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Many things cannot be said about friendship, family is a priority but

friendship is also a priority. Friends can be said of family, family and friends can
make us happy, but friendship is a stronger predictor of well-being for us in old

Friendship becomes more important as we get older. Having some really

good friends around us can make the world different, especially for our health and
well-being. Therefore, be smart to invest in friendships that can make us feel
happy. As the saying goes "You can choose your friends, but you can't choose
your family." Because we tend to make friends with people we like, and break
relationships with people we don't like. This is the reason why friendship is more
likely to make us feel good.

This friendship of different religions was lifted from our real experience at
Udayanna University in more detail in our English literature department
environment, where we felt so beautiful the meaning of solidarity with friends of
different faiths. In our personal opinion, true friendship is friendship that does not
perceive differences. Ethnic, racial, age and even religious differences are not my
obstacles in building relationships with others.

The beauty of friendship is based on a sense of solidarity among our

friends who have different backgrounds, both from regional and religious origin.
This difference does not necessarily create a gap in communication but instead
becomes its own color in making friends. The attitude of tolerance among the
diverse community cannot be separated from us. When Eid al-Fitr arrives, we
Christians visit the homes of Muslim friends. Similarly, when Christmas arrived,
Muslim friends came to the house while saying their congratulations. There is a
lot of solidarity created in us, if you want to tell all the possibilities are long. The
most common thing we do is go home together, simple to see but meaningful
brotherhood for us.

For friends who have time to worship we provide opportunities for

worship, our sense of friendship is getting stronger. Religious differences between
us do not prevent us from fostering a sense of brotherhood. So beautiful friendship
without regard to differences. There seems to be a high sense of tolerance and
solidarity. This friendship is like a rainbow, if only one color appeared, it would
not be beautiful, but if the various colors come together it would be carved out a
beautiful view adorning this universe. In essence, religious differences are not the
abyss of separation in the world of friendship but are part of the colorful colors in
our lives.

Creativity is an inseparable part of the thinking of the campus academic

community, especially students, where creativity is the ability to produce new
things like never before. The process to produce new things can come from the
imaginative process of the creator himself, can also come from information and
previous experience about what will be created, then the creator combines and
updates from existing works or ideas to produce new works or ideas, and different
from previous work. Creativity as a process or ability that reflects fluency,
flexibility (flexibility) and originality in thinking, and the ability to elaborate
(develop, enrich, detail) an idea. This understanding emphasizes aspects of the
process of change (innovation and variation).
Creativity is the ability to create something new to give creative ideas in
solving problems or as the ability to see new relationships between elements that
already exist. Creativity is a mental process that involves the emergence of new
ideas or concepts, or new relationships between existing ideas and ideas. From a
scientific point of view, the results of creative thinking (sometimes called
branched thinking) are usually considered to have authenticity and
appropriateness. As an alternative, the everyday conception of creativity is the act
of making something new. Creativity in the present is highly influenced by
various factors: heredity and environment.

Many examples have become a forum for us students to create and

innovate, such as the annual activities of the English Literature Student
Association (HMPSII) Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Of course of course with the
existing activities, as well as the projects provided, clearly can help to hone their
potential in the creative and innovative fields. Examples such as social service in
the village by doing various kinds of activities.Creativity is very important in
creating new ideas. Creativity is like an empty glass that must be filled, and to fill
it depends on the people who are guiding it. Basically, creativity is a field for the
creation of new ideas.

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