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sing sang sung
eat ate eaten
Fly flew flown
buy bought bought
drink drank drunk
play played played
cook cooked cooked
work worked worked
forget forgot forgotten
jump jumped jumped
be was/were been
come came come
cut cut cut
draw drew drawn
Go went gone, been
know knew known
hear heard heard
learn learnt, learned learnt, learned
read read read
say said said
run ran run
show showed shown
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
swim swam swum
take took taken
wear wore worn
write wrote written
teach taught taught
win won won
1. You will be working
2. I won´t be singing tonight
3. Will John be drawing a house?
4. They will be eating pizza
5. We won´t be flying in a balloon
6. Will she be buying a t-shirt?
7. He won´t be drinking coke
8. Will my dad be playing football?
9. My mom will be cooking for dinner
10. My sister won´t be learning Maths
11. Will I be jumping from th fifth floor?
12. Grace will be cutting the vegetables
13. My brother won´t be going to the museum
14. Will she be coming to home?
15. We will be hearing th teacher

1. I will have forgotten the cardboard
2. She won´t have been here in years
3. Will they have known the story?
4. You will have read the book
5. My mon won´t have run in the marathon
6. Will he have said yes or no?
7. We will have shown our show
8. Phillip won´t have slept eight hours
9. Will I have spoken too loud?
10. Mary will have swum in the pool
11. She won´t have worn that t-shirt
12. Won´t you have taken the keys?
13. My dad will have written a book
14. He won´t have taught English
15. Will we have won the trophy?

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