2,3 or a2,6
glycosylic bonds, whereas this configuration was absent in SOD [288]. Although
plasma clearance after intravenous injection of rSOD into rabbits was slightly
faster than of SOD from other sources, binding to the endothelium and release
after heparin injection were similar. Detailed studies of rIFN from mouse milk
showed considerable site-specific variation in glycosylation, with complex sialy-
lated and core-hcosylated glycans at one N-linked site and mainly oligomannose
at the second, unlike CHO cell rIFN which contained no mannose [296]. Both
sites were completely occupied in contrast to rIFN secreted by CHO or SF9 cells,
indicating increased accessibility of the second site in mammary epithelial cells.
N-acetylgalactosamine, N-glycolylneuraminic acid and Gala 1,3Gal (Gal group)
residues were not detected in contrast to proteins from mouse cell lines. N-gly-
cans at Asn25are critical for protease resistance, hence susceptibility to proteases
will depend on the host cell used for production [271]. The data presented also
suggest that the mouse mammary gland may be deficient in the ER al,2-manno-
sidase I and N-acetylglucosamine transferases, and that the Golgi a-mannosi-
dase I1 enzyme levels may be low [296].
The lack of the Gala1,3Gal moiety usually found on the cell surfaces and
secreted proteins of New World monkeys, rodents, pigs, sheep and cows [289], in
rIFN [296] and rAAT is encouraging. About 1% of human serum antibodies are
directed against this epitope which may elicit an immune response. Host cell

type, nutrient and/or enzyme limitations are known to influence processing and
site occupancy in glycoproteins [289,297], but the capabilities of the mammary
gland for specific proteins have to be better defined. The concern about the Gal
group in transgenic products may be premature. Investigation with baboons
showed that the recoveries and half-lives of FVIII and rFVIII containing the
Gal group produced by baby hamster kidney cells were the same in the presence
of anti-Gal antibodies [298]. Porcine FVIII contains a large amount of the Gal
group and has been used to treat patients [299]. The absence of alterations in the
half-life of circulating porcine FVIII suggest that the anti-Gal antibodies may
not interact with the porcine proteins, possibly due to the interference of von
Willebrand factor which associates with FVIII. Factor VIII may be a special
case, therefore only clinical trials with each transgenic protein will provide a de-
finitive answer.
The only O-glycosylated protein studied in the mouse mammary gland [300]
was human bile-salt-stimulated lipase. The lipase showed altered migration
upon SDS-PAGE, lower mass and no interaction with specific lectins, suggesting
an almost complete lack of O-glycosylation, without detriment to lipase activity,
stability at low pH and sensitivity to high temperatures.

Transgenic animal bioreactors of the next century

Analysis of a variety of foreign proteins produced in TABs demonstrated that

folding and disulfide bond formation were generally like those of the natural pro-
teins. Signal peptide cleavage and N-linked glycosylation generally occurred at
the expected sites. Other posttranslational modifications like y-carboxylation,
propeptide cleavage, hydroxylation and assembly of multimeric proteins may be
partial and depend on the level of expression, the protein, the cell-type and ani-
mal species.
Differences in the processing of heterologous proteins in TABs could be due to
several reasons: altered folding and conformation of precursors in the secretory
pathway, lack of recognition of foreign proteins by endogenous enzymes, lack of
appropriate enzymes in the host animal cells or insufficient amounts of enzyme.
The author’s own study of rHPC suggested that the cellular protease and y-car-
boxylase machinery may have become saturated when rHPC was synthesized in
large amounts, leading to a reduction in the amount of biologically active protein.
This was tested (H. Lubon and R. Drews, unpublished observations) by screen-
ing the mammary gland of mice for the presence of some endogenous enzymes
(Fig. 1011). The mammary gland expressed less hrin or PACE (paired amino
acid cleaving enzyme), PACE4, N-arginine dibasic convertase and y-carboxylase
than the liver. Differences in prolyl hydroxylase-cx and -p levels were less appar-
ent, probably because highly hydroxylated proteins like collagen are synthesized
mainly in fibroblasts.
Therefore, a WAP/PACE [301,302] construct was coinjected with the WAP/
HPC construct to generate bigenic animals [303]. The transgenes were cointe-

grated and coexpressed in the mammary gland (Fig. 10111). Human h r i n tran-
scripts were expressed at 100-fold higher levels than endogenous mouse hrin.
The presence of human hrin resulted in an almost complete conversion of the
single-chain rHPC precursor to the mature two-chain form (Fig. lOIV), showing
for the first time that exogenous enzymes in transgenic animals can improve the
processing of heterologous proteins, overcoming the inefficient processing
machinery of host cells. This idea can be extended to generate multitransgenic
animals expressing proteins of interest along with enzymes that perform post-
translational modifications like y-carboxylation, glycosylation, hydroxylation,
sulfation, phosphorylation, and/or with other components of the secretory path-
way like the chaperones that control the proper folding of polypeptides and the
assembly of subunits. With an excess of specific substrate they should not affect
the health of the animals as we have shown.
The recent engineering of the glycosylation pathways of endogenous proteins in
animals hrther supports this opinion. Humans and higher primates do not pos-
sess a functional al,3-galactosyltransferase (al,3-GT; EC gene and
contain natural antibodies to the Gala 1,3-Gal epitopes. Instead, they express an
a1,2-fUcosyltransferase (a1,2-FT; EC that is responsible for the synthe-
sis of the blood group H-antigen, Fuca1,2GalP 1,3(4)-R. However, both these
enzymes use the same acceptor substrate, N-acetyllactosamine. Mouse milk gly-
cans were remodelled by expressing a mWAP/human a 1,2-FT cDNA transgene
[305]. Milk contained large quantities of 2’-hcosyllactose, about 33-50% of all
sugars, and a major modified glycoprotein containing the H-antigen. Normal
mouse milk is deficient in these hcosylated oligosaccharides, suggesting that the
Golgi apparatus of the lactating mammary gland could adapt its uptake of
GDP-Fuc, the donor sugar nucleotide for a1,2-FT. Moreover, soluble forms of
the active enzyme were detected in milk. Likewise, h r i n was active both inside
the cell and upon secretion into milk [72]. This opens up another avenue for the
production of endogenous intracellular enzymes, for analysis and in vitro proces-
sing of proteins.
Similar approaches have been used to modifjr porcine organs for xenotrans-
plantation. Pigs transgenic for a1,2-FT expressed the H-antigen in peripheral
blood mononuclear cells and were more resistant to challenge with human sera,
presenting a new way to suppress hyperacute rejection [306]. The production of
the H-antigen in endothelial cells of multiple organs of mice and pigs by a1,2-
FT expression dramatically decreased the Gal epitope leading to protection from
complement-mediated lysis [307]. I believe the hture will bring more animals
with increasingly modified metabolic pathways that will improve the perfor-
mance of TABS.

The other side@) of the bioreactor

Ideally, once a heterologous protein is synthesized it should be well processed, be

secreted in the target destination, have the expected activity and not harm the

animal. However, when a transgene product is expressed in tissues other than the
tissue of origin, it may affect the tissue and exhibit as yet unknown functions.
Depending on its cell and tissue localization, the protein may exert local and/or
systemic effects [149,308]. I believe that it will be possible to engineer the “per-
fect transgene”, but changing the intrinsic properties of cells and organs will be
more dificult. LAC has been found in the sera of pregnant and lactating women
[309], cows [3 10-3 121, and pregnant goats [3 131. P-lactoglobulin was detected
in the serum of cows [312] and WAP in the serum of lactating rabbits [155].
Low-level secretion of transgene products through the basal membrane of mam-
mary epithelial cells [314] cannot be excluded. The presence of rAAT [262,315]
and other proteins [148,316] in the bloodstream of transgenic animals is not sur-
prising. Similarly, proteins expressed in erythrocytes may be released in bone, as
seen with human growth hormone [ 1471. Thus, understanding the phenotype of
the animal is important for developing the optimal bioreactor.
As mentioned before, HPC, FVIII, FIX, FX and FIB have to be proteolytically
cleaved at one or more internal peptide bonds before they can demonstrate bio-
logical activity rHPC expression in the mammary gland and secretion into milk
and urine did not affect the health of the mice and pigs. This could be because
rHPC was produced in the zymogen form and not as an active protease. Immu-
nohistochemical staining of rHPC in the mammary gland showed that it was
present within the alveolar epithelial cells, as well as in the alveolar and ductal
lumina of HPC and HPC/PACE mice (Fig. 11). It was notable that excessive
baso-lateral secretion of protein had not occurred. Closer examination of trans-
genic tissues showed subtle changes only at midlactation consisting of less dis-
tended alveoli, larger epithelial cells with centrally positioned nuclei and smaller

Fig. 11. Immunohistochemical localization of rHPC in the mammary gland. Mammary glands were
taken from control mice (A,D), HPC transgenic (B,E) and HPC/PACE bigenic mice (C,F) on day
10 of lactation. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) (A-C). Tissues were also
probed with a sheep polyclonal antibody to rHPC, developed with DAB substrate (D-F) and coun-
terstained with hematoxylin as in [ 1881. Magnification: 400 x .



Fig. 12. Morphology of HPC and HPC/PACE mouse mammary glands. I: H & E staining of mam-
mary tissue sections from HPC transgenic mice from lines 5.2, 6.4, 7.2, 7.5, 4.2 (B-F) and a non-
transgenic mouse (A). 11: H & E staining of mammary tissue from HPC/PACE bigenic mice from
lines C1.2, C2.2, C4.1, C5.2 (B-E), control (A) and HPClPACEM bigenic mice (F).The mouse lines
are described in [229,303], tissues were taken on day 10 of lactation. Magnification: 100 x .

noncoalescent cytoplasmic vesicles containing rHPC in addition to the larger

secretory vacuoles, when compared to control mouse tissue. Signs of necrosis or
neoplasia were not present. Thus, rHPC did not impair mammary gland develop-
ment and differentiation during pregnancy and lactation and all lines of rHPC
mice could nurse their offspring.
The author examined the morphology of the mammary gland from five lines of
HPC transgenic mice and five lines of HPC/PACE bigenic mice and observed a
pattern similar to that of control (Fig. 12).
This means that the incomplete proteolytic processing of rHPC was probably
not responsible for the observed changes. The author also studied the composi-

Fig. 13. Protein composition of transgenic mouse milk. Milk proteins from I: Four lines of HPC/
PACE; and 11: three lines of HPC mice were compared with those from four control mice, by 10%
SDS-PAGE and silver staining, as in [229]. 111: Milk proteins from control, HPC/PACE, HPC and
HPC/PACEM mutant PACE mice were resolved by 14% SDS-PAGE and western blot detection per-
formed with a rabbit anti-WAP antibody [197]. I V Northern blot analysis of total RNA from the
mammary glands of pregnant (P) and lactating (L) HPC/PACE mice from line C5.2 [303] was per-
formed to detect rHPC and PACE transgene, mWAP and 18s rRNA endogenous gene transcripts,
using the 32P-labeledcDNAs of HPC, PACE, mWAP and 18s rRNA.

tion of proteins in the milk of transgenic animals and observed a different elec-
trophoretic pattern in the higher molecular weight proteins, as compared to con-
trol (Fig. 131).
Further experiments showed (H. Lubon, R.K. Paleyanda and R. Drews,
unpublished observations) that this may be connected with the expression of
rHPC in the mammary gland, as milk proteins from single transgenic mice
showed a similar pattern (Fig 1311). As the synthesis of WAP is sensitive to sig-
nals for the differentiation of the mammary epithelium [ 164,1661 and the synthe-
sis of foreign proteins in mice can be at the expense of endogenous milk proteins
[317,318], the relative amount of WAP was determined (Fig. 13111). Indeed,
WAP decreased approximately 50% in the milk from HPC/PACE mice com-
pared to milk from control, HPC and HPUPACEM mice. Following this obser-




Fig. 14. Analysis of mice homozygous for HPC transgene. IA: Southern blots for the estimation of
homozygosity. BumHI-digested DNA was hybridized with a probe consisting of the first intron of
HPC gene. The arrows indicate DNA samples of potential homozygotes containing two alleles of
the transgene. Molecular weights in kb are on the left. IB: PCR detection of a 502 bp HPC-specific
band in DNA from a litter obtained by mating a potential homozygote with a control mouse. Primers
GA, as described [319]. 11: Northern blot analysis for the presence and level of transgene and endog-
enous milk protein transcripts. Total RNA from mammary glands of homozygous line 6.4H mice
and control mice taken during the virgin (V), pregnant (P) and lactating (L) states were probed with
32P-Iabeled cDNAs of mouse p-casein, WAP, a-lactalbumin and 18s rRNA. 111: Histology of the
mammary gland of HPC and HPCIPACE homozygous mice. H & E staining of mammary gland sec-
tions from HPC line 4.2H mice (1,111) and HPCIPACE line C1.2H mice (I1,IV) on day 1-2 of lacta-
tion. Magnification: A and B, 100 x ; C and D, 400 x .

vation, the developmental regulation of both transgenes was studied (Fig. 13IV).
Both mWAP/HPC and mWAP/PACE trangenes were induced earlier in preg-
nancy than the endogenous WAP gene, and the temporal regulation pattern dif-
It was decided to generate homozygous animals for HPC and HPCIPACE to
increase the expression of rHPC, as observed with rFVIII mice (Fig. 4V) and
by others [244,316]. Progeny generated by mating two hemizygous mice from
the same line were screened first for the presence of the transgene, then homo-
zygosity was assessed by Southern blot analysis of DNA (Fig. 14IA). DNA from
mice with two alleles of the transgene exhibited a stronger signal. Potentially
homozygous mice were crossed with control animals and the parent deemed
homozygous if all its progeny were transgenic (Fig. 14IB). Unexpectedly, mice
from the first HPC homozygous line could not nurse their pups in the first two
lactations. Analysis of transgene and endogenous milk protein gene expression
at different stages of development showed reduced transcription of WAP and 01-
lactalbumin genes (Fig. 1411). The same pattern was observed in another line of
homozygous animals (H. Lubon and C. Palmer, unpublished observations).These
changes in milk gene expression were connected with impaired mammary gland
development (Fig. 14IIA, IIIC). Similarly, the development and differentiation
of the mammary gland was affected in three lines of homozygous bigenic mice
(Fig. 14IIIB,D) (H. Lubon and R. Drews, unpublished observations).
There are several possible explanations for these findings. The author prefers to
connect this with hitherto unknown functions of HPC in addition to its well-
defined roles in the coagulation cascade. It has been shown that activated HPC
mediates anti-inflammatory effects possibly by inhibiting selectin-mediated cell
adhesion [2911 and prevents vascular injury by inhibiting tumor necrosis factor
production [255]. This is a reasonable assumption, as several proteins involved
in the coagulation cascade have additional biological activities. For example,
thrombin, HPC and protein S bind to certain cellular receptors [320-3221.
Thrombin is a potent mitogen [320], stimulates mesenchymal cells and plays a
role in embryonic development [323]. Factor X, Xa and protein S are potent
mitogens for aortic smooth muscle cells [324]. Protein S secreted by osteoblasts
may play a role in bone mass and turnover [325], while its role in neural tumor
cells [326] is unknown.
Other instances of the disruption of mammary function occurred with the
expression of isologous or heterologous milk proteins. For example, the milchlos
phenotype has been described in mice and pigs transgenic for mWAP gene
[231,232]. In certain tissue contexts WAP can function as an epithelial growth
regulator [327] and affect mammary development. However, the effect of expres-
sion of HPC on the lobulo-alveolar development of the gland and milk protein
gene expression is distinct from that of WAP.
Another explanation cannot as yet be excluded. Changing the composition of
milk by expressing heterologous proteins or additional milk proteins and by
“knocking-out”endogenous genes [328-3303 may alter the traficking of proteins

in the secretory pathway and indirectly affect mammary development. Bovine K-

casein secreted in mouse milk reduced micelle size producing a stronger curd
[243]. Lactation ceased upon bovine p-casein secretion in transgenic mice [3311.
The predominantly unprocessed hydrophobic surfactapt protein-C inhibited lac-
tation in a high-expressing founder [269], although surfactant protein-B which
was completely unprocessed in milk did not have an effect on lactation [270].
Secretion of a C-terminal deletion variant of surfactant protein-B at high levels
again led to the inhibition of lobulo-alveolar development, growth retardation
and cannibalism [332], suggesting that processed hydrophobic surfactant proteins
may affect mammary hnction. Excess of long-acting tPA resulted in protein
insolubility in milk and nodularity of the gland [333]. Thus, the structure and
physicochemical properties of particular proteins may directly influence mam-
mary function or indirectly by changing milk composition.

The end product

A transgenic founder is comparable to a mammalian cell engineered for the pro-

duction of a recombinant protein. Here the similarity ends, as one has to build a
production plant to grow large numbers of cells. Transgene transmission has
been demonstrated in rabbits [54,334], pigs [43,335], sheep [336], goats [333]
and cows (F. Pieper, personal communication). Sequential lactations yielded
similar levels of AAT in the milk of sheep [336], long-acting tPA in the milk of
goats [333] and HPC in the milk of pigs [335] and phenotypic stability was shown
in G1 and G2 animals. Transgenic livestock need a well-organized farm with
additional precautions based on good agricultural practices. The economic ben-
efits of this are obvious in the collection of raw material and capital investment.
Unlike in sterile cell culture systems, proteins from transgenic animals are
exposed to animal pathogens present in tissues or body fluids [337]. Depending
on the protein of choice, various animals like rabbits, pigs, sheep, goats and
cows may be utilized. For proteins required in low volumes, such as FIX and
FVIII, rabbits or pigs may be considered. For proteins required in ton volumes,
traditional dairy animals like sheep, goats and cows will be needed (Table 2).
The cost of 1 1 of milk will be higher for rabbits and lower for cows. Only sheep
and goats have been used so far for the clinical production of plasma proteins
and at production levels of 10 g/l, the estimated raw product cost in milk is US
$2-20/g for a 100 kg/year product.
Purification of the raw material is required and will add to the cost of the end
product. It has long been expected that foreign proteins expressed in the body
fluids of transgenic animals would be produced more cost-effectively Immunoaf-
finity chromatography commonly used in the isolation of plasma proteins and
for rapid characterization [229,235,264,338] will be avoided in the production
process to prevent introducing mouse immunoglobulin into the product (see
Fig. 15). The low concentration of pig protein C in pig blood means that only
trace amounts of pig protein C and other VKD proteins will be present in normal

Tuble 2. Blood protein production in transgenic animals.

Plasma Annual Levels in Level of trans- Animal Reference
protein requirement - human plasma genic protein species
world (mgW (mg/ml)
Albumin 400- 500 tons 35-53 10.0 Mouse 11391
35.0 Mouse Meadea
u ,-Antitrypsin 4000-8000 kg 1.4-3.2 12.5 Mouse WI
60.0 Sheep 12951
Antithrombin 111 70 kg 0.17-0.39 10.0 Mouse Meadea
7.0 Goat
Hemoglobin 35,000 kgb 32.0 Pig
tPAILAtPA' 100-200 kg 3.0 Goat
Factor VIII 0.4-0.5 kg 0.0001 0.0027 Pig
Factor IX 6-8 kg 0.005 0.06 Mouse
0.005 Sheep
0.2 Pig
Factor X 0.01 0.7 Mouse
Protein C 30-300 kg 0.004 1.6 Mouse
2.0 Pig
0.3 Sheep
Fibrinogen 600- 1200 kg 2.0-4.0 0.5 Mouse
2.0 Mouse
10.0 Sheep

aH. Meade, personal communication; bAssuming that rHb will supply 5% of the world demand for
blood and red cells; 'LA-tPA, longer-acting tissue plasminogen activator; dWVelander et al., personal

milk. This was true for rHPC produced in pig milk. Traces of animal VKD-pro-
teins in normal milk allowed the use of the specific biochemical properties of
this protein for purification. For example, the binding of y-carboxylated proteins
to barium citrate and pseudo-affinity chromatography in the presence of calcium
(Fig. 15) [265].
Species-specific differences in amino acid sequence and mammary-specific
glycosylation patterns also need to be considered. The large amount of rHPC in
milk allowed the removal of unprocessed or under-carboxylated protein during
purification so that the final product had a biological activity at least equal to
that of HPC, with some fractions being hyperactive [260]. One may decide to pu-
ri@ these hyperactive fractions and thus decrease the dose of recombinant pro-
tein administered to patients. The similarity of purified rHPC to HPC was
assessed by using specific antibodies, amino acid sequencing, kinetic studies of
zymogen interaction with natural activators [339], thermal stability and domain-
domain interactions using scanning microcalorimetry and spectroflurometry
[340], functional amidolytic, anticoagulant and inhibition assays [339]. These
studies indicated structural and hnctional similarity of rHPC. Recent announce-
ments of the acceptance by the regulatory agencies of rAAT and rATIII indicate
that clinically adequate proteins may be produced. Whether this will be true of

Pig Milking 4 ~ r r i u m / ~ i t mprecipitation

0.012M N.Ur. 0 . W LU, , 30 Plln
7.000 XO. 15 nh
3.omXQ.25 nh.hrlEs

17% PEGlPBS Pmipitation

Buffer Exchange
0.OW Tfb. 0 . W EDTh PH 7.4
I DUE-Sephrrore Chromatography I

I Buffer Exchrngo
o.m rm. I)rl N e b . m 7.0 I
12% PEG/lM NrCl precipitrtion
7.000xp. I mh
.I. aumnmtmt
Solvent-DetergentVlrel Inrctlvation
tu mw,iuIx-iw. OM4%
Fig. 15. Scheme of purification of rHPC from pig milk. PEG: polyethylene glycol, PBS: phosphate-
buffered saline,TNBP: tri-(n-butyl) phosphate,TX-100: Triton X-100, O/N:overnight, BLG: p-lacto-
globulin, SA: serum albumin, LAC: a-lactalbumin.

every protein remains to be assessed as these two proteins are rather small, are
only glycosylated and are expressed at high levels in milk (Table 2). The purifica-
tion of rFVIII from milk could be more challenging as this large and complex
protein interacts with other milk components (H. Lubon et al., unpublished
observations) and has free cysteines [341]. Even today its purification from plas-
ma is not a trivial or inexpensive matter. On the other hand, porcine FVIII has
been used in hemophilia A therapy [299] so traces of pig proteins in recombinant
products may be acceptable. The purification of HSA could be more challenging,
as animal albumin is present in milk at higher concentrations than other plasma
proteins. HSA is a globular, highly anionic, nonglycosylated protein of 65-67
kDa which is extremely compact owing to its 17 disulfide bridges. The lack of
posttranslational modification implies that purification procedures have to be
based on the differences in the amino acid composition of the animal and human
proteins. It is the most abundant serum protein, being present at 35-53 mg/ml
concentration and is used in the clinic in large quantities to maintain blood
volume and plasma osmotic pressure in acute conditions like burns, sugery and
trauma. Thus, rHSA even if produced in transgenic cows may be more expensive
than plasma-derived albumin. For rHb produced in pig erythrocytes, ion-
exchange chromatography was efficient in separating it from pig and pig/human
hybrid Hb [26 11. Transgenic plasma proteins will immediately have the advantage
of safety over plasma-derived products due to the lack of human pathogens. Pro-
duction methods have of course to take every precaution to avoid the transmittal
of animal pathogens [337].

The amount of collected blood will no longer be the limiting factor in produc-
tion, as the size of the transgenic animal herd can be increased on demand by
breeding, or more rapidly by cloning [ 1321 if this technology becomes acceptable.
Chemically modified hemoglobin may be produced in large quantities [342], as
may variants or mutant forms of proteins with different indications, e.g., HPC
[343], AAT [344], FIX, FVIII [345] or Hb [346] mutants. Larger genes as for
FVIII and entire genetic loci, such as those of immunoglobulins or hemoglobin,
may be expressed using the yeast artificial chromosome technology [106], P1
cloning systems [ 1351 or by the extrachromosomal homologous recombination
of overlapping DNA fragments [ 1051. The unlimited availability of safer, cheaper
blood proteins will lead to the increased use of FVIII and FIX in prophylaxis,
and allow the storage of large amounts of rHb products for emergency use at
times of blood shortage. Applications for blood proteins will increase, for exam-
ple, AAT in emphysema, liver disease, cystic fibrosis and psoriasis. The use of
fibrin sealant in plastic and cosmetic surgery and fibrin sealant supplemented
by antibiotics, growth factors and anticancer agents will grow [348,349]. Oral,
topical and local routes of administration of these products will become more
Given all the limitations in transgenic technology, the understanding of regula-
tory sequences used for targeting proteins and emerging issues in the posttransla-
tional processing of proteins, progress in the production of plasma proteins is
continuing (Table 2 and tables in reference [50]). In the short history of transgenic
animals, plasma proteins produced by TABS were the first to be administered to
humans. If the ongoing clinical trials prove to be successful and the first trans-
genic product is licensed, this may soon become another method of human blood
protein production. However, it is unlikely that whole blood, blood cells, plasma
and plasma-derivatives will be completely replaced by recombinant proteins.
Advances have been made in the viral inactivation of blood products [350] and
scientific discoveries similar to that of the finding of blood groups [2] may tomor-
row make human blood products as safe as recombinant ones.
Are we the first to use proteins from milk in humans? No indeed, milk as a
blood substitute was popular for several years in the USA from as early as 1873
[ 13. All we have done is to modifj this idea using more sophisticated technologies.


The author would like to thank Dr L. Hennighausen for the mouse p-casein
cDNA, a-lactalbumin cDNA and a mouse WAP antibody; Dr D. Scandella for
human FVIII cDNA, antibodies to Factor VIII and help with FVIII assays; Dr
C. Fulcher for antibodies C5 and J16D-9 to FVIII; Drs R.J. Kaufman and A.
Rehemtulla for the human PACE/hrin, PACEM, PACE4 and bovine y-carboxy-
lase cDNAs; Dr W.J.M van de Ven for monoclonal antibodies to furin; Dr W.
Garten for soluble furin from CV1 cells; Dr W - Y Kao for the chicken prolyl-
hydroxylase cDNAs; and Drs P.Cohen and A. Prat for the rat N-arginine dibasic

convertase cDNA. I thank all colleagues for sharing their unpublished results
and all the members of the transgenic animal programs at the American Red
Cross and Virginia Polytechnic and State University for their long-term friendly
cooperation. Finally, I am gratehl to Drs WN. Drohan and L. Hoyer for their
continued support.


I dedicate this paper to little Agnieszka hoping that the hture will be better for
all because of medicines produced by this new technology.


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