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Individual Choice and Deterministic Functionality.

Case: Kim Kim has been most of the time doubtful about himself and his musical talents. Whenever
there is a program at the university, he supposedly gets the opportunity to show up and perform his skill
in guitar. One time, he is asked to perform at a students’ club activity. When his name was introduced
and was about to perform, Kim started to panic and tremble. He tried to manage to cool himself down
as he performs but it was obvious to the crowd that he gets distracted. After the performance that he
labeled as a disaster, Kim perceives difficult really for him to perform in front of the crowd. This made
him decide he will no longer play a guitar in front of the crowd.

Questions for Analysis:

1. How do you evaluate Kim’s choice?

For me, Kim’s choice wasn’t right. He could have been much better if he tried to pursue
his talent despite the challenges that he faced.
2. Does he have another choice than the one made?
He could have decided to continue in his path and consider the so called “disaster” as a
challenge and practice for him. He couldn’t control the fact that he panics and trembles
every time he is about to face a crowd. However, that fear happens to everyone and it is
normal. Famous singers, artists, musicians, who also felt fear, didn’t just stop because of
that. It is a part of their journey. Kim should have faced and embraced that fear because
it is a good fear. It’s the kind of fear that sharpens and develops you. Kim should have
changed his mindset and conquered that one because he can’t just run away and hide
forever. Growth doesn’t come in places where you don’t feel pressured, scared and
nervous. Playing safe can be more dangerous than you think.
3. What happen if Kim continues to hold on the belief about his inability to perform?
Like what I said earlier, playing safe can be dangerous. It could mean the death of his
passion and talent. He should learn to face the world as it is because he can’t do
anything to change it. The only thing he can control is his self. If he continues on
dodging the combats in life, he wouldn’t become stronger and better. He wouldn’t
reach his full potential, thus wasting the talent he was given. He couldn’t get the reward
waiting on the other side.
Genetic Influence and Environmental Influence

Case: AJ AJ, about to turn 17, has the entire of his academic journey at his hometown province, a rural
area, the place where he was born and lived all his life. Now that he is finished with his junior years, his
parents decided to enroll him at a university in the metro city, a place that AJ considered strange and
totally different from his. His parents wanted AJ to start and practice to live life by his own especially
now that he is starting a new journey in college. AJ being strange in the new place is experiencing
anxiety and there are so many questions and confusions he has in mind.

Questions for Analysis:

1. How does childhood environment influences AJ?

His childhood environment contributed to who AJ is now. It influenced his actions, mindset,
perception, manners, etc. It could also be the source of his confidence, strength, and
motivation. It is a source of his foundation and culture.

2. What can be the possible changes in AJ’s behavior once he transfers?

It is possible that he would try to fit in with the culture the city has. He could experience
changes in his values, perspective, actions, etc. could change. It may be that he would lose
confidence or motivation because he is removed from his foundation and that the new
environment surrounding him is different from the one he came from. He might even resort into
some coping mechanisms, whether good or bad, to help him adjust.

3.Considering AJ’s current age, what are changes in the biological aspects of his development that has
an influence on his behavior and perception?

AJ might undergo puberty wherein he experiences changes in his voice, appearance, body
structure, etc. This might either be positive or negative for him. He might feel insecure and left
out or it might be that he feels more confident and become “in”. It is also a stage in his life
where he would explore his sexuality or sexual orientation. This could affect more than just his
behavior and perspective but also his emotions, and relationships.

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