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Who am I?

This question can simply be answered by my name, my age, my parents, my favorites

and all the things that would closely describe me or what people would say. However, as I have come
across the videos given, I realized that I am more than those things. My body changes overtime and
weakens as time passes further and further. Eventually, my physical being would cease and die. With
that given, if I am gone, will the people left behind not know who am I? I am also not just a definition of
my memories. I have seen movies where characters get amnesia and they can still find and rediscover
who they are. They still have their friends, family and basically, the life they had back then. Therefore, if
these are not who I am, then who am I? What makes me, me?

A lot of things can fade away especially after death, yet from what I have observed, what you
hold on and believe in your heart will not be one of those. Values and principles stay, and they will
always be who you are. Me? I believe in trust and faith. I believe that I do not have to know what
tomorrow brings or if how my future would go. What happens will happen and that is not such a bad
thing after all. Life is a series of choices and there is no such thing as a bad one. It is just a matter of
coping up and enjoying whatever is now. With that, it would be better if I would just let it go, trust and
have faith. I also believe that contentment is something far greater than any riches and luxury this world
can bestow. Only those who have this can be truly happy and grateful with whatever life throws on
them. This is the key to living.

On the other hand, it is not just what is inside the heart that matters. What you show and apply
is also another thing that can never be gone, especially to those people you have met and done good
with. Character is something that is built and developed overtime. As for me, I have developed my
approach towards my family. I have established in me the essence of loving and accepting my family, no
matter what differences we have. I have learned to value and appreciate everything they give to me,
while I still can. I also practiced the ability to endure and persevere through pain and challenges. These
are what helps me grow. It refines me into the jewel I aspire and will be. I can never dodge from these
but instead I can choose to embrace them. Challenges are amusing if one can learn to love them.

To cap it all off, I am the person who I choose to be. I can always learn, develop, grow and
believe that I am a unique being. Who am I? I am someone beyond you can even think of.

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