Rookie Night Sky Tournament Guide

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Rookie Night Sky tournament guide

Info :
This is version 1 and will be updated if other drops will be added


This guide is made for a starting point in the process of taking notes to dial in shots is
not the final solution for the tournament.

The dropped holes will have also a video of the shot look for the VIDEO text
We are humans so mistakes can be made check the spin from the ball also in case I
place by mistake right spin instead of left or vice-versa

I am keeping my guides FREE! so use them as you want and share them with who
ever you want
The updated versions will posted on my fb page here created also a FB group for you
guys to join here

If you like it and want to see my live streams check them here
Much love for you all and good luck on your tournament remember to hit PERFECT!
Hole 1 P1(Navigator)
Club recomandation : QB + Sniper
Drive max +10%
Spin : 0.5TS 1RS + right curl check image

2nd shot will go on RB

between min-mid -10%
Spin will vary from 1TS to 0 depending on how far you reached
Will remain a mid-min adjustment 25%
Hole 2 (confirmed drop VIDEO)
Club recomandation : backbone
Ball recomandation : Quasar P1
Spin : 1.9BS 2LS
Drive max +20%
Ball guide short 2GS by the pin and white ring touching that white
circle on the right
Hole 3
Club recomandation : EM + sniper
Ball recomandation : p3 titan or KM
Spin : maxTS 2LS
Drive max +10%

Max 0%
Spin: will vary leave a BG short of the hole
Hole 4
Club recomandation : Guardian OR viper 8+
Ball recomandation : marlin P0
Spin : 4.5 BS 1LS
Drive max 40%
Ball guide on the left side of the hole
Hole 5 Confirmed drop VIDEO
Club recomandation : EM + Back bone
Ball recomandation : P3 Titan or KM
Spin : 4.5TS 2LS
Elevation +10%

2nd shot from 345y was mid

Elevation -15%
2.1 BS
Hole 6
Club recomandation : Big topper + horison
Ball recomandation : P3 Titan or KM
Spin : Max TS 1RS
Pull until you reach min distance of your club

2nd shot
Spin : Max TS 2RS
Adjust mid +0% + curl
Hole 7
Club recomandation : sniper or some wood club with 3BS
Ball recomandation : marlin P0
Spin : 2.9BS
Elevation min+10%
BG going trough the hole
Hole 8 Confirmed Drop VIDEO
Club recomandation : EM5+ thorn
Ball recomandation : marlin P0
Spin : 4.5TS 2LS
Elevation max+10%

2nd shot
Club recomandation : thorn
Spin : 1BS
Elevation min+0%
Leave ball guide 1GS before the hole
Hole 9
Club recomandation : EM5+ Horison2+
Ball recomandation : Kingmaker or titan I just made it with titan
will use KM for extra side spin next time
Elevation max+10% max OP max Right curl

2nd shot
Max -10% aiming at the hole
Spin : 6 TS max RS better to have a
km maybe would be great left safe
with 3 LS

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