Name: Carlos Elias Calderón Villero Grade: 8-03 Development of The Activity

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Name: carlos elias calderón villero

Grade: 8-03
Development of the activity

1. wild animals bite if they are scared.

2. if you finger touch a hot stove, you burn you finger.

3. if you eat too much, you get fat.

4. when you go on vacation, it´s good to learn some of the language.

5. Paper doesn´t burn if there is no oxygen.

6. Unless you have a big family, a small car is big enough for you.

7. If you mix hydrogen and oxygen, you get water.

8. If babies are hungry, they usually cry.


1. C 11. N

2. F 12. H

3. A 13. J

4. M 14. K

5. I 15. L

6. B

7. O
8. D

9. E

10. G


1. If it rains, the streets get wet

2. My mother gets angry when I not do my homework every day

3. If you run too fast, you get really exhausted

4. I can´t understand Elizabeth when she speaks so quickly

5. If Madeleine misses the seven o´clock train, she is hungry

6. When you turn on an electric al appliance, the electricty meter goes


7. My Little sister always cries, when she is hungry

8. When you drink too much alcohol, you sure get drunks its´s

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