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OPINION Management of sudden sensorineural hearing loss
Aaron M. Metrailer and Seilesh C. Babu

Purpose of review
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is an otologic emergency and should be managed quickly and
effectively. This review focuses on the management of sudden SNHL, primarily idiopathic sudden SNHL
as it is the most common cause.
Recent findings
Management options include observation, oral steroids, intratympanic steroids, or combined oral/
intratympanic steroids. One-third to two-thirds of patients will achieve spontaneous recovery, most likely
within the first 2 weeks. Despite the lack of randomized controlled trials on steroid therapy efficacy, all
patients should be offered steroid treatment given low risk and possible significant benefits. All patients
should undergo MRI with gadolinium to rule out retrocochlear disorder. Bilateral sudden hearing loss
should alert the clinician to possible systemic disease.
Sudden hearing loss is an otologic emergency. Appropriate counseling of patients is necessary to allow
physician and patient to make a joint, educated decision. It is paramount to rule out retrocochlear
disorder and to follow patients closely for improvement or need for future auditory rehabilitation.
idiopathic, intratympanic steroids, sudden sensorineural hearing loss

INTRODUCTION Often, history will lead to a probable diagnosis,

The evaluation of sudden hearing loss begins with including idiopathic sudden SNHL (ISSNHL). At our
a thorough history and physical exam. History institution, if ISSNHL is suspected, MRI with gado-
is focused on symptom onset, progression, prior linium is obtained to rule out retrocochlear disorder.
history of hearing loss as well as other symptoms, For patients who are unable to undergo a MRI scan, a
including dizziness, aural fullness, tinnitus, cardio- fine-cut computed tomography with contrast is
vascular disease, and neurologic deficits. Medi- ordered and auditory brainstem response is con-
cations should be reviewed to rule out ototoxic sidered. Laboratory testing is not routinely ordered
sources. Examination should rule out possible unless history suggests a need. A myriad of labora-
conductive hearing loss as well as confirm a sensor- tory testing may be indicated and more common
ineural hearing loss (SNHL). Routine pure-tone tests include complete blood count with differen-
audiometry, including speech reception thresholds tial, thyroid-stimulating hormone, syphilis serol-
(SRT) and word recognition scores (WRS), confirms ogy, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, antinuclear
the diagnosis of SNHL. When premorbid audiome- antibodies, anticardiolipin antibodies, lupus anti-
try is not available, the contralateral hearing is used coagulant, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies,
for comparison in unilateral loss. The most common Lyme titers, and clotting factors. Despite ordering
audiometric criterion for sudden SNHL is a decrease imaging and possible laboratory tests, treatment is
in hearing more than 30 dB affecting at least three not deferred.
consecutive frequencies within a 3-day period [1].
Unfortunately, not all patients who present with
sudden SNHL fit these criteria and should not be
excluded from treatment. For bilateral sudden Michigan Ear Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA
SNHL, the audiometric criterion is less defined when Correspondence to Seilesh C. Babu, Michigan Ear Institute, 30055
premorbid audiometry is not available. Treating Northwestern Hwy #101, Farmington Hills, MI 48334, USA.
physicians must rely on the patient’s subjective Tel: +1 248 865 4444; e-mail:
sense of decline and confirm a bilateral SNHL with Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2016, 24:403–406
pure-tone audiometry. DOI:10.1097/MOO.0000000000000287

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Auditory and vestibular science

evidence supporting efficacy and carry a high risk

KEY POINTS of adverse events, and therefore, are not routinely
! All patients with sudden SNHL, regardless of offered at our institute. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) is
improvement, should undergo MRI with gadolinium to an encouraging adjuvant therapy and is discussed;
evaluate retrocochlear disorder. however, limited access to HBO, high cost, and
time-consuming appointments usually preclude
! Steroid therapy, oral, intratympanic, or combination, is
therapy [4].
the cornerstone of therapy with combination showing
benefit over single therapy alone. For patients who elect oral steroids or combi-
nation therapy, common side-effects of oral
! Bilateral sudden SNHL should alert physicians to steroids, including insomnia, dizziness, weight gain,
possible systemic disease. sweating, mood changes, gastric acid secretion, and
hyperglycemia are discussed. Patients are prescribed
a 7-day course of oral prednisone, 1 mg/kg/day up
to 60 mg/day, followed by a 3-day taper. A total of
THERAPY 10 days and maximum of 60 mg of steroids is
Treatment begins with patient education on the selected as this has limited side-effects and minimal
diagnosis of sudden SNHL, including possible causes suppression of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal
and interventions. Risk factors for poor recovery, axis with maximum dose delivery to inner ear.
including severity of SNHL on presentation, con- Steroids are recommended as a single dose in the
comitant dizziness, facial nerve paresis, cigarette morning, and all patients receive an oral steroid risk
smoking, and a history of cardiovascular disease sheet. Patients are also instructed to begin a proton-
or hypertension are discussed. Depending on the pump inhibitor. If patients develop intolerable
degree of hearing loss, patients will have varying side-effects, the oral steroids are discontinued and
treatment goals. For patients with serviceable hear- intratympanic steroids are recommended.
ing, treatment aims to maintain the current level Patients with ISSNHL who elect intratympanic or
and possibly restore hearing to baseline, defined by combination therapy undergo in-office injections.
contralateral hearing or patient perceived premor- Prior to the injection, adverse side-effects, including
bid baseline. Patients with nonserviceable hearing pain, transient dizziness, infection, possible vasova-
are counseled on the goal of reaching serviceable gal response, and persistent tympanic membrane
hearing and the hope of returning to premorbid perforation are discussed. Concentration of intra-
hearing. tympanic dexamethasone is 10 mg/ml; ideally, a
Immediate treatment options include obser- higher concentration up to 24 mg/ml would be
vation with close follow-up versus steroid therapy. chosen. However, compounding pharmacies in our
We firmly believe in the practice of patient involve- area have difficulty in providing a higher concen-
ment in making treatment plan decisions, and there- tration. Once consent is obtained, patients are placed
fore, patients are given options to help determine in the supine position and topical phenol is applied to
a plan. Patients are educated that one-third to two- the posterior tympanic membrane, above the round
thirds of patients will achieve spontaneous recovery, window membrane. One milliliter of dexamethasone
the majority within the first 2 weeks [2,3]. Despite the (10 mg/ml) is drawn into a syringe and a 27-gauge
lack of randomized controlled trials on steroid needle is attached. The syringe and contents are
therapy efficacy, it is offered to all patients given warmed with hand massage prior to delivery to
low risk and possible significant benefit [4]. The risks, reduce caloric stimulation. On average, 0.4–0.5 ml
benefits, and efficacy of oral steroids, intratympanic of dexamethasone are injected transtympanically
steroids as well as combination therapy (concomitant with single injection site into the middle ear space
oral and intratympanic steroids) are discussed. Prior immediately lateral to the round window. Prior to
literature has demonstrated that combination injection, patients are educated on the possibility of
therapy has advantages over oral or intratympanic transient caloric dizziness as well as bitter taste. After
therapy alone, and we agree based on our experience injection, patients remain in the supine position with
[5,6 ,7,8]. If contraindications or patient preference affected ear up for 15–30 min and are instructed not

either preclude oral or intratympanic steroids, then to swallow. Patients are then discharged from clinic
oral or intratympanic therapy is recommended quot- with a steroid injection information sheet, which
ing similar efficacy between the two [9]. Common includes procedure description, risks, and benefits.
contraindications to oral steroids include diabetes, All patients, including observation patients,
hypertension, and gastritis. Antivirals are not pre- return in approximately 2 weeks with MRI with
scribed because of the lack of supporting evidence. gadolinium, laboratory testing if ordered, and repeat
Vasodilators and thrombolytics have minimal pure tone audiogram, including SRT and WRS. Two

404 Volume 24 ! Number 5 ! October 2016

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Management of sudden sensorineural hearing loss Metrailer and Babu

weeks is the selected follow-up as the greatest one or both ears. Patients who have complete
improvement in hearing occurs during the first recovery return to clinic as previously described
2 weeks. Recovery is defined as complete, partial, for unilateral ISSNHL complete recovery. Treat-
or no recovery based on SRT and WRS. For patients ment dilemmas arise in patients who have partial
experiencing unilateral ISSNHL, complete recovery recovery (unilateral or bilateral) or no recovery. For
is defined as a return in SRT within 10 dB and WRS partial unilateral recovery, combination therapy
within 5–10% of unaffected ear. Partial recovery is with repeat oral steroids and salvage intratympanic
more challenging to define and may be a progressive steroids for the worse hearing ear are offered. For
process. Partial recovery is considered if patients partial symmetric bilateral recovery, a second
improve at least 10 dB on SRT and/or at least 10% course of high-dose oral steroids is offered. Salvage
WRS relative to audiogram on presentation. No intratympanic steroid therapy may be continued to
recovery is defined as less than 10 dB improvement be offered for the worse hearing ear with termin-
on SRT and less than 10% improvement on WRS ation points described as above. Oral steroid
compared with audiogram on presentation. therapy is not continued after two courses given
If patients have complete recovery, they are the risk of chronic steroid use as well as the limited
scheduled for repeat audiogram in 3 months and efficacy of steroid therapy in hearing loss recovery
are educated on the possibility of hearing loss recur- after 4–6 weeks [13–18].
ring. If hearing loss abruptly returns, patients are As a tertiary neurotology practice, we are often
instructed to contact the clinic immediately for faced with considering treatment for patients out-
evaluation. Salvage intratympanic steroid therapy side the ideal treatment window of 4–6 weeks. After
is offered to patients who have partial or no recov- ensuring appropriate imaging and laboratory testing
ery. Patients are quoted up to 33% chance of has been performed, patients who are within
improvement with salvage intratympanic therapy 3 months of ISSNHL onset are offered only salvage
[10,11]. For partial recovery, salvage intratympanic intratympanic dexamethasone with guarded prog-
steroid injections are offered with repeat audio- nosis [16]. They return with audiogram in 2 weeks
grams every 2 weeks. Treatment is terminated when and are managed in aforementioned algorithms for
patients reach complete recovery or do not demon- complete, partial, and no recovery. If patients are
strate continued partial recovery. For patients who outside this time period, the lack of evidence sup-
do not recover after initial treatment, salvage intra- porting steroid therapy is discussed, and hearing
tympanic therapy is offered followed by repeat rehabilitation is offered. Inevitably, scenarios of
audiogram in 2 weeks. Again, treatment is aborted ISSNHL not mentioned will arise and create treat-
if no improvement occurs after one salvage injec- ment dilemmas for practicing physicians. Proper
tion, otherwise patients are treated via partial recov- patient education about the risks, benefits, and
ery pathway. Anecdotally, we have noted most limitations of treatments form a cornerstone for
salvage intratympanic steroid patients receive management. The importance of patient education
two injections. leading to involved decision-making cannot be
Bilateral sudden SNHL is a rare disease and is underestimated given the lack of ‘best treatment’
defined similarly to unilateral sudden SNHL. Focus for ISSNHL.
is mainly on cause as it may represent a systemic
disorder. The most prominent causes include
toxicity, neoplastic, vascular, and autoimmune. CONCLUSION
Acute SNHL treatment options include observation Sudden SNHL is an otologic emergency and
with close follow-up or a 7-day course of high-dose requires prompt evaluation. The most common
oral steroids followed by 3-day taper. Patients are cause of sudden SNHL is idiopathic sudden loss.
educated on the limited evidence supporting All patients should undergo MRI with gadolinium
steroid treatment of bilateral SNHL as well as that to rule out retrocochlear disorder and laboratory
the prognosis is worse for bilateral loss compared testing obtained when indicated. Bilateral sudden
with unilateral sudden SNHL [12]. Patients return SNHL should alert physicians to a possible systemic
for a repeat audiogram in 2 weeks. Complete disorder and require diligent evaluation. The
recovery in patients with premorbid SNHL is diffi- cornerstone of therapy is steroid therapy, oral,
cult to determine, and physicians must rely upon intratympanic, or combination. HBO is a promis-
patients’ subjective assessment if no premorbid ing therapy when instituted early in treatment.
audiogram is available. If hearing returns within All treatment modalities, including observation,
limits of normal hearing, then complete recovery should be discussed with patients including effi-
should be assumed. Partial improvement is defined cacy for each modality. Close audiometric follow-
as at least 10 dB gain in SRT and at least 10% WRS in up is mandatory to determine need for salvage

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