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Modalidad Semestral Mañana




A. Read the following text and decide what it is (1 point).

1. An article ( )
2. A form ( )
3. A letter ( )

B. Select ( ) the best option to answer each question (6 points; 1 each).

1. What is Mike’s nationality?

a. American
b. British
c. German

2. Where is Mary from?

a. Charlotte
b. The U.K.
c. The U.S.A.

3. Who is Sophie?
a. Matthew’s child
b. Mike’s child
c. Reece’s child

4. How many languages does Mary speak?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3

5. What is Mike’s studio like?

a. comfortable
b. relaxing
c. small

6. Which piece of equipment isn’t there on Mike’s desk?

a. computer
b. fax
c. lamp
C. Decide if the following sentences are True (T), or False (F). Support all your answers (4 points; 1

1. (__F_) Sophie is a teenager.

No, she’s a 7 years old girl
2. (_F__) Mary is Sophie’s teacher.
No, Mary is Sophie’s mother
3. (__T_) There is a sofa and a chair in Mike’s study room.
Yes, an office chair and a comfortable chair.
4. (__T_) Mike’s cabinet is full of office things.
There are paper clips, a stapler, highlighters, pens and erasers

D. Answer the following questions about the article. (4 points; 2 each).

1. What’s Mike’s occupation?

He’s a graphic designer.
2. Where are Mike’s family photographs?
They are on his desk near the telephone


A. Complete the following text with the correct form of the verb BE (am, are, is, am not, isn’t or aren’t).
(5 points, 0,4 each)

Marcia (1) is from Brazil. She (2) is 25 years old and works as a secretary at ZSL Computers, in Dublin.
She (3) is very communicative and has a lot of friends. Two of her best friends (4) are Miguel and
Pauline. Miguel (5) is from Portugal. He (6) is 27 years old. Pauline (7) is a very funny French girl. She
(8) is 30 years old. Marcia and Miguel (9) are single, but Pauline (10) isn’t . She (11) is married to a
doctor. She says they (12) are very happy. Marcia says she wants to go back to brazil, but she (13)
isn’t sure. She is going to miss her friends. And what about me? well, I (14) am Marcia ś best friend
and want to go to Brazil too. But Marcia says: ‘you (15) are only 17 years old, you (16) aren’t and adult
yet. besides you should learn Portuguese first.’ As you can imagine I (17) am not a typical teenager
who wants to stay in his own country for ever. I always say to Marcia ‘we (18) are adventurous and
outgoing, we (19) aren’t lazy; for us, the whole world (20) is the best place to be!’ (n.d.) retrieved from Adapted by Edward A. Beltran M.

B. Complete the following text with the correct possessive adjective (my, your, his, her, its, our, their).
(5 points, 0,5 each)

Hi, my name’s Terry. I’m married and (1) my wife’s name is Megan. She’s the CEO of Burberry, an
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American company. (2) her office is in the city centre. We have one son. (3) his name is George and
he’s two years old. We also have one sister, Brenda. She’s married and (4) her husband’s name is
Nate. They have two children. (5) Their daughter’s name is Tracy and she has one brother called David.
He has a pet, (6) its name is Pluto. Brenda ́s family live in Ireland. (7) their house is enormous. In
England, Megan and I do not have much space, (8) our house is really small. I always say to my
daughter ‘I want to visit you someday, I want to see (9) your enormous house’ Fortunately, Brenda
invited us to go to (10) her house in Ireland this Christmas.

Chris Redston & Gillie Cunningham (2005) F2F Elementary workbook. Cambridge University Press. Adapted by Edward A. Beltran

A. Fill in the blanks with this, that, these or those (5 points; 0,83 each).

This map Those mountains That island

That pencil This river This ship

That cloud those coins

That cloud
This hole

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Fill in the blanks with the corresponding nationality or country.

Continue the series

1. five, seven, nine, eleven,_______, thirteen_______, _fifteen__________.

2. Twenty,, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen____, sixteen_____..
3. Twenty, forty, sixty____, eighty___, one hundred_________________,

Complete the information about famous people using the corresponding nationality or country.

1. Cristiano Ronaldo, is from Portugal. He’s a __Portuguese__ professional football player.

2. Larry Page is from Michigan. He’s is an American_______internet entrepreneur and computer scientist
3. Sergey Brin is from Moscu. He’s a Russian__ computer scientist who created Google with Larry Page.
4. Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi banker and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (2006). He’s from
5- Carlos Slim Helú, is a 79 Mexican entrepreneur. He is from the Mexican capital city, ___Mexico___ City.
He lives in his hometown.
6. Lakshmi Mittal is a very rich Indian steel businessman. He is from Rajasthan in ___India___ but now
he lives in the United Kingdom. .
7. Jack Ma, the founder of TaoBao website, is a successful Chinese entrepreneur and philanthropist.
He’s from Hangzhou in ___China_______.
Information taken from and designed by Flor Alba Aguirre.

C) Help Tim to do his school homework. Write the corresponding Job word (
A,B,C,D,E) under each picture. Them match 1 to 5 Jobs descriptions with the
corresponding job letter. ( 1 point. 0.2 each)
Image: Google images

1_C_ This person keeps an office, school or hotel clean and tidy. A Engineer

2_D_ This person works in a court and can help people on trial. B Police officer

3_A_ This person designs and builds large buildings or bridges C cleaner

4_E_ This person works for a company and usually uses a computer D lawyer
and phone

5_B_ This person works to stop crime E Office worker

office worker engineer police officer lawyer Cleaner

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Taken and adapted from:

A. Complete the conversation with the words in the box .

happy hungry stressed thirsty tired


happy hungry stressed thirsty tired worried

Sophie: Hi mum, how are you doing?

Mum: Fine but I am 1 ______Worried__ for your father; he works a lot on weekdays and at weekends;
he is really 2.__tired__.
Sophie: yes, mum; he is really 3.___stressed_____ because he needs money to pay the bank loan

Mum: Sophie, are you 4._____ Thirsty__? there is juice in the fridge.
Sophie: Thanks mum and I am so 5.___happy____. I want to chat with my friends, we are planning an
After school Friday party.
Mum: OK, but check the time, it’s late!. Tomorrow you have to go to school.


PART 1 Listen to conversation 1 (10 points)

1. Choose the correct option. The people in the conversation are in: (2 points)
a. the library
b. a classroom
c. a video conference

2. Are these people absent or present? Check the boxes (4 points, 1 point each)

Present Absent

Ellen A

Carmen A

Hiroki P

Allison P

3. Listen again. Match the two parts of the sentence. (4 points, 1 points each).
1. Ellen’s __D__
2. Carmen’s ____C__ a. sick
3. Hiroki’s __B___ b. asleep
4. Allison’s ____A_ c. at work
d. at the library

Audio and exercise taken from Touchstone 1, second edition.

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PART 2 Listen to an audio guide talk about a city. (8 points)

A. Choose one option. The main points of the talk are: (2 points)

a. People and jobs in LA

b. Cities in California and the weather
c. Movies in California
d. The weather in California

B. Complete the sentences: (6 points, 2 each)

1. Mexico and San Diego are (be) in the South of California.

2. San Francisco is (be) in the North of California.

3. Nearly four million people live in Los Angeles.

4. LA is the home of the movies.

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