Meaning of Life

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We all have our own perspectives and outlook in life.

Some may be positive, negative,

permanent, or temporary. But as for me, I believe that life is about living for God and that would never
change. I believe that He is our creator and therefore I want to show Him my gratitude for giving me this
wonderful life. Though it may not be perfect, I can say that it was a good race. Life is not just about
getting everything you want. It is also about suffering, learning, and going through all those ups and
downs. It is a journey we must endure for Him. He believes in us and is waiting for us to finish the race.
However, some may not agree with my point of view, and I am not convincing them to change their
minds because I respect their belief. I believe that everyone’s life is wonderful. It is just that, it would be
better if we journey through it with God.

But to be clear, I think Gianluca Di Muzio misunderstood some points from William Lane Craig.
For life to be meaningful, one must make a difference, however this would not be an issue for what he
calls “double duty”. Going through life, God gave us free will to decide on our own, which means we are
not His robot. He does not give us a specific life story which an individual should follow. Instead, what
He does is that He guides us and helps us after we make our own decision. He sometimes gives us
warnings or blessings on the way, but He is not, in any way, controlling us. Besides, our lives are already
unique because He made us this way. We all are different; therefore, we all are meaningful. He is a
gracious God that He gave us a chance to be redeemed and have eternal life. Yet, it does not mean that
He already chose and picked those who can come with Him. Instead, He is just waiting for whoever
would receive that invitation. Thus, claiming against Muzio, God is still and will always be benevolent,
inclusive, and kind.

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